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Bioinformatics is the perfect combination of computer science & engineering and biology. This is a wide area with numerous subdisciplines.We can chooses the sequence analyzing as analyzing as analyzing the sequences with tools at distinct locations is really a tiring job to the main difficulty lies in selecting the right tool with the desired software and making it to work in their environment without degrading the security and compatibility. This mini project provides an application where the users can perform various testing on their sequences under single roof.


The scope of this project focuses on sequence analysis of finding the bioinformatics technicians, researchers and student by performing the rapid analysis.

HARDWARE: Intel Pentium 4 1 GB RAM 80 GB HARD DISK SOFTWARE: Visual Studio 2005

SQL Server 2000

DIAGRAMS: Use Case Diagram:

Class Diagram:

Sequence Diagram:

Activity Diagram:

State Chart:


Imports System.Data.SqlClient Public Class Form3 Dim o As New SqlConnection("Data Source=LAB1-SYS19;Initial Catalog=BioInformatics;Integrated Security=True;Pooling=False") Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim read As New SqlCommand("select * from DiseaseDB where P_Id='" + Me.TextBox1.Text + "'", o) MsgBox("Displaying Your Data of:" + Me.Label28.Text) o.Open() Dim dr As SqlDataReader dr = read.ExecuteReader While (dr.Read) Me.Label28.Text = dr("P_Name") Me.Label27.Text = dr("P_Id") Me.Label26.Text = dr("Leu_Count") Me.Label25.Text = dr("Lym_Count") Me.Label24.Text = dr("TSV_trace") Me.Label23.Text = dr("Billurubin") Me.Label22.Text = dr("Albumin") Me.Label21.Text = dr("Monocytes") Me.Label20.Text = dr("Glomurulus") Me.Label37.Text = dr("RBC") Me.Label36.Text = dr("WBC") Me.Label35.Text = dr("Easo_Count") Me.Label34.Text = dr("Baso_Count") Me.Label33.Text = dr("Platelets") Me.Label32.Text = dr("Hiv") Me.Label31.Text = dr("T_P") Me.Label30.Text = dr("P_B") Me.Label29.Text = dr("AVCS") End While dr.Close() o.Close() End Sub Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click

If ((Val(Me.Label28.Text) + Val(Me.Label29.Text)) <= 6) And Me.Label24.Text = "NIL" Then MsgBox("YOUR REPORT") Me.PictureBox1.Image = Image.FromFile("C:\Documents and Settings\LAB1\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\BioInformatics\BioInformatics\bio informatics\image1.jpeg") Me.Label39.Text = "Maleria Disease" End If End Sub

Bioinformatics is a vast, spectacular area with spell bounding, boundless applications. We chose genetic code analysis as the base for our mini project. We still believe that we have developed a petit but yet a functional application, this will really be helpful for the technicians and students reducing their dependency towards manual paper work enhancing the efficiency result. This application can further be improved with the addition of numerous functions and tests and as a complete perfect package for a bioinformatics organization.

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