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FEB. 12,2003

Dear Friends,
Lost and Found

for, driving tractor and helping with the

farm, was glad to find he had parents and
told him to go home and meet his real family. Later if he wanted to come back and
work he could.

Some things are stranger than fiction and one can only account for them by seeing
God's love and His Hand at work.

Seventeen years ago there was a Mien

family who lived in the forest by themselves. They were very poor and often
had no rice to eat, but ate roots and other

The sister, 2 years older than him, went to the county courthouse to report his being found. He was not registered when he was a child so has no house registration or

food they could find in the forest. A 7 year old daughter became very malnourished and
weak with pain of joints. The mother

I.D. card. They sent her to the police, who recorded the story, and then she got papers from the police and courthouse allowing her
to bring her brother back and he would not

brought her to the clinic and stayed in the patient house for 3 weeks while the girl
gained strength and got over her vitamin deficiency.

be taken into custody as an illegal immigrant. What a joyful reunion when she brought him home. He is now 20 years
old and has never been to school.

When they returned home they found that the 3 year old boy was lost. He had
been left in the care of an older child but had

The mother brought him to see me so I could rejoice together with them. She also asked if I could help him and his sister find

wandered away when they were not looking.

They searched for days but could not find
any trace of him and concluded that he must

jobs. It may take up to a year to get official

papers and an I.D. card so he can travel

have been stolen or eaten by a tiger. During the search some Christians helped and also prayed for the mother who was very
distraught. When the child was not found

around the country or work in the city. We have advised him of several possibilities.

They came on Monday when others were arriving for the leadership training
session. We invited the two of them to

she was not interested in the gospel.

Three days ago she came with two of her grown children and asked me to sit

come back and listen to the teaching the next day. They said they had only borrowed the
motorcycle and would have no

down between her and the young man and woman while they told me a story. Some of the Mien from their village went to central Thailand to work. They got acquainted with a young man who looked strikingly like a man they knew. Could this be the lost child! When they returned to
Pleasantville they wei"*"!S3 the mother and told her about the young man. Did he have any distinctive marks? Yes, a scar from a cut on one of his fingers and one on the

transportation. Some time after they left an evangelist and his wife came. They live in Pleasantville and he was coming in the next morning to go to MaeSai (on the Burma

border) for meetings. I suggested they might invite the young couple to come in
with them. They went to see them the next morning and talked to the whole family
"from the creation to the resurrection" and

stressing how God was concerned about


So they phoned friends still

working in the area and asked them to

their whole family and had brought them together. The father, who is partly crippled and unable to work, gave his permission for

check. With mounting excitement they reported that it checked out and then they
found that he remembered the words "to eat rice" and words for mother and father in

them to come; so they have been attending

the first year classes.
Yesterday a young woman, who lives
near them, visited me and told me she has

Mien. He had been passed from family to family and the present man he was working

been witnessing to them and showing how

God loves and cares for His children.


Upcoming Activities

will you join in prayer for this family: father Yoon, mother Dawn, daughter Bee, and son, Lek. They were separated for 17 years and now God has restored the family.
May they come to know Him as their Father
and the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior.
Dorm Party

The end of March the Fellowship of Churches will be having a Bible conference here at the clinic for 3 days. April is the time for youth camps, Mien and Mong adult camps and other meetings. These are held before the new school year begins in midMay. Pray for the students whom the Lord

Last night was the party honoring the students graduating from High School (3) Middle School (7) and Grade school (1). They will finish their exams and leave some to go on for further education and

would have in our dorm next school year. May the Lord bless you richly as you share in this ministry through prayer,
encouragement and helping meet the
needs of those to whom we minister.

others to find jobs or help their families. In March we will be accepting applications for
new students to come into the dorm.

Yours in Christ Jesus,

Dorothy's field address:


Dorothy's e-mail address:

Arlene Lundgren
1745 Wall St. Klamath Falls OR 97601

Forwarding agent address:

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Dear Friends,

This May we accepted 5 new girls into the

home. One of them, Mai, age 14, is a

The prayers of Achan Pairote, a

Mong evangelist, were answered when

leaders with a burden for a dormitory for

Mong girl from Laos. She was sent with a young couple to Thailand last year and came to Development village. They had
believed on Jesus in Laos but had had veiy

Mong boys assembled together in March.

It almost seemed like we were on a roller

little teaching. Mai is a very pretty giri and

wherever she goes the young men

coaster as one problem after another was solved before school opened in mid-May.

A compound with two houses was found in Tung and repairs made. The Lord immediately provided start up costs and expenses for 3 months. Achan Montri agreed to be the house-father and moved his family there. Four boys were accepted, registered at school and moved into the dorm in early May. Two of these boys are
brothers whose father is in jail for 25 years. Their mother has remarried and left, so this has become their home. A fifth boy came

congregate. She was not allowed to go to the village school as she was too old to start school. She was accepted in the home and is attending adult education classes on Saturday. She needs special prayer as she is boy-crazy and has problems of integrity. In July her parents came from Laos to live in Development village. I took their pictures Sunday to use for applying to live in Thailand. They are new believers and need discipling in Christ. Two of the
Christian leaders in the village sense a need for revival and cleansing in the church and are meeting regularly to pray. Praise the

in June. Next May we plan to accept 15 more boys so be praying about the ones
that the Lord wants us to take.

Kathy Mauillis, a missionary of the Overseas Missionary Fellowship who is living with me and studying Thai, has been teaching a Bible class for the dorm children

in the 1-7^'^ grades and helping students

The house parents' living area (upstairs) and kitchen/dining area in the
new compound in Tung

with English. She is a great addition, having a keen sense of humor, a burden for

The Chiengkam dorm has 26 boys and 22 girls this year including 8 children in grades 1-5 in great need. The rest are in middle school and high school. The house mother has started a quilting project among

young people and a real commitment to the Lord. The Phillips family is expecting 2 short-term workers in September who will help teach their children and share some computer skills and agricultural knowledge. They will be staying with us. Pray that it will be a harmonious and beneficial arrangementfor alL

Remember mv foster children in prayer:

the girls. John and Jeni Goddard will be on ftirlough until January. Pray for the dorm children andfor wisdom, the Lord's
help and patience for the house parents. There are many opportunities to counsel parents and point them to Christ.
I am an advisor and treasurer for the

Kwan (Thai) has been working in Bangkok for the past 6 years for a Honda Motorcycle company with only one Sunday off a month. He plans to quit the end of July and come home for a short time and then perhaps take 6 months training
with YWAM before going on to Bible

Home of Reftige, a home for girls in danger of becoming prostitutes.

College. Prayfor the Lord's guidance and a deeper spiritual life.

Chao and family continue to try and establish a small factory near Bangkok to sew garments. If at the end of September it is still not profitable he will return to Chiengkam and perhaps set it up here
where costs are lower.

dorm. He needs special prayer for his studies and also the strict discipleship

I was hopmg to go to the U.S. for 2 months in July-August, but certain

Dang has started a new job with an electrical equipment company replacing a
salesman who was killed in a car accident.
He needs a car.

commitments have made that impossible so perhaps I will go next spring. I don't want to go home in the winter. Pray for the Lord*s leading and timing.

May the Lord bless you all and give you Bla has a new job in business management
at a company in Bangkok.
In Christ,

much joy and rejoicing in the Lord.

Tao is studying electronics at a school in

Chiengmai and living in a Discipleship

Dorothy's field address:



Dorothy's e-mail address: Forwarding agent address:

Arlene Lundgren
1745 Wall St.

Klamath Falls, OR 97601


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OCTOBER 25.2003

Dear Friends,

Did you know that God delights to surprise and please his children? What a joy it

Mong put in a chant form that makes it fun and easy to remember. They shared some with us.

is to be a participant in God's plan. To understand my story, let me go back some 30

years. When Oratai's father died of anthrax she

The following day the boys, along with the team, house parents, Mike Phillips and
Dorothy Uhlig, went to visit some relatives of

was 13 years old. She came to live with me,

helped in my home and attended night school. When she received her high school diploma she

the boys and the house father's home village.

(Granny and the house parent's oldest son are Imng there while he finishes middle school. Then next April he will join his parents and

went on to Bible CoUggyn Bangkok. Later she

marri^ and she and nci nusband are serving Ihe

In August Oratai and her sister returned

attend high school). That evening after supper at the Home of Blessing the team presented quilts
that the ladies of the Macomb church had made

home to visit their mother. The last day they

stopped by to see me. We reminisced about old

for each of the boys and the house parents.

Farewells were said and the team took off for

times and Laksami pointed to the scar on her face from when she was 3 years old and had anthrax. Her father died before anyone knew what he had, but they brought Laksami for treatment. With prayer and penicillin she quickly recovered. Several years later an unbelieving brother was in the hospital dying of
liver disease. His mother admonished him to believe in Jesus and when he did she and a

ChiangRai in a pouring rain. They had some other places to visit before returning to the U.S.
The first of September Theresa Vander Veen from Canada and Kimby Tarborton from

younger sister prayed for him. The hospital sent

him home to die, but the Lord healed him.
As we talked Oratai mentioned that one

Delaware came to help teach the Philips' 4 boys. They are livingwith Kathy and me during their 6 months' stay. They usually fix supper, which gives them the liberty of choosing whatever they
want. Nice arrangement.
While school was out in October some of

of her favorite memories while living with me

was eating home made ice cream. Oh, there it was! God's surprise! I said, "Oratai, the Lord sure loves you, do you know that?" "Yes," she said, looking a bit puzzled. "Oratai", I said, "I made ice cream 2 days ago. I haven't made it in over a year, not since Kathy came. I didn't know

the Mong students went to Mong Youth Camp.

Others went home to help their parents and some stayed in the dorm to help the house mother

make pillows and quilts. (A new project to help

the kids through school.)

it was for you." (Kathy is an OMF worker

The latter part of September a team from

living with me.) We were all a bit awed by the thought thatthe Lord was interested in surprising
and pleasing one of his children. So we all

INCOR (Seattle, Wash, area), who are partnering

v^th the Home of Refuge, came for a short visit

here andelsewhere in Thailand. Very enjoyable.


enjoyed a dish of ice cream together and a time of prayer praising the Lord for his goodness over the years and asking for his guidance for Oratai and her husband. They will finish working for

the church in Saraburi this fall and are praying

about coming home and caring for her mother who is quite elderly. Pray for the Lord's
guidance. ^ "

Chao and family will be moving to Chiengkam the last of September and
establishing his sewing business in this area. The term break is a good time for the move and
his 2 children will start a new school at the

begiiining of the term Nov. 3. Pray for their

adjustments: northern Thai dialect, cooler


The Home of Blessing for Mong boys was dedicated in August. Then in early
September Kenneth Lange and a team from the Macomb Christian Church in Michigan, that is
partnering with the home, came to visit. The

weatherj adapting to the new rented quarters, finding new workers, adequate sources of
supply and ways to ship finished products to
Bangkok, etc.

Tao will help them move and then return

Home of Refuge hosted an evening meal for the team and the Mong boys, house parents and committee for the boys' home. The girls led a worship service and some gave their testimonies. The boys have been learning memory verses in

to Chiangmai for the 2""^ term of technical


Dang is continuing his job as salesman in Bangkok. Bla lives near him and is still

Kwan decided to continue working for the Honda Company but he was moved to a

different department and now has Sundays off.

He is still prayingabout Bible College. I am teaching regularly at the Pepper Village Church. There are many problems but we praise the Lord for improved relations between Granny Muey and her son in law in
answer to prayer. Christ can make a difference

Thank you for your faithfulness in prayer and support for the work in Thailand. May the
Lord bless you all.
Sincerely in Christ, Dorothy Uhlig

P.S. My forwarding agent has moved. Please

note her new address below.

as we ask His help.

Dorothy's field address:



Dorothy's e-mail address:

dmuhlig@hotmail.com Arlene Lundgren

3500 Summers Lane #28

Forwarding agent address:

IClamath Falls, OR 97603

Forwarding agent e-mail:

"Thai Th Wo

AlundgrenS 1@aol.com

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