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88 Chapter 2: Discrete-Time Signals in the Time Domain M24 (a) Write a MaTLAs program to generate a sinuscidal sequence xa] = A sin(oyn using the stem function. The input dts specie by the vser are frequency op, and te phase g where 0 < wy urier spectrum, or simply, the spectrum of the continuous-time ‘an be recovered from its CTPT Xo (2) via the inverse Fourier w= [* xaiaeea, 0 We denote the CTFT pair of Eg. (3.1) and (3.2) as x(t) 5 X40), 'n Bas. (.1) and (2), is real and denotes the cominuous Er ndsitermeate om pete transform siven by Ea! (3.2) can be inespreted ay ¢ linear combieatiol OF infinitesimally small complex exponettial signals of the forma 2¢¢/7'd 2, weighted by the complex Bea by aes) arte lec feseicy rags fro 20 w OS, Mecan terse ne te dood ren by Eq. (3.1) that, in genera the CTFT is a complex function of 2 in the range —co < 2

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