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. ,
AAR # 250
June 44 thru May 45
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8 E CR E T

: Init:
: Date: 25 July 1944.

..................... .
. . . . . .. . . . ... . . . .. . . ..

82d Armored Reoonnaissanoe Battalion
A oP .0. 252 , U. 8.
25 July 1944

'vUBJECT: Aotion Against Report.
TO The Adjute.nt General, i''iashington, .0. Co (Thru Channels)
1. In oomplianoe with paragraph 10 (v)}, .:rn 345-105, the
following ".otionAgainst Report is submitted for the 82d
Armored_Heoonnaissanoe Battalion, 2d ;\Xffiored Division.
IvIAP.3: FRAFCE - GSGS 4250 - Sheets 6E6, 6F2 - 80ale: 1: 50,000.
1. On June 26, .L.;I'i-Lf. the 82d Armored Reoonnaissance Eattalion
was oommitted in aotion for the first tL'lle since landing in FRJI.l1CE
on 10 June 1944. 'this aotion oonstituted a oombat patrol frdm
"B" Company, tLis unit, .... operateu in area south of CAm:ONT 0
The results of patrol are as follows:
a. TVvo rows of mines were found in' the northern
"V" formed by the crossroads on the west side 01 'LE BOURG. 'Coordi
nu tes of ninefi.eld - T699587 to '1'701587" 'The mines Vlere patterned
in rows a?proximately 5 paces apart' the mines spaced approx
i.trJ.8.tely 3 to 5 paoed apart 'rne mines were viireu with rather heavy 0
,ire about "[aist high and oould be easily seen when mer1bers of the
patrol observed against the skyline 0 1'.10 booby traps were observed.
b. Jus",-. wefore dark the patrol observed a self propelled gun,
of undelermined oaliber, situated along the road at the northeastern
edge of LZ BCURG, coverine; the road from CAUHOKT. the 1-tt (irol
reached this ,Poiut (T70l5$6) after dark, the gun was gone.
c. :c.:neJ"lW Troops: The 1)8 trol observed a few enemy troops in
the to\-\n just before dark, uut upon reaching the 8<l.8e of to'l'l!1, the
patrol V"F1S' not able to see the troops (enemy) fro:::. thCl.t :::,oiut. It
is believed that t.he troo":Js 'Fere o1;>erating an OP in one of
the houses. ..:'r iendly in:tsntry destroyed the house with mortar fire
d VI in,,:,. t .hr n.; t 0
. d. Our "t troIs heard 2 or 3 vehicles, believed to be traclcs,
moving about in t:1C to':-n at about midni,9',ht 0 'l'11ese trucks :!?rob5 bly
were brin[;ing relief crews and supplies for the G?
eo The eneray, 8j)C'J8.rantly firing on another patrol, opened
un th-:.1achiE8 gun fire. ....n exoessive amount of truoer a-.l'lUJlition
w;s beine used by the eL8!!l..V. Flares "rere also observed by our
natrols The ene.'1lY .":my have suspected tb.e presence of our p[..trol
CtDd ''c:.S firin;:; to anno3T plarn it. The enemy fir e was "'ild r !"ld
did not cone near the tion occupied by the :!?atro1. EXfct looat
ion of the enemy [mns could not be determined.
,. .... /

!. jumped Ofi from the line of the 2nd
18th .J..nfantry Rer:iment, 1st .wfantry .uivision
s110rtl,1T after
;c200.u, 26 .Tune and returned to OUI' lines at 27 l')J".4..
2. un 28 .Tune 1944 at 2100b, a combat patrol CO'::libn,v,
this uniti notroiled area soUthV,'8St of .... Besults of ,);o'.trol
are as fo lov's:
a. }:ines Vfere dist,;overeu. uut tl<8 sit.ubtion v'las SUCD that
it did not permit a reconnaissance of the rlillefield. ",0
traps were observed or encountered.
b. Fields of Fire: The enemy nad controlled fire on ,
avenues-of apnroach. tositions ':,'e.ce v'ell dur:; in bNl CFtlOU1'J.ar',ect.
c. EneeW Troops: On several occasions, en8JJlY soldiers leI t
their nos itions aEd ren 'cnen our men calle in cJ.ose.
- d. Patrol Losses: 3 men wounded \all and]. ffif!n
e. Enemy Losses: Est.i'Uc.lted at 5
f. The petrol ju.rr:ped off from our lines on -the rlission pt
2100b, "28 June 1944 Gmt penetrated the ene,N line J:'or [, alstance
of 600 yards. ',the natrol returned to 'our lines at 28 .Tune
:3. un 30 .Tune 1944, two officers frOl this unit acconl)2nied a
patrol from the 1st lJattalion, 26th lnff,ntry Hegiment, 1st
Division, in area southeast 01' Results of patrol are as v
a. The patrol con,tacted the ener.ljr line Vii tnout runninf: L,to
mines or boo'uy traps. .J:!inemy v'as well <1ug in "rith controlled fire
on avenues of annroach.
b. Both' officers froN this unit returned ...here ";ere no
enemy losses observed.
c. Situation did not 1)ermit penetrat.ion 01' tlle lines.

Lt. lio1. Inf., 82d _,rmd. Ron.>n.,
c; om.iJl[nding.
- 2

- ::CC'}! .. :-3' P...'!'T, 'OIr
Period 10-)0 June 1944.
----_._"_. -- - -.------
10 Jt,,::,r; 194L: '}1116 (;2 d .'.:c.'nol'e d ,; 8 C omy.' iL 1)1" t t,:; lion Gis Sl.oe r 1'-':8 d
from. L :T' S nt r:-LL..;, iT? "; c t 10:1.: 3:) ,
Jvne end .:noved to ,rea
::t To07Q2'3. I.-rea 'Was bomhed el1e"w<', res
o;).:ri::-o(" the no results. ...
11 JTr;.,.; }Ol:.4:._ . t 1112'JO; Jl.me lChl" this ':loved to neY' rreE. at
T655742. He':T::':-e
-t location, in reserve,
dur ir",; re:
1/ i2'<1er iod covered ";T th:':.::.; rc)ort.
12-2L,.; iTl;i.. 1':;1,';,,: - ,j i tuntion d loc::tio;: unc[:":'Y'Wed. No unusucl 'J.
occure..,'1ces urinE!; tIlic ;8r 10cl. p, troIs fro:l this
unit checked .. l':!cin .):visionn in the line (,.:,1er
icr;r, 1st, 2nd, 2 (')til, ::d ':Otil,
c:1'Jj;,t to l\:e3) the ;"ttrlion
situstion. on nor'le':'. trs.ininC
(,urir'FS this ')er'iod ,ith e"1;h::sis on conditioning
J:1.:crCheR. 3xt8ll sive US8 ';:3.5 nc,de of c&l)tured 811e:,1;;"
-'...ecturGs on t,;ne nev:est
.-v:ines c,nd booby tro. '8 were conducted for nIl :.'er
sonnel in thr.:; .:[lttalion.
Sitution ;"C unch,r'.{,:ed. l.or'''l'':j. tr3.ininr:
c ono..ucted. . iott;,lion:'irst COl'l'''1.ittedlRction \";llen
a s"lb11 corClbct ilatrol, Tltl CO''1(/"ny,. uper:.-.ted in
fn':r..t 0:::' lines in are::" scutJ-o of C':..umont.
:ctrol ,i'J.:-:o.ed off fro. line of :;3-, ttali'On,
')ivision, chort1y
: fter 2C J 1lne NOvhilP- i"J.1't>el' on
Ie tr 01 L t r:.idn j. rtt
all !'lenbc:rs of '"t:rol No c . c'.' Itief..
',t n'.rrl,.l t:_7ld "cco.,}...;:; .. lie';,r:,nder of
do.y s )eEt in trc inin&\.
E.nd loc("tion unchir.fed. l!or:!:l tl" ir.L'.["
cerrieJ or. durJne da:". : ..t ,2l00B a comb!: t Ph trol
frorl "c" CO' l,:.. ny v!ent through OUI' lines
c.,nit '()S trolled area southv.'est of ... \.:.,y
linec "Ienetrc1.ted 60'''':' y::::rds. Patrol returr.ed to
our .dnes at 2300Jj. :?atrol sllffel'Elo three "rounded,
all three brou,sl1t bacl<:. vne man killed .. ,
29-30 v rn:::; 19h4: - ;,:, ituation and location unchanged. traininr,
conducted clUrinf: this neriod. \.In)O June 1944, tv,o
officers frON this unit accompanied a combat patrol
:tror,l 1st DEi tts1ion, 26th .J..nfFintry, 1st Infantry
.Ji vis ion in area southeast of \.IAUFOlilT. Officers
re'curned :froIl mission.

; ;"
____ __ _
. ..
" .
' , .", ..................... .
;""" "s"B"G"h"i"T "". ".;
: Auth: CG, 2AD
: Init:
: Date: 1 Aug. 44 "
..................... .
,e . :
Fr.om: 3022003 June' 44
TO July 44
824 Armds Rcn.
485,. - \
1 August 1944.

: FRJ.l,:CE - GSGS 4250 - Dheets 6F2, 6F3, 6F4 - uoale:'t 1:50,000,
1. '1'368485. Battalion ;lot in contaot with the enemy.
2. unit in assembly area at time of this report, '1'368485'.
3. .I.'lot applioable.
was damp and cool with only a few fair days,
visibility: Gobd.
The :uatt.,lion moved into area just 'Vlest of the vIRE River on
the J.JAYEAU'.JC-J?ERIERS Highway and north of ST LO on 26 ,july"
1944 after having,oeen in a reserve status sinoe 1, 1944.
"I'he Battalion had been given "t ....e mission of 'following up a
breaK-through of the fn the area just
northwest 01 LO ..,fter a gigantio bombing 1ll8.de on enemy'
positions on uuly 25, 1944, and July 26, 1944. Our mission
also included f:;1ezing and. holding bridges on the Rlver
at the follo"Viing coordinates 'f,nd relorting all eneUJY iilfol'ma
, tiOIl. .L.riclce;::; to be siezed and .held by ::A" Company 1noluded
the f9l1ovving: T359424, :.&.2984091 :/"268401,
and '1'246411. "B" Company was given iJJ:1dges at '..L'24,,426
T238433. ::0" COJ(paD-waS given bridges at ;i230450 and
'291483, :l'he axis ot advanu fteilRaUJ' aouthw .." 1;0
the sea on an axis of maroh .t4rough the tolloWSAa ......:
/ . any,. "D" Company and Battalion Hea.dquarters were to tollow
the axis of advanoe with "cn Company to travel enseQondary
roads to the right ot the axis and '\An CompanT on seoGndary
r?>EI.ds to the left of the ex-is. Our r1ght flank was to be
ed with an advanoe ot the 3r4 Armored Division and our lti"t ;
flank by Combat Command "A"ct' the 2nd Armored Division.
6. Exoellent.
The attack was launohed at ap.prOX1matelY 043OB, - 1944,
and by 0707B, July 27, 1944, the Battalion had '.
through friendly infantry and had made its tir$t. . at .
w.ith the enemy. <II the Battali ;.
CL ,', _. .. . j..O
:;: i'. '
(Monthly. S-t Periodic Report - Period 302200.8 June 4l.. to 31240OB,
July 1944, Contd.)
.. '
to the town of ST MARTIN DE CENTLLY on the 27th day of
July, 1944, representing an advance of about 12 miles. On
July 28,'a11 companies spent nost of the day consolidating
positions and beating off counter-attacks in the vicinity
of ST lii.ARTlN DE The first counter-attack "'as
repulsed with'heavy losses to the enemy. The second reaohed
. the road junotion at rr342476, but "las later driven off.
The Battalion then moved on to LENGRONNE where it sucoeeded
in making contaot with friendly forces across the
River. Several counter-attacks were repulsed in this vici
nity during the night, but by 1000 hours, 30 July, most of
the area was cleaned out and numerous prisoners takep.
"An, "Bit. and "crt Companies patrolled out from LENGRONNE
until about l800B', 30 July 1944, where they moved into
the town and bivouac-ed for the night. Qn the morning of
31 July, the Battalion Was relieved and returned to area
at T368485 for regrouping and rest.
S - 3.

... 2
c: .,.".., 2 J
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.................... .
..................... .
..................... .
I,,:: ""': e CO;" P', i8"
c e r
",-. --.
, " ./ . -y: ..... , t'r
'-J_." ....... , ...... _
e")t r-'
], U?TT': 72d \rnored B,ocorm;iss nce Battalion of
?d ..rrlOred iHvision
t \.
. '''1' =\':: ")", 17th .. rmored B8ttalion of
t,e 2r1 ,rmol'.,d .0iv ision, att'cl1ed to 82d Reconnaissance
lin11 on 25 July 1944.
c. ,;t1"JV"tl1 of R2d ji.r r10rHd iss;",nce Hsttalion on 1 July 1944,
". G.-icers, 1 'Ilnrrc:nt Orficer "';n1isted lfen.
of R2d l.rmored :1r.conl'.pissenca on 31 July 1944, <:)
c,'ticers, 1 "ilerr9nt. Oi'1'icer ':nd 957 Men.
11 in
1. '::':-e nrec.ktl:roll-r:"::1 r:.t ,iT FRJ7C:
2. ..)u.rstion: .July 27 to July 30, 1944.
J. :ur pose: To break through strong Forces
to the west of ;:,T. LO I;,nd enoircle nnd destroy
'v..lt;:} fore as e
4. Headauarters, 1st United states A;rray.
(3ee narrative report appen41K #1.)
e. SA'fTLS3 :

COT -;:'\.Hln-\;. Lieutenant WHEEIJm G. lmDIAlI,
k Losses in action ot nenbers or the 624 Ar___4 R.'
\ J
r, \\ .tSottal ion: i
\\\\', '. ,1
... ! '
! \ ;
. .
I' liE

.. .. , ..." t;''": :; ..,W-".,;'.... .....
.I /

.. .'
Tech. 4.th Gr.
Teoh. 5th Gr.
2A4 Lt.
2nd Lt.
Teoh 5th Gr1.
PTt.- 1Cl.
,PYt. 101.
lat sgt.
, Cpl..,
PYt. 101.
. Pf't. 101.

,pyt. '
, "
Drake, Da11is A.
Roberts ,Hubert G.
Dunoan, Charles S.
Water., J'ames J'.
Denbo., Olaranoe
Morawski, Stanley
Schaefer, Harold
,Bivins,_ Carl E.
Bubolz, Dantord J.
pro8t, Robert s.
1 '
27 July 1944.
27 July 1944..
27 July 1944.
. 27 July 1944.
28 July 1944.
28 July 1944'.
28 July 1944.
;1 July 1944.
27 July 1944.
27 luly 1944.
APpendix,l Narrative RepOrt.
APpendix #2 Copy ot UnitJllouraal.
APpelldix,) :r1eld Order 11"2.! .
'APpendix i' 4 'OVerlaY' to ....ooo.pan1 Fie14 Order
or tlle Battalion Commander,

.. .3 - ,I
Lt. Col.
1st "Lt.


1st Lt .
1st Lt.

! "
- . " 'tJ
Merriam, Wheeler G.
ofC onne r, Jam.es J
Morawski, stanley
Smith, John E.
Olovis F.
Farmer, Howard W.
!:cElwane1, 'J.'heron V.
Bullirgton, Thomas E.
Banks. Roy W.
Claude P.
Jordan, Frank H.
Eustis, Mortin
Shook, James u-.
Johnstone, Luoian B.
Patricella, John J.
Silver star
8it.ver titar
Silver Star
Silver Star
Silver star
Bronze Star
Silver Star
Bronze star
Bronze star
Bron?e t;tar
Bronze star
SUver Star
Silver star
SlIver btar
20-30 July 1944.
. 27 July 1944.
27 July 1944.
27 tI uly 1944
27 July 1944.
27 July 1944.
27 July 1944.
28 July 1944.
2 July 1 QJd ....
29 July 1944.
29 July 1944.
29 July 1944.
29 July 1944.
29 July 1944.
29 July 1944.
- - ---- -
.....P .... .. t',

32d Reconnaissance
1. '.i.'l:.e .d..rnored .deconnaiss2r.lce uoved froJll their
assenbly area hi vicinit;t of .LA '!,Tt'J':, }'r8nce, north to the
FCR.iyr, to tj"e area east of v .. Jr-mrr, France, when the 2d JJivi
sion relieved the 7th _.;.I'!!lored j .. (British) in a defensive mission,
assel'1blino; iIi the of '1'730685, Jul? 2, 1944,'
2. 2 July 1944 until 22 July 1944, the battalion spent a
neriod 0:;:' reilabilltation aEa naintenF...nce as it was not committed
aGainst the enemy during this lJeriod.
" 3. The V!J: to v:hich the 2d ... Division W8.S attached,
had tile :"lission tooenetrate the enemy defenses between MiillIGl1'Y (3861)
and 81' (4362), seize hold the line liOUTANC1l.S (2)56) -HARIGNY
(3861) in or der to eut off the enemy forc as fac iug they'll Corps, eles
troy th'ese forces and to block alongthe line - TESSY
om..\. (5147) - ;3':e :::"0 any reinforcements from the south or east
interfering \:ith this operation. .
r.l'he 2d Division was to .move through and seize the
objective in order to cover the movement of the Infantry Division
and the 3d JU'i'lored Division. The 82d Armored Reconnaissance ./jat'1;alion
was:iven the nission to perform reconnaissance in the zone, to proteot
the division flank, to furn::_sh oonnecting Patrols and to .mainta1n
liaison fron left to right. .
4. r.l..11e 82d>l.rnored 13atta11on moTecl,.,.270lt)O,b
July 1944, on the::..:r assigrted [tussion to:, I) Reconnoit.r.. ... to
locate any strong enemy defensive positions, tro0p conoeutiona and
moveflent. (2) Secure and hold the line along the ..er. (3)
Eaintain liE'cison I'!i th 3d ,Armored Divislon.
-&.."_:;": ,: < : ,," - ',_' c;;
5. Lieutenant colonel Whe.eler G. M:erriam,
the decided on the follOWing deployment at' ',\l18 oOnIDlaD4t ...
a. "AU C0n1)3ny ("D" Company. 17th Armored Engtneer Be...
less one n"Iatoon attached) reconnoitar area 1n . O"Q.th . "::'
and i'jest of advanoe of Combat OO!D.Lland . ....... . '.... .
b. C ompany (with one platoon "11'
Engineer atteche4) t.o . ...... 1" _U.. .. i
axis in advance of the main oolumn of oombat 00 ..... '. 'f1)j!:'i. . .... ' ...,.......
c. "G" C oI'l!)any to reo onno1ter area .1D.:" >tal.!...
of main ax-rs and 'nainte.. in liaison with the ,d u_ed ..'s."fUioaM, tile
it.. '. . ... . .'. ,l".<, '; ' ..... , ...
r gh. .s. "D" Company, in battalion re.el'v
1n advance of ljattalion lforward J!.icheloll. ..... .'; '..",.c;
on main axis. .. .... >,1
!. "D" Company,
platoon} to be prepared to
in defense. .r.-latoon with liB" Cotnfx:;nt ...
b:.S, mine roads, and in def'elta....
.,.1,-. .
e. Battalion Forward Echelon
i'. .. ...""', .... .... . ...
17th ;#.taol'edng1b. '. '. .
blow b1'14,g aloqiSI....i ...r ..'
PH""d ..
- .' .
,.....;. ,-.,- .... ,",,_'iJ

I . ,. # 4 ... ( _4. \.,. ,
t ..
. .
6. ODerations of 1I.''''i1 CO"1)Clny during the .oeriod fron 27-31 tful;T
1944, were as f'0110\'7s:
. a. 1st - 'llhe action v,c.S at 0830lj, 27
a road cr oasing at '.. wher.e the platoon ren into [. ..r:r::: t::mlc.
A ton 4 x 'was lost and one man cs. ntured. 'J.'his ::.n leter c. \'C'ld
and WEtS nicked by II}," Corn.oeny. .A.t 170.0..1) loc: ted c; Ci ole', UJ
a small ammunition dump one quarter mile soutr.:v.'e::t of 0._:, DF
BO.N Ir'OSSE and at 190.0.e located 8.nd ble"; up [J lc,rge 8.'T:.rrunition 'nd
gasoline dunp one quarter of a mile south 01 .:::i. _N )rison
ers were taken.
July 28 the platoon .'lloved to And t.nen ':ithdre,v
to LA for the night. The bivou.ac at LA ':TaS :=:ttcc:-c
ed at O.93O..Jj forcing the plstoon to move tothE: 'lOrthe&st ot' .0.":-:':';
DE CENIIJ.,Y. The l?latoonrlloved on to the vicinity of 0T })l;l'J:J l)U
Where heavy resistance was met one mile south of the tOVln at 1930..0.
Tanks, ,"uns, heavy ;]8chine gun fire, infantry forced the
platoon to w-ithdraw. ArtiLlery was requested and received on this
area destroying several of the enemy guns and vehicles.
July 29 the pIe toon j,oined the company headque..rters one nile
east 01" ::iT DENIS 00 GAST at 0130H. At 0500lJ the bivouac ,\,1as attac:ced
by the 4th (.;ompany (1:/G) of the 983d Grenadier Hegiment. 'llhis attaclc
Was beaten off by O.63O.,lj. 9 enemy 'vrere killed and 28 capt:U'ed. One .'nan
t'rom flA" Company and one man from. the attiached Engineers 'Were lcilled.
JulyJQ the platoon to a rest area.
- b. 2d Platoon - un 27 July the platoon follo',';ed the com;Jany
headauarters asa reserve platoon. In the vicinity of C.\NJ::SY the
advan.ce guard WaS cut oft' from the company headquE.rters by a Y..ark V
tank. 'fhe 2d platoon moved up as advance erd the column'V':ith
drew and !:loved around by a new route. A horse dravIn artillery bivouac
Was found and attacked at 397531. Lt. l!'rost e.nd l:-'rivate Morris were
wounded in the action at this place. 20. prisoners were taken and these
pieces of artillery destroyed. At 2lO.O..b 3 enemy j:lalf'-tracks were des
troyed at 3851,the ocoupants fleeing into the woods. The platoon biT
ouaced with the 3d platoon and the at 38950.7 for the nip,ht .
The attached Engineers captured an enemy half-track to'VITing a
lO.5mm gun during the night and shot up the enemy wagon train with the
"gun, taking about 20. prisoners. On the '28th of July the platoon pro
ceeded on its aSSigned miSSion, rejoined the company and
proceeded toward. GAVRAY, then returning to LA .eENETIERE for the night ..
The platoon Was attaCKed by a Mark IV tank early the 29th of'
July at LA PENETIERE. The assault gun was lrnocked out and .i?rivate
J!'irst Class Pilcher WaS wounded. tJ.the pola toon .J..eIt tne company near :iT
DENIS DU GAST and moved toward GAVRAY, bivouacing near LA CH.A2ZLLE for
the night. The platoon rejOined the cOmpany on 30th of July and
moved to a rear area in vicinity of' DlU,rn DE .CID-J"'ILLY on July 31,

. c. 3d Platoon - ;l"he platoon 1'10vea. out at 04300 on the 27th
ot' July. surrendered to Bubolz at 06308 near
C.ANISY when eneM.1.machine guns were engaged at 425575. By llO.O,lj the
platoon had reached. creSl; of h1ll nortn or VANGY. GerlI!3.n troops were
observed. at cross roads nortn of town. Lieutenant Bubolz placed the
assault gun in pOSition to lay covering Using one umore.dcsr,
he approaoned the town on the right side ot the road. One;; ton
4 x 4 mDTed to the oross roads Where several Germans were seen.
pw.'-I, 'JIl', ."...
Private Ayers drove eip-",ht Gern.ans out 01' hed.gerows ic.nd held the cross
road until the platoonlHoved. in. rl'he platoon cG.;>tured 2nd destroyed
one Mark V tank, two 75mm guns, one howitzer, and four personnel curriers.
Forty-tHo )risoners were turned over to the P.:! Cage. Corpor;:,l Looney v.', s
wounded in the ler: end lert for medical care. At lk.50jj a supply venicl e
in the vicinity 0'1' 414557 Was lcnocked out and on .lire the
c01wun was pass ing the l'our1jh vehicle sliplJed into a ditch near tIle
burning vehicle. AS aamunition Was exploding the creW of the vehicle
WaS forced to leave. Lieutenant Bubolz and Corporal Eell returned to
Save the vehicle. While so occupied, the burning vehicle exploded in';ur
ing Lieutenant Bubolz in both 1ep:s. The platoon then rejoined tte column.'
Lieutenant Bubolz and Corporal Hall were both evacua ted.
Early on July 27th the .oletoon cftptured 10 prisoners at 39/+490
and 6 prisoners at 390490. They rem into .machine gun :'ind snEl1l ",rns
fire near a hospital west of tLA}.1J3YE. Private Huckeby VIas wounded. The
platoon moved. on to ST DENIS DU then west tovmrd, v:here
they destroyed seven enemy vehicles and captured four ambulEnces. rovin&l:
to the bridge they were flet by machine gun, rocket, end S.!1lB 11 arms fire.
after killing and injurine several Germe ns , the plato'on withdrew. .
Serceant Quire was injured by shell fragments. The platoon bivouaced
southwest of NOTRE DiU,:E: DE CENILLY for the night. Caught in the counter
attack the next'morning, the platoon withdrew to the outskirts of rOTPE
DMTE DE CENILLY, reorganized and started back to the bridge at 3T
DO GAST. On moving toward the bridge the platoon ran into such heavy
anti-tank, machine gun, andrifle fire that it had to withdraw.
7. Operations of "b" Company during the period 27-31 July 1944,
Were as follows:
a. "B" Company moved out on the morning of the 27th Of July
with the fIrst platoon as advanoe guard, followed by the forward eche
"lon of the company uP consisting of the OP half-traok and one armored
car and one t ton 4 x truok, the 2d platoon, oompany trains consist
ing of two ton trucks, one with ammunition and one with gasoline,
and three half-track tenders and the oompany maintenance seotion, the
3d platoon with the attached platoon of Engineers bringing up the rear.
The plan Was as follows: The 1st platoon was to move down
the main axis as fast as possible. The 2d platoon WaS to perform flank
seourity enough to insure safe passage of the company. The)d nlatoon
and attaohed Engineers were to be used only in .an emergenoy.
i. b. 1st - The 1st platoon was alerted at 0400B, 27th
July and movea south toward ST GILLES as the advanoe guard of the oompanr.
The move through ST GILLES to CANTSY was slow due to the many bomb erat'
ers. At 07100 the platoon moved from CANISY on a highway going south
toward the town of NOTRE oom DE 'CENILLY to make .oontaot with:the enemy.
Several of the enemy voluntarily turned themselves in Just the
town. A Mark V tank moved out 'on to the road with an,Amerioan soldier
in fr<>nt of the tallk e' Lieutenant 0 'OO1me1" had Se:rgeant Shafter move
his armored oar forward and open f1l'.- on the tallk. The An1erioan soldier
escaped during the oonfusion and was picked up later by the platoon. He
Was from"Att Company. The enemy tauJDO'Yed oft down the road. Lieuten
ant O'Conner followed twenty-tive when another V tank.
appeared on the right flank. The 37mm Shells tired at this tank were
inefteotive. The aSSault guns were called up, tWoot which started to
the flank cross country. Seeing a !;lovement the sergee.nt 2 shots
at a farm .house and flushed out ti','O enemy armored cars. 'l'hese cars re
treated, followed by the two t&nks. The platoon edv2nced to
under s!;lall arms and machine gun fire. They captured a motcrcycle and
killed tvro of the enemy
300 yards south of an observation plane report
ed three t:-;nl\:s on the crest of the hill which the 'Ole-,toon cliclbing.
One of the tc.:"nks WaS u.nder 37n1I!l fire as soon as it W,-tS seen,
but this fire had no effect on the tc.nk. T':,'O asscult f:uns under the
direction of Lieutenant Rop;ers 'V.'ere brought up, but could not
because of the terrein. Lie'.ltenant O'Conner then withdrew the I)lr,toon
to "Ur3CU.? nd reauested ertillery fire.
. )4t the request ocf n':.." Con.. '8.ny, 'who in an attempt to run T)8St
the trim;: fire bad lJ...lfGY and needed help, the p19t oon'
moved out at 0900B. The l'J.st vehicle, an assc:ult gun, \'lS,S hit by the
t'3,n};: killine: :3er,,;eant Drake and t"lO .::e"lbers of the'
The second section, loved on to J))J-J'GY to assist Compa,ny. The remin
der of the pIG. toon ['loved forv!c.rd as soon e s they could clear the
aSS3 ult gun. "
VlaS he ld by "I.'hat was judged to be a regiment of infantry.
, Abo'.lt forty pri:ooners v'ere captured on the outskirts of the town.
Lieuteni:.lnt Rogers, with Corporal Price and ,erivate Smith, moved out to
reconnoiter the left flank where it was reported a tank \'las rnoving into
position. Sn:.th.captured a machine gun nest and two men and he I
then dug in to cover avenues of a):!)roaoh. He killed three enemy infantry
men and put to route a 11a trol advancing along with a Hark V tank. The
tank took another road to toY.'n and was knocked out by "A" Company.
At l445b the road was clear, the ,town was taken, and the com
pan':, and battE/lion IJl:J m.oved in. The moved at 2l00ts to join the
3d platoon at D1J'!E IE J but they met them at LA PE1>!lSTIERE
where the 3d platoon WeS be ing held by the enemy. They outposted and
reste'.;. for tl!e night.
,L>.t 0000.3, July 29th the platoon moved to :::>T J:ARTIN IE CENILLY.
At 1?30b O'Conner sent I.. ieutenant Rogers and his scout section
u? the side roed by foot. About 300 yards dovin the road they captured
an ene,ny Cl.J trucl(. l330B the patrol was fired on by automatic fire
from th'3 left flank of' the road just as Lieutenant Rogers stepped out
fror.l the left side uf' hea.gerow. Sergeant Morawski, who Was on the
right side and in front, received the fire and was killed. The
returnAcl to the Gj? "There it remained in. defensive position tor the
":\.t 013073 d rin,g; an enemy 3ttaok Lieutenant O'Conner was at 0345B
the 1st :olatoon returneci to ::>T l:i'.RTTr:: IE C:.:IVILIJY where it was used in
repulsing a u-erftlB.n tOrL,'i<.: t;nd ir;fantry attack. 'l'he platoon then moved lnlth "
the re:ne,inder of' "B" CO'1;XlllY to ,
On July 30th the platoon reoonnoitered the route from
Vlest to brl' JE:!.-:':j DU to gain contact with the 4ls tRegimental CPo
The COlU"'llll a long COlUIlll1 of enemy vehicles whioh were knocked
the )revious nir,;ht, I.Jnd Gained contaot with the 41st UP near ST
DU G.JT t.n.,] radioed ir;,formation of the night's attack to the Cr.
The be.lance of the dc.y was used to clear out snipers from area in grid
squsre 2845. enemy enlisted men and one offioer were cap
tured i"ithout incidents.
c. 2d - On July 27, '1944, the 1p en
assenbly e"Fea I'i th the company one nile southeast of ::nr mAN m,]}AlE.
. .
,Ltoon Lew":; ,-mt or :i,ts '-:.ission to su")!)ort the 1st plst
con ' ',"::: leG.ciin reconnc is S', j C'8 of the co,"locnv.
2d T)13toon follovlec1 the Istl toon reconnoit
erl3d to flc'n.l{ to xrotect the of t:le c02"1.)ny. l..LhA rylrt
oon - :: tilOJt s(Juth ;:/.i.' to (j .I)ur
i::.- '''.i''; rcs 8 ,,',-c reco::no:Ltered side rJ;=-,ds to t:-.6 :t1 '-nd
rcolis\e,l, t:_6 l,rn, of ten '."lrisl)ners ""l5ch hrd
CR )turec1 . nu':} tUen t!lCl OVGr to the ::jptt-.l:Con at
G . .l J >Y. ..,tFIBOU t: e 1st ')1' -;:,oon r;=-.n into its ::irst tesi8t.:1ce u1d
the 20 on cover ed ;:,11 side :i: 0:::. ds , also s Gnd inp.: 'l' 'X: trol 0:':' t,\,O
ton truc};:::-; ,- !l(J. one 3r"10r ed. in corclland of Lieutenant Georr:e
oc icier, one -J.161f l.lile Vies 1:. u... ,-r:fB(JU. nt .,10'.\'crd .Ifarmer, c:: l'
cOfl:::"nder of' t:::.e Ar!'LOred c,:,.r, c )tured five (Terr!f3nS in a house ':_t ths.t
Doint. ...:he 1st pl'- toon t:.sn)usled throu::'h r !!d c&ptured u\NJ.Y after
sl\-'ht resisti_l1Ce iro.:,l tL.a 0Ilemy. 11.'1:e 2d relieveu
tree _s-:,;.)li.toon Ctt ;,:-:j .:roceeued as tlle recoIL.'1aiss::nce
ele .G: t ...t <-:.).)1' oxLHately Olle -holf Illile south of J)-\.l'UY, .Sergeant
.l' -.81', co '.. ,lander 0[' t:l noil! t vehicle, ked out an eueny m.Olior
cycle driver. une-ht.lf nile 1"urtLer .Ifr::.rmer observed a
:r :--I'l<:: V L1 ..,>0'::: i tioll :r ifty Y&I'ds to the le:rt flank which Was endanf,er
ing J. toone J.1e immedictely placeC4 his E,rl1lored car in an exposed
position brouf:l:lt fire Ou t.ne it in the engine C01D.p8rt
frlent '!lcl set ... :....n,s it on lire. .,If'lOSt the War wa.s taken
und er fire b7 c.no-cher llJ.ark V tc:nk in posit iOll "ovrn the road.
uer"'cnnt l'8r.:wr brou.ght fire upon the t&nk. or eight rounds were
exchanged 'uefore the car Was 'wlthdrawn to cover. ....uring this fire duel,
a ;;. ton truck in cO!!l!1B.nd of .uieutenant uChneider was .... side
road off to the within a period of a half-nour, rrivate H.
Lewis, .30 machine gunner ir the tOll liruck, knocked out ,.
enemy motorcycles E.nd killed six men coming east from CERISY LA SALlE.
Artillery fire caused the tank to withdraw. 'l'he column then pusaed on
to J,,OTRB 11 J:=8 Db Cj;l:ILLY without further resistance. tJur obj ective was
the cross-road one and one-helf miles south of LA Because of
darkness, the platoon had pulled off the road end'was preparing to out
post the cross-road and town of lliJ:E m:: CENILLY, but were
t.l.leil received to continue reconnaissance to LA PENH:TIERE. The p18toon
pushed one rnile to the cross-road 600 yards southwest at LA
There received orders to outpost that cross road with the'
J.st "JlrJtoon protacti.I:c.; the left rear and rear flank, the 3rd platoon
protectin&; t:1e rifht flank and the 2nd platoon covering the front and
left frO!lt. Line fields were put out . Ii'he 2nd platoon WaS relieved
in tL- morning at first lip.,ht.
On July 23th the 2nd platoon rec9ived a mission of pUShing
l'econnaisssnce to a cross road two miles wes.t of LA. PENETIERE.
'110 t00n )uDhed stead ily thr t.ae two Idles to the objective. al
extre:lely heavy fire from s.r.lB.ll arms, maohine guns,
sninsrs, [.r:d",;re:<lades, cpa at its Obj ective also tank fire.
th(.' O.. J.t(")on \'i8.S mop)ing up enemy positions in the houses at the
objective i.rit11 r.lOrtcrs, .r'lnchine ,-:::unS 'and 37mm tire, killing over
r if'te en ere!;w, a was rec eived. to withdraw With oaution as two
had been o':,served to OUI' rear'. Just then they were attaok
ed by ee l'J.:::rl( V tl:.'.n\:s ;Ind approxiraa.tely two hundred e..nd fifty
inf: ntry:'len fron the front. 'rhe rOf'd was narrow so that turning
around wr'Js iI:11')OS sible and the platoon had to back dovrn the road for
eight hundred yards before oeing able to turn arol:lIlc:i. The ene.m)' had
closed in to fitty yards when sergeant Johnston, platoon sere;eant, who

I S1
, .

had been the point vehic Ie in tlle c dv: nc e tely, of Lis o'.n
acoord, took up a position h5.s ar.rlOred C2.1' to ,:':cLy t;_s
and cover the platoon's vithdrawal. nis cc'r v" S VG:::':T
heavy 'lachine gu..l'l, st'1.811 arns, ,,:,nd tank fire, he
enel',lY in r tire duel, IdlliI,-" over t" r< :':.clri,
frol',J, t,dvr!:.ej.ng, L,J.:'::"nr tIle 8:,1'8 "
'1':-18 _.de tJ__:.e IJ "Jut , i tIld!':,\"' 1 to
roads at .. 'r.ere it. uld reor
the mission tlle platoon c2.'1tured trLreeorisoners . 1 d :d.lled ('-'sr
" E':r:ly. in the 2t;t',-, ?d ')'(: 3d )1;- toon".
[' of C.'l"::,'eSS:Lve 1'econ::r].S8 __ ee so,t,:;,
west to sei7.e and secure 1"hers ",' in Fxis crossed ',:r ; :
'..;nd c) railroad crossinr 8. :1:1f-.m..ile ci' 1,,_ .\
Dlatoon of tile 17th bnf,ineers \,',::S c.t.t; te, in tte cei'8"S
of these ..bout t;,;:, ttL LG t;l C coUc, ter c>:e d
cross roods et .L... :-j,ssion 0: -cil8 ';l,l. t:.)on V:i..:.,S n01 C,'
nnd it 'uas ftt:::-,ched to the 26. lion, 67t..'J. ,]Irlored
..'lot i!'.lf-!tely 0700:; the cor:l'cny Y;US i'oreed to '--itlldrn'r
fron cross roeds at L... 2nd the platoon ii<.lS to
carry out its mission. Uuon re\)Ortinf: to the COS"li: nCiin(J" Cf':l'icer, 2d
BattE lion, 67th Re[:i!'1.ent, the toon W . .lS aSSiGned tl:e nission
of relievinr::- n.n inf:,nt1'Y pletoon, in a deren;ivs position on : rOEd
one-half nile 'we:_ t of L;.. v'hile the ar':ilorec.. r:1C de
an south. s:'hc 3.t't;ack noved thro'..l;:-:h our uosition at noon.
held our }OS it ion without any &<.;tion until be relieved at 170 D.!-3
c.nd agcin Given the mission of seizinr, end securing road and
railrond bri dee across the SIE!l--I-m: River at L_'" JCu"R,u,,l -: .' The r of,d
WaS heavy with traffic and the pJ.ctoon Ilrtd to double the colmm to get
to tLe lleC':d of' it. l;"DOIl reochinf:' the 2d pletoon, 3d.
oon, e )l....,toon cf ...;ncineers v:ere orderee off tilE' ropd into 8n
assenbly aree just Fest of
rdfht, at e;,lpr0:i:,ltely 2400b, tJ-:eol t.oon '::,,'8 to send
a patr'ol from L3!TGRC east tLrouf':h ST DU to L'-'. CyT,";
and north to cross rOI one mile t:i outh of ,s'l' ,- \.PT:-:" c 'iCU.J,y, then
west through {)'tT G.\.ST r;nd back to TFO ar!'1.ored c;-,rs
on patrol "loved ('ut et 2400B, l'irst to locate tl:.e s(1u:-d in
:9osi tion Et cross roeds one nile of ;:iT DU G ),t
this point the :lXltro1 ccrne under fire frml iieav:
hiD. chine .'"':lUlS
,tanks and could not, roc.: eed further so it fell back to ,nd
proceeded east alonG r;lb.in r08d to DU G.uST.
_:..t approxi;,;ctely 0300n on July 30t.h, t,,:o niles i'rOlil tr.. e
town of LENGHC,l'lli, tl1e patrol rctn ilito (, uerrU::l.n counterattack. !n
the conl'usion of tiLe unrkness" an esca;)ing ton truck crasned into
the second arnored C3.r it on fire. Sergeant .Farner h:' d to
abandon his burnir:.& car. the t ton ";&S c,n
esct':.lping 75mm assault gun which crashed into the lead armored. c(,3.r,
causing oons iuerable daIn.f:-.p:e to its re&r. The po trol withdre'" -i.o the
platoon assembly prea wj,th the danlE1ged car und reported the ::: otion.
un the afternoon of July 30th, the pl&toon had a miccion of
an area of snil)ers, 'which WaS harr4l.s's ing troops in tIle \' ic ini ty Of'
LA I.J.il.NliE. combinG the areCl dis;.lounted :L'or four hours, no
enemy were locnted. On the or 31st, tl'c; COIil:<l.ny ,loved
fr om UNGHOHl'E to one m.ile eest 01" , Y.. : C:" JU,Y for reor
d. 3d Platoon - On
JUl. 19
... __ .., .' , I'
': - .... l-....

_____ , ___ _________ ________ _
r .. __-.r-----------------.. -'--------. --. ---....-----------.....--.,.

. ",
in reserve, l""ir:tcll::.Ece .iection. lipop erriv..:.l
L.. the p.Lb.toon given tlle i.assion of .)roceedL. arounQ "the
r ip:llt flank o"f the church several hU!lcired y[,rds to the rir flElnk 0:"
the n:...:in road to locate euemy' t<:i.nks cnd infi'-lntry rc:ported. i: the
I''-OOG:: nec,,1' ti1e ct,:'Tch. ./je:t'ore t;:.e plc toon (;01114 be UJ,S1)l'ced ra,
an order received fron GOrJ.:)an:l T'ec!d"uarters lj;'..c,t . .rtiL.ery '\it S
gOl.IJ$; to l'ire on the strone paints 1n the vicini-cr of tJ'le c;:urc11.
The scouts iithdrel! to lihe rOE-d junctic.n \.i til C O:'Jicny .. Ek d.quarters.
The ;>latoon then Lloved down the main rosd '"hich 2 Lie axis 0:( ::1, I'ch,
to join tile 2d platoon neC.r The tovrn ,,"las o;J.t1Josteu b:r the 1st
pIc. toon. li.bout one and one -naIl' mil. es Horta of thE
platoon received sniper fire froIil the left, after the
ar ea \.ith :1!S.chine r;un fire, two pr isoner s, four y;,<. :::ons cnd eight horses
Vlere ca)tured. At POT'? BHOCC;,RD sniper fire VTc.S 8f,ain receive6. fro'l
some 01' tneoui.Ldi;:le,S. 'l'11e scout sec'Gion Vias smit ill and took 9
pr.isoners, includinf.; 2 officers.
The plc:.toon reached HeTRE 11\2E CEt-!ILLY at dusk. .i'- Germcn
bicycle rider, one rn.otorcycle e.nd side cRr, cnCi. c. reconnaissance car
were destrojTed as the7 'vrere entering the town. Four Ger.m.ens were
killed. 'llhe plat oon, (lonr; ,. i th the 1st f,nd 2d platoons, outpofted
a eros s roads north of i::iT CENTT.LY for the remainder of the
. niGht.
At 1400B, July 28, the p..Latoon had the nlission to outpost a
road ,junction four south of }::.RTIN D:i: Patrols were
sent to the crossroads leading DENIS DU G}illT, and an addition&l
outpost was placed on the north crossroads. That outpost was forced to
v.i thdr&w teillporarily Que to eneI1Y artillery fire on the cros sroads.
Two abandoned enemy trucks with supplies were des'troyed.
l.n the early eveni.Llg tne p.l.utoon was ordered to vlithdraw
with "A" and "C" COffi.93.nies as they passed the outpost position. L1.
. member of the .Ifrench underground. was. round and sent to Company .Head
quarters. The platooh returned to the assembly area which it left
that morning.
At July 29th, the platoon was alerted to defend the
platoon sector near the crossroads along witl1 elements of the l'-th
Armored Engineers and 41st Armored from a pending German
oounterattaok. The platoon sector received little fire other than
some close rounds of 88mm or mortar fire.
At about 08jOb, the platoon received an order to reoonnoiter
for any lrerman resistanoe still remaining 1iFthe triangle formed by
the.orossroads at LA PENETIERE, one mile soutnwest or NOTRE DA.lrtE DE
CENILLY, south down the ST I:ARTIN DE highway, two and one-
half miles "to the road junotion,. then east a.long the secondary road
leading to kA BOURG. A report was received that German tanks. were
proueeaing up the road within this area about one m1l& south and east
from the crossroads at LA PENETIERE. The patrol inTestlgated and
found one abandoned tank whioh it destroyed. Limited sniper fire only
was enoountered. oontact was 111B.de wi'bh the 4th :l.ntantry DiVision about
l600Band an order oame to re\urnto Company OP which had moved
its location to the outskirts at LA BOURG. The platoon, witn one
Engineer platoon attached from the 17th Armarea Engineer
moved out again at to proceed soutn to River two 2nd
one-nalf miles west of LENGRONNE and secure tne bridge on t.b.e
J:mli:H.AL highway, and the one jus t north of it about one mile north ,or
LA JOURDANNIERE . The 2d platoon ,.oined This mission Was <
. ;'
. .. .. ....
......... '--.
resc inded enroute end the pletoons Vlellt ir.to an assembly f:.rea at
wNUROmE, T': 0 prisoners were tQ.ken at the crossroads one mile north
of ST IlEltr:::; UJ Gl'ST. At this crossro{;ds one of the Engineer's half
tracks fell out from P"lechar:ical failure and the '.aintencHce ton
tl'uck 1'1'01":'1 the 3d platoon remained behind to re,)[' ir the vehicle. These
two v:2I".S.clcs y:ere cut off by a lrsrr.lcn thl'ust be1'ore they could rejoin
the ;:->Ltocns (.: nd ''':ere forced to be abcndoned rd the nts 50ined
-Til C011,'':'.12:-" of tI1G 41st .... I:!fr'Ttry. .:oLJed t:.e
day lr.;.ter. The :;J}" intencnce i ton truck '\'[(';s lcter recovered.
;;.t 0300B, July 30th, the :-:>lE toon 'W;:;S ordered to asse:.ble [-;11
l-:'".i.en, i"ith tile exception of one per vehicle, c.l:d 'J!'ovide security for the
cr 01' Cor:"J.b::... t Comnand "::3" v'hich 'vms locf, ted a fev.' hundred ytrds west of
the }l,:tool1 area. ,.:.t da'wn foUl' enemy nere fired on about 100 YLrds
fron the :t:'orYf8.rd outpost by a machiLe gun. ;. !?atrol under :5erp8[ nt
P}.nsnn investi.::;i:l.ted Lnu found one dead and three v;ounded. Eleven
others of the force were reported by one of the "foundedrnen to
have 1:1.2de the ir esca,:Je. .:.. patrol of men
Patrolled the area sever.:;.l hundred on all sides of the o'J.tpost
lines, but no "-ere discovered. The pletoon ViaS relieved at
l045B und retlU'ned to its plc.toon a.rea. In the early afternoon a
patrol, consisting of t,,-o armored cars, two t ton trucks, and one
half-track, reconnoitered the area ':ithin I.E I:ESNIL, A!iiBBRT,
southwest to tlle River. .At 1100B, the pl:-::,toon moved under (jom...
pony control beck to 2.n Assembly area in the vicinity of the crossroctds
at .)fll 1:"":''{TIl\!' C..!.!, ILLY
e. 1st :elD.toon, "D" C 17th ..'U'J1lored Engineer Battnlion,
effective 27th July. Joined tIle cOffi?eny at .. :..IRli! at 04301:>, following
i1"'. the re8r of' the cor1 . .>8.ny column on the nove 30uth through ST BILLES
to C_'J ISY, thenC:3 to r)'UIBCU.. .
The platoonnoved l.nto a field th the corrl':,>any trains ","hi Ie
the three line:)l'ltuons cleared out the resistance met at Q.UIBOU. In
the earl:'Y? -Afternoon the ulatoon moved \'!ith the company trains to
Where it out posted town. One s(]uad outpostinp; the secondary roed
to the east and a end 57nm gun crew covering the-road to the west.
At 0430B, 28th July, tjle )latoon followed the C1) and
traiT'S to t.r.e crossronds at L.\' It remained there in bivouac
for the day outpost inc its 01,""n inun.ediate area Bnd siting the 57mM gun
to cover tlle road leading into the intersection from the west.
At 0400B, 29th July, annenemy tank ,'lElS seen approachinp, from
the 't\Test. The 57!1ll:l crew fired six ro1mds at the tank: forCing it to
'withdraw. .ii.t about 080u,b, of the 29th J'uly, the enemy began to attack
in strength from the south. their objective beinf.'; the intersection. "l"he
platoon i\ithdrew vlith the ComlJany trains to GUISL!i..IN, where it re
mained in bivouac till about 1900B t_hc1t eveninE;. At that time it moved
out v!ith the 1st plAtoon of "Bit COm)D.llY, to arriving
there- at about 2l30b. On the mqve the half-track of the third SQuad
fell out 4u to mechanical failure. ',[hen it vres repaired it f:love'd on
\';i th ttl" Con Jany of the 41st Inf.:,ntry, planning to stay with them for
the nir;ht, rejoin tlle platoon the next morning. During the nifht .
the enelllY atte.ckea heev in the areo by h"I" of tne
4J.st ...J'mbred Infc ntry, aDuut one-auarter ml.le sont O.L iiP:!SY. 'llhe
squad 'ViaS called upon to ps.rt in the dismounted ac ron and suffer
ed six none serious.
'l"he n:i.c;ht )8ssed .... ithout incident for the rest of the p15t
oon. .:J\U'ing the afternoon of 3Jth duly, the 1st and 2d scu:)ds
- 3
_. ___ ._. - 0- ____
_. ..-- .-.--.- ".-.
-- -- _____. ... ____ - .-.--- ...._-. --_.. '- .-' .-- .. - .---.- ..
"';'''1"' .........
essic':r.ed of roul1Gin" U'I) tllS ene,rw in the aree by the
.. . .., t ;'J.1e nO'I't'l 0'" 'r
;':101';" one" _" J. ___.J' TII e s 0, uc d s ur e d .
'jrisoners. r,']'.e n::',;-::}1t pose,ea '=-thout inCident.
Cr, o'L' 31, the '):,,_to:Jn l10ved
=.tl' tL G corn;':-,n;' to
y .. c _ ,:)r :' :": 'f\ 5_7. =_n!l
- ')

8, Operations of "C" Com.pany durin[; thc period ZI-31 July 1944, fcre as

a. On the 2'ith July 1944, the company was in bivoL_ac one ond one hali
miles east of sr DE DAYE. Alerted at 0400B :ll1d lilOved out at 050uB 'wi th
make recormdssance south to ST GII..l.ES - CANI.::iY - LA S.ALl..L mel
then west by rOb.ds to ,[,he J.i.iver.
'l'he corrq)<J1Y proceeded -c.hrough heavily oomburciod .:;.re.;. north of .:)'1' G-Ii...L,t;S
taking secondory road towards LE GiUMBIlH'l'.
The lIDVed in the followin.; formation: ;,.:,nd pl<:.:c.oon, reirdorced
by 1st .md}rei platoon Assault Guns, adv<:nce Luaro, Hcadquar.ers, )rd
r1'he f:i. rst eneDiY conLG.ct Wu,S illaCle at cross roads 41)509 at about 0700.8.
KnO\ID eneny consisted of two 1i<1rk IV tanks ;,Jld. infmt,ry. Cont<l.ct was mc.:.de -oy cJ1
Armored Car which rounded (;urve ond. ",.-ithin .:::0 feet of 'l'he Car COLJ.
mander machine Lunned the crew 01' the -.:ncmy tank ini'lictll1u scverG.l casualties and
tium I'd.thdre\[
DiSlmunted IJcrsonnel 0 utpo cro ss roads supported by the Assault
Guns, 'while a diSl,1Ountcd patrol recormoi'c.e:::'cdcl1e erlem;y position.
I Contact W<l.S made with a company of the (jth Infantry and elemente of the
8jrd Recormaissance Battilion.
Eleraents of a tank Destroyer B&ttalion and tile b3rd ,d,.connaisS8J.1Ce
Battalion, to which this axis h"c_ now been assigncd,c.ook over tde action, while
th.:' eOrIq'an1' 'and JIOvcdforward on the "B" axis to by-pass the po s
Jw;t e<lst of at )..".195'/9 the com.pol1Y was ooliGed to wait in a field
until Combat Command "B" cleared the road.
At about 180013 the 3rd platoon Hoved SOUGh to to push
east along the road to LA SALLE.
The 6'(th c C;ol.:Fny , supported by <:.. plG..toon of illcciium tanks
was already llDvint; this road so the 3rd platoon outpQstc<i th.: toV41 ,-.lone the
streaJl1 at 392557 until the column passed.
An attack by t ....;o 1Iark V caused the tanks to withdraw aft"r one
l.1ark V tank had been out. The other Mark V tank shelled the 3rd platoon
outpost knockiIl6 out the wortar H2.lf-'frack, killing, one man .::.nd vJOundi:..1,; six ot.hers.
The plr..toon 'lri theire-.-; from D.ANGY where it was joined by the rest. of t.he
company ..bich was then orael'cd into biv.)u&.c north of UAHGY at about llOOB.
During the .:lOOVC action .the 2nd platoon recormoitered an area onCll-hcJ..f
mile northwestof QJIBOU, 'where it destroyed four 'abandoned Mark IV tanks.
On July 2b'th the compcmy was alerted a.t 0300B to move southwest on main
axis to relieve liB" Company and pass through forYiuro outpo sts at LA push
ing recormwissance then to the SmmE :idvcr.
The 3rd platoon WCl.S advance guard of the cOTJ.I-any, contacting the out
post at 051OB. Atl.his point two mediwn tanks from liD" Company, 67th Amored
Regiment were attached to the colilpany.
The company moved out at Ob15B with an Arriorod Car in the point followed
by the two tanks. First contact with tho enQmy was established 'wnen a lIlIY.:,orcycle cnd
side car was knocked DUt one-half mile southwest of Sf 1:ARTIN DE 'J.'hc coJ.
umn proceeded doing rcconn::.is sauce by fire. In an area just ca.sto! the roo.ci at
3434bO it encountered heavy sIllall arms fire. l'Vro eneJi\Y trucks \yer'c knOCked out
and the colw.m IlX>ved forward to the next 1'0 ad junction und ;) ut 1.:0 it until
infantry came up and took over the position.
Anti-tank fire was directed at the column froJll right .:::'lank Hithouc
inflicting any casualties to tl,e company anci twolllachine Gun po siGions were ..mockcc:..
At about 1300.d t,lC <D mp<..ny :I.',-,ceived Orc.el':3 to l.lOVC 1'0r-1{il!'d 0;:' tile ;;Lan
to ltivcr throuGh LEHG.dLil;i;E.
All L:lis roul.c, con.:.i.nu0us s.ua-ll :I:::.rl.: He.S cnCJUll(,Cl'Ou. l'rom
cdC .H:.. \iOO-::'3. Gne c:J' UHi tvlO <..:n;JJ.l", l.l'u,cli:S ,;:noc... :QU Ollt
uld t,:) :.(; L".:.... ... 'I:01'C ,wmy casu<:;.l.:.ics vIer", ilu'..I..icuc;u.
Ju.st ';;::",31:. of w:C...iD.... l:E y{h<:n "Gli:.: ca.IUlJl1 ll;Ic- . :.,.i.rc Od
l)C ;:;:Ltion:3 to t,llC e&st Oi'':'dC to'I;n , 'Ghe v;..I.lli: out cn(:!,lJ t2Jh
e;.UVOJ1CLl":'; to Ol:.l' ICi't The colU;;1l1 ',,<...S tncn orc.cr:ec. w h:_lt O.l l.!lis ph<lse
"A" 02ci Al'i.orcd Re":.onnaiss",nce iJatk.lion, CQ,le up tnc roe;.u i'rOJ,l
":)'1' ..;:2:;I5 entel'euG"C '(,own of nhile "Gil Co;,l<...ny
ora.ers 1:.0 l:k)VC i'onrcl.ru..
At l1,OOB the colwnn 1."()VCU tllrou.:.;h c.n IIA" Co;:.pany out1)ost in
i..EJ.IG.a.omm wd dovm the l'ou.d to tile SlliiLE cner-t/ truc".;:::; ',Lre
lmoclce:;d om.. dOl'Jn the road 'l'Jhilc"nc oi' tile column W:J.G slJillio the 1:..own. And
tvro trucks loadcd with fiity T.l:::n were knocked OUi... 0:1 the ric.;ht fla,lU( of the tovJn.
Q::;t of the .lien killc.:d.l"l'lo l'-lOre cne:J.Y vehicles '.Jere out duri..G tilis
"",!Ii lilUCn ;,i(ichi:lCl :.;un i'ire e..ircoym <.:.t tdC hcdLcrows. {;onsideraolc Siuall
ariJ.3 fire "ii:':"S cncoi.mtcreG. <.:.10116 tlle ;('0&0. '\:"0 the '1'he COd";<n;Y" reo.cllcu
hi:.:.:h Ground cOi.l.l1J..::nCiLlG the river &t u.bout 1645i:3. i6mm fire on
SCV(;l':...l. lookin, i:osic.ions :::.cross tlltriver and the com,pany outposted ... he
urders to Iii VI bQck to NO'l... -tE DA1l]; we,ct! rlo:cci v eO. from the b;,:.tt.s.l.ion at
2.,)out 1845:3. Tile:' All' Corps ">Jas stra.i'fint; enemJ infantry all &.rounu our column
as it pull:Q()ut 0
:::0,000 [,iliOn3 of ene.1l,; l.;aso.Line were set, on fire al1li. '(,\'/0 enemy veh:..clcs
were destroyed.
:"'ho <D i:)111l1 r<JlJi:'cd vi:.:.. ;Ir DEUS DU and went im.o bivouac in an area
just vrc::;t of cro ss ro:.:.us LA ""t a'-tout 2100b.
On the l.l0 rr.i;t.; of the th of July tile <D lIl.1Ju.ny W2.S in 'bivo ,cac 400 yards
south of -LA FElJE'n:Ed.E. .uurin,; cL..rl,i' r:Dl'ninb from 0400.0 '(,0 OI)OOB a. German cotll1ter
VI2.S in tov;:rd Glle cross ro:..:.ds norc-heast. aboulJ IOOO.o
the counter D.tti..cl-c 1';<15 renewcei with incrcClsod fury <...Dei soon of "he aefcndillb
i'lere Hithdr2."111 in h,cste frOJ1 their defensive pOSitions nori...n or' tile cross
1'0 <.d
.I.'he com:ix:.n;y We:.s informed by the vr.i.tndray{ll1b i,li antry tha:i:.. the A1.lerican
l.ank Destroyers had vrl1:..hcu'oYJn <.:nei that lmer;lY a:CJlLlr and infantry were :.:..dvUIlcing.
The cOIllxin;y vms orucreci to ilithdraw its vehicles and to uefend(,he cross\tlads, dis
Irbunted. 'fhe tylO meUi\.l;flGOnks fro!.! the c)'lth aegiment ",ttachcci to the cOl!lf>any
rc,llaine<l. for U11:..i-L..<J1ll. P:;:'O vcci:..ion to eovo::r tne \"r.ithcirawl of .w<::t.tery IIC", 70th
lielci Artillery. 'rhe CO",lliCJ(.' W<....S orgunizeu for diSimuni:.ed. action <;Ild W'<:.s fiehtint;
<J. delaj illL; aC don whenv!w ";0 u...l vor at',:,,<....ck w.::,s broken u,t) duo lareely to a p3.I'rQgc
oi' C.l'till<.:r,f on tile ero S5 roads ani "the destruction of the le""d .kark IV tank by one
of tne reJLJainin,; 1..-10 1:..ank ucstro;yers. '.1.'he direct fire 01' the two tanks attacheo.
fro", the 6([:,,11 ArnDred .o.1.cci.'llcnt "lso Ctssisted. ..rivate riObert Lohr a B.A.R. IJ.(;:J1
froI;]' tile 3rd pL,toon, :lecount<...-ci lor eigilt cnc.a.y knorm dead and "CtS lIOunueu in 'e..hc
u.ction. ',;.'l1c eOlll"J:.ny l'001'L:,nizcci ...;.U(..1. pro1)2.red: tu ,.lOve oue.. on iGS J:u<..Jion.
At 1500;:) the rece:i.ved. orUers to rei...race its sLcps as fu.r <lS
cross rot..ds JrJ/4Y'::' Q.X1Cc tilCI1ce prOCCl!U to the river SlclHJ:t;.
'....'he colUlu!l JJ.OvccJ. i.) r'\'lccrd 3.S far tl1e cross rou.ds ,d.thout incident, prcccedinc
clemen',:,::> of '('[lC 6 (th
, 1>'
.It.. ".

'. "
stronG forces ;f ene.iV "ere "oe in '"he are;,:, of \.;... .....
'.I.'he column, witi1 tho lilad.ium tUlks <:.!lG. j;.:d pia.toon ... s auv:..l1CO L;'-l..:..r'u, u:)'v'JU r'orWal'Q
into i.his uro<:.. d about 1'13VB. Ho<;;.vy sr.1.:l.llarLls fire ..,j<:..S encoum,C:LLo. l'rJ.l tilC
hc((:cro-,;5 Oil oot11 sides of the :coaa <:li c:.lonc '':'Ile colui.1no ...e:;:vy casud.:.ias \lere
i.li'::"ic-,:,\;Q 0 n 1:.11e ,-no. 2;risoncr.3 tJ 'vhe 0 ,dle poin'v t,w.'ti:s
l'L!co' .. JOh,L;.',';U cc:..c:; .. rc",. u" i'il'O uc},:o1'e c.wi 0.:1:. ,-,un l)osi.vl.on
on .;.ilC i<:i,'.:. <::.t (4-l.r )u 0
rln advc ... tu;:.rc consistir...: of <.:. )1.<...tOO:1 0;'" "",nks, :..c. cv.It.Ul,,' of
<:..ncl rc::.tc:.ched cn;:,,;incers, cOJ:u;..nuOl.. 0" in0 , l'l'-.S h ....or.n to 0":: c.hc:.u
S', .lc';;here in t"e <:.1'0"" of CA13RY, iJ.::rlct.r:...tc... vdC dCv' uefo1'e :,ne.:. '0 eli1;::;
SJ.rrounc...cu. The point 01' tile colw.m l..'::'.jOl' ...-:in; I oUvposv u.t
jU.;Jt c<:..st of Hing rc_...o rtcC: '-!lCl!lc.mt so:.,' '.:.lle h-C[l .-l'LlOr..::u _iv
ision VlcrC ..ovir." uOi.n fro:.! ri.:..;:nt j,'lank to",ju.s _Rj,L....'I a.nd. s,:"iG. 1.0 at Oli:.llC
Cl1CI:lJ' in th.:: cJlc:.:.d h.::..d 'i'rlthcirawno J.'hc colUl.:n el... cl'eu _f(Ll..LY oc:.:ore '"ilCh
4t.h .,rLlOrcci pullcc... in 1'0,-.ti fro... t.le hlVveu c.11C3.cl to
junction .:..31.:,4'(6 UC:.J.."-y. iUI'vher clerJ.cnts of the 4c.il I\rl101'OU .uivision i.e:cc
hc:ce c:..lld it was repori,.;;d _oints ,10 .:..; ..... 0 l'iil.:r vlilich we WC1'O SChCc.,tUeCl
to Here dre<.'c.:..y held b:: -JUl' Oi.n ,:;ol. pnny <.:.ccorc.d.L1t.;,ly .. ent
bivou: c at ;";33.';.'(1 cnd set up cicfcnsivc i)Osh.lon for':';lC ni..;'lt, .:.he
tr:.ii c.1Dn..:: the r:'..vcr
On July ,;,uth t:lC l'e.:.cCc::'ned on h<:..lr'-ilOW' <...11 c.iUY.o I.:. was
UI1<lule to 1'.:.,join '(,;'JC batu.::.ii.on ",iin.:..; to he.::.vy vroJ.':,:.'ic 011 u.ll l"oac.is i'I'o;., the nOr'c.:l.
At 1900::; t;':e aivo ,c '1'1;;' S .. DV:Jc.:.. 15W 0:: -;:",10 tu:;_t
been SCi. on L.re in of' bivouo.c.
The COL1';'c.ny G "l",::'i:,cu. 1.'01' UV.Llcnt on tilo ".J.orni... :.c 0:.: j1 c ul;,- <.Jlc,;.
1'cc"ivcc:' o1''''c:.'s -GO 1.OVUu,-.c:: (,0 J.JiJ,,E C;':;'.iLLI [;..;. U.)Ui:. 11+00...;: 0 '.l.'llc Co >
I'c'.:.:.;.nl;.;u rol1.'vc 0:':" ;:14.rC;l ,-lld inc.o 'oivo ,,;;,.c one ,;lilc SOUvLlC[:.SC 01
LA l-'1!:im.l.'UIE ::;.t -1.);"0::8..4,1:. 20UU...
DurJ.Jl:" vilis vivn it 1:c .. .. '('1/C.lty
VCiliclcs one t::nk -;,:c1';.: knocl:cc:. on.; ,;,.nu i:.;{-r'iv..:: !Jlo,.n
kilL.:u 10u1'-hunc.:.rct( p;.'is-:.. .. .;l"J t.::.kcn. 'unkno',\U nuroocl'
- 12
'h. 1/ '--. 'I
.;'.. ,'J -." ... " :: r-' : ..... - ;..
'.). V e_ <'.tiuns of 1'1./ Go:. U,rill[; ";lle eriod 27-;:)1 July 1944
\. ere, s f _110'..'3:
., .oiV0Uo.ccd one mile; so,l,th of ;:)1' 1)., 1..1",Y.u, c.t 27050013 .,I':'Ji ..;
COli! \\ .,oved I..'U J [,3 ttalL.lll re::lcrve, D.nd :rov ided
,C G.,.l _ ./C)l' Lcllblol1 .J2.ttlion .rtelS .L'.no ColT:Jan..
I()veu. :::3.::) Jt.:.l YJ:) _ .,:_n".J, ;,',':i03t '(,0 SOi.lC.ll to S'./,' GIL;::>. '1' 11e-:T
(,.J.bi1 \;enc lllt", u.(",I'ellsivt.: ,(L:3:;'cion one mile J.lO,td of:;.. J.;,),,:::" out:,ostin[(
l",.8 .), Li G.l iull. .d.t 1st coon . hivon. cue mis sion of
: (, (,c C,;:ini; c:na uostI' :. two l.UI'i{ 1/ i\:.n..{s 1'8 ul'tcJd in tIle to'.n of
.u _"L ,J ,'.,j. ,1' a'ti \'.'8.3 j'i ,10 s.nd pl' toon o:)ened .L'ire
l", ) e -,-ii, u ." :':.;0 ',,2..J l'oceiveUL,lH':.t air' \'lee) t,o dive-borab the eneI:lY I
J,03 :.:t "'.,.; X'CJx..... L1 Gel:; ...'\;0 1'li;:,ht,s of 1.--47 lanes thor,;ugn.ly
J.L c-bonbccl 'lllCi stl', fled tho olle.-;y ,.)sition..i.'.i:1.u enemy;as destroyed
.,L'."_ .. r 3l1, ort V::l:'), : clD.e in. .Jonbs aro.'cd i:ithin fifty yards
L1C 1st J.C"'J"ll Cdce. Ll.oved to tn:; town of DA GY, arriving
':, G '0., ut l':r\) .0. 1) ......'....... Q ocen te.,:on l):J tlw Is t plntoon of UOlrr.'lany
l'nG Is t1 c())n ul' 1..J GO!lAl.ny coordina-coQ .' i th ComrJany B in out-
o,,\.:.:n;.; it.
r.t l3t \las rulieved by a platoon from the
<J.3C 11l1',;..ClCl'Y l;>ove;ci buc,( Vlit.n tHe rest of the company in bivouac
(Jut ,os i..,Lng .:..)c-:.tJ.,liQil l'J.c:-:d,;u,rte:;,s at 1'40:::;007.
011 ,.,0 Jl1ly OJi', '.8.'; given missic)n of orting
vO, cJ _1\..; C", 'n)' r,loveu oui.., at OoloB, generally
s't.ltn, ,:",.i ;G:Y, :JJ\C''';,dJJ :.cnu :. ,;'...'l: l),u,l. 1)J'. c: HILLY. At the
l .. G"cr Cll ,;cnt into Ltl'B'l at 006495
.'it .. trW ord was sent t.') c. TJoint soutj,1.east of
1l11" 31i.l iJJllJ co 1)c,-c0 (llKL outi)U,;t an enemy al,munition dump. 'l'he du.mp
as luci;l.;od alon.s '. ith an enemy assault gun. 'llhere were some Germans
301,10 cli3t, nce l'rom t,lE- i;W1. olDen fired, t tl1ey l'2.n off. A 37 mm fu::;
SHell .,mt the :.5W1 on l'ire and destruyed it. At 1500B the
LUlll,lUni t.l.ull tiW[II) \lLiS Uo:.> troyud c.nd the ;)la 'Goon moved back to the coml_,any
01V,j,1:.C . "!.8.d uoveu b,lCh: to i;";;;7<r.50.:'J cilld tool{ ,':)art in sett::'ng up a
defonsivo l)os.i.don t"rotoct Batt, lion Head,ual'ters against enemy
c 'C,ll',j.l in proGres8.
::.;81:::;,-",;0 tile ls t pL. toon was ordered to cle c:r out snipers
nortil 0.:.. ,J"l C,-,,,,lion li.e,cdqu2.1'to s loc Go ted [;, t jSter' an 110UI' of
Id.J..l.l<.; ,J.vcr in,; i 'C. uvc:rl:lineti that thel'e t,o o.nti-tank guns "nd
at a co, -i);,ny or' ilLi':ntry 0'1'1,0:J ing the 1st i.Jltoon. remainder of
Cl.lO co""c..l1Y ''ond was meneuvering t-..i out flank che
':.!lon friendly f":"L'eoegan to felll in the area. One section
of en81Ii:{ inf:c.. .Cl . as t, .1<011. under .Li L'e by 0'7 HIm tank gWls of two
tJlaGouns "nd 011.0 cner':) killed. ()ne wuunaed was -c,urned over to
lJa t L-i.:l. .. ion !I.ed.... c d. De cuchmen t. lin\"; enemy a_);Jar(mtly Vii thdrew as all
.1' lr c e L-"S od.
'.J.:llC COIl)allj ,',as iii thdl"U','ffi to the main axis of advance.
".Jlti-t,..n GW1S o;)cncd inui'l\)ctive fire from a nev; iJosition
G, 0 tnou3d.nd y:'..l'U3 .i01'tl1. '.i'hey 'aere tai{Cn Wlder artillery fire. ,.\.Ihe
CO];l,t1:.J1Y ',:.i.. thCll'Q\. to out,;,Jos t Bat (,alion Conuund }ost \lhich had liloved to
l',,JI.:.;.,JI.".t. .....rwc:JT 1'::'1'0 a:,,; :i.ncrca3ing in voltmc and a cOWlter at'l;ack by
eneL1:; 11 . 3 in All were sichted, mE.chine gun llositions
.:1c1cc ns made co repel tne coun-cel' :lttack.
\)1' vOl,lO, t ;!l";'! t'.len c -;mter at'c,D,ck8d the enemy .iith close air
d.CC 'Ib.)ut i7CJu;j a (lei'ectlv\,,; bon.b release l'lech,:ll1ism on a P-47
1' ..; Hcd 1:1 .. una bon.b l' __ Gom- I q
l)any l.iOil]l'wnd 1"03 1:.. l-ne .nan \,,,c.s ; Jlcl j.u'..u' ere ..'
lin J,.ly Gile COl"l:lany :.loved 'co 0 ....h)4?0 1S'0, "5, t. t; "Gicl.
\:, ....rn" t. .. c:nty .til; :o-:>l::l.nes calle over, bce\; ';i61'(: by
u.nti-alpl:rc.ft ::',re. '.i.'.:H;) :;0. (;u':;:.',o:3tE-d ,J.i n, "e::i.dc ur'l't.er3 1.'-::::'
tile 11'::",:)1.
en .,V co. e,n.! l'J10V0d 'Cd. HCJ'v ;':',,1.' '",I 'J
..:J.J.' .I...h . J.0 0" V,":.)l.l\.jO L _I..Vi... L. \ide, ,:; int,.) biv() :'.i,C '.'UiJ .H
pos I:.ing 1'(;1' trlC 2,'C ,'-.'.
10. . UrJel'c: tions 0 i' :! 1/ .lY, 17th 1:.n;inoo1' 13, tt;a j_ion,
during the = eriod 01 .Tul-:/ L)i.l:4 \/ure L.3 f"lloVls:
a. li Ii J ulY 87th tne co Y'!.,)U ny le ft bi vouac are a at .d.L.":'
('l'4J77S,j) 040vB cud moved to ard' ,1::)Y. (Jompany was attached to
1.0C0l1,'1!::L3s.nce (Com;)any headquartel's, ;jecond :lnd
'.L'nird iL to-=ms to ita" Coril
) ;:ty; l"irst attached to "b
C01,l)o.ny). .t'irst en01l1Y c_ntact VU1S r'1.:!.de at 07;JOB that day. Gor:l)ani s
p'.lSlled i'():"'WC:,l'd to ..) 1,,3 miles 01' IJ..;., ('.('417510)
c.Losed in bl.vo'.lac for the nii:;.nt at :::00013. '.('.i:1c cora_.:c;.ny
no C tie 3 JIldJ.ri.ng t,n.e da:-.' S Hct;ion thirty two (0::::) German
:,ris ners we.,:e t,-:en (exclusive of those ta{enby t,ce &d Armored
.J['.ttr'.l icm). outpose or' the biv. uac was established
necess:'.FJ security )leaSUrcs During the n':'ght a was
ne;.rd alJ .'roaching alonG 1'0 c.d ilear the '.('he colunm was
ilalc.ed ,::n.d turned out tv be a C:)lW:lll of Gcrnan vcililes. A half-track,
l;O'.-;L1i,'> a 1':;5 rlun gun vias til(; lead veilic:'.6 in tHe many coltunn followed
fY'J horse dr'.v{[l VCl1icles. 1'he colurnn vIas cap tured intc,ct and
tilt:' . Yiel'e t"lcento tj,le Fv' bnclosure et up nearby. During the
Cl11:;l:.::8 (.wy ootLl COLZlllS of the 82d Annored LeconnaL33t,nCe BattRlion had
enc y vehicles r:lO.jt of which just nreviously been
destr.yed by ou. alr
(,n 2_,th con;, flY '('oved out rlt ObO. I1:) and continued the
e:<ivnce to --'neilY 09 oslti_,nwas enc.untered at
sev ral;oints c..long the main u__xi;:; of udvc.cnce ,.y :'U
! GomlJany, 82d
l:eC:)llJ.1 i 3::nco -,-'ncny overcome and
tue colu.'n cont.uTJ.::..d its aclv ;lce to' r'.I'd vile ob ,icctive. Other elenents
of U1L cor;:;;any ere Ail :2d _1.1'1',0 ed iLecol'L1aissance
D["'.t l;,l.1. .:,on, ".nd .l'OCOCdel '-',I ,:;1'..C SU"Cllcrn I'clute 01' 3.dv"l1ce. '1'ne
in ('il13 :.;ec Gor W[l.3 .;001' [tnd jiO-;t of the adv,;nce
'",.,,3 ;0.:10 cI'OSS-C,)UlYG1'Y. '1'110 ''-101'.: of t:ne- 62d ArLored
i3:.L;t0.1ion Vl .. 8 \'Jell d.one 8.11 t;[18 'vfa;;' and tHe Gom)Ql1.Y did not come into
"J,se ,"<'l1G..:..l L;,j.:.:l _! vias t this!, lnt the com;'8.ny was divided
int;(.! :'.GGuC,ll (;.1':';:; to tl18 '-;.nu. was given the
;Jf briciGes tOG_le for demolition. Bef .. l'e tnis
C lL,.l oe __ 3ned,:.101;cver, eno cUffip:.nies \'lere rec ':.lled to
.0aJ-,,_ "llich<)int a Gcrrnun counter-att3.ck ViaS in progress
wi th -ci:1e enelf!Y trying GO C,),t across t;he main axis of advance of the
'u.L.;.;in. llo cc,su'.,.lties \:ere sLlf1'oI'eci by tilis 0: C;[ln::'::,ation d,:.ring the
do.y. 'l'"t/ent:' prisoners \/or'e tc'::en. . .
en 2Jth Jul;' at 04,.) '0 the eneJ'iY again at cke d \'lith somo tanks
ini'.31Gry ,nci this' C;Jl:rlan:,;r <:"l.l:.l. tile 11.rnor'ed il.oconn.i:3sii.llce Bc.tta
1.10n be. :lg equi; 'tJcd only VJ.l th 1 iL4n :.lrlnW10llt, were 'iIi thdr vm about
,.enei a milus in or'u.cr to llo\"! Ij n:C3 'n<l ".rti llery to
.lei. .:.', ,__ ,'G< .',:.) I):!') 1 t '_lC(10 ;::;"ld cO:d,.anics ;" , v,d
: .;:J.LI.ned ".L.;;:;J.on,)f ,..:.nd ciostr,Yinc to trle
s adV[UIcet.o t;,wt ,oinli 'las slow(-'d b:r
-.miCll \IU.S dovm'.lnd liB.d to bo :t;ulled out. GOl-:1pany reached
.L,j:., . Q,l.CJ;.i"'; ['.t .. ()C:3 :;,nd 10.(;0("n3 .. el'e :lent cut on mission.
G on tr, to reach tne bricigcs, it 'ilas fOWhl that the enemy :nad
noved in lfl{,chlno I";uns rend tan:i<s to cover the bridges. During this
- 15
. i
elements were forced to withdraW to 8. better .90sition.
"'8.S lost in this action Emd tile crev.- not accounted
tor until next daY' Wilen it was found out tnat six flen of the
,crew had bean hospitalized 'and all accounted for. rl1he mission of
destroying b;r ia-ges was temporurily abc:.ndorled and tte i.!'Uportr: ""ce of
that flission Hinimized bedause of tl:e better than SCheduled
of the rest of the troops.
On 30th July at 0530lj 82d iI.l"mored Reconnais
sance .battalion, with elements of n D" C om::any, 17th ed ;ngineer
J:jattalion, was in olose blvquao east ot At this ti.'ne .
the' enemy attaoked the bivouac from two sides with foot troops. A
fire fight ensued and. the enemy repulsed. During t::le
enemy suffered twenty one casualt ies. Nine of t.hese were dead and
twelve wounded. J.'wenty six German prisoners were taken at pOint
The company had one man killed during tnis action.
On 31 July the con.paIlY was ordered to move to'rest bivouao
one mile south ot l\lOTRE DE Thr ee Gerlllan prisoners
were captured that dey.

.................. .
.. . .... .. . ........ .
. ,
.utn: C' 2 j

r,i t:

. . .. . . . . . . . .
...... .
................. , .
"5?, J'.'Y.
(l .,-t c 1:".L.



" , c. u _
('1'!-' .... '.1
.'\r !.'lored l s r nee Hr. t. +.' 1 j "n of 1..' ., 2 j
r /.rr'lorec D1vi""ion.
:.. ...
''', n. It')", l7tt. "rri"'eel' of the
2d l...rrno:;:oed t()
LeconnB': fl"" Cr" tt' 110"". t. r< "U(1'ust
;' of Armored nee ;l"tt.:'li0r, 1 'U ....H'lt 1944:
52 Of 2ie ers, 1 ''11'l'81: t O:!,"f'1e er, 9S '5 nils ted Van.
;trenr:tJi of ,g'2d .\,rr:lcred OJ} :31l'i'ust 1944:
;(" 53 Ciffic ers, 1 effie er ted 1".en.
All operations in 17ranr.e.
J.. ,
, , 'J:; J'.\PCT: ;L: Not applioable (see "eport, \o;endix '1).
, ' .
t '
.. ' ;:'r LC.
2 .Jur}:,tion: C0!1t1f'lCC of
l.UC:'llst 1944..

IWPcse: To Rna deflt-ro;,r Foroe. ,.,
retreatir.r:- tn tre eeet.
,.uthor1ty: 1st ll.;) .....r'lY.
F. 1. )..,
H. con::J;,'D'FG- OFli'lClWi: ColliT':el ('!.. '1(,
I. Losses in Bot1ori of me.mbars of the RfCOOI)t; 1589110.
1at tt.
2nd Lt.
1st Lt.
l .
Craig Thoma8
William t. Shaapnoi_
Morton C. Eustis
- 1 -
,. '\Upust 1944.
4 ..ugust 19"-4.
4'u(':Ust 1944.
4 1944.
6 1944.
6 ,!, U "'\lBt 1944.
7 .!'.u.f"Ust 1944.
8 1944.
8 .."i,Uf:"I.lst 1944.
AuPust 19".
8 J\,'l{'llst 1941..
22 AUe'\1st 19,.,..
2.3 Aupust 1944.
'1 Auguat 1944
31.August 194,..
7 August 194/..
10 .k1Jguat 19"".
l)'1.ugus t 19"_
22 AU8ust
:i f., pot.
Teoh. 5th Gr.
nrt. 101.
Teoh. 5th Gr.
'l'eoh. 5th Gr.
Sgt. '
Teoh 4th (jr.

2nd Lt.
1st Lt.
2nd Lt.
2nd Lt.
rvt. lel
J.-'Vt. 101.

'i'eoh. 5th Gr.
Pvt. 101
T.oh 5th Gr.
!Jyt. lel

rvt 101.
,ilvt. 101.

Antonio .Parra
John C. SevEige
Rex J. ".' tephens
Robert I.:.
'r a.
.' ........'1100 G. Lee
Tony J. G07ds
Charles A. Downs.
Allen? Rol-loh e.ux
Jame. H. '1helton
August Dreesler
Stanley H.. 7..1olkovtske
J ohD T. DaTia
Frank J. Pendleton
K1l1iam J. Jlakar
11' ed Souther
OYFIes::;;) wourWED
Robert ElT
:ilay!:)Ond H. Gro.s
'Ni11lam H. K11x-tric]c
Harrison S. Krants
Arttur 1. sLiiOn
Ceoil C. Hershman
Otha C. Murre,
V:1l1ian B. V.'hlttle1d
John R. White
eeol1 Boatwrlr'ht
lforr 1s !!. Fletch.r
l ..es R. H,naOll \
'1'holilt E. Jullln"'OD
80,4 D. 'l'hoapslll
Junior B. Stover
ClIfton 1ho...
!'hoas Z. Yet
Alba. K. CarTv'
W1l11. J. ..cull.,
1.,111 R. ,Aneacla
he_Sal aas..l
;; "
Eup H
;r4I:1a. D.
Elmo R., 'l'G'l"F
I .
Thadi. W. Wmn
elenn R. P1\tman
J"a.'.I1.. J. Gt'1110
l:orr 1s C
Diad Augubt 8, 1944
1)1e4 9 1944

! .,
KiJ rP
m J. 5 .\UF,ust 1944.
i-'Vt. 101. Jos e ,)h T. Greiner 6 AUf-'U st 1944.
!-'Vt. Le orl C. : :il1er 11 f!'t 19' b..
,: '\-t. 101. Bernard C. Griffin 7 19J...i
Pvt. Farvin J. iJ ,:..u;,:ust 19th.
v! L. Vosburrh :3 ',unlet 1941..
John J. 'l'ay1ar 8 t
L. .'..UP:llst 19l.4.
A. S hater 8 ,\.ugust
lj. ;): ook 8 1
Cpl. Raymond R l.Ufust 1944.
''Vt. J06e l
Aguerre 8 1944.
;;.yt. Ie 1. Joseph C. Chamberland 8 ."I.ugust 1944.
!'Vt. leI. LewTer-ee ,:,to::.estreet 9 AUg\B t ,1944.
...; rt Eobert L. 9 AUgust 1941.
:tal ph E. Mobley 10 AUgust 194.4.
.Pvt. Roland r:. Lovesque 10 AUgust 1944.
'lieo }1.
Fay E. Bird 10 AU&\1st 1941..
',':111iaa c. VllLda BClBoh 12 AUgust 191.4.

c. Po1comb 12 AUgust 19..,..
Glenwood c. 11 AUgQI t 1944.
Cliftor. H. Sander s 14 AUeut 191e4.
'Pvt. 101. Cecil H. !iartin 14 1944.
,'vt .,
Louis Gup.lleL"Ilo 15 AUg\1: t 1944.
l'Vt. Harrison 01 Green 18 Aupust 1944.
:c'Vt. 1e1. J-irthur A. !)9nepu.ol 19 194J..
Teor.. 5th Gr. Wil11es rl Veaoh 20 AUgt1,st 1944.
,i:'Vt. le1. .John H. Laws.. 21 Auguat 191.4.
cpl. lohB E. Smith 21 August 1944.
1el. George E. Gladu 22 Auguat 1944.
.i.'Vt. Harry :N. McReJ'!101da 22 AU8'l.t 194.4
AUre" E. Miller 22 AU'-!':USt 194,..
'rech 5th ur. Bruoe .l!i. 22 AU'18t 1944
l..ovt :V1111am H. Louth.. 22 Aueust 1944;
sgt Elm_ V. 1lann1no 22 1'44.
'1'00 h, 5th Gr. Jaok Pavl.k:o AugUR 19-..
W1lliam 1'ura. 22 1 9 .. 4
:,th Gt.
14 j'. Patte:r.on 2) AUogqt 191+4.
Teoh. 5th Gr. J. Dollar ' .23 AU8U"t 1,,..,..
'l'aoh. 4th Or.
Lee 'A. W1111. ,2) Aucut 1944.
ot1. '1'. Lett ! '2)
Ec!war4 !.!. Lind , AllIU' .1'....
Ronald V. Ruch
1..' ..,..,

. ,ft> .' \'.
J. Members of the 824 Armored n1enna1.......,fta116n 160 41a
tlnt:r.liS.hed themselve. 1n .otion t1Rin. A.....: W, ".,
.. ... I,
", '.
R1J;K NA..'W: .A!AIll : \'1.
Prt.- Melyin r.-IndJ'a4. Bl'oDii"'iia . -' !). \\....
tj,t. Homer C. 30141ers al' itt 1\11_" 19U.
t) HubC"t Beall stu; ,I Auuat 19..,..
,. f

, ,
, I
; \
I .
(.None i
,\ ppe ndlx

unIt Journal.
CrdeJ.'. duted 6 , ..U(:rl\,- t
(,'rder :73, ','!ovt;rl y
r::aroh CTder ff 4 'l (]V
1'(1' the Batta Ii or- COf"l:rrnder.
GEORG"S 1'0 nra:;",d;
Capt. 0111'.. -lrma. Hell. Dn.
S - :3
- 4I
-- --- ..
To Atter 191.1.. #1
82d Armored Heoonnais8sDoe Battalion
The beg1.uill8 at thia perlod. round the 82d Armored Reoonmisscnce
Battalion In ass.mbly ea. at T)6848S, nertcrming mair.teDanoe on veh
lola., weapon. and .quipment atter the 8J LO Break tllrough. .,
Comi8D1' "B" waa attaoll.cl to the 67th Armor.<1 Regiment on 1',\1gust
). and per1'ormed reoonnais8anoe to the soutn ot YERCY with the .Bat
ta110a .outh to vioinlty ot betore mia.lon .ere given,
"A" and "C" Companie.. compall7 "A" to reoonna.issan and tind
routes to the .outh and e.st ot ST Sl-."V.K:-1 CALV;"OOS and "C" Company to
perform recol'u.1aaan throUh the torest just to tne .outh ot
Sh""VEH CALVADOO. ",, Compen,. continuing its :mesion ot puahin on to
the south on the center axls.
On August 6, 1944 the Battalion was a mi.sicm ot pc"
toraiD reocmnais..noe In tront ot Combat CODlIand "B" to kal'l'AP'l and
DOW'ROl\'T. v18 ::Jfl' POIS and CHERENCE LX ROUSSEL. Th. Battalion ..eel on
Us mi.sion at OOlOl!. 7 AU!Ust and the .nt11"e oolwan was brought under
.mall arma and mortar tire between 8'1' POlS and CHERENCE LE ROUSSEL.
Ut.r day11ght the Battalion tound it oould not proo.'. on It.
axls .ue to extremely .tron@': eneJQ" re.l.tanee. It theretore b,.-paad
the area by going to the wt and .pent the day to v1elD1ty
or :bARD'l'ON wlth onl, slight re.18tano. _t.
OD August 8, the Battalion was 1v.n the l!11 10n ot pertorm1n
r.oonDai.nn.e tram south ot BARDTON to the north through MORTAIN.
BARD'l'OK to SOURDEVAL, GER and I'Lcms lna4Tanoe or Comb.t O_-Ild "B".
-B" Compan7 to 10 through kCR'l'AlN, -C- OOJ.1lP8D7 north t'roa BAHEN'l'ON
and "A" CO.lllJan,. to 10 north alons the VARDNE Rlva' throU8h LONLAY
L'ABBAD. All Companl soon met h.ay, r.sl.tano. and 1"1 llttl.
Pl'op' Wd _d.. Auguat 10th tbe Battalion wa. .etto d.t.nd the
r1111t 01' .a.t nank aloDI the y..ARJmB Rl'l'U' .oall ot r.R GEORGIS DE
ROtmI..LB. Bl_l11 the brl4aU on th. h1ch'Wll7 .,n...n BJJUmTOJI and
DOJD'RCIM.', th. B.ttallon held th1a PO.ltlo. al-. the r1r, with Bat
tallon Headquart.r. at ROCBE uatil Aupat l)\h Wh.n It ... given the
1l1..1on at taking the tOlfJl of JJOIII'RON'l'. "D" COIl,..,., 67th Armored
Rt.1maot anct "E" Comp811T ot tile uat .uaor.d tJlt.nb7 watta.h.d tor
mion and tha 62n4 ,l.1d .AJ-tW.17 JattaliOJl ... pla 1D 411'-
Mt .uPPGl"t. .
JJOJmtON'l' Wa. take at 160OB,' Aucut 14th. after t1.... t1ch' and
by llisht-tall allot the 824 Ua.... a:loeanal......'tallOD wa. la.inC
:r.ll....e. by 117th and l20th Intaatrr a.elMo. Of tJl. ,4*1 Iatant17
Dly1alO1l. ftntll'. Battalion wa..........1. 1- .S..1ah, ot ST
tor. _int._ perl. wblah tiD.e ROCHE .all A__' 11th -han
1t ....1....11 the alloll of _Hh1q '0 tile ySa1ll1',. of SEES.
'file ....11 to yie1alt, fit tlDS ...._,In at 12'08 AUlun 18th
alld -A" C-.ta1lT iY8 the all_ puahinc " __i ...._ to
Yl.1I11t, of MOR91LImtS to 401'11111. hlOlltlT and .n..,. t1apoa1tlon.
111 that uea. "B" OOap&DJ' hat a like ai101l to yl.1nit, ot
- 1
August 19th the Battalion moTed to Yio1nity AliillCHANVILLE
and mission reo.iyed to push reooDn&isnoe to the north between the
towns of' V'ERNEUlL and DREUX.
This drive to the north with tl1e mission or taking B0UHGTHEROULD
oontinued until August 24th when units were just short ot the objeoti.,e.
troops relieved the and it was assembled in .,icinity
of for a maintenoe period. However, before this WeS oom
pleted it was moved to the banks of the SEIl-:B River in vicinity ot
MAlTTES where it arriYed early the 27th ot,:"uP'ust. It re
mained here until 1700.'3 A Up1l8t 29th when It o]!t :,.sed the SEINE and ad
yanced north and east towards the Riyer ',;hioh Was reaohed and
orossed on September lat, 1944, after !!'l8.ny small brushes with the enel'l17
and numerous prisoners of War
On ,.Up:\lst 1, 1944, the Com.:1any weB assembled work
ing on f".Litenunce of vehicles, weupons end other e' It
moved to vioinity of . ERCY tr...at ni;rht tin,j continued 1ts Cl6.inten
anee period t;.e follo\'.iLfr, day. :I.ugust )rd found the COm,)i:,ny moved
up to a position one mile v,est of NCNTKU;'Y prepurin,;: for a mission
performiLg reconnaissance lVest of l'CFT;3RAY to find for Combet
CommeIld "En to edvar... ce south to the rORTil.lN - DOI.:FRONT area. The
COLll;..>any did not start this mission until 4th. The fU'at
resistance met at 1545B near T5493)7 in form of one Mark IV
tank, infantry, and anti-tank artillery.
In the ensui'Lg action Lieutenant Thomas Was kUlad and seven
men were 'I.cllnded. The reformed at SEPI' FR.I!.:RES and agein moved
out on its mission. The seoond platoon again encountered enemy re
sistance at 532344 1r the form. of 88mm anti-tank and mortar fire.
One man was killed and two wounded when the platoon Withdrew.
On Aurust 5th, the Company moved to T537)21 at 16SOB and apent
the atternoon olearir.p' the area of mine. and' booby trapa whioh the
enemy had sown" iT profusion. The following eta, the Company mayed
to poir.t four and one-half mile. ot ST SEVER CALVAJ:)(S and again
had to clear the area. of mines and booby trapa. .
'l'he OO:".1)[..ny was a mission to raaroh With the Battillon to
'ViCinity of 3T')CIS and perform reoonnaissanoe south to the
area. The maroh to this area was _de under OOTer or etark
ness, however, oor:siderable enemy tire was reoeiTeet the route.
After daylip,ht tpe Company mo'Yed to the west and south Tla BREaT to
vioinity of arriYing there at 2l30B.
A new nis8ion waS given the Company on Aucuat 8th to Pl'ooeeet to
ot LOLLAY L'ABEAYE and destroy bridgea to the anet
secure the r flank 01' Combat Commanet "B". The OoapaD1 proceeded
on its miSSion and enoountered resi.ten.e betw.enST GEORIIS DE
ROUEI..L and H.t-\.tlliFTOl:. The 1st platooll b,-pa...d M the north, the
)rd platoon by-passed to the aouth and ...t While 2net platoon
remained 1n observation eaat of BARiiTGI. Ll.uteaaDt and
two men were killed when their ,.-8 aJ'JIGl'ect ear .a hit by an 88_
armor pieroing shell just west ot ST GBORGES Jm ROtmLL. ArtUler,
fire was immediately brouRht on the 88am CUD anet it waa d.stro,...
The 1st platoon with attaohe4 Knginr. 'oiDed the )1'4 pla\ocm at
LOl:UY L 'ABBAYE and destroyed the brldp there. Stlttenin, ene., re
ai.tanoe roroed them to withdraw to yioinlt, ot 'he tawa ror
the light where it reoained in obaenatlon UDtil tbe follow1.na Ml'D
ing when it ugaln attemnte4 to oontinue 1ts lIiaalOll
but ... fer.ed
to withdraw in tit e faoe of heavy resistanoe in the rora of t_ ill.
enem, tanks.
August 9th, 10th, 11th an4 121h .aa .,.nt oltt,.n1ltc the line
ST GEORGES DE RCUELL east to VARKNNE RiYer wl"b01lt 1Mlt,_
The 13th of AUl:ust. "A" Compen, re.el.,e. the ailon aa part ot
the Battalion to take the town or DOMrROI'T. !'h. tuat re.t-ta Wa.
met at 7600)1 at about l600B when Lieute.an, xll,.trlot anet on. en
liated man were Re.latan.e o01latate4 JIlO.tl, ot 41amouate4
men with rooket launchers. AJ1 e.tt.te. f1tteen or .ont, e .,.
aoldiers were killed when the Oompan, waa toread to oODs'11.to tar
the night at 748026 - At tir.t li8ht the tollowlnS JIOJIJllnc
- -'
tI e\.,..f
, If
the attack Was resumed by t Battalion v.'i th .j".." C om;iany in reserve
and outposting the rear.
, The Company moved into .tAJ/FRONT about 140cr; A,up:ust 14th. and Olt
posted the town after the remainder or the DAttalion had taken it.
'fhe Company was relieved by elements or tIle 30th Infantry Vivision and
returned to the vio inity of ST ROCHE at last lir:ht.
August 15th, 16th and 17th was s !l8nt ir mai' tenance 8t:d rehE: bil
itation in the vioinity of ST ROCHZ. _\t 0530 ....UF!Ust lRth the Company
. perf.,rmed route reoonnaissanoe to vicinity of a citista,..:ce of about
fifty miles. It then determined friendly dispositions to tIle north
and. east of &nd oortinued route raconnEJissance the day
to GAVRAY a distance of seventy-five miles.
The mission was then changed to push tl
e north towards
. BOURGTHERC'ULD and locate bridges across the numerous streaMS on the
axis of aC.anoe. The Company WaS in contaot small groups of
enemy with only skirmishes on its route between and
CONCHES. Many prisioners were taken along the route. were
found on all streams and only light resistanoe was met until August
24th when the Battalion had advanoed to points .nly a tel'- miles south
of the highway between Be URGTHEROULD and ELBEUF where it oame under
very heavy observed anti-tank and artillery fire.
August 25th found the Company telieve4 in the late afternoon by
Canadian troops whloh had joined us from the west and we moved to the
vicinity of l!:CQUETOT for a maintenance period. The Battalion was moved
.. the following day to the west bank of the ::;ElNE River in the vioinity
ot MANTES GASSICGURT Where the maintenance period was oontinued until
1600B August 29th When the aompany crossed the oElNE and moved into
an assembly area one and one-half miles northwest of VILLERB ER ARTLERS
in preparation of pushing reOonnaissance to the north and east towards
the SOMME RiTer. .
This neW mission was oommenoed at first light the morning of
AUgust 30th and the Company was in oontaot with the enemy AUgust 30th
and AUgust 31, during whioh it oaptured many prisoners and inflioted
heavy casualties on the enem,. The Company waS in an assembly area
two miles northeast of liARICOURT on the night, of 31st prepe.r
ing to oontinue its mission the folloWing IlOrning. .
.. Ul1'ust 1, 1944, fO:.lnd t:-:e GOC1[Xiry i ilt 13';74;.p
perfor mirp te"nhrce. The followinF" it nov l; t to
T499332 wnere it cont.acted friendl;.' i' t!il"'try .. d ;I()sted r"l1:.:;.rd .for tLe
niF"ht. Or. t>e ''lornir'r'' of _,.il!':Uf\t 3rd it :"".oved 0:-' to one flJ'rtr-T r,lle
south of r..; I ;.r; (T4?4352). 'l"lle 2nd Ohl 1 00I1 recnn
naissnnce fer tf'e Betta:llor, 'rncred 'eriroont. tor 4. x 4
truck Wfl.S hy t:rtillery fire ne:-.r FCf'"TI'.fF Y.
AUt":.Jst 4th t,re 1st plf1toor Yf,S ,.;: Sj-!1"C. ion or
ing nort: crT' seotor of .JT:; ;';". d :rrot.ect'.ncf plat
oon 11: of rlilovirp rood bIock.l}'!toCIJ rf:'1:,i',ed in :lo[fenr-e
of this seotDr of 'Woods .. lOOOn until l700B. The 2r d "'er
forrled rc.te i'ecorn:..Iissf,rce for lett 0-:: 00nbot C;ot1.l"lt:Jrd W'f'. ro'o
evel:1Y ocr-tact. 3rd Wf;lS i: rf!serve . .eers
rOLd bbek i, northerr:. sector of l!'Dn.:''l' .J:.: .iT .,..;:' ....11. 'fhe CO"'T ny
(lP t.o ,,1' IJ.reeJ wout one .mile south of :'( :;r2J7>'.Y nnd rer.lf.1 led t ;,ere
durL.,t:- the ni#lht 4-5 :-lU/?:lAst. (I:esther: 3'<iir and ". s.rl"l)
5th t.fJe 1st i: reserve. 2nd i:rl.ctoOJ'l (,;ont'-nued
reconnaiss!;nce for lel't 0'" ....:ombat CO-:1!':la.nd ";-;".
ener.".... V artillery fire e;: t of :forest. oa.sualties. 3rd ;)lntoon moved
out at 10000 to rOute throul1r: 3T contact
ed 60th :iLi'antry Heo1eved enerr.y r:ortar and 8.rtilJ.ery fjre
While tryi ... [, to find naV route to .J:-:; BCI$. MO ct;sutil ties.
l.nF.iLet,r WLS 86\. t forva.ra 'to ole ar an abbat1a: frot1'l c rond in
'the :T .. :.ft8r ole.,.linc: tne aOd'ttis, 't1;e vms moved
torv.ard to ul':.Gpe e strea'1l at tbe scut'.east 1'0 tile forest.
Was not uS our ov:n iu.fl.J.litry htid reached the near bank of
t.he 'j.::e;:)latoor rc.1oi:'eo "T3". 'i'he Co":! '&ny C' did not
move duril1p, trc dHy. rl'ivate 2"irst. Va.n l1outO!"'. W.r,s lr'l.llet1
arId jerrec,r.t ;,c heo hnd Techlllclan 5th Grecle DOnald were wour.ded
by enemy !!lortur fire "'hile acoompanying the Com..'!lSnder on 8 visit
to tbe 3rd i.llntooll. Fair ant! warm.)
/J...URust 6th tne 1st platoon Vias oN.red to reconn01.ter e !)OBS ible
route tor COf'lbc..t Co.mme.bd "Bn, trom JT SEVER CALVADOS to ST (T3, via
L.T{: G.-. ST, and lJl crC=..Y/tLEHIE. The platoon "'1th
half his scout section, reoonnoitered this rout. troln l)OOB to 15000
re ..Jorted no enemy oontact to ST l:J(.lJ, and continuecl south to
I.E where enemy artillery VB.S pleoir.g Returned 'b Com"any
and led platoon baok to select 6sser.Lbly area tor Battalion. f-lutoon
reached :r.:J; at 2200.!:.l. 2n'd Platoon in reaerve. )rd t>letoon con
tinued reconnaissanoe of route to CJL:\l1:i S W BOIS. Re.alled to Company
at 1300u and moved to nav.' a8sembly area. Engineer platoon renw ined
with Compt1ny "B" OP. COL1pany CP 'Was shelled at 02)08 by ene.'llY artillery.
No cllsualties. 4..t 17000 COf'l.pa.ny noved to new areu ir, the vioinity of
T4r9321. f,.eatLer: Fair and warm.)
AU8Ust 6th the 1st platoon met J:lattal1on in new areb lIt 030013.
Was ordered to reconnoiter a tJOSf.' ible route 'tor Combat Com.rn.and "3" thru
JUVIGt:Y LI 1ot-r.:.:,1'::.;!.': ami t:1el( to r'(J.l.rAlI-;. At 0630B
',rtill;':::'1 "K::.!:i !.L "1!eh:ity ":)f' L :.':C:: .L.'l an.d the ;->latoon
le.. d ...... A "0 of the
9th Infantry Division. Information 'Was received at the ..marty had
launohed t:.. counter attaok in the vlcir,ity and bad 'ulre6dy cut OTf the
repiment in that troM supplies. The platoon to paaa
.. " , .."
tm: t. t(,\1:j \''';,01, ';,rtille::;! 1', & PL ceci 0', !.iB col: i,r tl-le
:.J 1.::. t 00, 1 G(!; ,')I.:e;':r'ed '"iV,dri' \1,.; it k.:. :,t .' tOL scctiCJi ir to":n
for 'r,;.:;',;:;:'yt).;,'. 'jIb:: ct1>,ck cC'r.tLued t, rou;!'.() l.t t,r,.(, dy "C ,lB
toor: 1',,3 (CDy-msL; th? ;,eo,o:1' 'J ::ocncd tn,; C',,';,:L,Y:, 'lere
the ,,' Y:",;e J.. ;led for 2r:d:l
ltoor. \ .. ". ,',"del''''',; to
co:tc':. t' c ;':::" '1;;tt,.11c[: of :7t, r"',)rcrl 'et",j t so"t ot
i;.. <lGr:;' .. ':C' n.' :', or:;iitior. '."'(-: 3rd D'!tt (',
t6cted !.it J,J. .' L ;",iflre j t ',\h8 'N: t 'C'l': c e. v
t:,,',' },: "" 1;}1 t L'C' ;'riOl.j
1y ;)1:: 'd ctr:;i'i'ed ;:-',6 .1,:.,:1 ';, ,ile t ,> C ;): .. l'oads
at .L., ".< ::r, VieT<'" reoejvi"p tJr:ti-t Ark ,nu :;;,t:l1e:::v fire
. tel th:, J}""ttulic, to t.:,e ti,t
lJo:./,r,y.:, C 3rd ,Ilat()on [1ov,J,d:r ndv:-,' ce ot' t;C:'i,,,,rl" to I.e e,''1bly
are:: Cor:)orel Jarrlor; Cr,'p
tured rt: or,c",Y .)ilot \,;110 lv:;d i u':t (X'lr:lch'Jted :l b11rninr J",:_J,:"'.
:'oved C'lt :,t \J'uOH to rFCO'[ oltar Co rOllte for -Ii.
C07 tiicted ',,' p"lr; near :;>. For!'.'led
rol'-lJd advi 0]") ene"w ositior..\t leHst six
&!,d riv"tc)C :,; V",S killed 'in4 Lieuten8!'t ..;lY'l:r:d riv,te"':-r1f'f'tn
V,'er, 11. thl'3 ilotion. I"ie'ltenunt Fr,.nt'Z took oont }:1nd,t:.e ..,la
toon (lroc(,ed towards r;c',';':I;. ire': er:e""-y flre (,:)o']t
mle -:'TO . city. ',tte"':Jted t,r) fi'd " 1"ll"ther Sf):ltlt. !f't. en
OOl.u:t.eN:Hj l.:; ro,d hlcc!{. The pl",tooli took n s':<:dl),)t
rol, cr: e northern rO'..t e tov;ard 1 f::; d \'it:::'> cdvissrt hv
i:,:ral<try tl',at tl1f; ene'"," hr1d 1 to tr.e city. LOC[,t
ed !l I.;]VI,n... "C I r'en for the tJO;l.,I"ny i t:'3 of CICV"L,Y".
The i:np 6i 113 tOOIl rerld,!l GU 'it1' C[J "r: yo Cj. Comu ny C::) l'lcved to
ne'\, ,;3;"e .>1y :,res. in vicinity of 0:'; at
courter H progress j t.his vicL itv. Com;xmy floved north tit
1,300l, thenoe to new assenbly (',ro: 1 tl.e
vicir,ity of CHEV}'J'L..:'..YE. C',eetter: lalr y;c.rm.)
On Sth the 1st pletro' orderea to paSS tnrc.lri' ; .... (0,'1',,11,;
(reiortcd '" ,Ilied hSLCis) ,,:nd t'orceed r.o!'th nna to Ve l1i;",
t:Tc-md OVl' loo}{ilfi'; the c1ty. ;',e the platoor, 8:J;1l'Oa0
'led tLe c5.ty SIlE,lll
ar:!lS ...irc. :-"'8ceived. The <.: f)I'OOOll to tlle city V;"IS over l. very nar
ro'Vl rond, u derile. up t.o tl'!c ilL-n F'Tf.Und 01. w':iclI it l'.dJ
situl.ltea. f0ho,lst Al"!lOred ,,')eoticn dre',\ snaIl t!r'1S fire i t):e defIle,
arld &3 it into city rece,4.ved Bllti-ta: k [naohine
gun fire. 'rIle platoor. leC!.der ordered. the re:::,t ;)f t "8 ::)latoor; to move
back to '10rc fnvortiole ground before floi'b ir.to ;ios1tioll. end beoause
t.tiC ro, d ',,:,0 so nflrrow. continued v.i t} t.he 1nto
t1:e of tl e oi ty. \ roed block "",:,8 enC('l!)ntere(l. r:eavily de
for,de':! bV ;"1[lchire {'Una and tlr!'1S. :,i'ro':. this' osition
was 0, t.ne ener,w's defe'ses. whieh incl1ldeo ore fiT'ltl-t. nL ,,,m,
two i'ark TV ta!'ks (dup; iT) [md num.erou.s "1flchi
-e run nests. '1"i rOLd
blook defer,sc;, l,er knoc]red out, hut lv'r.sn"e W:',S l'nt)Osfiible so
withdrawDI ordered. 2nd:',rm.ored ioS ordered to 1Vloe
as r;,!lC} f iro <.8 DOSS 1ble irto tte derlle. /\.fter ten fIl'lnlltc t 'c J'tre
wes lilted .I'd trie 1st JJ"!!lored 'jectlon: \" ithdrev to refOr!:'l. fter t; e
}'d0:tfl::r:ized t!,e er:e":y sLelled our peeitions 1;:10 s6vcrt'lly
a i'Ul't',;cr i'ii'l;:,dr:\\",l ltec'::If'le neoeLs""ry. Ir, the aotio!' ty,O ':en
we ,'E-; iri1LJd, t,,:o ',issing and six v.e::.mded. lrour k ton 4 x 4 tr'lcks
were dest:roved. 'The 2nd .D:atoor., at o ''J0011 moved ee.st to :I.':T,:rr' from
",. '0
. "1 ' " i'";
\" ___ ,s_ ... Q'E' ,
-: !-,
" ,
CC"'_"-:h d 1(' 'r, "';{Y\"' i:-:":,,, :frr: I" _ , ; . : . ',i',e
c:,'ec.: t:,:" J' of tr', it. er't.t3l'ed ',. '.. Ld
31." tc: (: T, 711;tco t',e: "to'; :'\.".(1 to oJ
by .
t' (' !O;''!.'', 'blt '-;:!j bI'!;',' ;1t :lnder V;/ .,rtiLJ.t:::ry fi,re.
.. '.J. T 1" '\,-:, t 6 tried, 'i H \"slnder r i r'3 ofene'ny
t I!, . ;'1', 1 L" rt:rr"p.::. L:ct ct f 'c.de fri,"' nlv
il 1.', ',' J .. , ,or>, r'iL.tin to t;, CO"")' : r:". 7).jC
:l :"'111 "let ()(' <. :.:io ]700" < "d CI',>'rnd to
r. . _'.'
; - "1''',; t I",-: .. .;_. t: e
" :: ,;
O'''<:,'i] liO""" "n;, ",e o"'3.rtc"':, tu Ie' lIorth
of 1.
tl!Ct.e.Cl elw'.12't, fJ',:",t ,yt' n ,-" toy.. rd
" '
'1-j d st c)f ! "'.".:' t; e l'!j ,1,t 'T
G.( -, .

,. lat. (;'. r: :t_ ir,ea\,i t;1 liO' ,'ny ":3" C Co''':'' 1..:;
no f.:' to
::: (:!, 1:.' ,,; l' e,' C' , e tT'i,le north 01' 1."..1 'l';,; 1,L: I.':, (' I' , t ) 'er :
CiT, . \ ,+ ith t-,i p 1st f)lc ":",00; lV' ,$ ir: res erve ror 10d of
reoe , ::.-. 'fi ttir.", :: nd rena b1l!t"Jtion. 'i'he 2r.d platoon, E,t
(j '7 1
.i ,. .. \\ .' \.' ..
11 ec"'t
.. \.. '_4(-', .... _._.
' '1'
, ..

J.. ',.
'::\l1'" ion
..; .. ,'.f-ra,\J.., t
..... ...... &;;,J
or ;- co r c t. :,':::' r' t:tree 11' v 1c i' 5ty of r;", o1:d recorr:01t
er::" l'n:lt.c iF, ,:r;,. tLrour.l'1 tonk fllstoon of "" Co
at '>.L ' '. 't t: ',' rOLd norttrwest of tbe ;Jlf:l.tcon re
ceived r'jrp e-';,stols Ulid rifles fron behind tr:e briar'e.
':1,rtl11r:; f::r, \. 1, "eL down or: t',o l' sitier. ,',-s the ,.latoon
prf' ol"red t,r) ,'''Je, u; t:lf" ene'";,y an ul1ti-tEl.nk gun was s.:.'en r'lovir;'::' i'to
90r,itic'" ; e. Three tanks tlnd or;e were
ObLl01"V\,:.i i> -; Ole! 1:1':. d t!.e entl-t,:mk f1.rt111ery f1l'e
'che c:':er:y ,.lositions, tut its efrect coul.d r.ot ohserved.
'!'lJe < -::'.' (,L tc rCi',d 1[1 o;-:,rjuDctlon
:1'}t,..'(,' G.f' 17t!: two of' "rl" ,ny 8nd
O:'f :.t;J. !' "2)rd IJ'cnk ;J9strCYf'r5. ' *I'he pl""toon WFlS n .;,"
CO"; ,ny ' .., '.nd ,j-:'ined tLe ;jt L?' "'he tlla
toon' .1 to' 0:"'2." '-',.2:: ,:,:ontacted If..1" ,)f town.
Ca:-:>tured .::r.'t, ;)ri;:;m,,;rs of' l'lfl.r. 'iounded .;riest 1d
stfltior. n.eV s,t 14001-i. Eeconnottered rrounrj
north of .... .1. 1;0 er: e.-ny c cr..tact. 'Returned to co:';, ny are; at
.::b. :re!';'!t.i ed \'fit! CO.':!")(iny CF. COr.'l;){Jny CP re'!'lnine4
ir. :::'ie lee0 tin!').
Gn t> l'.. th Jf.u{"ust 'the c.;Ot'J'anY VH1!j the ot
attncki':r: : to :36cure the rip-ht flank ot
Combat COrt'li nil "B"
The 'cived out at 0900B to rect> Moiter 8 WOOQS and smL:ll vil
lape to tLe r::' flank of the Co[!r,anY'1I &.XiS. Reconnaissfmce of the
woodS nothi C'. but sir::ns of the eJ:'lemyts hhsty VJ1thdral\'el. The
ener'W \'l:S S6<::-, by t:-ie SOQut section lrL the 8!1'ltlll v UlbP.'e. The platoon
ad",;\:,cir,p: of t.:le toy'n prevented their plaoing on the enem,. .
'The v 1110 :,:'e '[;S '(O,lt 'nder observation end the woods held until the
!.,latoorl" s cr::1cred to rejoir (;omluny at 180013. The 2nd rylE!toon
Was ordered to secure e high Boutr. of HACOUlltAY..t L..':G
BlC':! ,,' CO' the 67th ii.rmc.'red WIiS detendLf1' t},o
ro:.::.d. ,,}, .. , 07th .\r:Jcred :er-ine}]t waS 1" cO!':tact the BD8"ny
one-h"'l1f ,ile ort); of u':;;] Blm;1.;S 0::' the platoons axis. The platoon
re';.1_: 8C :: C, r tact \,,' J.tl:, tLe ele menta ot the 67th A rrlv.red Reg-
inert U G rc situction bf:.ck to Com.pa.ny. ;'lAtootls Tvas re
l:ev('d 0-:' ':lscirp r.t 1 :JeT. The Jrd platoon oontir,ued recQ<:nflissanofl
to 2 "d north 01' , .. ']' ..... :.,. ;)('1':. I'o cor:taot. platoon
H-l1' T 1b1
- - - - -- ....

s .
at 1000-;\ \'.',.1:'; i."'ed t!,e :'uDslc
C:' ,1:;':'c;U '.::I':i':r'c: "t' r.
mile or:: '..:0 'i' c ;1. J't. be 1:
beOttLV}e tb; nil' co:;: ;'s \'[;8 it, 1 tc t '::
never o:::c':..rred.. :,Cist \'LS e;;;t,:,;,li,' ,(; ..'.;':
- . 11
was oltcd 0".. t: e G:uthEll'n (t, Jl'O(lO': te /.l." C. . "
& heuvy :'JJ,V .. :1. ,"'etc,ok :it Clj()!j. i'j't ,C lj;'t:,-2_" 1:'
t1!ack e,c; tro;lC::i. (;o;::;;"'i:Y c.... (C'+' ')1':
find Vi8.rr.1.)
On IltJ'. tLe 1st LL(i 3rd Clt 0::-'
lDiiiltenJ.nce of , wet:. OJ'S ,,;'c1 e,\'li '::[;,' rt. 11.r c 2ric I: :.. t:- 'll"
scout ; :;d o""c aro:rcd radio ;- ::l:)':i.ve, ;, (3 'j S!j:] X:.'
u -lr.t(,d to ('r':'i 'i Lt 1 .
to learn, 11: tJ.t.tioil:t WU3 c1e.r (::1' t.e c c C 1" de
at hill 26), r(irtl of 'i'J;c:l..tre:l CPi.t Ct(:Cl" trol
fro: t.'6 : rfo try ",hose cxia \'. :.:8 t';'el2.i:: rCA, d Ie d: ;- o;.,t to
GER. OOLtoct '\,"';;;8 '. de 500 yards rorth 01' tl'.e L V..!L 1..:,' .. iv' ... :,t: Gie
terti): ,y:d cir;lt :'1erl. :,.i'ir+! V:0S ':.'lc.:- C',Y
to ou.t:t'l:-'l": t:: to the ''.Lil, 1'o:'J ;
ad t'r;e i:-i'ol'''ati.:y;-, O!! to tl.e L,.lst Infantry. 'rho .p';:;ltrol t ':', I'("t.n'oo.
to its '1' ;'::1'6U. r::hl'] cexr.; platoon rS:1tl ined t;, Ceo',:, y "::,,,
C.P. rrhe OCr'le!.y 0:' rH::eied ii". :iositio. dllxi t'1e df'l.Y.
Yair 1.:!!1d "'8r':':.) . .
Or! tLc of . 11
.lst t'19 tOG. wos l' r"8ervc.
pJ.atoon Jl0vcc1 to ,i) e ort.! ot "'f" jT.. .. ld let t"C ')1'd
t. ;"r,- to LC'LIY 1,',"\::'."3:'. C:l !"'(' d0':, !l te ;e, (C
"l:S ',. de '. :Lti} ,rlc ,':;out 'i dh'-:.')lt:lt,;:.1 "',;'IS"
placu Oi: t::e \'ith .sr1l1ler::s, rL'le .":1'C:r.. d2S, r:ort.l':, One'

"II''' 1"'i11cd. tIle """I" ..:'\th,lre,' roo .... t'"
1..:1 _.... '. '_',.J",u...;":' ,-"t.L.l ,,_ \.l '-4""",-,,:, \,f.' ',J .... , .... -;
quarters of a of' LL'! L::.Y L ._.02.J.... t e lato('!. V;,;j ,,0.:!.J f:il'cu ;- \'Jl,:.le
the TO':id .1UJi.ct1.Cr, secu.red. .1:d ':;c:::',(! '-l:' '(1 rt
i11ery fire 't'Jere .iluoed e 6fl6;:iY l'csition i'c'!."oi" The'. to "':it;
A defensive d.'Jsi ticL \. 11,' i.r. OO!:' jllr:otioL v,ith (., c;' tl.o
17th .t',ngiLeers. ,.t 22)Ol( the ;'[8.8 c'rdcI'co to l.'ct'r" t::; tt;e
CO: .;IUr.y arei..'!. Tl!e )rd.!.llttoOIl. '''laS held it: reseu-VEl 'Inti1 l?OOJ; 'J]:er.
ordcrca tc set U
f..'. defensivE: ;:,ositio!" north of 0 lic'..] br,o;:
to tl-[e OOHc:-,;;ry :..trCi. ut 19)011. The ; latool: jai1.ed
platoon und e.snlstcd it in out:1o:.:.ti'-r the road to
minefield l'Jti[. laid L.!:d ttc 57':-:1:."1 tSU, v,rus sited tc cover r(;..:.c ,htno
tiOD, one 'Ule of Hatu,rned to COr-.l,ULY 141'C"
at 22)O,t,. Co': r:.,ny C}' to 'j.l 744057 at 161011 to e "it;:
platoon 1; Or I.C I.FLY L Heturriod to '1:714027 at
(l',61t cr: I'i.ir !1Ct.)
On ,j\u,,ust. 13th tIle batt.dIoll wr,.s 03[. if"11ed trle ion of.' sei:': i"
and t .. c tOi'r. of r.. The 1st plutoon \(1..8 ordc:rcG to re
oonr.oiter a ";ester :>, :f'or [, orossl;'g to t: e
Com.liuny tc f1an
: ! for tLo !:l.l:i;:: utt'lO::; ". feroe. ';'.!'e
platoon rtOvcc.J 1600b nEd 01' enSi'lY )'01'.'. eli
"C" Com!)(UJY'f L:.xiS 'of ndvanoe. "e" \:,1[;,13 leld:.J. t: ( 'dl,'s
west of lX", L1:d v; tL & (Hunter h>: ,il f'!" t, t e ')h t.O!'lr ',r'\' r. d
south to flunlc of "e
: (;o;,,,.,ny. The 2r'U}q,toor re
maiI.ed ill rc[:e!'ve. tl'he Jrd pl[1toor: moved to\'io.rd ;C .;'-:,:7 b ;':'CG .. 'Ftir.
axis ot "/,-" "C" <,
river. Jut ! ...ortc...rs ... to o",er;:..tL.l. 1'11.... f .... (. ",d 1. '\el1....
l'cc ll::c tJ t' c lie" ny _,T":L.(3Cl trl":. <.l
VI0.Y .. :' __ : 'i,:"er ut l');"u. CO.' .. .:-;y C 'lCV",;(. to '.::744011 "t
':r t:, L;tl. of U (1St t e .. :. ..L i..cd. 'to ,.
<..1" ].O(;ctt.i r : ,.trc;::. Cl."CSSiL' so .. the.."ct 1."'1: li ':' :.dL .. . .. fla
t'}; T, ... for t C :.:tt:,ci-: m t '; to''-''L ... 1<::.1;(')01 ,O;C'.l U'J.t
at .jJ., .:-.. ..riB fir,; t ' I.i1ruL.u. tJ-ac
. .:-:.c.rt:....J: ...... PHf" or "cs:ttior. 't'.<...lc..toi.' ::oved
i: . c. ,erreel .. Gl ty-tYG pr)::;; : ex.:.. '1': esc, J.t Eiectic. 10c ,ted 8
,-:;;,1e orOl';' -.. icr, t! 8 .,la.toon ',it}; shovels :., '.J dp':lO
15.tjoL... 'J.':'c.'l::.too!'i held tl:6 l. (- for G1' to ,::'(1 lc.toon.
r,elicvc',; 125ti, \:'cv'll"V' r',lddro
, ':It 17JI.:);. 2nd ,1Atnon
nh'V 0' t l':,::,t fl'I;;, of "e" Co hny, (' t,e L... ''f
.td.vcn" c.t _'oi' t i':)l'OVOCl by tLe lst)btoox: ..t ut t;. .oi!'t
0) e-1' If' .ilc ".n; to:.:', ,-:,1LL.:, t:.ree .11103 s,") _:f :..)1,.;' :,',C: 'll,
tLe Be",t [;cct 0 ';(,.S fir . .:1 0'" ',177 e ,'11:- :.. d l'i.-1e3.
Lo ;1'(:; :.d t.e ,AL;ut secticn \ .:3 ordcr(;d to u;,c\':
" t3r.u',le t c :'-lecti..:,r. to fire (' t; 0 el.aS ositio:::,,:,;. /..11
weU!.){.r.c ! t t: er,e:l.,' .,;:.1 [, of tile v5th
:trt:111'3ry f' :'cd, bt'lt \';t:t: ere,.v ",'itLdl:c\'; le::vi!,p,
their 10 .,:,d 0'- ui 'ii:rae ;.. ilJS '\ f'l.)J,d
at t (; ::'0,.;:1::;. '.i,;riC U.l', '.'.'itii detectors. .dj at 01'
rllJ:E:..S n:re ."!.:';:1. J.:c cr03b rOl1do Vj . B SOC'll'od und O!.lt,cated until
the ' ... ::; ... by t e i3f"'.ladl'on. 1J.:he Jl'd
plr't,':- .::-;r::::t [It 13)0 to seC'.L"'e Tl.:.ilroud or0ssing. !!(;1a U)
n }[,t,,)o:' of 125ti: Squadron fro., 8.6lJY fire.
f'OTWr'rd d5.scoVISXCQ t e aor'siotad of eif'::;t with rifles
and I:ere ::1'i VO::. off by t '6 .'ic.toop. ILl. toon l'elieveu at 16.'3 vn.
:.loved f.,rward [it 14.001"' u;id oroa.i fP
held by 1st to CC":l..;any "BIf 02 at 17)00.
Co:.: .. 'eny Gr".loved to 'i'7250J 5 at 1600iJ e (.i ont her.: vuir er.d VluI':l.)
. Or. 15t':1, 16th, :..:cd. 17th, tli6 OO:-"",JO.lllY under\:en.'t
lllEJ.i ot ve\1cles, weapons ar.d otter (.,
dux >.r." t:lin )er io::.: Cloudy and wru-m. J
1':':t!1 Com.uny moved to area, violn1t;.. or
The 1st iJlutoon !'lOved out of. th1.s area nt 1400:0 to conto.ot fr1endly
unit:., i1. vioinity. llatoon sent <.: patrolto CTV:.RTtL-Ji3 ",tich contaot
ed e1(,,:0: ts of tLe seventh .:U'c:C'rcd D1v ision. 2nd platoon Contootcd
tr1cr.dly unAts in viclnit:.,r ot the 3rd !,IIstoon OOI:taoted
friendly lL'1its i vioinity of :;:; .. J. COrl .eny Cr' !11ovea to SM.:;-S, rrriv;,j.
1n" ct C')35". ..;.t 1445B, the Ci'.J r.-.oved to C.019274. three-<"uai'tcre
or Ci 'j10 or :..:iT LllLCJ:T Ll-': ;. ,".t::L. ("leatLer: 2a1r und
l. )
W'llOt 1<)th, lot l)latooLl 1: r,_s;:-:,ve. !'1l0vaa '('.it;i
Q11nrt(':;::.: t(', r eO. 'V 2.C lui of (;C,; .7IL.l.:: ;;;U(:..... pl.ntoon
rc. te l'ec:);.! .. is.-':::-J:-oe t )l).( )rd )latoorl
.ClOVS, (:t O.lCO:c to 3e1::'8 ;:; d hold Lria.... e .,t blX,t:J'l' J...":; ;<8HCh
ed 1.e: U'S ,t l020H u,:d fU:','l it L tact [L d held by ftie:-:d1y tl'OUlS
.H.e"lL.i"'" ,.-;- 1 rj-'e'"\ll'irt' tl'c nUht. Cl,.,a :.iny U,;., :I.OVCU to :-:8911.')1
'i: :....re: t:<t Cl'J'.l0y 8!;d rL-it. J
I 20tl:. ii. ..,ove..;, to
at l5Jt)Jj. ovc;j to :....t 210.;1:1. C.e-trler: ClO'ldy unu ooul.)
-' .
, ,-.--,--
On 21, the 1st; m.ved Cl1t t 0600r to rECO;." oiter
to J.Fv'ILLL. J'uare:,: to ti'; OlJ.t skirts of ,;
...,here. '-'r:""'"'' ",,,t';11e;'y W"'f!:! !"irf"'d t'r.: 8: af,lt r':'1' . n. ',((1.'
1'1.. v ...' ._. ...' ..........t- .. t ( .. ' .. , .JJ:; '.. I. j
tars Cl a concer-trotier of (i out seventy tc Gi:c-'ty let:,;', j d
wO'lr.d i r ,., aT: uy:ky(w;r n'lnt-.?r. C:::. ;Jt':re(-: 0'8 'F:'i' 'r L :'.1 ,LJ1', " (J,'. ,Jt'J ir ,j
se'\rer: i.et' 1::- e .!:,'oro ,?erFJor;,nel o'lrie,r. I,toor:. fI:, i',l
observ!:"tto!' of' e n e'1Y ;mti: of'IlL:; ior'. ;:,it, 2 <U'i.
Ooro)or,;,l :it:' .our:ded by enemy rifle f'ire. 'L
h-.2Ni ;)1L. tor;r,
out ',t 060".'.' ".:n recor:noiter we8t rO')1;e to t.: 0 tQ1.'.n 01,' :J.' \r,L:. .ecch
ed t1' ,-:; (Y1'.> tOV-!1"1 1'lrd firE' fTC;", tJ '. ::)och:.
so';t 0i' t('l1')'l. ir c,' c:'c :r'lif';v'.':(":;!'
mi.s::ion at 3:rd .ilatoon 1;, I""'s(,'T've. 1"'01.1.0','(;:1 l":'f:r' '.C " .' oC
Co':h<,t CO'T.. !":(l ".fl, fClr t c S,'11t',
of .j.!rV'ILL,. Cc :1PY'Y CP .tloved :.'1'0': '(FiS)l)t At ny j'eus,oe:':1,
. l -
:( p

-..: (."
:' t
?':i ;V..):.....
., ..
.. ' ; '.
(e"1 t'-1 aT'
, , __
;::-':r-,j the )jOlt :-l':1toor: !'love:! ,:It 060:)L.I to rE'Co' 'citer
ZOI:G r:,"d'Y0+9ct k", rif'tl,t f1Gf) , of CC"';b't CO'1.".,r.d 1!'", [!dv,rc',np on
1'(T.:'f} ,:',.: 11: ";8 t'lort:- to'"'2.,:;,.r:, theT' west J.CTJ,n'"..
e3t.t'!;,"j' :,;) . t t,,,c i'fI'11'trv )1 atnons ,';',S t crc<;;s
r,t ::r. ':1 e ')latoDr1 morthr ,.nd 2CrJ..'J. tJ.re.
The Dlfltcx)!:',o7. " c:rcn? cr urtry tr eSC[;:J {irt1-t,:1r.k fir!)' Ijj;d
c:',utu.:r.eJ (':'; C,":"'iceT nine "'el'1. (roered to w1t).drA'w, the
plat.oor :lfe :",11(1 into some \'OCdfl tD Dv,rtit nn't .e ,.
Orders to c t::,.\:, "j Ewio'C V'erc receiv d fIt 17i)()H. '1'1"'6 Ene Lnd '",lth- I
dr l>l"r. fror" "'L "lIt o'"'e "'1" .... tf> r 'lIe' ""S" Of' ',' '. J- t ---re "AY'e 4", ..... tv '_.. I' 1_." ,,_" .lJ -\. ... t:.". _ :.. i-.. .,; 1.. \.J'"_ . .......1 .. .1 g.r! ..7
men \'11th nOI':::r: d}':v.'r- ,vehioles. fire n.;s ,lvced o. tbtf 81 fIl y.
Thr(",e ener'y wer ' 0;:' re cl. The JletooTl eeded to neri' ,,;<;i th
out further ,",oined tho )rd pl!')toon urd bl'iol,w.ccd l'ortfJe nip'llt,
'l'he 2nd r1e toOl'. re.cor.Lcitered route e3.s't to until
by 3rd nlntool'c&t Captured t .. o priscners. 3rd rt31ieved
the 2nd. p1ntN1I! nt 0".21.1-:-' I)r:d to\':erd ','ILL;. : '-1.tl' 01. ':noount
ered on br11re west of Kille d five of
ret1lrn1ng to ,l3toon. At 11300 fin enemy ool:ml1 upproached frohtli.e lett
flank. .. b.,ttl e ensued 1:"" wh ier: the .r latoon knooked C'Jt fo:U' towed r:uns
end five atll'1.Ur 1:t ion voh ioles, and captUred two officers thirty-f1vE:
The !'loved ir:to bOJ',FEVJJJLE at 15l0t'l. .4.
enr.. 1, t"-'" town netted eip-l1t. ene:ny deE.d
two 77r.:.... rn F';"lrrr: JTocked out. 'l'he scout sectlon lender lind tViO \,eI!e
Wourded i, tj,in enf'c:::re:nent. >;'letoon seoured thc:; uY-,ti1 relieved by
th e 66th :J'!lOre4 :.((' {"i!nent at 1900H. CCnloor,y cr moved trom 12({50J at
091b5. Ca;:t&ir:. Lcrp,e (Hid four enlisted men ware 'Wounded "hen tl,e com
mand halftr:,)ck struck 1 went It'to at Hll265'
at 21'}OB. (' optl'er: Rein.)
23 1st ,'latoon in reserve. 2nd platoon ,moved 11O:rtl) to
cut roc ds leodl!lp. il'to I!.LBEAUF. Contacted enemy at ar,d
knocked. out five horse ardWl1 vehicles, one self-propelled ":tIll., ons
teN\! ed pun and one Yolkswtlr:on. One-quarter mile north at .
the plntoon knocked out three truoks. three motorcycle s . ..,. d OJ:C 1f
trcck. .r. total of )6 prisor-ers \'lSS t;aken. .'l.ss6C!bl.ed It C;\., .'...\';' IS.nd
outpostea. 14th lfield Artillery. 3ro platoon l'lOverl north '.ll,til
was!"'.Elde \:1th 2nd platoon at 1400,:1. ,Juoported hct1m. O!' thl t lr:toon
at ),U:t Con:.eny C1') moved to ne'\;\ bret:: nt !H)83910. !'uisl.:noe
air raid flt 2200b No oasualt1es. (Went.eT: Ra1l1.)
On the 24th of A u at the lot platoon iT Ocecueo. or' _, .Jli ::.; i on t 0
locate ene!!l.,V' north and east of n;lFREYII,L.h; IT' the


.J .'
ot BID mOJlAS a lu.. JlUlJl)eJl ot hrama were obaeryea 1u I!l
WOo4..4 IefU.. th., .t1'or04 aD _oallent tart'et,:the platHU
rJlte wa. bee.use the .s.aaloa was to looate the -near ad puh
APJlloaohiD8 DARVILLE trom the southea.t a motor.yol1 .im4 two
__ U ..... 0111"...zae Obn.4 to our rear. WheD t1"1e.n411!'uk
u.a1a'opH .,.' tu. on th.......b!c18. th. platoon the tlaDlal
ptAk1q up ta ).1riaonazaa att_pt1nS to oap. the Tank Deat:toyers. ft
..too.... JI.11e....4 b1 0 'ComP8l1J at 11008. 2nd platooD 1Jl :
," platoon 1u..eY.. OomP,u11 OP JlCJlred to H08)894 at 10458.
,atber. Clowl7 with raiD.) .
2Stll the Com.pan, mo...e4 at 1,'0 to _W Battalion area at
.102848. (W..th..: Clcu., an4 warm.) .
. 26 "'up- the COA)llD.Y JIOYect to MY Battfllioa 1' 81'_ at
19)08, anlT1nc at ntl6a at 2,.OOB. (W_th..: Rain.)
21 AUC1II" tbe 2a1 platoon .,nt a patrol to JI.AmES G.i\tiSICCtIRT
.. r_1D4a ot the a_paD,. ,....tOI"... _innoe at yeM.l, radiae,
wapo.. aall ..btr 'QUi,..t. (W.athe, J'aU at war J .
2ftJl td AlI6uat til. Goa,.,. .... alert.d t 1011. COIl'tlDUH
0- ....lt111'...... (......, 4.11.11aiD. Pt fa. eal1rs!' )
. OIl AIl8U' 29th tb. la, PlatooD mare...Jloea SlINE Ri.... r at 1545B
.C oontaote4 Brit!. at 1IARlC0UR'l. seoued With th_ tor the nl,e,
2Jl4 platocm ......4 &01'oa8 SEIRI RDU at 1'458 an4 r8ooJlllolt.:reCi
to IWRI!' U VlSlOJI, ._ur.4 'at town t. the n1ght with 1"1'lancU,
G. __8. ':)1-4 platooa ...... with 2nd. platoon. Oa;tUft4 tiye 'pr1aon
.... OOAJllIW CP ...... to MA4ft' D TEXl1f11l. h4 and )1'4 platC)018.
C...u..Z" Rata,.. ) . .
OIl" )Otih et a.,u.t th.1.. platoOJl a1ntaln.Cl oootee" with .
B'rltlab. 4viDe da" COaPBlQ' at BS961S4. 2S1cl ian4 ,Platoon.
neOlUlOltQ:roa......UF to It'967S4. tat PlatooD took
, ," platocm took aD ;prl.on.... 2nd .1atoon outpoateCl tawn oi'
I'aarsous !!IIUJC t. the 81cht. ,:rIC platooa outpoete4. town o't.D:
MUtnq G.&'IRDB tol' a1ch'. (Wthel Cloudy and rain ..; Qoo1.)
,1ft of .......'. lat platoon in rea,"a. 2nd platoon.
I'eute to e
.O.""".4 es.lbt lIl'iaon.ra at KORXUIL. .
..,... .. 070C8 t.u4 BIOOAIB. Capture. a1x Gel'maD. at "Ilat votat
PlatOOll ..... 011 tbJaoap J.&S SOIS S'.r lM.R'rIl'l, RElnL and BUWAlS to
JIOIJDtS. JdaaSDIl'F BattaliOll to mOfe al'0\1114 ooluiul
to Ooapr..,.. W....811...4 .at or MORt to ,.. UP. .Platooa IIOY
Ido ..lYo._ d .RelDL. O.IB.' GP' .,..4 to .709'4. )00 JUb
fit ItJJI.ANOOURT. !lain en 0001.)
.._....:..-____._. _ .. _______ ._ ...__ -_ .... -- .... ... --.
1 .
f :
! .
AUgust 1st t'ou.m the Canp",DY in an !lssembly drea about one mile
SOllth of l1J:E J.E CIDILI,Y performing '!l81,ntenence end rehabl1ita
tior.. 'rho fClllowiYlg day 'the 0 moved to 6. a rea one md one
hall miles Ll&Ollth east of Then on .\w;:ust )rd 'Ylo1nlty at
lY f'ollowing the advfutOe ot Combat ComnBn4 "B".
On 4th, tit 1)00.1:5 the Oompany Was 'Yen a rn.l sa10n to 11.0
throuvll tlle o-t Sh'VEB C.ALVJ\..OOS and roads south the
100';'1' lL EllenlY oontaot 'It\'8S "1l1i3de at a road block COl'lsiatinf!; ,
at frlllan trees at a point one-ilalf !inle into the torest. 'rhe Oomr;:en, J'
went into dism.mmted action UlltU road block oould be oleareel. No i!
mine::! could bc found &l'oUJ'l4. the road.blook and jt seemed to be un4e-
telJd(;d. j',t this point Lieutenant r:;ustis, olatoon leader ot the 'rei
and Lieutenant Jordan, Cor:naDJ .!!.'Xecuti'Ye arriyact .
tv:o me4.ii.ll"'1 tal1kS vm1Ch were useCi to break a by-pasa ...h tbe
tnick tt at thz side at the road and around the blook. 'I'M 1
tanl( destroyed an enemy motoroycle with 8 burst ot .SO oe1.1bre "ohin,
gun fire as 1t !Il)ved do\,;n the road towards the Company pit1on.Th.
SCOtlt seotir;ll of the and 3r4 platoons were then moved up 41811OUIl't
ed Oll. the of the road to prOt'idel flank proteotlon 'tar the
ing colW';m. .
,l1t this point the ene!D1 opened heavy oonoentrated tire hom well
concroled alone either 8:148 ot tt. road with
mortars ilnd anti-tank 6UD8j Due to the nature ot the teftaln al14
hea"fY trees ar:d underbrush only the ..11 arm. at the 41-.O\Ulte. m_
and t!18 nachine of the lea4 tank could be uae4 88a11181;. the ea ...,.
serious oasualties be1ng caused by thla eDe.,. t1rDeI elh
it \'.Ins i'Jlossible to bring efreoti.e rue on the e.1Il)' ....."lona 1t
Was decided to withdraw.
Yitilo tho column 'WaS w1thdrawln'h I,1eu".naa" ,DoMe,. and In.
Sergeant evaouated the woundect. The' ..........a1 tri,..
the worst of the oross-fire to .arry lVoUDde to 8. ot .ar.".
Statr Jerge&nt Bralce kept the 4iaounte4 Ill. 'in 11 b, oonatanU,
exposirlg himsal1' to tire. betterl!"8 the position, an4 enOOu:rtl81n@ 'lte
JDen. .i:>rivtrte!:elv.1n theat'ta.he4 a14 me of the IRt pla'tooa.
trented v.oumad nen atter he waa ..e1"1 palntUll,. wounded h1Jaae1t 8D.4
1atcr tad to be ordered to the r.er. !'he .. anti
When a check ";as 1'1.n4e tor oa.ualt1es it ti........ that r...
men had been ll:Uled lnclu41nS two platoon .u..... (Staff Sere_at
Parra and ;':tlJff Bullington) aD4el....... wouacle4. "..
Oom any rctm'nod to pos1t ion DOII'th ot SAN SIVER to _1t turthU
The l'ollov'.r1!',p; dey the OQlllP8nJ' WIl. alerted a" l.300B to .lllDge boll
1t8 assembly ar ea. near MCf!'1'DRAY towed ST SJ.'V'ER ft. c_,.,
less the 2nd :,lutoon moved into a1'_ n.r MEJIL CLIlIJIfAJIPS.
2nd platoon movE;4 on a reoODDal..... ailon to Sf J4AftfDU.
south ot ST the platoon oOllta.tat the _. '1'he platoon
lee.der had tha 91atoon v/1thdr._ to high pouD4 ea.' at ST MANV'IEU.
The enemy shelled this ... pound 10 the Platoon was wi th4rawn toe
point just north of th e anA ahortl,J at'ternr. retUI'De4. to .... I
OO1ll;Jany on order. . . >' '
The COl!lI.lftny moved :tram OLINOHAJIPS t. 3uft "..t of ri " .
SEV:::H C at 180013 and prred t a1ht Jal"eh. '1'bI 00....
moved witll the Battalion ., 010_, A.,..t 1, to IIIl de. JWI-' 80...."
ot ST . The )rd platoon was :,o1r:t tor the Com,>e.ny and drew some
a.mall arms tire ,WIt before moving in to the neY' a.rea. The CO!lOO1l1
moved into a tield and remair.ed 1r. th1a poaition until daylirht
At this ti!t.W3 the BattalioD o..aemblJtd on ground and set U\J defel;.
aive position in "readiness "rar an enGY attaok.trlat waS a pprooohiI1f:
trom .the east and .ruth.
Thert! waS aome artillery til d emall UlII3 fir e til at oc.>l!le
ably close. At 1100B thA Com,'8ny mOlT ed to an area west ot 5T jJ{.1!;:).
The 3rd platoon WllS given the mis8ion at moving on the ripJtt ot
Combat CO!nn.and "B". '!'he 3rd platoon moved via BRECY and mede con.tact
With elements at the )rd Arm ed Division near fJ10RT!Gl''Y. Oonbat Co.m
.mand "B" ohanged its route ot march and the )rd platoon had to double
the oalumn tl'l..rough ST HJIJlIRE - L'8 TElLLEUL to B.AREJ:!TON. This 1'1e.toon
ohecked a mine field west of BARENTOn and went tor a shart distance
tolWtrd ST GEORaES DE RvUELLE .bare it mede oonts,ct then returned
to the Oo.mp'l n1 assem.bly area north eaat ot ST 01'R DE BAJLIETJL tel" the

The morniDg (A Ug\lst 8th) the Com.pany was a.lerted at
t 1:rst light. 'l'he 1st platoon wa. to lII)Ve north at and recon
noiter the area to thetront O't Combat Oommand "B". The 2nO platoon
was to move on the left fiaulc of CO_fit Command "B". ThiS platoon _4e
eneIq oonrtaot aboot three ndJ.e. weat at B.Un:NTCN. The poeit1ons Q) l'!
ai.ted or sorile ini"alltrT. a towed 15JUl anti-tank gun ard one 8elt-pro
pelled anti-tar:k Contact With U,1s toroe ... !!l81rtair.ed by dis..
mounted patrols. 'l'he 3r4 platoon was . to move on the llatlk of
Combat Command "D". 'the nfJXt two days were this aree, how
ever. tJo progress could be made due to heavy enenv- reaistanoe to any
at't*11lpt to a4vanoe. .
On August 11th the COilpanJ maYed" to ....101nlt,. or S'l' ROCHE 6vd 11.
. 8embled. !!be 1st platoon waa given the mi.aion of' outjloating tile h1gh
WilT between rARe D'EGRENJE and 11) tile w.st or the
River. '.rhe 1"i... proved to be nOthiJ!c. aore than a brook. but the
maz'ahT nature at the terrain mate .the. Btreaa I5C1!tewha't at a banier.
!'he )r4 pl.-toon outpoated the :ra1l1'ca4 br1dge to the north or ::>'1' !!uiC
D'EGRENNK. ft- 2nd platoon placed an .outPCl8t cr.er _tOlling the 1'01'4
at the l"8.ilroaA b1-14ge. .eh platoon kept aetiT. patrols
and although-the enemy eoul4 be 0.0"-4 on the ea." ballk of \he r1".r
ther. w little aotlvltJ 18 the OOJQQ.1 ...t,ar .
The COlllPlUlF oontiJlue' to thoee outpoe'ta ana ., ure the
len nank of Co_at Commanc1 "B" until 1'008. 12 AUCUst when 'the
Oompany was "Ilt north to v101n1t, of LmlLAY L'ABBAYi. The 2nd pla
toon was to llOY. along" 001"tarr rca. Whieh tlll'llec1 north tram tbe
BJ.REN'I.'ON .. lX1M1RONT h1g!nray about' thr mUe...at of 'I'M
1ft platoon _8 to work on the 1'1.".' t1aDk .01 ,. IJld ffB"
CoapaDT ... on the lett tlaDk. DU'1Dc tbe .'Jze opva"!", l.ieutenall'
Warrell, Of ":e" OOll1:panl' _1ntab.e ., ne With .. Jadpl.,ocm.,.4
..oh platoon supported the etiIler 'bT 1'l..e Wi_ ...... allU1't IUDa.
!he b4 platoon .ct. e__ an ....., the l'o'ta4 3""ot10Jl
.u.....an of bat alaaH. tile re.ln... W1th ...11
u_ t1re<u.di proo..40ct to Uta nat afttil' a taaalr Pl.,.on' at .
-J:JIf Ooll.l*JlJ' ltd out,."e4 1. :ree. !'be 2Il4 plnooa aJ'JlOl"
...ar. t .....4 .. beN eo"NJ'ea b,. the ....Ult guu. I.!eut...at.
MClrtoJi t . eu h 1 t bT German J-oelc:et rtret 170& . Th18
eu .. 4amap4 ant the .1''' oont.ln_4 to tight untU
( . -'......... ........-.
"" . ..'
Ser{leant orakes oar moved. into position to oover it. The German rooket
gunner \',-es ld.lled by the turret gun in the 4aJDaged oar.
Lieutenant platoon o'f "B" Coms:tny on the left And the
2nd p.Lstoon shelled the area wIth 60_ raortar and 75mm assault gur
t11'e and advanoed to within two m118S of LOFLAY L'ABPA r.t!;. 'l'he platoon
OEliJtured two eneny halt-t.aoka in f9 od rrUlD.i'18 cond1t1ol1 1\'h10h had
.bandone d b'r the
1st platoon on the right flank had a brisk skirmish with
dUg in enemy infantry. The platoon d two !!laahir: 8 glm positiona
and one rooket gun position. The 3rd platoon 1R18 in re,erve during
this aotion ;:,!id outpoated the town or t1T GEOR(;ES DE ROUl!;LI.H:.
The CO::l;<any was ordered to return to 1ts aasenbly 111'68 at 2000
with 8 ne't"; rlission at edvanolng on lJCmFROllT the following day.
On A.Uf,Ust 13th t1".e CO!lP&Q had attaohed to it a plntoon of med
iU.. 'il tan};:s or r')1' CO:'lpany, 67th Arm.ored RAriment. The C0r1:H1D7 no....esct
across the -,- ..:i.,I:1Z lEver on a ford an.! about one mile e.__t of the
atre8m eno oUli.tel' e4 s!'!Hll arms tire. The point tank was hit by a rook.'
which kUled Lieutenant .c;USTIS and the platoon =iereant or the me41ua
tank ulatoOll. 'l
11e COllieny oootinued ita nc1Ten.e towards J.i(J,uPROl:-1l' un'11
dark,.hen it ()'It,,x>sted tor the night.
The V."jS oontinued : t fb'at light the 14th ot "0
Company with the and ;IF:" OOMpeny, 4-lat Al'lBOr 11ItantrJ,
moved the "";'1' L\a8 D' .ooRENlm: - DCifiPHOl\l'f}' _lth "Bit OO.m:oaDJ Oil
the rir..ht tl::n':c and Corl1P6J17 on the lett flank. omall sr. tire ...
reoeiv ad the h ig.!nvey t b'lt the out.kirts ot J)()MF}{OUT was reaohe4 .
at 13,O.u. The town 1s built 011 a high hill anA the hlsnway .JlO8sect
a atrea:1 at th e :root at the hill. This bridge found intt a1
tor demolItion. The lntantry ....ault the hID tol
lowed by the t2TlIC8 nnd "O"COmf6.Q1. TWo pOOrl), pla.ad 4util
pcBe Yere destroyed by the 1iJ1"antr),.2 The CoaP8J11 .mare4
to hold th e road junotion one !dle west ot town.
ens'11Y started t'hel11n8 OUl' neWly wo,u poeltlon8
frc'!! t!:le 1l0l'th, the Company be14 1ta gt'oUD4 untU relieved,
by elements of the 30tb Infantry uiyl.-1on at 220OB. Whereupon. 1t re
turneu to TiA:t1nlty of bT RCClm where it r.mal.... d until the let,h of' .
. At 05,013, 18th Allp:ust the Oompall7 JBO"e w1'th the Battalion to
vi 01n1ty ot 31lro The 'lD'n1lrtJ :the Com;J8D1' .-oved to
loUlRCHAH'lflLt.I:, ;;OHTAGNE en4 LONOJ-..'T where it reoeiYea the ai88lou
at 1530B of reeonna18sanee north i'rom L(;NGNt'. The].at .Platooll
wert rorth throURh .hUTRF:TL. 'l'OUROUVRE, BUBJmTRE, tiT MAl,t'rIN D'APRE ant
CHULJ, dravrt! ,,",: Sl"JE 11 erma nre only and to\dul all main br14, ,blClWll.
The platoor:. made contact with the reoonnftiaanee COIl:J8D7 ot,. 67th .
Armored at CRULA!. .m-1f188 at tb.lII c1uo,.4 .ith
deter:ded rocid block j1.Bt nortll ot the orOll-1A8.
The 2na platoon lIIOTe4 to 5'1' MltltXCE LBS ODRlCJ1Cl' to
a posit11)n north ot where it .t.....et with .....ot1
naissanoe lilatoon or- t!Ht 67th Al'Ilored Re.lMId ......1..... Coa...,
and found ttat tmre WeS enemy in the area. '1'hII plat..
JIlOvod baok to .AlINE and. then north thl'ouAIl CRULAI. the .oath....
to BEAULrEU When orders were :reoe1... ed to a8semble the pltttoDn tor a
.,,: :1ias1on.
Th-e Jrd platoon moYed to kl VIDtJ'CE, but 'tIElI helcl by eneD1
contact <;\1 d Dutposted the town durinll the day.
The Company CO'l"J'.!l6nd Post moved to about tour miles south ot
'.1];TITL on A llgust 20th, with e. r.u.ssion for the Oompany to push reooll.
neiss""noe to the north to vicinity atEl:.lmUF The platooL. rooved
north ce 17.. m&ny prisoners, but without meetir:g l'esietenoe.
Cross ings weN found oyer the nu.merOU8 streams.
Hesist:3.noe to stiffen when the weB jUBt start at
its objeot.ive end in the vioinity of LA DU TIlliIL. The {18l"rJana,
who had 'naBeed treil' urtUlery. atopped our advanoe.
Ca.nadiH'1 troops relieved the Company 011 and it 'tI&a
wlthdr,::!wJ' to !!lre. in tLe vic lr..l tv ot E;O':..l1J3;TOT to pertorm
me.i.rt ananoe, but before ttli. ooulet be oomplete4, the Com.panJ mme4 to
tr'e vioinity of n...t:..NT.:.;3 where t)le m.alnteDb.uoe or Teh1Gl..
and weSiiC1Ui "JUS completed.
The Comnt'l.ny J.lloved on the 29th ot August the SEDB
and north to Vioinity ot VETHEUIL in preparation JDOIrenent
and east a the River.
Or AUl;tust 30th the Company waa in Battalion res."_ aDel mareh
beh1rld the forw&rd elament. to "ioin1t,. fit how
evert it was to oontinue the advan.e 1'.oCllnei....no.
The started at thl 31st. There were several
skin.:::i.i8!:':-:S dIri {I. the day. The surtering two men kille'
and two OVer seventy-five Germ.an '-l'iaonerB were takell c1urlDC
th e dby inoludir;.g three ortloera. The OOMpl DJ acl.,ano.d ",0 T1e1nlt1 .
Of v<ere it ou'posted ter the night and prepared to O$a
the the next rlJ.orning.
---- --
AU@Uat 1n and 2nd found .t..)" fier!'cl'ol.-' 1.;\
aase!ilO1y area at t1'420410 atter the :.:..T LO
3rd the i"ompemy le.tt ,il'f.k. Lt '.142,"'::.1) .t 1/ ....
t;.ncl arrived fit 'fl.87);5 at 2245:ts. D1stal;Oe 't::'uvGleC1, ..i:0<.l.ltesL
5th the vomp6.ny moV{:'d blVOUAO to 'h,stea.
Battalion und in regerva.
August 6th, moved blvouac to '1'473337. tj dist.;.l:Ct: OJ.'
keoe1v8Ci counter btttery :11'e aurir.lg ths night. flU;' el' ::ct. . .L,:.i::;
08J%19 iu our area. 'tWo men were killed two :len 'oun..lei.
AUfIlU8t 7th, the Company left bivouao ut T47J''./1 ut OGI0. und
err1ved at Y518999. a ciiatanGe of tn 1J: ty ,'t11e::.. The 42nd u.t.toon
Was th. misHloL aSiJo1nt tor :aatte1iol1 Hefldr'Uhl'tera. 'l'he l"e
_lnderof the CO[1, Ully Wf..a ir:.toot.
AUquS't 6'&b the uc_mpuny mo'fed from YS18099 to 6),tJ99 u d1.sta.'oe
or ten liilld tenthS mIles. '.i.'he )1'4 ;:,:.!.atoon W::B P:iVE'L the mi;; ion
to suoport two plB toona ot Con;A:itlJ "A" that were :tron
l.ONLAY L t hllI:3,i,n;.
The 2nd platoon WaS to l'eoonnoltel" the r0ti4 .l...W ... '
to Contact Was .48 at ST J"iWv ,iXi COr:"crI... r;!lltl ls'1, ./1t1 toon
was Gulled. up anci \':iaka to :rlank the enemy position. l:cjIum, ti:..d{l; took
OYer the but ooUld not penetrate t.o 'i'he 'lut i:.lat.oon
and 2n4 Platoon were 'ooth "118Y.4 at 1900b. l-;ad not rcceivf)(1
easualti... .
\ '1'he 2nd ancl )1'4 platoons the f,ljJe1Ql'\ tn.
bridp'e and 1'0&48 at T11t6046. 'l'he 1st ;latoOll ...;as hela 1:: :re:::erve 6'
in outpoetine BattaJ.1oJ) lieadauarte:rs.
August 9th,J.ot.b., aDd 11th, tha COIIPanJ mared to 1'731021 ti dis
_noe or ll1ne m:lle8. The Oom. -81'11 w give the .miSsitlt; of (Alt).;.:>atl.ng
""Jut ttJWft of' ST GEORGE .:JB ROt1BLLE and ai'lJ1rox1mately one nile 8tiOt
Of the town. Durullt the n1gb.t W8nt lQ' vehicles re !!orteJ t\/o
II1lee north ot the Conteo't wa__de Vl1th tile el'til1ery a
ooncentration ".-as plAoed on the lto more .wes or tlle Em8!l)"
in that vle1ni ty were atratted by P-)8a on the 10th .ot :..urt.lst.
fio one waa 1nj.'urecl. .
AU@"U'b 12th, the 1st ad 'ret platoons 'fIel'O to outpost tho Ul..;h
_, ler:uSlnf1, t'rO.r.l t-JT DE Detween .. und VJR,iJ<rE
Rlyer. wh1le the .econnal..... Oomf,1ll'l t were tothe
Borth. One:man WU ",,'Ourr4ed WIllle on at nl",
"'.e ReeonDa!s8a.noe Companies were '.lth4raWJ1 1'01' e.nothv !11aalo11. The
tJmt platoQns coyered tlle route. ot wtth<U'l1wal. /
AUgu8t 13th, JlQyed blyotlio to 1'7"'5002. a cil.tano. ot elp;lttn
allo- - 'fhe 1art and 'I'd platoon. were atteohl4 to Com . .t'lny "An .,' The
aDd platoon .... attaohed. to ComteQ e". The and 2nd platooJls .ere
reline. at 1-5001'. The let Platoon 'WIle then cl....11 'he miasion ot eIlt
poetlng the stream .O'J.10881D at '1'7,6006. : .
AUp;\l8t 14.th, the Battalloll ..a tc ettaOk The 2nd pla
,1;oon wsa attaohed to Compaur "C". The 1st platoon WF... :, to hold the
.troam oros.inK. The )1'4 platoon We. held in Battalion reserve.
))()M}i'RON'f was tDcE'1'1. -
Auguat l!)th, day of _1rltenanee and rehabI11te'tiox:

---.. ... ... ..
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the poor quality of
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t 2):r '," ::::Hd ;lJ.ato;:I: j oine;d e eel. .-::: ;' :1<.. rlY "lOY ed
to ')74 Of. ,l'':lvca at lG43?;. Cy.;lt,u.rcd c:.r.... t ''::. crou'!
oount ry, r.:iLl'. tOl, lAS of .,.:.V L} i. ::": Cl,f eIC:.ti ,
..;""'-,/.,..11 I,' 1:--'1'1"' :r'J 'l C:" ,rJ1J.':'1!' to -'j',tJ!"('l-'
.LL.: .. J J4-I,. \J .), J..LJ .. wJ,..x,.. .J\! ....... t."".J..a...l ... :...A. "".' I-I.,.,. ... .J :' 1.. \ '.'
.t.t 1:;145,. lett Of' !lj.s;;:i.on to Clef.X (Jut to' riB of and
Capt ;re: t::I, Q6utroyed oriC Cc" .. ny relieved 01' ';lis
slop '.<r'd ntttllched to "R". '"oved to urc.. ..iles f'o!"th of
CI.. J..7j;;. ":.l'OU tor .:t1KUt or,s-h If l:our .ret 2)';(ln. ..t 2400D
received ord$l' to l' utpost 65th,r
.Dl'ed ";.:'i(l10 T1f.;tt lion ",t
085905 1\:'X re/Bl.. dar of ni.':ht.
",i.1lGUat 24th the 2nd und )rd platooDS l"tere l:ittflch;'d to compen, "e".
OP x,.::mfllt,ed Same looEitlon. Received SO.l:l6 ha:rrnssL:-'" shell fire.
AUP'WIt 25th, at 18)OJj the 2nd and Jrd :Jlatoons l'>;:turne4 to (;O'1lp
any. CO:'Lj,iUDJ' !11Oved to h106856. lldle north of 'UETOT.
August 26th, at the COZllt>enl moved to G.A.JS!CCT]r:T.
D1stance traveled 4-5.9 miles. Passed LOTNIEHd, Innm InJnDll.'V1LLE,
On 27th and 28th the OompaQ' .pent a period ot a1rltenanee
and rehabUl1atlon.
AuguR 29th the Oompal17111O...ed It and ol'oased SElD R1T. at
&tJdrtt-rl...e mileeat ot PARIS t to VETREUIL to blY!'J'WI .a,.,
0473 .. , .
fJOth tlle Ooapa., MYe. at OSlSB. It .
D then efta. oourJ'., to 1' .. .. .., ,lad' '*".. tit
B01:it1;;' aJ;l4. BACIl'fD.l,]JIRS. Co'1,......t Ill'" a.u,
B.AC '... ' 0..1*-e4 aSS: PW' a. ' .
.-. ua. Ooape.,. ......to m VOtQ"jts
AW>,.f:. .ORB .......,
J.A.. . .,. . JW'.... __,;;:.....1..
PI................ ..... ...
,' ..

..-- -----. ---.. ..
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. -
- .



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v:rlcls:. \"i,;iU done L -,Idth i.
u 1t,toOt of' the ,..r:'1lO. ;::0[1. $ll.. I!'
':uved to L..Y L'.U;f)",Yi; uarly i..; t:.6 ,i( ,,', ';It I
sto,,'d h\' enemy tank ,_,nd tU'til i.E.ry :'i.re .!:
_ c ced to \ :i:tadra\'. tc Of:I.':l f"li1c aou.tn'.. ();.;t of Ii
.'_'. T LLl:;
J;enuined ill bivouao but '018\ t\'w DJ: i'; vic- ':
11'1i ty of to L.{::&LU, eneJ:J I
attack. una )0' 8lltlrl. 011 :.l<;4.d;"""!', '
(lnd second spun, on aeec:d.Y"/ road
south of to\'Il.
Lemah..e d in b1V01.J80 ut MCUELL.r.:.
1:oved with Reoonnalsat:noe Battt4iCE to T.
Tm;n we. t.alalnby ReooDD81s8tzlCOe DC. tt.lior. <.ft.
all unl1'-a returned to ctl'ip:in.;,l a,&seml)lYlre->.
iloved to olle-balt south ot;'!' MAiw J'

Moved to one &11. 8.lutl.w.t at i
U.a1Mf1 tr.....l' u
Move4 to IT LAtJRDi'l U; HAJrIKL.
Moved to iIiA.1lCHAItJYlLLE.
Mor 'to "wo _le. aou. fit ,PAOOJIB.
II... to rf:1ta ........, crt
Moret .... .u.... filii $0.'-.0
_wet ... ,..."", ............. inC
the tq'
...... ... O.sJ:VtU,'l. tt.. _0 ..-b.-,...
S... Sa _em.l, u_
.... ..
5." lIa".eablr ana ., IIA.1f1S&I Gi.SSICO\'Rtt
.e.I... s.n .....-loT aNa MAlft'IS
I' ___ _. 7
j':oved to 'j ILI.L ,iI LRTl-IT..l!:S.
!.1oved to ol!e 'md one-;'L.1! :.-,1165: went o'f tLl.:l[:;Y.
Took five
lioyedto :1.:;';, ;,i'01.";'.


l\; .
. . c. , "
4 . ..... - .... .(,
. . . . . .. . .. . .... .
................ : :
HEADQUARTERS S ,/i.; t; k 'l' :
82d Armored Dattalion Auth: "\6, 2 AD :
Inlt: :
: Date: 2 Oot 44 :
................. .
................. .
JU"V 252 , u. s A:r1JY.
2 ootober, 19.......
SUB.TECT: Action Against .lSnemy / Atter action ite port, a:teptember, 19,.,..
TO The Adjutant General, washington, u. ". vhannelsJ
A ORIGINll. UN! T: 82d Armored Battalion ot the 2nd
Armored Division.
B. A'rl'ACHMI!!NTS : Company "D". 17th Armored ..e,ngineer Battalion at
the 2nd Armored DiTlsloD, attached to 824 Armored
...l.econna issa.nce .1::!attallon trom 1st SepteJlber through
20 September, 19".
53 otficers, 1 warrant off1cer, 866 enliste4 min.
55 ofr1cers, i. warrant ottioer, 892
JJ. STATIONS: Operations in j'rance, lSelgium. and Holland.
E. MARCHES: Not al'plloable tsee l'1arratiTe .t,eport, appendix #1)
The pursuit or the retreating ....rman towardS
2. lJUratlon: Operation contlnueC1 Quring month or
a:teptember, 19,.,..
3. To pursue and destroy the werman Foroe.
retreating into
Authority: aC1quartera. 1st u. S. Aray.
G. BAfJ.WrLES : (s.. NarratiTe .neport, Appendi% 11)
captain 'J.'heodore W. Lar.e,
2 September 1944.
(;aptain Clark A/lo... ee, 2 1944.
24 Lt.
George (N],,!!) Sohneider, 11 BePte... 1944.
l' .
Private 1st ulass
'l'eoh 5th
'l'ech 5th '.Tra<le
2d .ut.
2d Lt.
Private 1st Class
Corporal Oscar C.
Private 1st Class
Tech 5th Grade
lech 5th Gre.de
Pvt. 1st Class
Pvt 1st Class
Private 1st Class
Tech 5th Grade
Tech 5th Grade
Tech 4th Grade
Pvt 1st Class
Teoh 4th Grade
Pvt 1st Class
William J. Makar
Lee ;j. Wanne
Leslie w. Herbig
Leslie F. Hubbell
Clarence H. Wenger
Paul W. Wallace
Carl J. Wilson
Ciinton H. Sang
Oscar c. Natterman
Fred Livson
William Walters
George F. Pope
Paul F. Wegesin
Jennings W. Kelly
Robert C. Hall
William J. MUrphy
James H. Maser
otis Brake
Russell B. Wiberg
Ulys G. Bowen
James T. Pfeiffer
John Gleason
Henry P. Heppy
Frank D. Payne
Claude W. Norris
Willard D. Loan
Lee J. Davis
Christian A. Albert
James R. Parker, Jr.
Jeremiah J. Supply
August (NMI) Tassart
3 September 1944
2 September 1944
2 September 1944
7 September 1944.
7 September 1944.
9 September 1944
7 September
9 September 1944.
13 Sept; ember 1944
16 September 1944
16 September 1944
19 September 1944
19 September 1944
6 September 1944
12 September 1944
12 September 1944
1 September 1944
9 Se ptember 1944
9 September 1944
12 September 1944
12 September 1944
12 September 1944
14 September 1944
16 September 1944
16 September 1944
8 September 1944
12 September 1944
2 September 1944
7 September 1944.
14 September 1944.
7 September 1944.
1st Lt. James A. Fontone Silver Star
* 2d Lt. George Schneider Bronze Star
2d Lt. Everett C. Jones Branze Star
Sergeant Roger R. Fabr1 Branze Star
Sergeant Ralph J. Ko1aoz Bronze Star
23 August 1944.
2-15 August 1944
27 July-1 Sept. 1944
14 August 1944.
1 September 1944.
1st Lt.
George J. Karl Bronze Star
S/Sergeent C1erndon Jeffers Bronze Ster
Teoh 5th Grede
2d Lt.
2d Lt.
* Captain
* 1st Lt.
* Captain
Teoh 5th Grade
Lt. Colonel
Delbert F. Sohreiner Bronze Star
John O. Stout Bronze Star
Josep. A. Musoarello Bronze Star
Woodrow Barten Silver Star
HenrY' H. Burns Bronze Star
Charles L. Dossey
James H. Maser
Barry N. :MoReynolds
Clerk E. MoGee
Leonerd S. Hall
Philip S. Han1fy
Morton C. Eustis
John E. Smith
Theodore W. Large
Lester B. Johnson
Bronze Star
Bronze Ster
Bronze Star
Silver Star
SilvE.r Star
Bronze Star
OLe to Silver Star 13 August 1944
OLe to Silver Star R August 1944
Silver Star. 27 July 1944
Silver Star 4. August 1944.
1-2 Septe.ro.ber 1944
28 July-10 Seot 44
6 August 19L.l"
8 August 1944
6 August 1944
7 September 1944
7 September 1944
1 September 1944
1 September 1944
27 July 1944.
2 Seotember 1944.
27 July 1944.
1 September 1944
Ernest A. Silver Star 8 August 1944.
Robert M. Lohr Silver Star 29 July 1944.
Fay E. Bird Soldiers Medal 10 August 1944.
Wheeler G. Merriam OLe Bronze Star 7 August 7 Sept 44
Sergeant Louis Bisiack Bronze Star g August 1944.
Sergeant John J. Patrioella Silver Star 29 July 1944.
Sergeant Theron U. McElwaney StIver Star 27 July 1944.
* Awarded Posthumously.
K. mOTOGRAPHS: (None.)
APpendix Jl
APpendix. 2
APpendix 3
APpendix #4
APpendiX #5
Narrative Report.
Un1t Journal.
'F1f1i! Id OrdfIJr
FtfIJld Order JI t; "1th Att,.ch8d ove .... l .. ".
For the Battalion Commander:
-:;./4..- .......... --
Capt. Cavalry, 824 Armored Ron. DD.
S - :3
- "3

September 1st found the Battalion advancing in front ot the
2d Armored Division on the drive from the SEINE River into
The SOMtlr.E River was crossed during the morning on a crossing
located by "A" at BRAY SUR SOMME. Most of the bridges
found to be destroyed, however this bridge was a by-pass bridge that
had eYident1y been overlooked by the retreating Germans.
The advance was rapid after crossing the SOMME with little or
no resistance found except for disorganized groups of the enemy Which
stumbled onto our columns. Many prisoners Were taken and a great
quantity of enemy JlSteriel was destroyed during the day before the
Battalion was assembled in vicinity of RUMANCOURT for the night.
The follOWing day Companies "A" and "B" covered the advance
into BELGIUM with the frontier reached at 0930B. Shortly thereafter,
Captain Large, Commanding Officer, company B and Captain McGee,
Commanding Of ticer, Company A, were both killed by enemy riflemen as
they were checking on their advance patrols. 'l'he rest of the day
was spent in mopping up islands of resistance with one patrol pushing
into the outskirts of TOURNAI, BELGIU'M. The Battalion assembled in
the viC'1nity of RUMES, BELGIUM for the night, after an unknown nWJl)er
of the enemy were killed, over 800 prisoners taken and ) SP 75 mm
anti-tank guns, 2 armored cars 2 half-track personnel carriers, several
trucks, and many horse drawn carts were destroyed.
September 3 and 4 were spent in the vioinity ot RUMES, BELGIUM
in maintenance and rehabilitation. About 160OB, 5 Septem.ber, the
Battalion was given the mission ot proceeding the to the
east towards MAASTRICHT, HOLLAND. Movement was made to the vioinity
of 660280 betore night fall without meeting any resistance.
The Battalion was marching on 5 routes with "A" Company oover
inc the two routes to the liB" Company followed by the Battalion
Forward Echelon covering the oenter route and "0" Company cavering
the two south routes. fI'he march continued with only slight enemy
resistance isolated groups until 8 When elements reaohed
and outposted the south banks of the ALBERT Canal in the vicinity of
hASSELT, BELGIUM. All bridges were round to be destroyed but the
opposite bank of the canal was strongly held by the enemy.
The canal was out posted until September 11 when the Battalion
crossed on a bridge held by the British at BERINGEN and swept east
along the canal to the vicinity of the highWay :GONHOVEN to
HASSELT Which seemed to be held in strength as heaTY mortar, anti
tank and small arms fire was received by patrols in that Ticinity.
On September 12 "0" and "D" Companies were given t he miSSion oJ.
*1'.ring this which was acoomplished before last light but only
after a fierce tililt. .Illring the aotion the 14-8 ArJilored Car in which
the Battalion was riding was hit by a 75 IIIIl shell. The
driver and radio operator were wounded but Lt. Colonel. Merriam and
the rest of the crew were unhurt.
The Hattalion was attaohed to U.C."A" far a drive to clear out
all enemy from the north side of the canal. 1Iuring lJne Utl,y tI.,U
Qdvance was made to a north soltth through GENCK with "A" Company
ambushing and killing 186 dismounted Germans in the vicinity of
un September lh CC"A" with the 82d Armored Reoonnaissanoe Batta
lion attached, advanced to the vanal With only slight resistance.
nowever, several islands of resistanoe _re by-passed and t:le 15tH.
ueptember was spent in mopping up all the area east to the VAAS Canal.
16, 17 and 18 were spent aSsisting CC"A" olear out
the island between the VAAS Canal and the MEUSE River. un the after
noon 01 September, the less Company "A" orossed the
MEUSE at lI..A..4STRICHT and assembled in vio1nity of .ttAJUt for a new
mission while "A" held its seotor on the VAAS Canal until it
was relieved by -tjritish troops. "A" Company rejoined the Battalion
on the morning of 19 when the reoeived a mission
of marohing north and holdinf the line east of the MEUSE from UH111lliN JJ
to Wb1eh was held and improved when it was relieved by the
113th "."'alry Squadron.
The l;Sattalion tllen moved to vioinity of ALIMMEN, HOLLAND and
was gi'YWD a rest and rehabilitation period. the remainder of the
period oovered b, this report. ,.. his period was utilized in re
grouping, maintenance, re-equlplng and rehabilitation of the oommand.
- 2
OD Septe.ber 1st the. iaaion at the OO-PIln,' waa to prooeed to
oertain croasillgs aD the SOIIm River, report _ the bridgea, the.to
eross and prooeed as tar as possible betore night-taU in a north.ast
.r1y direotion tOErd the BeIgiua bord.r. Th. Ooape.DJ" AOTed out trOll
HARGIOOURT at 0600B. The 1st platoon tollowed by OoapaD7 Headquarters
after reoonnoitering the SOMMB River and oanal touBd all .orosa1ngs in
seotor to be blown. uaing a by-pass over a a_11 bridge that
had been tound by "I])" Oompan, at BRAY, the COIlPllllY oross.d the
the river at about l400B anu oontinued atter the retr.ating a.er_na,
oapturing 250 prison.rs in tights. AlIloet e .... ry liberated
town yielded a tew prisoners. The 3rd platooa und.r 2nd Li.utenant
Burns engag a ot int'anUy i n the op intlioting ...ery hea...y
easUltiea and oapturing 4.5 priaoners. Th. Opan, w.nt iDto an aa
seJab1y area in the vioinity or RUMANOOURT tor tba JL1ght.
S.ptember 2nd, the mssion ot the ... to .1
orOS8 roads thrU.. northeast at ORCHDS, a 41.t.... ot about 35
an.s. 'l'h. Co_pan, aoYed cut at 0730B an. arrl"..d on obJ.ot1.... a.d
.ross.d the Helgiua frontier at 0930B. In the t .. ot CIlOBIBS the
oaptur.d 4.80 prisoMra and the 3rd platocm "_lIle. a" OllCBIJIS
to guard t }1rlsoDir. aad aintain order. ft. t an. 284 plat00
outpaeted the oro.. roads. Oaptain MOGe., the O"l*n, Co......, took
tm lat platoon to the B.lgium frontier lII1el was returaill8 to OBCBIIS
to aee v4lat the altuation waa and to IIOV. the H_hd.r ot the 0capaa,
o. the outak1rta ot ORCHIBS his. t ..bu.bed &Il4
Captai. KeGe., Corparal Wanne, and Pri...ate Plrat .".,Herbl, wer. kl1
led. The 2nd platoon pushed patrola to the outskirts ot
Be1giu. tuther ooata.t. '!'he .Dtire was relie.,. od
lIO'9'ed to an asse.bly area at RUIIIS, Belglua.
On .eptember 3rd, lat Lieutenant Prank H. lorfan was ...ipect
the co..nd ot the CompaD1'. !lhe cla, was spent in _1nt_nc
September 4th waa spent on aalDteaano. sa4 retiabl1itatl0
S.ptember 5th the Oompa., ft. a.algct a ai8810n .. reoou8itcr
iD@ to the east aa tal" aa the DUSK Rl".er to ooyer the a4.,....e ot
elements ot the 2d Armored Di.,.ialoD. ft. 1e the 1n
platoon, ao...ed out on ita aission 8.Il4 tra.,.elect 68 ail, pln, 1:t.
all ass..,l, area' one aUe northeaat of LBB CULHB. The 1.t platooa
halted in pao'e on ita ,.1a and .pat till alght aptr_1-.te1, ...
ailes north ot the LION O'H WA'llmLOO.
SeptUlber 6th, the Coapall1 continu lI1.al-. tit re.o_laau.e.
OB two parallel axia. The aorthern two .,,:rU 1'1".e azu belaa o....e.
b, the Battalion. All elem.nts ot the COIlpaIlJ' ..auddd at a 1'01.t
one aile east ot HANlNILLE at appro:z:1atel, 133GB. ft. O-JI&D)" .ut
poated thia position. The lat, 2Bd, 04 3Z'd platoou ..N .eDt b, "
parallel routea to reoonnoit.r to the BOrth.aat 1D th., du.."1oa of
'l'IRLEMONT. The lat platoon rani_to two en.., lIalt-tra.u aDd a
ligbt tank whioh retreate4 ha.tUy ad e.oape4. fte 1.t Plateoa book
.d out two mohine gun neata, kUlla, tour ell.., aDd WCUJ14lnS aD. 1Dl
known number and takins ti.,.e prisonera at OPWKLP. 'lh. COlIPallT went
into poaition tor the nlgbt at MlLDERT.
On Septa.ber 7th, the Oo.pan,'s ai_ioa was to .-Jlt1nu. to push
reoonnaissance to the east toward the AIBER'l Oanal alollg the two
- ,. " ...---. ..._--- ...... ....------
Northern axis ot the tive the Division was using. The 2nd platoon
llad the northern axis and reaohed the canal at HASSELT without meeting
epposition. The platoon received an enthusiastic welcome.
About one aile east of the city the platoon ran into heavy small arms
tire and was in the process ot overcomiIl8 this when it was torced to
retire due to anti-tank tire and direot tire trom artillery which was
looated aoros. the oanal. This platoon outposted ALKIN for the night.
The platoon inflioted s,"ere oasualties and oaptured 40 PW's. Company
Hea4quart,rs tollowed the let and 3rd platoons. The 3rd platoon being
the advanoe guard tor the Company. On the din road at a point one
and one-halt ailes Jl)rthwest ot CORTESSEM a road blook Was encountered,
..etended by machine guns, two 20ma tlak guns and om anti-tank gun.
Tke lead ton waS hit a nu.ber ot timas by maohine gun tire, but no
e.sualt i .. were suffered. The Jrd platooD furnished the holding foroe
aad sent seourity to the lett tlank. The 1st platoon was employed to
cross-country and com. in on the right rear of the road blook.
Thia taroe inflioted heavy o.8Qllties on the enemy. The seotion of
the 31'd platooa"coyering the lett tlaJ1k was attacked by infantry and
killed 13, captured 36, and ooapletely stopped the attaok. The two
Platoons oaptured a total of 58 prisoners at this point. A tter re
duoing the road blook the two platoons pursued the retreating Germans
'_rd COR'1'!:BSEII, a section ot armored cars mOVing at about 300 yards
tiataDoe along eaoh side ot the road. The re.ma1Jlder ot the column
.. on the road. Almost in the oear ot town, the armored oar 00.
anded by 2nd Lieutmant Wnson was hit by a 75- anti-tank shell.
2ad Lieutenant Burns, the platoon leader, happened to be riding on the
baok ot the oar at this point. He was lcnoolatd ott the oar by the oon
eus.ioll. "eryone in the oar managed to g.t out exoept 'l'echnician
5th urade Hubbell. Lieutenant Burns oliabed up on the oar to get him
but was again knooked ott by the ooneussion ot another round hitting
the oar. On the third try Lieute..nt Burns got the _n out and dragged
Ilia behind a house. '1'he Germans were attao'king up the street and it
... necessary to organize and 4riTe thea out at to.. in order to evac
uate the oaaualties. Oaptab. Breath, the attaohed Medieal Offioer,
worked about two hours on Teohnician 5th Grade Hubbell and Lieutenant
Wilton under Tery dittioult GODditiollS, as the Germans attempted to
retake the town on two oooassions. Both att..pts were broaa up with
tire tro. all w_pons 1.nf'liot1ng heaT,. lo..e. on the u-er.a.ns. Mortars
were e.peoially etteoiiTe. The Company the. seoured the oross roads
one liile north ot the town tor the night. AS the Company was id.ated,
od the large town ot ST 'l'ROND directly to the west hadn ot talltn,
the Company took the preoaution ot laying three adne tields in the
event the heaVJ' tanks ot the ene.,. should atte.pt to withdraw through
that pOSition. The tollowing oasualties were incurred during the day:
Teohnioians 5th urade Hubbell and Wenger killed, 2114 LieuteDlnt Wilson
aad Teohnioian urade wounded.
Sept_bar 8th the company aissiOD was to proo..d. due east to the
ALBERT Canal, ..tablished obaenatioJl posts and report any enemy act
iTity. Oompany "A" was responsible tor the southern seotion ot the
oanal trom. a point due east trOll !JIB!mmmK to a point one JI1.le south
et BnSDl. The company at J:lIISD at l600B and the COJRI8D.1
Command l'Ost located there. '!lhe . distanoe traTeled that day was 15 .
ailes. 'l'he 1st and 3r4 platoons pushed on up to the canal, mde enelQ'

\ ,(,...
oontaot.. and establ1ahed eb.erTatioD posta.' 'llhe eneJD1 tired 0(11
a14erabJ.et1M tir. on- the18t platoon's OP, aoutheast ot JJIEPENB:BX:K.
S.pt.aber 9th .. a r.p.titioD at tba da, betore. All elementa
reaained in plaoe. At approx1.aBtely 1700 the 2nd platoon relieved
the 3rd p!atoon. .
S.ptaJDber '. nh the COAIBn,. CP re-.lned at BIISO. netailed
reoClUla1asanoe at the ALBIRT Canal was _de at whioh tiM the patrol.
trw _11 ar tire, kUl1ns a Sergeant trOll an engin.er unit that
.00oapani.4 the Patrol. The CoapaD, CP was shell.d, tiUing three
D.ar-b, ohUelr.1l anel woUD4ina two other8. During thi. reo0DD8.1ssanoe,
It .... cl1.ooyer.d that the \WarJa8Da w.re s.nding patrols through a
...ia4uot UDCler...th the ooal.
On S.pt'-er the 10th the situation was the same .. the day be
fore. The 3rd platoon relieved the 2nd platoon. Tlw Ooapan,. CP was
ahS1't.d two .il to the southwest due to the shellinl and the length
et t1M we had r 1n.4 1n bi...ouaci .tIlere. .
Septeaber 1iJle 11th 1ihe Co.pan, was liTe. a mission fit AOVing
ao.r_ to BJRDlGER. oroaainl the oaDal at that point anel IltW1nC south
ean 1nto.:,8n eea wblah ha been reoonnoltered by Cpea, 821
Reoonnais.anoe Battalio1l. At a poiDt two a!le ..t ot
BUIlDGER 'the Coapu.y went into an aa.e.llbl., area. fttoa there Lieutm
_t Cook aDd Lintnt Buru toot patrol. to the northeaat c. -eonteet
the British and omduot route reooDDaiaao... Brltlsh toro" w.re
oontaoted at KLLlOUM.
Sep1;aabe l2"h the OOIlP&D1' laO ... ed north b, wa,. of ZODOVEN,
eutt1q .a.t on t:raU two ail.s BOrth ot ZOlUlOVD ad prooeet.d t.
the Dortll aouth road running throup UIlUI!RODl-oPGLA_DI' anc1
ft. a18alcm _8 to ooyer the gap betw ... ,he B1'lt1ah and Allerto ana
_lata11llas lia1801l 111th the sr1"iah an4 pulihlnc aouth to artaiD
....,. ...t .....t ..In liD. of r l.t.... Th. 2114 platQOll JlGT.4
4u...a' t. a po1Dt 1Ja tha .0048 1 all. Borth ot OPGLABBDDIl ZAVEL
th 1lor'h to GRtT.I!RODl. '1M ls' p1&too. ao",.4 as 'h. a4....... pard
ot the OOIlPaDY' aorol8 til. an1llerr r.... '0 GBOAD SlIlS. !'h. 'I'd
p1atOO1l th .,.,.e' DOJIth 'th.n ..at eoaia. uto tM _iD north south
:r..d at MUISIIDI1J[, _1Dtalll1aS oOlltao" with tllia IIDcllah lIDtil 'he
.ll&Li.h acwed up due DOI"Ul l_TiI\& tlllt oOQaDy a 'YeZ7 lar.....tor.
ftia plateem aOTed tJutoup QlmIIfROlD .ou1;Ja' towar. OPGLABBDJ[.
III the woo4a a-..out 3 til_t.ra troa QllDeABBlIl, th.,. ...owater.4
a roa4 bloek 0.88ist1.. of '1'''. aore.. til. road tor ......ral 1l1mdr
pr4a. AltlMnlch ,_ road bloot ft. latad.d " _11 araa aDA at
1..., ... utl-t.. _, til. p1atOGa ... a"l. '0 r canol".r a
aroud the risl\t .1t. ot tlla road nook. M OPGLABBIII .a h.lt 1a
._ .'rph at ". tla., the platoo. waa ordv.4 to re'tlma to t.
MJltll a14. of tile ...4 _look alii r_h 1Ja oba...,,10.. )liD.. w.re
ue4 ext_l...al,. aft'" thla r 1_k .. tM ..., .. a'111 .et
lh. 'Ila' aNa at ... aNa 'be'-. 'II. II.. ... OPCJLABBDK ..k
a precui p.ltl.... _. b. la' Plato aI. ooapaD7
Jt.... .....1 ..e ..., fit. SIUftOPOJ, ... CIIlIJI!IOm. ft.
CF watabliallea 1 alle .ora ttl QRUIBOIa With the 1.'
,la'oo. ruuniq paVel. Bonlk to tM neW',. .t lID to contaot the
British. The 2nd platoon went lnto a detenslve posltlon on the road
running east out ot GRUITRODI toWard l'4EBRGLABEEK. The )r4 platoon
remained in positlon at road block between OPGLABBEEK and GRUITRODE.
A German patrol intiltrated lato uRUITRODl tlBt nlght engaging a
patrol fros the 2nd platooa. fte Germans lett two dead. An oooasional
round ot art1llery tell near the 2nd platoon during the night. One
_n,Prlvate Jiaboy, was sllghtly wounded.
On September'l) the C'oapUJ OP remained at the same plaoe. ',Llhe
1st platoon went north and east to the tGWD ot OPITTIS, drlviDg the
enemy out ot,the toWn lntllotlng oasualtles and sett1ng up an OP to
observe the WILLDIl Oanal. Posltion ot OP had to be .hitte. beoause
ot heav7 artillery tlre. Atter oOD8lderable dlttloulty, artlllery
support 08JH tram the Brltish to the north but the tire was aot very
etteotl.,.e. The 2nd platoon sent a patrol due east throush NEBRGL.AB1mK
to WA'l':IRLOOS trc:a the wooded area south ot WATERLOOS. '!'he pat:ttol
was able to oount 186 u-er-.u washing olothes an4 bask1Dc in the sun
around a house. A Brltlsh reoODDalssanoe ott1Der ass18ted and the
platoon was put into posltloJl to tlre, o.e vehlole at a tiM. After
Mortars were set up, ll.MWlitlon la14 out aDA avallable w..po.. _d.
ready tar tire, the platoon ope.ed tire with Tery teTastatl.. ett..t'
as the Ger_ns were not prepared nor were they dUS 1a. Due to the
terraln and to 88 _ SUDS aor08S the oaDal, it .... te
overrWl the position. 'the platooa then wltll4r_ l_vin, an OPe flaia
OP reported that at l ..s;t 150 oa.ualti were 1Dt11ote4 aDd that
first aid SeD were oarryiD8 the aeross the tlat to the
oanal all atter.Oon. This positlon .s saturated by artillery
and 88 .. guns tlrms air-burst. It is belin-ed that the 88 .. Il1U
coUld Dot depress .uttIoiently to aotually.hlt tll1s .pot. 'the OP had
t,o 'be shitted sl1htly. 'r_ 2nd platooa, later 1sl the day, droTe a
u.eraan patrol out ot WATERLOOS. fbi platooD then wlthdrew When the
toWD was .hellea by tile (;e1"lUlJu,. ',Llhe )1'4 platoOD 1'ella1.e4 in pos It'ioD
killing three \jerJllana When the enelllT s_t torward patrol.
platoon also reoeived s"eral rQlDde ot artil.l'-Y be11"ed to 'be eOll
ins trom ODe gun locat.d to the south.
On September 14 the ooapaDJ' aie.loa ....e _ve south W1'1l "1)11
oompany attaohed creatias a diversion OB the north tlaak at t
olearlng out OPGLABBDX: and outtlns t. rpad 'betwe.n tla"e
polnts and 1t posslble outti.. the .lD81D road ruJII'liDg .at aa4 ..es..
between ASOB and the WIIIBIIJ Oaal. 'l'lle BattaliOD. EXe.lltiT. Ottie.r,
.ajor Girard, 0... up With (;-.pa., D. !'he 31'4 platOOll 1a1tially
re_1ned at t_ 1'0ad block. TIle 1st 4 2nd platoo.. eaeh with ,a
tuk platoon attaoJae4 Bove4 east thrO'Ull1 NElUlGLABBD: ronin. ,1Jlto a
roa4 block appr_1_tely 1 kUoa.ter ..st ot tlaa t pout 2n4
platoon re..1necl to re4uoe or by pa.a the road blot): and the lRO'Ye '
into OPOftlUiN. n. lat platoon With lIOVecl oross e01llltry
throup. the toreat ad arrived at OPOB'l'ElUf. T_ lad plateon arri.,.e4
at OPOftKkN tirst, la_iDa resove4 tile roa4 blook Whioh preved to Ite
118htly 4etended by s_ll _lIS. IfJlja 2.. Platooa wlth tank platoon
attaohed 'mat re.1stanoe 1D tu tor. Gt s.-llaru. ti" at OPOB'lSRN.
'!hey 1Dtliot.d probably ad.... oaaual'tl.. an4 took a t .. prlsonel'8.
The tirst platoon ass18te4 in oloe1Jlc 1a OR the tGlr. aM takiDg tbl
prlsoner.'. At thia poat, artillery 1MCall to tall in the town aDd
. -. ..
the platoon Withdrew. The 1st platoon moved around the town to the
right to oontinue its mission and to out the rOfld leading into the
town. In the large open lowland west 0., the town, the 1st platoon
enoountered the enemy dug in in well oamoutlaged tox holes. 'J.'he
enemy had a number ot IIIlchine guns and bazookas and the personnel,
made up ot appraEimately pne quarter paratroopers and the remainder
air toroe, tought quite .tll. .li4ost ot them were killed in their
holes by 75 mm. WP smoke and 'Llhere were 2) known to
be killed and tour wounded. port, prisoners were taken in this
looality. 'l'he tank platoon whioh had remained with the other tank
platoon during this aotion, rejoined 1st platoon and they con
solidated their position to hold the town and the road net. 'i'he Iud
platoon and attaohed tank platoon returned to "RUI'l'RODB. '!'he )rd
platoon moved around the road block and into uPGLABBEEK Where they
enoountered a small eneJDJ patrol whioh withdrew. The platoon moved
east to OORNE then by trails to DORNER HKIDE. All roads from that
point on were heavily mined with wooden mines Which would explode
when an eftort was ma.de to remove th8ll. 'J:he )rd platoon then return
ed to OORNE. The 2nd platoon pushed through the torest to Wi thin two
kilometers of the main highway running east fro. ASCH. .tiere the,
disllOunted and prooeeded to the highway on toot, d1scoverinS that the
advance elements ot vCA had already arrived there.
assembled at OORNE for the night With the exoeption ot the 1st
platoon whioh remained at OPOETERN. wring the day8 operation
Private 1st Class Supple was slightly wouDled in aotion and WIls
On September 15 the company mission was to looate the
west ot the canal, establish OP's to keep the oanal under observation,
maintain c ontact with the British and to patrol the area trom the
highway to the east out ot ASCH, to the 1st British position which
could usually be tound around BREE about 18 kUometers to the north.
The 2nd platoon maintained contact with the British and established
OP's near OPPITB5 and in the woods near WATERLOOS. The.e OP'. were
trequently shelled and on three ocoasions our iBtrols encountered
patrols in WATERLOOS and intl.ioted oasualties. The ene.,.
could be observed across the canal near TONGERLOO. The enemy
destroyed by .hell fire the ohurch steeples in OPPITES and WATERLOOS
whioh we had been using as OP's at BHR8H. The )rd platoon ..s
located down the road toward the canal near DE SMITS BERG. :rroa
an OP there, the Germans could be seen on the west si4e ot the canal
near the blown bridge in considerable strength ot at l ...t 250 or
m.ore men. AJJ the roads Which .might have been used to tlank the. were
either mined or exposed to direot tire ot artillery aDd 88 mm guD8
from across the canal and the terrain was not suitable tor cross
country movement, there was little that the platoon could do. T.e
trequent1y tired his mortars and artillery at positloDB that he
thought were being oocupied. The also tired air bursts over
the platoon position With 88 DIll guns. Late in the day this patooa
engaged the in a fire fight. Company D had been deta.hed and
lett the company that morniJlg. ,
On September 16 the mission 1'1 8S the same as the previous day.
M no artillery or intantry was available the three assault guns were
put in batter,. about 1000 yarts .est ot OPOETEREN and trom the OP
in the oburohsteepleand tro. the OF near DE BERG these guns
harrassed the main group ot the elHll11 about 1000 yards southeast ot
DB SMETS BERG. The,. also tired on the toot bridge over the canal.
on' the t.rry and at any targ.ts 01' opportunity seen by any of the
OP 's. The nuaber ot casual ties inflicted is unknown.
On Sept.ab.r 17ancl 18 company lIiss ion was the sa.llll as on
Septellber 16 and was deployed the same way. J!'ourteen replaoements
j 0iD.d the OOJlP81l7 on -S .ptellber 17th.
. On S.ptember 19th the oompany moved With the 3rd Battr:lion,
66th Armored Regia.nt which had also remained west of the oanal when
CCA and the 82d Armored Reoonnaissanoe Battalion moved on The
oompan,. mo.,.... aut at 0730 JIlOT.d to MAASTRICHT, crossed the MEUSE
Riyer at that point, then north to REEK Where the oompany want into
bivouae. The co.pany was in reserTe the remainder of the day with
the exception ot the 3rd platoon whioh moved out at approximately
1900 to guard an underpass one mile north ot SITTARD.
. On September 20th the 3rd platoon waS re1i.,.e' at 0800 Ily
the 113th C .... a1J7 and returned to company CF at BlEK. The oomIBny
.000ed out at 1030 tor an assembly area near KLntMEN. Atter traveling
4istaDOe 10 aile. the coapany olosed in assembly area at about
1130. In the eTening the ooapany was plaoed on an alert status to
move in the ...en1; ot oounterattaok. The cO.D\?ftny mission being to
aa.e with the le.st de1a7 with a Tank Destroyer platoon attached to
aeet the enemy and stop him until the 67th Armored Reg1.ant ooold
.ave up! deplo7 and take over the detense. A liaison otfioer was
requirea at CF 3r4 Battalion, 67th Araored Regiment at night al1d
r.dio ooamunicatioD maintained. All routes leading to possible
points ot attack were reconnoitered. 2d Lt. Cole was aSSigned to
the coapany d.te.
On September 21st the .tatus ot the 0 ompany was the same as on
the 20th except the ooaPaQ1 was plaoed under the direct oantrol ot
Hq. 67th Armored ResiMDt instead of 3r4 Battalion, 67th Araored
On Septeab.r 21-30 the Napan,. was on alert.d statu.. However,
oompany partioipated 1n ..int.nanoe and rehabilitation.
- 6
NAFLc{A'.:.':':'Vh l'l<' liB!
Arm ored Hec nnai SartCe l3attalion
1 September 1944: 1st Platoon p rformed reconnaissance toward
illiHAS, setting up bivouac 300 yards north of LUL. .NCOUhT. 2d on
in reserve, accompanied Gornl". ny Headquarters to new asst:mbly area. 3d
Platoon performed reconnaissmce -co'Hard JUHAS, settins up bivouac 300
yfr ds north of lLUI.:ANCOURT. Company CF moved from N243423 at 1030B,.
arriving in new a.jo)C)illuJ..y area d,1. .... ,. .... \. reather - rt:..:..luy
end cool.)
2 1944: 1st Platoon moved out at 0530B as advance
gua!' .... for i.lombat COlIID1and "A", proceeding 'S> MOUCHIN, on t-,le BelE:;iRn
border. Enemy waS observed south of OR<J! IES and fired on, killing and
wounding several. A large number of prisoners began to CD me in, but
the se were left to be rounded up by 1h e FFI. The platoon
1:h rouSl LIN DAIS where several hundred 0 f th e enemy were f'JIl coun
The platoon placed :1t re on the enemy and in the ensuing battle, Captal.n
Large, Commarding Officer Ol' the ComJa ny was killed by an enemy rifle
man at 0950B. 'lb.ef 0 ntinued until 1040B. An undetermined number
of th( enemy were killed and wounded. The pla'b on wi thdrew to evacuate
the body of Captain Large. Theassault gun was SElt after a group of
enemy who wanted to surl'ender. 125 prisoners were taka at that point.
The platoon reach ed MOUCHIN without further incident at llOOB. At 1600B
tne plato on reconnoitered large woods north and east of MOUCHIN for
Battalion Assembly. The e'ltire company moved to 1h:E area at 2000B.
2d Platoon WaS held in reserve and moved wi tn Comp Headquarters
to MOUCHIN, on the Belgian border. Platoon was assigned mission of
recormoitering area 2 mil.)s no-,- theast of MOUC IN. The platoon
to ST M''iAND, 8 miles southeast of MOUCHIN, a.nd proceeded
north from that point. Upon reacning a point 2 miles north of ST AMAND
the platoon was ordered to rejoin the Company. Upon reaching ST AlAND
the platoon made contact with elements of tlle 125t.h Cavalry Squadron
going west. As the platoon neared the edge of town, 4 enemy vehicles
were observed entering the town. Fire was brought on these
and within a few minutes all 4 vehicles were destroyed. Three of the
vehicles .ere half-tracks, one of whiCh mounted a 75mm howitzer. The
fourth vehicle was believed to be a tank, but positive identification
was because of intense fire and exploding ammunition. Two
enemy were killed, 3 wounded and 2 captured. Approximately 40 enemy
escaped into nearby buildings and .ere being rounded up by t'le FFI when
the plato on lett the area. Platoon returned to Company assembly area
to spend the ni@p.t.
3d Platoon moved out at 0530B to check river oross at DAUAI.
The pIa" on reached IUilI at 0900B and was ordered to proceed to MOUC;!IN
at once to outpost the town. The town was outposted and 2 patrols were
sent out to clean out area around the town. First patrol encountered
35 in a pill box 1000 yards east of the town. and in the ensuing
action 5 enemy were killed, 25 captured, and 5 escaped. Second patrol
encountered a German armored car and two motorcycles north of MOUCHIN.
The car was out and the motorcycles captured intactact.
The platoon returned to Company assembly area for the night.
Company CP left area No70934 at 0545B reachinE MOUCHIN at 1100B.
At 2030B the CP left MOUCHIN for new area, but returned and set up in
original position overnight. (Weather - Rainy and cool.)

;.J': __ ,J ':":: :trp,8, Qt-l:T.
(l.t' "Ll '.;olLC'-P,.') ,;1. :".cll l'E)r;C1.. on 0i' per:::o:mcl.
(' .
l' -
c;ll,) OJ.' )Ol:r:');\ny )'c;'ild in il in n1'(;'1.
.. 11 ,--,1'" r; .-; '-Llci ':rec"'.1 )e)Y.l

. i l -t-
on 01
0 .,
.l; ,_. l' -J.l.\.hl(1:-" :'jlll '..1001.)
.0(';1' 104
1: re;:lcdncd in area ik,00i>U uncil lo4ji).
".t L).f0 .0:,0 co .18\I.Jlvl.si:J:j ,s,l'C::. Ct.t ,Ij,,<::;:.-n.i ,"lId
I'e J.C 210UB. PI at';01l3 pel',i'Ol'r.led l'oute r"nCG. UO
('.ieii.ther - :;::"ow-::r ::.nJ.
6 J'::3'.!:Ix: ]:> 1)1 toon in J'oved ':ri t.
:ie,(ic),U,1'C01'S fl'orn L.rea Jj6287:J to -:le'.'l ,.,33.'11 J.'" '11'e8.. 2,j Flat.oon
out r'it O?30:1 and pol'..Lornct rouce to non area one-()8.J_f
of; 8i' 3d l',oved out, at 0'730::) to recon
n()i tel' nre''. J.c' i,u. I. -ced bi v,)uac area in airfield s}uth
east 0 torm. i 8tl'ols Vve1'8 sent 'co rec,nnoicel' area south and west, of
area :mel as p. r-e3111 t were cuptured. Company CP moved
fro"]} J 0G22'7J n.c 073U:J toney; area a c J901412, gne-nall. mile
southeas-c ..)..L' L.LI. (./eath r - "11d "';001.)
7 Setemocr 1 ,t Pl:;toon mo ed out at 07008 to reconnoiter
route to i,'l(uuD. South 0 l' 'fHUND 1,;he platoon was held up by a li own
br'idge covered by enemy 'tank fire. The platoon remained in ObS6I'Vation
at that point until ordered to return to company area at 2200B. 2d Platoon
Moved out e.l:; 0700B c',nd ;'(' No
enemy contact. 3d Platoon held in reserve. Platoon moved out with
Company Headquarters to vicini t:,r of Company CP moved out at
0745B to new area at J147487, 300 yards east of DORMAL. (Weather-
Windy snd Cool.)
8 September 1944: 1st Platoon given to reconnoiter route
to HAS and to c ..eck all bridges acrns s the ALHERT Canal. Upon
the iu.,13.:::11'r Canal it was found tilat all bridges were blown
.L'ne pIa toon set up in observation on ro ad nort.h 0 i. and 11a1'ras
sed \>110 enemy vlith ?5rmn an(.l ::5711111. fire. At 16003 the plat on withdrew
uncier ilC G.vy :.101: tar 1're n d lii::t artillery fire. An OF \Vas established
to observe enemy a.c'Civity across tile canal. Flat00n'li loved north of
ac 1800}:) and sent out li:)1.t po. troIs and set up a defensi ve position.
Lee enemy counter-a'tlJ[lcked from across "che canal 'but tnis wasorc,l{en up
0J artillery t\t 2300B. 2d Platoon moved out at OaOOE e.s advance guard
i'or company. r.oved tiO new area ene. Hnd onA-llal f lr'J.iles sout.heas t of
87 prisoners \Vere captured the day. All these tal{en .
. niles nortrl 01' S,[' 11,:UND. 3d Pla.toon mo,red to Rt- 0700:J Md
'ven mis sion to rcco'1l1oi ter bridges across ALBc....;'l' All bridges
vIera found to be blown. '.ll1ile reconnoitering at E.i:......:.S.:,;L'r the
:ilat ;on C,ll11e u:'lcl.er enemy small arms fire and d rece anti-tank fire.
r18.toon withdrew 8.Ldset up OFts a!'ld defensive positions on britie;es east
of' Company CP moved at 0800Jj to assembly area at J34260U, one
.u,-1 one-llf\.lf f,lil s southeast of ('v.eather - Gl.oudy and Coul.,
9 September 194-.: CP remainud in pOSition at J34260?
(luring the day. (';/eath HI' - Cloudy and Cool.) ls t PIa to on waS rell.eved
'ou' elements of "1\" Company at 0900B. (111.e, platoon l,loved north of
and icept enemy under obs-ervati()n. At 160013 the platoon hd
at,:empted to cross canal over one of t ,e locks but was freed to w th
,1raW' lmder he avy enemy r re and he avy fire from several
1.' 0 pla.e on l'(';l(l.ained nor[.h OL Dl in defensive postion u, ring til(
ni ,ilt.


2d Platoon had 3d platoon at 0700B and remained in obser
vation of enemy acros J tht; 0anal. The as saul t gun and moraars were set
up and harrEl..3sing f'lre was put on enemy position. At 1900B the platoon
moved back 500 Ilards from the canal and set up defensive position for
the ni&'1-c. 3d Platoon was relieved by t 2d Platoon at 0700B and I'
ret<u'ned to tho company area t:: perform rn.aintenAIlce on ve"licles and
weapons ajd reilabilitation 01' personnel.
10 1944: Comp.:my CF remained in &aIft& area as previouS'
day. 1st Platoon remained in observation of enemy north of DIEPENBEEK.
8d Platoon waS relieved by 3d Platoon at 0700B and returned to Company
area. 3d Platoon relieved 2d Platoon at 0700B. Observed enemy durinG
day. Used 75mrn and mortar fire to harrass enemy. Set up defensive
position for tne night. (Weather - Fair and Warm.)
11 September 1944: Company CP moved to area at K28l718 at lOOOB.
Grossea ALBBRT Canal over British bridge at BERINGEN. 1st Platoon in
resorve. 2nd platoon moved vdth Company Headquarters to new area and
then moved au G to sei ze the town of ZONHOVEN. With a platoon of tanks
from liD" Com a ny attach ed, the platoon seized the town. The tank plat
oon outposted tIl! town while the 1st Platoon moved southeast toward the
north bank of the canal. At a point 2 miles southeast of ZONHOVEN, the
pI, toon was fired on by small arms, anti-tank and mortar fire coming from
a woods 800 yards to the front. The platoon was under f1re all day, but
rem ined in posi tion returning the fire and directing artillery fire.
LiGutenant Geore;e SClmeider was killed by enemy rifle fire at l700B.
rhe pl,toon returned to at 1900B. 3d Platoon moved with
Comp8TY to new assembly area. (\leather - and Cool.)
12 September 194',.: Company CP remained in area at K28l7l8 until
1130B at wll1ch time it moved out to new area at K4306'73. 1st Platoon
moved out at 0700B to l"econnoi ter ro from ZONHOVEN to GENCK. The
pl,toon received heavy artillery and mortar fire at MOLEN. and was forced
to withdraw to take up a favorable defensive position. The platoon then
join.d the 2d platoon in outposting ZONHOVEN for the nisPt. 2d Platoon
moved out at 0700B to same position it had reac led 11 Sepcember. It.
again drew enemy small arms, anti-tank and rifle fire. Remained in
observation and layed 75mm, mortar ani artillery fire on th('l EJnemy
positions. :rhe platoon returned to ZONHO,TEN at l800B ani outposted the
town with the help of the 1st Platoon. 3d Platoon moved out at noon.to
help reinforce ltD" Company in attack on north bank of canal. 'J."lw
moved to ZONHOVEN acting as rear guard for the tank company.
to Company area at 2000B. {Weather - Fair and Cool.)
13 seE ,ember 1944: Company CP remained in area at K43G673 until
at WhIcn tIiiii hi COmpl. ny CP moved' to new area at K360661. The
Compi\. ny assembled at 1400B. 18 t Platoon moved to JIOLEN to cover
movemen t ot Combat Gommarrl "B" in its attack on GENCK. Reconnoitered
the right flank of Combat Connnand liB". Rejoined the Company at l400B.
2d Platoon again moved to position on the previous two days.
Drew only small arms fire. Platoon moved into enemy pOSition when 3d
platoon moved in on left n nk. Encounvi.;:....,...I. \oJ 'A;I.}:'ler kines ,300 yards
in front of enemy po,ition. Platoon rejoined Comptny at 133GB. 3d
Platoon moved east thrOUg,(l woods along north bank of canal to pick up
enemy stragglers. Scout section removed 8 teller mines and took one
prisoner. One ton truck was destroyed by enemy mines. {Weather
lo'air Cool.)
14 se,tember 1944: Platoons reconnoitered routes to OPGRIMBY.
Coa:.pany mov'ed to that point arriving at 1930B. The town was outposted
_during the night. (Vieatder - Rainy and Cool.)
15 1944: Comp8.ny CP remained. at OPGHII BY until 1500B
a t which t e it was moved to K538700. '.'he entire company was assembled
at that point for the ni.'ht. 1st Platoon WA,S assiGned mis sion of clear
ing woods west of oPGrlIMBY '!'hi::.; mission was ct> mpleted and the ple.toon
rejoined the Company in assembly at K538700 at 150013. 2d Platoon was
assigned mission of clearing woods south of ASCH. 4 prisoners were
captured in th t vic i.ni ty. 'l'he platoon t en rejoined the Comp ny at
K538700 at 1400B. 3d Platoon was assigned the mission of clearing woods
northwest of Arter the mis sion completed tjl platoon
joined the Company in assembly at 1400B at K538700. (Weather - Fair
and Warm.)
16 .ember 1944: Company CP remained at K538700 until 1615B.
CP was move to area at K557675. l.it Platoon was assigred mission of
holcling town or MBCH:8LIN. The plam on set up a defensive posi tion and
sent patrols out to canal to detect enerny movement. Platoon received
heavy artiller;} a::.:d mortar fire during the niGht. 2d Platoon outpo
canal 3 miles north of hYSDEN. The platoon lost one armored car when
it ran over a mine. At 1300B the platoon ted the northern part
of and set up an OP in Collieries. (Weather - Fair and
Warm. )
17 Se!tember 1944: Company CP remained in position as previous
day. 1st patoon m0ved forward to place harrassing fire on enemy across
canal. .An undetermind number of enemy were killed and wounded. The
pli.itoon then moved back to lv1BCHl!:LIN under heavy mo:.tar and artillery
fire. This posi tion was held during tl.le nirpt. 2d Platoon was held
in reserve and remained w th the Company CPo 3d Platoon harrassed the
enemy across canal with 75mm, mor tar and artillery fire. The platoon
held this position during trk night. (V/eather - Rain Cool.)
18 September 1944: Company was reli.ved of mission, and
to area at K611563. (Weather - Cloudy and Hain.)
19 1944: Comp ny CP remained in position at K611563
during theay. 1st Platoon moved to a position one mile north of
to hold road junction at that point. At 1300B the platoon
moved west to locate anti-tank Guns firing on the 2d platoon. As
platoon entered an orchard west or tae road junction it come under hes.vy
artillery fire and pulled back to road junction. Secured GU'r'rHOV.:::;N i.'or
the night. 2d PI.toon relieved a pIa toon of 67th .Armored ReGiment
Reconnllissf:'Jlce Co:mpo.ny one mile south o BQHN. At this point the
came under cons ider:lble enemy artillery, anti-tank and mortar fire.
platoon moved in disffiounted, undor support of 75mm and mortar fire, seiz
ing BOhN :md co.)turing 18 p::'isoners. Half a platoon 0_ the 113th Oavalry
GI'OUp an on..:; ple.toon of "D" Company joined in holding BORN d'ring the
night. (Weather - Cloudy and Cold.)
20 September 1944: The Company was relieved by tne 1l3th Cavalry
Group. The entire Compi. ny was assembled and moved with Battalion to
area at J702553. (Iieathel' - Rain and Cold.)
21 to 30 se!cember 1944: Comp ny rema ',ned in
area at 370 553 mr e north or KLnil!EN. Extensive maintenance
ot vehicles end waS carried on_ together with l'ehabllitation of
On September"lst the Company with til.;.; 3rd pl... c.oon in reserve" roved i'rom
the bivouac area" five miles nort.-."est of i.OH'IDIEL and crossed the SJ1l.1E River
at BRAY, (:)eo map North West Euripe" 1/250"000,, Amien-kOna" Sheet Number 5)
and proceeded northeast through m JIlIIHTi2.....
'fbe 1st plataar! rece1vetl a ril!onnaissance mission to llX)ve nort.heast and.
reconnoiter a bridge crossing of the sll4ME in the vicinity of );,ERUllUE. Our
mission was changed at about lOOOB" and the platoon was ordered to JOOve to the vic
inity of BRAY. The 18t platoon checked the crossing ne;;.r OOPFY ECHUs:lliR, FlUoJE,
FEUII,I.JCR-'i, and CUiliI, and found that all of these bridLes had been blom. At
. about143<B the 1st platoon was ordered to proceed to t>ERONNE and assist the 2nd
platoon :to hold. the bridge that \1aS still intact at that point.
The 2nd platoon had quite an excitinf, clay. 'i'heir platoon lIiss:i.on \'fas -to
move I>rthea.st and reconnoit.er- forbri,dg and bridge sites north of
across the SQI&W;E River and Canal. The platoon was to mve aCross country and
&'fOid toi,ns that might contain snall enemy parties.i'he platoon moved cross
COWltry to a point south of HA'crBllOOURT cmd upon receivinG orders to che. cross
ing west of PIBlNNE, mved immediately r.o .ClUlLY. At this point th. platoon report
ed an abandoned airport that civilians reported heavily mined. 11'Om- GHILLY the
platoon lOOved via LiBON VUI)1U)VIl.WiS and ASdh.'VILl.EN to BEC'4JINlI)IIT. At
BIDQJDDf.Q)tl' the platoon leader receiv...d orders from the Division to go
to PISONNE with a.ll possible speed and report and hold the bridge ov.r the I&iNCK
Cana.l at this city if it was st.ill intact.
Between HlBBlOOOltl' am BIOmIm the platoon captured a German statf ca,r and
truck, t., Gel'IJlan Ca.ptains and about six soldiers. The Division Commander arrived
at this point and ordered all possible speed be made to this brj,dge. Th. platoon
. at about thirty m:I.les per hour to the bridge sit. and. shot up one
sentry .route.. The lr.1.ci6e at was still intact, wt ior decolition.
The prO:mpt.action of Sqeant )(a.sG' who was in cOlJllWld of the point'tnDred car" so .
surpr1ncltbe Qerana that the wirin& t.o the den:olltions WQ.S cut and the bridge
saved. upon comin& into a1&ht. of the bridge arS the _.." op_eci
up wL'W& btl .ih1n. gum_ and drove hi. &nred, car across the bridee. the w1r1n&
.. =t b7 and two more armored car. moved avos. the bri.dge
to. hold .soault "'" IDIl the platGDD c_ond car ..... _ to COT.. the .
..-... ' .... ,.. he. to the br1d&e. !!d.a fticIc._ beld in spite of ,8II&ll anu
a:rt1,' , ..... 1\re. arrived at 'iat bl"idae at i6iG. BT eoat1maalq
.eban&ing d, \ald.lW of ba114:1ngs, the t1lJO
p];at00ll8 ..... abl. to hold U. allDut Attis time air burst
art.1l1.ei7 ... the platoca. _ Wltbir&T(, int...,. units mved to t.n. briclge
8it. atter the w1tbc1r&wala.rl t.heir support.1n& art411err Q.1.mced.
the ,
,,M'" ...... site, the 2Dl platotll took the due in poa1t1on around. the
br1..... .....'_ one)jght actd.M CUll d--inc the c1q. A.20. IUD ... cieatl'07e1).,
a P*Ml'\nIck kIaooked pu and. one, tnck lDa4_ 1d.t.b German Wantl'7.wa_ set on fire
by ' .. .so -.11bermachL. pillire. nati"'e. r.porte4 11 to 15 gun.
on &ft-. to t.h.... and '00 1nfantl7 in or near JIIiI))DtB.
.......u WUDled. about17(Q tr1ecl to keep a CUb (ObHrvatJ.on
pl) trca. t....."I1 throUCh & field tire Of C.. to th4J platoona eaA..
'fbi plaH .... Cearo,.ecl lP1t the clariDa' action ot aer,..- 'llaaer aad Ji1.eutenant.
Do ..., KY_ ta. Captain and Major ,.. nr. in. the plalle. .
The let ... 2nd platoons moved. to join tbe CoIIpaIQ' at JI)8QIIJi at. 20n and
cree.. the ___ tiver at Brq. The three platoons b1-.ouacecl about thr.. mil
northeast. of WI the .......
, '. ,.... " .".1 ,'-. '., '1
On Sept. tIllber 2. (( the was in battaJ.ion reserve. The lstand
p1ia,c.oons joined Company Headquarters and the 3rd platoon at lORCHIN. F'reparations
were Hlacih to nnve \:'0 the north east. The Coinpany IllOVed to MJRCHIN at 1300B via
VUIllY, DNIBY BARELLI to a point near RUMANOOUdT. At RlJ1WJOOURT patrols were sent
out to check rsport from the French Underground that 150 German Infantrymen were
roving throU&h the area. The Germans could not be found. This patrol made con
tact with a British colWIlll that was moving north.
At 173Q3 the Conpany mved from RlIUNCOURT, DD1Wth via lOOORUT, Sf
went:.nto bivouac <:..t 2.2\.JlB for t.he night.
The CoIAvc.rlY IOOved 69 miles aver secondary roads. 'rhe oove,ment was maue
al.vays on the flc:ink of the iJivision column.
September 3rd - 'fhis JlDrning we received word that Captain lieGee and Captain
La.ree had been killed in action on 2. September. Captain lieGee had been a pJ.atoon
leader and executive officer of "C" Company.
'l'he CoInJJ<ll1Y .J1Oved to rlUMES, Belgium and wenr. into bivouac near RmmS and spent
the day in care and maintenance of vehicles, arms andpersonal equipment.
On September 4th the Company remained in bivouac near amms. Li.eutmant
Jordan, t(Je Company execut.ive officer was giVIrl cOJnlll.a.Ii oi "A" Company and
Lieutei1a.nt ldorton, platoon leader C)f the 2nd platoon, was appoint... the
Company executive officer. 'I'he day waa Sptrlt in care and. naintenance oi vehicles
and arms.
On Septelaber, 5'c.h the Company HeaQ.qlarters with the 1st. platoon in reserve
II()Ved from RU}JES at about 15<XJB. The CoDIPallY mission was to push reconnaissance
east toward UIGE and report JlDvements and routes and. brid&es through our
zone. '.L'he north boundry being RE:WER, sr .uwID, PERUWBZ, S>RGNIBR, iABlJE,
JO.uOCGNB, LAIIDl and 'lOHGUN, South boundrya 1IJNS, LA WUVDaE,
GOSs&.EIS, JW(UR and llIGE. .
. ,The Comp<lllY Headquarters and 1st platoon took the nor-c,h route via AWND,
CONDE 'PJR! L ESCAUT (into Belgium north of C8!1)E WR L is<aUT) to GB.ANDGl.IS,
HAlJl'I.ibE, BAUDONR, WNS, Sf DENIS, THDUSIm HAUTJ: and Wivouaced for the nigh...
outside of the little village of NASA.T. (About 5 miles north of BlOULT.)
At WNS contact was made with elements of the 1st IDtantry Division ami
the 113th Cavalry Reconnaissance SquaQron. Just. ,of gr DlllIS contact wa.
made With one rec<ml':.issance platoon ani OM tank platoon that had just captured
three Companies of German infantr.y.
'rhe 200 and 3rd platoons moved on the southern route from B'IS', Bel.aiUlll,
via. St AWND, WNS, WLULT and LA lDtJVIlE& to 81iiHIPF&. The mave was
acconylished without contact. Durin&' the rd&ht L1-.tenant Wallace
to locate the Company CP to get orders for the next. clays OperatiOll, but tAe l'OlI4
let him pass their outpost twice. The practice of r.turninc to OoIIPmy
or 'catt;;.llon Cf's at nil;ht is JD:)re or less daDieI'Ous, dependin& oi cour.. OIl tae
enuy situation. (On this particular night tilere were many amallll'OUP. oi
Ger:nans wondering a.ro und trying to locate their own line
September 5th, at first li&bt, Lieutenant lj)rton went to SIIII7.I aDd i&ye
the 2nd and 3rd platoons their faissions for the The t1lO pl&toons DIOVed on
the same axis to the cross roads south of OPfBlBAxa on MCOndary ro.a. via BUGIT,
REllER, T.Il..LY, CHASTRE, SARi' LIR WWAu" TlI)RINBAD, Sl TBQlI) and outposted the
junction south of OlCtEBAlR.
Conta ct had been made with elements oil the ll3th Cavalry aeooDD&1shDce .
Squadron at tHOREMBllR and atter the road junction south of OPPRBBAU was outposted
the ,3rd platoon returned to a woods about thr.. miles northeast of Tll)R1Q4BATR ari
sr TRONDand assisteu a Company of the IlJth clear the woods of (Jerman.. One Company
of ",ermans was reported a;:. this point. The 3rd pJa toon deployed near the east,
flank of t.ie woods and laid very heavy fire into the area, 35 prisoners were taken

but over to the llJth unit the I'IOOd.S. An officer of
t;w (;.:lv:::.lry unit cOflluented on tile ilIIDunt of fire the 3rd platoon was uble
to on "he men;y l)ositions. (2 6Q:om Mort:::..rs, .1. '(5rruJ. Assault Gun, 3'/mm Guns
md .50 Culiber llc.chL,e \.luns were fireci into the enelllY position ver:,r efiec'c.ively.
'l'he Cor,lpClIlY :ien.dqua.rtcrs and the 1st toon It.DVed from at first
lieht via iEIEtY, NIVELLES, WAYI, COUH'l' Sf OORBAIR, and CIUNlruNT,
GISrud to OFE-li..illOIS. 'l'!le Compnny CP was set up at. tilis and the 1st platoon
Ot:t.posted tile i1ighl';uJ' to the east of the town.
The Co.llp;;ny c::.i.,-!:,ured 1 l;crrilan vi'ficer and 86 soldiers. '.I.'here were foles,
,Illite Rmssi<1Ils, :nu 8Il10rlt trhe soldiers
.At ;;"JOLlt l'/lXL tile JrG. pktoon w.::..s ret-urncQ to the COffiiJany CP as the reserve
pLtoon and. t:lC 15c, lJ.ovcd md set up at 4InnS. 'rhe Compcany
held up ...t ul-1-'J.EI:30IS bcc<.:.,t;,se cas w;;..s slow in OOI:dn&
deptc;,i;or 7th tue pushed reconncissallce east. ..'he 3rd pi-atoon re:::.chod
,:":i': on t_,c nort;l sector of t;1e zone and the 2nd. i)latoon reached lUiWIN. 1'he
COJ.ll;::.ny'''';f W<.os J,lOVCll 1:.0 near DA:.UEE. The Gas situ&:c.ion became r<.other critical.
At W.XIN the 2nd ph,toon h<.oQ to toke t;asoline frol,l different vehicles of the
platoon to the 11-8 o.sso.ult Gun JrnvirLL.
The ls"c, platoon ',;c..s U.. at first light and moved to ENINER via. PKP luIll,
,1AL..,HT, .iALSdil.. Z uac:.c cHitact 'with an enel1l;{ tank column at HASSF8BBQQK. This
remained in ooservation ...Inti outlJOSted the highway south of BAlUOO. The'
Jrd. pktoon llASSEL3BDOK to the ncrth and moved ea.st via mIT GOYER,
aJiJEKIDll..;, 0utJX)Sted t.hc hiShway at HEEdS.
Tile 2nd l,latoon IJ.OVed via BOMAL, JAUCHE, GSNIIJ.E, WAREMME, GaANDVILLE, and
out IX) :.it cd '"i1 e ;;.t
Between the of JAUC{jE GmNIll.E the 2nd platoon made contact with
a German infantI'J.
colunn in opei Ground when tbis column (estimated between 120
L'll(i 150 men) showed ficht the platoon dep10yed in line and fired machine guns
Ciliber .50 <md .30 into the dispersed Germoms. 37mm cannister and hi&h e:xplosive
Wi..S also fired until the enCl1\Y showed white flags. '19 prismer8 were taken MYeraJ.
of 'whom wer ; seriously i'rcltmded. It is believed by Lieutenant Dossey, the platoon
lce:.der, that onlyone afficer and no men escaped.
IJear GRAiWIll.E the platoon captured .four Germans and lett .four ba.d4r wounded
with civilians, Di'tcr a sharp skirmish.
On the IaDrning of September Bth, the Company was a.s.-bled at GUSSIHIVIN.
The platoons were supplied with gasoline, anDlln:ition andrations, aDd were
IJ.:i:ssions for the The lat and 3rd platoona moved at about lOOCIl to ncon
naissance north of the AlBERT Canal to lDNliJVJ2l and then tUl"J:d.nc eut to th.e*I.
The 3rd platoon reached Il4SSELT ani found the briclges GTer the canal bJQm
and the north bank of the canal defended by German infantry with mortars" mach
ine guns and anti-tank Luns. The lst and 3rd pl.atoons made a check 1;0 iiiM canal
from HASSET:r to BERINGm and found all the bridges destro7C. Contact wU JII4e
at with British units ari the 3rd platoon Was sct to keep contailt w1.th
tbt British. . "
The 1st and 2nd platoons outposted the canal. line wut of ua_. The
Company Head(lU"trters with the 2nd platoon in reserve JlWV'eG t.ro.a OO...w-JIN at
about llOOB and moved to a v{ooded area aoutheaAt of S'l'DfZ". v.:l.a IORIQL, la,
BINDmflW), NImhiERKERLEIN, CASIN, and S'l'.AVOOUBT. ,The CP rwna1ned in the
BAMBRICK Wood until 190Cl3 and then 'Went into the area. near DaIP1'O.
9th - The 2nd platoon was gtVCl the mission of outPO..t1nc t.ne
canal crossing in HASSILT. Patrols were sct out alone the canal to cleterat.ne the
location of en4lIlY positions. One patrol ur1er Ueut.tnant Wall ace aDi. Statl
- 13 - .'
.'" .
, .,
Serge:mt Brake Here pirmod dOi'm by enem;y- small arms fire. The platoon's 6\..Xnnl
mortars were fired ;";!e position north of -('he cUli3l anu the IJutrol v:-ir.hurew.
The enSIlY laid down 8lnm mrtar fire on th0 (lQw mort.c:.r tx>sition. Lieul.erl2.nt
Wallace, Sergeant Brake, Private First Cla.ss .,Viberg and -.fuittin[:;ton -:Ncrc ....iOlmc.ed. 0/
the eIlcny lOOrtar fire. Sergeant Brake was evidently v;ounded. ,;hen he we-s helpinL;
Private First Class Wiberg, who was badly hit in the feet and leGs, t.o a place
of safety.
The :::!nd platoon was relieved by the 1st platoon. The 1st platoon oU-':'lJO ste<i.
the HASSEI!r canal area. The;2nd platoon outposted tho cancl. line from the l.':lll
road crossing northwest of HASSELT to STOCKREYE. The Jrci. platoon covereo. t.ile
Sl'OCKREYE bridge.
en the lOth of September the three platoons continueci.:.o out.,t.lOst the AWili'!'
Canal from HASSELT northwest through STOCKRE1'E. It w<::.s a day. The COi,q)aIlY
CP renained to the SQuthw(.st of
September 11th the Company llDVe<i J.J.'oo,Jeii1ljp'l'O and crossed the British i.n'iCl.Le
over the AL3ERT Canal at and tne CP wus set up in the .ioo<is
north of BOCIO'.
The 3rd platoon made contact at road junction south of
Contact was held dark. T,he 1st and 2nd platoons pushed reconnaissance
patrols along the north bank of the canal and found that the had pulled. buck
to the bridge right near SCHANS. The platoon took 23 prisoners.
At dark th e platoons were vulled b...ck to the COLlpany CP for the night.
On the 12th of Se!,tember reconnaissance patrols were kept active until l200B.
At 14300 lID" Company ligllt tanks pushed frolil the road j unction south of
with the scout section of the 3rd platoon actine ; s diszwunteci security for the
t.anks. The Battalion Comnander remained with the t;.ank Company during the fight and
coordinated the movements of the reconnaissance platoon with the JII)-..m.mt of the
t.mcs. Soon after the tanks moved on the VIOods, the 2nd QJlQ 3rd platoons of "C"
Company lOOved to the right and west of the roaQ.. The 3rd platoon had the area.
between highway and railroad with the 2nd. platoon to the west of the railway.
The two platoons moved off the highway at about 150Q3 and silenced the
German 8lmm mortars with their assa.ult guns, then proceeded to clear the area
of German troop'. This was a very difficult ta.sk in as much as the Germans had
to be taken individual.J from their foxholes. 8'3 prisoners were taken by the two
platoons and by 19300 the area west of ZONK>nN-HASSEIT highway, from 1aH)V"m to
the railway junction north of the -canal ha.d been cleared. Ths 1st platoon worked
the area east ot the highway, but were helli on the secondary road in this area by
road blocks and 4:iSJWunted men.
Wounded in action on September 1:::th werel Private Fjrst Class Bowen,
Sc-geant Pfeifer, Sergeant Gleason, Private Arndt, Corporal Nichols, Prlu.te -Ra.they,
Prihte VoriS, Corporal Woodard Corporal Terry. Private Bowen was i.oWlded when
he and Corporal Terry Walt into a oome to clear it of snipers. The Geman snipva
laid under a. blanket anci threw a grenade that wounded both Bowen and Terry. Terry
carried Bowen to surety, t,hen returned and t:Ulecl the Germans \'nth two grenades.
After seeing that Bowen was properly car-u for, Terry had his "round dressed and
continued to fight.
At 210W the Battalion was relieved. of t:ne mission by elements of the 41st
Armored. Infantry and returned to the kv"E.'-IIJERSBEriG voods for the night.
On the 13th of September the Company lOOVed to BERKINEHS at first light. ',L'l
Company OF set p mear The 1st platoon made contact with the british
at HElCHTERSJ and maintained this liaison through the day. The:.:ud and 3rd pla
toons pushed reconndssance to the east and ma.de cn.!\y" contact in a 'WOoded
area 11 miles north of VlJ.NTUWG. The tvy'O platoons set up strol1 QutlX>st, mlU re-
ma ined in position for the night. The are:::.. lilas shelled by our artil.J..ery' and the
enflDYl'dthdrew duriilg the night.
- 14 -
____ , ..... ," __
., On the 14th of September the COfJ.Pany Headquarters ..do th tLe )ro. platoon
inreserve moved froLl BEltKIUERS via .r.W'L'&i.SIAG,.'iAl.Z'fI, CliliwI-CI'l'Jc.;,
.fA'l'E:ll3IEl!X to The 1st l-latoon moved fron __ <It first licht,
to the north of the Hooded are.:. north of to OffiLAB13E:EX, ASCH and.
joined the Compc.:.ny .:It ',iAT&lSCHEIDE. The encount.ered sevuri...l.l.:ine fields
'" and roak 'olocks but ciid not make enemy CD ntact. The 2nd platoon was to move
south of thewooded .:).rea north of liINTERSIAG, but road block3 wd
mn'_ fields. Sereeant Heppy, tile platoon sergeant Vias wounded. while &tteupti:1t:
to open .:l railroad 0G.te that had been mined and boouy trappec... The pIa toon was
ordered to "dthdraw un:l join the Company He""d..t::.uarters Lt ,j AT,EdSCliEIDE. The
plat-oons outposted the SUT1!l'iDAEL Are",- fclr tile night.
On September 15th the company was ordered to clear the arc.:l between
PEl'ERS-T.ERll and DAALW.diETH west to the ASCH-BII..Sm iUbhway to enemy troops.
Eighteen encsny soldiers were located in this area. ana captured.
At 163CS on completion of the above mission tho company Il>ved to OIOkBEfX
ani out}X>sted the roads to the north .md east of this to'WIl. blocks vrere
constructed by "D" of the 1'/th AImored Engineers.
On September 16th the Company m:>ved frou OIGLAftEJiX at about and arrived
at NEERHAVEN at 1315B and outposted the vv:IILm
5 VAART ctnal from , "
(exclusive) to PE'l'Eii.SHElli (inclusive). All brici&e.. sites in this area were placed.
mder observa. tion ani the 1st platoon crossed the bridge at 'l'OURNELBRICLE viith
one section. Lieutenant Hanson, 1st platoon leader, made contact wi ttl friendly
troops at KWTRICHT. The 2nd platoon outpost at the road junction and bridge site
northeast of FE'i'mSHEn! was shelled by mortars aM Technician 5th Grade Norris and
Private First Calss were 'the 1st platoon outpost at NEERHAVEN
received shell fire at about but roceived no casualties. 9 German prisoners
were taken today.
September l'lt.h the Company CP remained at NEERHAVEN and the platoons con
tinued to outpost the canal line. '1'he day wa.s quiet withthe uception of OCCas
sional sniper fire. 7 c;.ermans wero taken prisoner.
September lSth the Compan;y was relieved of 'its outpost <:iuty at 1130B and the
platoons were assembled. At 1235B the Company IOOVed. via. \he 'roUBHEWIDE bridge
to lUABTRICHT and across the mrth plntoon bl'idge an<:i InOV'.ci north The
Company bivoU&ced for the night a.t BOAR. '
Sept8Dber 19th. t first light, the Company mved from 00Aa via. MJiif.RSIll,
BJ:IQC, GELEEN, WTTEH,ADE to EIKWHAUSBIJ. The COmpany aP _s .et up in KIl&iUHlUSDt
and the 1st and 3rd platoons .to up and outpost line from. SI'rl'Am>, nortmr.st
through LDtiRICHT to BEUK&1HXl1f. Patrols were active. The outpost received
occassional anti-tank fire in the vic:inity of IJYBRTCHT and captured 12 prisoners
the .
.... '
On Sept+mer 20th the maintained outpoat d.urin&. th. and
Was reli.ved at first Jjght by el-..nts of the llJth Cavalry Becom.u8alc.
Squadron. The Company asMibled. at 0900.A' and. awed a8 a ():)JIIP8Iq at lO3SA:-.
KD&J!IHWJSIN via BEll, Dl.)C)Rl), CLDtSlL, !BftIDll'8'>Dr. aDd. lllUaG
to the BatteiLtPn a8sembly area ea.t of rt,llICg.
2l8t tblpugh 30th of Sept___ Wa.8 spent in the Battalion ar.... east. of
KLMB. The tim. Was spent 1n car. and. ainteDUlOe of arma, and.
personal .qu1ptDlnt. The n ..:Qr aa.t&ned IUD .... p.na 1natruction-. the us. at
their aaa1cnecli nap:>na.
The 'mm hav. had a bI4l ne.eel rut..

1-2 Septem_, The ColDP8l\T Doved from bivouac two kilometers north of
P.I.mOONT at 08300, 1 Sept.embcr, aild headed nor'"h to cro ss the '::o)Im River at. llBAI.
The railroad lJt':Ld.p south of tom was dest.ro)'ed., but a croaa1nC .... ef
fected. 'rhe b:ri.d&e intO'Wll of WI ov.. the SOYm River was suitable atter the
y Engineer s cleared a. rod block just nort:.b of it. The Company ..... to recon
naissance for Combat CoIIma.IXl "A. to RAPA.UME. We passed through the follow.i.n& tomSI
FmtS, 13IlJUNGBRE, CROLlE.and FRBOOURT. 'lbl tOVlll of bAlAlill was by-passed. At;
FBECOURT a GertDan column of hor.e-<lram vehiaa.s was intercept... 'J'l JIll.
capturec1,,, cars, 2 trucks, 30 horses and 12 ftgcma were destroyed. or ..capt.ured.
Received instruct.ions OD radio to secure bridt;e at AUBlHCH8JL AU BAC. Oomp,.,. .....
proceeded to JWmTZ, EPINOY and reached' it'a objective, AUBllfCHi:UL NJ BM: a1a 2000a.
Between FnNOY and AUlBNQiIUL .w B.A.C a. HC1an attUl>ted to double the polWm. rM
t.ruck was captured as om of QUr yehiclas blooked t.he road., but the ,eGa lot _.
As the colum. entered town, a GC"JIWl hlat-track 8WUDI out. ot a side street.wl ..
put out of actlaG by one shot from the 37Ja IWl. ot the leacl tank. u.- .......
town the bridgs was secured by the let platoon. til. IN .. I:
the tom to the ncr th aJi S)uth respectiveq. All D1cht lGDc, .....1 Qt,Qta)Ia ,
vehicJ.. aJl men tried to enter the tab from' the aoutb :1n .... tlIe '
bridge, but we1"e stGPped by action ot platoon outpo__ ...
Total damage and Pi's takwn waa a, toJ.lMrs. ESl)tMl25, _""15.'
230 Enlisted Ken and 6 Offie'ers, VeII!clea. 1 bua, 2 ..,t.oI'c,u.a,2
14 wagons, 30 lIlorses, 6 care aDd. U trucks.
4t QSOOBon the 2nd ot September,.an otticer am 5 .. w1t.h ..,
, ,
lett jJJ BAC and proc..t.d to Battalion or, about 5 Ill. __ ".
taR the purpo. ot guiding leadin& elelUot8 of Combat Come"d ......'tM. br:i.d&e::Ia,
toYll. Dis ft. accomplished by about O9OCB. The Oompe07 ......'. W.:.....
AUBIl'lCHBUL jJ] aAC until 1200B dUll to tilt lara. DUIIIber ot N'. it. au....
Passed thrOug!l,the follDwing town on the w&7'" bivouac 1D.1til&1- ..
QRDIIRa lI):mQ, BCAIlJON, S)lWlf and NOMAD. Diatanc. -....w .._I'.... 1M; ...
65.2 milA Diatance traveled .r 2D:l - 33.5 .u. 'i t,
September 3rd and 4th were lIpent on ra.bab1
:JktiOn".- ..
in lat, 2nd, Headquar1Ars pl&toons were cAaDceli. ..: .... " ' .' '{
5th tha 3r4 platoon start... track:s.DG.... .
done when the co.mpany at l6OOB.,a8n4. t.ArDu&A..t.>Md.'III ............. .. ... ,d' ......
and NIVIl.LIs.
'. ............ ".: ........
Bl.vouacecl at 6''02?9,.tQree ;>n::
... .', .. --E.. .. - "
On September 6th the ColIpIDY lett the ltiwu&c at _..-' ..
GIlI.Im, aVRI,! GUl'OUCHB to b1'VOu&c at .9J.24l8, '11'
BattalionCP. 2, ,J&Ue...
September 7th, lett bivouac at ..l445B. J'aUI4' , .. .... 'i ... II!..
OUT GMDJ, iOm', TURIN, TIRBIWltn_. .. OBI . , . i
at lJA94, 1 1/2 miles south of 1iIAD,. 3mplatoorl . .' , . ." l
1ng Nt s for part ot the 'eoq.q .. ' .. , ...... .... ..... .. ....... .... .
pistance 23 mUes. . ." .,' ( . ....".
'to lL\S:r;-::::ea::
and 3rd lOOVed out 'to r.pprt that GerJIIiIla ... CIloNiN" '.
AImRT Canal jutt north and eaat. of HASal!r. . No 1IU aac1. &114 .ta.;y
returned tq . , .
, ClEO
On .:;)epl:.e.mbcr 9th and 10th the remained at 340607. Time was spent
on main:aenance.
On Sept.ember lith the Company !:lOved at 0800B. Crossed the .A.LBERT caial at
in British sector. Moved to,)b1vouuc at 275715, one mile west of ZJWER.
Traveled 19 miles. At 1230 IOC>Ved. out and outposted mNIiJVl!:J. 4t lJ.3OB the 2n4
, 'i platoon lOOVed out with.ssion ot reconnoitering road east of IDlmDVliN. They
were held up by .en.uy shell fire and anti-tank fire aiout 1 1/2 miles east. of town.
at about 1300B they vlithdrew and joined the 1st platoon in outpost1n& tOlln ot
WNHOVDJ. They were under constant shell fire most of the night.
September 12th at 063Q3 the 3rd platQon JOOved out to secure a pontoon brid&e
built by the 17th Ar..:nored Engineers about 3 miles lIk)utn of Bga;wGEN. At 12008 ::
the Compony received the mission of attacking German position oorth of ij
secure cross roads north of AlBER' Canal cmdthlll move east. The tllree platoon", !!.
were relieved of their missions and rejoiried the Company in an assembly area about
3 m.i1es south of Compony bivouac'1.bout.133Q3. At J.AA.5Bthe lst, 2nd. and 3rd.
platoons IlDVed out on their new mission. They had air 8ld arti11eI7 .support.
Company "C" Vias operating on the flanks. Almost small ama .fire an4
anti-tank fire was met. The Company lost one tank aXld had two Ja)r. hi... , ODe' lUll
wa.s injured and one man wounded. The lead platoon ... finally
field covered by' anti-tank fire. It WaS dark when th..... hacl, be .lU*""
the Company Was relieved by elements of Comat Command ... 8Ii lIirv.mtol4" .
at 305694t. 'rhe Company took ten pri.mers, kill..ed 7 _..,..*'0'" one....,
one truck, three sedans, seven anti-tank guns. ',.',
On Septe.ni:>er 13th the Company lIDved at 1645 to a na. at. 49611t,
six ki.1Dm.ters north of OiGWEIlt. .A;rriveli at 19C1<1t,. Travelecl 19.2 'In
Company "An and Company MD" were given the DD.saJDn of ...,. 0\& 01
territory from DORNE to WIIUIM Conal. Battalion :sx.cut1.,.e ott.108Z' joiDeci \111 1&1
this area and was in charge of pperations. .
On September 14th the l.at and 2nd plat.oon., att...... to OOIll'*Q" ..l*'
formed reconnaissance south and southeast of GBUITlOUB.. Ulq Mt ..:u ... t1re .
in the vicinity of OR1El'EBN..3rd platoon cleared. aid tM
road betlfeerl GRUI'lBlDE and .O"'.h Some aniU.,. L1ft..teU 1Jl. . 0
man was allgl1tl\)r wounded. 'A.t_5B the Company mv_te, a Aft b....,'
(521741) The 3rd platoon rei;lOc to d oaIiJMt;ed' ct.' ' .
. On S..,;>tember l5tllethe 2nd p.1&tocIp. retU1"MCl to. - .."
The 2lld and 3rd platoons chec4ion. bridg.s alDq . . . . __",la.LI,'
biDm.' At :1.430 tlie 1st platoonreceivecllld..c,n ot
At 163CB The Company moved to 1/2 ...:a....,it '.11.'
September 16th left bivo\1aC at. 496704 .' ,zao,;"'I)',e'.'.."IiJ;;;JI&
of NECliElBN at 1400B. 1st platooD attached to
along the IIUJIi Canal north of )I8lRBl.. ... :LIII'IIiI___,
occasional fire. The 00apDl' r ...1Dell .. J/J6701,.a _,....
On S.pttmber 18th the 00'IPaIV JIIO't'ecl to.62l,S" ......'_
at lI.USl'RIOH'l'. .
. 19th the CompaD1' .v.. to "".. ....n.
of the 2nd platoon attacked. to 17th ,.1
posted. the bridge at UBWND. th. 3N. .. ..
RecOlmaissanee Battalion and outpollterl tcMi
artill.-y.. No OUlIalti... . '.
.,. .-<8 .... ,.1 ...._
Sept,tanber 20th the Company IOOved to 698553, n e ~ KI.m,!MEN at 101'>1:3. set
up outposts at following points: 722546, 720541 and '/14561. M&.in"env.nce Lna
rehabilita.tum of vehicles and personnel.
Sept.or 21 to 30, Rest period. l1ci.ntenc.nce und rehc.oilitation of
vehicles and personnel . outposts were reuor ed on September 24th.
- lilt

" I'
NARRATIVE REtOR'l' OF C01ifAi..Y "1)" OF '.l.'HE
1 September, 1944 - Company IOOved from to RU.
55 miles.
2 September, 1944 - Company movea. from RUW\I.OOVla to loA .dElliIUk.,
33 miles.
3.Septeni>er, 1944 - Remained in .uoea.
4 September, 19M. - Remained in assembly area.
5 Sept_er, 1944 - moved to BAUUlN
B.d.GIU14., 62 miles.
6 September, 1944 - Company nJ:)ved to PRETNEFAIR, BElGIW, 27 miles.
7 Sept.nber, 1944 - Company JOOv'ed. to ST. BElGItJM, 27 miles.
8 September, 1944 - Company IOOVed to HASSELT, BElGIUM, 1'7 miles.
9 September, 1944 - Company remained in assembly area at HAS$El-T.
10 September, 1944 - Company remained in area at HASSEI,T.
U September, 1944 - Company moved. from HASSELT to OOEXT
BEIGIlBrt, 18 Iidles.
12 September, 1944 .. Compan;:.; removed. 9 11 teller mines from R. R. Crossing at
325645 (HASSELT). less 3rd platoon held north end of bridge at S'roam:cl,;E.
13 Septenber, 1944 - Compar.w roved to 306698. 1st l-latoon .....re.. ea.tot
HASSEI3' road. for mines.
14 Septsnber, 1944 - Company guarded bridge over ALBERT Canal at HASSELT.
September, 1944 - Company relieved. from bridge guard and remov8'i mines
road blocks on roads branching north and north east from ASCH. 1st platoon re
moved 13 prepared charges (12 ITNT with D235 igniter) in boxes in road and 9 Teller
Mines reJOO.ed. Trees felled across road for 200 yards re.woved. The 2nd platoon
pulled two #1 TeUer mines which detonated on being pulled indicating a :0242 igniter.
16.Septenber, 1944 - Outposted town of RllXEaN, BEUZIUM with 2nd and 3rd platoons.
17 September, 19M. - Out}X)sted town of RKKEHN, BElGIUM with 2nd and 3rd platoons.
18 Sept_er, 1944 - Moved. to &UR, IDLLAND and assembled. for me night.
19 Septtmber, 1944 - ){oved to town of URWND, HOLl.JUID and outposted bridge at
uru.OND and area. north &11ld south of 1iGvm. between Canal and River. Also lift-ed 10
large prepared. Ch8.1\:;e8 on main road leading east from BERG.
20 September, 1944 - Returned to 17th Illgineer Battalion.
- 19
,} - -
,. A ....
I: ',8
D2d Armorell Heconna is sance Batt a1ion
15 September 1944.
a. Enemy largely clear from west
- of canal, but may still send patrols across in varying strength.
b. nritish on our left extend by reconnaissance patrols to three
miles north of OPOETl5RAf. GC"A" on the extending to
2. a. 2u Armored Div:sion continues advance in zone. B2d Ar.mored
Recunnaissa.ce c.-vers north flank of O-;"A" and maintains contact
with British west of canal.
3. a. "At! rennin in present area establishing OPls along canal
from 19 (exclusive) to 1st OPe Maintain outpost at
point 17. Patrol to north to l;t British OP every two hours on
the odd hour 0700-2100 inclusive.
b. ,oD" Comp ny asserflble in vicinity point 31. Maintain patrols to
C':::;"AfT northern hours of daylight. Establish OPls
on river between point 10 and point 19 (inclusive).
o. Assemble company victnity OPHONEN. outpost town during hours of
darkness. Remainder of company in reserve.
d. Assemble with Battnlion Headquarters vicinit,y ASCH.
e. liD" Company, 17th Engineers, assemble vicinity ASCH. Clear routes
of communioation to companies and north to GRUITROD.
x. 1. Emphasis will be placed on alertness and attention to duty while
on mission regardless of nature.
2. Personnel not on mission will make maximum use oJ.' time for maint
enanoe and reh:.bilitation. .
3. Heports, inoluding negative, will be this headquarters
every two hours on the eveh hours.
4. Trains to assemble vicinity ASCH. trains released. Ligpt
transportation will be used on pr<trols to conserve vehicle. and

save gas.
5. a. No on.ange.
o. Greater emphasis will be plaoed on sec rity in radio. transmission.
The names of units, coordinate locations, or the nature or a
mission will not be transmitted in tiLe olear.
.. ;.A
__ 1, ..... -=
82d Armored Rec,.mna:tssance Battalion
16 September 1944.

.iU1 Organization CoruHUlclers.
- - ..-- - .
1. 82d Ar",ored Rec nnais sance Battalion takes over mis sion of holding
'LJ.i.l, line :-!ro tht' no, th flank.
a. tlA" Comp' ny will cover the north flank road block
at ASCH, rnaintaining contact with BritiSl troops to the ncr th
as previously arranged. Maintaining OP' s along th canal lim
from point LO through point 16 during hours of
b. "n" with one p1f'..toon of tiD" Company attached wIll out
post trw line LO to point 24, inclusive. commarxling officer,
"B" Company, will contact Major 0 'FARREL tr! coordinate relief
of units of the b6th Armored Regiment. It i8 anticipat'ed that
a platoon of medium tankl will be available to assist "B" Company:
in it s mb'oion. '
c. "C" C01'1pany outpost tile canal line, point 25, eXCLusive, to point i
LD, inclusive.' Maintain necessary patrols nni OP's to prevent ., ::'1
crossing in fUl'ce by the enemy. Cornrnanding Officer, "0" Company,':
will contact Comrnnding Officer of his sector to get disposi
tion of other units.
!!. "D" Comp,my, 1, ss one platoon, will assemble with Battalion CP
in Vicinity of point LM. Reconnoiter routes to all tical
points along the canal and be prepared to assist any of
sance Companies.
Battalion CP will mo 'e to vicinity of CP 66t L Armored Regiment
as soon as practicable.
- S-3
_____ ....... _o__.__ ...... _'! .!O:"IIIIIIo''''-"'"
... ...,
.... 1
r .,;
82d Armored Reconnaissance Battalion
18 SeptEll1ber 19A.
1. The 2d ArlHored Div ision will secure the line:
2. 82d Armored Rec&> nnaissance will secure line: lind. )
SIT'fARD-( exclusive)
3. a. "D" Company Vlill move, starting fron present area at 0600A by
seconiary roads, to temporary assembly area vicinity BERG.
HeCOn!la::'sS8. 'LC c will be sent fOl'wp.rd to determine furth,-rmost
advance of the eleMents in the sector BEhG-GHAADHEIDE-GUTTHOVEN
and select tentative defensive positions.
b. tIC ,. Company will [:love starting at 0615A t temporary assembly
area vicinity GA. '1TEN. Reconnaissance will be sent forward
to determine furthermost point of advance 0.' forces in sector
SUmXICHT-SI'.L'TAAD (excl) and sclecv tentative defensive posi
tions in assi;:;ned sector.
d. flD" Gompnny, 17th Armd. Engineers, will move at 0730A to vicinity
BERG to secure crossing or crossing of canal ani river at
that point. Heport will be made on condL tion of bridges at BERG
and contact established with friendly forces on far bend of river.
(Island between canal and river may be occupied by the enemy.)
Be prepared to make eatimate of needs for bridgeing river and
X. As S00n as defensive position has been selected -it will be prepared
to include dug-in posi tiona, mines on road approaches, designation
ot zones ot fire, OP's and llstening posts estftbl1Rhed.
patrols will be 1"'- de to the t'tont to detea'11!"le pro):1r'it-y (If the enemr.
LUIlOn will be establiahf3d and maintained with units on right and
Prom 2000A to 0700A reports ot situation w1l1 be made every hour on
the hour.
". No change.
5. Communications: NorIllRl nets. Special a.ttsntion to security.
Battalion S-2 will contact leaders of Dutch resistance group to
obtain information of disposition of enemy to our front and between
the canal and river. A-3 will arrange fo}' defens iva artillery fire.
OFFICIAL: Command1np:

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