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CHANNELLING: Perceptions of Masterhood I This live channelling was given on September 9, 2003, on the NCL Cruise Ship Norwegian Star on the fourth annual Kryon Cruise. The ship was under way at about 23 knots (a fairly brisk speed) on a trip from the Hawaiian islands, south to the equator to visit the Fanning islands, a small atoll group that's part of the Republic of Kiribati. The channelling took place in a meeting room on Deck 12, about eight stories above the water. The room featured floor-to-ceiling glass windows that looked out upon the moving ocean. There was no land in sight, just the magnificence of the great Pacific ocean as far as you could see. The day was crystal clear, and the calm ocean created a straight-line horizon that seemed to be surreal in its flatness. The ship plowed its way south, and the dolphins danced in front of the bow, "smiling," as though they knew what we were about to do . [This channelling has been added-to and enhanced by Kryon, through Lee Carroll in a rechannelling process over the actual transcribed channelling. This has been done in order to make it more valuable for the written word and to bring clarity to concepts that were given energetically within the live channellings.]

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The focus of this New Age is on the discovery of divinity inside the Human Being. That is the focus of our teaching as well. So in the chairs where you sit, the focus of this teacher who sits in front of you called Kryon is about you. So let the entities that I've brought with me, who have been here for days and who didn't have to board like you did, begin their work. Let them begin to show themselves in many ways, but ways in which you will feel or smell. Then, perhaps, you'll understand that this is indeed a time where the Human touches a piece and part of the other side of the interdimensional veil. Although we are not Human, we are family, and very conscious of your humanity. We are so well aware of your biology, of what you're going through now, that we feel that we are "one" with you. And that is why the entourage comes in here, an energy specialized just for you, and one that sits next to you... reader and listener alike. There's nothing unknown to us. Even the things around you that are brewing, which you have not yet seen, are known to us. Your potentials are a reality to us, but not yet to you. And that, dear Human Being, is what you call the changing interdimensional road map. It is one that you can alter at a moment's notice, making prophecy impossible and your life perspective so interesting at the moment. Now the waves slip beneath us, do they not? Oh, if you had any concept of what took place on the

land beneath them! You sit here on a very high perch looking at the water that covers the depths, yet there's so much underneath us now that involves you, setting the stage for a planet in another time. The master Makua, whose lineage is grand, gave you information recently [speaking of the Hawaiian "grandfather" who had led the Kryon group on a sacred tour of the big island of Hawaii the day before]. His lineage is that of a spiritualist and historian. He knows the great secrets of his own people, and the magnificence of his ancestors. You might say, "Well, Makua's attitude must then be biased toward his own race, what they have said, and what they had done." Yet Makua has no bias. He understands the great truths of Earth. Those who are spiritually evolved in any race, called "the grandfathers," also know of it. When they get together, they realize that their truths are not just similar, they're almost identical. And so it was that Makua, the Polynesian, the Hawaiian, mentioned Lemuria to you. And so it was that Makua also asked you the question: "Who are you?" That was the question, was it not, of all the spiritual teachings yesterday? Who are you? What the master Makua was asking you to do was to get above yourselves. Could it be that your spiritual lineage is just like his? Do you understand that his question is not just who are you, but who were you? Do you understand that the past is now the present? What did you feel when you set foot upon those islands that stick up out of the ocean [Hawaii], the parts that never were submerged like the rest of Lemuria? Did you feel the energy? When Makua introduced you to his ancestors at the rim of the volcano, did you feel the rush? Did you feel his love? Makua was giving you an invitation to understand that you actually might be part of his own ancestry! Did you get that? Can you fathom the depth of the information that you were actually walking on a part of Lemuria that still exists as it did as a mountaintop in past times? As a master, Makua sees it all in one perspective, as many masters do. He sees you as family and invites you to examine who you are, within this scope of history, even his own. He's actually asking you to remember Lemuria. And so the stage is set, is it not, for the teaching of today. My partner has indicated to you that there's no grounding when it comes to traveling on the ocean. There's no connection to the earth as you move along the waves. However, just because you travel over the earth that you once danced upon doesn't mean that you can't relate to it. It's just that you're now floating above it. Regarding the ground, let me tell you about something that's happening within it. You'll get information as this week goes forward [on the cruise] regarding the Crystalline Grid. That information is being specialized and left to my partner's partner to give to you [Jan Tober]. But based upon the things that we've told you that are already taking place on this planet, there are also some other things that must also happen. We gave you information that the magnetic grid finished its adjustment at the end of 2002. We told you that the next grid to begin being adjusted is the grid of the earth, the dirt of the earth, the

Crystalline. We gave you information about its creation, and even some of the names that it was known by, such as the Grid of Lightthe second of three grids to change upon the planet. We told you that the third grid was that of Human consciousness, which is a force, and one that interfaces with the other two simultaneously as they all shift. The three of them make a pyramid of grids, if you want to look at a shape. Then we gave you information about those who helped create the grid that is Crystalline. We gave you some words that you've never heard from Kryon before. We cautioned you not to take these words and create in them a vision of your mythology, but rather to take them at face value and for what they mean spiritually. We told you about the creators of the Crystalline Grid of the dragon energy and nobilitynot the mythological dragon in your history, the animal that destroys. No. It's the nobility and the magic of creation, the dragon energy. Then we told you that this dragon energy was reawakening. We also told you what was happening with the Crystalline Gridthat you were seeing the actual crystalline structure, both spiritually and physically, being rewritten on the planet. That's what we told you. Even at the basic level, those of you who understand crystals will understand that there's a storage modality there. Crystals store frequencies, and frequencies are a language. Frequencies, arranged properly, are the language of Spiritnumbers and cycles. Even the Cosmic Lattice is made up entirely of frequencies. So follow this, because this is new information: The Dragon Energy awakens, and the creators of the Crystalline begin to alter it with the help of humanity. You're rewriting the information that's stored in the Crystalline structure of the planet. What are you rewriting? Instructions, perhaps, No. You're rewriting the history of the planet. In a dimensionality that's not three or four or even five, there is no time, as you perceive it. You are creatures of interdimensionality, angels each one. Within the Crystalline, you begin a process that's difficult to explain to any of you, for it's outside of the purview of a structure of linear time. You're rewriting what happened on Earth. It's a new planet, in a new energy. Some might say, "Well, Kryon, you've already lost me on this one. Because what has happened, has happened! The history of Earth is layered with wars, with conquerors, with civilizations. You can't change that. It's history! So no matter what you do with the Crystalline Grid, all of that history will remain. You can't change that." Correct. You cannot change the facts of what happened in the physical, but you can change all of the DNA history around the past that's "living" today. This DNA information will cease to react to those "history layers" the way they used to. You're rewriting the history of the living grid called Human consciousness, which, in reality, is your "living" past. In order to really get to the focus of this rewrite, you're going to have to visit a certain place that is sacred on the planet, one we told you about more than 13 years ago. There's a cave, a real one, called the Cave of Creation. And in that cave, in four dimensions [your reality], you would find physical crystalline energymany crystals. The cave will never be discovered, as we told you before. It is protected and shielded from detection. But if it were to be seen, those outside of spirituality would look at it and say, "Isn't this a grand cave? Isn't it unusual... with all these crystals?" That's all they would see. But it's a lot like this room, filled with entities

that are interdimensional, which your old reality cannot see, but which you feel and sense. The Cave of Creation is like the Akashic Records of humanity on Earth. It's a complex system of the comings and goings of all the angels, called Human, from all the galaxies to this one, the only planet of free choice. Your planet is the fulcrum of the decision about the future of certain parts of the universe. That's what your world is all about. As you might imagine, this cave is an active place! It's where there's much coming and going. Oh, if you could see the records written into the crystals of the Indigo Childrenand who they've been! Let me tell you something. There are very few first-timers in the Indigo experience. This is difficult for you to understand, especially if you know the dynamics of geometric numbers and the amount of Humans being born on the earth. But let me just say that most of the Indigos being born today have a history on the planet. Now let me ask you a question: What do you think is happening within the Akashic Records in the dirt of the earth that would allow the Indigo experience to be written into the crystals? Ah, we're getting esoteric, are we not? What happens when you leave this planet and come back to a record that has a certain energy about it that lies in the Cave of Creation? Are you aware that your DNA attributes are imprinted upon them as you come and go? There's a profound relationship between the Akashic Records and your DNA. One is the master storage of everything, and one is the current storage of the active part. Let me tell you what's happening. The crystals of the Akashic Records are being charged with Dragon Energy. Within the rewrite of the Crystalline Grid comes the rewrite of the Akashic Records. That is the secret behind the rewrite of Human consciousness as it's being changed on the planet right now. You're being imbued with [dragon] nobility and a profound change in your relationship to history on the planet. The rewrite will actually change your views on what happened, not the actual history of what happened. Was it drama or lesson? Was it part of a plan or chaos? Does it create anger and hatred, or a model of what not to do? Does it call for action? If so, is the action revenge or solution? Do you understand what "rewrite" really means? It's happening now even within the sacred halls of this cave.

Masterhood Now, let's get more practical. We've given you channeling after channeling about "masterhood." What does the master see through his/her "eyes of ascension"? Not what does Kryon see, or an angelic being, but what does the Human Being see and feel who has the energy of the ascended energy? These masters are not the masters of old that you read about. No. Instead, these are you, the Human Beings of your time who have taken masterhood, the ones who have activated the third layer of DNA and are learning all about ascension while staying on the planet. What are they experiencing? Through their eyes, what are the perceptions on subjects that are ordinary and common to you? So let this be part one of a two-part teaching called "Through the Eyes of Ascension: Ordinary

Thoughts." And when this is finished, you may see the difference between an old-energy thought and a new-energy thought, and where this is going and what is taking place. There are seven. Let's talk about number one. 1. God Through the eyes of ascension, what does the Human master think when you say the word God? It might be different than you think. You see, the Human master understands the difference between the old Human perception and the energy of truth. God is not sequestered to a system made by Humans. You will find the essence of God in the center of every atom of every molecule in existence. You will find the love of God in every cell that is biological in the Human body. God is not sequestered in what Humans "think" God is. God is not definable. God cannot be placed into a set of rules. God cannot be placed into a sole lineage either. The focus of God is the Human Being. It is not history. It is not doctrine. It cannot be compartmentalized. So when the master thinks about God, the master is in love with all humanity. God is all that is, and is seen and felt and experienced equally without judgment. This differs greatly with what humans have tried forever to define God as. Humans have tried to explain it, compartmentalize it, systemize it, name it, organize it, and worship it. And none of those things have worked, have they? For each group claims they have the definition, and they say the others do not. Some even kill each other in the name of God. The master sits quietly with a broad smile and sees God in all things. The very thought creates a peace of mind in the master, realizing what God is and what it is not. Human systems and doctrines fall flat in comparison to the magnificence of what the master sees. And there's a cosmic joke here: Religious leaders on the planet who would claim to have God, often do! For the healings occur, even in the compartmentalized boxes and the many doctrines and the many "faces" of religion. Indeed, the healings occur, and the love of God is there, even within the systems that are limited and opposed to each other. You see, since God is in everything, it matters not what the name is of the organization or the religion. When Humans call on God, they're calling on a divinity that is inside each and every cell. That's where God is... where the Humans are, not the buildings. The master laughs in joy in the knowledge that God is in the Human Being. It also means that no Human is ever alone. 2. Evil What does the Master see when you say the word evil? Through the eyes of the ascended master, who sits and encompasses and thinks and meditates upon words and concepts, what does the master think about evil? This is information we gave you the last time we were with you, but we will give it to you again. You should hear it over and over. Human Beings, you're indoctrinated with the idea that the entities around you are vying for your soul. They want your consciousness. You were brought up with information that said that there are evil entities and divine entities, and depending upon what you decided to do with your free choice, one side or the other wins. It's either the devils or the angels. There you are, riding a seesaw, being pulled between the two of them. Supposedly each has power, and you don't. So you better hook up

to one of them so that you'll have some direction. Some have called this situation duality. Dear ones, that is mythology! I'll give you the truth. The darkest thing you can imagine on this planet that has ever happened, or is happening, or that ever could ever be conceived, has been cocreated and manifested by a Human. The evilest of the evil, the darkest of the dark, is no darker than the darkest place of the Human mind. Evil is what is created by a Human Being, not by another entity sent to Earth to capture you. Human Beings are powerful. They can manifest the dark as well as the light. It explains what you would call black magic. It is within the Human Beings, oddly enough, using the powers of their divinity [this means that the Universe responds no matter what] to create evil. It is the Human's free choice, and it always has been. Now let me give you the other side of that. The most heavenly thing you can imagine on this planet, the brightest light, the greatest love ever in the history of humanity, resides in the Human Being. What we are telling you is that the dark and the light of it, angelic or evil, lies within the power structure and the grasp of every single Human Being on the planet. It is what we teach and what we have told you from the beginning. And the master knows this. The master is not afraid to stand in the pentagram of the most evil of ceremonies, for he knows that there's nothing more than the Human Being. There are no evil powers that can grasp him to take him anywhere. Only the dark side of the Human Being. Here's what else the master knows: The tide is turning. It sounds trite, does it not, to say that you're moving toward the light? What else can we tell you? It's a higher vibration now. And when you measure the resonant frequency between the dirt of the earth and the top of the ionosphere [Schuman Resonance], you'll get a geological measurement that has almost doubled in the last ten years. So what do you make of that? The earth is physically responding to a light force that's being created within the Human consciousness of the planet. The master knows that, so when he hears the word evil, he understands that it is what the Human creates. The master is not afraid, for the master also understands that the Human is therefore able to manage what he creates, and has masterhood over it. Simple as it may sound, again we tell you that light is active, and dark is passive. When you stand in a dark room and turn on the light, the dark does not leak out and go somewhere else. Instead, it's transformed, and that's what has been happening on this planet. The balance between dark and light is a measurement of Human consciousness, not armies of demons and angels fighting one another, as you might have been told. This means that humanity has the power over all evil, as well as divinity. This is an empowering message. Don't be shocked if it meets with criticism. 3. Death Number three is a profound one that we will not dwell upon, for it has been told over and over. What is the master's perception, through the eyes of ascension, of Human death? We touched upon this in last month's work. We saw and described to you what the master does with the third layer, the ascension layer, regarding death. Dear Human Beings, all of you are designed for peace on Earth. All of you are designed to find the

spark of love in one another. Did you know that you have to actively decide to do otherwise? Death is appropriate within the balance of a grand system, and we don't have to tell you this. All death is appropriate, even the kinds that you think are not. Let me give you the bigger picture again, for the master has it. There are extremely complex agreements going on between all of you that give potentials for a spiritual cycle on this earth called Human life. It is interdimensional and goes beyond anything you thought happened in a cycle of life, death, rebirth, and life again. It's a system so complex in its profundity that it would astonish you. The reason? Because it "sees" you as a group, and it's not linear. Your life is linear, but the planning isn't. It deals also with the life and death of others around you, and within the dynamics of free will. Did you ever consider that there may not be an "established contract" that was just for you? What if it's a multi-contract! In fact, you have to ask, "Who are you?" "You" are not all here! How could you be, if you have a Higher-Self? Who is the Higher Self? Is it you, or not? Is it "self," or not? If it's an actual part of you, and it isn't here, then you're not complete, are you? It's on the other side of the veil. Did you think about that? So really, you're not all here. This opens a door of understanding for you to also realize that perhaps you're a spiritual group (more than two), who may actually be in many places! The Higher-Self of each Human is involved with the other Higher-Selves of other Humans. How do you think co-creation could work otherwise? You don't co-create in a vacuum, you know. Each time you change your reality and create a situation, you're interfacing into someone else's reality. Each time you change your own situation, you affect those around you. So what kind of free will would humanity have if only a few could push around the energy for the many? A great deal is happening outside of what you would call your own awareness, and death or the potential for deathis one of them. No matter who it is you lose on this planet, whether you feel it's too soon [an accident, perhaps] or if you feel it's appropriate [old age], a piece and a part of them [that you don't understand about yet] is transferred to you. Therefore, what you have considered as a single soul is instead spread out within your family! "How can this be?" you say. "Isn't the Human soul one entity?" No, it isn't. If you're a piece of God, then you have the attributes of God. You don't have any problem with the idea that God can be everywhere, yet you balk at the very thought that you are the same. You think "you" are singular and God is huge. The truth? You have the attributes of divinity, and that's God. Your ancestors are therefore with you right now. They surge through the interdimensional parts of your DNA... some of the layers we will eventually describe to you. The ones who are the closest to you are the most recent. They're part of you and they stay with you until your death. They can talk to you and you can talk to them. This is how "talking to those on the other side of the veil" works. It's not some mystical, spooky experiencegetting in touch with your departed grandmother in a seance or a talk-show. It's a trip into your own cellular structure! And you don't need a mystic to facilitate it either. You can do it daily and with joy...while you walk along in ordinary life.

When you pass over, part of you remains with your family. Listen... this is out of your time-frame understanding. It's not linear. Even if you've reincarnated, there's a piece and a part of you that's still with a living person on the planet. You could reincarnate into a new expression and there would still be a piece and part of you who's with another Human Being until their passing. This is also what creates the system of karmic groups. How does it make you feel when Mom passes away or Dad passes away? Are they lost forever? Let me tell you something. Mom and Dad are here! They'll be with you until it's your time to leave, and when it's your time, you'll be with your children until it's their time, and they'll be with their children until it's their time. What a system! It's written in your DNA. You don't believe it, do you? It's just too complex. Perhaps it's just too grand? Perhaps it's just too wonderful? What are you going to do with this information? Here's what we ask you to do. Why don't you take it in and believe it? Maybe for a moment, suspend your belief of the things you can't see, and call upon these we speak about and ask, "Are you here? Why don't you touch me so I can know you're here?" And then stand back and feel the touch of your departed parents or the one that you lost, perhaps "inappropriately"? They died too soon, you feel. Well, they're here, and it's all part of a system within the love of God, that you helped put together. And the master smiles and sees that. The master understands that death is a change of energy, not the end of anything. 4. Others How does the master see others? How do you see others? The duality would have you compartmentalize them into many boxes. The ones who are enlightened, the ones who are not, the ones who are of your culture, the ones who are not, the ones who speak your language, the ones who don't. The ones who were brought up differently, the ones who are your gender, the ones who are not. You have so many boxes in which to place "others," and Human Beings do that. In a past energy, this was a protective system. It's understandable. Humans are more inclined to get along with those of like characteristics and experience, so that's what you seek out. Find the ones who speak your language, or who may be of your race, and they will have a commonality with you. So you would seek them out for protection of your culture. This is very tribal, is it not? However, the way things work now, this is no longer needed. Look at anyone on this vessel [the ship has 3,000 people on it]... any one of them. Here's a challenge: I want you to find the most unlikely person that you'd ever want to meet. Look at the faces, the cultures and the races, what they stand for, what you stand forand I want you to look at them... and love them. Can you stand back and be out of judgment of the "box" you might have put them in, and instead see the angel inside? Can you tune in to a broadcast program, hear someone who is spouting a doctrine that's not yours, yet love them dearly? Can you truly love someone who has a political affiliation contrary to yours? Can you see their divinity inside? The master does. No matter who approaches the master, the first thing the master sees is the divinity inside. To the master, there are no "others." All are family. 5. Politics Here's one of the most difficult of all: politics. How does the master see politics? "Oh," you might

say, "here we go! Kryon's going to tell us who we should vote for. Isn't it grand that he's going to tell us that?" No, he's not. He's just going to muddy the waters of what you think you stand for. The master understands that politics is the way that Earth-based systems try to create change and sometimes govern. If I had to give you any advice, Human Being, as to what affiliation you would want to look at, I would say to follow the integrity. There will come a day when all of you can read the energy of these systems. Some of you will be able to see the colors. But until then, follow the integrity. A bigger view: Get above it all for a moment. All of it. Pretend you're arriving on Earth for the first time and you're just looking around, without bias. Here's what you'd see: Planet Earth has changed its future in a "play" where angels come and go, acting in different faces and races. During the play, the angels acting the roles decided to change the future, to rewrite the ending of the play! In order to do that, there had to be significant and profound changes taking place within all things political on the planet. Situations that were setups to the end of the earth [Armageddon] had to be undone fairly quickly. What took thousands of years to create would have to be changed within a decade. You would find an earth going through upheavals of political shifts, some very unexpected. I will tell you some things that you may not agree with or understand, but it's the truth. What's taking place in the Middle East at this moment, facilitated by a country called America, is what you asked to happen to provide a fast track to an eventual shift. It would seem that a giant stick has been placed into the soup called the Middle East, and it's stirring everything up. Why would this be something needed for shift? The old ways that provided the setup for Armageddon are so old that they would remain unchanged for decades and decades. Remember the issue about protectionism (above)? Without that big stick being inserted and moved around, nothing would ever change. So you all gave permission for something to facilitate it. The "stick" that's working to stir thing up would never have been possible without the event that took place that you call 9-11. It was a precursor of allowance, another setup for change... another type of permission given by you. Historians will look back and say that this time was the beginning of the great shift in changing the polarization of the planet politically and culturally. Right or wrong, within your own political view, the bigger overview may be different. The master sees and understands this. So it's no accident that the country you call America is the only superpower of its time, and the only one who could accomplish certain kinds of things on the planet that will force change. In your political overview, that would provide a commotion that might not sit well with a humanitarian. The "stick" will continue to be inserted and stirred, perhaps inappropriately in your view. It will inflame the beehive until the hive realizes it has choice. What will then take place will advance the history of the planet as the Crystalline Grid is being rewritten. It breaks the chain of hatred creating more hatred. It stops an old history that's stale and stuck within its ways of revenge and war. That's what the master sees. He sees the overview above what you personally think about politics.

It gives you something to think about, doesn't it? You're humanitarians, every single one. None of you want war, ever. You're humanitarians, every single one, and are filled with the love of Spirit. All you want to do is heal and help. You are the precursors of the peaceful ones on the planet who will make the decisions that will bring the countries together. We stood in a place in Tel Aviv not too long ago and said to Lightworkers there that the Temple will be rebuilt. It's a Temple without walls. But in order to rebuild the Temple, the old one has to be scraped clean, and the foundation has to be exposed with all of its dirt and ugliness. This is what you're now seeing on your news. This isn't an endorsement for any government or a criticism of it. It is simply a manifestation of something far larger... the beginning of massive change. You can't have the old intermixed with the new. The house has to be completely rebuilt. Yes, that means that there's more trouble to come, if you want to look at it that way. So, Lightworker, don't fear what you create. Lightworker, listen: Do not fear the love of God. Ask to be in the right place at the right timeall of you. The master does. The master is unafraid, for the master celebrates the shift. He also sends light to those in power, daily, so that the time of the shift will be short. 6. Information Number six is information. It seems that there's so much new information! How does the master see the fact that there are so many people today bringing in new processes, new information, new healing, and new channellings? How can anyone tell if these are correct or not? What if they're just fads? Worse, what if they're marketing schemes, riding on the new fads? What if some are fraudulent? It all seems so confusing. The master stands back and he knows something. You see, the master knows about a postulate: Truth seeks its highest level. There's something else going on on the planet. It's an energy of co-creation that provides an enhancement of the postulate. Things that aren't appropriate or accurate or true will not be supported by the new energy. Eventually they'll fall upon the floor along with all of the other trash and be swept away. Truth seeks its highest level, and this perception is becoming more prevalent. It won't take a hundred years anymore for a false or inappropriate system to be exposed. Now it will be less than ten years... sometimes even faster. Those things that lack integrity can't stand in the light of the new energy. Not only that, but the master understands that new sight is being given, even for those who don't call themselves masters. They'll be able to "feel" whether something rings true or not. Beware of systems that require you to join and be and do. Instead, look for new ideas that have very little or no organization around them. These are the ones that will be of the new energythat provide for individual growth within a non-system that somehow has all the attributes of an organization without walls or rules or membership. We told you sometime ago that there would come a time when the greatest religious leaders of your planet could no longer say one thing yet do another. Now you're seeing the pruning, are you not, of even some of the largest spiritual organizations on the planet? It's the same thing with new information. It will prune itself as you observe it.

Some of the fresh new information will be difficult to grasp, and it will need you to dedicate yourself to its understanding. But as you study it, it will feed you and ring true. You'll be in a steep learning curve of how the new energy works, and if you wish to become a master of it, there will be a time of adjustment. Look for new books and new physics. The shifting of dimensions will not always seem intuitive until you're able to grasp what's actually happening. These studies will bring results immediately to you. 7. The Human Being This is number seven. Oh, there are many more than these seven seemingly common things to think about through the eyes of the ascension. But for now, this is the last one. What does the master think about the power within a Human Being? Let's define power. In the language that this is being presented in [English], power does not mean force. Power, as we are saying it now, means enablement. Enablement means the ability to move beyond former restriction. That's powerful for a Human, especially when the restriction has been one of Human perception... what is real and what is not. So an empowered Human is one who's able to think past his own former reality, and perform tasks formerly thought impossible. Let's speak about the power, or enablement, of humanity. The master has a broad grin right now. There's nothing more profound on the planet than what's taking place within the enablement of humanity. Do you realize that part of the uncomfortable-ness that many of you feel is simply the fact that there's no future for you at the moment? When you arrived on this planet, dear Human Being, the prophecy was far different, wasn't it? But look what has taken place. You changed it, and metaphorically changed tracks of reality on your Humanity train. Therefore those old prophesies are gone [didn't happen], and there are no new ones yet. There is no prophet who can arrive at this moment and give you an absolute, empirical statement about what's going to take place a week from Thursday! The reason? There's no track in front of the train! You're creating your new planetary energy as you go forward, and laying the track every day. Last month [August] on the "radar screen" of some of your new prophets, there was something that could be a challenge to the earth. There was something brewing that would have taken some of you away quickly, and it was "seen" as a strong potential, and reported. Was it real? As much as anything is. Was it really a prophecy? As much as anything can be today, yes. Today's prophecy is like this ship... unlike a train, there's now no track. The vessel can steer anywhere it wants to on the ocean, immediately. If you go and stand on the bow, you might see something coming up that's a challenge, but if the captain steers differently, the whole scenario is voided. When he turns the wheel even one degree, the entire prophecy is gone. It vanishes since you're on a new course. It's gone before you can even print the prophecy. What was a slim potential was thwarted completely and totally. I'd like to give you this information, dear Human Beings, that the "captain" of your ship of humanity changes course all the time. This "captain" is a collective consciousness of your earth. It happens constantly these days. I

hope this information stirs within you some logical thought of what you're able to create from here on. How would you like to have a peaceful planet? How would you like to have an extended life span simply by the fact that you now have incredible new power to talk to your cells? How would you like to have wonderful health regardless of your age? All of that is doable. The master knows this. This is when the master has a tendency to giggle a lot. Masters are not sad Human Beings, for they see that the power of humanity has the potential for peace on Earth. Humanity has turned a corner, you know. And we've said it before: Now the work begins. So much is changing! Look carefully at alliances before you throw them away, for there will be a tendency for you to say, "Shift is upon me, and it's not upon them. Therefore, I will remove myself from them." We speak of the workplace and the home. There's time to let the things surface that will surface, and fall where they will fall. So give these things the time it takes. Perhaps this is a plea for patience, is it not? But you have much of that, don't you? [Smile] Through the eyes of the ascended master, all of the lives he/she has ever lived are alive now. The culmination of all that you are is alive now. Once you wipe away the concept of the past, you have to embrace the fact that all the expressions [past lives] that you ever were are with you at the moment. So, who are you? That's who you are... all that you have ever been. Now that's a group! And so it is, dear Humans, that we knew of your coming. We knew who you were. We know who you are. It's not an accident that you find yourself here, hearing these words or reading these pages. We will continue this message: Through the Eyes of the Ascended, when we gather again. And so it is.



CHANNELLING: Perceptions of Masterhood II This live channelling was given on September 11, 2003, on the NCL Cruise Ship Norwegian Star on the fourth annual Kryon Cruise. It is the second part of a two-part message. The ship was again under way on a trip from the Fanning islands, a small atoll group that's part of the Republic of Kiribati, back to the Hawaiian islands.. [This channelling has been added-to and enhanced by Kryon, through Lee Carroll in a rechannelling process over the actual transcribed channelling. This has been done in order to make it more valuable for the written word and to bring clarity to concepts that were given energetically within the live channellings.]

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. We would like to proclaim this a sanctuary. There is much activity around you on this experience you call "a cruise." Turn inward with us for a moment. Have you started to feel the family yet? Have you started to understand that those Humans who may sit next to you - no matter where they are from on this planet - have something in common with you? A long time ago, all of those in this room got together in a form - in a way that you cannot even conceive - where time did not exist. It's interesting, isn't it, that you consider planning sessions to occur before you get here? That makes sense in linear time, doesn't it? But which of you would consider a "planning session" for what has already taken place? Does this make your brain crazy? I can understand why. So let's keep it simple. How many of you understand that there are planning sessions for your next incarnation under way, right now? You might respond, "Wait a minute, Kryon, I haven't made that choice yet! I'm really not certain if I'm coming back. We shouldn't get the cart before the horse here." Really? How do you know that? How do you know that you might not be in one continual planning session all the time? Free choice is the king here, but you are so linear that you always think that God is linear, also, but the fact is that the part of God that is you is in "now time." Perhaps you feel your work on Earth is done? That's assuming that you know what your work is! Feeling complete is much different from being tired, you know. Being tired is a very linear Human attribute! [Smile] Being finished on Earth is a very spiritual attribute. Most of you hearing and reading this will definitely be back! So what if this free choice planning was "free choice moment by moment" instead of "free choice in advance"? Are you confused yet?

Confusing Interdimensionality Let me give you this example: All things are known as potentials in the "now." However, the potentials are also seen as everything being manifest at the same time. This isn't something you can understand easily. Can you conceive a circle of influence, perhaps like the inside of a giant balloon, where you sit in the middle? Around you, you can see all of the potentials of all things that ever were, are, or could be, on the inside surface. Indeed, the potentials of the past are there as well, and when we say "potentials of the past," that's not a mistake. For what is the past but an illusion that gives you a perception of where you are in the present? In addition, the reason it's in a circle is that it all combines continuously at all points... never ending, and without any points of origin or termination. Kryon, the past is not an illusion... it happened!" you might say. We say this: When the past "happened," where were you? The answer is that you were in the same place you are now. There is only one instant of true reality - the one that has your eyes moving between these words right now. To you, the words that you just read on the line above are not your reality. They are past. The words in the next paragraph are not either, since they are the future. But they both exist, don't they? The truth is this: Your "actual" reality is all the words you just read, the ones you are reading now, and the ones coming up. If this is so, then they are all equal in your reading experience, but the ones a few sentences ago only helped set up the ones you are now reading and are about to read. It's a circle of logic, and one that's out of linear "time." So although something might have actually "happened" in your circle of reality, it's still "active" in your influence of control, how you feel about it, and what you do about it based on your feeling. It is all, therefore, part of your co-creation. The past isn't cemented in place. Instead, it's a setup that gets you to where you are, and it's still part of the "now" experience. When you change your "now," you change the setup, too... the past. For instance, let's say you just read something startling and upsetting in the words above you. It can't be undone. It happened. You actually read the words. The "reading of the words" is the actual linear past. Later, in upcoming paragraphs, there's a statement that tells you what really happened regarding the startling information. You relax. "Oh... now I understand, and you smile." It's no longer upsetting, so... you just changed the past! The fact that you read the words didn't change, but your "now" attitude about them did. This is a very poor linear metaphor for an interdimensional concept, but it's the best we can do to help you understand that your entire reality can be changed anytime you wish. Dear family, we all continue to sit in this balloon, taking a look at potentials... all of us, including your support group. What you don't understand is that a portion of "you" is still there with us! We are closer than brothers and sisters. We are "in love" with each other, connected to each other in ways that only God can understand. Where are you, really? What part of masterhood are you receiving, dear Human Being? Do you understand that only a part of you is on the planet doing the work? The other parts are still in the bubble, with all the rest of you... co-creating, planning, and implementing the instructions of the

energy of the boss - the part of you that walks the earth in duality. The Polarity Split Here is a postulate [a spiritual rule]: There is not another Human Being on the planet who can affect your truth or your spiritual path unless you let them. These are trying times for some. Years ago we said it is the beginning of a time when many will show their true selves to you. We told you that they would get off the fence, and they would no longer be able to hide what they really felt and thought. There would be new alliances coming together, and many would be broken apart. These would all be appropriate because the energy is dividing itself, and the polarity is beginning to show itself. We told you this would happen with business, politics, with governments, religions and personally. Much of this would be due to integrity, something that's beginning to show itself in a new Human consciousness equation of reality. What we mean is that it will not be easy to be neutral anymore regarding the energy of your reality. The question is: What am I going to do with the angel inside me? I am sensing things that I never have before about what is truth and what is not. I'm beginning to see the insignificance in much of what I'm doing. I'm beginning to sense that integrity in all things is the most important attribute in life. I'm beginning to expect it in others! I must decide if this is a new reality for me, or not... and if it is, what do I do about it? Those who deny this is happening will be kidding themselves. It will be obvious, as their lives react dramatically to this new energy on Earth. Those who always let their charisma get them by will suddenly lose friends. It's not going to work anymore. Those who were always "lucky" in life will also find reverses in the paradigm they expect. In both cases, they will have to examine who they are, to proceed. Those who wish to wait in their choice, thinking, Is this real? will have a harder time making any kind of decision. Whereas we have told you that God works slowly and that you have plenty to time to do this and that, here is one subject that's now at hand, even in this room... even as you read. You're not alone in this. Have you noticed that governments are having to wrestle with the same thing? So are corporations. So is organized religion on Earth! It's all around you, and at some point you have to take notice, and "connect the dots," as a popular phrase in your culture indicates, as it describes a Human in recognition of a situation. Some are asking, "What am I going to do with this question?" If it's true that you're eternal and that you're only here for a short time, hiding in duality, then the real test is for you to find out if this is actually so! This is a good start. Unfortunately, there will be no empirical proof for you, as there is in 4D science with other questions of physics. Instead, there will be interdimensional proof... all around you. Will you let your cells talk to you about this? They know. Will you let your emotionalself marry the intellectual-self and give you an answer? It requires that you let go of old paradigms and ask God., "Please tell me what it is I should know." Then within free choice, it's up to you to decide if any of this is spiritual fact or not.

Perceptions of Masterhood II" We will continue, then, with the teaching of the perceptions of masterhood. Two days ago, we gave you seven attributes and attitudes of those who are in masterhood [as published in Sedona Journal last month]. Only the Human Being can look at these things and report them, not Spirit. So we only report what the Humans are saying, and what they're doing. This is an honoring of the process of Human Masterhood. Human ascension is that way: It is a Human attribute, unique in the Universe, and one that can only be achieved in duality. You might say, "It's easy to be an angel; it's tough to be a Human Being." Yes, that's the way we see it, also, and that is why we wash your feet. There are some of you here that have entirely different lineages than others. Think of your country of origin; think of the countries that are represented in the room and the readership. Think of what your countries have been through in their history. Think of what brought you to where you are reading and listening, and what you're doing in life right now. Now, multiply the complexity in all that by ten-thousand fold. That's your spiritual lineage. Let me give you something really big to think about: Is it possible you have done this before on other "earths"? Is it possible that this is "one more time" in a four-billion-year project? The answer may shock you, angel. Here are some more masterhood tributes, more esoteric ones, perhaps, but in some cases, more grounded ones. We ask the question, "What does the master think of these things? As the master Human Being in ascension status looks at these things, what does she say? What does he say and think?" And so, through the eyes of the Human master, we will give you more to ponder. The reason? It helps you "see ahead," and to understand more about what the masters of Earth are like, and what are beginning to be the teachings showing you what you also may become. Think about that for a moment... then celebrate the new energy around you. Ego What is the master's attitude about ego? You've heard this all your life, about suppressing ego in order to let your spirituality grow. So what is ego? What is egotistical behavior, and what is not? What is appropriate, and what is not? There are many conflicting teachings here. Perhaps you've felt some things in your life... reactions to challenges or life's situations, and you ask yourself, "Is this ego, or is it not? Is it appropriate, or is it not? Can a master have ego?" Let's be clear. There's a big difference between ego and stewardship. Ego is vanity. Stewardship is energy in spiritual passion. Let us give you an example: If you have a truth that has been given to you in all appropriateness, one you feel is divine, and someone tramples upon it, or would say that their truth is higher than your truth, you might react. Others around you may say that you're having "an ego flare-up." They assume that your reaction stems from vanity. But masters don't do that. They weigh everything appropriately and react not with ego but with the authority of stewardship. They know what is true for them. They also know that there's no other Human Being on Earth that can touch their truth. The master truly has no "ego buttons" left. Many times the appropriate action is "nothing at all," or

sometimes just a knowing smile. This is what was known as "turning the other cheek." This phrase was never about a person allowing themselves to be beaten up repeatedly in the name of God, groveling on the ground in the dirt, and not standing up for truth. Instead, it meant "knowing what was important to react to, and what wasn't." You can stand there all day with humanity shouting at you, and it will never change your truth. Therefore, whose problem is it? That should be obvious. It's the shouters' problem, not yours. They're the ones who are upset! In that situation, if there's anything to say at all, the master might say, "I'm sorry that you're having such a bad day. What can I offer you?" Do you understand this? "Turning the other cheek" is a statement relating to having wisdom about the energy before you. It's not an invitation to endure abuse. Stewarding your truth is different. When a Human comes at you with a lower vibration and in some way violates what you believe, or violates your sanctity, you might take action. If you do, it is the action of the integrity of your stewardship. Instead of anger, there's disappointment. Instead of vanity, there's self-assurance. So when you see master Lightworkers being self-assured, don't confuse it with ego. Look at them and what they're doing. Lightworkers will not defend their positions. They don't have to. Lightworkers will let the energy go by, often turning the other cheek when they know that their truth stands tall by itself, and that nothing the other is saying can touch it. Truth seeks its highest level. Some of these things are difficult to explain to you, but watch the master when she needs to assert the truth. Watch the love at work, even that which she has for the attacker. Can you do that? When there are those who betray you in ways that only you know about, what is your initial reaction? Will you steward your truth? If you're stewarding your truth, there is no ego. You will stand back and understand, and know that what would have wounded you in the past, simply bounces off with love. Can you love the betrayer? Yes, you can. It is a study, is it not, outside of the box of Human nature. And that, my dear Human Being, is what ascension is all about. Before we leave this subject, I have to ask this: In the past, you might have reacted differently to challenge. Now, your reaction is much more balanced. So... did the past change? The present? What about the future? The answer: They all did. Competition Here is one that is common, and one we have discussed before: competition. You might think that competition is something that you would only have in a Western-world economic structure. It isn't. For do you not compete for energies? Do you not compete for favor? Do you not compete often for resources? Let us take one of the most important ones, competing for energy and favor, a common Human attribute. You want to be liked, don't you? You want to be important, not in an ego sense, but important in an "Earth sense." You wish to be an important part of all that is, and do your part. But often there is this feeling that in the paradigm of your culture, there seems to be only so much importance to go around! It would be impossible for all of you to be important. In your reality, there must be the ones that are important, and the ones who are not... only one person wins a race. There's only so

much favor to be dispensed, and not everyone gets it. Now, look at the folly in this! Each of you is an eternal spiritual being... an old soul who has been in expression [incarnation] many times, and who is being asked to change the reality of Earth itself! You are all known to God, because you are God. Yet it is Human nature, is it not, to see your reality differently, and compete for things? Let me tell you what the master does. Within a group of Human Beings standing around, with none of them knowing each other, and all of them trying to top the other with interesting and important conversation, the master will walk in and just listen. As he absorbs the stories of the others, sometimes he feels the joy in their celebrations and their humor. Sometimes he listens to the troubles of others and feels their frustrations. The master absorbs it all in a way that you have not known before. The energy of the moment does not "paste itself" upon his persona. Instead, it goes into a place where it is reflected. Some can see energy. If you were one of these at this time, you could see that the energy of the master was one of the reflection of healing. My partner [Lee] is championing the information that Human consciousness changes energy and even matter. He constantly looks for your 4D science to back this up, and it's finally happening. So many of you might now understand better how the master focuses this reflection in a healing manner... one that becomes available to those in the room. The very presence of the master tends to change the telling of the stories! You see, there's enough importance to go around. So I ask you: In this scenario, who is the important one? The one on the platform who has captured the attention of those around, or the one sitting in wisdom and reflecting the energy that can do the best to help those telling and hearing? The master understands this, and the invitation is for you, too. The master does not force energy on any Human. He just places it in the room for all to do with as they choose. Some will absorb it, and some will reject it. This is free choice. When you come into a room where there is water for you, some will partake and some will not. It's about your own thirst and the appropriateness of what you need. But the water does not become indignant that you didn't drink it, does it? It doesn't follow you home, demanding that you taste it. No. It just sits there as nourishment for those who wish it. This is the way of it, even when the water is the water of life. So perhaps you would apply the word competition to your economic structure? I will tell you this: It's folly for you to think that you must glean a certain portion of a market share. There's enough to go around. You often don't even understand the principles of your own economics! You limit yourself. Whereas you focus on one thing and say, "I must have this happen or that happen" for your success, hiding around the corner is an entirely separate success structure that you haven't even considered. A perfectly balanced economic structure is one where everyone wins. In this "race," everyone can win! Those who have paid, receive and love what they've purchased. Those who have supplied the product or service have been compensated appropriately, and they love what they've sold. In between these scenarios there are those who struggle with the process, never understanding or

knowing that there is even divinity in competition. So we say this to you: Competitors, can you bless the one who is competing with you? If you can, you have one of the attributes of the master. Can you relax and not worry, knowing that all things will come together, and truth will seek its highest level when you work in integrity? Do you feel that the one who won a linear race automatically makes all the rest losers? Or, like the master, do you understand that those who ran the race are all interdimensional winners? How can this be? Because the master sees the whole picture... the potentials of the winners of the next race, and the energies of the race itself. The master can go to a party and never say a word... never become "important," yet will come away blessed beyond belief! It's difficult for you to understand all this in a competitive world. The next time you walk into a group of people and you feel very small, perhaps you'll feel the urge to speak up and be important. Instead, stop for a moment. Understand that your very presence enhances them. Smile, feel your own divinity, and think, I will simply be quiet and listen. I'll absorb the joys of what they have to say. I'll be a better Human Being by hearing their experiences, even if I tell none of my own. The master knows about that. It's part of a new paradigm... quiet wisdom. Last, the driver, or catalyst of this new competitive understanding, is about integrity. Are the words big business and integrity at odds in your mind? They used to be! Watch this change on Earth. There may come a day when profits are delegated to stockholders based on the integrity factor of a corporate structure. This is so new that most of you have no concept of such an arrangement. Believe me, it is in the potential structure in that bubble of the "now." You think that's amazing? Wait until you see what might happen in politics! Can you imagine a political situation where the integrity of what is done and not done within the election campaign actually might help elect the official? A pipe dream? Watch. The Earth What does the master in this new energy think about the earth? Oh, there's much going on right now, and the master knows it. The master understands that the earth is coming alive. Interdimensionally, the earth is awakening. There has never been a better time in Human history to heal the earth than now. If you live in a land - in a country - that has had war after war after war, you live in a layered energy. It's wounded land. Yet even with everything you see around you that is challenging on Earth, there's never been a time like this when you could clear it. The master knows this, but you do not. Listen: Everything you do for another Human Being clears the land under your feet. Seemingly unclearable woundings of the cauldron of Human experience war after war, is now able to be cleared. It's part of why you're here to hear and read this. But you knew that, didn't you? It wasn't long ago where we sat with you and said that there will be those who will come out of the earth, interdimensionally. They will put the energy of themselves onto you, if you allow it. Call it a partnership of energy, perhaps. They've all been waiting until the dispensation of eight [speaking of the number eight being the energy of the new dispensation] when the crystalline energy will start to appear on the planet in a greater way. It was only a few months ago that we told you that there would be those living around the place you

call Mt. Shasta who are free to go. Many of them had held and anchored an energy even without knowing it, and had helped steward an area that would keep it spiritually pristine. In your own terms, this means kept and anchored a place against the development of major hotels. It's one of the few, you know. Take a look at the other portals and vortices on the planet known to have spiritual attributes, and you'll find hotels, golf courses, and tennis courts. Not in Mt. Shasta. This was not an accident, and we told you that these Humans were the stewards of the land. Now we'll give you more information about them - many of them hermits - many of them very difficult to get along with! You see, most of them are of the crystal life-force energy, and it only makes sense that they would be this way. [This information goes along with the study of colors and energies that were given in a lecture on the cruise, where this channelling is being given.] The master knows about the earth and the changes that are occurring. He also knows about the interdimensional cities of life-force that are being opened right now to spill out upon Human consciousness. Two days ago we mentioned the dragon energy. Think of this word as meaning regal energy. Think of the masters with the dragon energy as being those of spiritual Earth royalty. They are interdimensional - the kings and the queens who created the very dirt of the earth in a way that would be commensurate with humanity. You have them to thank, for when you moved into the dispensation of the eight, the earth was ready for you. But the grand information is that within the dirt of the earth, more queen-energy will be emerging to help with the balance of the planet. This is a crystalline function, and is part of the rewrite that we've been speaking of for almost a year. It's time to balance the feminine and masculine energies of the planet. Flow of Energy/Co-creation Number four and five go together. It's difficult to describe this, since these are interactive. Number four is the flow of energy, and number five is co-creation. How does the master see these? Today, in a dispensation of the energy of eight, we will give you a short review and then another metaphor. There was a time for many of the spiritually-minded, in an older energy, where co-creation was done as follows: You would meditate and ask God for answers. You would ask and ask. Then you might go places, certain portals (we call vortals now). And you would collect energy where you could. Once this was accomplished, you would receive energy and information, collect them until the right time, and then take action upon them. This created a situation where meditation was far different then than it is now, and where the actual flow of energy in the Human Being for cocreative purposes was far, far different. We call this the collection method. You did your best to collect the energy you needed for the task at hand. In this older energy, the duality was so strong that you literally had to think of it as a storehouse. You had to go get it. Whether it was on the floor in the lotus position or whether it was someplace specific on the planet, you had to go and collect it. Not until you did these things did you feel fulfilled or feel that you had the answers. Dear Human Being, this is what many of you have done all your lives.

Let me tell you what the master thinks, and we will use a metaphor. On this great vessel [in the kitchen on the cruise ship], there are at least two Human Beings whose job it is to find magic in a block of ice. Perhaps you have seen their handiwork? It's in the grand places of food consumption, a process Humans love to celebrate. These are the ice sculptures in the dinning rooms. Let me tell you what the sculptor sees. The block of ice weighs hundreds of pounds and is probably difficult to deliver and handle. That master of architecture, the sculptor, rather than seeing a task ahead that's unwieldy, sees the completed piece of art as already finished and hiding in the ice! It's delicate and beautiful. Now it's his job to chip away what doesn't belong. To you, this object would be a very heavy block of cold ice, probably something you would want to get out of your way before it melts all over your floor. To him, it's already a completed work of art. So he begins. He carefully chips away everything that isn't a sculpture. Notice that he's creating, using subtraction. This might seem counterintuitive to you. How can you manifest anything by taking something away? The new energy is exactly that way. You walk around and think that things are ordinary. However, hiding in the ordinary are the miracles of co-creation. What you must learn to do is chip away the things that don't belong. And how do you do that? The answer is this: You tune in to the sculpture. You tune in to your co-creation. You see it and visualize it as already having been done. You see inappropriate energies like the ice parts that don't belong, and you cast them aside. In your meditations, instead of asking for answers, ask for balance. That will let you see the inappropriate parts to chip away. Instead of asking God to be the sculptor of your reality, you are becoming the sculptor and are being trained as the artist. Are there difficulties in your life right now that you cannot understand? Ask for insight. You're being given the gift of seeing the inappropriate. To some, that means there are challenges there. What are you going to do with it? Many, instead of chipping it away, actually wallow in it! It's free choice, you know. Instead of seeing what's appropriate and what is not, the old-energy Human sees it all as something that must remain and be dealt with. Seemingly it's their own reality, and therefore it's there forever and not changeable. The master sees life as perfect. He creates what he wants by constantly deciding what energy is to be removed. Sometimes it's with the mind. Sometimes it's with real action. The master does it with both. So the master walks in a perfect place, even with dying children around him, even with crime, even with those who are hurting. Another Human's suffering, anger, drama or even imbalance never changes the truth... the perfect sculpture within the master's reality. The secret to your co-creation is tuning in to the choir. We've given you this metaphor before. The sculpture sings to you in that big block of ice called reality and says, "I'm here, come get me." The closer you get to it and the more you remove what is inappropriate in your lives, the clearer is the tune that you can hear, and the more perfect the sculpture. Then when you finally start singing the same tune that the perfection within the sculpture is singing, you get manifestation. The key is listening. You begin that process by claiming integrity.

Life-Force Number six is life-force. We're going to give you information now that we haven't given in this fashion before. There's something new going on with your biology. The master sees a new lifeforce. There's much to tell you here. Are you having relationship problems? Perhaps it's brother with brother, sister with sister, husband and wife? Perhaps mother and father, mother and sister, friend with friend? How about your business? Every time a divine Human Being, especially one who's vibrating at a higher level, makes a bond of love or partnership with another Human Being, a third energy is created that has the attributes of both. This third energy that is created can be called an entity, if you wish. You can even give it a name! It sits there waiting to be nourished. The entity has the attributes of a Human child. It should be handled gently and considered precious. Listen: Husband and wife, handle it gently - it's precious! What are you going to say to the child? Are you going to nurture it, or are you going to ignore it? When you begin to work on that third energy that is the child, a new life-force flows between you like it never did before. It's a hidden attribute, yet you've always known about it. All partnerships will benefit from this new awareness. There's more. Biologically there's a new kind of life-force available, especially to those who vibrate higher. It's time to awaken something that has been there all along - something you've been toying with for eons. We will call this awakening cellular intelligence. The cellular structure of the Human body is designed to connect itself to the life-force of Earth. Think of the times that you've used things like kinesiology [muscle testing]. Did you ever wonder how the Human body knows more than you do? Things you don't know, your cells know. Does this make sense to you? What if you could build a bridge between what the body knows and what your conscious mind knows? Did you ever wonder how homeopathy works? When a tincture with less than one part in one million of a substance is ingested into your body, how can your cells "see" it, when modern medical analytical machines can't even detect it? The truth? The Human body recognizes the intent of the substance! For more than 200 years, you've been working with this, yet it's still not understood. Healing occurs. Information is passed to the cellular structure of the intent of the maker of the cure. Wouldn't it be great to build a bridge from your conscious mind to the part of your cellular structure that is the master chemist? Did you ever use a pendulum? Did you ever wonder how the muscles in your hand responded out of your control to give a yes or no answer regarding your health or the energy around you? It's cellular intelligence, and it's time you started to meld with it. It's time for a marriage of the intellect, the intuition, and cellular intelligence. The master knows what his elbow is doing. The master has a meeting of the cells every day. The master can tell you how his toe is feeling, spiritually. The body is one. The master does not live in his head. Instead, he lives as one unified entity, head to toe. He sees his body as one cell, with intelligence. The master knows what is good for him biologically and what isn't, even without muscle testing. The master has an alliance with the intelligence within - a DNA attribute that has always been there. Did you ever hear the phrase "awakening DNA"? That's partially what this is all about.

There's even more: Apoptosis is a biological term used to describe a Human cellular system designed to diagnose inappropriateness in the body and self-destruct. Well, it doesn't work well, does it? Where is it with cancer? Where is it with AIDS? Where is it with tuberculosis? You could name the diseases for a very long time that "fool" this natural body process. It doesn't work very well, does it? There's a new life-force at hand that will change this, too - a force available to all of you where cellular structure is awakened and the intelligence will increase. Apoptosis will be allowed to work the way it was designed. The only disease within a master's body will be that which he allows to be attached if it's appropriate, through free choice. The new life-force on this planet will enhance your ability to control your own cellular structure. Haven't the gurus showed this to you over the years? Now it's your turn. Focus at the Moment We will finish with this one - number seven. Perhaps you would like to ask the master, "Dear master, what should be our focus as Human Beings on Earth at the moment? It seems there is so much strife! Where should we send our light, and what should we do? What is the key? Where's the focus?" The dispensation of the eight is one of responsibility. Within the first two weeks in November 2003, you will get a chance, along with that great entourage which is what you call your higher selves, to make a decision about the most important things on Earth [Harmonic Concordance]. A question will be asked much like it was on the 11:11 [Harmonic Convergence]. This question will be this: Are you ready to meld the spiritual and the biological so that life-force will be melded, so that ego will be what I described, so that co-creation will be what I described, so that you can enhance your DNA? Are you ready to let the masculine and feminine energy of Humanity finally be equal? It's an important time on the planet. Those reading this after this has occurred should know that it is no less profound simply because it was yesterday. The study of yesterday is the wisdom of tomorrow. What is the focus? There has never been a time on Earth where your actions and thoughts are more profoundly measurable as energy. The focus is inward. The first parable ever given to you by this Kryon group over a decade ago was that of The Tar Pit. It spoke of a metaphor, a parable, where one Human Being discovered something that helped him. No one else was involved. He discovered something personal and implemented it. He applied it only to himself, and he didn't shout it from the rooftops. He went about his business without saying anything, enjoying his new personal discovery, yet everybody noticed what he had done? How? From what was happening around him. This is what happens when you balance yourself. One Human Being who tunes in to the choir and finds the sculpture in the ice will affect all the ones around him. He gives them something to see. This allows more choice than the others around him would have had, otherwise. It actually turns on a light for others to see in a dim place. Not all of those who see your progress will like it. Some of the others will look at you and run the other way. Some of them will look at you and hate you. Some of them will betray you. Dear Human Being, this is nothing new. The medicine man lived alone, even without a mate, on the edge

of the village. Yet he was the healer for all of them when they got in trouble. Does that make any sense? Because he vibrated high and had unusual information, that seemed odd to them, and they only visited when they had to. And so this transition of focusing on self will truly cut to the quick when it comes to energy decisions. There will be those around you who don't want what you have. They're not ready for what you have. Without saying a word and without being evangelical in what you've discovered, things will take care of themselves. The premise? Take care of yourself. What is the focus? It's on self. Not ego... but self-balance and finding the tune. Let others decide for themselves if they wish to share in the "new you" or not. That's their issue. Steward your truth, and never let another Human being force you from the love of God. As it is within, so it will eventually become without. Human consciousness is the third grid. Therefore, perhaps you will understand that the magnetic is healed, the crystalline is being worked on, and in the process the third grid, which is the top of the triangle of Human consciousness, turns inward. Put these together and you will see the potential of The New Jerusalem. As you are, so is Earth. As you take care of yourself, the earth responds. Dear Human Beings, historians will point to this time and say, "This is where it started. When humanity made decisions that it would create a planet that would pull itself out of the dark, they began to understand the process of peace, the wisdom of trade, and they were not fearful of different cultures. They understood that each one needs the other, and that somehow they were all connected." How do we know this? We are seeing it within the bubble of the balloon that contains everything in the now that ever happened or can happen. It is written in your potential! It is actually written in your DNA! Blessed is the Human Being who sees the whole - the completeness of the planet in this way. Blessed is the Human who sees Earth as the block of ice that contains a beautiful sculpture called "Peace on Earth." And so it is!



CHANNELLING: Perceptions of Masterhood, Part III "The Agreement" This live channelling was given on January 31, 2004 in Gooding, Idaho [This channelling has been added-to and enhanced by Kryon, through Lee Carroll in a rechannelling process over the actual transcribed channelling. This has been done in order to make it more valuable for the written word and to bring clarity to concepts that were given energetically within the live channellings.]

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Oh, this is a sweet place, and it's also a joyful place. Let's take just a moment to greet the entourage that's here. If it's in your consciousness to feel Spirit wash through you on this day, then it will be so. For, Lemurian, that's why we're here. We knew who would be here and who would be reading this page. For intent is king today. For those of you who decided in the last possible moment to arrive at a place like this, we know of your potential. For those who casually picked up this book and are reading it, we know of your potential. So the matching energy of what you bring to this episode of life, in this hour, in these few minutes, is indeed around you as we bring the other half. But this isn't a generic message. It's a message specifically for you, since you're actually half of it! It may sound like other messages, but we're speaking personally to you, and it's no accident that the Human voice of the channel, my partner, falls upon your two ears this day. For that's why you sit in the chair, Lemurian, reading and listening. Let's first take a moment to honor this place [a very old performance theater in Idaho]. Much has happened here. There has been joy and laughter. Some have yelled in joy or wept in sorrow on this stage. The building has a history, too, even a wonderful portion you've yet to uncover, Michael [speaking to the host of the event and the owner of the theater]. There was a church here, too! Healings were accomplished on this stage. And so it is that it's not the first time those who would seek their spiritual truths would come and sit in the seats where you sit. But let's say for a moment that it's the first time that information such as this has been presented here, yet here's a group that pretends not to know each other. However, this group comes together intuitively as though it did! It's unique how this works. So you might say that the history of the old energy meets the history of the new energy, for in a few moments within your time, everything that we did here will all be over. We already see you leaving this place and putting down the book We already see the potentials of what we're going to say and how it may react to you. We know your hearts, and we know you by name. My partner broached an issue that we wish to expand upon even before the teaching begins. [Lee

brought up a subject during his lecture earlier in the day.] It has to do with the love you have for the planet. Oh, Human, for some of you - and you know who you are - it's no accident, that you come and find yourself surrounded by others who love the "loneliness of nature" [speaking of the Idaho area where the meeting is being held]. Yet you're not alone, are you? How many of you greet the wind? How many of you bless the dirt? How many of you see the sky and know that you've seen it for hundreds and hundreds of years? How many of you own the land beneath your feet and have for a long time? I'm not speaking of a piece of paper that grants you ownership. I'm speaking of an Akashic situation that marries you to the land. Some of you are the indigenous of the area, and you know it. Oh, you may not look that way in the mirror, but you are! That is the attribute of some of these areas that my partner [Lee] visits that have yet to see the large populations of humanity move into them. The dirt that you're experiencing today is the dirt that was there the last time you were here, and the last time, and the last time. And so it is that the wind keeps blowing it from place to place, but the smell is the same and the attributes of the geology are the same, and here you are again. Reader, honor this family that you believe is in a past meeting as you read this. They're not, you know. They're sitting here with you, for all that has transpired to bring you these words on this page is but an instant of manufactured time that only pretends to separate you from them within your limited reality. They're right here with you, right now. Some of you in this gathering will leave this place and drive to other places in modern vehicles instead of getting on a horse, as you did before when you left this building. Oddly enough, you'll be going to the same places that you did before! You see, this is where you belong. It's part of the puzzle that makes some of you anchors and some of you vagabonds... each appropriate to your energy. For some there's no one sweet spot where you belong. You belong where you need to be! Some of you have forced the issue and have gone places where you weren't needed, and you were seemingly snapped back home, weren't you? It's hard to go against the grain when you've awakened and given intent to fulfill an energy that's your life's work. Some of you will know what I'm talking about here, and some of you won't. Day-to-Day Life Blessed is the Human being who knows what abundance is! The Israelis in the desert, they knew what abundance was. All of the tribes moved around in very large circles for slightly more than 40 years, and were fed each day. Some have asked about this: "Kryon, is that a metaphor within biblical history, or is that what actually happened?" The answer is that is what happened. Indeed, they were fed every day. They called it food from the sky. There were scientific reasons why it took place, and even after they made the pilgrimage to The Promised Land, it still happened even without them being there! You never heard that, did you? But the event was very real. They were fed every day for 40 years. Some of these tribal members would awaken in the middle of the night and would worry. "What if it doesn't happen tomorrow? Oh, I know it's happened all our lives, but what if it doesn't happen

tomorrow?" They'd wring their hands and wake up friends and say,"You know, it might not happen anymore. We know it has happened all our lives, but it might not!" Others then woke up their friends and said the same thing. Pretty soon, many had formed a consensus of worry that it wouldn't happen tomorrow! What a thing to worry about! Then they would be fed again, and they'd go on to worry about something else. What was this really about? It was Spirit providing the needed sustenance on a day-by-day basis. If you'll look backwards, you might say that the tribes of Israel had abundance for 40 years. They never had to worry about planting seeds or growing crops. All was taken care of, but just enough for each day. That's abundance! But it was only in retrospect that they saw it. The ones that looked into the future said, "What if it doesn't happen?" So we broach the issue that if you look into the past, you see the truth. When you're broaching interdimensionality, you have the ability to look at the past of what's happening tomorrow and know that all will be okay. The interdimensional Human is that way, you know. He's able to look into the future and see the past and understand that sustenance is abundance. He has the ability to see the things that will be, as the things that have been... and even chuckle about them before they've happened! Difficult? A conundrum? A puzzle? I'm going to expand on this. Remembering Your Birth Let me take you on a trip... a sweet one, and one that you won't remember. There you are many years ago, on the other side of the veil, just like me, with family members, just like me. There you are, leaning forward... a metaphor (since you didn't have a body that could lean). It's a metaphor, like jumping off a cliff - a metaphor - leaning forward, about being ready to come to Earth and have what you would call a birth. You're about to be born to the parents you chose, and the race you chose, and the country and gender. Your body was being prepared in the womb of your mother. Pieces and parts of your soul, or what you would call the soul, were being transferred during that time. Questions are always asked about this: "Kryon, when does the soul enter the body?" I'll tell you the truth. Remember this: The soul enters the body at that point in time when conception is agreed upon, even before biology is involved. That's not predestination, but predisposition. You're predisposed to be born, depending on the path that your parents take with free choice. It's tough to describe, since this decision often takes place before your parents ever knew each other on Earth, and even before their births! It's very difficult to talk about in a way you might truly understand. So let's just say that "life" begins way before you think it does, and that there can be many changes along the way before you get here, but you and others are involved in all of them. Picture yourself leaning forward, about to take the leap to Earth. What's holding you back is the "wind of birth" that blows against you as you lean. It's a sweet, innocent wind, and one you've experienced many times before. It smells of possibilities, potentials, and opportunity. You're about ready to complete the process, to have the birth that obviously took place (because, here you are). Your advisors are by your side, ready to come in with you... speaking to you in the language of

light. They're asking you if you're really certain, and if all is ready. You smile at them and tell them all is well. They remind you that you're coming to Earth at a time when the end of the planet is prophesied, and that the chances are very great that you'll die a horrible death, along with your children and your friends. You again smile at them and say, "All is well." Then you take a look around, telling the elements and those around you that you'll "be right back"... and you leap. Again, I'll ask you this, Lightworker: When you were an angel on the other side of the veil, weren't you supposed to be smarter than you are here? And if the answer is yes, then I'll ask you again: Why did you come? Didn't you see the Armageddon? Didn't you understand the potential of everything that was brewing on the planet when you arrived? I'll give you the answer, and it explains why you're loved! It explains why the entourage begins to kneel and wash the feet of those who are here. It's why some of you are feeling the pressure of Spirit and the beginning of the knowledge that this is real. This isn't something concocted by a Human being to get an audience this day. No. This energy is real. On the other side of the veil, there is wisdom about ready to flow into this message, but not before we again congratulate you for doing something you may not even be aware of, Lemurian: You came in anyway! And the reason is that you are indeed smarter on the other side of the veil! You knew what intent does. You knew what the old-soul essence is. You knew when you arrived that there would be the potential of awakening on this planet. Some of you awakened at birth, and I mean spiritually. You didn't want anything to do with what your parents said was spiritual, did you? That got you in trouble, too, didn't it? You see, we know who's here. Old souls are that way, you know. Right from the beginning, they're trouble! [Laughter] That's what old wisdom will do when it doesn't seem to match the current wisdom of the day. Now, here you are. You knew before you ever came in, as you were leaning against the wind of birth, that you could change this planet if there were enough of you. There were, and you did. Let it not be unnoticed that the earth is different from when you came in. Let it not be unnoticed that the prophecies did not take place. Let it not be unnoticed that we love you because of this! You have no idea what you've changed in another part of the Universe. What happens here will determine a great deal, and will be measured for that exact purpose. This must sound like nonsense to you, but at another time in another place, it will be clear. When I see you again, it will be clear. And when I meet you on the other side of the veil someday, you'll come to me instantly and ask, "How did we do? How is it now?" And it will be very clear. What you do in your ordinary Human life is changing the very fabric of interdimensionality all over the Universe, all at once. What you think while you're here is known billions of light years away. That's because of what you call a quantum state, where everything is all together, happening at once. All creatures of the Universe are aware of what's taking place on Planet Earth at some level even the kinds of worlds that don't have what you have, which is the consciousness of divinity. Even at their level, they'll be changed. As goes Earth, goes much more than we've ever talked about. Now, how ordinary does that make you feel, dear one? How do you define "ordinary"? Some have said, "Kryon, I know that I have some kind of divinity in me, and I know that what you

say is true, but I still feel very insignificant." The seniors among you, they say, "I also feel old and tired." I'll tell you something. All of you are feeling old and tired! Why would that be? you might ask. I'll tell you: Because as the energy of this planet starts to align with the energy of you and why you came, it is you who are doing the heavy lifting. Celebrate the fact that you're part of a miracle called Earth. Let The Teaching Begin Dear Human being, we're going to talk about an advanced spiritual attribute. And because it's advanced, it's difficult to talk about and understand. "Dear Kryon, I've been to places where those who have meditated in prayer have been healed, and where people standing next to them have not. And to my way of thinking, Kryon, they seem to be the same consciousness. Old souls came to Earth at the same time - sister with sister, brother with brother. Seemingly, they were given the same permission, knowing all of the divine rules of awakening. They were Lightworkers, standing side by side, yet one would be treated one way, and one another. I don't understand. How could such a thing be?" We're going to talk about this in a way that we seldom have before. Over all these past years, all of the channelling sessions have been around you. You with you. The awakening of you with you; you and the Earth; you and the energy of what we call your "Earth contract." Now, we begin advanced teaching. We're going to discuss you and the others in the Universe. I want to talk about you with God. I want to talk about you with the earth in ways that have many layers. We will go many places within the teaching today. The Main Premise Let me give you a postulate. Here's a rule of Spirit: There's no higher power in the Universe than what exists in the seat in front of me [referring to the audience]. Humans don't like that, do they? "There's got to be something far more magnificent than me, Kryon. I see myself in the mirror. I know what's there." No, you don't. This is the truth. This is a postulate, and the way things work. There's no higher energy or power on Earth than you. There's no higher power or energy in the Universe than what exists and flows through you in a divine way. You may want to put something on a pedestal and worship it. That's just an exercise. You may wish to pray to God, thinking that God is a higher entity - a Spirit that loves you like a grandfather - greatly treasured, honored, and wise. But you can't really pray that way, since that's not the truth. "But Kryon, we want to do that. We go to churches where we worship entities and ideas that are higher than we are, symbolically, physically, and spiritually." Yes, you do, but the truth is the truth, and what you're doing isn't accurate. There's nothing higher than what surges through the blood in your veins and the consciousness you carry. It's shielded by what you've called the duality. It's segmented into a dimension that you only see a portion of. The truth is, you are God. Collectively, you make up what many are worshiping daily. Singularly, you're an integral part of Sprit, which is unique and necessary for this system to work. You're eternal in both directions. You always were, and always will be. There was no beginning. That's how old you are. Why do we tell you this? Because of the next thing we wish to broach, something that my partner

has been presenting in other channellings. On this day we give even more information so it's more complete than it used to be. The Agreement - an Interdimensional Concept We wish to talk about something we are loosely going to be identifying as The Agreement. It sounds like The Contract, doesn't it? When you come to Earth, there's Agreement. Now. Stop for a moment. This isn't about you. This is about the Universe. There's an agreement that you have with the Universe, which is family. When you come into the planet, there's a planetary contract, which we've told you about and that you've studied. We've taught you that contracts are only predisposed starting places. Everything can be changed regarding a contract. There's no predestination. But there's an energy of this planet being developed that's interdimensional. Humans are awakening all over the planet. This is an energy called The Agreement, and we can finally go beyond the beginning teachings we've been giving for over a decade and start to broach some concepts that aren't easily understandable, but they are with divine help. The Agreement is you with us. Your contract on Earth is you with the earth. One is for a Human lifetime. The other is forever. The Agreement is you with the stars that you can barely see with the best telescopes you have. It's an agreement that all of the Universe knows, and which surges through your cellular structure. It affects your Human contract, but much more than that, it is the I Am agreement. It is divine. Pasted upon the most divine layer of your DNA, whose name we will reveal at an upcoming meeting, is The Agreement. It is an agreement with the Universe and you, not the Earth and you. It has to do with what you came here for, which means that it overlays the Human contract, but interdimensionally it is a quantum event that has to do with the energy of the existing present Universe, which is always changing. This message may sound like what we've given you before, but it's not. The Agreement may sound like your Earth contract, but it's not. It's not about the karmic attributes that you have when you come in, although that's a part of it. It's a combination of all the arrangements of what you would call your past lives (which are now present), and the Universe (which is always present). The explanation of this is a puzzle that goes beyond your reasoning. Even still, I'll tell you about it. First of all, let me give you the reactions to this message, since we already know what they'll be. I'm going to tell you about the gift of The Agreement. I'm going to tell you that ever since the Concordance [the Harmonic Concordance], you've had the ability to actually touch and manipulate this agreement. Dear Human beings, do not take this lightly, for it means a longer life span, and actual master-hood. It provides so many of the things that you've only dreamed of that are now being broached. The gift of being able to work with this Agreement sits at your feet waiting to be opened. It's the beginning of the beginning. It's the new dispensation. Four reactions that Humans will have to these kinds of spiritual things, and this gift in general.

1. The first reaction, the one that's the most common, is this: "Don't bother me, it's dumb. I don't want to go there, I don't want to think about it, I won't talk about it, I don't believe it." Dear ones, there's no judgment involved from us regarding this reaction, for humanity has free choice to do what it wishes, and we're not all Lemurians. It was your task to awaken, and you did. The predisposition that lays within your DNA is that you would change the planet's course... and you did. And the next potential is that you'll be able to change yourselves in ways that are profound, and many of you will. 2. The second reaction of humanity is this: "I see it. It's glorious! I want to worship it. Where is it? Put it someplace where I can kneel before it. Let me bow. How many times do I bow? Which direction should I face?" This reaction is very common, you know. If it's spiritual, then lift it up and worship it! There's no ownership of what it is at all, and it's all just a continuation of a consciousness that feels separate from God. 3. The third kind of reaction is very interesting: It's from the intellectual Lemurian. This would be an old soul, but one who loves to intellectualize God. "Oh, there it is! I see it. We've been waiting for that. Isn't it beautiful? I think I'll think about it. I wonder why it's here. I wonder about God. I wonder about me. I wonder about the gift. I wonder what it all means. What does it mean compared to other gifts? What should my reaction be? Am I thinking clearly, or should I be involved at all?" This is the Human who intellectualizes all of it. He asks himself about appropriateness for himself, for Earth, for those around him, how he should handle it, and what the purpose of all of it is. And he does it throughout his life! This is a description of a Lightworker who hasn't lit his light yet! This Lighthouse has no light, but is sitting upon the rocks letting all the ships flounder, while he ponders the meaning of life. 4. The fourth reaction is one from those who potentially are in the room or reading this. You've made the trip here. You're sitting in the chairs, listening and reading, and it's no accident. The reaction? "Ahhhh, I wondered where I left that. I wondered where I misplaced that - there it is. I own it, you know. I'll pick it up and put it in my pocket. I'll hold it dearly because it's mine." Here are four very different reactions to these teachings. Let me tell you now about The Agreement. We will make this as quick as we can, because to dwell on any of these things beyond the stories we'll tell is going to have to come at another time. The Agreement We'll begin the teaching by saying this: There are attributes within this new process where you can work with this Agreement. Again, we're not speaking of your Earth contract. The Agreement is between you and the Universe and is about your life on Earth and its relationship to all things universal. The entire reason this teaching is being given is to enhance the master energy you're beginning to receive. In order to work with it, change it, and make life decisions that have the power of divinity within them, we give you these attributes of understanding. Partnership The first attribute is that if you're going to change this agreement, you're going to have to

understand the partnership with God. This attribute is one I gave you a long time ago that is the premise that you're divine, and that what you call God is a partner. Any partnership has to be understood, agreed upon, and the concept has to be owned. When you own a concept, it's like you were the one who created it. That's how personal it must feel. Highest Power If you're going to have any success, then you must also understand and agree 100 percent that you're the highest power in the Universe. Oh, not by yourself, but with the others, that together, there's nothing stronger or higher than your divinity, and it's hooked into actual creation. This also is an acknowledgment that there's no power that can defeat you. There's no power that can do things to you. There's no power known in the Universe higher than you that might place a curse upon you, give you a disease, or control you. There is simply nothing that exists that can affect you beyond what you'll allow within the grand plan of your divinity. Make no mistake, this attribute is often the hardest of all to own. Fear If you're going to begin working with The Agreement, you're going to have to understand fear. I didn't say eliminate it because you can't do that. You're not allowed. Even the masters had fear, but they balanced it. The put it in its place. You see, fear is in the Human in a way that can't be removed. It has to be there for you to have your duality. It's part of the test. However, it has to be put behind you. All of the things that you might fear - even the subtle things - have to be identified, recognized, and compartmentalized if need be, and relegated to a place behind the layer that is divine. I'm trying to put this as simply as I can. But you might say, "Well, Kryon, I've done that. I have no fear issues. Let's move on." Let me ask you, healer, do you protect yourself when you work on Humans who are in trouble? Do you have anything around you that will help you with the energetics so that those you heal will not affect you? Perhaps their negative energy interferes with your energy? Perhaps you have something to help with this? If you do, that's fear. Don't you trust your light? How divine do you have to be in order to approach lower energy without it affecting you? You're a piece of God! Everywhere you walk you carry a bubble of divinity, and the only thing that's going to pierce that bubble is you. In your disbelief and your fear, you void your power. We're not here to judge you or admonish you. These teachings are only for instructions that tell you to put fear where it belongs - in back of you! Don't do anything that's specifically designed to protect you from the energy of others, for it's not needed. You hold all the light. When you go to a place and imbue it with the brightest light possible, do you hold back a bit and say, "Well, you know, darkness may arise, and it will quench the light." No, you don't, because you know the powerful attributes of the light you carry. Do not fear these things, no matter how dark they appear. Your light will transform them. Embrace the challenges head on. When there's negativity, alter it. Flood love into it and imbue into it the divine energy of God that you carry with you in an inexhaustible way.

Allowance of an Altered Future Here's a big one: Let it be okay for things to turn out differently than you want. Let me tell you a story about a woman who had a desire. She said, "I understand all of these things. I'm a Lighthouse; I'm divine; I'm a Lemurian; I put fear behind me. I've even put all my past lives behind me. I'm living exactly as the teachings said I should. I feel it. I'm in love with myself, and I'm in love with God. I love myself through my divinity, but I really want a partner. I want somebody to love me. I know it's awfully 4D of me, but I really, really want this." And so she prayed: "Dear God, give me a partner. Give me a partner. Give me a partner. And if you missed my message, God, I'd like to tell you again: Give me a partner!" But she didn't get one and she didn't get one and she didn't get one. Finally, she said, "I'm going to use what I know to build my own partner. I'm going to make myself my partner! Kryon said I'm a group, so I'm going to use my masculine/feminine side, make myself my own partner, and be happy with myself!" And she did. She fell in love with herself even more than she already was - not in an egotistical way, but in a divine way. The I Am took hold. She saw the divinity and the oneness of everything and said, "I don't need anybody." Much to her friends' chagrin, she actually held a ceremony where she married herself! [Laughter] What a story! There she was, very satisfied. "Dear Spirit," she prayed, "thank you for showing me something I didn't expect. It's okay now. It truly is. I don't need anyone." Is it okay if it turns out different from how you expect? Here's a situation where divine wisdom changed the outcome, and a huge expectation wasn't granted. What happened? The woman changed her own future and even changed her desire. Now, we could leave this story, but it's not finished. Listen, for this is important: In this particular case, this woman paved the road so completely for a partner that he came to her right after she fell in love with herself! Suddenly, just as she didn't feel she needed anyone, in came what she had so desperately asked for when she felt so dependent upon the request. In this new relationship, there was no dependency. Instead, there was ceremony and glorious togetherness. Two Human beings were united, both in love with themselves, neither one dependent on the other, but loving each other so much that they literally went to their graves together. That's love. Do you understand what I'm saying here? As soon as this Human reached in and discovered her divinity, the entire paradigm of her needs also changed. In her case, she didn't get what she wanted from God. She got what she wanted from herself. Cellular Communications Communicating with the cellular structure of your body is something we've been teaching for almost a decade. You're going to have to build a bridge between what you've been told you can't do and what isn't possible, with what is now very possible. You're going to have to be one of those who knows how to speak to your cellular structure. It's not that hard. Part of the gift of changing The Agreement is the gift of cellular communication. There will be times when we give you more interdimensional information on the how to's of connecting in this fashion, but for now, let's just say that it sits before you in an obvious way. It's just that life in your reality tells you it can't be

done. However, life that is very real in the other dimensions that exist simultaneously within you are begging for you to do it. And between those concepts there's a bridge to be crossed, a marriage. Some of it has already been given in the first steps I've already presented today. Acknowledge it, partner it, believe it, intend it, and the cells will begin to listen. Overthinking We've said before: Don't overthink everything! Honor it. Own it. Don't think about it. The Human thought process and the logic therein is very well respected and has given you some of your best science. However, it also keeps you from broaching the cellular communication bridge. Because the more you think about it, the further away it's going to get. If you treated food this way, you'd starve! Do you think about breathing and the oxygenation process with every breath? No! Perhaps it's time to deal with your spirituality the same way. Some have asked, "Kryon, how can we think outside of this four-dimensional reality?" You're going to have to practice. Meditation is one of the keys. Put yourself in a state of unthinking, which is an allowance to become illogical for a moment. (By the way, some of the best scientists on your planet do this regularly in order to find solutions to problems... out of the box of logic.) Some have actually called this a "dream state," occurring while you walk around. This is actually happening to some of you, and that's why some of your friends think you're dingy! So get control of it, for you're going to need it. Bring it all into your reality. Do not separate the two concepts... reality and altered reality. Think of them as one, but be aware that you could be in a meditative state even when you're using logic. Understand how that feels, and work with it so that one does not void out the other. That, my dear Human friend, is what all of the masters who walked the earth were able to do. Don't overthink the power of your interdimensionality. Allowance to Stay the Same This is the hardest of them all. It's hard to broach... hard to describe... hard to talk about. Here is a common plea: "Dear God, I have a challenge in my body. It may be a life-taking challenge. I've got a predisposition for a disease, and I feel it coming on. Dear God, I've got the disease! Now it's here! Dear God, I want healing. Please tell me what it is that I should do. I'm desperate. What do I have to do?" [Pause] Now, we're back to the beginning, aren't we? Why do some get healed and some don't? The reason: It's not about you, dear Human being. It's about The Agreement. Go back and read the plea above. It's an earthly plea, not a universal plea. Now, the master would also ask himself this: "What is the appropriateness of the action I'm asking for within the scheme of the universal plan of why I'm here? Would there be something better accomplished to let the disease take hold... even kill me?" How would you feel if I said to you that it might be better if you kept the disease and died early? What if I revealed that the planet might actually benefit more if you did? Would you do it? The Human would say no. The master would say yes. You see, that's divine wisdom, and it's all about

understanding and working with The Agreement. Don't you think the masters had intuition about their deaths, even untimely deaths? Oh, they did. Did you ever wonder why some of them so willingly walked into them? It's because of the grandness of The Agreement... a universal attribute that transcends anything earthly but at the same time involves the earth and you on the earth. What if this planet and those around you would benefit from your death? Would you do it? What if there would be those around you who would respond to your death so greatly that it might take them someplace they would never have gone otherwise, and they then might go on to do things that would be grand beyond imagination? Would you do it? You know, that's The Agreement epitomized. It's between you and the Universe. Can you go there? Can you see the good of the family over the good of one lifetime? Can you be comfortable with it? It's complex, isn't it? It's also beautiful, isn't it? It's why we love you the way we do. Dear Human, how many Warriors of the Light do we see walking down their path in disease? A lot of them. How many are in wheelchairs? A lot of them. Does this mean they simply didn't do a good job with their communication with God... or could it also mean just the opposite? How many babies have died so that their parents would find enlightenment? A lot of them. It's about The Agreement. Here is an admonishment: Don't overthink this attribute. You can't know what's appropriate before God until you're actually walking the path. Don't make up your mind now about what you might do, or about anyone else on Earth. This isn't a message calling for Lightworkers of the earth to suffer. Each path is unique, and each one grand. But a master path is one that thinks beyond the earthly body, and leaves room for a larger picture. Timing "What about the timing, Kryon? If we really understand all of this and work on it, how long does it take to begin to work with this Agreement? Are we talking about a month, a year?" The answer is instantly and never. You should understand that by now. Who are you, really? What does your past look like? Why did you really come? How many people are you affecting? What is the best for all? That's The Agreement. Self-Worth The last one ties right around to the first. If you're going to begin to understand any of this, even marginally, then you're going to have to have self-worth. What do you think of yourself? Remember the woman who fell in love with herself and married herself? She understood completely. This isn't conceit or egotism. The Human beings who have self-worth, fall in love with themselves. They chuckle through their lives as they look into the mirror of what the duality shows them, but they know better. They see the "I AM presence" in their own eyes. They see an eternal soul who looks different every time they show up on the planet. That sounds like partnering with God, doesn't it? We've given you the attributes to help you with your self-worth, and you can find it in our past messages.

So that's the teaching of the day. That's the culmination of broaching a subject that's one of the most important we've ever talked about. You see, the master who walks the earth knows his part within the scope of the Universe. The Human being, even the enlightened one, is continuing to search for their path on Earth. Understand the difference? We're asking you to push into universal subjects and to become interdimensional. We're asking you for the first time to think as a group instead of an individual, and to move past the simplistic teachings of the past into a wisdom-based understanding of the future. So, blessed are the Human beings who understand this message and begin to see themselves differently from how they previously thought. Blessed is the Human who walks from this place differently from how he came in. There will be those in this place, and reading this, who are touched beyond what you might think. There are those in this place who will have to use the knowledge of what I've given you in the next few days. And if that's you, this entourage called the family of God will be with you gladly, willingly, and with love, In the process of leaving this place, this entourage is going to take some entities with it that have been here a very long time [speaking of the ghosts in the theater!]. Some have been waiting for this day to leave here. They're actually energies without life force, but to you, in your way of thinking, they seem to have life force. It's a very interesting thing for you to understand - the difference between the energy and life. Even this you'll have to broach within your lifetime. Science will someday have to decide, when it finds life in air and water, if it's really alive or isn't it. Then they may just have to redefine life. That's interdimensional life. Interdimensional life is often just energy that's postured in a way that broaches a dimensional shift. I don't expect you to understand. Let the history and the future of this place come together now. Let it be seen as appropriate, as divine, even as blessed. May it multiply in ways you don't even know of. May those who have read and heard this message today be comforted, loved, and hugged as they close this time. And so it is.



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