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Please check every page in this Document ,where I went step by step trying to describe and answer all

the questions with the descriptions ,pages ,admins , forms and features . First maybe it is better to summarize the whole court room . it is a court like the court in the ancient greek time. There was no public prosecutor or judge . Anybody could bring charges against another person or persons and start a trial. But there were rules. Heres how it worked: a person log in and register as a member ,click the button (court room) where a form will open.

Query 2. who is plaintiff- as user and as page. Comment:- plaintiff is any member in the website create a court room or ( File a case ) through the plaintiff form as below :

1- He (the plaintiff) fills it ( plaintiff form )

C-File a Case = Court room (the same, it is linking to plaintiff form ): Plaintiff form Subject : max characters : 30 Summary : max characters : 300

Description : max characters : 3000

Type of case : here he can choose one of two types : private : (that means the (court room) is open only for invited persons ) public : ( that means the (court room) is open for everybody )

Categories Can choose from three categories : Personal Business- Public case each category have a drop menu with subcategories . Personal Business Public case Personal Injury Contract History Property Damage Labor & Politic Wrongful Death employment Common Counts Independent Fraud contractor divorce Loan & debts Motor Vehicle Bankruptcy General Negligence Taxes Intentional Tort Intellectual Premises Liability property Products Liability

Invite secondary plaintiff : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite secondary plaintiff , ) This is the message must go to the receiver email:
Message : default Hello (receiver name) ,

I filed a Case and would like you to attend the trial as a secondary plaintiff. He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the court room page through membership registration Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. Unsubscribe Invite friends : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite friends , ) This is the message must go to the receiver email:
Message : default Hello (receiver name) ,

I filed a Case and would like you to attend the trial as a friend. He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the court room page through membership registration Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. unsubscribe

Invite lawyers : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite lawyer . ) This is the message must go to the receiver email
Message : default Hello (receiver name) ,,

I filed a Case and would like you to attend the trial as lawyer. He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the lawyers page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part . Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. unsubscribe Invite witnesses : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite witnesses. ) This is the message must go to the receiver email Message : default :Hello (receiver name) , I filed a Case and would like you to attend the trial as a witness. He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the witness page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part . Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. unsubscribe

Invite main defendant : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite defendant . ) This is the message must go to the receiver email Message : default Hello (receiver name) , I filed a Case against you and would like you to attend the trial as a defendant . you are already the main admin in your court room part . He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part . Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. unsubscribe

Invite secondary defendants : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite secondary defendants .) This is the message must go to the receiver email Message : default Hello (receiver name) ,, I filed a Case against you and would like you to attend the trial as a secondary defendant. He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the secondary defendant page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. unsubscribe


A court room will be built with the information of the form he is already filled.
Court room : plaintiff admin

Site name

search ---- friend request messages- notification

plaintiff admin cp

right menu

Main menu
Case Subject : (some body killed my brother) Photo and information of main plaintiff from his account Type case : ( public ) File a case Photo and information of main defendant from his account

Jury (number) Guilty (number and % Not guilty (umber and %) Join jury (this must designed like justice scale and lean to a side with the percentage )

Plaintiff like unlike (number %)

Summary : link to the description (dropdown ) Share: post photo Secondary plaintiffs Lawyers link

Defendant like unlike (number %) Summary : link to the description (dropdown ) Secondary defendants Lawyers

Write something : .

Invite friends Documents Photos Videos Audio files Witnesses Wall Info Events Discussion

Invite friends Documents Photos Videos Audio Witnesses Wall Info Events Discussion Members


Share Change side Remove membership

Share Change side Remove membership

The subject and type of this case will be shown on the top of this page . 4- Summary of the case will be shown on his part (this is a dropdown part like drop down menu but here shows the summary taken from the plaintiff form) and link to the main description ( read more ) 5- On the defendant side you can see only the name of the defendant and the secondary defendants (if there is any) 6- In this court room page there is a link for the( plaintiff admin)on the top of this page . when you click on the plaintiff admin cp ,a cpanel will open :

plaintiff cpanel it is the same as (manage) in (action) button the black words is already there( do not need any change ).

information Documents Invite Url



Delete : delete his case and court room (only can be deleted if the main defendant delete it too) Documents : documents , photos ,videos , audio files. He can add ,change ,cancel, and accept any file . he is the main admin of his part (plaintiff part ) he has a full control of this part and any other admin. If any admin add a file and he does not like he can cancel it . These are the same as in the court room , documents photos audio files videos

Admins: secondary defendants lawyers-witnesses ( he can add them or cancel them ) Invite (build audience like facebook)

Plaintiff can invite (Friends ,lawyers and witnesses) Invite friends : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite Friend . ) This is the message must go to the receiver email Message : default Hello (receiver name) ,, I filed a Case and would like you to attend the trial as a friend. He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the court room page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. unsubscribe Invite lawyers : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite Lawyer . ) This is the message must go to the receiver email Message : default Hi receiver name , I filed a Case and would like you to attend the trial as lawyer. He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the lawyers page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part . Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. unsubscribe Invite witnesses : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite witness . ) This is the message must go to the receiver email Message : default Hello (receiver name) ,, I filed a Case and would like you to attend the trial as a witness. He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the witness page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part . Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. unsubscribe

Query 3. who is defendant- as user and as page. Comment:- defendant who is invited by plaintiff as a defendant .and the plaintiff has a complain on him:

Defendant :the defendant is who the plaintiff made a case against him, when he created a court room or file a case (plaintiff form) and sent him an email with the information of the case 1-defendant will receive an email : Message : default Hello (receiver name) , I filed a Case against you and would like you to attend the trial as a defendant . you are already the main admin in your court room part . He/her can write their own message max characters : 300

Link to the page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part .

Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. Unsubscribe

(This email must keep going to the defendant every week till he respond or unsubscribe .

2- Defendant respond to the email and click the link which leads him to the signup page if he is not a member and then to the ( defendant form) ,or to the (defendant form) directly if he is already member in the website . Defendant form Summary : max characters : 300

Description : max characters : 3000

Invite friends : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite friends , ) This is the message must go to the receiver email:
Message : default Hello (receiver name) ,

A Case has been filed against me and would like you to attend the trial as a friend. He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the court room page through membership registration Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. unsubscribe

Invite lawyers : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite lawyer . ) This is the message must go to the receiver email
Message : default Hello (receiver name) ,,

A Case has been filed against me and would like you to attend the trial as lawyer. He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the lawyers page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part . Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. unsubscribe Invite witnesses : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite witnesses. ) This is the message must go to the receiver email Message : default :Hello (receiver name) , A Case has been filed against me and would like you to attend the trial as a witness. He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the witness page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part . Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. unsubscribe

3-when the defendant finish the form , the court room will open with (defendant admin ) on top of the page :

Court room with defendant admin Site name search ---- friend request messages- notification Defendant admin right menu

Main menu
Case Subject : (some body killed my brother) Photo and information of main plaintiff from his account Type case : ( public ) File a case Photo and information of main defendant from his account

Jury (number) Guilty (number and % Not guilty (umber and %) Join jury (this must designed like justice scale and lean to a side with the percentage )

Plaintiff like unlike (number %)

Summary : link to the description (dropdown ) Share: post photo Secondary plaintiffs Lawyers link

Defendant like unlike (number %) Summary : link to the description (dropdown ) Secondary defendants Lawyers

Write something : .

Invite friends Documents Photos Videos Audio files Witnesses Wall Info Events Discussion

Invite friends Documents Photos Videos Audio Witnesses Wall Info Events Discussion Members


Share Change side Remove membership

Share Change side Remove membership

4-The defendant click his admin cp ( defendant admin page opened)

defendant admin cpanel it is the same as (manage) in (action) button the black words is already there( do not need any change ). information Documents Invite Url Admins Delete

Delete : delete his case and court room (only can be deleted if the main plaintiff delete it too) Documents : documents , photos ,videos , audio files. He can add ,change ,cancel, and accept any file . he is the main admin of his part (defendant part ) he has a full control of this part and any other admin. If any admin add a file and he does not like he can cancel it . These are the same as in the court room :( documents photos audio files videos)

Admins: secondary defendants lawyers-witnesses ( he can add them or cancel them ) Invite (build audience like facebook)

Defendant can invite (Friends ,lawyers and witnesses) Invite friends : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite Friend . ) This is the message must go to the receiver email Message : default Hello (receiver name) ,, A Case has been filed against me and would like you to attend the trial as a friend. He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the court room page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. unsubscribe Invite lawyers : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite Lawyer . ) This is the message must go to the receiver email Message : default (receiver name) A Case has been filed against me and would like you to attend the trial as lawyer. He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the lawyers page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part . Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. unsubscribe Invite witnesses : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite witness . ) This is the message must go to the receiver email Message : default Hello (receiver name) ,, A Case has been filed against me and would like you to attend the trial as a witness. He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the witness page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part . Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. unsubscribe

Query 4. what is the role of plaintiffs & secondary plaintiffs. Comment:-

Secondary plaintiff Secondary plaintiff is who invited by the plaintiff when he created a court room or filed a case by(plaintiff form) and sent him an email with the information of the case 1- Secondary plaintiff will receive an email : Message : default Hello (receiver name) , I filed a Case and would like you to attend the trial as a secondary plaintiff .you are already secondary admin in your court room part. He/her can write their own message max characters : 300

Link to the page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part .

Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. Unsubscribe

(This email must keep going to the defendant every week till he respond or unsubscribe .)

2-the Secondary plaintiff respond to the email and click the link which lead him to the signup page, if he is not a member and then to the ( court room ) or to the (court room) directly if he is already member in the website .

Court room secondary plaintiff admin Site name right menu search ---- friend request messages- notification secondary plaintiff admin

Main menu
Case Subject : (some body killed my brother) Photo and information of main plaintiff from his account Type case : ( public ) File a case Photo and information of main defendant from his account

Jury (number) Guilty (number and % Not guilty (umber and %) Join jury (this must designed like justice scale and lean to a side with the percentage )

Plaintiff like unlike (number %)

Summary : link to the description (dropdown ) Share: post photo Secondary plaintiffs Lawyers link

Defendant like unlike (number %) Summary : link to the description (dropdown ) Secondary defendants Lawyers

Write something : .

Invite friends Documents Photos Videos Audio files Witnesses Wall Info Events Discussion

Invite friends Documents Photos Videos Audio Witnesses Wall Info Events Discussion Members


Share Change side Remove membership

Share Change side Remove membership

3-Secondary plaintiff click his admin cp (Secondary plaintiff admin page opened)

Secondary plaintiff cpanel it is the same as (manage) in (action) button

the black words is already there( do not need any change ).

information Documents Invite Url delete :delete his membership Documents :


Documents , photos videos , audio files. He can add and change his files .

Invite (build audience like facebook)

Secondary plaintiff can invite (Friends ,lawyers and witnesses) Invite friends : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite Friend . ) This is the message must go to the receiver email Message : default Hello (receiver name) ,, I filed a Case and would like you to attend the trial as a friend. He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the court room page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. unsubscribe Invite lawyers : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite Lawyer . ) This is the message must go to the receiver email Message : default (receiver name) I filed a Case and would like you to attend the trial as lawyer. He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the lawyers page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part . Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. unsubscribe Invite witnesses : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite witness . ) This is the message must go to the receiver email Message : default Hello (receiver name) ,, I filed a Case and would like you to attend the trial as a witness. He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the witness page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part . Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. unsubscribe

Query 5. what is the role of defendants & secondary defendants. Comment:

Secondary defendant is who invited by plaintiff when he created a court room or filed a case by (plaintiff form) and sent him an email with the information of the case 2- Secondary defendant will receive an email : Message : default Hello (receiver name) , A case has been filed against me and would like you to attend the trial as a secondary deffendant .you are already secondary admin in your court room part. He/her can write their own message max characters : 300

Link to the page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part .

Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. Unsubscribe

(This email must keep going to the defendant every week till he respond or unsubscribe .)

2-the Secondary defendant responds to the email and click the link which lead him to the signup page, if he is not a member and then to the ( court room ) , or to the (court room) directly if he is already member in the website .

Court room secondary defendant admin Site name right menu search ---- friend request messages- notification secondary defendant admin

Main menu
Case Subject : (some body killed my brother) Photo and information of main plaintiff from his account Type case : ( public ) File a case Photo and information of main defendant from his account

Jury (number) Guilty (number and % Not guilty (umber and %) Join jury (this must designed like justice scale and lean to a side with the percentage )

Plaintiff like unlike (number %)

Summary : link to the description (dropdown ) Share: post photo Secondary plaintiffs Lawyers link

Defendant like unlike (number %) Summary : link to the description (dropdown ) Secondary defendants Lawyers

Write something : .

Invite friends Documents Photos Videos Audio files Witnesses Wall Info Events Discussion

Invite friends Documents Photos Videos Audio Witnesses Wall Info Events Discussion Members


Share Change side Remove membership

Share Change side Remove membership

3- Plaintiff defendant click his admin cp (Secondary defendant admin page opened)

Secondary defendant admin cpanel it is the same as (manage) in (action) button the black words is already there( do not need any change ).

information Documents Invite Url delete :delete his membership Documents :


Documents , photos videos , audio files. He can add and change his files .

Invite (build audience like facebook)

Secondary Defendant can invite (Friends ,lawyers and witnesses) Invite friends : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite Friend . ) This is the message must go to the receiver email Message : default Hello (receiver name) ,, A case has been filed against me and would like you to attend the trial as a friend. He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the court room page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. unsubscribe Invite lawyers : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite Lawyer . ) This is the message must go to the receiver email Message : default (receiver name) A case has been filed against me and would like you to attend the trial as lawyer. He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the lawyers page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part . Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. unsubscribe Invite witnesses : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite witness . ) This is the message must go to the receiver email Message : default Hello (receiver name) ,, A case has been filed against me and would like you to attend the trial as a witness. He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the witness page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part . Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. unsubscribe

Plaintiff lawyer is who invited by plaintiff , secondary plaintiff or plaintiff lawyer email with the information of the case

and sent him an

3- Plaintiff lawyer will receive an email : Message : default Hello (receiver name) , The message is different depending on who send it (plaintiff , secondary plaintiff or plaintiff lawyer) He/her can write their own message max characters : 300

Link to the page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part .

Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. Unsubscribe

(This email must keep going to the defendant every week till he respond or unsubscribe .)

2-the Plaintiff lawyer responds to the email and click the link which lead him to the signup page, if he is not a member and then to the ( court room ) or to the (court room) directly if he is already member in the website .

Court room plaintiff lawyer admin Site name search ---- friend request messages- notification plaintiff lawyer admin right menu

Main menu
Case Subject : (some body killed my brother) Photo and information of main plaintiff from his account Type case : ( public ) File a case Photo and information of main defendant from his account

Jury (number) Guilty (number and % Not guilty (umber and %) Join jury (this must designed like justice scale and lean to a side with the percentage )

Plaintiff like unlike (number %)

Summary : link to the description (dropdown ) Share: post photo Secondary plaintiffs Lawyers link

Defendant like unlike (number %) Summary : link to the description (dropdown ) Secondary defendants Lawyers

Write something : .

Invite friends Documents Photos Videos Audio files Witnesses Wall Info Events Discussion

Invite friends Documents Photos Videos Audio Witnesses Wall Info Events Discussion Members

Members Invite jury Invite jury

Share Change side Remove membership

Share Change side Remove membership

3-plaintiff lawyer clicks his admin cp (plaintiff lawyer admin page opened)

plaintiff lawyer admin cpanel it is the same as (manage) in (action) button the black words is already there( do not need any change ). information Documents Invite Url delete :delete his membership Documents : Documents , photos videos , audio files. He can add and change his files . delete

Invite (build audience like facebook)

plaintiff lawyer can invite (Friends ,lawyers ,witnesses, and jury) Invite friends : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite Friend . ) This is the message must go to the receiver email Message : default Hello (receiver name) ,, I am a lawyer in this case and would like you to attend the trial as a friend. He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the court room page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. unsubscribe Invite lawyers : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite Lawyer . ) This is the message must go to the receiver email Message : default (receiver name) I am a lawyer in this case and would like you to attend the trial as lawyer. He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the lawyers page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part . Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. unsubscribe

Invite witnesses : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite witness . ) This is the message must go to the receiver email Message : default Hello (receiver name) ,, I am a lawyer in this case and would like you to attend the trial as a witness.

He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the witness page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part . Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. Unsubscribe

Invite jury : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite This is the message must go to the receiver email Message : default Hello (receiver name) ,, I am a lawyer in this case and would like you to attend the trial as a juror.

jury. )

He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the witness page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part . Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. Unsubscribe

Defendant lawyer is who invited by Defendant, secondary Defendant or Defendant lawyer and sent him an email with the information of the case 4- Defendant lawyer will receive an email : Message : default Hello (receiver name) , The message is different depending on who send it (Defendant , secondary Defendant or Defendant lawyer ) He/her can write their own message max characters : 300

Link to the page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part .

Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. Unsubscribe

(This email must keep going to the defendant every week till he respond or unsubscribe .)

2-the Defendant lawyer responds to the email and click the link which lead him to the signup page, if he is not a member and then to the ( court room ) or to the (court room) directly if he is already member in the website .

Court room Defendant lawyer admin

Site name

search ---- friend request messages- notification

Defendant lawyer admin

right menu

Main menu
Case Subject : (some body killed my brother) Photo and information of main plaintiff from his account Type case : ( public ) File a case Photo and information of main defendant from his account

Jury (number) Guilty (number and % Not guilty (umber and %) Join jury (this must designed like justice scale and lean to a side with the percentage )

Plaintiff like unlike (number %)

Summary : link to the description (dropdown ) Share: post photo Secondary plaintiffs Lawyers link

Defendant like unlike (number %) Summary : link to the description (dropdown ) Secondary defendants Lawyers

Write something : .

Invite friends Documents Photos Videos Audio files Witnesses Wall Info Events Discussion

Invite friends Documents Photos Videos Audio Witnesses Wall Info Events Discussion Members

Members Invite jury Invite jury

Share Change side Remove membership

Share Change side Remove membership

3- Defendant lawyer click his admin cp (Defendant lawyer admin page opened)

Defendant lawyer admin cpanel it is the same as (manage) in (action) button the black words is already there( do not need any change ).

information Documents Invite Url delete :delete his membership Documents :


Documents , photos videos , audio files. He can add and change his files .

Invite (build audience like facebook)

Defendant lawyer can invite (Friends ,lawyers ,witnesses, and jury) Invite friends : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite Friend . ) This is the message must go to the receiver email Message : default Hello (receiver name) ,, I am a lawyer in this case and would like you to attend the trial as a friend. He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the court room page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. unsubscribe Invite lawyers : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite Lawyer . ) This is the message must go to the receiver email Message : default (receiver name) I am a lawyer in this case and would like you to attend the trial as lawyer.

He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the lawyers page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part . Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. unsubscribe Invite witnesses : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite witness . ) This is the message must go to the receiver email Message : default Hello (receiver name) ,, I am a lawyer in this case and would like you to attend the trial as a witness.

He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the witness page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part . Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. Unsubscribe

Invite jury : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite This is the message must go to the receiver email Message : default Hello (receiver name) ,, I am a lawyer in this case and would like you to attend the trial as a juror.

jury. )

He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the witness page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part . Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. Unsubscribe

Plaintiff witness is who invited by Plaintiff, secondary Plaintiff or Plaintiff lawyer and sent him an email with the information of the case 5- Plaintiff witness will receive an email : Message : default Hello (receiver name) , The message is different depending on who send it (Plaintiff , secondary Plaintiff t or Plaintiff lawyer ) He/her can write their own message max characters : 300

Link to the page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part .

Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. Unsubscribe

(This email must keep going to the defendant every week till he respond or unsubscribe .)

2-the Plaintiff witness responds to the email and click the link which lead him to the signup page, if he is not a member and then to the ( court room ) or to the (court room) directly if he is already member in the website .

Court room Plaintiff witness admin

Site name

search ---- friend request messages- notification

Plaintiff witness admin

right menu

Main menu
Case Subject : (some body killed my brother) Photo and information of main plaintiff from his account Type case : ( public ) File a case Photo and information of main defendant from his account

Jury (number) Guilty (number and % Not guilty (umber and %) Join jury (this must designed like justice scale and lean to a side with the percentage )

Plaintiff like unlike (number %)

Summary : link to the description (dropdown ) Share: post photo Secondary plaintiffs Lawyers link

Defendant like unlike (number %) Summary : link to the description (dropdown ) Secondary defendants Lawyers

Write something : .

Invite friends Documents Photos Videos Audio files Witnesses Wall Info Events Discussion

Invite friends Documents Photos Videos Audio Witnesses Wall Info Events Discussion Members


Share Change side Remove membership

Share Change side Remove membership

3- Plaintiff witness click his admin cp (Plaintiff witness admin page opened)

Plaintiff witness admin cpanel it is the same as (manage) in (action) button the black words is already there( do not need any change ).

information Documents Invite Url delete :delete his membership Documents :


Documents , photos videos , audio files. He can add and change his files .

Invite (build audience like facebook)

Plaintiff witness can invite (Friends ,lawyers and witnesses, ) Invite friends : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite Friend . ) This is the message must go to the receiver email Message : default Hello (receiver name) ,, I am a witness in this case and would like you to attend the trial as a friend. He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the court room page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. unsubscribe Invite lawyers : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite Lawyer . ) This is the message must go to the receiver email Message : default (receiver name) I am a witness in this case and would like you to attend the trial as lawyer. He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the lawyers page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part . Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. unsubscribe Invite witnesses : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite witness . ) This is the message must go to the receiver email Message : default Hello (receiver name) ,, I am a witness in this case and would like you to attend the trial as a witness.

He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the witness page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part . Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. Unsubscribe

defendant witness is who invited by defendant, secondary defendant or defendant lawyer and sent him an email with the information of the case defendant witness will receive an email : Message : default Hello (receiver name) , The message is different depending on who send it (Defendant , secondary Defendant or Defendant lawyer ) He/her can write their own message max characters : 300

Link to the page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part .

Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. Unsubscribe

(This email must keep going to the defendant every week till he respond or unsubscribe .)

2-the defendant f witness responds to the email and click the link which lead him to the signup page, if he is not a member and then to the ( court room ) or to the (court room) directly if he is already member in the website .

Court room defendant witness admin

Site name

search ---- friend request messages- notification

defendent witness admin

right menu

Main menu
Case Subject : (some body killed my brother) Photo and information of main plaintiff from his account Type case : ( public ) File a case Photo and information of main defendant from his account

Jury (number) Guilty (number and % Not guilty (umber and %) Join jury (this must designed like justice scale and lean to a side with the percentage )

Plaintiff like unlike (number %)

Summary : link to the description (dropdown ) Share: post photo Secondary plaintiffs Lawyers link

Defendant like unlike (number %) Summary : link to the description (dropdown ) Secondary defendants Lawyers

Write something : .

Invite friends Documents Photos Videos Audio files Witnesses Wall Info Events Discussion

Invite friends Documents Photos Videos Audio Witnesses Wall Info Events Discussion Members


Share Change side Remove membership

Share Change side Remove membership

3- defendant witness click his admin cp (Plaintiff witness admin page opened)

defendant witness admin cpanel it is the same as (manage) in (action) button the black words is already there( do not need any change ).

information Documents Invite Url delete :delete his membership Documents :


Documents , photos videos , audio files. He can add and change his files .

Invite (build audience like facebook)

defendant witness can invite (Friends ,lawyers and witnesses, ) Invite friends : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite Friend . ) This is the message must go to the receiver email Message : default Hello (receiver name) ,, I am a witness in this case and would like you to attend the trial as a friend. He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the court room page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. unsubscribe Invite lawyers : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite Lawyer . ) This is the message must go to the receiver email Message : default (receiver name) I am a witness in this case and would like you to attend the trial as lawyer. He/her can write their own message max characters : 300

Link to the lawyers page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part . Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. unsubscribe Invite witnesses : (a menu opened like face book (build audience ) in pages where he can invite witness . ) This is the message must go to the receiver email Message : default Hello (receiver name) ,, I am a witness in this case and would like you to attend the trial as a witness.

He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the witness page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part . Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. Unsubscribe

Member for each side : 1-Can join the court room and choose side by clicking like 2-the member can invite jury. Member court room page : it is exactly the mock up PDF I sent to you today. Invite jury : Plaintiff member Message : default Hello (receiver name) A Case has been filed against a friend and would like you to attend the trial as a Juror. Link to the jury page through membership registration He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. Unsubscribe

Invite jury : Defendant member Message : default Hello (receiver name) A friend has been filed a case and would like you to attend the trial as a Juror. Link to the jury page through membership registration He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. Unsubscribe

Juror could be invited by a lawyer or member the case . Juror will receive an email :

, an email will be sent to him with the information of

Message : default Hello (receiver name) , The message is different depending on who send it He/her can write their own message max characters : 300 Link to the page through membership registration where he is already admin on his part . Information of the Case: subject summary Name and picture of the plaintiff and defendant. Unsubscribe

Jury page : only jury can see this page .with guilty and not guilty link . The jurors can only click guilty and not guilty button where we can the result Number of the jurors and the percentage of each side they vote for it . Juror can not comment or add any file . Juror can not like or unlike . Jurors are neutral not with any side .
Court room (Jury wall page) Site name search ---- friend request messages- notification right menu

Main menu
Case Subject Photo and information of main plaintiff from his account Type case : ( public case or personal case business case Jury (number) Guilty (number and % Not guilty (umber and %) Guilty not guilty (this must designed like justice scale and lean to a side with the percentage ) ) File a case Photo and information of main defendant from his account


(number %)


(number %)

Summary : link to the description (dropdown ) Secondary plaintiffs Lawyers He can not write anything Invite friends Documents Photos Videos Audio Witnesses Wall Info Events Discussion

Summary : link to the description (dropdown ) Secondary defendants Lawyers

Invite friends Documents Photos Videos Audio Witnesses Wall Info Events Discussion Members


Share Remove membership

Share Remove membership

Query 1. who invite jury? who join jury Comment:1-Only Members and lawyers of each side can invite jury.
2- anybody or member can join the jury but with condition :

Jury rules:
1-cannot be friend with any of main or secondary admins 2- must be more than 18 years old 3-A button on the jury Case page with guilty or not guilty . 4-Only Members and lawyers of each side can invite jury 5- Jury can see everything but can only vote guilty or not guilty and can change side any time . 6- Jury is anonymous

According these links in the two sides : plaintiff and defendant Plaintiff side
Plaintiff it is a page where you can find all the files and profile of the Plaintiff and comment on them.

Secondary plaintiffs it is a page where you can find all the files and profiles of the secondary Plaintiff and comment on them.

Lawyers them.

it is a page where you can find all the files and profiles of the Plaintiff lawyers and comment on

Documents Photos Videos Audio Witnesses them.

it is a page where you can find all the text documents of the Plaintiff side and comment on them. it is a page where you can find all the photos of the Plaintiff side and comment on them. it is a page where you can find all the Videos of the Plaintiff side and comment on them. it is a page where you can find all the audio files of the Plaintiff side and comment on them. it is a page where you can find all the files and profiles of the Plaintiff witnesses and comment on

Defendant side
Plaintiff it is a page where you can find all the files and profile of the Plaintiff and comment on them.

Secondary plaintiffs it is a page where you can find all the files and profiles of the secondary Plaintiff and comment on them. Lawyers them. it is a page where you can find all the files and profiles of the Plaintiff lawyers and comment on

Documents Photos Videos Audio Witnesses them.

it is a page where you can find all the text documents of the Plaintiff side and comment on them. it is a page where you can find all the photos of the Plaintiff side and comment on them. it is a page where you can find all the Videos of the Plaintiff side and comment on them. it is a page where you can find all the audio files of the Plaintiff side and comment on them. it is a page where you can find all the files and profiles of the Plaintiff witnesses and comment on

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