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Presente Perfecto Progresivo - Present Perfect Progressive: El Presente Perfecto Progresivo utiliza el past participle (participio pasado) del verbo be (been) y el verbo principal seguido de la terminacin -ing. Las estructuras son: 1. Afirmativa: Sujeto + Have- Has + Been + Verb + ing + compl.. I have been waiting since 12:30. (He estado esperando desde las 12:30)

He has been studying for two hours. (El ha estado estudiando por dos horas) 2. Negativa: Sujeto + Have Has+NOT + been + Verb+ing + Compl. He has not (hasnt) been playing with the umbrella They have not (havent) been watching T.V. (Ellos no han estado viendo television)

3. Interrogativa: Have Has + Sujeto + been + Verb+ing + compl. +? Has she been playing with the umbrella? Yes. She has been playing with the umbrela Have we been watching T. V.? Yes , we have. No, we havent. Yes, She has. No, She hasnt.

EXERCISES: 1. Complete las oraciones teniendo en cuenta las estructuras dadas y la traduccin. Responda las preguntas en forma corta. Pase las afirmativas a negativas viceversa. 1. I a film. Yo he estado viendo una pelcula. 2. in the disco? Ha estado ella bailando en la discoteca? 3. He ...with the umbrella. l no ha estado jugando con el paraguas 4. .. with the computer? Has estado trabajando con el ordenador? 5. She..a book. Ella ha estado leyendo un libro. 6. We. Nosotros no hemos estado peleando. 7. Has estado corriendo? 8. The kids music. Los nios han estado oyendo msica. 9. She. Ella ha estado durmiendo. 10. WeTV. Nosotros no hemos estado viendo la tele. 2. Cambie las siguientes oraciones afirmativas a negativas, interrogativas y de respuestas cortas. Las interrogativas respndalas en forma corta y negativa. 1. It has been raining for two hours. 2. They have been going there for two years. 3. What have you been doing? 4. The telephone has been ringing for almost an hour. 5. Have you been crying? 6. He has been teaching here for twenty-five years. 7. It has been snowing all day. 8. The little boy has been playing in the mud. 9. She has been laughing since you told that joke. 10. Have you been working in your project? 3. Traduzca las 10 oraciones anteriores. Busque el significado de las palabras que necesite. For: Rain: Ring: Almost: Snow: Mud: Laugh: Since: Tel: Told: There: Almost: Little: Joke:

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