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International Krav Maga Federation (IKMF) Practitioner Level 1 Syllabus.

(A) History Of Krav Maga and its founder Imi-sde-or (lichtenfeld). Knowledge of the IKMF.

(B) Knowledge of safety in training and vulnerable points.

(C) Outlet Stances and movements 1. Passive Stance 2. Semi-Passive Stance 3. Fighting Stance (D) Straight Punches 1. Heel of Palm 2. Straight punches to chin Left and Right. 3. Punching from Semi-Passive. 4. Punching from Passive (E) Elbow Strikes (Horizontal Strikes) 1. Inwards 2. Outwards 3. Backwards

(F)1 Hammer Punches (Vertical Strikes) 1. Forwards 2. Downwards 3. Backwards

(F)2 Hammer Punches (Horizontal Strikes) 1. Sideways 2. Backwards

(G) Kicks 1. Knee kick - Straight 2. Regular front kick 3. Defensive back kick

(H) Combinations of above attacks 1. Short 2-4 strike combinations 2. Emphasis on recoiling 3. Scanning for further danger 4. Movement from line of attack

(I) Outside Defences 1. 360 outside defences - Passive Stance 2. 360 with simultaneous counter attack 3. 360 against knife attacks with fast retreat

(J) Inside Defences 1. Diagonally forwards with vertical palm 2. With counter attack as above and lowering hand

(K) Releasing Chokes - From the front 1. Prevention (Kick or Punch) 2. Prevention Defending (inside defences or similar)

3. Prevention Educational Block 4. Defence - Plucking with 2 hands countering with knee /shin/ punches 5. Defence - Pluck with one hand simultaneous counter with other hand

(L) Releasing Chokes - From the side 1. Pluck and counter attack (palm, elbow, kick as needed)

M) Releasing Chokes from the rear 1. Pluck, step diagonally backwards, attack groin and chin.

(N) Releasing Headlocks from the side. 1. Turn body into attacker and attack the groin (possibility to bite the ribs too) 2. Other hand over attackers head and into eyes along bridge of nose. 3. Pullback attackers head and counter attack to the chest or face

(O) Dealing with Falls 1. Forward break fall 2. Backwards break fall 3. Forwards rolls 4. Backwards rolls P) Releases from chokes on the ground. 1. Release from choke on the ground. Attacker kneeling to the side. 2. Pluck, push into throat and insert knee into attackers chest. 3. Push with hips and kick to upper body or face

(Q) Using common objects for self defence. 1. Identify and know categories of common objects and how to use them 2. Shields, Clubs, Stones, Sharp objects, Small objects and Liquids

(R) Training - Watching, Awareness and Prevention 1. Looking at attacks being sent towards student at realistic distances. 2. As above, imagining possible counter attacks.

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