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Full Name: Nick Name(s): Gender: Marital Status/Sexual Preference: Intriguing Characteristics: Internal Conflict: External Conflict: Character's

Goals What is this character's major goal? Why is this goal so important to this character? Incidents that Affected Choice of Goal: Are there any events in the character's past that affect the significance of this goal? Methods of Goal Achievement: Obstacles in Goal Achievement: Other Smaller Goals: (Change Personality, Make more Friends, Lose Weight) What is the one thing in the world your character would do anything in the world to have? Why? What has he already done to try to obtain it? What does he hope to try in the future? What is the one thing in the world your character would do anything to avoid? Why? What has he already done to avoid this? What do you see him doing in the future to avoid it? Physical Description Race: Body Shape: (Large, Medium Frame, Tiny, Petite) Complexion: (Clear, Freckled)

Eyes and Eye Color: Hair (color, style): Height: (Tall, Short) Clothing: (Casual, Formal, Shabby) Prominent Scars, Marks, or Moles: Other Physical Features: (Buckteeth, Unibrow, Cleft in chin) Personality Beliefs/Religion: Dislikes: Fears: Good Qualities: Habits: (Bites Nails, Extremely Hygienic, etc.) Happiest and Moment: Hobbies: Likes: Mannerisms: (Body Language, Always on Guard, Animated) Natural Talents: Physical/Mental Health: Prominent Personality Trait: (Always ready to help, Always Scowling, Very Happy, Loud, Humble) Role Model: Saddest Moment: Scenes/Events that Describe Personality Traits: Speech Patterns/Frequently Used Phrases: Strengths: Talent(s):

Temperament: Temperament: (Happy, Sad, Expressionless, Funny, Angry) Turn Offs: Turn Ons: Weakness: Biographical Describe your characters life till now, motivations, family situation, pet peeves--anything that comes to you: Age: Birthday/Year: Place of Birth: Origin/Background: Place where She/He Grew Up: Childhood: Important Childhood Incidents: School & Educational Background: Classmates: Career/Past Careers: Language(s): Effects of Past on Present: Family Parent(s): (Mother, Father, Step-Father, Step-Mother, Adoptive Parents, Guardians) Grandparent(s): Sibling(s): (Brother, Sister, Step-Sibling) Cousin(s): Relationship with Parents/Siblings: (Good, Talk just for

the heck of it, Don't talk at all) Other relationships Spouse: Best Friend(s): (Name, Age, Characteristics) Allies: Enemies: Colleagues: Acquaintances: Other Characters: (Assistant, Boss, Teacher, Principal)

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