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Unit 2 Present time

simple: o tormation rules


Present simple is formed with the bare infinitive form of the verb.
\We add s

Yow like \[/e lihe They tihe in the third person singular be/she/it Verbs ending in o, s, cb, slt, x add -es. Some verbs are irregular: have, be

I like

lik,es She misses


goes He wishes

Sbe watches

He relaxes


and does questions

Present simple questions are formed with do andthe bare infinitive form the verb. \We form third person singular forms with does and the bare


infinitive form of the verb. Do yow like? Does



Do not and does not negatives Present simple negatives are formed with do not and the bare infinitive form of the verb. Third person singular is formed with does not andthe bare infinitive form of the verb. I do not lik,e. She does not lik,e.

Do and does contractions In speech and informal writing, do notbecomes don't,


and does notbecomes

I don't


She doesn't like.


and does Wh- questions

\We also use do/does

when we form questions with zahen,rubat,wby,wltere, bout, etc. Wbat do yow want? Where does she lioe?
We use present simple to describe:


Habitual actions I wsually get up at 7.30.

Personal facts

Liz plays in tbe scbool basketball team.

like ice-cream. Facts which are always true. The sun rises in the east.


Unit 3 for future meanings.

I nterme diate Language Practice

an extrasyllable in the Verbs which end in /z/ , /d,z/ , /sl , /sh/ , /tsh/and /ks/ make

third person, pronoun

ced lrul

bits /hrtsi After lfl,lkl,lpl,ltl,third Person sound is /s/' sees f si'^zf other third p.rron lsl arepronoun ced as lzl. Doesis normally pronounced ldml and says lsezl'

uatcbes misses


presenr conrinuous is formed from the verb be andthe bare infinitive



continuous: formation rules

Tbey are relaxing' We are You are relaxing. present continuous is also called present progresslve.

I am relaxing.

He is relaxing.

She is relaxing.



V..bt *ai"g -e drop

the -e when

and one consonant' double the

tike liiing

decide deciding write writing

Verbs with

orJryilrble, ending in one vowel

consonant when theY add -ing'

swimming to Verbs ending -ie change -ie -Y'

sit sitting




lie bins o

tie tYing


Contractions In speech and informal writing, the verb be is contracted:

utriting Yow're writing


writing utriting



They're writing

Questions W. for- present continuous questions by inverting theverb be' Is sbe writing? Is be writing? Am I writing? Are tbey writing? Are ue writing? Are yow wriiing? Wh-questions

o o


are You


Wby are we writing?

Negatives ,W.lorrn present continuous negatives with the verb be + not' Thqt're not writing He's not writing I'm not writing
\We use


present continuous to describe: Actions happening at the Present moment'


i ,or't speak' to you,I'mwashingmy


Unit 3 for future meanings.

Unit 2 Present time


Choose the correct phrase

a) b)

\What time go


bed on Sarurdays?


outside the door?

underlined in
each sentence.

c) Don't ask Tim. He doesn't know/not knows the answer. d) I having/I'm having my lunch at the momenr.
e) \flhen

0 i) )
Read the answers

g) ? h) This is a great party.I'm having/Am I having a lovely

)rou leave/do vou leave the house? I don't understand. \What is happening/is happen? Excuse me, does you know/do ).ou know the time


\(/e can'r use the lift because it don't works/doesn't work. \What )'ou are doing/are vou doing here? \Where




Sue ? She

and then complete the questions.

lives at the end of Axwell Road.



Jim? No, I don'r know him.

c) \What

.................. .................. ..........

At the momenr? I'm doing my homework.

Are Do........

Here? No, I'm sitting over there.


0 \rhy

Flere? No, we change trains at the next station. .................. .......


I'm wearing two pullovers because I feel cold!

Is........... \X/hen
Kate? She comes home at6.30.

David ? No, he's nor staying with Tom.


R.ewrite each
ssntence so that ::re verb

Naomi and Bill are watching relevision. . . Ns.o. m.i n n d. E i /(.aren.:t. w.a!.eh I rtg. tc b ria io.n. b) Peter likes chocolate cake.

:nderlined is a :;Eative : : trraction.

c) Carol drives a little red sports car.

d) I'm
using rhis pencil at the momenr.

I nterme diate Langua'ge Practice

e) The children

are having lunch in the kitchen'

The sun sets in the east.

s) I get


early on SaturdaY.

h) Kate is

writing a novel.

i) Sue lives in London.

j) We're waiting for You.

Complete each
sentence with a


you like

cheese sandwiches?



present simple or present

the sun rise

continuous form, using the words given.

c) \ilhat

at the moment?

you read d) Sorry,I can't talk. I have .-.. atschool' e) \ile ........ not watch videos 0 Look out of the window! .......


it snow

"""""" ? g) This is an examination! Why you talk to school bY bus everY daY' h) Ann

i) t)
Choose the correct spelling

uniform at Your school?


you wear Pat has got an interesting


0 having/haveing o\ 6/ lyingilieing h) readding /reading
i) using/useing



b) diging/digging c) takeing/taking d) deciding/decideing e) swiming/swimming

k) washeing/washing


from each pair of words.

j) waiting/waitting

riding/rideing m) flyeing/flying n) studing/studying o) going/goeing

Unit 3 Present time 2

Present simple: frequency adverbs

Frequency adverbs are often used with present simple. They explain how often someone does an action, or something happens.

always ,//,/,/,/ often ,/ /,/,/

I aluays get up at 7.00.

Pat often

uswally ,/ //
,/,/ ,/

football matches. It wsually rains wben I go on holidayt

We sometimes eat pizza

goes to



for lwnch.

Jane rarely listens to jazz. My bws never arriztes on time.

Note that the frequency adverb goes between the pronoun (^I, she, etc.) or person and the verb. Other frequency adverbs are: seldom (/), hardty er)er (/ ), o c ca sion ally (/ / ), n ormally (/ / / ), fr e q u ently (/ / / / ).
Frequency adverbs used with the verb be come afterthe verb. Jim is usually late.
S:ate and event


Some verbs are usually used in present simple and not in present continuous. These are sometimes called state verbs, because they describe continuing states, not sudden actions.

having and being belong to, contain,

cost, depend on, bave) oz!)n

thinking and feeling

b eliezt e,

forget, lik

e, hate, knozu,

prefer, wnderstand

Some verbs are more common as state verbs in present simple, and change their meaning when they are used as event verbs in present continuous. Event verbs describe actions. I baoe two sisters. (permanent) I'm bazsing problems with this computer. (a tempo rary action) Examples include be, hav e, taste, think.

Some state verbs can be used to describe tempo rary feelings. How are you getting on at your nelp school?

I'm hating it!

Interme diate Language Practice

Simple and

continuous contrasts

Simple forms usually describe srares which are permanent or afact. Continuous forms describe evenrs which are happening at this moment. They will not continue for ever, or arenot complete, and are temp otafy or in Progress'

I lioe in Budapest. I'm lir:ing in B udaP e st. This plane lands in Frankfurt. We're knding.
Future reference


(temporary) (a fact) (in progress)

present continuous is also used to describe a futu re arrafigement. There is usually a future time expression. This reference to the future emphasizes an event alr eady arranged. Pawl is leaaing early tomorrow morning' My parents aie buying me a mountain bike for my birtbday. This f.ti.tr. reference is common when we describe social arrangements. Are you doing anytbing on Saturday? We're goingskating.
See also



Other problems

o feel

Sometimes there is only a small difference of meaning between simple and

continuous. I feel awful! I'm feeling awful! When we use present continuous, it suggests that we are asking whether any change has occurred. Are yow any better? How areyowfeelingnow?
Present perfect

Check with Unit 6 about uses of present perfect tenses for situations which might seem to refer to Present time.
Sue is stayingutith Jill. Sue bas been stayingwitb

Jill since Marcb.

(temporary situation) (time until now)

Present continuous with alwaYs \7e can use always with present continuous when we are complaining about actions which we find annoying. \7e emphasize always in speech in this case. You're alua'ys forgetting y our k,ey s !

o Historic present

In informal speech or in telling jokes present simple is used to describe narrative events in the pasr. This is also used in written summaries of film or serial plots. A man w:alks into a bar and asks for a glass of utater ,.. The story so far: Micbael meets Susan in the library and tells her about
the missing earrinss ...

See also

Unit 4 and5.


Present time 2


Choose the correct sentence in each context.

a) You want ro invite a friend ro your party on Friday. you say: 1) I have aparty on Friday.Do you want ro come? 2) I'- hr,rirg r pr.ry or Fridry. Do yo, *rrr ro b) You find a wallet on your desk and ask the people"o-.? nearby: 1) Who does this wallet belong to ? 2) \Who is this wallet belonging to ?

c) A friend

invites you ro a snack bar atlunch time. you say: 1) Thanks, but I always go home. Thanks, but I'm always going home.

d) A friend opens the door and says: what are you doing? you reply: 1) I work as a secretary. 2) I'm repairing the compurer. e) A friend asks: Do you like lemon tea? you reply: 1) I prefer tea with milk. 2) I'm preferring tea with milk.

You haven't decided yet about buying

new bike. you say:

1) I think about it. 2) I'm thinking about it. g) A friend asks you if you have finished the book she lent you. you 1) Sorry, I still read it. 2) Sorry, I'm still reading it. h) It is a hot day, but a friend has a heavy coar on. you ask: 1) Why are you wearing aheavy coat? 2) \[hy do you wear aheavy coar?






That can'tbe right! it! Carol can'tswim today. She has/is having a cold. See you in the morning. I leave/I'm leaving now. What do )'ou do/are )'ou doing? If you drop it, it will explode! Stop doing thaq Billy! You are /You are being very silly. I drive/I'm driving! You can sit in the back with Martin. what do we eatlare we eating this evening? I'm really hungry! You're a great cook! This cake tastes/is tasting wonderful.

i) Where do )'ou golare )rou going? I haven't finished speaking ro you! i) Chemistry is hard. I am not understanding/I don't understand it.

I nterme diate Langudge Practice

Put each verb given into present simple or present

a) Ugh, don't show me that picture! I (hate) ...h.qte...... .. spiders! .. to the match on Saturday? b) \7ho (yon, go with)

c) In the winter, what (yor, wear) d) I can't stand horror films. I (think)
e) Diana (not, usually, sit) ......... 0 \7hy (yon, look at) ..........



they're really silly!


next to Ellen.
....... me like that? Flave

I done something

.... outside the Post Office? g) Excuse me, but (this bus, stop) ............. .. the bus to school today. My mother (give) h) I (not take) me a lift.


sentence from a) to h) which is the best continuation of the conversations beginning 1) to


1) What do you usually do on your birthday? ..a.. 2) Would you like to meet againon Saturdayl ..... 3) What do you usually do when there is an earthquake? 4) Have you finished your homework? ..... 5) \7hat are you doing? ..... 6) \What are you doing on Friday? ..... 7) Are you in the school basketball team? ..... S) \What do you do? .....


a) I have aparty. b) I lie under the table. c) I work in a travel agency. d) Yes, we play every Friday. e) I'm still doing it.

lt's hot in here. I'm opening some windows. g) I'm going back to Canada tomorrow. h) I'm having aparty.

Put each verb given into present simple or


a) What (usually,Iou, do) ...deyeuwua(y.de .... atthe weekend? b) Don't worry about the cat. It (only eat) ........ once aday. (yor, I know) . what it is? c) can't work out the answer. d) \ilhat's the matter? \flhy (yor, stare) . at me like that? (yor, . English? I'm looking for a e) Excuse me, but speak)



with her brother while her house is being

on weight. g) You should go on a diet. (yor, put) ....... (they, h) . French or German? I can't tell the speak)



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