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Initially without official sanction, and distrusting TerIntel, the Terran state intelligence service, Kurak turned to the venerable Hawker Aerospace Consortium for aid. This vast corporation already possessed a web of contacts as a result of its many business dealings with non-human powers across Terran space. With Hawkers aid, as well as his own friends within the Aquan and Sorylian governments and military, Kurak was able to bring many of these smaller powers into the fold of his alliance as he called it, a coalition of mutual defence against aggression. Kuraks overtures brought in many varied races, each with their own particular favoured style of space combat, from the aggressive close quarters mayhem favoured by the Veydreth, to the nearincomprehensible but fearsomely potent gravity-beam weaponry of the Tarakians. These powers have many different motivations for their membership of the Alliance, such as the opportunistic mercenary attitudes of the Veydreth Herdmasters, the righteous indignation of the Terquai and the Tarakian Conclaves apparent determination to quell Dindrenzi aggression as quickly as possible for their own secretive reasons. Kurak eventually received official recognition from President Sallandro and the Senate for his efforts, just prior to the war. He was granted the title of Permanent Secretary for Alien Affairs. With this, Kurak was given an effective carte blanche to bring his allies into proper coordination with Terran and other forces. Using Hawkers intel staff as liaisons, Kuraks organisation began to organise Alliance Armadas to supplement existing forces in driving back the enemy assaults in the Storm Zone. Unlike the Zenian League, the signatories of Kuraks Alliance are generally willing to operate in concert with each other in the cause of mutual defence. All have strong vested interests in the maintenance of the stellar status quo. Nonetheless, Kurak is wise enough to know that idealism is rarely enough to keep such disparate allies working together. Therefore, he, with Sallandros authority, is ever ready to grease the wheels of co-operation behind the scenes with whatever it takes to keep Terras newest friends on-side.

The six greatest powers in this galactic quadrant clash in a bloody conflict in the Storm Zone. On one side stands the Dindrenzi Federation, the apex of a triumvirate of great stellar powers of the Outer Reach. Together with the sinister Directorate, and the inscrutably alien Relthoza, the Dindrenzi, under the leadership of Chairman Rufus Rense, seek to smash their way into the Storm Zone. Their final objective is nothing less than the subjugation of Terra itself. Facing them, under the leadership of Charter President Sallandro, is the Terran Alliance. Two other great alien empires, the Aquan Sebrutan and the Sorylian Collective, have chosen to stand with the older human empire in defence of the Storm Zone. These two great coalitions are bound together by many different bonds; mutual defence, the lust for profit, fear of conquest by others. Whatever differences they may have had, these have been successfully subjugated, as all parties have come to recognise the greater gains to be had by standing together. However, these six factions, though they are the greatest and most influential in this galactic quadrant, and the driving forces behind the prosecution of the Storm Zone wars, are not the only powers in space. Around each great triumvirate of belligerents orbit a whole constellation of lesser factions. Semi-independent human enclaves and smaller alien dominions pepper the Storm Zone and the surrounding regions of space. Some have eagerly thrown their lot in with one or other of the great alliances. Others have tried and failed to remain aloof from the conflict, but have been drawn in nonetheless. Ultimately, in this war of conquest and survival, neutrality is not an option. Each side in this war has created its own wider web of allies. Standing with the Terrans, Aquans and Sorylians against the Dindrenzi assault are the signatories of the Alliance of Kurak. Facing them, drawn by the promised spoils of conquest are the powers of the Zenian League, assembled by the efforts of the Federation and their Directorate associates.


Anton Kurak, the last peacetime Charter President of the Terran Alliance, had long suspected that the Dindrenzi were plotting to unleash an apocalyptic war upon the vulnerable Terran assets in the Storm Zone. In the last years of his presidency, and after his dismissal, Kurak worked hard to build a strong coalition of alien allies, especially those who had interests in the Storm Zone, or who had long associations with the Terran Alliance.


Unlike the Kurak Alliance, constructed with diligent care and attention over a span of many years, the origins of the Zenian League were rather more forced and sudden. Rather than being based on the principles of mutual solidarity, it would be fair to call the League a pirates coalition. Chairman Rufus Rense was quick to recognise that, even with the vast power of the Dindrenzi military at his disposal, he still needed allies. The assurance of support from the Directorate and

Firestorm Armada Model Statistics

Copyright Spartan Games 2013

the neighbouring Relthoza Empire was a relief, but Rense knew he still required more backing, if only to ensure that the Federation would not begin to suffer from insurrections in its own rear areas. However, the residual xenophobia of the Dindrenzi worked strongly against his efforts. The human-supremacist Church of the Dramos Angels especially grew restive at the very mention of the idea. The creation of the Zenian League owed much to Ervan Bas of the Directorate, working closely alongside Rense to build a secretive alliance virtually independent of the main Federation power structures. Many Zenian League powers were in fact associates of the Directorate rather than the Dindrenzi Federation. It was a relatively simple matter for Bas and his fellow Directors to use a combination of bribery and threats to bring these fractious powers into the Dindrenzi fold. Rather conveniently, at least as far as Bas was concerned, it also provided the Directorate with another covert means of political leverage with regard to their much larger neighbour.

When the Chairman announced the formation of the League to the Federation Legislature, it was virtually as a fait accompli. However, few dared protest, with the firepower of the mighty Rense System Navy backing up the Chairmans policy. But the RSNs coordination of the Federations new helpers also provided assurance to the Legislature that the powers of the Zenian League would be kept firmly in line. Chairman Rense may well have need of allies, but he still firmly believes in the Dindrenzi principle that one can only deal successfully with non-humans from a position of undeniable strength. Unlike the Kurak Alliance, the races of the Zenian League are motivated mostly by utter self-interest, if not outright greed. Some, such as the hardy BaKash, embrace war as a time to thrive, while the Kedorian coalition sees a chance to expand their political influence over their immediate neighbours. However, the Dindrenzi War is sure to shatter the existing galactic order, and almost all the Zenian League members see the chance to reap the benefits of this violent restructuring. As far as they are concerned, to the victor go the spoils, and they are determined to be on the winning side.

Firestorm Armada Model Statistics

Copyright Spartan Games 2013


The major powers of the Alliance of Kurak are the Terran Alliance, the Aquan Prime and the Sorylian Collective. In addition, several smaller factions signed the treaty, pledging their support to the Alliance, in return for protection from the rapacious expansion of the Zenian League into the Storm Zone. These include the Cheyga Confederation, the Ryushi Empire, the Tarakian Conclave, the Veydreth Tribes and the Xelocian Imperium, as well as the Terquai colonists and the military and economic support of the wealthy Hawker Federation. Models from the Alliance of Kurak can be formed into two types of combined fleet; either Alliance Fleets or Support Fleets.

When used correctly in concert, these Kurak Support Fleets establish a daunting bulwark, which even the most determined invaders will be hard pressed to overcome. Models in a Kurak Support Fleet are chosen from any of the small factions in the Alliance of Kurak. Additionally, up to 40% of your points can be spent on Civilian models, and up to 30% of your points can be spent on Marauder models. Models CANNOT be chosen from any of the major powers. Any Minimum Squadron Restrictions MUST be fulfilled, but not necessarily with models from the same small faction. These Restrictions CAN be fulfilled with Civilian or Marauder models. A Kurak Support Fleet can spend up to 60% of its points on Small models and up to 60% of its points on Medium models. It can spend up to 30% of its points on Battleships, up to 30% on Dreadnoughts, up to 30% on Carriers (including Wings) and up to 30% on Leviathans. A Kurak Support Fleet has a Fleet Tactics Bonus of +1, and the models within it have a Command Distance of 6. Important Note: Although Alliance and Support Fleets may be comprised of models from several races and factions, a single Squadron CANNOT contain models from more than one race or faction. For example, a Squadron could not contain both Terran Templar Class Heavy Cruisers and Aquan Chironex Class MkII Cruisers. The only exceptions to this are that Escort Squadrons CAN be attached to a Large/Massive model from a different race or faction, and Flight Tokens may launch from and land on ANY suitable Carrier model in the same Fleet, regardless of race or faction.

Alliance of Kurak Fleets represent the military might of one of the three major powers, supplemented with vessels from other allied factions. Since the signing of the treaty, these disparate peoples have learned to work and fight together in defence of their home territories. They can now coordinate their efforts with well drilled ease, complimenting one anothers strengths and compensating for one anothers weaknesses. ONE race, from either the Terran Alliance, the Aquan Prime or the Sorylian Collective, MUST be designated as the Alliance Fleets Core Fleet. At least 50% of the Maximum Fleet Value MUST be chosen from models in the Core Fleet, and any Minimum Squadron Restrictions MUST be fulfilled with Squadrons in the Core Fleet. Additionally HALF of both the Small and the Medium models in the fleet MUST be from the Core Fleet. Up to 50% of the Maximum Fleet Value CAN then be spent on models from any of the other major powers and small factions within the Alliance of Kurak. An Alliance Fleet uses the Fleet Tactics Bonus and Command Distance of its Core Fleet. An Alliance Fleet can spend up to 60% of its points on Small models and up to 60% of its points on Medium models. It can spend up to 40% of its points on Battleships, up to 30% of its points on Dreadnoughts and up to 40% on Carriers (including Wings).


Kurak Support Fleets represent the vessels of the smaller factions, banding together in the face of the Zenian League threat. Although lacking the economic support to maintain large navies, these races have perfected the design and use of their chosen classes of vessel.


Firestorm Armada Model Statistics

Copyright Spartan Games 2013


DR 6 2 12 9 5 5 3 8 7 5 5 4 7 6 5 5 CP 8

CR 9 AP 4

Mv 6 PD 8

HP 10 MN 0

Ganak Class Battleship 1 11 8 5 5

Cost: 200 Points

This is a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model Up to 30% of your points (in a SUPPORT FLEET) can be spent on BATTLESHIPS TARAKIAN BATTLESHIPS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model The model MUST move 2 straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 6 Wings = 4

NOTE: Wings are paid for in addition to a BATTLESHIP
MARs: Medical Shuttles Repair Shuttles Protected Systems

Starboard/Port Fore (Fixed) Torpedoes (Fore) Torps (Stb. / Port)


RANGE BAND Fore (Fixed)

DR 4 1 6 5 5 2 7 5 5 3 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 CP 4

CR 6 AP 2

Mv 8 PD 3

HP 5 MN 0

Sulan Class Cruiser

Cost: 70 Points

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model Up to 60% of your points (in a SUPPORT FLEET) can be spent on MEDIUM models TARAKIAN CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 4 models The model MUST move 1 straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 6 Wings = 0

MARs: Protected Systems

Torpedoes (Fore) Torps (Stb. / Port) -


RANGE BAND Fore (Fixed)

DR 3 1 4 4 2 5 3 3 3 2 4 2 1 CP 2

CR 5 AP 1

Mv 10 PD 1

HP 2 MN 0

Tarl Class Frigate

This is a SMALL CLASS model Up to 60% of your points (in a SUPPORT FLEET) can be spent on SMALL models TARAKIAN FRIGATES are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 5 models The model MUST move 0 straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn

Cost: 30 Points

Torps (Stb. / Port) -

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 6 Wings = 0


Firestorm Armada Model Statistics

Copyright Spartan Games 2013


DR 4 3 5 3 4 4 3 4 CP 3

CR 7 AP 4

Mv 10 PD 4

HP 5 MN 4

Carnivore Class Heavy Cruiser 1 6 4 5 2 7 6 5 -

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model Up to 60% of your points (in a SUPPORT FLEET) can be spent on MEDIUM models VEYDRETH HEAVY CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models The model MUST move 1 straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn No more than HALF of the MEDIUM models in a fleet can be HEAVY CRUISERS

Cost: 85 Points

Starboard/Port Fore Torpedoes (Fore) -

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 6 Wings = 0

MARs: Double Mines



DR 5 2 8 7 5 3 5 4 4 4 3 2 4 CP 3

CR 8 AP 4

Mv 8 PD 3

HP 6 MN 5

Prowler Class Gunship 1 6 5 5 -

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model Up to 60% of your points (in a SUPPORT FLEET) can be spent on MEDIUM models VEYDRETH GUNSHIPS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models The model MUST move 1 straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn No more than HALF of the MEDIUM models in a fleet can be GUNSHIPS

Cost: 90 Points

Starboard/Port Fore Torpedoes (Fore)


Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 6 Wings = 0

MARs: Double Mines Vulnerable



DR 4 3 4 3 4 4 2 4 CP 3

CR 7 AP 6

Mv 10 PD 3

HP 4 MN 4

Stalker Class Assault Cruiser 1 5 4 5 2 6 6 5 -

Cost: 70 Points

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model Up to 60% of your points (in a SUPPORT FLEET) can be spent on MEDIUM models VEYDRETH ASSAULT CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models The model MUST move 1 straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn

Starboard/Port Fore Torpedoes (Fore) -

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 6 Wings = 0

MARs: Double Mines



DR 4 2 4 6 5 3 7 3 4 4 6 4 CP 2

CR 7 AP 3

Mv 8 PD 3

HP 4 MN 0

Hunter Class Destroyer 1 2 4 5 -

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model Up to 60% of your points (in a SUPPORT FLEET) can be spent on MEDIUM models VEYDRETH DESTROYERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models The model MUST move 1 straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn No more than HALF of the MEDIUM models in a fleet can be DESTROYERS

Cost: 65 Points

Starboard/Port Fore Torpedoes (Fore) -

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 6 Wings = 0

MARs: Hidden Killer Manoeuvrable


Firestorm Armada Model Statistics

Copyright Spartan Games 2013

Shantu Class Dreadnought RANGE BAND Starboard/Port Fore (Fixed) Torpedoes (Fore) 1 12 15 8 2 18 18 8 3 6 12 9 4 9 9 -

DR 7 CP 8

CR 11 AP 6

Mv 6 PD 6

HP 9 MN 0

Cost: 300 Points

This is a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model Up to 30% of your points (in a SUPPORT FLEET) can be spent on DREADNOUGHTS XELOCIAN DREADNOUGHTS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model The model MUST move 2 straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 6 Wings = 4

NOTE: Wings are paid for in addition to a DREADNOUGHT
MARs: Dirty Secrets Elite Crew Impervious Pride of the Fleet Reinforced Fore


Hantari Class Cruiser RANGE BAND Starboard/Port Fore (Fixed) Torpedoes (Fore) 1 4 5 4 2 6 6 4 3 2 4 5 4 3 5 -

DR 4 CP 4

CR 6 AP 3

Mv 9 PD 3

HP 4 MN 0

Cost: 65 Points

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model Up to 60% of your points (in a SUPPORT FLEET) can be spent on MEDIUM models XELOCIAN CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models The model MUST move 1 straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 6 Wings = 0

MARs: Reinforced Fore


Karn Class Frigate RANGE BAND Starboard/Port Fore (Fixed) 1 2 3 2 3 4 3 1 1 4 -

DR 3 CP 3

CR 5 AP 2

Mv 12 PD 1

HP 2 MN 0

Cost: 25 Points

This is a SMALL CLASS model Up to 60% of your points (in a SUPPORT FLEET) can be spent on SMALL models XELOCIAN FRIGATES are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 5 models The model MUST move 0 straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 6 Wings = 0


Firestorm Armada Model Statistics

Copyright Spartan Games 2013

RANGE BAND Gun Rack Fore Torpedoes (Fore) 1 15 10 5 -

DR 7 3 10 5 7 4 5 9 CP 6

CR 12 AP 7

Mv 7 PD 8

HP 10 MN 6

Resulka Class Dreadnought 2 18 15 7 -

Cost: 250 Points

This is a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model Up to 30% of your points (in a SUPPORT FLEET) can be spent on DREADNOUGHTS TERQUAI DREADNOUGHTS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model The model MUST move 2 straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 6 Wings = 3

NOTE: Wings are paid for in addition to a DREADNOUGHT
MARs: Countermeasures Elite Crew Impervious Pride of the Fleet Reinforced Port Reinforced Starboard


RANGE BAND Gun Rack Fore Torpedoes (Fore) 1 5 4 3 -

DR 4 3 2 1 4 4 5 CP 4

CR 6 AP 6

Mv 9 PD 3

HP 4 MN 4

Arual Class Assault Cruiser 2 7 6 4 -

Cost: 65 Points

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model Up to 60% of your points (in a SUPPORT FLEET) can be spent on MEDIUM models TERQUAI ASSAULT CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models The model MUST move 1 straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 6 Wings = 0

MARs: Reinforced Port Reinforced Starboard


RANGE BAND Gun Rack Fore Torpedoes (Fore) 1 5 4 5 -

DR 4 2 7 6 7 3 2 1 7 4 9 CP 4

CR 6 AP 3

Mv 9 PD 3

HP 4 MN 0

Makalu Torpedo Cruiser

Cost: 65 Points

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model Up to 60% of your points (in a SUPPORT FLEET) can be spent on MEDIUM models TERQUAI TORPEDO CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models The model MUST move 1 straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 6 Wings = 0

MARs: Reinforced Port Reinforced Starboard


Lhotze Class Cruiser RANGE BAND Gun Rack Fore Torpedoes (Fore) 1 5 4 3 2 7 6 4 3 3 3 4 4 1 1 5 -

DR 4 CP 3

CR 6 AP 3

Mv 9 PD 4

HP 5 MN 0

Cost: 65 Points

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model Up to 60% of your points (in a SUPPORT FLEET) can be spent on MEDIUM models TERQUAI CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 4 models The model MUST move 1 straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 6 Wings = 0

MARs: Reinforced Port Reinforced Starboard


Firestorm Armada Model Statistics

Copyright Spartan Games 2013

Excelsior Class Battleship RANGE BAND Starboard/Port Fore (Fixed) Turrets Torpedoes (Fore) 1 6 9 8 6 2 7 10 10 7 3 5 8 6 8 4 7 4 9

DR 6 CP 5

CR 12 AP 5

Mv 6 PD 6

HP 8 MN 0

Cost: 180 Points

This is a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model Up to 30% of your points (in a SUPPORT FLEET) can be spent on BATTLESHIPS HAWKER BATTLESHIPS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model The model MUST move 2 straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 6 Wings = 0

MARs: Espionage Secured Bulkheads


Resolute Class Cruiser RANGE BAND Starboard/Port Turrets Torpedoes (Fore) 1 4 3 3 2 5 6 4 3 3 5 4 6 -

DR 4 CP 3

CR 6 AP 3

Mv 8 PD 2

HP 4 MN 0

Cost: 65 Points

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model Up to 60% of your points (in a SUPPORT FLEET) can be spent on MEDIUM models HAWKER CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models The model MUST move 1 straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 6 Wings = 0

MARs: Secured Bulkheads



DR 7 3 5 5 7 4 3 2 7 CP 7

CR 10 AP 3

Mv 6 PD 9

HP 9 MN 0

Shautrai Class Battle Carrier RANGE BAND Starboard/Port Fore Torpedoes (Fore) 1 9 8 7 2 12 10 7 -

Cost: 180 Points

This is a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model Up to 30% of your points (in a SUPPORT FLEET) can be spent on BATTLE CARRIERS RYUSHI BATTLE CARRIERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model The model MUST move 2 straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 6 Wings = 10

NOTE: Wings are paid for in addition to a BATTLE CARRIER
MARs: Bigger Batteries Deck Crews



DR 6 2 12 8 6 3 5 3 6 4 1 6 CP 5

CR 9 AP 3

Mv 6 PD 7

HP 7 MN 0

Onnisha Class Carrier RANGE BAND Starboard/Port Fore Torpedoes (Fore) 1 8 6 6 -

Cost: 130 Points

This is a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model Up to 30% of your points (in a SUPPORT FLEET) can be spent on CARRIERS RYUSHI CARRIERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model The model MUST move 2 straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 6 Wings = 8

NOTE: Wings are paid for in addition to a CARRIER
MARs: Bigger Batteries Deck Crews


Firestorm Armada Model Statistics

Copyright Spartan Games 2013

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