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Discerning a Christian Response to HR 1109

Context: circles of discernment ... from CBCP 2008

"For the long term we reIterate our call tor 'cIrcles ot dIscernment' at the
grassroots level, in our parishes, Basic Ecclesial Communities, recognized lay
orgarnzations and movements, rehgious mstItutlOns, schools, semmanes and
universities. It is through internal conversion into the maturity of Christ through
communal and prayerful dIscernment and actIOn that the roots ot corruptlo:J. are
discovered and destroyed. We believe that such communal action will perpetuate
at the grassroots level the spmt ot People Power so bnlllantly demonstrated 10 the
world at EDSA 1. It is People Power with a difference. From the grassroots will
come out a culture of truth and integrity we so deeply seek and build."

Basic steps in discernment [corresponding to the four parts given below]

• Study the givens of a situation: data, experiences
• Deepen understanding, and reflect based on Christian principles
• Evaluate and look at options
• Act: pray over what's best, and do it

Personal disposition for a good discernment

• The VuestlOn: "What IS the WIll ot Uod tor our country at thIs tIme"! What IS tor
the true good of our country?"
• When in desolation, when at low points, it is not wise to make decisions
• Try to be free of "inordinate attachments," or flxedlrigid opinions

1. Studying the givens ofHRll 09

• What HR 1109 is [consider the inputs from Fr Joaquin Bernas, 81]

• Keasons tor passmg the resolutIon
o the good of the people?
o econonnc proViSions are the only concern m changmg the charter'!
o is self-perpetuation ofthe congresspersons in their posts of power on the
o is there some thought about GMA going beyond 2010, either as President
or as Prime Minister (if the shift to parliamentarism is not challenged)?

• Possible outcomes

1 11 the House ot Kepresentatives does not propose amendments on Its own, then
HR 1109 will have proven to be just another distraction from Elections 2010.

'l11 the House ot KepresentatlVes proposes amendments, usmg HK 110'1, gathers

the votes necessary (3/4 of 294, which is the total number of the 2 chambers of
Congress), and demands tor a plebiscite on thelf proposed amendments, then the
outcome will be detennined by:
a) whether or not the :Senate reacts, as they say they would;
b) the Supreme Court decides whether the vote regarding proposed
amendments to the ConstitutIOn should be decide<! by the two chambers at
Congress, voting separately or voting as one body; and
c) whether or not people WIU react to these acts ot the House at
Representatives, either on the streets (prior to any plebiscite) or at the
precmcts (by either acceptmg or reJectmg the proposed amendments; or by
making sure not to vote for those who approved HR 1109 in Elections

II. Deepening understanding and clarifying our Christian values

Regarding charter change in general

• Pnnclple I: partiCipatIOn, 1D terms ot process

"changing the Constitution involving major shifts in the form of government, requires
Widespread partiCipatIon, total transparency, and relatIVe serernty that allows tor ratIOnal
discussion and debate. This is best done through a constitutional convention." (CBCP
Statement, January 2006)

Pnnclple 2: retorm, 1D terms ot content

" ... charter change can only be morally justifiable if the revisions being. proposed
Wlllleact to authentic retorms and development tor the nation. Changes must assure shills
towards: principled pOlitics, transparency and accountability, electoral and institutional
re10nn, and more etllclent delivery ot services to the people, especlauy the poorest."'
(CBCP Statement, JarmaT)' 2006)

III. Evaluation

\luestIOns tor retlectIOn:

Based on Principle 1:
a) Does HR 1109 embody participation, transparency, calmness/serenity that
.allows for rational discussion and debate?
b) 1s the present Congress the body that wIll/can propose constItutlOnal
amendments/revision? While Congress may have members who might be
quall11ed to conSIder charter Change proposals more senously, what kmd 01
credibility can be expected of the body as a whole ifit acts the way it did in
passmg H.K 11 u'n Can the people really expect uncompromlsed ratIOnalIty.
that is not merely a promotion of self-interest or of vested interests in the
perpetuation of those already in positions of power (i.e. all the incumbents)?

Jjased on Pnnciple 2:
a) Does HR 1109 provide for real reform? Or is it merely a way of perpetuating
old and bankrupt polItIcS'!
b) Who really stands to benefit from HR 11 09?

1V .PossIble actIOn pOInts (thIS IS not meant to be a comprehensIve lIst, SInce dIscernment
entails considering other possibilities)

• Continue engaging political leaders, both on the national and local levels
• Keep communication lines open with other groupS ... dialogue
• Always try to monitor government and continue exacting accountability
• :'W 1U hlections must push through, smce thIs IS a clear OPPOrtunity tor exercIsmg
democratic rights of the sovereign people
• Keclmffi cItlzenship ... be a stakeholder In the tuture at our country (thIS IS a
Christian responsibility)
· .. partlcIpate m dISCUSSIOns
· .. look into how to help in the parish, baranggay, community
· " awaken the conscIOusness at those we can reach: at home, m neighborhoOd, at
work, in church groups

Short-term on HR 1109
• ArchbIShop Lagdameo, PreSident at the CtlCP, urges CatholIcs who choose to
protest, to do so non-violently (e.g. joining non-violent mobilization, writing to
newspapers, lobbymg WIth leglslators, dlscussmg Issues WIthIn commumtles, and
other activities that uphold the principle of active non-violence)
• lnactlOn can lead to abuse by those In power, as they perceive taCIt approval due
to lack of effective challenge
• Action as a response to HR 1109 must not distract our preparations for 2010

Medium-teon on Elections 201 0:

• Cooperate m the contmumg e!!orts to retorm our electoral system, WhICh mcludes
the automation that is being prepared for in 2010.
• hnsure that tIllpmos vote accordmg to conSCience, and that the core Issues are
really tackled (including chaeha, carper, corruption, extrajudicial killings, social
services, etc)
• ClaritY visions for reform in considering candidates

• Contmue the gradual study ot charter change tor possible actIOn In the tuture ...
education campaign
• In prepanng tor electrons, one must take specIal care tor the tormatIon at our
fellow Filipinos, in values that embody our basic Christian commitment. The
principles involved in this are clearly specified in the CBCP pastoral statement of
o AccountabIlIty: "lhose who govern have the oblIgatIOn to answer to the
governed." (CBCP 2005, n.10)
o bl1ective governance: "PublIc authonty ill order to promote the common
good ... requires also that authority be effective in attaining that end....
lnettective governance may be due to a lack 01 personal rntegnty or a lack
of competence." (CBCP 2005, n.13)
o Constitutional response: Any political act "has to be Within the framework
of the Constitution and the laws of the land so as to avoid social chaos, the
turther weakemng ot pOlItIcal systems, and greater harm ill the tuture."
(CBCP 2005, nJI)
o Non-VIOlence: "VIOlent solutIons ... 'produce new lDJustIces, throw more
elements out of balance, and bring on new disasters... Jesus the Lord
taught a Gospel oflove and non-violence." (CBCP 2005, n.12)

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