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Porqu un microciclo?

Microciclo: de partido a partido (semana) 1 da no es suficiente

Como se trabaja durante la semana de entrenamiento

Diseo del Microciclo

Xesco Espar

La preparacin es multifactorial y muy compleja

Qu hay que hacer durante una semana de entrenamientos?

El lunes al preparar el entrenamiento O el viernes


El lunes hay que plantearse el domingo prximo!!!

Pensar lo que vamos a necesitar


Y esto es lo que hay que entrenar

Bueno y algo ms







E N T R E N A R ! ! !



Cmo sabemos qu cosas hay entrenar?

Equilibrio de contenidos
Rendimiento Formacin
P. Fsica: 30%

Por la Planificacin Pedaggica Por estudio de la Preparacin Fsica Por el Plan de Partido que proviene
del anlisis del equipo rival

P. Fsica:


P. Pedaggica 30% Plan de Partido 40%

P. Pedaggica 50% Plan de Partido 20%

La Preparacin Fsica
Fuerza Velocidad Resistencia

L L L L M M X X X J J J V V S S S S D L F R F 1

M R F R 2 X J V V V 3 V S S S S P D

L M M L X X X J J J V V V S D D D r r L

M r X F F 1 J R R 2 V V V 3 S D D D P

Dentro de la misma sesin

Velocidad y Fuerza pueden ir al principio La Resistencia debe ir preferentemente al final de la sesin Lo medios pueden condicionar: lo importante es hacerlo!

El Programa Pedaggico
Elementos Individuales Elementos Grupales Elementos Colectivos

Claves para el Entrenamiento Integrado

Tcnica y Tctica Individual Toma de Decisiones


Sistemas de Juego

Diseo bsico de semana FORMACIN

1er DIA
PF: Fuerza

Diseo bsico de semana FORMACIN

1er DIA
PF: Fuerza


3er DIA
PF: Velocidad


3er DIA
PF: Velocidad


PF: Resistencia

MEJORA PF: Resistencia

Diseo bsico de semana FORMACIN

1er DIA
PF: Fuerza

Diseo bsico de semana FORMACIN

1er DIA
PF: Fuerza

Individual Grupal

3er DIA
PF: Velocidad

Individual Grupal

3er DIA
PF: Velocidad ATAQUE










Diseo bsico de semana COMPETICIN

1er DIA
PF: Fuerza

Diseo bsico de semana COMPETICIN

1er DIA
PF: Fuerza


3er DIA
PF: Velocidad


3er DIA
PF: Velocidad

Errores ltimo partido

PF: Resistencia

Puntos dbiles

PF: Resistencia

Diseo bsico de semana COMPETICIN

1er DIA
PF: Fuerza

Diseo bsico de semana COMPETICIN

1er DIA
PF: Fuerza

Preparacin partido

3er DIA
PF: Velocidad

Preparacin partido

3er DIA
PF: Velocidad ATAQUE
Preparacin partido

Errores ltimo partido

Preparacin partido

Errores ltimo partido

Preparacin partido

Preparacin partido

Puntos dbiles

Puntos dbiles


Situaciones estratgicas

PF: Resistencia

Diseo bsico de semana FORMACIN

1er DIA
PF: Fuerza

Individual Grupal DEFENSA Sistemas

3er DIA
PF: Velocidad

Individual Grupal






PF: Fuerza

Preparacin partido

PF: Velocidad ATAQUE

Preparacin partido

Errores ltimo partido

Preparacin partido

Preparacin partido

Puntos dbiles


Situaciones estratgicas

El Plan de partido
Es el resumen de todas las previsiones que tenemos para el partido Es una de las principales cosas que hay que entrenar durante la semana Por escrito, en una hoja diseada para ello Habla del rival y de nosotros

Plan de Partido
Alineacin Disposicin Marcajes preferentes Combinaciones adversario
Forma de contrarrestar

Como defienden Zonas dbiles Qu necesitamos? Cmo realizan el contrataque

Cmo contrarrestamos?

Zonas preferentes de ataque Como anotan

Como contrarrestarlo

Nuestros sistemas Como llevamos la iniciativa EL PARTIDO MENTAL

Sistemas principales
Como contrarrestarlas

El plan de partido

El plan de partido




El plan de partido

El plan de partido



El Plan de Partido en la Formacin

SESION N: 22 LUNES SESION N: 23 MIERCOLES SESION N: 24 VIERNES ADAPTACION 10' Explicacin del entrenamiento (1') Calentamiento individual (9') - ac abar con estiramientos ADAPTACION 10' Explic acin del entrenamiento (1') Calentamiento individual (9') - acabar con pases largos ADAPTACION 10' Explic acin del entrenamiento (1') Calentamiento individual (9') - acabar con estiramientos y sprints cortos
CIRCUITO DE FUERZA (20" de trabajo - 40" de recupreacin) x 2 vue ltas En cada estacin trabajan 2 juga dores Estaciones: E1: Flex. brazos, cam bia r separac.mano s cada 2 E2: Flex. piern as, cam biar separ. piernas cada 2 E3: Abdom ina les E4: Subir y baja r de un








Tcnica de portero desde el e xtrem o: Lanzam ientos libres a - slo arriba - slo abajo - slo a la parte derecha - slo a la parte izquierd a Tcnica de portero desde el e xtrem o: Lanzam ientos alternativos a - las dos escuad ras superio res - las dos escuad ras in ferio res - vaselina o entre la s piernas (Cada p ortero realiza 8 - 10 intervenciones)

1) Sprints cortos 10 mts: 10 series con desc anso de 30'' entre serie VELOCIDAD 20' 2) Velocidad de reaccin electiva Grupos de 3 jugadores , uno da la seal y los otros reacionan - Si bota c on la mano derecha, hacen una flexin de braz os y sprint de 5 mts - Si bota c on la mano izquierda, se sientanlevantan y sprint de 5 mts - Si bota c on las dos manos , hacen una voltereta adelante y s print de 5 mts
Lanzam iento con oposicin real. Practica r por lo m enos dos lanzam iento s a pto fuerte y do s a pto d bil. Evitar las a cciones de 1x1. Realizar las accion es d e lanzamiento d irectamen te. Recibir siempre el baln de un compa ero. Cam bia r los role s ca da 3 lanzam ientos. Contabilizar el n de aciertos/inten tos. Ju gadore s de 1 lnea lanzan de los 3 sitios de 1 lin ea. Idem los de 2 lnea en la 2.






Ejerc icio para evitar la rec epcin (dis uasin) Jugar a los 10 pases, aprovechando uno de los circulos que hay dibujados en el campo. Juego de 3 x 3

DEFENSA 5:1 contra ataque 3:3, que convierte a 2:4 y sigue jugando en 2:4 SISTEMA DEFENSA 30' 1X1 LANZAMIENTO 20'

Una de las parejas dentro del c irculo. El jugador interior debe tocar el baln cada 2 3 pases.

5' el ataque convierte por medio de un extremo 5' el ataque convierte por medio de un lateral 5' el ataque convierte por medio del central 15' conversiones libres Buscar objetivos como: de cada 10 defensas cons eguir 5 no-gol y 1 interceptacin del baln

3x 3 actuacin ofensiva y defensiva libre TA GRUPOS 30



ATAQUE CONTRA DEFENSA 5:1 - 10' Ac tuacin defensiva normal , pero s in usar los brazos - 20' Ac tuacin defensiva normal

Cambiar a los defensas cada vez que lleguen a sumar 5 puntos : - no gol = 1 punto - interceptar baln = 2 puntos - encajar gol = -1 punto Hacer los trios equilibrados Jugar en los espac ios laterales ( centrallateral-ex tremo; extremo-lateral-pivote) y en el es pacio central (lateral-central-lateral)



Resis tencia aerbica en la pista, con ejercicios de balonmano: Disear dos ejercicios de diferente intensidad (suave - fuerte). Proponerlos durante 18' en seis bloques de 3', de la siguiente f orma: 3' ejerc ic io s uave - 3' ejercicio f uerte - 3' ejercicio

Ejemplos: Ejerc. suave: pase por trios, con variantes en la ejecucin del pase Ejerc. fuerte: desplaz amientos defens ivos con salida de contrataque
Lanzam iento de Penalty. Lanzan todos los jugadores del equipo, una serie a cada porte ro. L os 5 6 que mejor lancen repiten el viernes. Estiram ien tos dirigidos


El ataque utiliza: - circulacin bsica del baln - cruces y continuacin con fijaciones - bloqueos y continuac in con fijaciones - cruces y devolucin del baln al iniciador o pase al otro lateral El ataque puede lanzar en cualquier momento

Contenidos de la semana que queremos que aparezcan Breve anlisis de rival Reparto de los tiempos de juego Charla de motivacin



Ejercicio com petitivo: Cruzar el cam po, pisar la lnea de fondo y vo lver hasta 1/2 cam po. En cada serie se eliminan lo s 3 prim ero s jugadores. L os d ems repiten. Estiram ie ntos dirigidos





Lanzam iento de Penalty. Lanzan los 5 6 jugadores mejores d el m ircoles, dos series a cada porte ro. Por el rden que q ueden lanzan los penalties en el prximo partido. Estiram ien tos dirigidos

30' 30' 1'5h 1'5 10' 15' 15'

MASSIVE ACTION PLAN Get oponents general informatinon: 3 1 video summary, other coaches 1 Get stats from internet 2 Analise internet stats Analise 3 videos and get individual and 1 team information from them Identify common patterns through 1 video analisys Identify best and worst player in offense 3 and defense 4 Identify their 3 strongest points 4 Identify their 3 weakest points Write down the Opponents Game Plan summary:offense: starting line-up, individual plays, team plays, special 1 plays, and the same for defense 1 Analise oponents game plan Analise team state and players 2 availability Underline best and worst oponents 2 options 1 Select from Playbook our best actions 2 Adjust our actions to oponents Adjust action to current players 2 disponibility Identify 3 key factors that will allow us to 3 win the game Define our defense and all the 1 necessary adjustments 4 Anticipate dificult situations 1 Write our Game-Plan

chunks Get the information



Total est time 4h To give the players all I must have an exhaustive the certainty that we and exact description of will be perfectly our opponent Game Plan prepared before the first practice of the microcycle

Work with the information: analise and identify distinctions

Must time 2h

Write down analisys

30' 20' 20' 5' 30' 30' 10' 10' 20' 10' 30'


Select and adjust strategy regarding us and oponents

To give me the certainty that the I must prepare our Game practises will be the Plan perfectly adjusted to best ones possible the current microcycle needs before the first To fell sure we're practice of the microcycle going to prepare at our best

Total est time 3h

Must time 1h 20'

Write down gameplan

30' 30' 1'5h 1'5 10' 15' 15'

MASSIVE ACTION PLAN Get oponents general informatinon: 3 1 video summary, other coaches 1 Get stats from internet 2 Analise internet stats Analise 3 videos and get individual and 1 team information from them Identify common patterns through 1 video analisys Identify best and worst player in offense 3 and defense 4 Identify their 3 strongest points 4 Identify their 3 weakest points Write down the Opponents Game Plan summary:offense: starting line-up, individual plays, team plays, special plays, and the same for defense Analise oponents game plan Analise team state and players availability Underline best and worst oponents options

chunks Get the information



Total est time 4h To give the players all I must have an exhaustive the certainty that we and exact description of will be perfectly our opponent Game Plan prepared before the first practice of the microcycle

30' 30' 1'5h

Work with the information: analise and identify distinctions

Must time 2h

1'5 10' 15' 15'

MASSIVE ACTION PLAN Get oponents general informatinon: 3 1 video summary, other coaches 1 Get stats from internet 2 Analise internet stats Analise 3 videos and get individual and 1 team information from them Identify common patterns through 1 video analisys Identify best and worst player in offense 3 and defense 4 Identify their 3 strongest points 4 Identify their 3 weakest points Write down the Opponents Game Plan summary:offense: starting line-up, individual plays, team plays, special plays, and the same for defense Analise oponents game plan Analise team state and players availability Underline best and worst oponents options

chunks Get the information



Total est time 4h To give the players all I must have an exhaustive the certainty that we and exact description of will be perfectly our opponent Game Plan prepared before the first practice of the microcycle

Work with the information: analise and identify distinctions

Must time 2h

Write down analisys 30' 20' Analise 20' Total est time 3h 5' 30' 30' Must time 1h 20' 10' 10' 20' 10' 30' 2 2 1 1

Write down analisys

30' 20' 20' 5' 30' 30' 10' 10' 20' 10' 30'

1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 4 1


To give me the certainty that the I must prepare our Game Select from Playbook our best actions practises will be the Select and Plan perfectly adjusted to best ones possible Adjust our actions to oponents adjust strategy the current microcycle Adjust action to current players regarding us needs before the first To fell sure we're disponibility and oponents practice of the microcycle going to prepare at Identify 3 key factors that will allow us to our best win the game Define our defense and all the necessary adjustments Anticipate dificult situations Write down Write our Game-Plan gameplan

1 Select from Playbook our best actions 2 Adjust our actions to oponents Adjust action to current players 2 disponibility Identify 3 key factors that will allow us to 3 win the game Define our defense and all the 1 necessary adjustments 4 Anticipate dificult situations 1 Write our Game-Plan

Select and adjust strategy regarding us and oponents

To give me the certainty that the I must prepare our Game practises will be the Plan perfectly adjusted to best ones possible the current microcycle needs before the first To fell sure we're practice of the microcycle going to prepare at our best

Total est time 3h

Must time 1h 20'

Write down gameplan

30' 30' 1'5h 1'5 10' 15' 15'

MASSIVE ACTION PLAN Get oponents general informatinon: 3 1 video summary, other coaches 1 Get stats from internet 2 Analise internet stats Analise 3 videos and get individual and 1 team information from them Identify common patterns through 1 video analisys Identify best and worst player in offense 3 and defense 4 Identify their 3 strongest points 4 Identify their 3 weakest points Write down the Opponents Game Plan summary:offense: starting line-up, individual plays, team plays, special plays, and the same for defense Analise oponents game plan Analise team state and players availability Underline best and worst oponents options

chunks Get the information



Total est time 4h To give the players all I must have an exhaustive the certainty that we and exact description of will be perfectly our opponent Game Plan prepared before the first practice of the microcycle

30' 30' 1'5h

Work with the information: analise and identify distinctions

Must time 2h

1'5 10' 15' 15'

MASSIVE ACTION PLAN Get oponents general informatinon: 3 1 video summary, other coaches 1 Get stats from internet 2 Analise internet stats Analise 3 videos and get individual and 1 team information from them Identify common patterns through 1 video analisys Identify best and worst player in offense 3 and defense 4 Identify their 3 strongest points 4 Identify their 3 weakest points Write down the Opponents Game Plan summary:offense: starting line-up, individual plays, team plays, special plays, and the same for defense Analise oponents game plan Analise team state and players availability Underline best and worst oponents options

chunks Get the information



Total est time 4h To give the players all I must have an exhaustive the certainty that we and exact description of will be perfectly our opponent Game Plan prepared before the first practice of the microcycle

Work with the information: analise and identify distinctions

Must time 2h

Write down analisys 30' 20' Analise 20' Total est time 3h 5' 30' 30' Must time 1h 20' 10' 10' 20' 10' 30' 2 2 1 1

Write down analisys

30' 20' 20' 5' 30' 30' 10' 10' 20' 10' 30'

1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 4 1


To give me the certainty that the I must prepare our Game Select from Playbook our best actions practises will be the Select and Plan perfectly adjusted to best ones possible Adjust our actions to oponents adjust strategy the current microcycle Adjust action to current players regarding us needs before the first To fell sure we're disponibility and oponents practice of the microcycle going to prepare at Identify 3 key factors that will allow us to our best win the game Define our defense and all the necessary adjustments Anticipate dificult situations Write down Write our Game-Plan gameplan

1 Select from Playbook our best actions 2 Adjust our actions to oponents Adjust action to current players 2 disponibility Identify 3 key factors that will allow us to 3 win the game Define our defense and all the 1 necessary adjustments 4 Anticipate dificult situations 1 Write our Game-Plan

Select and adjust strategy regarding us and oponents

To give me the certainty that the I must prepare our Game practises will be the Plan perfectly adjusted to best ones possible the current microcycle needs before the first To fell sure we're practice of the microcycle going to prepare at our best

Total est time 3h

Must time 1h 20'

Write down gameplan

30' 30' 1'5h 1'5 10' 15' 15'

MASSIVE ACTION PLAN Get oponents general informatinon: 3 1 video summary, other coaches 1 Get stats from internet 2 Analise internet stats Analise 3 videos and get individual and 1 team information from them Identify common patterns through 1 video analisys Identify best and worst player in offense 3 and defense 4 Identify their 3 strongest points 4 Identify their 3 weakest points Write down the Opponents Game Plan summary:offense: starting line-up, individual plays, team plays, special 1 plays, and the same for defense 1 Analise oponents game plan Analise team state and players 2 availability Underline best and worst oponents 2 options 1 Select from Playbook our best actions 2 Adjust our actions to oponents Adjust action to current players 2 disponibility Identify 3 key factors that will allow us to 3 win the game Define our defense and all the 1 necessary adjustments 4 Anticipate dificult situations 1 Write our Game-Plan

chunks Get the information



Total est time 4h To give the players all I must have an exhaustive the certainty that we and exact description of will be perfectly our opponent Game Plan prepared before the first practice of the microcycle

30' 30' 1'5h

Work with the information: analise and identify distinctions

Must time 2h

1'5 10' 15' 15'

MASSIVE ACTION PLAN Get oponents general informatinon: 3 1 video summary, other coaches 1 Get stats from internet 2 Analise internet stats Analise 3 videos and get individual and 1 team information from them Identify common patterns through 1 video analisys Identify best and worst player in offense 3 and defense 4 Identify their 3 strongest points 4 Identify their 3 weakest points Write down the Opponents Game Plan summary:offense: starting line-up, individual plays, team plays, special 1 plays, and the same for defense 1 Analise oponents game plan Analise team state and players 2 availability Underline best and worst oponents 2 options 1 Select from Playbook our best actions 2 Adjust our actions to oponents Adjust action to current players 2 disponibility Identify 3 key factors that will allow us to 3 win the game Define our defense and all the 1 necessary adjustments 4 Anticipate dificult situations 1 Write our Game-Plan

chunks Get the information



Total est time 4h To give the players all I must have an exhaustive the certainty that we and exact description of will be perfectly our opponent Game Plan prepared before the first practice of the microcycle

Work with the information: analise and identify distinctions

Must time 2h

Write down analisys 30' 20' Analise 20' To give me the certainty that the I must prepare our Game practises will be the Plan perfectly adjusted to best ones possible the current microcycle needs before the first To fell sure we're practice of the microcycle going to prepare at our best Total est time 3h 5' 30' 30' Must time 1h 20' 10' 10' 20' 10' 30'

Write down analisys

30' 20' 20' 5' 30' 30' 10' 10' 20' 10' 30'


Select and adjust strategy regarding us and oponents

Select and adjust strategy regarding us and oponents

To give me the certainty that the I must prepare our Game practises will be the Plan perfectly adjusted to best ones possible the current microcycle needs before the first To fell sure we're practice of the microcycle going to prepare at our best

Total est time 3h

Must time 1h 20'

Write down gameplan

Write down gameplan

30' 30' 1'5h 1'5 10' 15' 15'

MASSIVE ACTION PLAN Get oponents general informatinon: 3 1 video summary, other coaches 1 Get stats from internet 2 Analise internet stats Analise 3 videos and get individual and 1 team information from them Identify common patterns through 1 video analisys Identify best and worst player in offense 3 and defense 4 Identify their 3 strongest points 4 Identify their 3 weakest points Write down the Opponents Game Plan summary:offense: starting line-up, individual plays, team plays, special plays, and the same for defense Analise oponents game plan Analise team state and players availability Underline best and worst oponents options

chunks Get the information



T 10' 20' 20' 20' 1h 20' 1h 1h 10' 5' 5'

P 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 3

Total est time 4h To give the players all I must have an exhaustive the certainty that we and exact description of will be perfectly our opponent Game Plan prepared before the first practice of the microcycle

Work with the information: analise and identify distinctions

Must time 2h

MASSIVE ACTION PLAN Create a weekly form for players availability Review oponents game plan Review our game plan Get clear about every practice goals Design drills for practising Install physical conditioning Write the practises Share week with assistants

chunks Review important information Design drills and practise outline Compile and leverage tasks Get ready!



To prepare outstanding and focused practises everyday one hour before practise time

Will give me the certainty that the players are totally prepared

Total est time 4h 30' Must time 2h 20'

Write down analisys


30' 20' 20' 5' 30' 30' 10' 10' 20' 10' 30'

1 1 2 2


2 Memorise practise 1 Get into Triad state! 1 Review vocabulary Get attention about every goal during the 2 practise 1 Create a "practises rules" 2 Focuse on each individual player To give at least 1 or 2 feedback to each 3 player

Get focused

To conduct practises in the best empowering, inspiring, motivating and precise way

The players will expand at their best Will boost our faith in victory

Total est time 50'

Must time 40'

1 Select from Playbook our best actions 2 Adjust our actions to oponents Adjust action to current players 2 disponibility Identify 3 key factors that will allow us to 3 win the game Define our defense and all the 1 necessary adjustments 4 Anticipate dificult situations 1 Write our Game-Plan

To give me the certainty that the I must prepare our Game practises will be the Select and Plan perfectly adjusted to best ones possible adjust strategy the current microcycle regarding us needs before the first To fell sure we're and oponents practice of the microcycle going to prepare at our best

Total est time 3h

30' 2 Design a practise evaluation sheet 1h30' 2 Video-record each practise Get a support group to evaluate practise 1h30' 2 in real time Visualize what happened and to 15' 1 compare with practice goals 5' 2 Write down inform

Get practice captured Total est time Players and team deserve my attention To review and evaluate 2h 20' to will improve faster practises everyday in the next hour after the practice To feel sure we're on Must time the right road 15'

Must time 1h 20'

Review and write

Write down gameplan

T 10' 20' 20' 20' 1h 20' 1h 1h 10' 5' 5'

P 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 3

MASSIVE ACTION PLAN Create a weekly form for players availability Review oponents game plan Review our game plan Get clear about every practice goals Design drills for practising Install physical conditioning Write the practises Share week with assistants

chunks Review important information Design drills and practise outline Compile and leverage tasks Get ready!



T 10' 20' 20' 20' 1h 20' 1h 1h 10' 5' 5'

P 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 3

To prepare outstanding and focused practises everyday one hour before practise time

Will give me the certainty that the players are totally prepared

Total est time 4h 30' Must time 2h 20'

MASSIVE ACTION PLAN Create a weekly form for players availability Review oponents game plan Review our game plan Get clear about every practice goals Design drills for practising Install physical conditioning Write the practises Share week with assistants

chunks Review important information Design drills and practise outline Compile and leverage tasks Get ready!



To prepare outstanding and focused practises everyday one hour before practise time

Will give me the certainty that the players are totally prepared

Total est time 4h 30' Must time 2h 20'


2 Memorise practise 1 Get into Triad state! 1 Review vocabulary Get attention about every goal during the 2 practise 1 Create a "practises rules" 2 Focuse on each individual player To give at least 1 or 2 feedback to each 3 player

Get focused

To conduct practises in the best empowering, inspiring, motivating and precise way

The players will expand at their best Will boost our faith in victory

Total est time 50'

Must time 40'


2 Memorise practise 1 Get into Triad state! 1 Review vocabulary Get attention about every goal during the 2 practise 1 Create a "practises rules" 2 Focuse on each individual player To give at least 1 or 2 feedback to each 3 player

Get focused

To conduct practises in the best empowering, inspiring, motivating and precise way

The players will expand at their best Will boost our faith in victory

Total est time 50'

Must time 40'

30' 2 Design a practise evaluation sheet 1h30' 2 Video-record each practise Get a support group to evaluate practise 1h30' 2 in real time Visualize what happened and to 15' 1 compare with practice goals 5' 2 Write down inform

Get practice captured Total est time Players and team deserve my attention To review and evaluate 2h 20' to will improve faster practises everyday in the next hour after the practice To feel sure we're on Must time the right road 15'

Review and write

30' 2 Design a practise evaluation sheet 1h30' 2 Video-record each practise Get a support group to evaluate practise 1h30' 2 in real time Visualize what happened and to 15' 1 compare with practice goals 5' 2 Write down inform

Get practice captured Total est time Players and team deserve my attention To review and evaluate 2h 20' to will improve faster practises everyday in the next hour after the practice To feel sure we're on Must time the right road 15'

Review and write

T 20' 20' 20' 15' 15' 1h 30' 15' 10'

P 1 2 1 2 3 3 1 2 3 1

MASSIVE ACTION PLAN chunks Arrive 3 hours earlier Read gameplans Read oponents game plan Read our game plan Memorize and visualize main expected events Anticipate last minute problems, time outs winning or Prepare and review game losing Prepare substitutions Write motivational speech Set motivational Memorize speech display Practise speech Set up myself to win - triad Mantain focus throughout the game get focused on our Keep control of shooting zones every 10 minutes performance and Keep control of my players ststistics every 10 minutes opponents' Keep control of offense plays Mentally name every action play each time it's done give solutions when Give apropiate feedback to players needed Be aware for time outs



T 20' 20' 20' 15' 15' 1h 30' 15' 10'

P 1 2 1 2 3 3 1 2 3 1

To have completed an outstanding preparation for the game on game day, 1 hour before the game

It will give me and the team absolute faith and cetainty abour our victory

Total est time 3h 30'

Must time 1h 30'

To conduct the match in the best effective and supporting way

Will give the players the certainty that I'm there to help them

MASSIVE ACTION PLAN chunks Arrive 3 hours earlier Read gameplans Read oponents game plan Read our game plan Memorize and visualize main expected events Anticipate last minute problems, time outs winning or Prepare and review losing game Prepare substitutions Write motivational speech Set motivational Memorize speech display Practise speech Set up myself to win - triad Mantain focus throughout the game get focused on our Keep control of shooting zones every 10 minutes performance and Keep control of my players ststistics every 10 minutes opponents' Keep control of offense plays Mentally name every action play each time it's done give solutions when Give apropiate feedback to players needed Be aware for time outs



To have completed an outstanding preparation for the game on game day, 1 hour before the game

It will give me and the team absolute faith and cetainty abour our victory

Total est time 3h 30'

Must time 1h 30'

To conduct the match in the best effective and supporting way

Will give the players the certainty that I'm there to help them

TR 10' SC 5' 2h 10' TG 30'

1 1 2 2 1 1 3 3

Get the video of the match Get statistics from assistant Evaluate players statistics individually Evaluate saving average of goalkeepers Evaluate efficiency of offense plays Evaluate team defense Write mistakes script for videotape Edit mistakes videotape

Get information To evaluate the match before preparing next microcycle Total est time I'm a world class 3h coach who truly cares about his players Must time The team will improve 2h faster

TR 10' SC 5' 2h 10' TG 30'

Analise information Create "improving videotape"

1 1 2 2 1 1 3 3

Get the video of the match Get statistics from assistant Evaluate players statistics individually Evaluate saving average of goalkeepers Evaluate efficiency of offense plays Evaluate team defense Write mistakes script for videotape Edit mistakes videotape

Get information To evaluate the match before preparing next microcycle Total est time I'm a world class 3h coach who truly cares about his players Must time The team will improve 2h faster

Analise information Create "improving videotape"

T 20' 20' 20' 15' 15' 1h 30' 15' 10'

P 1 2 1 2 3 3 1 2 3 1

MASSIVE ACTION PLAN chunks Arrive 3 hours earlier Read gameplans Read oponents game plan Read our game plan Memorize and visualize main expected events Anticipate last minute problems, time outs winning or Prepare and review losing game Prepare substitutions Write motivational speech Set motivational Memorize speech display Practise speech Set up myself to win - triad Mantain focus throughout the game get focused on our Keep control of shooting zones every 10 minutes performance and Keep control of my players ststistics every 10 minutes opponents' Keep control of offense plays Mentally name every action play each time it's done give solutions when Give apropiate feedback to players needed Be aware for time outs



To have completed an outstanding preparation for the game on game day, 1 hour before the game

It will give me and the team absolute faith and cetainty abour our victory

Total est time 3h 30'

Must time 1h 30'

To conduct the match in the best effective and supporting way

Will give the players the certainty that I'm there to help them

TR 10' SC 5' 2h 10' TG 30'

1 1 2 2 1 1 3 3

Get the video of the match Get statistics from assistant Evaluate players statistics individually Evaluate saving average of goalkeepers Evaluate efficiency of offense plays Evaluate team defense Write mistakes script for videotape Edit mistakes videotape

Get information To evaluate the match before preparing next microcycle Total est time I'm a world class 3h coach who truly cares about his players Must time The team will improve 2h faster

Analise information Create "improving videotape"

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