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~Maria Vogel’s Chapt 32 HTN—Med/Surg Page1~

Coronary arteries:
 Originate inside aorta
 Fill during diastole
 RCA—Supply Rt atrium and ventricle and AV node and Bundle of His.
 LCA—supply the left atrium and ventricle.
 Coronary arteries empty into the coronary sinus (venous flow), which empties into the Rt.

HTN—Chapter 32
Increased HR = Increased Oxygen demand


Systemic Vascular resistance—force opposing the movement of blood within the blood

CO = SV X HR (total blood flow through the systemic or pulmonary circulation in one minute)
SV--blood pumped out from Lf. Ventricle each beat (aprox. 70 mL)
Normal CO = 4-8 L/min
1) Regulation:

a) Sympathetic nervous system Stimulation

 Increases HR
 Vasoconstriction
 Release of rennin
 Causes Angiotension I and II
 Release of aldosterone from adrenals –conserves Na and H2O—Increases fluid vol.

b) Parasympathetic Nervous System—Rest and digest

 Decreases HR
 Vasodilation—via vagus nerve (Vaso vagal response Dec. HR and dec. BP)
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 Baroreceptors—specialized nerve cells located in the carotid arteries and arch of

aorta. They are sensitive to stretch. When BP increases it sends inhibitory impulses to
the sympathetic vasomotor center of the brain.

c) Vascular Endothelium

 Produces vasoactive substance

 Dilation
 Constriction
 Produces—endothelin (ET) an extremely potent vasoconstrictor.
 Nitric oxide and endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF)—Causes vasodilation
--inhibits platelet aggregation
--Intact endothelium, non-reactive to platelets.

d) Kidneys—rennin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.

e) Endocrine System—releases aldosterone which causes Na retention and water retention—

increases BP by increasing CO.

f) Increased Na+ stimulates release of ADH—increases fluid and increased BP.

Stages of HTN:
2) HTN—sustained BP of >140/90
3 + readings

a) Stage I –140-159/90-99
b) Stage II—160-179/100/109
c) Stage III-->180/110

Types of HTN:
a) Primary HTN
 95% of case
 Cause unknown
b) Secondary HTN
 5% of cases
~Maria Vogel’s Chapt 32 HTN—Med/Surg Page3~

 can identify cause—usually renal disease, sleep apnea, medications, estrogen and
NSAID, and Coarctation aorta.
3) Pathophysiology—
~ Increased SNS stimulation = Increased HR and Increased CO Increased vascular resistance
and Increased BP.
~ hyperinsulinemia or insulin resistance prevents nitricoxide release—prevents vasodilation.

4) Manifestations—Signs and Symptoms

~ Asymptomatic—no symptoms—SILENT KILLER
~ fatigued—nonspecific
~ Dizziness
~ Palpitations
~ Angina—advanced.
5) Complications of HTN
Evidence of target organ damage:
a) CAD—coronary artery disease
b) Left ventricular hypertrophy—most muscle mass in heart works harder it enlarges.
Starling’s law—it can’t stretch anymore. Detected with chest x-ray and EKG
c) Heart failure
d) Stroke
e) Peripheral vascular disease
f) retinopathy
g)End stage renal failure.

6) Diagnostics:
a) H and P
b) Kidneys—UA BUN and creatinine signal kidney problems
c) chest x-ray
d) EKG
e) CBC
f) Lipids—cholesterol
g) Blood sugar
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1. Treatment

Stage I <159/99 treat with lifestyle modification

Stage II and III lifestyle modification and drug therapy.
Lifestyle modifications cont. for one year:
a) dietary change: reduce Na, and fat. Maintain Ca, Mg and K. Increase K.
b) Exercise—activity
c) Limit ETOH consumption
d) Quit smoking—smoking release epi and norepi = Inc. HR. Vasoconstriction, release of
CO2 in system competes with O2. Dec. O2 in system. Changes endothelial lining—
becomes reactive to platelet aggregation over time.
2. Medications—Stage II and III
I) Diuretics—Increase urinary output and dec. volume. A) Thiazides—K wasters
Diuril and hydrodiuril
B) Loop Diuretics
Lasix and Bumix
SE: Orthostatic Hypotension
C) K Sparing Diuretics
Aldactone and spironalactone

II. ACE inhibitors—vasocdilation, dec. fluid vol. Inhibits aldosterone release

Lotensin and Prinivil
SE: Hyperkalemia

3 Most common SE with antiHTN:

a) orthostatic hypotension
b) Dry mouth and frequent voiding
c) Sexual dysfunction


~Maria Vogel’s Chapt 32 HTN—Med/Surg Page5~

3. HTN Crisis: --Not over time It is a severe and abrupt elevation with elevation of > 130
Causes—Failure to comply, inconsistently taking medications
~ Response to cocaine, crack and LSD
~ Eclampsia.
VASOCONSTRICTION triggers endothelial damage, which leads to MI, Stroke, and
Dec. Mean arterial pressure by 10-20% in first 1-2 hours.
MAP = Diastolic and 1/3 of pulse pressure
Pulse Pressure—difference between diastolic and systolic

Medications: Nitroprusside/Hyperstat
Given IV
Rx titrated for effect
Pt should be in intensive care because we don’t have an expected outcome.
Adrenegic Blockers—NORMADINE—Alpha Beta adrenergic blocking properties—produces
peripheral vasodilation, dec. HR which reduces CO, SVR, and BP.
? Add an oral Rx—vasotec (ACE inhibitor)

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