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iitaaton Ollfurrtfpa of Qllfriat


Propwtj (A library


Joplin. Mo

James (14), Norval

Philip (11), Dondena, Charlotte (8)

The Norval A. Campbell Family

Missionaries To The ILOCANO FIELD

Aparri, Cagayan, Philippine Islands

Associated With




Help Us To Help You Do The Lord's Will

GOAL season, To evangelize in the Provinces during the dry supervise the Bible course in the
Christian High School, and develop the present training program into a full-fledged Bible Seminary in
Aparri so that laborers can be sent into the "harvest

NEEDS nal books earnest prayers; 1,000 reliable to start a religious library doctri for the seminary; sufficientfunds for livinglink, travel, equip
and seminary building.


shipping charges, living quarters in Aparri,


ing a contribution today. All gifts will be strictly ac

counted for and acknowledged.

ning of the school year. You can make this possible, saving us precious time and travel expenses, by send

this year, in order to arrive in the Philippines for the dry season activities and before July 1st, the begin

T o present in the and camps during the the work summer and churches early winter, sailing from the West Coast by the end of December


cations to Norval A. Campbell, P. O. Lse-banonJunctio^Hi^Ke-ntucky. Our further address while in the States will be published at that
time. Note the return address. Philippine Mission
Churches of Christ

Untll July l, 1952 send all communi-

See.-34.66 P-.L-&-R.

Norval A. Campbell

Seth Wilson

^alena, Kansas

Return Postage Guaranteed FORM 3547 REQUESTED


Friends in Christ: ^ ] "it has not been possible to ^vrite to each of you yersorislly since our arrival in
the Philippines, although v/e have remei-bered you in our nrayers and are grateful to
all -vvho have Liade it possible for us to be here. Your prayers and financial help are precious to us, i'or in them you labor by our side in a strange land*

]^t0 on the evening of iarch 7, aboard the S. S. Fiilippine i3ear, we sailed out
under the Golden Gate Bridge from San Irancisco, The ocean crossing "vvas quite un eventful but pleasant after the fiist three days. The childron^s school \7orlr occupied
nuch of tlie time and they were able to finish much of their v;orlc We held v/orship

services each Lord*s Cay in our Stateroom#

imssongers found tiiese services helpful.

The ship's captain and sone of the other


It v;as also late at ni^ht v/hen we entered i^nila Bay on iiferch 25

officic.ls ca:-ie aboard to help us v;ith the month lon,^ tas!i of T/indin^:, up the "redtape" of entering: a foreign land. On tiie mornin^^ of the 26th the Charles Selbys and
the missionaries in Ifenila' came on bonrd and gave us not only a royal welcom-e, but ':nuch help in getting our personal ''a;;age through Customs and to the l ission home on Gastambido, where v;c stayed for three W0'.''':s. Hrs, Wolfe graciously opened her home to us and the Solbys v/hile v;8 stayed in ilanila. During tliis time v^e ivere cble to do soi'ne evangelistic v/orl: amonT the brethren in the tianila area as ';,'cll as attending the Togalof.' Convention which was held in the Crv.zr.da Street chipel.

On April lo t!ie Jeep passed its final best in beco::i5.ng a citizen of the Philip pines, and on the I7 v/ac loaded and headed for Aparri# 'r^vo lon;r days of hard, dusty

traveling broug-it us the i'liO r.dles froi;. '^nila to Aparri.

"fTe enjoyed the hospitality

of the home of Brother imyray in Vi:an on t!':e v/ay, Si'^tCe our arrival v/e liiive been at the task of temporarily settling down ai'id getting into the work. The first week was

spent in an institute and rally here in Aparri, and last Aveek in Ilocos Sur. Tliat brings-US to the present and wo can only speak of conditions :ind plans for the future
Oiir living quarters and tlie A;jCi.rri iiible Gemnary can not be discussed separately because at the present they are a^ one. The riission lias but one building of its ovm at the present time. It has boon the Solby's hor.U'j and Scmin-.r-' building since their

first arrival in the Philippines.

Tlie first floor serves as a ,;ii-ls* dormitory and

storage room-. The second floor of four roou.s lias served an the living quarters for the Sclbj*^, and class rooms for the Sejmir.ary. Of course t,'mt vwis before we co.me. It is no\'? also the living quarters for the five Campbells. With rll tes? of us in the

'iouse, it is necessarj'" to sleep somewhat ^'"ilipino style-'-ifany in each room.

ITe are

very compatible, but such an arrangOiaent does ma?ce for complicated living. The Sem^ inary v^rill begin the school year on Jijine 22, and in looking ahead to our coming and

to the further needs of the school, the Selbys made an appeal for the buildin;; of an
other house GO tijat tlie present house could be used for the enl^^rged Seminary. v;'e also had hoped to raise funds for a house while we v/ere yet in the States, but could

not take the tir^e to do so.

At present v;e riave loss than ^100 designated for it.

The Seminary in Apai-ri lias proved its \;orth and is receiving much encouragement from the brethren here, A greater enrollment increases our need for facilities and student help. V.'e iiave boon able to rent the only nipa house tlir.t is available for our boys* don-.iitory, but v/e need money for a lot and another dormitory/ tliis year. Also a library of useful books is needed immediately because the students are not able to buy

mny books and must do most of their studjdng in the library.

(Books can be sent at

less cost tiian most things,) Strictly speaking, we do not ;^ve any students on schol-rship, but we do try to provide some self-help to those who need it. The m^in e::pense for the student is food. Vfe are ouite liappy if they can provide their ovm, but

some noed help.


Ten dollars (ClO) par month will provide food for a singlo student.

This is not a gift, and is earned at the rate of 20 cents per hour. This is in keep ing v;ith the prevailing v/age, V.'e neec' a hundred dollars per month for this student

Investing in the Seminary is investing in evangelisiir:^ because tlie students are

actively engaged in evangelism the year around, and as the^.r numbers increase more
souls will hear the Gospel and more congregahions v/ill be established.

It v/as necessi^ry for us to horrcyvi to meet our needs in coming to Aparri, but we trust God*s providence and Ilis faitjiful stev/ards for this and the increased need for financing the ICingdom liero* Agc.in, we offer our tlianks to you all. Your fellow-servants in Christ,

I' Orval and Dondona Ca-^-obell


, > Mr. Snd Mrs. Charles W. Selby

Box 1+9
Aparri, Cagayan, Philippines
Octobor 19, 1955

Korval A. Campbell

Dear Friends in Christ:

We have now been in "ttie Philippines about 7 aonths, and already find ourselves

deep in tho work.

It is with much joy that we are able to report to you concerning

our labors and needs in Christ here.

We are all reasonably woll. As we anticipated, keeping well here in the tropics is one of our bi^g;est problems. Philip's malaria has been the most serious and the and the rest of us have suffered only minor disturbances. Time and care should enable
us to become acclimated# We miss some of the American foods very much, but are able

to get some of them and with the native foods wo fare v/ell enough. The climate is not unbearable although it does soem a bit strange to liave summer the year around. These,
however, are not the thin{;s that cause a person to go to a mission field or to remain there. With the Apostle Paul, all Christians are expected to learn a measure of con
tentment regardless of present surroundings#

We have found the work vory satisfying. I have tlie opportunity of preaching and teaching. I have been preaching each Lord's Day Evening in the sorvices hero in Aparri and olsewhore as opportunities aro presented# The Aparri Bible Seminary enrol
led 67 students for the first semester v/hich is Just noiv closing# A few of these "Who enrolled v/ere forced to drop out of school because of home conditions and a lack of finances. It doesn't take much inonoy to attend the school, but even tliat little bit can not be obtained by some. We are expecting some now onrollees for the second sem ester. I have much joy teaching the t]ireo clascos in Scots and Cults, Homilotics, and New Testament Exegesis. These are all vit>(il courses bocauso of the nuiny sects and cults in the Philippines, and of courso a knowledge of God's Vford and how to preach it are necessary. "Tl^ie sky is the limit" for the Lord's work here in Northern Luzon. Our students are recruiting other stii.dents and wo are doing our best with limited financos
to train them and send them out. Even tlio students in school are able to preach to

many as they work witli the churches on tlie week-ends.

While people are much alike

over the world, even their peculiarities can bo turned into the Lord's work.

Our building program is showing some progress# The only building that we have had until now is being used for the Seminary classrooms and girl's dormitory. It needs some changing of partitions etc. but is being used as it is. The Selby's house

has boon finished sufficiently for us all to livo in, but it is still crowded with I6
people and many other activities. A house servos for many other purposes than a homo. It provides living quarters for some of the students, practice space for the music students, mission office P.nd other school and church activities. Some of thoso things
center in the homo because the vjomon talce care of some of iiose as woll as managing

the homo at t}\o same time. It was our problem, oven before v/e came here, to raise funds to build our house. Vrtien wo wore not r;blo to do so, wo came on believing tiiore

would bo a way. Until nov;, vo have not carried en any large-scale campaign, to raise money to build our house, fearing tl:at thu receipts of the general fund v/ould suffer. Thus, wo have ventured out on our own, by borrowing enough to build and oncloso the
frame-work of the house. However, v/e faco the fact that the paying back of the loan

will place enough of a strain on our o\m funds, that unless vio got some help from others, wo will not bo able to finish ttio house, until we havo freed ourselves from the loan. This vjill tn.ke tlirce years. Wo aro not entirely desperate, and do not ask for help on "tiio entire amount. We are sending this appeal only to those fov/ who havo '.".Iroady shown a particular interest in our v/ork in this field. Our regular joint news sheet will be sent to our entire mailing list soon. Only such funds as designated for

the "Campbell's House" will be used, so any gifts should be marked as such, and sent in the form of personal check, bank money order, or international money order. To date, wo have received ^^3^7*97 f'or houso. If by divine providence and your suc cessful labors, you have whercv/i-fe to assist us in this project, we shall bo vory
grateful for it.

We pray that He who is the giver of all good and perfect gifts will continue to
Toward your faithful stewardship of thoso manifold blessings.
Sincerely in Christ,

Norval A. Campboll and Family

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