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Year 12 Ancient History 3B: The Julio-Claudians from the death of Augustus (14 AD) to the death of Nero


Week Course Content Course Context
Artistic Policies of Nero

Learning Activities



Week 13 (3 hours)

Working with ancient historical narratives. Key people, ideas and events of the period key influences and/or events (both internal and external) leading to the emergence of prominent people and/or ideas extent to which people, ideas, events, leadership and other influences led to cohesion or division different ancient and modern interpretations of people, ideas and events. Historical explanation and representation Explanations and representations of the past debates about the past reflect the nature, context, aims and purposes of historians and others e.g. their identity, class, time, place, experiences, status, reputation, beliefs and values techniques and/or styles of presentation used to manipulate the way people interpret evidence and form perspectives about the past e.g. how evidence may be used to support political or ideological ends Understanding perspectives similar and different perspectives are shaped by beliefs, ideas, philosophies and ethics across time and place Historical thinking and methodology Interpreting, analysing and synthesising

Teacher Input: Power point presentation covering the main points regarding Neros artistic policies, with a focus on Quinquennial Neronia. Students to have Quinquennial copies of the slides with sentences blanked Neronia out for them to fill in. Source Analysis: Individually, students are given two sources sources pertaining to the Quinquennial Neronia (Two primary: Tacitus Annals 14:20, and Suetonius Nero 12)and an accompanying source analysis worksheet with questions modeled on the WACE examination questions. Students analyses are then discussed as a class. (Attached) Informal Formative: Source Analysis Worksheet

Fittall, J. (2012). Artistic Policies of Nero Power point.

Tacitus. The Annals of Imperial Rome. 14:20. Suetonius Nero 12. SCSA, Ancient History 3B Document Study Questions.

Role Play: In small groups (2-4), students are to create a short 5 minute role play on their interpretation of the Quinquennial Neronia and its effect, to be performed to the class. Advantages/Disadvantages/Interesting Chart In pairs, students are to create a chart outlining the advantages, disadvtanges, and interesting points of Neros artistic policies. (Attached) Informal Debate/Discussion: On the following question Based on the sources, do you think Neros artistic endeavors increased his popularity? Informal Formative: Chart

Fittall, J. (2012). Quinquennial Neronia Role Play Instruction Sheet.

Fittall, J. (2012). Quinquennial Neronia Advantages/Disadvantag es/Interesting Chart. Fittall, J. (2012). Neros Artistic Policies Debate Instruction Sheet.

Informal Formative: Debate

information formulating assumptions based upon patterns, trends and representations presented in perspectives of others e.g. historians, writers and journalists identifying possible alternative interpretations that can be drawn from the evidence formulating reasoned and supported conclusions that recognise and explain ambiguities and problematic issues in evidence. Week 13/14 (4 5 hours) Working with ancient historical narratives. Key people, ideas and events of the period causes of key events key influences and/or events (both internal and external) leading to the emergence of prominent people and/or ideas influence of past events, people and/or ideas on the actions of individuals and/or groups extent to which people, ideas, events, leadership and other influences caused change extent to which people, ideas, events, leadership and other influences led to cohesion or division different ancient and modern interpretations of people, ideas and events. Consequences of continuity and change in the period role of people, events and/or ideas as forces for continuity and change changing political, military and social circumstances of individuals and/or groups in the period. extent of impact and influence of people, events and/or ideas in the period extent of shifts in the balance of power, authority and/or legitimacy in the period. Historical explanation and representation Explanations and representations of the past Fall of the Dynasty Teacher Input: Power point presentation covering the main points concerning The Revolt of Vindex and Galba, the death of Nero, and outlining the Year of 4 Emperors. Fittall, J. (2012). Fall of the Dynasty Power point.

Revolts of Vindex and Galba Death of Nero

Brief overview of the Year of 4 Emporers

Source Analysis I: Individually, students are given two sources sources pertaining to the The Revolt of Vindex and Galba (Cassius Dio, Roman Histories, LXIII, and Suetonius, Nero, 54-55.) and an accompanying source analysis worksheet with questions modeled on the WACE examination questions. Students analyses are then discussed as a class Think-Pair-Share: Reasons for Neros downfall. Source Analysis II: Individually, students are given two sources sources pertaining to the Death of Nero (Suetonius Nero 57, and Tacitus The Histories 1:4) and an accompanying source analysis worksheet with questions modeled on the WACE examination questions. Students analyses are then discussed as a class. (Attached)

Informal Formative: Source Analysis Worksheet

Cassius Dio, Roman Histories, LXII.

SCSA, Ancient History 3B Document Study Questions.

Informal Formative: Think Pair Share Informal Formative: Source Analysis Worksheet Suetonius Nero 57. Tacitus The Histories 1:4 SCSA, Ancient History 3B Document Study Questions.

Website Creation: In pairs, students to

Informal Formative: Twitter Creation.

Fittall, J. (2012). Nero 64AD Twitter Instruction

debates about the past reflect the nature, context, aims and purposes of historians and others e.g. their identity, class, time, place, experiences, status, reputation, beliefs and values techniques and/or styles of presentation used to manipulate the way people interpret evidence and form perspectives about the past e.g. how evidence may be used to support political or ideological ends. how the way history is constructed and recorded changes over time as a result of the changing nature, availability and interpretation of historical evidence.

create a twitter outlining the events of 64AD, from the perspective of Nero. Four Corners/Opinion Line: Discussion question: Do you think Nero was the most divisive emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty? Video: Students to watch the documentary Ancient Rome The Rise of the Fall of an Empire Episode 2 Nero and make notes. After watching, students are then asking to write an individual half page reflecting about which primary sources influenced the documentary. Timeline Activity: Students, in groups of 3, are to make a timeline of Neros reign, including what they think are the 5 most important events of this period, and provide justification for these choices. Then as a class, discuss their choices and justifications. (Attached) Informal Summative: Reflection.


http://www.youtube.c om/watch?v=P__H1L9 l3HM

Informal Summative: Timeline

Fittall, J. (2012). Timeline of Neros Reign, Worksheet.

Understanding perspectives similar and different perspectives are shaped by beliefs, ideas, philosophies and ethics across time and place Historical thinking and methodology Interpreting, analysing and synthesising information formulating assumptions based upon patterns, trends and representations presented in perspectives of others e.g. historians, writers and journalists identifying possible alternative interpretations that can be drawn from the evidence formulating reasoned and supported conclusions that recognise and explain ambiguities and problematic issues in evidence. Week 14/15 (2 -3 hours) All aspects of Historical explanation and Representation and Working with ancient historical narratives. Overview of the 3B unit

Teacher Input: Power point presentation covering the main events, and key themes of 3B. Students to have copies of the slides with sentences blanked out for them to fill in.

Fittall, J. (2012). 3B Unit Review Power point.

Historical thinking and methodology Interpreting, analysing and synthesising information formulating assumptions based upon patterns, trends and representations presented in perspectives of others e.g. historians, writers and journalists identifying possible alternative interpretations that can be drawn from the evidence formulating reasoned and supported conclusions that recognise and explain ambiguities and problematic issues in evidence.

Timeline Activity: Students, individually, are to make a timeline of the Judo-Claudian dynasty, including what they think are the 10 most important events of this period, and provide justification for these choices. Then as a class, discuss their choices and justifications. Concept Map Round Robin: In groups of 5, students are allocated one of the six themes from the 3B unit, and are asked to work on a concept map regarding this theme. Each group is given 5-10 mins to work on their map before swapping with other groups with different themes, and adding to those concept maps. At the end of the activity, each concept map for each theme will be placed on the whiteboard and will be discussed as a class. (Attached) Inside Circle/Outside Circle: Inside outside circle discussion in groups of 4 regarding the question Who do you think was the most divisive emperor in the Judo-Claudian dynasty, and why?

Informal Summative: Timeline.

Fittall, J. (2012). Timeline of the JudioClaudian Dynasty, Worksheet.

Informal Summative: Concept Maps.

Fittall, J. (2012). Themes of 3B Concept Maps, Worksheet.

Week 15/16 (6 hours)



Model Answers Document Study I: Students are to be handed the marking key for Documents Studies from the SCSA. Then as a class, dissect a pre-made model answered based on one of the questions from the SCSA example questions package, using the making key. Model Answers Document Study II: Students in groups of 3-4 are to collaborate on creating a model answer to the 3B document study questions from the 2010 Stage 3 Ancient History WACE exam, using the SCSA marking key as a guide.

SCSA, Document Study Marking Key. Fittall, J. (2012). Document Study Model Answer Package.

SCSA, 2010 Stage 3 Ancient History WACE Examination.

Model Answers Essay I: Students are to be handed the marking key for Essays from the SCSA. Then as a class, dissect a premade model answered based on one of the questions from the SCSA example questions package, using the making key. Model Answers Essay II: Students in groups of 3-4 are to collaborate on creating a model answer to the 3B essay questions from the 2010 Stage 3 Ancient History WACE exam, using the SCSA marking key as a guide. Practice Exam - Individually, students are to work through the entire 2011 Stage 3 Ancient History WACE exam, under exam conditions. Then, as a class, go through the answers.

SCSA, Essay Marking Key. Fittall, J. (2012). Essay Model Answer Package.

SCSA, 2010 Stage 3 Ancient History WACE Examination.

SCSA, 2009 Stage 3 Ancient History WACE Examination.

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