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1. A resident born in or belonging to another country who has

not acquired citizenship by naturalization (distinguished from

2. A foreigner.

3. A person who has been estranged or excluded.

4. A creature from outer space; extraterrestrial.

Unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, are one of the most controversial mysteries
known to mankind. From ancient to present times, unidentified objects have been
seen in the sky by millions of people. The question is, of course, what is it that we
are seeing in our skies? Are they foreign spacecrafts from distant planets, merely Air
Force experiments, or only our imagination? Many people believe that
extraterrestrial life is existent and far more advanced then us. Conversely, many
believe that aliens are just figments of our optimistic imaginations. What about our
governments? Are they hiding vital information from us, the citizens of the world, in
belief that we are better off not knowing the truth? Countless government
employees have continually denied allegations of UFOs being in contact with our
planet. Then again, many of these officials have also allegedly taken part in UFO
cover-ups and seen flying saucers for themselves. Is there some huge conspiracy, or
are there only attention-hungry people who wish to be in the spotlight? Arguments
are incredibly strong for both sides. There is an excessive amount of information
which could lead one to assume that UFOs are fiction, yet there is also an abundant
amount of evidence which suggests that UFOs are in fact out there. What, and who,
are we to believe?

On September 1, 1859, Richard Carrington, a renowned astronomer of his time, saw

two luminous bodies that he said were not meteors flying through the air. Nine
years later at Radcliffe Observatory in Oxford, many astronomers witnessed a object
that moved quickly across the sky, stopped, changed course to the west, then to the
south, where it hovered for four minutes. Then it headed toward the north. What are
they, and where do they come from? Unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, are one of
the world oldest and most intriguing mysteries. UFOs- are commonly called flying
saucers, which the

American Heritage Dictionary defines as things such of various unidentified flying

objects typically reported. It was in this year that these unidentified flying object
sightings began to escalate. About one month after Arnold saw these objects in the
sky the incident at Roswell occurred. July of 1947, Roswell, New Mexico. The
spaceships of extraterrestrials flew over the site of a 1945 atomic bomb test site.
During flight, one of these spacecrafts malfunctioned and crashed to the earth. Its
entire crew was killed. As Charles Moore stated:
various portions of this sequence of events were
observed on Army Air Force radars and by
eyewitnesses. Thus, alerted, the military acted swiftly;
a cordon of troops was placed around the impact site;
the wreckage and the small, humaniod alien bodies
were removed; and all traces of the crash were
expunged. (3) On the 8th of July, the public relations
officer at Roswell Army Air Force issued a press
release which stated that they had a flying disk that
had been sent on to higher headquarters for
examination. Within hours though, this announcement
was repudiated. The general in command of the
regional Army Air Force declared that the wreckage
was merely the remains of a weather balloon. This
latter story was obviously invented to conceal the
recovery of an alien spacecraft. Government officials continued this cover-up by
threatening eyewitnesses and local reporters with severe reprisals if they continued
to reveal information about the flying disk.

This was just the beginning of a massive cover-up, which attempts to keep the
worlds citizens in the dark. It wasn`t until 1979 when a former military intelligence
officer from the Roswell Army Air Force defied the security regulations and spoke
out. He told reporters and UFO investigators that the wreckage collected near
Roswell in 1947 was not that of a weather balloon and that the fragments he had
seen and handled exhibited unusual properties, in terms of hardness and strength,
that were not possessed by terrestrial materials. In following years researchers
interviewed many people who had firsthand or secondhand knowledge about the
Roswell incident. Their testimonies confirmed the crash of an alien spaceship and
the recovery of many alien bodies. Three years after the infamous Roswell incident,
a Mrs. Trent was in her backyard in Oregon when she saw a huge metallic disk. She
was able to snap two pictures of this alien craft, which silently hovered in the air.
The U.S. Air Force and many independent investigators scrutinized these photos. In
the 1969 government-run Condon Report (a skeptical view of UFO existence), it is
stated that the simplest, most direct interpretation of the photos confirms precisely
what the witness said she saw. Years afterward, William Spaulding used super
intense high-tech computer photograph analyzers to study the same two photos.
(Life 138) Spaulding also concluded that the pictures depicted a legitimate flying
saucer, and that it was not

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