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Philip the Apostle Byzantine (Ruthenian) Catholic Church

3866 65th street Sacramento, CA 95820
Phone: (916) 452-1888


E-mail: feromurin@hotmail.com Mobile: (916) 539-1534

O Holy Apostle Philip, Intercede with the merciful God That he may grant our souls forgiveness of sins.

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory for Ever! + Slava Isusu Christu! Slava i vo Viki!

From the Fathers of the Church

St. Augustine But if for some error or sin of our own sadness seizes us, let us not only bear in mind that an afflicted spirit is a sacrifice to God (cf. Ps 50:19) but also the words: for as water quencheth a flaming fire, so almsgiving quencheth sin; (cf. Ecc 3:33) and for I desire, He says, mercy rather than sacrifice. (cf Hos 6:6) As therefore, if we were in danger from fire, we should, of course, run for water with which to extinguish it, and should be thankful if someone showed us water nearby, so if some flame of sin has arisen from the hay () of our own passions and we are troubles about it, we should be glad when an opportunity for a work of great mercy is given us, as though a wellspring were pointed out to us from which to put out the blaze that had burst forth.

THE CHURCH IS A PLACE OF HEALING Part I The Story of the Good Samaritan is not just a story about a foreigner who did a good deed for a man who was beat up and robbed. It is ultimately a story of Christ and His Church. Various Fathers of the Church show the fuller meaning of the story: The man who is victimized is mankind who fell away from God by sin (symbolized by his going down from the Holy City of Jerusalem to Jericho). He is beaten down by sin and 1

the assaults of the demons and left helpless. The priests and Levites who passed the man by, signify the insufficiency of the Old Testament to restore mankind. The stranger, the Samaritan, is a symbol of Christ, who, in a sense, is a foreigner as He is the Word whose origin is not from earth. He came down from heaven, and became man for the salvation of mankind.

Our Tithes to the Lord. Last Sunday, 55 souls were present, collection was $___

(tithes: ___, donations: ___, candles: _). May God bless you for your generosity.
Prayer requests. Steve, Oceana, Gary and Ingrid, Tom, Margaret and Don, Walter,

Margaret, Becky, Alexis, Agatha, Norman, Michael, Curtis, Adrienne, Matej, Alan, Chester, Rick, Theresa.
Hospitality sign-up sheet: Aug 18 Burke family. Please sign up for hospitality for the

upcoming Sundays; the list is in the parish hall. Thank you to Prescott family for providing hospitality for us last Sunday.
Dormition of the Holy Mother of God is one of the great feasts of Mary, Mother of

Our Lord, our calendar marks this feast (August 15th) as day of obligation, meaning that just like on Sundays we are to attend services in the church and celebrate the feast. We will celebrate Divine Liturgy at St. Philips at 5:30PM, during which we bless flowers. (If you are not able to come to St. Philips, you may attend services at another Catholic church closer to your home.)

Liturgical schedule
Wed Aug 14th 5:30 PM Great Vespers.


Aug 15th

5:30 PM Divine Liturgy. Blessing of Flowers.

Dormition of the Theotokos. (Holy Day of Obligation)

Sun 2


9:00 AM Confessions.

13th Sunday after Pentecost.

18th 9:40 AM Prayers 10:00 AM Divine Liturgy. Tone 4.

For Confession, please come half an hour earlier to scheduled services, or schedule an appointment. Fridays are days of penance in our liturgical calendar. Abstinence from meat foods is observed on that day. Let us support one another through prayer and sacrifices.

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