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Submitted to : TAHIR MUHAMMAD Submitted by Group : ahmad : C1 Registration No. :


Lab Assignment No.2

Task -1: 1. Write verilog code for SR Latch as shown in figure 1. 2. Write a test bench to verify the design.

modulesr_latch(Q,R,s,c,r);//interface of SR Latch //declaration of ports inputs,c,r; output Q,R; wire w1,w2; //gate level modeling nand g1(w1,c,s); nand g2(w2,c,r); nand g3(Q,w1,R); nand g4(R,w2,Q);

endmodule //test bench of SR Latch moduletestSR_Latch(); //declaration of ports in test bench regs,c,r; wire Q,R; //calling of SR Latch module sr_latchg5(Q,R,s,c,r); //initialization of inputs initial begin c=0; s=0; r=1; #10 c=0; s=1; r=0; #10 c=1; s=0; r=1; #10 c=1; s=1; r=0; #10 c=1; s=0; r=0; #10 c=1; s=1; r=1; #10 $stop; end endmodule


TASK-2: 1. Write Verilog code for D flip flop using Master/Slave latches as shown in figure2. 2. Write a test bench to verify the design

VERILOG CODE: modulesr_latch(Q,R,s,c,r); //interface of SR Latch //declaration of ports inputs,c,r; output Q,R; wire w1,w2; //gate level modeling nand g1(w1,c,s); nand g2(w2,c,r); nand g3(Q,w1,R); nand g4(R,w2,Q); endmodule moduleD_latch(Q,R,c,d); //interface of D Latch

//declaration of ports inputc,d; output Q,R; wire w1,w2,w0; //gate level modeling not g0(w0,d); nand g1(w1,c,d); nand g2(w2,c,w0); nand g3(Q,w1,R); nand g4(R,w2,Q); endmodule module M_S_LATCH(Q,R,d,c);//interface of Master Slave Latch //declaration of ports inputd,c; output Q,R; wire w0,w1,w2; not g1(w0,c); D_latchg3(w1,w2,w0,d);//instantiation of D_Latch sr_latchg2(Q,R,w1,c,w2);//instantiation of SR_Latch endmodule //interface of test bench of Master Slave Latch moduletestM_S_LATCH(); regd,c;

wire Q,R; M_S_LATCH g4(Q,R,d,c);//instantiation of M_S_Latch initial begin c=0; d=1; #10 c=1; #10 c=0; d=0; #10 c=1; end endmodule WAVE-FORM:

Task 3:
Write a Gatelevel code for figure3 JK Flip-flop .

Verilog Code:
modulejkflipflop(Q,Qnot,j,k,clk); // declaration of module with port list inputj,k,clk; //deceleration of inputs & outputs outputQ,Qnot; wire w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6,w7; //wire used for in out //gate level modeling not g1(w7,clk); nand gj1(w1,j,clk); nand gj2(w2,k,clk); nand gj3(w3,w1,Qnot); nand gj4(w4,w2,Q);

SRlatchmaster(w5,w6,w3,w4,w7); //Module of SR latch is called as Master SRlatchslave(Q,Qnot,w5,w6,clk); //Module of SR latch is called again to form endmodule moduleSRlatch(Q,Qn,s,c,r); // Complete module of SR latch inputs,c,r; outputQ,Qn; wire w1,w2; //gate level modeling nand g1(w1,s,c); nand g2(w2,r,c); nand g3(Q,w1,Qn); nand g4(Qn,w2,Q); endmodule module test(); regj,k,clk; wireQ,Qnot; jkflipflophj(Q,Qnot,j,k,clk); /*insanitation of JK Flip-flop*/ initial clk=0; always//always key word to generate clock #5 clk=~clk; initial begin

j=0;k=0; #10 j=0;k=1; #10 j=1;k=0; #10 j=1;k=1; #10 j=0; k=0; end endmodule


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