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cosmetic surgery

Is Breast Enhancement Right for You?

By J. Eric Lomax, MD, Soderstrom Skin Institute

re you unhappy with your profile? Did you recently have children and feel as though youll never have your pre-pregnancy body back? Have you ever felt uncomfortable with the size or shape of your breasts? Ranked by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons as the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure in 2012, breast enhancement offers patients a way to look and feel more confident about their appearance. There are many reasons for thinking about breast enhancement. Factors such as weight gain/loss, illness, breast-feeding, irregular shape and size, sagging, and cancer are just a few situations where women may consider this cosmetic procedure. Consultation This is a very important step. During this initial meeting, make sure the plastic surgeon understands your goals and desires. In many cases, before and after photos will be available to give you a better idea of potential outcomes. Health issues, expectations, and any concerns you have should be addressed by the provider at this time. At this point, there are several choices to be made including incision placement, implant placement, and implant type and size. Your surgeon will discuss the pros and cons of each option, plus any risks involved in the procedure to help you make an informed decision. Some patients choose to enhance their moderate profile, while others choose implants because they never developed a significant amount of breast tissue in one or both breasts. Frequently, women desire breast augmentation after pregnancy. It is very important in this situation to determine if a breast lift is necessary or desired instead of, or in addition to, a breast augmentation. Implant Types There are two types of breast implants approved for sale in the United States: saline-filled and silicone gel-filled. Both types have a silicone outer shell. They vary in size, shell thickness, texture, and shape. For a long time, silicone was off the market due to some health issues. However, in 2006, after

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years of clinical studies, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the option of silicone gel-filled breast implants for women considering breast augmentation surgery who are at least 22 years old. Some people may not realize silicone is not only safe, but is now preferred. In fact, according to Allergan Inc., in 2013, silicone gel implants account for 72 percent of breast enhancement procedures. In Europe, 9 out of 10 women get silicone-gel implants.

The new, shaped-gel breast implant is a nice option for women who do not like the look of round breast implants. Surgery The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and can vary in length depending on the incision and approach you choose, but usually is one to two hours in length. You then spend a short time in recovery and are able to go home later that day. Many patients find they are comfortable after surgery, but medication for pain is available if and when needed. Post-Op Any pain or discomfort is mild and usually improves over the first few days. Most patients are able to return to work and light activities after a few days. Heavy lifting and upper body workouts are not recommended for four to six weeks. Soderstrom Skin Institute is celebrating 40 years in Central Illinois and proud to announce the opening of their new office at 2100 Jacobssen Drive in Normal. For additional information on breast enhancement and the new NATRELLE Shaped Gel Breast Implant, contact them toll-free at 888-970-7546. To schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeons J. Eric Lomax, MD or James M. Jeffries III, MD at their new office in Normal, please call 309-268-9980. Before and after photos are available at SoderstromSkinInstitute.com.

"Weight gain/loss, illness, breast-feeding, irregular shape and size, sagging, and cancer are just a few situations where women may consider this cosmetic procedure."
New Option After years of research and thousands of studies, the FDA recently approved a new shaped-gel breast implant. These anatomically shaped implants are designed to maintain a true shape that mirrors a womans natural curves. The highly cohesive gel is firm enough to help prevent movement down over time, yet soft enough to feel natural.

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