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Revised 2009, WKS Datasheet No.11



Constant-Head Permeability Test


The coefficient of permeability is a constant of proportionality relating to the ease
with which a fluid passes through a porous medium. Two general laboratory methods
are available for determining the coefficient of permeability of a soil. These are the
constant-head method, and the falling-head method. Both methods use Darcy's law
which is expressed as:

q = kiA


q = quantity of fluid flow in a given time (volume/time)

k = coefficient of permeability (length/time)

i = hydraulic gradient

A = cross-sectional area of soil mass

Neither the constant-head nor the falling-head laboratory method provides a reliable
value for the coefficient of permeability of soil. Reasons for this are varied, but the
major ones are as follows:

1. The soil in the permeability devices is never in the same state as in the field; it is
always disturbed to some extent.

2. Orientation of the insitu stratum to the flow of water is probably not duplicated.
In sands, the ratio of horizontal flow to vertical flow may be 3 to 4 or more (
and this generally always occurs. Even if the field void ratio is duplicated for sands,
the relationship of
will probably be lost. Clayey fills will have horizontal jointing
due to placing the fill in lifts of 150 to 300 mm. This results in k
, again a situation
hard to duplicate in the laboratory.


3. Boundary conditions are not the same in the laboratory. The smooth walls of the
permeability mold make for better flow paths than if they were rough. If the soil is
stratified vertically, the flow in the different strata will be different, and this
boundary condition may be impossible to duplicate.

4. The hydraulic head h may be different (often much larger) in the laboratory,
causing a washout of fine material to the boundary, with a possible reduction of k.
The field hydraulic gradient (
i =
) is on the order of 0.5 to 1.5, whereas in the
laboratory it is generally 5 or more. Some evidence indicates that v = ki is not linear
for all values of i, especially the larger values. On the other hand, there is evidence
that for fine-grained soils (clays), there may be some threshold gradient below which
no flow will take place.

5. The effect of entrapped air on the laboratory sample will be large even for small
air bubbles since the sample is small. The coefficient of permeability of a homogene-
ous, isotropic soil mass depends on several factors two of which are:

i) The viscosity of the pore fluid (usually water). As the temperature increases, the
viscosity of water decreases and the coefficient of permeability increases; i.e., the
flow rate increases. The coefficient permeability at any temperature t is related
to k
as in the following equation:


T 20

k k


are the viscosities of the fluid at the temperature 'T' of the test
and at 20
C respectively.

ii) The degree of saturation. As the degree of saturation increases, the apparent
coefficient of permeability also increases. Part of this increase is due to the
breaking of surface tension. The remainder is an unknown quantity since it is
difficult to determine k unless one considers the continuity of flow through the
medium. The flow through the medium can only be measured by considering the
quantity going into and coming out of the soil mass. As an extreme case, one could,
in a dry soil, have a considerable flow into the sample and no flow at all out. A
computation of k would yield k = 0, which is obviously incorrect. Saturated samples
are generally used in the laboratory to avoid this problem, although a few relatively

recent investigations have been concerned with soil specimens where S < 100 per-


Permeability chamber

The permeability chamber disassembles into two sections. The bottom section only is
normally used for falling head tests. It will accommodate a sample of up to 65 mm
length. When greater flow is expected, as with the constant head test, the lower
chamber section and its extension are both used to accommodate a sample up to 140
mm long. The lower chamber disassembles from the base to allow for easy placement
of undisturbed or remolded samples.


1. Using the sand furnished by the instructor, each group will make a test sample by
compacting in layers.

a. Select a representative sample of air dried soil equal in amount to twice that
required for filling the permeameter chamber (twice approximately 800 grams)
and weigh.

b. Remove the chamber cap from the unit by unscrewing the three nuts and
lifting the unit off the tie rods. Clean the gaskets and make sure their seating is
free of sand grains. Position a disk (screen up) on the support ring in the base of
the chamber.

c. Using the scoop or funnel pour the prepared specimen in a circular manner into
the lower chamber to a depth of 1.5 cm so that a uniform layer is formed.
While holding the cell firmly in place compact the layer of soil using an appropri-
ate tamping device. Repeat the procedure until the sample is almost even with
the top of the upper chamber section.

d. Carefully level the surface of the specimen. Measure and record sample length
and diameter. Place the upper disk (screen down) on the specimen followed by the
compression spring, the chamber cap and sealing gasket. Secure firmly with the
nuts. The spring prevents change in sample length. Weigh the soil remaining from
the original sample. Calculate the density of the specimen.


2. Connect the out-flow line to a vacuum and check for leaks by placing a finger on the
inflow line. A strong suction should be felt if it is properly sealed.

3. When properly sealed connect the inflow line to the constant head supply line and
apply a vacuum for about 10 minutes to evacuate the air. Place the cell on a shelf such
that the head measured from the gauge on the constant head tank to the outflow
port on the cell is no more then about 3 times the sample length.

4. After evacuation, gradually open the valve and slowly allow the sample to saturate
under full vacuum. Turn off and then disconnect the vacuum when the chamber is
filled with water.

5. Using the 1000 ml container, record the time required to collect approximately
1000 ml of water. Repeat two or three additional times until two trials agree
reasonably well. Note that the time to collect 1000 ml may increase with successive
trials. Record the temperature of water for each test. (The exact out-flow may be
obtained by weighing the beaker and contents and the knowledge that
= 1 g/mL.)


1. Include a labelled and dimensioned sketch of the of the apparatus including the
constant head tank showing the various heights above the reference datum. Another
sketch should show an exploded view of the permeability chamber with which
anyone could correctly assemble the device.

2. Each group will compute its k value from the temperature of the test. While the
value would also normally be calculated it has been found that the temperature of
the water in the constant head tank is usually so close enough to 20
C that this calcu-
lation is unnecessary. The coefficient of permeability is computed as:
( ) hAt
k =


k = the coefficient of permeability in cm/s
Q = the discharge in mL
L = the sample length in cm
h = head in cm
A = the cross-sectional area (cm
t = the time in seconds to carry out the test

3. A final representative value of k should be reported along with the trial values upon
which it was based. The density of the soil in kg/m
should also be reported.

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