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"The Circuit", as Don Wildman's exercise regimen is known, consists of sixteen groups of exercises done as supersets, with no breaks

in between. In each group, alternate between the exercises listed. Do it three times per week. Note: The Circuit is designed to limit time between sets. To maximize efficiency, some exercises utilize machines beyond their intended use. You can customize the workout based on your own equipment, but make sure to keep your heart rate up as you move between exercises. (And also: This is an intense workout designed for athletes in peak physical condition. We ask you to please consult your physician before starting any exercise regimen. Especially this one.) Group 1 #1. Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Presses: Position dumbbells to each side of your shoulders with elbows extending downward. Press dumbbells until your arms are straightened overhead. Lower and repeat. (3 sets, 30/20/10 reps) #2. Seated Dumbbell Curls: Sit on an incline bench with your arms holding the dumbbells down by your sides. With your palms facing forward, curl the dumbbell up so that its parallel with your shoulder. Alternate sides. (3 sets, 30/20/10 reps) Group 2 #3. Seated Machine Shoulder Presses: Adjust the seat height so that the handles align with your shoulders. Press the weight straight up, keeping your back flat against the backrest. Lower and repeat. (3 sets, 30/20/10 reps) #4. Propped External Rotator Exercises: While seated on an incline bench, hold dumbbells with your arms flexed 90 degrees at the elbow and your forearms parallel to the floor. Raise the dumbbells until your forearms point up. Lower and repeat. (3 sets, 30 reps) #5. Seated Leg Raises: While seated on an incline bench, grab the backrest behind your neck. Raise your legs up and bring them toward your chest. Lower without letting them touch the floor. (3 sets, 30 reps) #6. Side Crunches: Lie on the floor and turn your legs completely to one side. Place your hands behind your head and lift it slightly off the ground. Lower your head back down so it almost touches the ground. Repeat exercise on other side. (3 sets, 30 reps) Group 3 #6. Pec Deck Flys with Simultaneous Crunches: While seated at the pec deck machine, position your elbows on the pads. Force the pads together until they touch in front of your chest. At the same time, crunch your legs up toward your chest. (3 sets, 30 reps) #7. Lying Rotator Cuff Rotations: Lie on your left side with your elbow on the ground. Keep your right arm at your side with the forearm resting against your chest. Roll your right shoulder

out, raising the forearm until it's even with your shoulder. Lower and repeat. Switch sides. (3 sets, 30 reps) Group 4 #8. Seated Machine Bench Presses: Position yourself on the machine and press the weight outward. Return to start position and repeat. (3 sets, 30/20/10 reps) #9. Seated Leg Raises: While seated on an incline bench, grab the backrest behind your neck. Raise your legs up and bring them toward your chest. Lower without letting them touch the floor. (3 sets, 40 reps) Group 5 #10. Seated Lever Rows: Sit on seat and with your chest against the pad. Grasp lever handles and pull lever back until your elbows are behind your back. Return until arms are extended and shoulders are stretched forward. Repeat. (3 sets, 30/20/10 reps) #11. Sit-ups: Lie on the floor with your arms crossed over your chest. Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor. Slowly and gently lift your head, followed by your shoulder blades. Pull up from the floor about halfway. Return to original position and repeat. (3 sets, 40 reps) Group 6 #12. Lat Pulldowns: Hold bar with a wide, comfortable grip while putting your knees underneath the pad. Pull the bar down smoothly until it touches the top of your chest. Extend your arms back to the top and repeat. (3 sets, 30/20/10 reps) #13. Cable Crunches: Sit facing away from a high pulley with your legs slightly bent. Grasp the cable rope attachment with both hands, crossing your arms over your chest. With your hips stationary, flex your waist so your elbows travel toward your knees. Return and repeat. (3 sets, 40 reps) Group 7 #14. Leg Presses: Position yourself in the leg press machine with one foot on the platform. Press leg forward until it is fully extended. Repeat exercise with your other leg. (3 sets, 30/20/10 reps) Group 8 #15. Barbell Upright Rows: Grab bar with shoulder-width or slightly narrower overhand grip. Leading with your elbows, pull bar to up to your neck. Allow your wrists to flex as bar rises. Lower and repeat. (3 sets, 30/20/10 reps)

#16. Alternating Sit-ups on Exercise Ball: Sit on the ball and roll your feet out until the small of your back rests on the ball. Perform sit-ups, curling side to side and reaching your elbow to your opposite hip. Alternate sides. (3 sets, 40 reps) Group 9 #17. Ab Machine Side Crunches: Position yourself sideways on the machine with the pads under your left armpit. Reach across your body with your right arm and grasp the handle. Slowly bend sideways at your waist, pushing the pads. Squeeze fully at the bottom phase and then release back to starting position. Repeat with other side. (3 sets, 40 reps) #18. Machine Back Extensions: While seated on ab machine, lean forward with your back against the roller pads. Slowly extend backward. Maintain a smooth, controlled motion throughout the exercise. Return to vertical position and repeat. (3 sets, 40 reps) Group 10 #19. Machine Squats: In a standing position, place your shoulders under the bar. Bend your knees and squat down until your thighs are parallel or lower. Press back up and repeat. (3 sets, 40 reps) #20. Calf Raises: Stand on a calf raise machine, keeping your abdominal muscles tight, knees slightly bent and chest up. Using your ankle joints, lower the weight. Push the weight back up, pause at the top and repeat. (3 sets, 30 reps) Group 11 #21. Lying Leg Curls: Lie with your stomach on the bench and lower your legs under the lever pads. Grasp handles. Flex your knees, raising the lever pads to back of your thighs. Lower the lever pads until your knees are straight. Repeat. (3 sets, 30/20/10 reps) #22. Neck Extensions: Lie on leg curl machine with your neck under the roller pad. Slowly lift your head up toward the ceiling. Lower and repeat. Start with a light weight and increase as needed. Be careful not to overexert your neck. (3 sets, 30/20/10 reps) Group 12 #23. Leg Extensions: Sit on the machine with your back against the padded support. Place the front of your right leg under the padded lever. Move the lever forward by extending your knee until your leg is straight. Repeat and switch legs. (3 sets, 30/20/10 reps) Group 13 #24. Machine Bicep Curls: Sit in the machine and grasp the handles. Lean forward and rest your upper arms on the curl pad. Curl the weight, making sure your wrists remain straight through the

entire range of motion, not using your shoulders or lower back. Alternate arms. (3 sets, 30/20/10 reps) #25. Regular and Alternating Sit-ups: Lie on the bicep curl machine with your calves resting on the curl pads and your hands interlinked behind your head. Perform regular sit-ups. Then, perform alternating sit-ups, curling side to side and reaching your elbow to your opposite hip. (3 sets, 20 regular, 20 alternating) Group 14 #26. Seated Dips: Position yourself seated at the dip machine. Grasp the handles and push the parallel bars down. Raise and repeat. (3 sets, 30/20/10 reps) #27. Seated Scissors: While seated at dip machine, extend your legs in front of you. Extend your toes and rotate your legs out. Keeping straight legs, cross your left ankle over your right, then right over left. Quickly alternate. (3 sets, 40 reps) Group 15 #28. Lateral Raises: While seated, place your elbows against the pads of a lateral raise machine. Contract the shoulders and guide the arms of the machine outward and upward. Slowly return to starting position and repeat. (3 sets, 30 reps) #29. Side Neck Extensions: Position arm pad of lateral raise machine so that you can support it with the side of your head while seated. Slowly move your head up by laterally flexing your neck. Repeat on other side of machine. To avoid injury, start with a light weight and increase as needed. (3 sets, 30/20/10 reps) #30. Leg Lifts with Split: While seated on an incline bench, grab the backrest behind your neck. Raise your legs up until they are straight out in front of you. Open legs into a split, then bring them back in. Lower without letting them touch the floor. (3 sets, 40 reps) Group 16 #31. Front Neck Flexions: Sit on ab crunch machine. Position the seat so that the padded lever touches your chin. Add extra padding if necessary. Move your head forward by flexing your neck until chin touches upper chest. Slowly return head by hyperextending neck and repeat. To avoid injury, start with a light weight and increase as needed. (3 sets, 30/20/10 reps) #32. Machine Crunches: Position yourself in the machine with the pads across your chest. Grasp handles. Slowly bend at your waist, pushing the pads down. Squeeze fully at the bottom phase and then release back to starting position. Repeat. (3 sets, 40 reps)

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