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Terence A. Shimp, University of South Carolina

Abstract general consumer-orientation-toward-foreign-products con-

struct, is designed to capture normative-based beliefs that
Casual empiricism reveals considerable variability in the buying domestic products is somehow good for the country,
attitudes and behaviors of consumers toward products impor- whereas purchasing non-domestic products is deleterious to
ted into the U.S. from other countries. Increasingly the economy, the country, and to fellow citizens.
greater number of American consumers have adopted foreign-
made products, but an unknown number of consumers eschew At the individual consumer level, ethnocentric tendencies
the purchase of these imported products. The specific mo- should be determined in large part from one's socialization
tivations underlying either form of behavior remain a vir- experiences. The family unit would be expected to be the
tually unexplored phenonemon in consumer behavior. This primary socialization agent, but adult opinion leaders,
study addresses this issue by introducing the concept of peers, and mass media would also influence a child's ethno-
"consumer ethnocentrism" and presenting empirical evidence centric orientation during the prime period of early child-
from a preliminary test of the concept. hood socialization. Consumer ethnocentric orientation
would perform a function very much like those performed by
racial attitudes and religious dogma—namely, to provide
Introduction the child with a sense of identity and belongingness. This
orientation, once formed, should carry into adulthood with
few changes except in those instances where one's sociali-
The general concept of "ethnocentrism" was introduced and
zation influences are markedly altered.
used descriptively by Suniner in 1906 (Adorno et al. 1950)
and remains a venerable concept in the fields of anthropol-
ogy, sociology, and social psychology. Ethnocentrism was Though no one has previously formulated a specific concept
originally conceptualized as a purely sociological concept such as this, consumer behavior researchers have studied
that distinguished between ingroups (those groups with ethnocentrism if only indirectly. Research has examined
which an individual identifies) and outgroups (those regar- such issues as attitudes toward foreign products, biased
ded as antithetical to the ingroups). It now, however, is consumer perceptions, and related matters (e.g., Anderson
recognized that ethnocentrism is a psycho-social phenomenon and Cunningham 1972; Bannister and Saunders 1978; Etzel and
with relevance to individual-level personality systems as Walker 1974; Caedeke 1973; Rierson 1966; Schooler 1971;
well as to the more general cultural and social analytic Schooler and Wildt 1968).
frameworks (Levine and Campbell 1972). The present under-
taking is most sympathetic to the individual-level aspect Who are consumer ethnocentrics, what are their identifying
of the multi-faceted notion of ethnocentrism. The concept characteristics, and how do they differ from non-ethnocen-
of "consumer ethnocentrism" is designed to capture indi- trics in their perceptions, evaluations, intentions, and
vidual consumer cognitions and emotions as they relate to behavior with respect to foreign-made products? This re-
product offerings from other countries (i.e., "outgroups"). search was undertaken to address these questions. The
In the fullest sense of ethnocentrism, these product symbols automobile was selected as the focal product category, be-
from other countries may represent objects of contempt to cause it may be imbued more than most any other in U.S.
the ethnocentric consumer, whereas the products of one's own society with cultural and symbolic significance.
nationai group are objects of pride and attachment (cf.
Levine and Campbell 1972).
Variables and General Hypothesis
The general applicability of ethnocentrism to the study of
consumer behavior has been recognized by others (e.g., The general hypothesis tested was that consumer ethnocen-
Berkman and Gilson 1978; Markin 1974). There, however, is trics have less favorable perceptions and evaluations of
no known work that has reconstructed the concept to be more foreign autos, that they perceive important referents not
finely suited to the specific study of consumer behavior. to favor their purchasing foreign cars, and that they are
The term "consumer ethnocentrism" labels a concept that cap- less likely than non-ethnocentrics to own or to intend to
tures the spirit of Jacoby's (1978) plea for domain-specific purchase foreign-made automobiles. A number of criterion
constructs. The concept is used here to represent consu- variables were measured to test for specific differences
mers' beliefs in the superiority of their own country's pro- between consumer ethnocentrics and non-ethnocentrics. In-
ducts. This perception is postulated to transcend mere cluded were all the standard Fishbein measures (Ajzen and
economic and functional considerations, and, instead, to Fishbein 1980; Fishbein and Ajzen 1975), the consumption-
have a more noble foundation rooted in morality. That is, specific measures designed by Warshaw (1980), and other
consumer ethnocentrism is intended to capture the notion measures idiosyncratic to the study of foreign cars. Vari-
that some consumers believe it is somehow wrong to purchase ous independent variables were also measured. Research has
foreign-made products, because it will hurt the domestic revealed that attitudes toward foreign products are related
economy, cause the loss of jobs, and, in short, because, to age, sex, and socio-economic characteristics (Adorno et
from their point of view, it is plainly unpatriotic. al. 1950; Bannister and Saunders 1978; Schooler 1971), thus
offering rationale in the present research for examining
The consumer ethnocentrism concept is postulated to be one these related variables.
component of a complex, multifaceted construct involving
consumers' cognitive, affective, and normative orientations
toward foreign-made products. The domain of this general Methods
construct spans object-based beliefs and attitudes (i.e.,
perceptions of product quality, value, etc.), normative- Data were collected in waves from a consumer panel located
based beliefs and attitudes (i.e., perceptions of whether in the two Carolinas. Responses were obtained at one wave
one should or should not purchase foreign-made products), or another from nearly 1200 households, though data are pre-
and personalistic-based considerations of what mode of be- sented only for the subsample of 863 who provided responses
havior (product choice) is in the consumer's best personal to the consumer ethnocentrism measure. This sample is older
interest. Consumer ethnocentrism, as a dimension of this (mean age 47+) and somewhat upscale in socio-economic char-


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acteristics. Though unrepresentative of the population in centrism is complex and the relevant dimensions are unknown
the true sense of the word, this alone does not diminish (cf. Selltiz et al. 1959, p. 262). Two coders were trained
the generalizability of the study results. Indeed, up- to independently classify responses as indicating either an
scale consumers actually are more representative of the ethnocentric or non-ethnocentric orientation. The inter-
automobile buying public, as many lower SES consumers have coder agreement exceeded 98 percent, and the 11 (of 863)
literally been priced out of the new automobile market. disputed coding decisions were reconciled and assigned to a
single category. Of the 863 respondents, 304 (35%) were
The initial wave of data collection obtained measures on a classified as "consumer ethnocentrics" and 559 (65%) as
variety of demographic and socio-economic variables, in- "non-ethnocentrics."
cluding measurement of social class using Hollingshead's
(1949) education and occupation factors, which were coded
Responses classified as "ethnocentric" reflected various
and combined into five social class categories. The most
themes, the most frequent being that consumers should sup-
extensive data collection occured at a later wave, which
port American companies, oftentimes with the addendum that
obtained the Fishbein and Warshaw measures alluded to
the economy is in trouble and needs help. The following
above and also the measure of consumer ethnocentrism.
response is illustrative: "I do not believe we should buy
Operationalizations of value expectancy and subjective norm
foreign products. If we bought more American-made products,
items followed the technique devised by Oliver and Berger
we would have less unemployment. I prefer, if it is at all
(1979). Several points are pertinent regarding these mea-
possible, to stick to our own products." Several themes
surements. First, the questionnaire adhered to the recom-
also appeared in the non-ethnocentric responses. The most
mendation that measurement be specific with regard to ac-
frequent comments were that American consumers have the
tion, target, context, and time (Ajzen and Fishbein 1980).
right to choose whatever products they want in order to get
This was accomplished with the instruction: "in this sec-
the best value; that foreign competition promotes increased
tion of the questionnaire a variety of questions are asked
quality of domestic products; that trade unions are respon-
about your purchasing a new automobile within the next year
sible for the non-competitive position of American firms-
or so. Some of the questions refer to foreign-made cars.
and so forth. '
Interpret this as meaning standard Japanese or German cars
(for example, Honda Accord, Toyota Corona, VW Rabbit)
rather than luxury foreign cars such as Mercedes or Rolls
Royce." Results

Background Characteristics of Consumer Ethnocentrics and

The choice of behavioral consequences and referents to Non-Ethnocentrics
serve as value expectancy and subjective norm constituents
was made on the basis of personal observation augmented
An initial consideration is whether ethnocentrics and non-
with precedents from prior automobile research (e.g.,
ethnocentric consumers are fundamentally different in back-
Holbrook 1978; Mazis and Ahtola 1975; Vinson, Scott, and
Lamont 1977). Nine specific consequences associated with ground characteristics. Results presented in Table 1 show
purchasing a foreign car were selected: fuel economy, car that the two groups are roughly equivalent in life cycle
payments, dependability, status, safety, workmanship qual- stage and racial character, but clear differences are mani-
ity, ease of serviceability, appearance, and innovativeness fest m educational achievements, income levels, and social
of engineering. Four referent groups were chosen: friends
and neighbors, spouse, family other than spouse, and work
associates. Motivation to comply measures associated with TABLE 1
these referents were situation-specific rather than general.
Respondents were asked whether others' opinions mattered as Comparative Profile of Consumer Ethnocentrics
they concerned the choice of a car, not whether their opin- and Non-Ethnocentrics
ions mattered in some general, unspecified behavioral do-
main (see Miniard and Cohen 1979, 1981 for elaboration). V<riatle S t i t i s l t u l Analysis
Race ^ « l . i l , I4fj p - .57 Etf>oocentriC5 .
Other Fishbein constructs (i.e., Aact, SN, and BI) were mea- a r t not: sjgmf different in
sured using accepted procedures. Warshaw's more consump-
tion-specific constructs also were operationalized. These Life Cycle ^ = 7.44. M f . p = .2fl Ethnoce/itrrcs are not sigmfhc^qtl
included measures of the relative affordabilility of for-
eign-made cars and relative desirability (excluding afford- EcJucitioo 4-i. 7df, f < ,00 oKer educatio
ability considerations). All measures adhered to the pro- n-«l/>riocentri
cedures suggested by Warshaw (1980). IricMie SVmoctntna hav« lower inc
tha/l non-ethflocantrjcs.

Measurement of Consumer Ethnocentrism Social Oass ; - 17.7^ Zdf, p <• .00 Ethnocentrics r e f l c t t lower social
class attammtnt ttian ncn-^fhna-
Operationalizing consumer ethnocentrism was complicated by
the absence of a suitable measurement scale. The famous F
and E scales constructed by Adorno et al. (1950) to measure
class attainment. In particular, consumer ethnocentrics
the general construct of ethnocentrism and related con-
reflect significantly lower education, income, and social
structs were considered inappropriate for the present re-
class levels. The social class finding is based on analysis
search because of excessive generality and datedness. More
of only the three major classes In Hollingshead's (1949)
recent ethnocentrism scales have been developed, but these
classification, due to the paucity of respondents classified
are domain specific and too specialized for the present
as upper or lower class. Analysis of the three mass classes
undertaking (cf. Chang and Ritter 1976; Warr, Faust, and
indicates an identical proportion, 43 percent, of ethnocen-
Harrison 1967). Failure to locate an acceptable ethnocen-
trics and non-ethnocentrics in the middle class. However,
tricity scale necessitated a specialized measure. An open-
31 percent of the ethnocentrics are upper middle class and
ended question was designed: "Please describe your views
26 percent lower middle class, whereas the proportions for
of whether it is right and appropriate for American con-
non-ethnocentrics are 44 and 13 percent, respectively.
sumers to purchase products that are manufactured in foreign
countries." The question was posed in a projective fashion
Differences Between Ethnocentrics and Non-Ethnocentrics
("American consumers") and was directed at respondents' per-
Toward Foreign Gars
ceptions of the morality of purchasing foreign-made products
("is it right and appropriate?"). The choice of an open-
A series of tests examined the general hypothesis that con-
ended question is justified, as the issue of consumer ethno-
sumer ethnocentrics are fundamentally different than non-


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ethnocentrics in how they perceive and evaluate foreign TABLE 2
cars. The first set of results compares the two groups on
a number of specific disaggregated variables—beliefs, Differences Between Beliefs, Perceptions, and
evaluations, normative beliefs, etc. Next, the two groups Intentions of Consumer Ethnocentrics and
are compared on a social class-by-social class basis to Non-Ethnocentrics
rule out a possible alternative explanation for the pre-
vious findings. Differences between ethnocentrics and non-
ethnocentrics in terms of aggregated cognitive structure Consumer Non-
and subjective norm variables provide a final set of find- ethnocentrics ethnocentrics
ings. t-
Beliefs'^ X SD X SD value Pr.
Disaggregated Findings. Multivariate analysis (MANOVA) was
performed on each of several sets of dependent variables- Good fuel economy: .68 .20 .79 .37 -3.74 .000
beliefs, evaluations, normative beliefs, motivations to High car payments: .66 .24 .59 .27 2.90 .004
comply, intentions, affordability considerations, and de- Dependable trans-
sirability considerations. With exception of the evalua- portation: .59 .21 .73 .18 -8.05 .000
tion and motivation to comply measures, all analyses were Status symbol: .33 .24 .36 .23 -1.51 .133
multivariate significant (all£'s< .001), thereby suppor- Safe car: .47 .24 .57 .22 -4.90 .000
ting the general research hypothesis that consumer ethno- Quality workmanship : .55 .20 .69 .19 -8.06 .000
centrics and non-ethnocentrics differ in their beliefs, Easy servicing: .39 .24 .53 .22 -6.76 .000
purchase intentions, etc. but not in their evaluations of Good looking: .54 .21 .64 .20 -5.12 .000
automobile attributes or in their motivations to comply Innovative
with referents. The following discussion of univariate engineering: .54 .19 .63 .18 -5.55 .000
findings is appropriately restricted to the five sets of
dependent variables that achieved multivariate significance. Normative Beliefs

The first findings in Table 2 reveal that consumer ethno- Friends and
centrics' perceptions toward foreign automobiles were uni- neighbors: -.40 .94 .05 .83 -5.69 .000
formly less favorable—they were significantly more likely Spouse: .05 1.64 .35 1.39 -2.15 .032
to agree that owning a foreign car would require high car Family other
payments (the only negative consequence) but significantly than spouse: -.43 1.25 -.01 1.16 -3.88 .000
less likely to acknowledge all but one (status) of the Work associates: -.78 1.07 -.41 1.04 -3.82 .000
eight possible positive consequences attendant with foreign
car ownership. Warshaw Variables

Respondents' normative beliefs provide a second set of Intentions:

findings. Consumer ethnocentrics' normative beliefs were
significantly less positive for all four referent groups. 1.80 1.99 2.30 2.03 -2.70 .007
Thus, consumer ethnocentrics personally were not as favor-
ably inclined toward foreign cars, not did they perceive BI 0.66 1.13 1.76 1.81 -7.57 .000
that others favored their purchasing foreign-made automo-
biles. 1.03 1.48 2.54 1.81 -9.75 .000

Generic product purchase intentions, "brand" intentions,

Affordability ^
and other Warshaw (1980) variables provide the last set of
findings in Table 2. The results show that: -.onsumer
ethnocentrics were significantly less likely to purchase a Any Auto: 2. 55 1.88 -1.83 .067
2.23 1.99
new automobile within the next year or so (i.e., BI^); they Foreign Auto: 2.61 1.66 3.32 1.49 -5.08 .000
were significantly less likely to purchase a foreign-made
automobile (BI ) , and they were significantly less likely
to purchase a foreign car given that they do purchase a
new automobile (BI . ) ; there were not statistically sig-
nificant differences between ethnocentrics and non-ethno-
centrics in their perceptions of how difficult or easy it Any Auto: 1.89 2.04 2. 43 2. 02 -2.96 .003
would be to afford a new automobile, but a new foreign car Foreign Auto: 1.71 1.81 3.51 1.87 -10.73 .000
was perceived as less affordable by ethnocentrics and non-
ethnocentrics; the desire to purchase a new automobile was
stronger for non-ethnocentrics and so was their desire to ^ h e belief items (b.) were measured with 5-point probabil-
own a foreign car. ity scales that were''"labeled with "no chance" that foreign
cars would provide the consequence (coded as 0 ) , to "50-50
chance" (coded as .5), to "certain" (coded as 1).
Social Class Findings. The foregoing findings demonstrate
clear and persistent differences between consumer ethno- The normative belief items (NB.) were measured on 5-point
centrics' and non-ethnocentrics' perceptions and intentions bipolar scales and coded from -I to +2, with negative num-
regarding foreign automobiles. The possibility remains,
bers meaning that respondent perceived that important others
however, that these differences are attributable to some
opposed his/her purchasing a foreign car, whereas positive
other factor which confounds or moderates the ethnocentrism
numbers reflect perceived support.
variable. The best candidate for this role is social class,
which previously was shown to be lower for consumer ethno-
'^The three intention variables—BL (intention to purchase
centrics. All twenty results presented in Table 2 were re-
any new car), BI (intention to purchase a foreign car),
analyzed on a class-by-class basis. These analyses were
and BI , (intension to purchase a foreign car provided that
limited to Hollingshead's (1949) three middle classes,
a new car is purchased)—were measured with 7-point scales
because, as noted previously, the number of respondents
ranging from "definitely won't buy" (coded as 0) to "de-
in the upper and lower classes was insufficient.
finitely will buy" (coded as 6 ) .

The first affordability variable (Any Auto) was measured

on a 7-point scale ranging from "very difficult to purchase


Copyright © 2001. All Rights Reserved.

a new automobile" (coded as 0) to "very easy" (coded as 6 ) . TABLE 3
The second variable (Foreign Auto) was measured in terms of
how difficult respondent perceived it would be to afford a Summary Results for Attitudinal and Normative
foreign car compared to an American model. The alterna- Influence Variables
tives ranged from "more difficult to purchase" (coded as 0)
to "less difficult" (coded as 6 ) .
Analysis of
The first desirability variable (Any Auto) was measured on Socij] Class Stx
a 7-point scale ranging from "feel absolutely no desire to
purchase a new automobile" (coded as 0) to "feel a very
strong desire" (coded as 6 ) . The second variable (Foreign IBt H IOS.03 .000 t.iS .001
Auto) was measured in terms of respondent's perception of •131 -0* SO.Ol .000 1.2S . I J
the relative ability of foreign cars to satisfy automobile , 1.3S .36 770 .006 <\
needs^^compared to American cars. The alternatives ranged
from "foreign autos are less able to satisfy needs" (coded
as 0) to "more able" (coded as 6 ) . Consuwer ) 5»
Etluocantnc; Ihn-tilinorxntr^cs
-5.08 l.0»
The findings for each social class generally reproduced 6.S1 s.n S.07 6.9»
the overall findings. This was determined by comparing the
statistical conclusion (i.e., to reject or not to reject
the null at a = .05 or lower) for each of the twenty tests
Data dre 9iv<n only for s t a t i s t i c a n * s i j n i f i c a n t cases.
on each social class (i.e., nine personal beliefs, four
normative beliefs, and seven Warshaw measures) against the
Automobile Ownership. A final interest is whether consumer
overall sample conclusion from Table 2.
ethnocentrics and non-ethnocentrics differ in foreign auto-
mobile ownership. Respondents listed the makes and models
A "mismatch" was registered when a specific within-social of all automobiles they owned, and households were subse-
class result led to a different statistical conclusion than quently classified as "owning none" or "owning one or more"
that from the overall sample result. Of the 20 comparisons non-luxury Japanese or other imported automobiles. Cross-
for each social class, the number of "mismatches" was five, classification of the ownership and ethnocentrism variables
two, and five for the upper middle, middle, and lower mid- uncovered a strong relationship: 35 percent of the non-
dle classes, respectively. The absence of any systematic ethnocentrics owned at least one foreign car, whereas only
pattern in these mismatches suggests that the fundamental 10 percent of the consumer ethnocentrics were foreign car
differences between consumer ethnocentrics and non-ethno- owners (x^ corrected = 60.18, 1 df, £ < .001). Next, each
centrics are real rather than artifactually conditioned by of the three mass social classes was analyzed separately
social class confounds. to remove the potentially confounding effects of social
class. Twenty-one percent of the upper middle class ethno-
Further demonstration is afforded by results from a series centrics owned a foreign-made auto compared with 41 percent
of seven MANOVAs, one for each of the seven sets of depen- of the non-ethnocentrics (x^ corrected = 5 . 9 9 , 1 df, p <
dent variables (beliefs, evaluations, normative beliefs, .01). Only seven percent of the middle class ethnoceritrlcs
motivations to comply, intentions, affordability considera- owned a foreign car in contrast to the 40 percent of non-
tions, and desirability considerations). Each set repre- ethnocentric owners (x^ corrected = 26.03, 1 df, p < .001).
sented a vector of dependent variables, and ethnocentrism Likewise, only six percent of the lower middle clUss ethno-
and social class as factors in 2 x 3 MANOVAs. The primary centrics owned a foreign car, whereas 20 percent of the
purpose of these analyses was to examine for significant non-ethnocentrics were owners (x^ corrected =2.47 1 df
multivariate interaction effects between the two factors, £ = -12).
the presence of which would have suggested that ethnocen-
trism i^ confounded with social class. Not one of the
seven multivariate interaction effects was statistically
significant, thereby removing social class as an alter- Discussion
native explanation for the previously observed differences
between ethnocentrics and non-ethnocentrics. Ethnocentrism characteristically involves strong pro-in-
group sentiments combined with strong anti-outgroup senti-
ments (Adorno et al. 1950). As a sociopsychological con-
Aggregated Findings. Another set of tests for differences cept, ethnocentrism is designed to account for why people
between ethnocentrics and non-ethnocentrics was accom- identify with groups, believe their groups are best, and
plished by aggregating various attitudinal, cognitive regard other groups (outgroups) as antithetical to in-
structure, and subjective norm variables. Three standard groups. Applied to the domain of consumption, the concept
Fishbein variables were formed: Aact, 2b.e., and SNB.MC.. of ethnocentrism (Consumer Ethnocentrism) is a potentially
Differences between consumer ethnocentrics and non- ^ ^ valuable explanan of wby some consumers have negative ori-
ethnocentrics were tested by analysis of covariance for entations toward products manufactured outside tbeir native
each of the three aggregated criterion variables. Ethno- country. In the present study, respondents designated as
centrism, social class, and sex were factors and age was a "consumer ethnocentrics" ascribed to the position that pur-
covariate. Past research on foreign products (Bannister chasing foreign automobiles is wrong because it hurts the
and Saunders 1978; Schooler 1971) along with commonsense country, the domestic economy, and fellow citizens. "Non-
justify the addition of sex and age to these analyses. One ethnocentrics," who did not share these sentiments, held
might expect that younger consumers and perhaps males would significantly more favorable beliefs, attitudes, and inten-
be more favorably disposed toward foreign automobiles. tions toward foreign automobiles.

Ihe findings in Table 3 reveal that social class was in- An obvious and legitimate concern regarding this study is
significant in every analysis. Sex had significant effects the issue of measurement quality: Was the measure used
on the cognitive structure (i;b.e.) variable, with males (a single open-ended question) too crude, and was consumer
possessing more favorable structures. Age was statistically ethnocentrism in fact measured? It is undeniable in re-
significant for only the Aact variable; younger consumers sponse to the first issue that a single open-ended question
had more favorable attitudes. Finally, the ethnocentrism lacks precision, is less desirable than a multi-item scale,
variable attained statistical significance In all three and that a psycbometrically-sound scale to measure consumer
analyses; ethnocentric consumers were uniformly less ethnocentrism would unquestionably be preferable. However,
favorably disposed toward foreign cars. the fact remains that such a scale is unavailable. It is


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furthermore notable that the consistently significant dif- Bannister, J.P. and J.A. Saunders (1978), "UK Consumers'
ferences detected would have been even stronger had a more Attitudes Towards Imports: The Measurement of National
precise measure of consumer ethnocentrism been available. Stereotype Image," European Journal of Marketing, 12, 562-
A second issue is whether the measure of consumer ethno-
centrism, imprecision aside, did indeed tap this construct Berkman, Harold W. and Christopher C. Gilson (1978), Con-
rather than some other. This of course is a validity is- sumer Behavior: Concepts and Strategies, Encino, CA:
sue. Criterion validity has been demonstrated, as ethno- Dickenson Publishing Co., Inc.
centrics were predictably different along a variety of mea-
sures. The high degree of intercoder reliability in clas- Chang, Edward C. and Edward H. Ritter (1976), "Ethnocen-
sifying respondents into the two ethnocentric groups ful- trism in Black College Students," The Journal of Social
filled a necessary (but not sufficient) condition toward Psychology, 100, 89-98.
establishing construct validity, but the unavailability of
a second consumer ethnocentrism measure precluded a deter- Etzel, Michael J. and Bruce J. Walker (1974), "Advertising
mination of convergent validity. Discriminant validity Strategy for Foreign Products," Journal of Advertising
likewise was not established, as there conceivably are Research, 14 (June), 41-44.
other untested variables with which consumer ethnocentrism
is fundamentally inseparable. However, it can be said with Fishbein, Martin and Icek Ajzen (1975), Belief, Attittxde,
confidence that consumer ethnocentrism is not a mere mani- Intention, and Behavior: An Introduction to Theory and
festation of more basic social class factors. Research, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

Additional work obviously is needed before it can be con- Gaedeke, Ralph (1973), "Consumer Attitudes Toward 'Made In'
cluded with assurance that consumer ethnocentrism is a use- Developing Countries," Journal of Retailing, 49 (Summer),
ful concept. A valid scale adhering to accepted psycho- 13-24.
metric procedures is a needed next step. Such a scale
would transform consumer ethnocentrism from a dichotomous Hage, Jerald (1972), Techniques and Problems of Theory Con-
or "specific nonvariable," as operationalized in this re- struction in Sociology, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
search, to a continuous or "general variable." The latter
is always superior due to greater discriminatory ability Holbrook, Morris B. (1978), "Beyond Attitude Structure:
and because it permits more powerful statistical analysis Toward the Informational Determinants of Attitude," Journal
(Hage 1972). of Marketing Research, 15 (November), 545-56.

Although incidental to the present paper, it may be of in- Hollingshead, August B. (1949), Elmtown's Youth: The Impact
terest to note that efforts have recently been undertaken of Social Class on Adolescents, New York: John Wiley &
to construct a psychometrically-sound scale to measure con- Sons, Inc.
sumer ethnocentrism and related phenomena. The proposed
Consumer Orientation toward Foreign Products Scale is con- Jacoby, Jacob (1978), "Consumer Research: A State of the
ceptualized as a multifaceted construct that includes cog- Art Review," Journal of Marketing, 42 (April), 87-96.
nitive, affective, and normative elements. The construct's
domain spans consumers' object-based beliefs and attitudes Levine, Robert A. and Donald T. Campbell (1972), Ethnocen-
(i.e., perceptions of foreign product quality, value, etc.), trism: Theories of Conflict, Ethnic Attitudes, and Group
normative-based beliefs and attitudes (i.e., perceptions of Behavior, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
whether one should or should not purchase foreign-made pro-
ducts) , and personalistic-based considerations centering
Markin, Rom J. (197A), Consumer Behavior: A Cognitive
on consumers' personal interests and welfare.
Orientation, New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.
The proposed scale and the study presented herein are based Mazis, Michael B. and Olli T. Ahtola (1975), "A Comparison
on the belief that this global form of consumer choice be- of Four Multi-Attribute Models in the Prediction of Con-
havior (domestic versus foreign products) has strategic sumer Attitudes," Journal of Consumer Research, 2 (June),
implications. In terms of private policy, knowledge of the 38-52. ~
number and identifying characteristics of consumer ethno-
centrics would be useful in formulating market segmentation
Miniard, Paul W. and Joel B. Cohen (1979), "Isolating
and promotional strategies. For example, knowing the mag-
Attitudinal and Normative Influences in Behavioral Inten-
nitude of ethnocentric attitudes within a targeted market
tions Models," Journal of Marketing Research, 16 (February),
segment would indicate whether appeals to patriotism are
102-110. ~ ~ ~
appropriate. Moreover, the application of a psychometri-
cally-sound scale in companies' periodic consumer research
studies would enable a determination of the role played by (1981), "An Examination of the Fishbein-Ajzen
ethnocentric attitudes in influencing product choice be- Behavioral Intentions Model's Concepts and Measures,"
havior. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 17, 309-339.

Oliver, Richard L. and Philip K. Berger (1979), "A Path

Analysis of Preventive Health Care Decision Models," Journal
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