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101 Time Management Tips

For Busy Small Business Owners, Entrepreneurs and Infopreneurs... Simple Time Management Secrets and Techniques To Help You Save Time, Get More Done, and Beat Procrastination

Robert Boduch Copyright All rights reserved worldwide. Success Track Communications Pickering, Ontario L1W 2T8 Canada http://www.bizprofitbuilder.com rboduch@rogers.com Cover Photo Credit: STOPWATCH Vasilkov | Dreamstime.com
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Mindset 1. Preference and Priority - Accept the fact that there simply isn't enough time to do everything. That's why it's so important to work on the most important things in your life. Only you know what matters most to you. If you're always focused on the most significant items -- both in your business and personal life -- you'll always be making the greatest possible contribution with your time. When you get busy on the meaningful tasks, you're using your time wisely. 2. Relax - Establish a calm and relaxed state of mind. Keep calm and stay centered. Remain focused on what you have to do. Ignore everything else. Excessive stress only makes the whole task that much more challenging. Your mental state is something you can control. Dont let outside pressures get to you. Take a few deep breaths and then do what must be done. But do it in a calm, relaxed and self-assured manner. 3. Your Best is Enough - Stop trying to be a perfectionist. Its easy to get caught up in the trap of attempting to make something just a little bit better. But often the results of the additional tinkering make little difference in the overall outcome, though the cost in both time and unnecessary stress can be sizable. Do your best each time and accept that youre not perfect and nobody else is either. Take your best shot and then move on to whatever needs to be done next. 4. Stop and Re-Focus - Accept your productivity shortcomings as part of human nature. It does you no good to beat yourself up. When youve been less than productive, you need to stop and re-focus. Thats all. Reset your priorities for the next hour. Dont dwell on past failuressimply accept these as a part of the human experience. Then roll up your sleeves again and get to work. If you really focus, youll astound yourself by what you can accomplish. 5. Your Sacred Space - Treat your workspace as a place of productivity. Condition your mind to acknowledge your office or work area as a special place where things get done. Do this consistently and youll soon find yourself accomplishing more because you automatically adopt a mindset of productivity whenever you set foot in your working zone. Find another place for other less-productive activities, events and actions. Keep your work space reserved for high-performance activities only.


6. Lists Help You Manage - Prepare a list of all the tasks that need to be done. A list is a fundamental tool of those who get things done. Your to-do list should include everything that comes to mind. The idea is to brainstorm ideas and capture them all on paper. Dont edit your selections or stop to think about any single item. Just keep building the list until youve covered it all. Youll be amazed at how many items you can list in just a few minutes of focused, uncensored thinking. 7. Prioritize Tasks - Rearrange your list according to importance. The easiest way to do this is to categorize each item into three major sections: A) Crucial and Urgent B) Important But Not as Urgent C) Neither Important or Urgent. The As are the vital tasks and therefore should take top priority always. Bs are next in line and Cs are seldom worth spending your time on. Taking the time to prioritize in the beginning will help you to knock off one job after another, without stopping to decide the relevant importance of a task. Spend most of your time on the most important tasks and details and your time will be well-invested. 8. Your Inner Voice - Determine your most critical task at any given time by listening to the voice within. Seldom will your inner voice lead you astray. No one else can tell you the best way to invest your own time in a way thats most meaningful and effective for you. Only you can make that determination from within. 9. Delete the Unimportant - Get rid of any task from your to-do list that simply isnt important. Ask yourself, Whats the worst thing that could happen if I dropped this entirely from the list? If you can tolerate the answer painlessly, drop it at once. Getting more accomplished is largely a task of prioritizing your time. 10. Delay Whatever Isnt Urgent - Its acceptable, in fact recommended, that you put off tasks that arent urgent in favour of the most pressing ones. Not everything needs to be done right now. Sometimes a project is held up by suppliers, vendors, or clients themselves. Postpone what you can, then use that time to get the most important jobs done. 11. Mind Map It - Develop the habit of sketching out plans on paper for the accomplishment of tasks, large and small. Mind mapping is a powerful and efficient way to develop an idea and shape it into a complete plan. The degree of success enjoyed by many can be directly attributed to the amount of written life planning they undertake. Creating a map and action plan first and then following it is simple, but very effective advice. 12. Audit Your Time - Factor in the time investment required for each task on your list that you need to accomplish. Take into account such things as travel, eating, briefing others, planning and outsourcing. Dont forget to consider the loss of actual productive time while youre involved in these other activities. Give yourself a buffer. As you

schedule the various tasks involved in completing a project, allow 15% - 20% more time than you need. If everything goes according to plan, youll get everything done and still have some free time. But the added cushion of time serves as a safety net for those unexpected delays triggered by things like computer crashes, traffic, or running short on supplies. 13. Find a Better Way - Write down your intended outcome. Stop and think about your plan for getting there. How could this be accomplished more effectively? Take a few minutes to outline, schedule and rationalize your plans. List the steps that need to be taken and then map out a plan to get it done. A simple outline of a more direct route can save you hours of indecision and get you across the finish line sooner. 14. Set goals - Write them down and keep them in front of you. Knowing what youre striving for gives your daily life purpose and meaning. Record your goals in a day planner and refer to them often. Set a realistic timeline for the accomplishment of each goal and focus on taking the specific actions that will lead you there. 15. Flow Charts Help You See The Way - Create a simple flow chart for each major project. At the top of the page list the goal or the task to be accomplished. Each job can be broken down into individual action steps with deadlines for each task along the way. The idea of a flow chart is to continually break down each step into smaller steps, with each sequence being a more fundamental action than the previous one. A flow chart provides a clear visual representation of the critical action path leading directly to your goal. 16. Time Blocks - Plan every hour of your work day. Use blocks of time to structure your daily schedule. Assign each task the time necessary for its successful completion. Dedicate portions of your day to handle each priority task. If you finish one job early, proceed to the next. Take advantage of your peak energy periods to do whats most important. The more often you use this technique of assigning blocks of time to tasks, the more skilled youll become in estimating time requirements for future tasks and projects. 17. Meeting Preparation - Prepare well in advance of every meeting. Establish a precise purpose and make this your focal point. Advise participants of precisely what is expected of them. Let people in on the agenda in advance, so every attendee can contribute in a meaningful way. Before the meeting concludes, everyone should be clear of new tasks and responsibilities and who is responsible for each element or action step. Show all in attendance a healthy respect for the value of their time by ending meetings at the designated time or sooner. 18. Stay Focused - Even if you have 101 different projects on the go, you must prioritize your time to maximize the return on your efforts. There are plenty of distractions to

tempt you with interesting things to do, places to go, and people to mingle with. You can easily spend your time many other ways. But if you want to accomplish great things, you simply must stay focused on that which will move you closer to your intended target. 19. End of Day - Spend 10 minutes at the end of the day preparing for the next one. Generate your to-do list and prioritize it a day in advance. This saves you precious time at the start of the day, enabling you to begin with an important action step right out of the gate. Using this strategy gives you a head start on the day and gets you working on an important task first thing when youre fresh. Most of us are less productive towards the end of the day. Once todays critical tasks are complete, its time to prepare for tomorrow. Getting your list completed ahead of time gives you a jump start on tomorrow. It also prepares your mind in advance for what lies ahead. 20. Avoid Interruptions - Commit yourself to the task before you with complete, uninterrupted attention. When you simply must bear down and complete necessary tasks, you need to work without any disruption so you can get into the flow where results can happen much faster. The secret is to estimate the number of minutes or hours required and set aside that block of time to do what must be done without diversion. 21. Simplify - Break down goals and objectives into basic tasks or steps. It doesnt matter how large or how small the goal. Any goal may seem like a far-off illusion until you break it down into tiny action steps that can be taken immediately. Refining a goal down to its most basic task gives you something you can do to today that will move you towards the results you want. If you fail to break it down into immediate action steps, your goal will only remain a distant dream. 22. Every Element Takes Time - Allow for adequate time to do each and every job, the right way. If you dont assign the necessary time, its tempting to look for shortcuts or ways around doing what should be done. You want to do it right the first time. Adequate time planning means you wont have to bear the additional pressure of a rushed deadline and youll get it completed correctly. After all, theres little profit in doing anything a second or third time. 23. Deadlines - Create a master deadlines file. Know where you stand at any time in relation to any on-going project. Be aware of all unfinished business and when each job is due. The purpose of a deadlines file is to help you stay organized and on top of your workload so you can meet each and every deadline in a timely manner. When you know theres a looming due date in the not too distant future, youre more likely to get to work on a project, without further delay.

24. Delays - Learn to anticipate and expect delays beyond your control. Allow for delays whenever your project involves the contribution of others. If you plan for it by providing allowances for such roadblocks, youll be less frustrated and still able to meet deadlines. Be clear with others about whats expected of them and when their work is due. But understand this; no one else is as committed to the accomplishment of your goal as you. Check in periodically, rather than waiting until the last minute. This way youre more likely to keep any project on track by catching potential problems before they snowball out of control. 25. Small Improvements - Set your sites on tiny incremental improvements in daily productivity. Concentrate on a small, but consistent improvement each day. Make the decision to raise your personal output every day by just a few percentage points. This may take careful planning on your part, but the exponential growth in productivity can be huge as you find new ways to become more efficient. Small but consistent improvement in effort and results can make a dramatic difference over the long haul. Do things only slightly better than average with regularity and youll be in the top 5% of all achievers. The key is to make improvement a constant and never-ending focus.

26. Details - Prepare detailed, written plans for larger projects. Begin by creating a visual mind map to generate ideas. Then take the best ideas and shape these into an outline that includes point-form directions for each step along the way. Make your details clear and concise as though you were planning to turn the job over to someone else. If help becomes available you can utilize this additional labour effectively. If youre doing the entire project yourself, youll never have to stop midstream to figure out the next step in the process because its all been planned in advance.

Organization 27. Set Up Your Environment To Win - Arrange your office or workspace for maximum performance and efficiency. Provide plenty of natural light wherever possible, adequate desk space, comfortable chair, and everything you need to perform any possible work-related task. Create an environment that promotes comfort, efficiency and productivity. 28. Everything Has Its Place - Put everything back where it belongs as soon as youre done with it. At the end of the day, clear off your desk and return every file and document to its proper place so you can start fresh with a clean desk every morning. Get in the habit of doing this and youll begin the day with a clean slate. Every resource will be exactly where it should be the next time you need it. Avoid the temptation to stack papers on your desk. Instead, place related papers in a folder, label it and then file

it so you know exactly where it is. Minimize the number of times you handle each piece of paper and you maximize your document processing productivity. If you can get in the habit of clearing your desk as you wind down your day, youll have conquered a big obstacle to clear and creative thinkingclutter. Visual clutter causes mental clutter. You simply cannot perform at your best when faced with a mountain of paperwork and a full load of tasks that must be done at the same time. With a clear desk and renewed mind and body, youre ready to get started with a bang. 29. Gather First - Insist on having access to all the essentials before you begin. Prior to launching a new project, gather all the materials youll need for the job. For a writer, that may mean assembling a complete package of research materials. For a builder, it could be gathering all the tools and supplies needed. Collect what you need first so you can work until completion, without the need to interrupt your productive flow later. 30. Make Use of Any Help - Capitalize on all the valuable resources that are right in front of you. Your own personal Rolodex of important contacts can spare you a lot of needless searching later. Your local librarian can help you find information on just about anything and most are happy to do so. You should also learn how to do detailed searching online. Youll be surprised at how much information you can find by digging deeper than most people do. 31. Face Your Biggest Challenge - Do the worst thing first. When faced with a list of unpleasant tasks or duties, tackle the least appealing one first, whatever it happens to be. After youve knocked that one off -- everything else is easy. Youll feel unbeatable for the rest of the day as you continue to complete the remaining action steps on your list. Meet challenges and difficulties head-on by tackling the most daunting job first and youll gain an emotional boost. The most important task at any given time can be the least appealing. So its best to get to work on it right away. Its rarely as bad as you imagined and the only way to get past it is through work. When you tackle a difficult task and see it through, you make substantial progress and its much less daunting the next time you face a major obstacle.

32. Start on Time - Get to work immediately. Assume a Just Do It attitude and approach. If you dont start, youll never finish. If you wait for conditions to be just right, you could miss out altogether on the rewards of accomplishment. Do something every day that will move you closer to your goals. Dont put it off. Do it now and its just a matter of time before you reach your desired outcome. 33. Punctuality Improves Productivity - Show up on time, or even a little early. Develop the habit of punctuality. Immediately youll gain an advantage over 97% of the population. Consistently being on time creates a positive impression and it saves time and money. It also conveys a respect for the time of other people. Arriving early gives

you extra time to get acquainted with new faces and facilities time to relax time to mentally prepare or simply time to review your notes before a meeting or presentation. 34. Start early - Give yourself the advantage of an early morning jump-start. Get up one hour earlier than normal and put this time to productive use. Spend your first hour on high priority items only. Try it for a month and you may be astonished at what this one little hour can do for you. Its an easy way to gain a distinct advantage. You will have already completed something worthy before others arise and the positive feelings of accomplishment can carry you through all day long. By the end of the day, youll discover that starting early means getting more work done. 35. A Positive Approach Gets You Started - Begin each individual task on a positive note. Strive for early success. Take one small step and gain some momentum. Complete one small aspect of a task at the very beginning and youll feel a sense of accomplishment that can carry you through. With simple projects, maybe its the first item on your list. For the more complex, it might be preparing a detailed action plan. Keep this simple idea in mind with every task or project and youll get off to a great start every time.

Peak Productivity Ideas 36. Highest-Value Task - Work on the single, most important task at any given time. The most crucial task is the one that gives you the greatest value, or the highest possible return. Author and business speaker, Brian Tracy suggests that you constantly ponder this question: Whats the most valuable use of my time, right now? Once you recognize what that is, youll know what you need you to do. Work on the single most important step you could take now and youll be taking highly-effective action towards the completion of your project. 37. Endurance Wins - Stick with it. Continue to stay focused on that one priority item until you complete the task. Work at it relentlessly. Take it as far as you can go without breaking your concentration -- no matter how difficult, unpleasant, or challenging the situation may be. This often requires a strong will on your part, but the payoff is always worth it. 38. The Next Big Thing - Proceed in succession to the next, most important item on your list. Focus your attention 100% on this task until it is completed. When youre done, or youve taken it as far as you possibly can, refer to the next item in succession on your list. One by one, youll complete each task, always working on the most important step to complete the big picture. With this consistent and systematic approach, success is inevitable.

39. Unique Value - Invest your time effectively by focusing on the areas to which you bring unique value. Delegate or purchase the rest its always less costly than struggling along solo. This is a form of leverage and it can be very effective. Do the key tasksthose that youre best at yourself. Whatever skill, experience and expertise you bring to the table should be used optimally, as the situation warrants it. Utilize your time and expertise wisely. Recognize where the skills and experience of others would be more useful than your own. Look at each task and determine the most effective use of all available resources. 40. Downtime Reversal - Transform downtime into productive activity. Determine the time of day when youre operating at your peak level of productivity. Reserve this time to do your most intense, demanding work. Use less productive times to return calls and emails, answer questions, hold meetings, and have brief discussions with staff, suppliers or clients. No one can be at their peak performance state at all times of the day. The secret is to know when youre most effective and to use that time for the most important and demanding work before you. 41. Computer Efficiency - Use your computer efficiently. Get in the habit of writing things once and then editing wherever necessary on screen. Avoid preparing handwritten notes that later need to be entered into your computer. Learn to use databases, project planners, spreadsheets, or whatever programs fit your business and your role in it. Digital files are easy to modify, upgrade and distribute to others, allowing for efficient collaboration. 42. Shave Off Minutes - Economize your time. Accomplish tasks with less waste by taking a more direct route to the destination. The fewer steps involved to complete a task, the better. Work at improving efficiency by shaving minutes, or even seconds off routine duties. Be on the lookout for overlap, excessive handling, unnecessary or wasteful steps and duplication of work. Eliminate redundancy at every opportunity. 43. Restructure Your Workload - Vary the size of your tasks to avoid burnout. Instead of taking on two 4-hour projects, one after another, break them up with a 30-minute task and allow for short breaks in between. Strive for a blend of tasks from small to large. Allowing for regular brain breaks helps make you more effective at your work. Youll feel a stronger sense of accomplishment and be less drained at the end of the day. 44. Beat The Clock - Challenge yourself to finish jobs ahead of schedule. Constantly seek out better, faster, more productive ways of doing things. Streamline processes. Consolidate activities. Look for a rhythm to your work. Get into a flow where things click and productivity soars. Then be sure to reward yourself after for any significant increase in your effectiveness.

45. Action Orientation - Develop a preference for action. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Dig in without delay and youll achieve far more in ten years than the vast majority accomplishes in a lifetime. Take action and youll feel a wonderful sense of accomplishment as you routinely complete projects of all kinds. How you choose to use your time determines the quality of the life you create. 46. Answer The Call - Decide what you want to accomplish more than anything else. What one goal is most important to you at this very moment? That is whats calling out to you and its the single thing you need to focus on. Follow this path first above all others. You can achieve whatever you sincerely want. But since you can only accomplish one big thing at a time, focus your efforts on that which is the most meaningful and important to you. 47. Keep Moving - Build upon each accomplishment by continuing your progress. As you achieve one thing after another, you increase your potential for still higher achievement. Success begets success. Each task completed successfully fuels your momentum and builds your confidence to achieve more. Every accomplishment strengthens your foundation to meet the next challenge. Do one thing at a time and then quickly move on. Action gets results. 48. Create Constructive Habits - Turn essential daily activities into powerful habits. A habit is something you just do automatically, without conscious deliberation. We all have tasks that are unpleasant or distasteful, yet necessary. Once it becomes a habit, its much easier to endure. You dont have to stop and think about it you just do it. 49. Change Bad Habits Get rid of old wasteful habits and replace them with new productive ones. Minimize time-wasters like television, or grocery shopping during prime-time when line-ups are longest. Decide to be a more effective time manager by simply paying more attention to how you use your 24 hours, starting today. Others will notice your ability to get things done, regardless of conditions, circumstances, or obstacles. Youll be appreciated more by others and your higher level of efficiency means youll have more time to take advantage of the things you really enjoy. 50. Streamline Your Processes - Imagine that you only have half a day to complete a full day of work. What would you do? What must be done first? What can be delegated to others or put off until later? When youve suddenly got less time to work with, youre forced into a higher level of efficiency planning. Focus on the necessary and important tasks and get moving on these steps right away.

Tactics, Techniques and Action Steps

51. Interruptions - Do whatever you can to eliminate or at least minimize personal interruptions. When youre on a roll, the last thing you want is to be stopped in your tracks by unnecessary intrusions. Great accomplishments occur when you gather momentum and a sense of rhythm as you progress towards a successful conclusion. Any disruption can hinder your success, so you need to do whatever you can to minimize them. Use controls such as door signs, voice mail, and out-of-office email notifications. When the pressure is on and you have to concentrate fully, seek out a temporary work space where no one else can find you. Another option is to adjust your hours to give yourself plenty of uninterrupted creative time at non-peak periods. 52. Just Say No - Learn to say no to low pay-off tasks. Its easy to get busy doing work of lesser importance. If the task is not important today, dont waste your time on it. The fewer low-return items you work on, the more time you free-up to work on urgent and important details and consequently, the more productive youll be. 53. Eliminate Unnecessary Travel - Travel consumes time. But you can take advantage of todays technology to communicate in other ways, rather than face to face. Wherever possible, use the telephone, text messaging, email, or online networking tools like Skype to connect with others and deal with the important issues of the day. Avoid personal visits whenever possible and youll have more time for the kind of productive work that matters. The time it takes traveling to and from appointments could often be better utilized. 54. Say It Loud Simply speak your thoughts into a digital recorder and then edit your spoken words into the appropriate format. You can have your recording transcribed for a nominal fee, or use voice-recognition software to convert your recorded voice into text. You can use this method with all types of written documents in a variety of programs. Its a quick and easy way to express your ideas, without trying to write the perfect piece. For many people, writing is a chorebut talking is easy, as long as its not in front of a live audience. In many cases, the most effective writing is a one-on-one personal communication and speaking it onto the page is like having a face to face conversation. Since almost everyone speaks faster than they can type, this kind of tool can be very worthwhile. 55. Daily Targets - Introduce daily deadlines. Like them or not, deadlines increase productivity. The closer we get to an impending deadline, the more we feel pressured into doing whatever it takes to complete the task. Institute a series of deadlines -monthly weekly daily. As each deadline approaches, the real work begins. Due dates can give your productivity a significant boost as long as you stick to the original timeline and dont stretch it. 56. Stand Up - Stand up to work as much as possible. Do so while talking on the telephone, using your voice-to-text software, or while creating training materials in

audio or video form. Standing stimulates action and helps you get right to the point for a faster, more productive call and a more direct means of communicating your ideas. Its easy to get a little too comfortable while sitting and thats when phone conversations tend to drag on. Standing as though youre addressing an audience can be an effective way to formulate your ideas into powerful sentences and paragraphs. 57. Cluster Tasks - Group several small, related tasks together and knock them off at the same time. Return all calls at one point in the day, preferably after youve taken your crucial action steps. Completing several small tasks at once is easier as you build momentum. Consolidating your efforts helps make the most of your time. Cluster together small jobs like banking and post office pick-up/delivery, or updating your data-base or blog and responding to email messages. When youre forced to shift from one type of activity to another and back again, you lose time trying to re-focus and gain momentum back. 58. Efficient Meetings - Conduct meetings efficiently. Make it known in advance the precise start time and stick to it. Close the door to signal the start of the meeting and your intention to get down to business. Dont feel obligated to brief latecomers. Stay on schedule and youll develop a reputation for holding meetings on time regardless. Others will soon recognize your seriousness and your meetings will tend to be more productive as a result. Scheduling meetings at odd times like 1:50pm or 3:25pm will help to convey the need for punctuality. 59. Challenge Yourself - Always try to beat your personal best. Focus your attention on finding a better, more efficient way of doing the same task before you. By making it a game, you can turn even the most mundane task into something is interesting and fun. 60. To-Do Lists - Start your to-do list on a single, full-size sheet of paper. List everything, without concern for where it might fit in sequence. After listing all tasks, identify which of the 3 specific groups (A, B, or C -- according to priority) your task fits best by using a different coloured marker for each group. Once prioritized, you can then reorganize tasks easily in your day planner in an effective sequence. This way, as you start each day, all your critical tasks are already laid out and prioritized right in front of you. 61. Centralized Planning - Group your important records together. Maintain only one to-do list and make it part of your day planner. Keep permanent records and avoid making notes on envelopes and small shreds of paper. Use your planner/notebook for all documentation. Trying to utilize more than one list is unproductive duplication. You also run the risk of missing a key element while transferring bits of data. The easiest solution is to centralize your lists and plans.

62. Trim The Fat - Get right to the point in all communications. Avoid the long and wasteful wind up. Keep your message short and sweet wherever possible. Trim the fat and the filler. Be respectful of others time and theyll return the favour. 63. Back It Up - Generate hard copy records of your duties and responsibilities. If you rely exclusively on your computers hard drive to keep records, sooner or later youre bound to experience a frustrating crash that could wipe out everything. Computers do fail. If thats all you have without back-up, you could face serious frustrations. Build a paper trail, so you always have back-up to prevent disaster should a mishap occur. 64. Recognize Performance - Catch yourself achieving and reward yourself with glowing praise. Life in many respects is a mind game. Sometimes playing tricks with ourselves can stimulate new levels of self-esteem, productivity and accomplishment. A little positive self-talk for goals reached can help you achieve more. Acknowledging your accomplishments can inspire you to reach even higher. 65. Incentives - Add incentives to trigger greater effort. Promise yourself or your team something that would really be enjoyed, if you can reach your target on time. Dangle a big enough carrot and youll find creative ways to overcome seemingly immense obstacles and achieve your goals in record time. 66. Post your plan. Keeping a visible record of your progress as you work away at a difficult project can spur you on to greater achievements. Whiteboards are ideal for this. Use your outline as a checklist and mark off individual tasks as theyre completed. Colour-code major segments by using a separate colour for each section. This helps you to stay on track, maintain motivation and provides visual proof of accomplishment. When moments of frustration appear, look at your map and see how far youve come. Then roll up your sleeves and get back to work. 67. Get Unstuck - Start somewhere other than the beginning. Sometimes its best to just get started at any point on a project. Trying to stick to the start-to-finish protocol you learned in school, may be counter-productive. If the beginning of a project is causing you difficulty, skip it and move on to something you can do right away. Take the easiest step and do it first. Then go on to the next easiest. Before you know it, youre halfway home. 68. Act Now - Take productive action immediately. Know that your moment of power is NOW. Nothing in the past and nothing in the future is as vital as the moment before you right now. The only time that matters is now. The only thing you can count on with certainty is each moment as it arrives today. Use it you must. But how you choose to use your moments is up to you. Consider your time precious and valuable as each moment is given just once.

69. Use Forms - Produce forms to reduce duplication of creative energies. Prepare generic documents that can be used for similar applications, over and over again. Cover letters, standard email replies to common questions, meeting agenda forms, questionnaires, and testimonial requests are but a few examples of documents that can be standardized for multiple applications. 70. Motivate Yourself - Act as your own coach. On days when youre tempted to wander away from the most important task, catch yourself and adjust your course. The easiest way to develop self-motivation is to keep your main target in view at all times. The goal is the reason-why youre doing what youre doing. Having a goal in mind, something that youre working toward, gives you the fuel you need to get through the tough times. 71. Delegate wherever possible - Follow-up to make sure others involved in the project are on track and on time. Often individual tasks can and should be handled by others. Utilizing the resources and skills of other team members can be a huge advantage as long as adequate direction and training has been provided. 72. Make Your Files Serve You - Establish an efficient filing system. Nothing is more frustrating than knowing you have the materials you need and not being able to locate them. One way to enjoy quick and effective file retrieval is to create an index page and place it at the front of each file drawer. Categories can be listed numerically or alphabetically just leave plenty of room for relevant additions. As you add a new file to the draw, note it on the index. Put everything in its rightful place and it will be there when you need it. This can take some getting used to. But the time savings can be significant. 73. Cheap Notebooks Can Be Valuable Tools - Keep your day planner (preferred) or a notebook within reach at all times. Record all those work related ideas, examples and insights as they come to mind. Capture any other potentially high-value information that can, and often does pop into your head at random moments while youre busy doing other things. Take brief notes and then put your notebook aside until the end of the work day when the high-productivity tasks have already been completed. 74. Make Decisions Quickly and Firmly - People who get things done in life seem to share the characteristic of making quick decisions and sticking with them. Dont waste time deliberating. Size up the situation as best you can and make a decision. Not all decisions can be made that quickly, but many day-to-day type decisions can. The more you practice this, the more efficient and effective youll become at decision making and youll save plenty of time in the process. 75. Timely Responses - Minimize the time it takes to prepare replies. Learn to use quick communication tools like the telephone to deliver prompt and effective responses.

Wherever possible, use the telephone to reply to correspondence. Letters and emails dont necessarily have to be responded to in like fashion. A simple phone call can often do the trick in a fraction of the time it would take to prepare a letter or type a detailed email. 76. Protect Your Health - Good physical and mental well-being is essential to maximum accomplishment. Managing your time is about managing your life and good health is vital to a good life. Without a healthy body and clear mind, nothing else matters. Being in excellent physical condition gives you more stamina and endurance. It also makes you more alert, less stressed and better capable of handling challenges and difficulties as they arise. 77. Exercise on a Regular Basis - Treat your body as a well-maintained machine and youll operate more efficiently for longer periods of time. Regular physical activity of any kind can help clear your mind and free your creative spirit. Youll feel more vibrant, energetic and alive. Be sure to rest after any physical exertion thats what rebuilds and strengthens the body. 78. Learn To Read Faster - Many courses, books and websites (like my new site here http://www.speedreadtips.com/) are available to help. Its surprisingly easy for average readers to at least double their typical reading speed with just one or two simple ideas and techniques. Most courses are designed to go way beyond doubling your speed, but they do require continuous practice. But doubling your speed will cut reading time in half, freeing up more of your time for other important tasks. 79. Results Are What Matter - Keep the end in mind. Focus on the desired result. Know your outcome and keep it in mind as you tackle the details of your day. Be aware of your goal and the sense of accomplishment youll experience when you get there. Keeping the end result clearly in mind gives your work purpose and meaning. It helps you press on and get things done. 80. Stay on Schedule - Stick to your pre-determined schedule. While its inevitable that other things come up periodically and call for your attention, you must avoid getting side-tracked. When a distraction occurs -- acknowledge it, record the details and then set it aside for a later time. After youve completed your critical tasks for the day, go back to the notes you took and deal with other issues later when youve first accomplished the important and scheduled tasks for that day. Monitor Your Time 81. Watch It - Pay attention to how you spend your time. If you carefully monitor what you do over the next week, you may be surprised by the total number of hours spent in

a less than productive way. Sure, a successful life is balanced, with plenty of time for various non-work activities and relaxation. But careful observation can reveal potential problem areas where time is simply squandered. Over a lifetime, those wasted minutes, hours and days add up to a huge chunk of time that could have been better invested in other ways. 82. One Task - Work on the one task that will give you the greatest return. Maintain your focus on accomplishing the most vitally-important task throughout the business day. Prioritize your workload - this alone will set you apart from most people. The unsuccessful are often very busy, but theyre seldom working on the most productive task. Its not enough to be busy. Work on what is most relevant and effective to the attainment of your big goal, or the successful completion of the project in front of you. 83. Easy Memory Tool - Create a tickler system to remind you in advance of upcoming assignments, events, special dates, and deadlines. Ticklers are periodic reminders (usually written on Post It Notes and color-coded) you can add to your day organizer. Preparation gives you a great advantage and regular reminders provide time to prepare for any event. 84. Track It - Track your time for one week. Account for every hour and every minute within that hour. At the end of the week, review it. Total the hours and how they were spent. If you honestly separate real productive time from the other activities in your life, youll be sure to spot obvious opportunities to better manage your time and improve your effectiveness. 85. Shift Gears - Recognize when a directional shift is required and take action. If a process or strategy isnt working for you and you seem to be spinning your wheels, stop and make a change. Minimize your loss in time and energy when your efforts dont seem to be going anywhere. Modify your approach. Adjust. Switch projects if you have to. Regroup in a way that gets you moving more productively. 86. Time Stealers - Watch out for the little things that waste time. Saving a couple of minutes each day can make a significant difference over a decade. Think efficiency. Condition this into your very core. Then pay attention to the time spent standing in front of your closet trying to decide what clothes to wear (Decide on your next days wardrobe before going to bed) or looking for your car keys when youve misplaced them (Giving your keys an assigned place and putting them where they belong every day makes for easy retrieval). Your life is nothing more than a collection of minutes, hours and days. How many of todays minutes could you have used more effectively? 87. Measure Routine Tasks - Record an accurate log of the time required to complete each project, job, assignment, or task. Such a document provides a visual reference to help you with future estimates of time requirements. Seeing it on paper is often a

revelation. Youll spot areas where efficiency could be vastly improved. You can also break it down by task to get an accurate read on how long it takes to complete each element, category, or task. 88. Gain an Overview - Scope out your project at the earliest opportunity to gain an overview of the whole job. Know when a project is due and what must be done to meet the specified details. Before you launch into full-scale action, determine the general steps that are required for completion. Make a list of project contributors and sources. For important details, consider tapping the library, web, coworkers, outside vendors, and the client for information. What is required of each? What work can be done in your office? What information or supplies must be obtained elsewhere? A quick analysis gives you a better perspective of the work ahead. 89. Work When Youre Supposed To - Use your work time for actual workthose tasks that will help you finish one job after another. Get busy doing the important things for the project in front of you. Leave all the planning and organizing for the end of the day, after the important and pressing daily work is completed.

Defeating Procrastination 90. Figure Out Whats Stopping You - Evaluate any task youre avoiding. What is it that prevents you from getting started? Often a task seems overwhelming. The way to overcome this is to break it down into smaller pieces. Divide a large task into subcomponents that are quicker and easier to do. Break it down and it becomes less of a monster. Look at it as a series of smaller tasks. Then finish them off -- one at a time. Before you know it, your large project has been completed. 91. Weigh In - Assess the consequences of action vs. inaction. Whats the worst thing that can happen if you procrastinate and fail to complete this task or project? Conversely, what is the best possible result of getting it done on time? Now, do the right thing and jump right in. You have to take the necessary action steps to complete any project. Incomplete work never pays dividends and everything youve put into it thus far is wasted effort until you see it through to the finish line. 92. Action Wins - Begin immediately. Get started now. Take charge of the situation at once and initiate the action steps you need to take. Even the most daunting task can be a lot easier once you get to it. Start to develop a reputation for getting things done. Putting important tasks off makes you appear less committed to the successful completion of a project. Start today and continually focus on what youre doing until its completed.

93. Declarations Make You Accountable - Make a public declaration to reinforce your commitment. Find someone who youd be embarrassed to let down by not following through on your promise. Share your objective and the timeline for achieving it. Then, get on it right away. Making your commitment public forces you to be accountable. Youll be less likely to goof off and more inclined to bear down and do whatever work is necessary. After all, its your reputation thats at stake. 94. Meaningful Steps - Act on anything that will edge you closer to the successful completion of a task. When you cant decide what to do next do something. Open a file, dial the first number on your list, write the opening line of text, prepare a list of interview questions anything. Consider what the next most obvious step is and take it. If something needs to be done right now, get started and get the ball rolling in the right direction. Thats all you need to start. Build some momentum and it gets easier. 95. Think Before You Act - If youre having difficulty getting going, take 5 minutes to think about it first. Probe your mind for the reasons behind your procrastination. Force yourself to analyze why youre delaying the project, or avoiding the task. Then face up to it. Decide what single action you should take next to move your project forward and do it. Confront your fears by taking positive action. Action is always the best way out. 96. Just Do It - Do the thing you keep putting off. Stop delaying it and make taking the necessary action steps a priority for today. Get started on it immediately and strive to finish this troublesome task early in the day. Once completed, your self-esteem will soar. Youll feel energized and empowered and the rest of the day will be far easier and more productive. 97. Expose Your Excuses - Listen to the excuses youre using. What reasons do you give for delaying certain jobs in favour of others? Get back to the one task thats most important in the moment and work on that and nothing else. Its easy to get caught in the trap of working diligently on something else as a means to avoid doing what you really should be doing. Catch yourself and re-adjust your course of action. If you want to get more accomplished, youll have to do whats difficult but necessary, rather than fun and easy. Most will opt for the easier way, so taking the road less travelled and doing the hard but necessary work will set you apart from the rest of the pack. 98. Lighten Up Ease your load by turning boring work into a fun game. Challenge yourself to break your speed record or to find a more efficient, more productive way to perform this task. Youll improve productivity, have a little fun, complete monotonous work and you might even discover a revolutionary process that changes traditional means of accomplishing specific tasks. 99. Reasons For Putting it Off - Recognize delay tactics for what they are and then take next logical step. Have many times have you thought about doing something only to

talk yourself out of it because it was too difficult, too inconvenient or too unappealing? Listen to your internal voice but be prepared to overrule if its preventing you from doing the important things that will advance you towards completion. Rarely is a task as oppressive as it seems. The main reasons why people procrastinate are: A) Other things seem more important at the time B) The task is so unpleasant that virtually anything else would be preferred and C) They lack confidence in their own ability to accomplish the task at hand. Whats your reason for putting off what you know you need to do? 100. Change Your Mind - Adjust your attitude about it and any task can become more bearable. Catch yourself moaning about the job you have to do and then make a radical, 360 degree shift. Its easy to spend more time griping about having to do the job than it actually takes to just get it done. Complaining about it wont help you. Suck it up and get on with it. Change your attitude and then do whatever is necessary. 101. Re-Frame It You can re-frame unpleasant tasks to make them more acceptable to you. Nothing by itself is either good or bad - its your thinking that makes it so. Nothing is either painful or pleasurable until we decide which it is. How you choose to look at a task can make a big difference. See it in a positive light and youll get it done faster and emerge unscathed. Once youve mastered this skill, youve conquered the demon of procrastination. 102. Change Your Perspective - Turn it into a pleasurable activity and it will be much easier to handle. We never procrastinate on the things that feel good. Make it fun. Make it a challenge or a competition. Turn it into an exciting adventure. Its often the perceived pain thats the root cause of procrastination. Build up enough pleasure and the pain subsides to the point where you just forget about it and get the job done. 103. See It Completed - Visualize the task successfully completed in your minds eye. Imagine your project as it comes to fruition. Internalize the feelings of success and accomplishment. Amplify these feelings and reinforce the joy. Lock these sensory experiences into your memory bank and relive them often. Do it enough and the mental image will help you manifest in your physical world what youve visualized in your minds eye. 104. Stack The Positives - Create two lists on a single sheet of paper. Take a blank page and divide it lengthwise into two equal columns. On the left, list all the reasons for not doing a particular task. On the right, list all the reasons for getting it done. Now, you have to play a game with yourself. You want to stack the reasons so overwhelmingly in favour of action, that failing to take action looks like such an inferior choice, only a fool would opt for it. Seeing it in writing can help drive home the reality.

105. Assume The Role of Time Management Master - Attack the problem as though you were a master at getting things done. Think of people you know who have achieved great things in their lives. Now, assume the role and pretend that you are one of them. How would they face this situation? What actions would they take? What would they do to just get it done? Next, prepare an outline of how this unique achiever would actually complete the project if it were their own. Then all you have to do is follow their plan. 106. Change Refreshes - Change your environment. If youve broken down your list and you know what needs to be done but youre still struggling, its probably due to a difficulty in getting focused. When youve got to get moving but find yourself stuck, get into a different environment. Find another room, visit the local library, or get in your car, pick up a coffee and then locate a quiet place where you can get something accomplished over the next 30-60 minutes. Another option is go for a brisk walk and listen to your favourite music or inspiring lesson with you on your portable music player. Get up and start moving around. Change the scenery. Give your mind something it likes and you create a state change that can give you a much needed productivity boost. 107. Have Fun - Give yourself permission to step away from your work and to do whatever you want with your time. Take at least one day a week and do something completely different. An all work and no play approach isnt very effective over the long haul and will ultimately lead to burnout. Add fun into your work day and youll feel better and get more accomplished. Take regular breaks to recharge your batteries and renew your spirit. When you do get back to work, your body and mind is refreshed and your tank refilled. 108. Pay Attention - Get it right the first time. Take your time to follow directions correctly, so you dont have to repeat the effort to complete a task. Do whatever it takes to produce quality work the first time. If you dont have time to understand specific details the first time, how will you ever find the time to do it over again? Uncover the required details first and then take action. It might seem like youre slowing down, but you significantly reduce the chance of errors.

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