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Tangent to two disks: Roots of a 4th-degree polynomial?

Suppose you would like to find the two tangent lines that support two given disks in the plane to the same side. Parameterizing the circles using (cos ,sin ), I find that ultimately I am computing the roots of a 4th-degree polynomial in x = cos (two of whose roots are imaginary, and two real). But I may not have formalized this in the most perspicacious manner. Rather than detail my approach, let me just pose the general question of whether there is a way to compute the tangent lines without effectively finding the roots of a 4th-degree polynomial. With two solutions one might hope for a 2nd-degree polynomial. Addendum. I should have made clear that what I need are the coordinates of the two points of tangency for two circles arbitrarily placed in the plane. Nevertheless, both Ross's and Moron's solutions can answer this version of the question as well. With appropriate translation, scaling, and rotation, I can place the two circles so that one is a unit-radius circle centered on the origin, and the other has r 1 with its center on the +x axis. Then I am in the situation Moron drew. Knowing the side lengths of the triangles yields sin where is the angle of the triangle on the x-axis, and from that I can compute the coordinates of the points of tangencies in terms of sin and cos . Much simpler than my brute-force calculation. Thanks!
(geometry ) share improve this question edited Oct 1 0 '1 0 at 1 8:41 asked Oct 1 0 '1 0 at 2:1 8 Joseph O'Rourke
6,073 12 34

(geometry ) 4593

asked 2 years ago viewed 370 times active 2 years ago Community Bulletin
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Sign up for the newsletter Y ou mean tangent lines? Of course the two disks cannot be concentric. J. M. Oct 1 0 '1 0 at 2:30 J.M.: Y es, thanks, I edited it to "tangent lines." And y es, there are degenerate cases. Joseph O'Rourke Oct 1 0 '1 0 at 2:35 One pretty simple case is the case of two ex ternally tangent disks; the radical line is the tangent line at the point of mutual tangency . J. M. Oct 1 0 '1 0 at 2:40 Another use of the radical line: if it intersects both disks, there are only two tangents; if not, four. (I ex clude the case where y ou hav e one small disk entirely inside one big disk, and the disks are not concentric.) J. M. Oct 1 0 '1 0 at 2:46 Ah, I should hav e mentioned this first... J. M. Oct 1 0 '1 0 at 3:01

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3 Answers
I hope I understood the question correctly.




1 0 2

Consider the following (sorry for the crude image):

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Radius either integer or 2 integer Finding the equations of two tangents to a circle given the point of intersection. How to find the other vertices of an equilateral triangle given one vertex and centroid Tilting a line and a cloud of 3D points around the line

Using similar triangles we get that

D + D R = r D
We can easily solve for D .

r, R are the radii of the circles and and D is the distance between the centres of the circles. D is the distance between the common point of the tangents to the center of the smaller circle.
share improve this answer answered Oct 1 0 '1 0 at 2:59 Ary abhata
47.1k 3 77 165

"We can easily solv e for D'" y es, D' is Dr/(R-r). Shreev atsaR Oct 1 0 '1 0 at 5:31 Note how the difference of the radii appears here, showing this is essentially the same as Ross's

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observ ation. Great! Joseph O'Rourke Oct 1 0 '1 0 at 1 5:42

The degree 4 polynomial appears because the circles have 4, not 2, tangent lines algebraically: two internal and two external. In the question, the phrase "tangent lines that support" singles out the external tangents, which are lines of support, but this is not a distinction that can be made algebraically given a coordinatization of the problem. The subtlety is that the equations of the circles contain only r2 and R2 while a choice of which pair of tangents lines counts as "internal" and which pair is "external" requires a choice of sign for r/R to determine the relative orientation of the circles. The internal and external pairs of tangent lines to two circles can be constructed by ruler and compass, using one intersection of circles in each case, which in coordinates is solution of a quadratic equation. The diagram posted in the other answer, with (R r), is the same as the one for the Euclidean construction. The quartic with roots corresponding to the tangent lines is a product of two quadratics Qint (x)Qext (x) for the internal and external construction problems. Among the 4 tangent lines the difference between the internal and external pairs can be seen algebraically, as choices of sign for different square roots. This naturally partitions the set of 4 roots into two pairs. However, a further labelling of the pairs as "internal" and "external" requires a further choice beyond a coordinatization of the plane. This is because the coefficient field of the Cartesian equations defining the tangent lines is k(dx , dy , R2 , r2 ) where dx and dy are the x, y distance between centers and k is the underlying field of coordinates, but the selection of which pair of tangents is external relies on a value of r/R or (R r)2 and this requires some sign choices for the radii, or equivalently, an extension of the coefficient field by some square roots.
share improve this answer edited Oct 1 0 '1 0 at 1 9:27 answered Oct 1 0 '1 0 at 1 5:1 1 T..
8,073 2 18 36

In the wikipedia article tangent lines to circles there is a construction that appears to be second order. Y ou construct the tangents from the center of the smaller circle to a circle, centered on the center of the larger, with radius the difference of the radii. Y our tangents are parallel to these, offset
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by the smaller radius. Sorry for the broken link-an extra / got in the way
share improve this answer edited Oct 1 1 '1 0 at 1 9:53 answered Oct 1 0 '1 0 at 3:00 Ross Millikan
81.2k 5 53 114

That link takes me to "Wikipedia does not hav e an article with this ex act name." But just y our description suffices. Thanks! Joseph O'Rourke Oct 1 0 '1 0 at 1 4:35

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