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com project you can donate bitcoins to: 1E8rQq9cmv95CrdrLmqaoD6TErUFKok3bF [ Home| Travel| IT| Career| Real Estate| More... ] ETL BANCO DE CARGA - DWC01 @sysdba_carga; @set; select sysdate from dual; exec dwadm1.grant_automatico_total_01; exec dwadm.drop_create_synonyms; select sysdate from dual; ESQUEMA ETCG grant execute on pk_critica_movimento grant execute on obj_valid_dimensao grant execute on PK_TRATA_ERRO_CARGA ESQUEMA PGTO_OPR @dw_movimento_5801_apo.sql; @dw_movimento_5802_apo.sql; @dw_movimento_5803_apo.sql; @dw_movimento_5804_apo.sql; ESQUEMA PGTO @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\DWC01\dw_movimento_erro_5801_apo.sql @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\dwc01\Dw_movimento_erro_5802_apo.sql @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\dwc01\dw_movimento_erro_5803_apo.sql @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\dwc01\dw_movimento_erro_5804_apo.sql @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\dwc01\Pk_Dimensiona_5801.sql @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\dwc01\Pk_Dimensiona_5802.sql @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\dwc01\Pk_Dimensiona_5803.sql @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\dwc01\Pk_Dimensiona_5804.sql @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\dwc01\Pk_Carga_5801.sql @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\dwc01\Pk_Carga_5802.sql @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\dwc01\Pk_Carga_5803.sql @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\dwc01\Pk_Carga_5804.sql -- Indice para redundancia com as fatos WF_PGTO e WF_PGTO_APGT @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\dwc01\I_WF_PGTO.ind to pgto, pgto_opr; to pgto, pgto_opr; to pgto, pgto_opr;

@C:\_TemasDW\pgto\dwc01\I_WF_PGTO_APGT.ind ---- 5801 ftp (modelo de solicitao): Enviar para CAS com cpia para CDSPCTM@correiolivre.serpro.gov.br Solicitamos transferncia dos arquivos abaixo relacionados para o n 39. Obs.: Os arquivos contem textos acentuados. Utilizar a opcao site charset(sw8859 1) no ftp. DSN do Arquivo Nome no N 39 Endereo no n 39

F.K21880P1.D80414.PGTO01 F.&21880nn.T58xxnn.Oymmdd0.Gyymmdd.DAT /dwed_01/dw/pgto /dados xx=arquivo nn=seqncia Oymmdd0 = data de arrec. final Gyymmdd = data da extrao Agendamento Unix com comando "at" Neste exemplo, o arquivo /dwed_01/dw/pgto/etl contem a listagem de comandos que serao rodados Sintaxe: pgto_opr>at --help Usage: at [-c|-k|-s|-q {a|b|{e-z}}] [-m] [-f File] Time [Day] [Increment] Usage: at [-c|-k|-s|-q {a|b|{e-z}}] [-m] [-f File] -t [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.SS] Usage: at -l [-v] [-o] [ JobNumber... | -q {a|b|{e-z}} ] Usage: at -r [-Fi] JobNumber ... [-u User] Usage: at -n [User] Definindo o job (-f =file, -t=horrio do job): rspop1p02 - dwc01a - /dwed_01/dw/pgto - 473 - (-ksh) pgto_opr>at -f /dwed_01/dw/pgto/etl -t 200803180100.00 Job pgto_opr.1205812800.a will be run at Tue Mar 18 01:00:00 GRNLNDST 2008. Verificando o job agendado (-l = list, -v = verbose): rspop1p02 - dwc01a - /dwed_01/dw/pgto - 476 - (-ksh) pgto_opr>at -lv ======================== pgto_opr.1205812800.a Tue Mar 18 01:00:00 GRNLNDST 2008 ======================== /dwed_01/dw/pgto/etl opub_acum_loader_v3.sh 58 01 801010 080213; opub_acum_dim.sh 58 01 2000 01 02; opub_acum_carga.sh 58 01 2000 01 01; --- disable constraint ALTER TABLE .... DISABLE CONSTRAINT ....;

@\\\pgto\scripts_fatos_dimensoes\WF_WD_PGTO_part.tab @\\\pgto\scripts_fatos_dimensoes\WF_WD_PGTO_part.ind @\\\pgto\scripts_fatos_dimensoes\WF_WD_PGTO_part.con ---@\\\pgto\dwc01\dw_movimento_erro_5801_apo.sql @\\\pgto\dwc01\dw_movimento_erro_5802_apo.sql @\\\pgto\dwc01\dw_movimento_erro_5803_apo.sql @\\\pgto\dwc01\dw_movimento_erro_5804_apo.sql grant select, o etcg; grant select, o etcg; grant select, o etcg; grant select, o etcg; update, delete, references, insert on DW_MOVIMENTO_erro_5801_APO t update, delete, references, insert on DW_MOVIMENTO_erro_5802_APO t update, delete, references, insert on DW_MOVIMENTO_erro_5803_APO t update, delete, references, insert on DW_MOVIMENTO_erro_5804_APO t

@\\\pgto\dwc01\Pk_Dimensiona_5801.sql @\\\pgto\dwc01\Pk_Dimensiona_5802.sql @\\\pgto\dwc01\Pk_Dimensiona_5803.sql @\\\pgto\dwc01\Pk_Dimensiona_5804.sql grant grant grant grant execute execute execute execute on on on on Pk_Dimensiona_5801 Pk_Dimensiona_5802 Pk_Dimensiona_5803 Pk_Dimensiona_5804 to to to to etcg, etcg, etcg, etcg, pgto_opr; pgto_opr; pgto_opr; pgto_opr;

@\\\pgto\dwc01\Pk_Carga_5801.sql @\\\pgto\dwc01\Pk_Carga_5802.sql @\\\pgto\dwc01\Pk_Carga_5803.sql @\\\pgto\dwc01\Pk_Carga_5804.sql grant grant grant grant execute execute execute execute on on on on Pk_Carga_5801 Pk_Carga_5802 Pk_Carga_5803 Pk_Carga_5804 to to to to etcg, etcg, etcg, etcg, pgto_opr; pgto_opr; pgto_opr; pgto_opr;

--- pgto_OPR @dw_movimento_5801_apo; @dw_movimento_5802_apo; @dw_movimento_5803_apo; @dw_movimento_5804_apo; grant select, g,pgto; grant select, g,pgto; grant select, g,pgto; grant select, g,pgto; ---- 5801 opub_acum_loader_v3.sh 58 01 709040 070904; opub_acum_dim.sh 58 01 2006 01 01; update, delete, references, insert on DW_MOVIMENTO_5801_APO to etc update, delete, references, insert on DW_MOVIMENTO_5802_APO to etc update, delete, references, insert on DW_MOVIMENTO_5803_APO to etc update, delete, references, insert on DW_MOVIMENTO_5804_APO to etc

opub_acum_carga.sh 58 01 2006 01 01; @\\\pgto\dwc01\ @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\dw_movimento_5801_apo.sql @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\dw_movimento_5802_apo.sql @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\dw_movimento_5803_apo.sql @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\dw_movimento_5804_apo.sql @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\dw_movimento_erro_5801_apo.sql @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\dw_movimento_erro_5802_apo.sql @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\dw_movimento_erro_5803_apo.sql @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\dw_movimento_erro_5804_apo.sql @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\Pk_Dimensiona_5801.sql @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\Pk_Dimensiona_5802.sql @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\Pk_Dimensiona_5803.sql @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\Pk_Dimensiona_5804.sql @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\Pk_Carga_5801.sql @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\Pk_Carga_5802.sql @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\Pk_Carga_5803.sql @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\Pk_Carga_5804.sql @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\pgto_idxdim_5801.ind @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\pgto_idxdim_5802.ind @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\pgto_idxdim_5803.ind @C:\_TemasDW\pgto\pgto_idxdim_5804.ind EXEC EXEC EXEC EXEC EXEC EXEC EXEC EXEC PR_TAB_ROW_SIZE('PGTO_BC', PR_TAB_ROW_SIZE('PGTO_BC', PR_TAB_ROW_SIZE('PGTO_BC', PR_TAB_ROW_SIZE('PGTO_BC', PR_IND_ROW_SIZE('PGTO_BC', PR_IND_ROW_SIZE('PGTO_BC', PR_IND_ROW_SIZE('PGTO_BC', PR_IND_ROW_SIZE('PGTO_BC', 'DW_MOVIMENTO_5801_APO'); 'DW_MOVIMENTO_5802_APO'); 'DW_MOVIMENTO_5803_APO'); 'DW_MOVIMENTO_5804_APO'); 'DW_MOVIMENTO_5801_APO'); 'DW_MOVIMENTO_5802_APO'); 'DW_MOVIMENTO_5803_APO'); 'DW_MOVIMENTO_5804_APO');

-- Create sequence fato WF_PGTO create sequence SQ_PGTO minvalue 1 maxvalue 9999999999 start with 1 increment by 1 cache 20; -- Create sequence fato WF_PGTO_APGT create sequence SQ_PGTO_APGT minvalue 1 maxvalue 9999999999 start with 1 increment by 1 cache 20; -- Create sequence fato WF_PGTO_AREC create sequence SQ_PGTO_AREC minvalue 1 maxvalue 9999999999 start with 1

increment by 1 cache 20; -- Create sequence fato WF_PGTO_RECP create sequence SQ_PGTO_RECP minvalue 1 maxvalue 9999999999 start with 1 increment by 1 cache 20;

MAINFRAME ROTINAS JCL abend - mostra por que rotina parou ndvr - Endevor nat2 - lista library na produo arqreal - traz arquivos da produo if eq '' - filtra antes de arqreal jclrot - scripts jcl 21 exec cobol ROSCOE off - sai do roscoe who is [chave roscoe] - informa usurio sub - submete job dis - lista job a j [job] - exibe resultado do job d j n - libera rea para mostrar outro job PF12 - history dis [job] [job number] purge [job number] ROSCOE LIBRARY lib a * - mostra todos os membros da library include /[chave roscoe]/ f [arquivo] & a - seleciona o arquivo e traz para a AWS ROSCOE AWS (rea de trabalho) d - exclui linha dd - exclui bloco (usar na linha inicial/final de uma faixa) cc - marca bloco (usar na linha inicial/final de uma faixa) a - insere bloco marcado i - insere linha imp dsn=projeto.grupo.tipo(membro) exp dsn=projeto.grupo.tipo(membro) ex.: C0000.BASELINE.PRO(MEMBER) contem SCL das baselines save [nome] - salva u * - update copy [arquivo] [linha] insere arquivo na linha d[linha] - exclui linha especificada point line [linha] - vai para linha especificada a [line] ,, - vai para linha especificada set mode x - aceita maisculas e minsculas ROSCOE DSN d - exclui membro

cm - compress apos excluso (necessita exclusividade no data set) al - aloca data set como criar dsn particionado > L PENDING > DSN() SCRL FULL COLS 00001 00079 ><...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+.... ALLOCATE NEW DATA SET DATA SET ===> S2150.O10295R3.D60630 VOLUMES ===> mbad01 UNIT NAMES ===> 3390 UNITS PRIMARY SECONDARY DIRECTORY DSORG RECFM LRECL BLKSIZE KEYLEN EXPDT CATALOG ===> trk ===> 50 ===> ===> 50 ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> po fb 80 800 YES MM/DD/YYYY (Y,N) (BLK, TRK, (NUMBER OF (NUMBER OF (VALID FOR OR CYL) ABOVE UNITS) ABOVE UNITS) PDS DATA SETS ONLY)

como criar dsn sequencial > > DSN() SCRL FULL COLS 00001 00079 ><...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+.... ALLOCATE NEW DATA SET DATA SET ===> S2150.DU04708.D60721 VOLUMES ===> UNIT NAMES ===> 3390 UNITS PRIMARY SECONDARY DIRECTORY DSORG RECFM LRECL BLKSIZE KEYLEN EXPDT CATALOG ===> trk ===> 50 ===> 50 ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ps fb 80 800 YES MM/DD/YYYY (Y,N) (BLK, TRK, (NUMBER OF (NUMBER OF (VALID FOR OR CYL) ABOVE UNITS) ABOVE UNITS) PDS DATA SETS ONLY)

ROTINAS NATURAL calcdv - calcula dv conspar - consulta parametrizada

UNIX/LINUX EMACS ^K delete line from cursor ^Y insert buffer ^(space) (select text) ^W ^/ undo

^S, ^R search (forward/rewind) ^G out from line command ^L refresh ^X starts another command: ^C close emacs ^F open file ^S save file ^W save file as... 1 back to one frame 2 open a second frame O go to anohter frame ^B list buffers cabo de console: - E220R/450R: cabo de rede - Netra: cabo de roteador Cisco habilitar serial (linux): # Serial lines #s1:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 9600 ttyS0 vt100 s2:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 9600 ttyS1 vt100 partition: fdisk,diskdruid hardware:modprobe,conf.modules,insmod network:256-netmask-2(broadcast,network address)=hosts,ifconfig X Window:Xconfigurator,XF86Setup,xf86config,xdm,window manager create a boot disk:mkboot network (solaris): sys-unconfig ou configurar nic: configurar /etc/hostname.hme1, /etc/netmasks e /etc/hosts route add net (solaris 2.6) route add net (solaris 8) # Force hme1 to 100 full Duplex ndd -set /dev/hme instance 1 ndd -set /dev/hme adv_100T4_cap 0 ndd -set /dev/hme adv_100fdx_cap 1 ndd -set /dev/hme adv_100hdx_cap 0 ndd -set /dev/hme adv_10fdx_cap 0 ndd -set /dev/hme adv_10hdx_cap 0 ndd -set /dev/hme adv_autoneg_cap 0 echo HME1 is set to 100Mbit Full Duplex network (linux): /sbin/ifconfig eth1 netmask /sbin/ifconfig eth1 broadcast netmask route add -net netmask gw editar lilo.conf # Force eth0/eth1 to be 100Mbps Full-Duplex append="ether=0,0,0x30,eth0 ether=0,0,0x30,eth1 console=tty0 console=ttyS0,9600n 8" security: inetd.conf,hosts.deny,hosts.allow,rc scripts > ssh: (L,W) dns client: nsswitch.conf or host.conf,resolv.conf map other filesystems /etc/fstab install: gzip,unzip,bash,communicator,wget,xpdf samba: smb.conf,testparm,smbpaswd -a [user] mount -t cifs //server/share /mnt --verbose -o user=username

additional configuration: conf.modules,/etc/aliases kernel config: rpm -Uvh kernel-source-2.0.36-3.i386.rpm kernel-headers-2.0.36-3.i386.rpm rpm -Uvh kernel-ibcs-2.0.36-3.i386.rpm cd /usr/src/ para adicionar um driver (neste exemplo DAC960) tar zxvpf DAC960-2.0.0-Beta4.tar.gz mv README.DAC960 DAC960.[ch] /usr/src/linux/drivers/block patch -p0 < DAC960.patch kernel compilation: cd /usr/include rm -rf asm linux scsi ln -s /usr/src/linux/include/asm-i386 asm ln -s /usr/src/linux/include/linux linux ln -s /usr/src/linux/include/scsi scsi cd /usr/src/linux make mrproper make menuconfig make dep ; make clean make bzImage make modules mv /lib/modules/2.0.36-3 /lib/modules/2.0.36-3-backup make modules_install cd /boot cp vmlinuz vmlinuz.OLD cp /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage vmlinuz-2.0.36 /sbin/lilo --- lilo.conf boot=/dev/hda map=/boot/map install=/boot/boot.b prompt timeout=50 image=/boot/vmlinuz label=Linux root=/dev/hdb1 read-only image=/boot/vmlinuz.OLD label=OldLinux read-only --date: date mmddhhmmyy;clock -w (first mm is month) date --set="Tue May 25 15:33:15" SERVICES CONFIGURATION: nfs (solaris): ORIGEM: editar /etc/dfs/dfstab e adicionar: share -F nfs -o ro,nosuid,root=bkpsrvbe1 /opt/apache/htdocs ao rodar ps -ef|grep nfs, deve aparecer: /usr/lib/nfs/statd /usr/lib/nfs/lockd /usr/lib/nfs/mountd /usr/lib/nfs/nfsd -a 16

verificar com share DESTINO: mount websrv:/opt/apache/htdocs /opt/backup_remoto/websrv nfs (linux): server: rpcinfo -p,/etc/hosts,/etc/exports (exportfs),showmount -e client: mount -t nfs -o soft [server:share] [mounting point] nis (solaris): 1. alterar /etc/nsswitch.conf e /etc/hosts 2. alterar /etc/passwd colocando +:::::: na ult linha 3. executar domainname 4. editar /etc/defaultdomain 5. (master): criar /etc/ethers /etc/bootparams /etc/locale /etc/timezone /etc/netgroup /etc/netmasks 6. (client): ypinit -c (master): ypinit -m 7. /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypstart 8. (slave): ypinit -s nis_master_server 9. para parar: /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypstop 10. criar grupo telco 11. criar /export/home/telco owner root:telco com permissao 775 12. config /etc/issue, /etc/issue.net, /etc/default/telnetd e .profile nis(linux): nis client: /bin/domainname-yp [nis domain];mkdir /var/yp;/usr/bin/ypbind;rpcinfo -p /etc/passwd: add: +:*:0:0::: /etc/group : add: +:*:0:0: nsswitch.conf nis server: generate ypserv,makedbm from .tgz (compile if needed) copy ypMakefille in /var/yp as Makefile cd /var/yp;make yppasswd, ypcat passwd, ypmatch [user] [passwd] dns: bind,dnsutils,/etc/named.boot (just bind 4),/etc/named.conf apache: httpd.conf apache auth: /usr/local/etc/httpd/users make httpasswd httpasswd -c /usr/local/etc/httpd/users [user] .htaccess https: ppp: database integration: msql+perl or MySQL+php4 firewall: network: snmp log analysis: webalizer perl: Active Perl,perl modules, mrtg chooser to pick X servers sendmail Lock add to /etc/hosts: localhost hdparm: add the following line to /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit: /sbin/hdparm -c1 /dev/hda # first IDE drive assumed

configure zip drive: chmod 666 /dev/sda4 # everyone can access the Zip Drive insmod ppa ln -s /dev/cua0 /dev/mouse ln -s /dev/cua1 /dev/modem ln -s /dev/hdb /dev/cdrom boot messages: /etc/issue, /etc/motd /etc/sysconfig/mouse MOUSETYPE="Microsoft" XEMU3=yes or gpmconfig MBR backup: dd if=/dev/hda of=MBR bs=512 count=1 dd if=/mnt/MBR of=/dev/hda bs=446 count=1 printer The following files are used for printer operations. Per job entries are marked with an asterisk (*). File Name printer unspooler.printer control.printer *hfAnnn *cfAnnnHOST *dfAnnnHOST *bfAnnn.* Dir CD CD CD SD SD SD SD Purpose lock file and server process PID subserver process PID queue control information job hold file job control file job data file tempory files

The nnn in the file names stands for the job number. find out which one the parallel print device is: try echo "hello, world" > /dev/lp0 echo "hello, world" > /dev/lp1 make two spool directories: cd /var/spool/lpd mkdir raw ; mkdir postscript save this script as /var/spool/lpd/raw/filter: #!/bin/sh # This filter does away with the "staircase effect" awk '{print $0, "\r"}' make a filter for PostScript emulation. Write the following filter as /var/spool/lpd/postscript/filter: #!/bin/sh DEVICE=djet500 RESOLUTION=300x300 PAPERSIZE=a4 SENDEOF= nenscript -TUS -ZB -p- | if [ "$DEVICE" = "PostScript" ]; then

cat else gs -q -sDEVICE=$DEVICE \ -r$RESOLUTION \ -sPAPERSIZE=$PAPERSIZE \ -dNOPAUSE \ -dSAFER \ -sOutputFile=- fi if [ "$SENDEOF" != "" ]; then printf "\004" fi finally, add the following entries in /etc/printcap: # /etc/printcap lp|ps|PS|PostScript|djps:\ :sd=/var/spool/lpd/postscript:\ :mx#0:\ :lp=/dev/lp1:\ :if=/var/spool/lpd/postscript/filter:\ :sh: raw:\ :sd=/var/spool/lpd/raw:\ :mx#0:\ :lp=/dev/lp1:\ :if=/var/spool/lpd/raw/filter:\ :sh: SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION: date +%y%m%d%H%M (format for log output, for example) bind in pdksh: Prefix-2,up-history,down-history,forward-char,backward-char tape:ufsdump,ufsrestore,tar mt /dev/rmt/0 status perl modules: download first and then: perl Makefile.pl;make;make test;make install or perl -MCPAN -e shell cpan> install [module] emacs: $HOME/.emacs bash: /etc/bashrc contains system wide aliases and functions; /etc/profile contains system wide environment stuff and startup programs; $HOME/.bashrc contains user aliases and functions; $HOME/.bash_profile contains user environment stuff and startup programs; $HOME/.inputrc contains key bindings and other bits. /etc/aliases rm -i;cp -i;mv -i;ls -ld It's a good idea to let new users have a few configuration files ready when they first log in. Put the following files in /etc/skel: .bashrc .bash_profile .bash_logout .inputrc .less .xinitrc .fvwmrc .fvwm2rc95 .Xmodmap .Xdefaults .jedrc .abbrevs.sl. joerc .emacs

The user can overwrite values set in /etc/profile by creating a file: ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login or ~/.profile. Note that just the first one of these is executed thus differing of the logic of csh initialization. ~/.bash_login is not executed specially for login shells and if .bash_profile exists, it is not executed at all! debug: put in the 1st line: #!/bin/bash -x other commands (common options): tar -zcvf [destiny] [source] tar -zxvf [destiny] [source] rsync: verify remote files nmap -sS [host] (run as root) wget -r l6 -t1 [URL] (-L is just relative links) to see system data: uname -a dmesg ulimit -a df -k hostname domainname cat /etc/sysconfig/network ifconfig netstat -nr netstat -a cat /etc/inetd.conf cat /proc/meminfo cat /proc/filesystem cat /proc/devices cat /etc/passwd to cleanup dos files: vi : :%s/^V^M//g shell: sed `s/^V^M//g` foo>foo.new other commands (common options): tar -zcvf [destiny] [source] tar -zxvf [destiny] [source] rsync: verify remote files nmap -sS [host] (run as root) nmap -sT [host] -P0 wget -r l6 -t1 [URL] (-L is just relative links) Script para isolar o processo: ps -def | grep Xvnc | grep -v grep | awk -F" " '{print $2}' onde: * ele executa o ps normal para todos os processos * isola as linhas com a palavra Xvnc * tira dessas linhas as que tiverem a plavra grep para ele nao se achar com o pa rametro Xvnc enquanto procura * divide as linhas pelo " " (espao) e mostra a segunda coluna to see: crontab -l to edit: export EDITOR=vi;crontab -e crontab format: 0 0 * * * calendar

^ | 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

^ | 2

^ | 3

^ | 4

^ | 5

^ | 6

minutes hour day month day of the week command (it's good

(0 a 59) (0 a 23) (1 a 31) (1 a 12) (0 a 6, where 0 is Sunday) to redirect output to /dev/null)

* means all possible values - means a range example: 0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * rmtrash will be executed each 10 minutes rmtrash

TCP/IP sendmail (teste): envio: /usr/lib/sendmail -v -f $remetente destinatario < dir/filename recebimento: $ telnet mail.somewhere.com 25 Trying Connected to smtp.somewhere.com. Escape character is '^]'. 220 smtp.somewhere.net ESMTP Sendmail 8.9.3+Sun/8.9.1; Thu, 12 Oct 2000 04:39:40 -0700 (PDT) mail from: tony@pcunix.com 250 tony@pcunix.com... Sender ok rcpt to: foobah@pcunix.com 550 foobah@pcunix.com... Relaying denied rcpt to: foobah@somewhere.com 250 foobah@somewhere.com... Recipient ok data 354 Enter mail, end with . on a line by itself test look ma no headers! . 250 HA00945 Message accepted for delivery quit 221 smtp.somewhere.com closing connection relay: telnet mail-abuse.net MRTG: MaxBytes = AbsMax = 2 ThreshMaxI ThreshMaxO velocidade * 125 * MaxBytes = MaxBytes * 70% = MaxBytes * 70%

Target[ezwf]: 2:public@router1:::::2 The ":::::2" tells MRTG to use SNMPv2 Interface by Description Target[ezwf]: \My-Interface2:public@wellfleet-fddi.ethz.ch

Target[ezci]: -\My-Interface2:public@ezci-ether.ethz.ch Target[ezwf]:\My-Interface2&\My-Interf ace3:public@myrouter Target[ezwf]: ifInErrors\My-Interface2&ifOutErrors\My-Interface3:public@myroute r If your description contains a ``&'', a ``:'', a ``@'' or a `` '' you can includ e them but you must escape with a backlash: Target[ezwf]: \fun\:\ ney\&ddd:public@hello.router Interface by Name Target[ezwf]: #2/11:public@wellfleet-fddi.ethz.ch Target[ezci]: -#2/11:public@ezci-ether.ethz.ch Target[ezwf]: Target[ezwf]: ifInErrors#3/7&ifOutErrors#3/7:public@myrouter If your description contains a ``&'', a ``:'', a ``@'' or a `` '' you can includ e them but you must escape with a backlash: Target[ezwf]: #\:\ fun:public@hello.router HP OPENVIEW: /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/netmon.noDiscover 1-199.*.*.* 200.0-141.*.* 200.142.0-63.*.* 200.142.96-255.*.* 200.143-151.*.* 200.152.0-191.*.* 200.152.225-255.* 200.153-159.*.* 200.160.0-223.*.* 200.161-224.*.* 200.225.0-63.*.* 200.225.80-255.*.* 200.226-255.*.* filtros hpov: reorganizacao da topologia: /opt/OV/bin/ovstop netmon /opt/OV/bin/ovtopofix -ua /opt/OV/bin/ovstart netmon arquivo: $OV_CONF/$LANG/C/filters sintaxe: MRoutingBlocks "Blocos de Mrouting" { (("IP Address" ~ 10.0.17.*) || ("IP Address" ~ 10.24.0-3.*) || ("IP Address" ~ || ("IP Address" ~ 172.16-31.*.*) || ("IP Address" ~ 192.168.*.*) || ("IP Address" ~|| ("IP Address" ~|| ("IP Address" ~ || isNode || isSegment) } Certificado de Seguranca: 1. openssl req -new > metrored.csr 2. ser gerado metrored.csr e privkey.pem (guardar)

3. enviar para certisign 4. openssl rsa -in privkey.pem -out new.cert.key 5. renomear arquivos enviados pela Certisign com os nomes CA.cert e METRORED.CERT 6. copiar todos os arquivos em /opt/apache/conf 7. reiniciar apache MySQL: grant all on [database].* to [user]@[hostname] set password for [user]@[hostname]=password('string') show grants for [user]@[hostname] create table [table] ( [field] [integer,char(00)...] primary key, [field] [integer,char(00)...] [null/not null], [field] [integer,char(00)...] [null/not null], ... ) alter table [table] add [field] [integer,char(00)...] [null/not_null] select where order limit [fields] from [table] [condition] by [field] [asc|desc] x,y

insert into [table] (a,b,c) values (1,2,3) update [table] set name1=value1,name2=value2 where [condition] delete from [table] where [condition] ORACLE select count(rowid) from [table] where [condition] select [fields] from [table] where [condition] and rownum <= [quantity] Para ver processos oracle no unix: select process,sid,serial# from v$session where osuser = [user]

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