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Hellmann's and Best Foods are brand names that are used for the same line of mayonnaise and other food products. The Hellmann's brand is sold in the United States east of the Rocky Mountains, and also in Latin America, Europe, Middle East and Canada. The Best Foods brand is sold in the United States west of the Rockies, and also in Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. Hellmann's and Best Foods are marketed in a similar way. Their logos and web sites resemble one another, and they have the same English slogan: "Bring out the best". The Spanish slogan is "Haz una cara...Hellmann's!" (roughly translated to "Make a Hellman's face!"). In Brazil it is "Hellmann's, a verdadeira maionese" (Hellmann's, the true mayonnaise). Both brands were previously sold by the U.S.-based Bestfoods Corporation, which also sold several other food products in addition to Hellmann's and Best Foods mayonnaise. Bestfoods, known as CPC international before 1997, was acquired by Unilever in 2000.

In 1905, Richard Hellmann from Vetschau, Germany, opened a delicatessen on Columbus Avenue in New York City, where he used his wife's recipe to sell the first ready-made mayonnaise. It became so popular that he began selling it in bulk to other stores. In 1912 he built a factory for producing Mrs. Hellmann's mayonnaise. It was mass marketed and called Hellmann's Blue Ribbon Mayonnaise. It was so successful, Hellmann closed his delicatessen by 1917 to devote full-time to his mayonnaise business. While Hellmann's Mayonnaise thrived on the U.S. East Coast, the California company Best Foods introduced their own mayonnaise. Best Foods Mayonnaise became popular on the West Coast, and was operating a major plant in San Francisco in the first half of the twentieth century. In 1932, Best Foods bought the Hellmann's brand. By then both mayonnaises had such commanding market shares in their respective halves of the country that the company decided that both brands and recipes be preserved. To this day: Best Foods Mayonnaise is sold west of the Rocky Mountains, specifically, in or west of Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico. Hellmann's is sold east of the Rockies, specifically, in or east of the Frontier Strip (North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas). Prior to 1960, Hellmann's and Best Foods were advertised both in the same advertisements. The ads pointed out that it is known as Hellmann's in the East, and Best Foods in the West.

In 1955, Best Foods acquired Rosefield Packing Co., makers of Skippy peanut butter. Then Best Foods was bought by Corn Products Refining Company in 1958 to form Corn Products Company, which in 1969 became CPC International Inc. In the United Kingdom, Hellmann's mayonnaise arrived in 1961. By the late 1980s, it had over 50% market share.[4] Around 1968 the Best Foods brand added the Blue Ribbon from the Hellmann's brand, making them more sister products. Since 2007, both brands have exactly the same design. In 1997, CPC International split into 2 companies: Bestfoods, becoming its own company once more, and Corn Product International. [5] Bestfoods was acquired by Unilever in 2000.

Recipe and marketing issues

When Best Foods acquired the Hellmann's brand, it decided to preserve the respective recipes for both mayonnaises. Today, the two products are made in the same plant. However, at least as recently as June 2003, the recipes were almost, but not entirely, identical. From the company's FAQs at the time: The products are basically the same. Both trademarks evolved simultaneously Hellmann's in the East and Best Foods in the West. Taste preferences vary; some people find that Best Foods mayonnaise is slightly more tangy.[7] Both labels contain the same ingredients in the same 'relative quantity' order: soybean oil, water, whole eggs & egg yolks, vinegar, salt, sugar, lemon juice, calcium disodium EDTA, and natural flavors. Best Foods' may contain more lemon juice, though the ingredients rank ordered by volume are the same as Hellmann's.[8] Still, the fine print in the company's marketing and web sites state that "Hellmann's is known as Best Foods west of the Rockies"[9] and "Best Foods is known as Hellmann's east of the Rockies"[10] [emphasis added]. Maintaining the separate identities of both brands poses some unique challenges. Marketing campaigns for both products are identical; however, Hellmann's and Best Foods must make separate television commercials for each product and cannot utilize nationwide media to market their product.[11]

List of products
The following is a list of products that are sold under the Hellmann's and Best Foods brands in the United States and Canada. In other countries, especially Europe, Hellmann's is a major player in the dressings market too, with a wide range of flavors and formats: Real Mayonnaise the original mayonnaise product. Light Mayonnaise mayonnaise with half the calories and fat of the Real version. Mayonnaise with a Twist (Lemon, Garlic or Chili), sold in Ireland Extra Light Mayonnaise (UK) Garlic Mayonnaise (UK) Canola Real Mayonnaise mayonnaise made with canola oil. Reduced Fat Mayonnaise Dressing mayonnaise with only 2 grams of fat per serving and no cholesterol. Mayonnaise with Lime Juice

Mayonnaise Dressing with Extra Virgin Olive Oil Dijonnaise mayonnaise blended with Dijon mustard. Honey Mustard mustard blended with honey. Tartar sauce Sandwich Spread a blend of mayonnaise and relish. Limited Edition: Mediterranean Garlic. (2011) Limited Edition: Spicy Buffalo; Hellmann's light mayonnaise and Frank's RedHot sauce (2012) In Mexico: Best Foods Real Mayonnaise (the only product sold under the "Best Foods" brand) Hellmann's Mayonesa Real the original mayonnaise product Hellmann's Delicia mayonnaise made of milk Hellmann's Mayonesa Espesa thick mayonnaise, for salads Hellmann's Mayonesa sin Colesterol Reduced fat mayonnaise without cholesterol In Brazil: Maionese Hellmann's the original mayonnaise product. Maionese Hellmann's Mais Limo mayonnaise with lime juice. Maionese Hellmann's 0% Colesterol mayonnaise without cholesterol. Hellmann's Alho mayonnaise with garlic. Hellmann's Atum mayonnaise with tuna. Hellmann's Azeite mayonnaise with olive oil. Hellmann's Azeitona mayonnaise with olives. Hellmann's Hot mayonnaise with red pepper Hellmann's Fresh mayonnaise with herbs, garlic and lemon juice Hellmann's Trtaro mayonnaise with carrots, cucumbers and onions Hellmann's Deleite milk-based mayonnaise In Peru: Hellmann's Peruvian Flavor mayonnaise with Peruvian lime juice Hellmann's Ketchup Hellmann's Mustard In Argentina: Hellmann's Mayonesa the original mayonnaise product. Hellmann's Mayonesa Doblemente Batida (Extra batter style)

Hellmann's Salsa Golf mayonnaise with tomato paste. Hellmann's Hot Ketchup Savora a mustard brand introduced to Argentina in 1938 by J. & J. Colman

UNILEVER Hellmann's es la nica marca que hace de tus comidas una experiencia nica e irresistible. Te ofrece productos que agregan sabor, textura y placer a cada comida, en donde ests: en la mesa, en un asado o en un picnic.
Descripcin Mayonesa Hellmann's Regular
Hay ciertas cosas que hacen que la comidas se disfruten mucho ms... La mayonesa Hellmann's tiene toda la calidad, cremosidad y sabor que uno espera de una mayonesa Premium. Hellmann's Regular es el paradigma de sabor de la mayonesa para el paladar argentino. Con un toque de limn que la caracteriza, realzar el sabor de todas tus comidas.

Mayonesa Hellmann's Light

Sabas que tres cucharadas de Hellmann's Light tienen las mismas caloras que una de aceite? Ahora pods sentirte bien y disfrutar, acompaando tus comidas con todo el sabor y la frescura de la mayonesa reducida en caloras ms rica del mercado. Hellmann's Light, es Light, en serio.

Hellmann's Libre de Colesterol

Todo el placer de una vida ms saludable. La nueva Hellmann's Libre de Colesterol, 0% colesterol y bajo contenido de grasas saturadas, es para todos los que buscan un estilo de vida ms saludable sin sacrificar el sabor y disfrute de las comidas. Est elaborada a base de clara de huevo y aceite vegetal refinado. Su color amarillo claro proviene del betacaroteno, un colorante natural derivado de la zanahoria, que reemplaza a la yema de huevo en su rol de darle el color propio de la mayonesa regular.

Ketchup Hellmann's
Ponele color a tus comidas, agregale ketchup Hellmann's y empez a disfrutar. Pods encontrarlo en su sabor tradicional, Salsa Barbacoa y HOT, si te gustan los picantes.

Salsa Golf Hellmann's

Salsa Golf, la salsa que realza el sabor de tus comidas: ensaladas, sandwichs, palmitos... y el plato que ms te guste.

Se dice que la mayonesa fue un invento de un chef francs, empleado en la corte del Duque de Richelieu, en 1756. Mientras el Duque derrotaba a los britnicos en Port Mahon, su chef se aprestaba a prepararle un banquete que inclua una salsa a base de crema y huevos. Al darse cuenta de que no tena crema, improvis la preparacin sustituyndola con aceite de oliva. El chef bautiz la nueva salsa con el nombre de "Mahonnaise", en honor a la victoria militar del duque. En 1903 arrib a EE.UU., desde Alemania, Richard Hellmann. Dos aos ms tarde inaugur en Nueva York un negocio de comidas preparadas. La receta de mayonesa de su esposa, que se agregaba a las ensaladas vendidas en el local, se hizo tan popular que comenz a venderse en botes de madera utilizados para pesar manteca.

En 1932 Bestfoods Inc. (ahora Unilever-Bestfoods) adquiri Richard Hellmann, Inc. y empez a comercializarla por todo el mundo. En 1962 Hellmann's comenz su produccin y comercializacin localmente, hasta convertirse en la lnea ms completa y sabrosa de Aderezos.

Hechos claves:
Hellmann's es una marca reconocida y apreciada mundialmente, adems de ser una de la marcas lderes de Unilever en alimentos. Forma parte de una familia de marcas de aderezos , que consiste en Hellmann's, Wish-Bone, Amora y Calv, que alcanzan los e1.7 mil millones. Hellmann's es la marca de mayonesa n 1 en el mundo. Los 5 pases ms importantes son Brasil, Francia, Mxico, Reino Unido y Estados Unidos. Todos los das en EEUU, los consumidores compran ms de un milln de productos Hellmann's.

Lnea de productos

Hellmann's Regular Frasco

Hellmann's Light Frasco

Hellmann's Libre Colesterol Frasco

Hellmann's Ketchup Doypack

Hellmann's Regular Sachet

Hellmann's Light Sachet

Hellmann's Libre Colesterol Sachet

Hellmann's Salsa Golf Doypack

Hellmann's Barbacoa

Hellmann's Picante

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