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Production of fuel ethanol from cassava - Springer

Find how to Access access preview-only content Lookout Inside Get MIRCEN journal of applied microbiology and biotechnology 1987, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp 135-142

Production of fuel ethanol from cassava

Ethanol production from fresh cassava roots using a low-temperature process was evaluated on a pilot-plant scale. The application of low-temperature cooking to cassava starch followed by a dual enzyme action resulted in an ethanol yield comparable to that of a traditional high-temperature cooking process. Pressurized distillation gave a satisfactory recovery efficiency of ethanol but was slightly lower than that obtained from atmospheric pressure distillation. Over 40% of the normal steam consumption was saved by adopting the low-temperature cooking and pressurized distillation systems in the cassava-to-ethanol process. The yield of anhydrous ethanol varied with the starch content in fresh cassava roots and was in the range of 185 to 200 liters per tonne.

La production d'thanol partir de racines fraches de cassava comme matire premire, basse temprature, a t value l'chelle de plante d'essai. L'utilisation de temprature basse pour le traitement de l'amidon de cassava, suivi d'une double action enzymatique, a rsult en un rendement d'thanol comparable a celui obtenu par le procd traditionel a temprature leve.: La destilation sous pression s'est prsente satisfaisante en ce qui concerne le rendement en thanol. Cependant, celui-ci s'est montr lgrement infrieur celui obtenu par destilation la pression atmosphrique. Une conomie d'nergie en forme de vapeur d'eau de plus de 40% a t le rsultat de l'emploi de basse temperature pour le traitement de l'amidon de cassava et du procd de destilation sous pression dans la production d'thanol partir de racines de cassava. Le rendement en thanol anhydre a vari selon le contenue en amidon de la matire premire, en oscillant entre 185 et 200 litres par tonne de racines de cassava.

La produccin de etanol a partir de raices frescas de cassava como materia prima, empleando un procedimiento a baja temperatura, ha sido evaluada a la escala de planta piloto. El empleo de baja temperatura en el tratamiento del almidn de cassava, sequido de una doble accin enzimtica ha resultado en un rendimiento de etanol comparable al obtenido con el procedimiento tradicional de elevada temperatura. La destilacin bajo presin ha presentado un rendimiento de etanol satisfactorio, aunque ligeramente inferior al obtenido en la destilacin a la presin atmosfrica. Se ahorro ms de un 40% de consumo de energa en forma de vapor de agua al adoptar el tratamiento del almidn a baja temperatura y el proceso de destilacin bajo presin en la produccin de etanol a partir de cassava. El rendimiento de etanol anhidro vari segn el contenido de almidn
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de la materia prima, oscilando entre 185 a 200 litros pot tonelada de cassava. Page %P Page 1




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Production of fuel ethanol from cassava - Springer

Related Content References (2) About this Article

Title Production of fuel ethanol from cassava Journal MIRCEN journal of applied microbiology and biotechnology Volume 3, Issue 2 , pp 135-142 Cover Date 1987-06-01 DOI 10.1007/BF00933613 Print ISSN 0265-0762 Online ISSN 1573-0972 Publisher Kluwer Academic Publishers Additional Links Register for Journal Updates Editorial Board About This Journal Manuscript Submission Topics Chemistry/Food Science, general Biochemistry, general Microbiology Animal Anatomy / Morphology / Histology Environmental Biotechnology Industry Sectors Biotechnology
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Oil, Gas & Geosciences Chemical Manufacturing Energy, Utilities & Environment Consumer Packaged Goods Pharma Authors P. Atthasampunna (1) P. Somchai (1) A. Eur-aree (1) S. Artjariyasripong (1) Author Affiliations 1. Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research, 196 Phahonyothin Road, 10900, Bangkok, Thailand

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