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Using Regression Estimation to Calculate Effective Load Carrying Capacity of Renewable Resources

Paul Nelson and Justin Kubassek1 Southern California Edison Company

Presented at the Rutgers 26th Annual Western Conference Monterey, California June 20, 2013

Abstract: Californias ambitious Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) mandates that 33% of its energy must come from renewable resources by 2020. To achieve this policy goal, a significant amount of wind and solar resources are being built. As the amount of renewable resources grows, so has the debate over their contribution to system reliability of these renewable intermittent resources. Effective Load Carrying Capacity (ELCC) is one metric for measuring a resources contribution to system reliability and has historically been calculated using reliability simulation models. However, this approach to calculating ELCC is time consuming for jurisdictions that have annual resource adequacy filings to regulators. The authors explore a method to calibrate a regression approach using results from reliability modeling for use in annual ELCC determination for resource adequacy proceedings. 1. Introduction In order to provide reliable service, the utility needs to know the amount of generation capacity that can be depended upon to meet future peak demands. Further, utility planners must balance the cost of additional generation against the value customers place on the additional reliability provided by the additional generation. A typical reliability standard for utility planners and regulators is that, on average, generation is be able to meet load in all but one day out of every ten years ( 1 in 10).

This paper presents ongoing work, so the descriptions of modeling methods herein are subject to revision. The opinions contained in this paper are the authors own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Southern California Edison Company.

Just how much generation is needed to meet this 1 in 10 standard, however, depends on the reliability of the generation fleet as well as the volatility and behavior of customer demand. In California, the Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has established that total generation should be between 115% and 117% of expected annual peak load based on a one-day-in-ten-years criterion. Further, the CPUC requires that load-serving entities under its jurisdiction demonstrate on a monthly basis that they either own or have procured commitments from enough generation to meet 115% of expected peak load for the prompt month. Importantly, these benchmarks were derived when most of the generation system consisted of non-intermittent generation that could be reasonably relied upon to provide their maximum rated output at any time. However, as intermittent resources, such as wind and solar, become increasingly important elements of the generation system, utility planners and regulators must seriously ask, How much should a given resource count toward meeting these mega-watt targets? Understanding the coincidence of resource availability and system stress periods is essential to answering this question, as not all resources have the same value in providing reliability. For instance, a resource that can produce 100% of its peak output only from midnight to 6am would likely have minimal value to a system serving load that peaks at 3pm. On the other hand, a resource that is always available would contribute much more to system reliability. The contribution that each resource provides to system reliability can be measured by its effective load carrying capacity (ELCC), which is defined as the amount of load that an amount of generating capacity can support without decreasing system reliability. While it may be reasonable to assume that a natural-gas fired plant has an ELCC near its maximum rated capacity, the same is not true for intermittent resources like wind and solar with highly variable fuel sources. Developing and implementing a method that can estimate the ELCC for wind and solar resources is of paramount importance to ensuring that an appropriate level of generation system reliability is maintained. Currently, two approaches are employed to calculate the contribution of intermittent resources to generation system reliability: (1) the reliability modeling method (2) the proxy methods. Both methods present opportunities and challenges in recurring regulatory settings. Reliability modeling is considered the benchmark approach but is time-consuming and resource intensive. Using this approach, it is difficult to assess numerous individual projects on an annual basis. In contrast, proxy methods, which rely on simple statistics, can be used to quickly assign value to many projects each year. However, a proxy may dramatically misrepresent a resources true value without appropriate benchmarking. Further, the simplistic framework behind established proxy methods may miss important relationships between the underlying distribution of a resources performance and the changing needs of the electricity system. Through this paper, the authors present a new approach that can accurately approximate the output of the reliability modeling method, yet can be applied on a project-by-project basis in a similarly simple manner as the proxy method. For this reason, the authors refer to this approach as the hybrid approach. The approach utilizes the results of reliability modeling to develop a formula that can be applied to many projects each year. The

approach allows many variables to be assessed and would only require updating on a period basis as system conditions change. The rest of this paper is outlined as follows. Section 2 reviews existing methods. Section 3 describes the reliability model the authors developed. Section 4 and 5 describe the process the authors followed to develop the hybrid approach using the reliability model, and Section 6 concludes. 2. Review of Existing Methods

A. Reliability Modeling
A traditional method of determining ELCC is to use a reliability model which directly incorporates uncertainty in both load and the availability of existing generation resource mix. The model will generally use Monte Carlo or other stochastic methods to generate various possible outcomes of load and resource availability. The model, with a distribution of loads and resources, is able to calculate the electric systems loss of load expectation (LOLE), which is a measurement of how likely the system is to have an outage due to insufficient generation. Hourly reliability models are common and can be used to capture time of day or seasonal likelihood that load is likely to be unserved. Further, the models capture fleet forced outage and maintenance characteristics. The LOLE calculation considers expected capacity less expected load for every hour as well as volatility around each. This interaction is important because it is possible to have significant LOLE not during the annual peak but during a period of expected hot weather when resources are on maintenance. The advantage of this approach is its ability to directly consider the interaction between load and resource uncertainty throughout the year enabling the researcher to assess a resources contribution to reliability without making any a priori assumptions regarding which times are more or less likely to experience loss of load. Simply put, there is no requirement to make assumptions regarding the time of day or season when resources improve reliability as the results will provide that information. For this reason, reliability modeling is the benchmark assessment of a resources ELCC. Calculating the ELCC using modeling involves the following steps: 1. Determine the reliability level of the existing system and calculate the amount of loss of load expectation (LOLE). 2. Add the test resource (i.e. a solar unit) to the system, and calculate LOLE. a. If LOLE does not change, then the resource does not improve system reliability and will have an ELCC of zero. b. If LOLE is lower, go to step 3. 3. Increase load until LOLE is the same value obtained in step 1. 4. The amount of load added is the ELCC of the resource.

Unfortunately, reliability modeling is resource intensive and requires many assumptions about loads and resources to be made upfront. While a utility can perform these calculations for their system, it becomes more difficult for a very large system with numerous renewable resource types and locations. For example, the ELCC of a wind turbine is dependent on its technology and location. This presents a challenge to calculate ELCCs for numerous projects that vary by location on a frequent basis. For example, Californias Resource Adequacy program requires values for each generation project on a monthly basis for the entire state. To be able to use reliability modeling on an annual basis, the process would need to be simplified by grouping technology and locations together into to a technology/location class average. This result is an ELCC is that is based upon a group average. This poses a problem because individual project performance would not be assessed in the annual accounting process. To summarize, the reliably model approach offers the opportunity to calculate accurate ELCC. However, it requires significant modeling efforts to implement. To reduce the modeling effort it would likely require class averaging of projects, which could reduce the measurement of individual project performance.

B. Proxy Methods
A simplified approach for determining a resources contribution to system reliability relies on proxy ELCC calculations. A typical approach calculates the resources output during specific time periods when the system is likely to need resources, such as the afternoon in the summer or the evening in winter. This assumes that additional resources are most beneficial during these time periods. The advantage of the proxy method is the ease of calculation and the incorporation of the resources actual performance in the calculation. Projects that perform better during the test hours obtain a higher capacity value than units with less performance. Further, if the time period of system stress is known, then a reasonable proxy can be obtained. However, these methods tend to be biased toward typical, or most likely, occurrences of hot weather, which do not necessarily capture or adequately weight potential events, such as a hot weather event during times of typically high maintenance. Proxy methods ignore the resource availability assumptions which are included in the reliability model approach. Additionally, most of the proxy methods reviewed by the authors tend to treat all hours the same in terms of reliability need. For example, for a summer month, not all days from noon-6pm are system stress hours. A typical heat wave may occur for a week or two, but eventually the weather returns to average levels. The proxy methods also tend to treat the months equally as well, and there may be differences between June and September. Furthermore, increasing penetrations of solar, which is available only during certain hours of the day, changes the reliability of the system in a way not captured by proxy methods developed prior to these changes in resource mix. At some point adding additional solar does not improve daytime reliability because all the LOLE during the

hours of high solar generation eliminated. The time period when a resource can improve system reliability has changed. In this case, the time periods used in the proxy method need to be revised.2 The proxy methods used by California and Southwest Power are described below. California In April, 2008, the Energy Division of the California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) issued its 2007 Resource Adequacy Report which showed that the a method of a simple average production overstated the available capacity of wind resources during peak demand periods.3 The report documented that the output of wind was negatively correlated during period of hot weather, therefore also high loads, than compared to normal periods of weather. This had the impact of overstating the contribution of wind resources to meet peak load on those very hot days. Therefore the CPUC adopted a replacement method called the exceedance methodology which is the quantity of output achieved 70 percent of the time4 during a specified period the hours and using three years of historical operation data.5 For new units without historical data, then data based upon technology and regional averages are blended into the calculation. Many organizations use similar methods such as PJM ISO, NYISO, New England ISO and each ISO uses time periods reflecting their unique load patterns. While this approach does the advantage of simplicity and ease of calculate, is does have another drawback in that all hours during are summer time on-peak period are treated equally. The fact is LOLE will only occur in some of those time periods because the weather was average or below average for the summer. LOLE is more likely to occur during the very hot periods. Southwest Power Pool The Southwest Power Pool uses historical output based upon the top 10 percent of load hours for each month. The resources output during the top 10% of the hours is ranked from highest to lowest, and then the value exceeded 85% percent of the time is selected. This method takes into account the higher load hours in the month and ignores lower loads which are less likely that have LOLE. To the extent there is a correlation between load and a resources output, then method would be likely to capture the impact. While this method does distinguish between high and low load hours within a month, it cannot distinguish between reliability values between different months. The proxy methods and their use of specified hours is a proxy for the use of reliability modeling. The wide range of hours and months of the year typically include more hour than those that actually have reliability problems when the addition of capacity can actually reduce hours. While better than using a simple average of all hours of the year,
2 3

Which would be best done by performing reliability modeling These hours are 1-6pm April-October and 4-9pm November March. 4 This is equivalent to the 30 percentile of the output of the generator. 5 Hour ending (HE) 14-HE18 for April through October and HE17-HE21 for November through March

it has the drawback of not being tied to calculations that compare available capacity with possible load outcomes. Proxy methods that only use hours based upon top 10% of load or specific time periods cannot incorporate the amount of resources that may be available during those specific periods.

C. The Hybrid Approach

What is needed is a hybrid approach that can be easily implemented on an annual basis and reflect individual generator performance while reflecting the rigor of reliability modeling. The authors present an approach that utilizes periodic (every 3-5 years) reliability modeling to calculate the ELCC of wind, solar photovoltaic, and solar thermal historical production over a period of time. A formula is created using regression analysis to estimate the ELCC from the reliability model results. For annual implementation of ELCC reporting, the formula will be applied to the prior three years of historical production. As system resource mix changes or the load shape changes, then the reliability model would be recalculated and the formula adjusted accordingly. The next three sections review how the authors developed a reliability model and then used that model to calculate an estimation formula using a regression on 36 simulated projects. Also presented are alternate approaches that were investigated. The various methods to calculate ELCC were compared to the reliability model results as a benchmark. 3. The Reliability Model Both traditional reliability modeling and simple proxy methods present clear challenges to utility planners and regulators as they seek to ensure that sufficient generation is made available to meet peak load. This section discusses the development and application of the reliability model used as the basis for the authors hybrid approach. The following sections will describe the reliability model and the associated data. The reliability model is composed of five separate modules or processes: (1) load volatility module, (2) wind and solar generation module, (3) non-intermittent generation module, (4) import availability module, and (5) resource balance module. Figure 1 is a visual representation of the generation reliability model.

Figure 1 Generation Reliability Model

Hourly Solar and Wind Gen Import Availability

Net Load Shape Draws

Spreadsheet Resource Balance Model

Annual Loss of Load Expectation

LOLE = number of reliability events number of simulations

Base Case Hourly Load (2017) NonIntermittent Generation

Load Volatility Module The load volatility module contains two elements. The first element is SCEs expected hourly load forecast for its Planning Area, which covers a 50,000 square mile territory service over 4.5 million customer accounts. The sample year had an expected peak 24,342 MW and 107,828 GWh in expected sales. The second element is the load volatility module, which was estimated based on historical daily peak load volatility for SCEs Planning Area. This module generated 250 daily scalars, which are multiplied by the base load shape to create 250 possible scenarios for 2017. Figure 2 shows the distribution of load annual load draws used in the study on the expected peak day.

Figure 2 Distribution of Load around Expected Annual Peak

20% 18% 16% 14%


10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0%
Expected Peak: 24,342 MW
















Wind and Solar Availability Hourly wind and solar generation profiles were based on a combination of simulated data developed as part of the 2010 Long-Term Procurement Plan Proceeding at the California Public Utilities Commission and historical data from two SCE wind projects. Forecasted wind and solar generation profiles for the 2017 test year were estimated using the average of the 2010 LTPP profiles scaled to match SCEs forecast for total annual generation from wind, solar photovoltaic, and solar thermal resources delivering to SCEs Planning Area. To increase the number of possible generation profiles for any given day in the test year, the authors randomized daily profiles by month, assuming no correlation with load or each other. This assumption was made based on a visual inspection of the source 2010 LTPP dataset, which albeit limited, did not show a strong correlation between peak load, solar, and wind output. Figure 3 illustrates the process.



Figure 3 Approach to Developing Wind and Solar Variability (January)

All Daily Solar Profiles for January

All Daily Wind Profiles for January

Random selection of 31 Days to Populate Total Solar and Wind Profile for Iteration 1

Iteration 1

Solar Profile for Iteration 1

Wind Profile for Iteration 1

All Daily Solar Profiles for January

All Daily Wind Profiles for January

Random selection of 31 Days to Populate Total Solar and Wind Profile for Iteration 2

Iteration 2

Solar Profile for Iteration 2

Wind Profile for Iteration 2

Non-Intermittent Generation Availability To model non-intermittent generation, each plant (natural gas, biomass, geothermal, etc...) assumed to be in operation in 2017 was assigned a maximum output rating, annual forced outage rate, and maintenance schedule. The maximum output ratings and annual forced outage rates were drawn from SCEs internal database and the Transmission Expansion Planning Policy Committee (TEPPC) database, which forecasts generation capacity in the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) region. Forced outage scenarios were generated using a random number between 0 and 1. Additionally, the maximum output ratings were varied by season (winter and summer) to take capture typical efficiency losses resulting from higher ambient temperatures. The assumed maintenance schedule was fixed for each load and generation scenario based on the schedule used in the 2010 Long-Term Procurement Plan Proceeding at the CPUC. Import Availability Import availability was modeled in a similar manner as non-intermittent generation. Eight transmission interties to SCEs system were modeled assuming fixed summer and winter import availability with an assumed forced outage rate. To derive available imports, the authors reviewed total lines flows into SCEs system from July 2009 to October 2011. The selection of this data range was based on data availability for the

selected lines. The availability assigned to each line was based on the 99th percentile of total imports during the summer on-peak period and the winter mid-peak period for summer and winter respectively.6 Forced outage rates were also based on historical records from SCE from this same period. Additionally, direct imports were considered. Outages on a transmission line associated with a direct importing generator limited that generators availability to serve load in SCEs territory. Resource Balance Model The Resource Balance model combines output from each of the abovementioned modules and compares system demand and resource available for each hour of the simulation (i.e. 250 hourly load shapes by 750 hourly resource availability shapes). Any day in which load was greater than the total resource availability in any hour is logged as a loss of load event. The Resource Balance model calculates the expected number of loss of load events for the simulation year and records this information at the conclusion of the simulation. 4. Calculating Effective Load Carrying Capacity The authors used the resource balance model to calculate the ELCC for a sample of 36 wind and solar resources, which were then used to develop the regression approach. Each of the 36 resources was modeled in a similar manner as the intermittent generation described above (i.e. daily profiles were randomized by month). The sample resources were based on a mix of simulated data from the 2010 LTPP and historical SCE data. ELCC was calculated using the following process. First, a representation of SCEs Planning Area was input into the reliability model and baseline reliability level was calculated. Second, load was added evenly across all hours of the year until the expected number of loss of load events for the simulation year was one day in ten years. Third, the test resource profile was added to the model, reducing the expected number of loss of load events to less than one. Finally, load was incrementally added until the expected number of loss of load events returned to one. The amount of load supported by the test resource profile was recorded as its ELCC once the simulation was completed. The following section describes how the results of the reliability model were used to derive the regression approach. 5. Developing the Regression Approach In developing the regression approach, the authors assessed three approaches to estimating ELCC for individual projects: (1) existing CPUC RA accounting rules, (2) an adjusted percentile approach based on existing CPUC RA accounting rules, and (3) a

Summer On-Peak is defined as noon to 6pm on summer weekdays except holidays. Winter Mid-Peak is defined as 8am to 9pm winter weekdays except holidays. Summer begins June 1st and ends October 1st.


regression based approach. The authors used Mean Absolute Percent Error (MAPE) 7 to measure the accuracy of each method. The following section discusses each approach in turn. The regression based approach has the lowest MAPE and is recommended in the hybrid approach. Figure 4 plots the ELCC values (also referred to as capacity value) estimated by the generation reliability model for each of the 36 tested resources. As one might expect, Solar Thermal is the most consistent resource; however, there is a substantial amount of variability within each resource type grouping. Because the behavior of both load and the tests resources are known a priori to some degree there should exist some ability to improve our ability to estimate ELCC without running the simulation model. Figure 4 Distribution of Resource Capacity Value by Test Resource

Capacity Value using Reliability Model

90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40%

30% 20%
10% 0%

Technology Average

(17 profiles)

Solar Thermal
(8 profiles)

Solar PV
(11 profiles)

Existing CPUC Resource Adequacy Accounting Rules As described previously, the CPUC RA accounting rules attempt to differentiate between projects by applying two factors when assigning a projects capacity value. First, the rules only evaluate performance during times of likely system stress based on historical diurnal and seasonal load patterns. Second, the rules account for actual project performance on a backward looking basis by applying an exceedance calculation to the prior three years of performance data. However, the time periods and exceendance calculation were not based on a direct assessment of effective load carrying capacity at

MAPE is calculated based on the following formula, observations, At = actual, and Ft = forecast.

where n = number of


the time they were developed. Figure 5 plots the relationship between the annual effective load carrying capacity of the test resources (y-axis) and the average summer capacity value calculated using the existing RA accounting rules. The solid black line represents perfect correlation between reliability model and the RA accounting rules. Table 1 records the MAPE statistics. Figure 5 Reliability Model versus Current RA Accounting Rules
100% 90% 80% 70%

Reliability Model

60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Wind Solar Thermal Solar PV












Current RA Accounting Rules (Summer Average)

Table 1 MAPE Statistics for Current RA Accounting Rules Category Wind Solar Thermal Solar PV Weighted Average MAPE 72% 10% 10% 39%

Based on these results, the reliability model attributes much more value to wind than do the current RA accounting rules. In contrast, the reliability model and the current RA accounting rules are well aligned for solar PV and solar thermal. Importantly, the RA


accounting rules are able to place more value on better performing solar projects and less value on worse performing solar projects, indicating that the framework may be able to reasonably estimate the reliability model output. Adjusted Percentile Approach Applying the same framework as the current RA accounting rules, the authors used an optimization routine to determine the percentile, months, and hours of the day that minimized the approachs overall MAPE. Figure 6 plots the values determined by the adjusted percentile approach against the effective load carrying capacity values calculated using the reliability based model. Table 2 shows the resulting MAPE statistics. Figure 6 Reliability Model versus Adjusted Percentile Approach
100% 90% 80% 70%

Reliability Model

60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Wind Solar Thermal Solar PV

Adjusted Percentile Approach

Table 2 MAPE Statistics for Adjusted Percentile Approach Category Wind Solar Thermal Solar PV Total MAPE 24.2% 6.2% 6.6% 15%


The adjusted percentile approach is a marked improvement over the current RA accounting rules. The MAPE statistics improve for all technology categories and wind is now reasonably predicted by the calculation. However, the approach suffers in a few areas. First, the method produced sample criteria and percentiles that differ between technologies. This result is not immediately intuitive. Second, a few obvious outliers exist within the wind sample. Some additional metrics may capture other characteristics of the underlying resource characteristics that could explain these differences. A Regression-based Approach To understand better the distribution of wind production during peak hours, the authors plotted histograms of hourly production during the adjusted percentile hours for a selection of sampled profiles (Figure 7). Based on these data, it appears that some wind resources have a more noticeable bimodal distribution then others. Additionally, these resources are also the outliers in Figure 6. Further note, that for 10 of the 12 resources, the mean is greater than the median. This is consistent with the results from the optimization procedure, which determined that a value slightly greater than the median (60th percentile) best predicted the ELCC of the wind resources. This seems to indicate that a single value can reasonably predict ELCC when both mean and median are close in value. However, this relationship loses strength when this is no longer the case. Figure 7 Histogram of Wind Production as % of Nameplate during Adjusted Percentile Hours

One solution is to estimate a regression equation that captures additional characteristics and weights them accordingly to estimate a final ELCC value for each resource. As a


robust statistic, the authors continued to rely on percentiles and developed the following equation.

The 45th percentile is a measure of central tendency during the sample period (i.e. June to October, hour ending 14 to 20), while the difference between the 90th and the 45th percentile captures the relative spread of the data. This variable rewards projects that may produce at a high level during periods of system stress. The exact variable definitions and sample periods were guided by the authors, but selected using optimization. Finally, the functional form was selected based on visually inspecting the residuals of a purely linear specification. Figure 8 shows the capacity value determined by the regression approach against the effective load carrying capacity values calculated using the reliability based model. Table 4 shows the regression out and MAPE statistics. From Figure 8, we can see that outliers no longer exist for the wind category. Further, the estimates for solar were also unaffected, with no noticeable decrease in the predictive power of the estimation model relative to the adjusted percentile approach for this category. This analysis indicates that the results from the reliability simulation model can be estimated by a simple regression using a priori information about the underlying distribution of wind and solar production.


Figure 8 Reliability Model versus Regression Approach

100% 90% 80% 70%

Reliability Model

60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Wind

Solar Thermal
Solar PV

Regression Approach

Table 3 Results for Regression Approach Statistics Multiple R R Square Adjusted R Square Standard Error MAPE Solar MAPE Wind MAPE Total Observations Intercept 45th Percentile 90th Percentile - 45th Percentile (90th Percentile - 45th Percentile)^2 Coefficients 0.33 0.58 (0.94) 1.00 97.3% 94.6% 94.1% 4.1% 6.5% 12.5% 9.3% 36 P-value 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 0.00000

Based on this analysis, the authors propose using a reliability model to estimate ELCC for a sample of project and then calibrating a regression model as done here. This 16

proposed hybrid approach is a compromise between the ease of the proxy methods and the accuracy of the reliability method in calculating ELCC, with significant improvement over the proxy methods. The regression approach also has the advantage of the proxy methods in that individual project perform is reflected in the outcome, and it can be done on an annual basis. Remaining challenges are the selection of how many technology and location groups for reliability modeling and how frequently the reliability modeling needs to be performed to reflect resource and load mix changes. The authors suggest a 3-5 year time horizon while monitoring the changing resource mix and load patterns to determine the need for an update. 6. Conclusion For planning and procurement purposes, regulators and utility planners need to have an understanding of the contribution that existing and planning resources make to the reliability of the generation system. This is especially important as intermittent resources, such as wind and solar, become major elements of the systems resource mix. However, existing methods for estimating the contribution of wind and solar to system reliability present challenges to regulators and utility planners seeking to estimate accurately the value of many different resources and/or on a frequent basis. The results of the analysis presented indicate that the proposed hybrid approach has the potential to provide accurate estimates of ELCC for many solar and wind projects, provided effort is initially expended to develop the regression approach. Further, the approach is both more accurate and more flexible than the three other methods evaluated. However, limitations to this study include data available and the evaluation footprint. Lacking significantly diverse performance data for wind and much historical data for solar PV, the authors relied mostly on simulated profiles. Additionally, the authors evaluated SCE Planning Area. Implementation at a regional level should consider transmission limitations between regions and possibly correlations between loads, wind, and solar across these regions.


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