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1. STRATEGY OF TEACHING 1.1 refers to the science of developing a plan to attain goals and to guard against undesirable results.

1.2 means art of using psychological plan in order to increase the probabilities and favorable consequences of success and to lessen chances of failure. 2. METHOD OF TEACHING 2.1 refers to the series of related and progressive acts performed by a teacher and students to attain the specific objectives of the lesson. 2.2 is a plan involving sequence of steps to achieve a given goal or objective. 3. TECHNIQUE OF TEACHING 3.1 refers to the personalized style of carrying out a particular step of a given method. 3.2 is the skill employed by the teacher in carrying on the procedures or act of teaching. 4. TRADITIONAL vs PROGRESSIVE METHODS OF TEACHING 4.1 OBJECTIVES 4.1.1 The traditional method is subject-centered because the main concern is to make the pupils master the subject matter presented in preparation for adult life. 4.1.2 The progressive method is child-centered because it aims principally to the total growth and development of the child socially, mentally, and emotionally. 4.2 THE TEACHER 4.2.1 In the traditional method, teachers dominate the activities of the lesson. They are the subject matter experts and see to it that they get the desired results from the children. 4.2.2 In the progressive method, the teachers play a variety of roles, with emphasis on the guidance counselor function. The teachers attempt to provide more participation with the pupils. 4.3 THE CURRICULUM 4.3.1 The traditional method makes use of the fixed curriculum activities formulated by expert adults characterized by formal educational procedures and standards. 4.3.2 The progressive method makes use of the flexible curriculum. The main goal is personality development through stimulation, direction, and guidance. Guidance and counseling go hand in hand with the regular methods and techniques of teaching. 4.4 DISCIPLINE 4.4.1 In the traditional method, the teachers enforce strict discipline. They expect the class to measure up to the established norms or expected standards. The teachers most of the time inject fears and tension through the process of computation, rigid control, formality and coercion. 4.4.2 In the progressive method, the approach to discipline is preventive, rather than precept. Classroom activities are governed by the democratic principles and ideals, group planning and selected activities free from rigid regulations and control of authority, and friendly attitude between the teacher and pupils. 4.5 METHODS 4.5.1 Influenced by its objectives, the teacher's role, curriculum, and discipline, the traditional method employs time tested methods. 4.5.2 The progressive method employs varied teaching strategies, mostly the new or modern ones. 5. TWO CLASSIFICATIONS OF METHODS OF TEACHING 5.1 The Time-tested Methods of Teaching These are the methods that have stood the test of time and are still being used at present. Some of the most common methods under this classification are: The Inductive Method, The Deductive Method, The Study Type Project, Laboratory and Demonstration. 5.2 The More Progressive Methods of Teaching

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------From old Teachers Review Lectures Compilations. Cannot be reproduced. For more details, please contact SMART Teachers.

These are the newer and more improved and informal methods of teaching. These are the modern practices which have replaced the undesirable features of the so-called lesson hearing procedures. 6. CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD METHOD A teaching method is considered good if: 6.1 It makes use of the principles of learning and permits the operation of these principles. 6.2 It utilizes the principle of learning by doing. 6.3 It provides for individual differences. 6.4 It stimulates thinking and reasoning. 6.5 It provides for growth and development. 6.6 It liberates the learners.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------From old Teachers Review Lectures Compilations. Cannot be reproduced. For more details, please contact SMART Teachers.

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