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PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) FAQs

What is Autologel Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)? Produced in just minutes from a small quantity of your own blood, PRP contains a wide variety of the bodys own natural growth factors which may be helpful in accelerating tissue regeneration, improving healing time and stimulating hair growth. Platelets are cell fragments that are normally found in the blood and play a key role in blood clotting and are a natural source of growth factors. Once prepared and activated, platelets release their stores of powerful growth factors and other molecules.

How is Autologel PRP made? Once a small sample of blood is obtained, the FDA-approved and physician-supervised Autologel process concentrates platelets by separating them from other blood components using special equipment. How is Autologel PRP used as an adjunct to a hair transplant procedure? Autologel PRP can be used for graft storage as well as a wound healing treatment in conjunction with hair transplantation. Scientific reports suggest that PRP may help accelerate the recovery phase as well as the initial hair growth from a hair transplant.

How is Autologel PRP used as a stand-alone treatment? Autologel PRP can be used as an outpatient, in-office treatment for hair loss. PRP contains many powerful growth factors that are associated with the reversal of miniaturization of hair follicles that occurs with pharmaceutical hair growth treatments.

The platelet concentration in PRP can exceed two million platelets per microliter 10x higher than normal blood!

What are growth factors? Platelets contain powerful protein molecules called growth factors that normally begin tissue repair and regeneration at a wound site. These platelet-derived growth factors initiate connective tissue healing, skin regeneration and repair, promote development of new blood vessels, and stimulate the wound healing process. Many growth factors have also been implicated in the cascade of cellular events that occur when hair follicles are treated with medications to stimulate hair growth. Some of the growth factors and other components found in PRP include: Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF), Transforming Growth Factors (TGF- and TGF-), Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1), Angiopoietin-2 (Ang-2), Interleukin-1 Beta (IL-1), Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVECs), hFOBs (Human Fetal Osteoblasts) and more. Is Autologel PRP safe? Because Autologel PRP is made from your own blood, it is insulated against the risk of disease transmission.

How will I know if my Autologel PRP wound healing treatment is working? Assessing your response to wound healing adjunctive therapies can be difficult. However, rapid improvements in tissue regeneration, less discomfort, decreased swelling and bruising and a quicker response from procedures are common with the use of Autologel PRP with hair transplant surgery.

How will I know if my Autologel PRP hair growth treatment is working? Because hair growth occurs slowly and early changes to even the most powerful treatments can be subtle, assessing changes in hair growth from PRP as a stand-alone therapy requires special monitoring techniques like standardized global photography, hair density measurements with a video scalp microscope, combined cross-sectional bundle measurement with a HairCheck trichometer and other tools. Some, not all, board-certified Hair Restoration Physicians have these tools at their disposal. Dr. Bauman recommends that the results of ANY hair restoration regimen be routinely checked using these in- office measurement tools.

What is the cost of Autologel PRP? Autologel PRP is typically included with any FUE NeoGraft hair transplant procedure at Bauman Medical Group at no additional cost. Our staff can provide information on the cost of stand-alone Autologel PRP treatments prescribed.

Autologel is a trademark of Cytomedix, Inc.
For more information on Autologel PRP, hair transplantation or other hair restoration treatments and procedures, call 561-394-0024 or 1-877-BAUMAN-9 toll free, or visit www.baumanmedical.com.


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