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Physical dimension, the core values are Health and Harmony Health used to mean the absence of disease but today it has taken on a more comprehensive meaning because of the interrelationship between physical health and other dimensions of a person. Hence, one now speaks of holistic health, a state of physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Two basic elements contributing to a persons general health are Cleanliness and Physical Environmental care calls for a sense of caring and responsibility for the natural environment. 2. Intellectual dimension, the core values are truth and tolerance. Love of truths implies the tireless and enthusiastic search for knowledge in all forms. Critical thinking must be applied to ensure that the information is accurate and free bias. Then creativity enables people to utilize initial knowledge to generate more knowledge and innovations. Tolerance refers first and foremost to a disposition of the mind it calls for openness and respect as well as the acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of cultures and diverse forms of human expression. 3. Moral dimension, the core values are love and goodness. The ability to love begins with the appreciation of ones own worth and a sense of ones own power and goodness; these enable person to reach out to others. Hence the need for self-worth / self-steem. Honesty/integrity, personal discipline and courage all contribute toward the building of an ethical character and a mature person. Compassion enables people to deeply empathize with others specially those who experience sufferings and indignities. 4. Spiritual dimension, the core value is Global Spirituality. Hence, it is a spiritually that stress the Unity of all life. Global spirituality refers to a spiritual journey which has three directions: Inward Journey enables us to develop our inner relationship with God or sacred sources of life. Outward journey allows us to grow in our relationships with the human community and the whole earth community, making us aware of a deep unity among all humans as well as between humans and all of Nature. Forward journey challenges us to consider our relationships with future generations and to seek a better future for all humans and the earth.


5. Social dimension, the core values are peace and justice. Respect and Love for ones family is fundamental to the building of Family solidarity. In addition, Responsibility parenthood improves the quality of the family life. Respect for the human rights is very important in achieving a just and peaceful society. Society also needs to characterized by a genuine concern for the common good and by cooperation. Social responsibility and accountability are also important, as these are the values that urge people to take action and to contribute positively and responsibility to society. It is virtue that seeks fairness and justice in relationships and in social structures. Appreciation of Diversity is upheld in this context. Diversity must be respected. Active non-violence is a value that recognizes the dignity of the human person and the value of life. 6. Economic dimension, the core values is sustainable human development. Is the type of development that is characterized by a balance between economic and social development. This means that social cost, such as the exploitation and ill-treatment of workers, should not be allowed in guise of achieving quick economic growth. Economic development should also be sustainable. This means that there should be protection of the environment and wise use of resources. A simple lifestyle and responsible consumerism are called for. These two elements of productivity and equity have to go together in order not to increase the pressure on resources. Equitable distribution of resources is also in conformity with just and human development. The countrys productivity should be characterized by quality. A positive work ethic and entrepreneurial spirit must be encouraged in order to unleash peoples human potential and to make wise use of scare capital in innovative and productive enterprises. 7. Political dimension, the core values are nationalism and globalism. Love of country is the foremost value. There is also as appreciation of the countrys history and of its heroes. The people learn the essence of heroism, which mainly living a life of selflessness and sacrifice to attain a higher good, the good of the country. Love of country also calls for the appreciation of cultural heritage, which is the best totality of contributions from the forebearers, including the positive values, which they had passed on to the present generation such as the spirit of bayanihan, which essentially means helping one another.


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