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Dear Friends,

What could be worse than the Aids epidemic that is ravaging Thailand? We have watched as drugs, especially amphetamines, have skyrocketed in use and we see young people destroying their lives with drugs and promiscuity. No area of society is exempt. Tribal people are heavily involved as they see it as an easy way to make money. Christians are enticed and, though they may resist, their children conforming to peer pressure may not. Thailand now has a new prime minister and he has taken a strong stand to stamp out drugs. Now, instead of catching the small time user or seller, the police are going after the middle men and higher ups. All property

and assets from big drug dealers are seized and there is a death sentence. Frequent raids are carried out in some villages. We have 6 Hmong students in our dorm from a village where there are no Christians. One boy's father was killed and two others have one or both parents in jail. At development village a Christian's son was involved In drugs. Mit finally decided he wanted to quit so we sent him to the New Vision Home near Chiangmal. They now accept both boys and girls and would like for them to stay for 1 or 1 Vi years. They have a very good program and the young people can finish their high school education at schools in Chiangmai on Saturdays. Mit has made a real commitment to Christ and wants to go on to Bible School.

The house father has taken 2 other young men over recently who had been on drugs for a long time and finally wanted to quit. He led one to the Lord and he is now the leader of the boys and so happy with his new life. His family had given up on him and kicked him out. There Is another boy from Development village who needs to go. His parents made a profession of faith several
years ago, but then were offended and backslid. They say they want to come back to the Lord

now. They got involved in selling drugs and were picked up by the police about 6 months ago. They are sentenced to 3 Vi years in jail. They have 3 children at homea brain damaged daughter with epilepsy who has 2 children (no husband), a son about 19, and a daughter 15. The boy has been selling drugs and using them. He was picked up by the police about ten days ago and released. It may have been on the condition that he become an Informer. Either way his life is in danger. The house mother went to see him Sunday to see if he would go to the home, but he has gone into hiding Instead. The younger girl did not start high school in May because there was no money. We could have her go to the Home of Refuge as she is in danger, but where can the older sister whose vision Isn't good and who is not capable of caring for herself go? We do not have the answer. The house parents have visited the mother in jail at Phayao and she begs them to help the children. An older married sister is helping them with food, but her

husband would not want the girls to live with his family. There are many similar situations arising from drugs. Those in the dorm who have parents in jail will have to have some assistance if they
are to continue in school. There are so many young people in need. Many of them don't want

help, but others do. Some ofthe girls in high school have sex with those selling the drugs in order to get drugs. This is going to cause the number of Aids patients to keep going up. PRAY FOR US

The two orphans, Mon and Neng, are doing well in primary school. Five former dorm students are now In Bible school in Bangkok, two in Phayao and two in Chiangmai.

September 10*^ I went to the funeral of Pitsamai, the daughter of one of our early converts.
Some of you were praying for her. She died of cancer of the brain. Loon, my helper, and I visited the family frequently, and though blind she enjoyed listening to Christian radio programs and tapes. Three of her siblings are serving the Lord full time. The funeral was a blessing to those
who attended.

The same day there was another funeral for a Mien man who believed about a year ago. There were only 3 or 4 Christians in his village so they called the Mien Evangelist Sunday afternoon.
John Goddard went with some Mien from Pleasantville on Monday. There were Christians from several churches In Nan Province who also went so they were able to have a good service and burial in the afternoon. They said everyone In the village was cooperative. Sometimes this is not true and there can be a lot of problems when the Christians are in the minority.

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Thailand for a short visit and wanted to come and visit me. The Lord worked out the details I had a dental appointment in Chiangrai the next day so asked John to take his car and meet her plane. Virginia was a missionary in Japan for many years and this year made a visit to Jaoan
before coming to Thailand.

I was ve^ surprised on Aug. 30 to answer the phone and learn that Virginia Fleenor was in

To meet the needs of more teenagers we are looking to the Lord for sponsors of students ($30-35
per month) or churches to adopt our dorm as a mission project to have funds to assist those who need partial support and to build a new boy's dorm. JOIN WITH US IN PRAYER FOR THE YOUNG

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Dorothy's field address:


Dorothy's e-mail address:


Forwarding agent address: Arlene Lundgren

1745 Wall St.

Klarnath Falls, OR 97601

Tho* Thg World

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