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I AM Kuthumi and I come forward upon the Rays of Love and Wisdom to greet thee at this time and

to gift to thee, to each of thee a gift of divine transformation. Greetings beloved ones A: Greetings Lord Kuthumi MK: It is with great joy and with great pleasure within our hearts that we gather with each of you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the Heart of Christ and securely upon the Hands of God A: Thank you MK: You are welcome. Beloved ones the gift of transformation is indeed a gift of love beyond that which is usually confined within the boarders and limitations of your time, it is a gift beyond anything that can be described in the earth language and for you as a group collectively the English language. Need I say that there is no language on this planet that can truly define in correct proportions and meaning the truth and the depth behind love. The gift of transformation that is gifted to you in the particular activation within the tanzanite ascension chakras gifts to you indeed that. You see of the ascension chakras the 3rd eye ascension chakras are probably the most complicated if you wish yet in great paradox the most simple. You were told that indeed the golden cords that weave these cords of light and keep them within divine placement indeed serve as the foundation that builds knowing, but I need to add here, the trust of knowing within the crown for if there is no trust there will never be knowing for in trusting one knows, in trusting your physician you know that what they prescribe for you is good. In trusting oneself you know that that inner voice never falters, never wavers and therefore in the gift of transformation being extended to each of you and not only you as a group but everyone on this planet, be known or unbeknown to them, gifts you with a divine gift of love, of knowing that you are loved, for through that knowing that you are loved no matter your own personal situation upon the planet, no matter that you may be with or without a partner or an entity to give you a physical expression of love to know the depth that the love of the Creator has for you, these are the gifts that opens that divine gateway of transformation and once you step through those doorways as you have heard, besides the fact that truly there is no return, the gifts and the joy and the pleasures is beyond description and therefore I will now again repeat what I said a moment ago: the true gift of transformation can only be received by knowing love in all its facets and that knowing is very difficult to express in one of your earth languages. For you see that knowing is not a language, that knowing is a beingness. It is about standing in nature and feeling the love of God. It is about looking at a candle and seeing the love of God, it is not a whisper of a word that brings joy; it is not a whisper of a word that brings understanding of togetherness and acceptance, it is knowing and it is in that knowing in these transformational golden weaves of

knowing that holds the foundations of that which serves you in the crown, that gives to you the key of UNITY. Do you follow me? A: Yes MK: Beloved ones, it is indeed a wonderful, wonderful gift for you to receive the teachings of light that enlightens and inspires you on your pathway of inspiration and it is truly a blessing for you to be able to gather together again, not only on the inner but certainly the outer planes and how appropriate to do this whist we encode you (Kuthumi laughs) with the codes of unity, excuse the pun (Kuthumi and others smile) There are no mistakes I believe (Kuthumi laughs) Beloved ones, the journey of transformation, the codes of transformation which are the Tanzanite codes incidentally, are etheric cords of light that now for the very first time in this particular series that you have experienced over the past year or so asks each of you.. so, what is it like to be at the level with everyone and anyone else, have you ever tried to place yourself at level with everyone and anyone yet at the same time where able to not lose focus of your own individual intent, but to be at level, to be at one. Beloved ones the art and the act of judgement is so quick to rear its ugly head that most of the time that you do find yourself in a space of oneness, in a level where everyone is at one, you are not there for very long before you begin to question your own validity and those of others not so? A: Yes. MK: I am not judging I am merely observing and making a statement of observation because that is what these transformational codes are all about. If you recall some time ago we did mention that for you to be in complete and utter peace, in a divine state of sublime vibration, you need to be able to stand on the busiest street corner and go into an instant divine, sublime mediation, do you recall that? A: Yes. MK: These are the codes, these codes of transformation, these cords are what allow that, you see. For if we did not bring this up some time ago you would now not have been able to understand a single word I am trying to share with you about being on the same level as everyone else yet still have your own intent in heart without judging another, that is what transformation is about, that is what a true master does. They are at level with everyone and anyone else yet in their own space they know that still point within, and that still point is what opens up the keys of self-mastery to become so completely focused that nothing distracts you from the outer world in, yet.. yet.. from the inner world you are able to connect to the outer world without making a single movement. The grand masters of your time manifest this without almost a trace of a heartbeat, the Yogis.

To find that still point within you need to walk the journey through the codes and the cords of transformation within the third eye. What you are doing as beings. you have set for yourself a task in this lifetime to learn as much as you possibly can, to overcome as many as you possibly can of obstacles, of things placed in your way and of course of many, many challenges that you have actually programmed for yourself to experience and hence you have to do so, you have to go through these processes, you have to experience these energies to overcome them and in so doing through the process of transformation, in the journey that you are walking you are actually allowing yourself to grow immensely on all levels, for you are still in touch with your physicality arent you? A: Yes. MK: You are still in touch with your emotional and mental state arent you? A: Yes MK: Sometimes too much, but yes. So as wonderful earthlings you are doing extremely well, extremely well on your pathway and of course your level of dedication is what determines your direction and it is up to you, it is up to you. Within a grain of sand is a universe contained it is up to you whether you see it as sand or as success, correct? A: Correct. MK: And therefore through the process of the transformational codes of the third eye it is now truly up to you as to how you want to see this, for you see within the lower centres from the base up to about the level of the throat we could whip you with our crystalline whips, we could force feed you with our beautiful cosmic spoons, we could chase you and scare you, we could preach for you, we could beg you, the list is endless of what we as Ascended Masters from the etheric realms can do to help you raise your consciousness but from here on up, its up to you. For from here on up in awakening the upper senses and the higher chakras, beloved ones it is up to you as what you want to do with this and where you want to go, for you see as the master psychologist I could hold your hand and teach you all the ins and outs of all of that which has kept you within the limitations of your lower mind and I could do so beautifully but as a great Master within the inner planes of transformation I can hold your hand only and guide you into the higher worlds, therefore it is up to you as to how you work with this connection from here on, if you recall when you experienced the activation of the dodecahedron in the throat energy it spun at a rate at which you are comfortable as an individual correct? A: Yes.

MK: In the lower centres we said it spins very fast or it spins slower, correct. At the throat we now gave you your own choice, choice is one of the greatest keys in the throat, we gave you the choice at which level you would like to spin your consciousness at. The doors of androgyny in other words the integration of the divine masculine/feminine at the first etheric level of the throat, those keys, that energy is truly an individual energy, we are now going to take that and step it up somewhat into the third eye, if you believe me that we have increased the vibration of the energy within the third eye immensely you must, you must believe me but it is up to you as to whether you would feel that vibration or not, it is totally up to you. Now the third eye at this level with these tanzanite ascension chakras with the golden weaves that brings to you the divine platform of peace and from that platform of peace which we initiated through the key of inner sight you can now weave the codes of unity, it holds, it keeps the foundations of the codes of unity together to form a platform of rest for the crown. Now here at this divine platform in going through that doorway, the doorway of inner sight, only you can determine what your level of perception, understanding and awareness is and belief, because according to your belief it is done unto you. Now belief features powerfully within the crown but it is the codes of transformation that is contained within the tanzanite cords that allows you to truly believe, so together as you know, the pineal, the pituitary the carotid plexus, the thalamus, the hypothalamus, all of these energies creates the third eye. You know that through this process of the ascension chakras there is a melding of the third eye and crown, correct. So only through divine inner sight do you truly believe.do you get it? A: Yes. MK: And that will not be a possibility unless you can understand the law of unity..get it? A: Yes. MK: Good, does it make sense to you? A: Yes. MK: Anyone losta few of you are very asleep but anyone lost? A: No. MK: Very good. Beloved ones the codes of transformation or the cords of transformation contained at this level for the very first time in this system and probably at the only level in the entire chakric system is completely level. For there is a divine connection from the

third eye into the back of the head at the same level as the third eye. The lower chakras all bend up, the upper chakras all bend down; this is the one centre that is completely level, where there is a level connection between that which you project out and that which you are. In other words where there is a level connection, it is a straight line, between that which you wish to manifest and that which you believe you can. That is why in the melding of the crown and the third eye one now comes to truly understand the divine laws of manifestation, for the pineal and the pituitary must work as they do within your biology as a unit in the etheric realms for you to tap into divine manifestation and it is very simple, its a very simple process, as long as you can keep it at that, for you see you love complicating things and the more complicated it seems the more it seems like it is going to work or the more validation you give it for you dont understand that within the greatest simplicity is massive complication. (Kuthumi giggles) Look at your bodies, the human body works simple, when you look at your anatomy and your physiology how the anatomy works, it works very simple, like a factory, this does that, you put this in there, this takes that out, it passes it onto there, this doesnt want it and the end result is down there. It is very simple but in that simplicity is great complexity, and thats the laws of God. It is therefore very important that you keep things simple, do not complicate life, do not complicate your life, keep it simple and keep it straight, the straight and the narrow yes.. straight. Allow the divine connection between the sacred mind and the sacred heart to open up and fully restore your inner vision, your inner focus, your inner sight, for you see beloved ones, inner sight is probably the most individual of all of that which you can understand yes, for you may stand at an art gallery and admire a work of art, there may be ten of you admiring the same work of art but guaranteed each of you are looking at it in a different light arent you. Through your inner sight you see a different picture in the same picture, now that is because of the act of creation, it is because of the gifts bestowed on you to have an inner sight, an inner vision of what you believe it is. Opinions differ and so does taste, what may be wonderful to you may not be acceptable to another yet it was painted by the same artist with the same methods. So here at the level of the third eye, at this divine tanzanite ascension chakras we are asking you at the level that we introduced previously I asked a question, that question was expressed through many beings and is was.so who are you. For those of you that went through that teaching do you recall that? A: Yes. MK: So who are you then, yes?

And so the tanzanite ascension chakras holds also the vibration of the great I AM, for they open up the unity codes within the crown and therefore you will not be able to stand in grand unity unless you know who you are. You can but then it will be like a flock of sheep, like a flock of birds, you will be like a herd of sheep, you will be like a school of fish, you will be like a bunch of people yes, getting together..how many times have you heard of institutions that insists on groups of people coming together in the name of whatever and half of them are not truly aware of what the whole policy is about, have you heard of this? A: Yes. MK: Now you want to show me the great I AM in that.I rest my case. How many times have you seen peoples opinions being changed and altered because of the company that they are within or the group energy that they hold, correct? A: Yes MK: Now there is no great I AM there. So the third eye at this very intricate powerful and hyper sensitive level asks of each of you in the last gatheringwho are you and in this gathering.I AM. Therefore I wish for you to use the prefix I AM when you work with your twelve keys of inner sight. I AMI AM..I AMI AM. I AM a believer, I have the wisdom of spirit in me heart. Your inner sight from here on as we made mention of during the last transmission, from the throat centre upwards we do not wish for you to delve into any negative aspect of the keys, did you get that? A: Yes. MK: So you are inspired by what, what inspires you, what gives you inspiration.. I AM inspired by, I have inner sight, its an I, a claiming energy of your individual uniqueness, and therefore if you in that individual uniqueness can stand as part a unity consciousness, then you are now moving on to creating a divine platform of the divine inner still point, the place of peace for even in that mass of unity where you all stand together and discuss something that is within the group level the same, you still have your own individual representation or expression of that which you are, do you follow me? A: Yes. MK: That is now where you and only you can make a decision of whether you want to be want you want to be. Whether you want to be as part of a group and in which way you want to be a part of this group and it is that unity that we now lay the

foundations of, that opens up the primal energy within the crown, the oneness for you see beloved ones energy enters and leaves through the crown centre, correct? A: Yes. MK: Therefore it must have, shall we say, the stamp of approval of your unity consciousness for you to be able to stand as an individual, if that make any sense to you. For once you are an individual and in unity within all your centres and aligned, within all of your aspects of the mental, emotional, physical bodies, working together, of the divine masculine/feminine working together, when all of these aspects of you can come into divine unity and you see your eye as single, that is when the Great I AM steps through those doors of transformation and once you have moved through there it is up to you as to what you want to do with it, where do you want to go with this, and therefore once again, from here on up the codes that we imprint within this symbolism of this chakric centre at this time will spin for each one at an individual frequency, at an individual rate. None of you will experience the same spin, none of you will experience the same frequency and I will even go further than that and that is to say that your own individual frequency will alter, will differ from day to day. Some days you will feel it spinning faster than others, some days you may not feel it spinning at all, some days it may be very easy for you to get it spinning and some days not, do you understand? A: Yes. MK: So therefore in waking up the higher six senses, in opening up the multidimensional doorways which can only be done once you have ingrained and embraced the frequencies of truth, only then can you walk forward into this and once you are walking forward into that then the next level up is to embrace it, the unity. Now what does unity mean to you, anyone? How would you feel the key unity would affect you the best, your best quality with unity? A: Silence. MK: Anyone? A: Being able to work in harmony with everyone. MK: Very good, yes. Now what is the most important aspect of unity on a higher level, we are not with kindergarten here, we are busy with university. Brother?

What is the highest level of unity you can experience, come on. Being in harmony with your Higher Self. Hellohas the light gone on. That is the highest level of unity that you can experience, for in that unity is always the unity of creation. In that unity you have on every level is the unity of creation but once you have all of your systems in unity, once you are able to make some head or tail of that which I have shared then you can now step through these codes of transformation and knock on the door of your Higher Self, and that is the great and grand importance of the crown centre, is allowing you to tap into a higher essence of yourself, yes. How do you do that? Surrender. One of the greatest keys in the crown is to surrender, for you see remember I mentioned that once you go through the doorways of transformation in the third eye, the tanzanite doorways of transformation, into that energy, what is the energy that greets you on the other side, the law of intent, correct? A: Yes. MK: Now by embracing the law of intent and through the act of belief know that you are connected in unity to your higher self, you know what it does, it opens up a divine trapdoor and the heavens ascends to meet you more than halfway, it lifts you up into a divine vacuum of knowing, but it has to begin at the throat, the androgynous doorway of truth together with the transformational doorway of intent has to meet up with the process and the laws of belief and manifestation of that belief in unity and knowing within the crown for you to be able to open up that vacuum so that you may enter into a divine state of complete unity. And this is what these teachings are about, do you understand this, any questions on this, does it make some sense to you? A: Yes. MK: Very good, for if it is not I am certainly going to run away. A: Laughter. MK: Beloved ones, now through the key of inner sight I want you to ponder on my words and then I want you to describe in some way through the acknowledgement of the great I AM, the claiming of your inner sight, the kind of relationship that you wish to form with your Higher Self, think about it, it may sound very silly, in fact it may sound quite ridiculous because you may so oh Kuthumi, there he goes again, I know what relationship I want with my higher self, I want clear cut guidance, I want divine protection, I want a mate to talk to, I want somebody to understand and to assure me of my sanity, the list is endless of what I want, now why would I have to sit

down and discuss this with myself on a piece of paper, how utterly boring, well I am telling you it is not. Allow yourself a small bit of time, to create a masterful conversation with your higher self. I will do it with you, dont despair. Sit upsit up. Let go of your papers and pens, relax, sit back. Pause. Now, for a moment visualise all of the energy that you have been activated into, just very quickly. Now visualise the third eye, you have your upward pointing tetrahedron, you have the sphere around it and of course the Eye of Horus and also open up the wings of transformation, the codes of Isis in the third eye. See this all in tanzanite, can you? A: Yes. MK: Can you? A: Yes. MK: Can you see it everyone? A: Yes. MK: Can you tap into it, yes. Now visualise yourself as a tiny little microscopic being inside your head, standing facing these massive doors, the doors of transformation. You have gone through the androgyny doors; you are now standing at the doorway of transformation. Pause. Now visualise this massive, massive double door in front of you, where the two wings of transformation meets. Now visualise yourself as the Eye of Horus. Pause. Then visualise a tanzanite vibration in the third eye, place your hands on the doorway, acknowledging the divine masculine/feminine within the palms that carries the codes of androgyny. Pause. Now connect to the golden rose in your heart.

Pause. And now for a moment open those doorways using the love in your heart and the combination of all of these energies ask to gently push these doorways open. Pause. Inside you will see a beautiful golden light; almost so bright that you are not able to look at it, to observe it, the mere thought of it is humbling. Can you relate to this? A: Yes. MK: Now stand there in your simplicity, in your humbleness, in your divine nakedness and ask for a message, ask for a message from this higher entity, relating to your current life situation and listen for it. Pause. Can you relate to it, do you understand the message, listen. Pause. Do you hear the message? Pause. Feel that golden glow, the warmth and the love of your divine self. Connect with your heart, your mind and your soul, your full spirit to this being and hear their whisperings to you. Pause. Feel the warmth of their love, do you feel that? Pause. Can you relate to this? Pause. When you are ready give thanks for this energy, close the two wings of your doorway of transformation, the wings of Isis, step back, retrieve, go through the Eye of Horus, back into the triangle, see yourself as a small being again and then extend yourself and come back into this chair, into this now. Pause. Beloved ones that was a very small introduction to the connection with your Higher Self, could you relate to that?

A: Yes. MK: You could, now in practicing this you do exactly that but allow this to extend upwards more so than ahead. For this particular exercise we visualised the doorways opening up and the golden energy coming towards you and then communicating with you but you can increase that energy by working through the crown and up and out. Do you remember the exercise (Kuthumi shows the exercise taught to us by Goddess Diana in Step # 4 of this series). A: Yes. MK: When you work with the human energy field everything flows easier in an upwards flow. Allow your higher aspect to communicate with you and to you that which you feel you need guidance on, reassurance on. Did you feel the vibration of love, did you? A: Yes. MK: Now no physical embrace could give you that same feeling, it is a different feeling and therefore when you are in need of love, quietly do this exercise and allow the invisible world to bring great reality if you like, for want of a better word, into your world, allowing you to feel the tenderness of spirit, a most powerful, most incredible, most awe inspiring love and that love which you feel is nothing but you. You want to know what it feels like to be you..you just have. The codes of transformation embedded, embellished within the golden weaves that holds the foundation of unity within the tanzanite chakra, the third eye inspires each of you to get into a state of acceptance and to understand that to enable yourself to do that you must experience the act of nurture for you to truly be able to nurture yourself at a level of total embrace you need to claim your individualness your authenticness and once done through the act and the art of compassion you need to communicate this out to others, using your gift of inner sight to bring unity into the world. And that is the seven keys of the first seven levels of this system. Now if you will join me lets venture forth. Pause Beloved ones find yourself walking through a beautiful forest, you have all of your guides and guardians with you, the mood is light, the energy is love, your totem animals all around, be in touch with nature, hear the birds and trees and the flowers and the bees and just be. Gently, merrily walking along with this huge group which forms your support team, your support system.

Pause. Place yourself with the Violet Flame and now extend the Violet Flame to anyone you feel would benefit from it. We would first suggest that you extend this violet flame to all of those in your life who you are not in unity with at this time, so that these flames may burn through the bridges that contaminate. Pause. Place within this Violet Flame all of that which you feel is truly challenging, upsetting, hurting, preventing you from stepping in this divine transformation codes, place within the Violet Flame all of that which you believe is not supporting you to be who you are, the great I AM. Place within the Violet Flame all of that which you believe is preventing you from being the maestro that you have come to be, the grand master and then let it go. Trust these energies. Pause. Allow this to dissipate into the Universe, allow all of that which may not be in balance to become the cornerstone and the foundation for all of that which brings balance. Pause. Allow your greatest negativity to become the strength and the foundation for your greatest positivity and understand that in every negative there is the encoded transformation energy through the law of intent to become positive. Pause. Leaving your group behind, you standing in front of the doorways of your beautiful golden pyramid, you have myself Kuthumi and Goddess Diana holding the swords of the divine masculine/feminine over the entrance, you have the beautiful massive golden doors with the energy of Lord Metatron and Mary Magdalene infused within its framework. You have coming down from the meeting spiral tips the massive golden and silver helix, of the divine masculine/feminine creating the wonderful I AM within the eye of your vesica piscis. In your minds eye place your hands on the doors of transformation, the androgyny doorway of truth. Pause. Connect with your activated energy field up to this point, in particular now the process within the third eye, the Eye of Horus and connect that with the golden cords that is weaved around the sacral ascension chakras so that these codes now through the knowledge and the teaching and understanding what this is all about at this level give to you a gift of divine inspiration, so that you may create anew all of the time.

With the golden rose in your heart place your palms on the doorways and feel the presence of these energies, of these entities, into your palms connecting with the androgyny codes within the throat, the sapphire, the spinning dodecahedron. Pause. And before you open this door to enter your sacred space I wish for you to very briefly connect with the essence of your higher self, that essence you felt a mere moments ago. Pause. Now ask for the presence of that essence to increase the frequency within your temple to a level of your own acceptance. To a level that you are comfortable with and when you are ready through the laws of intent allow the love in your heart to open these doorways of truth, step inside your temple and feel if you can feel the vibration, is it brighter, is it lighter, is it bigger, how do you feel it to be, can you relate to that, is it the same that it was, is it different, do you feel a new energy in your temple, do you feel an increased frequency, a new colour, a new feeling, a new vibration, do you, anyone? A: Yes. MK: Are you with me? A: Yes. MK: This is made possible through your sixth sense of inspiration. So through the act of inspiration, your sixth sense, you now allow yourself to become more in touch with the higher aspects of yourself, the divine masculine/feminine imprint that is held through your divine self or your Overself and of course is bestowed upon you through the blessings of your Monadic imprints. Pause. For a moment enjoy that. Do you feel a crystalline energy that is different, do you feel a colour frequency that is different, enjoy that. Pause. Does it feel warmer, does it feel more intense. Pause. And now make your way into the very centre where we come to stand and face the all familiar imprints held within the hologram of this indeed powerful reality. Pause.

You have your sarcophagus on the one side, you have the golden altar with all of the beautiful candles and the tags hanging from it, you have the roses in the beautiful golden vase below the altar, some of the roses and candles are glittering brighter than others and of course you have all of the beautiful gifts, the keys handing from this. You also have a wonderful, amazing energy field activated through these symbols. You have around your energy field and in the base a spinning cube in ruby connecting you to the ruby ascension chakras; you have the upward pointing citrine tetrahedron, the downward pointing heliodor tetrahedron in your energy field culminating into the star tetrahedron in emerald in the heart encased within the icosahedron connecting you to your sacral, solar plexus and heart ascension chakras also activating the Eye of Horus in the third eye, you then have your sapphire dodecahedron in your energy field connecting you to your doorway of androgyny held within the throat and that palms of your hands, opening up those divine platforms, the platform of the divine masculine/feminine, the platform of transformation which gives birth to a new transformation, in other words a rebirth process activated in of course the symbol of the sphere in the tanzanite chakra, the third eye, with the upward pointing tetrahedron and of course the Eye of Horus imprinted within this holographically and now.. Pause. On the one hand you have the beautiful Goddess Isis standing facing you from the front. Behind you, you have Lord Horus standing facing you from behind. Pause. They have a connecting transforming energy flowing back and forth from their third eye through yours. Pause. You have myself Kuthumi and opposite me Diana, standing on either side of you, connecting our third eyes which crosses at exactly the inner matrix of your third eye with the third eyes of Lord Horus and Goddess Isis. Are you with me? A: Yes. MK: It is a powerful energy beloved ones, just relax into it, just breathe into it, do you feel the increase in frequency, do you? A: Yes. MK: Set the intent for this frequency to be automatically engrained into your energy field at a level which is acceptable to you. Some of you may feel a further increase in energy now, or a decrease in energy, depending on what your comfortable acceptance levels are and remember there is no judgement. Pause.

We now very gently begin to spin our energies, myself and Diana in a clockwise direction and Goddess Isis and Lord Horus in a counter clockwise direction at the same level. Very gently spinning it faster.and faster..and then we increase the spin at a level which you are comfortable with. You will feel a pressure within the area of the third eye, do you? A: Yes. MK: Are you comfortable with that? A: Yes. MK: You feel a further increase, spin it faster, the pressure increases in the pineal, the pituitary and the carotid plexus yes, now visualize those glands in crystalline and then spin this as well. Visualise the titanium and platinum shield at the back of the head infused in mother of pearl and crystalline and the presence of Archangel Micha`el overseeing that, keep the spin going. Visualise the third eye symbol, the tanzanite sphere or ball, with the triangle and of course the Eye of Horus imprint in that, spinning in the third eye. Pause. And now visualise a still imprint of the octahedron over that, so the octahedron, in other words, two joining pyramids forming eight sides, four on each being imprinted, still, static, over the spinning third eye symbol. Pause. Now we are going to release our energies from your energy field very gently but the spin will simply continue in the third eye. First Goddess Isis and Lord Horus release their energies and then myself and Goddess Diana release our energies. Are you comfortable, breathe into itand relax.just breathe into it.and relax. Pause. Now set the intent for your third eye symbol to spin at an acceptable rate which is comfortable for you then let it be. Now visualise twelve connecting tanzanite strands, cords of light, etheric, electric cords, connecting the third eye and the back of the head, all at the same level, the middle of the head upwards. See the golden weaves being weaved around these cords, keeping these cords in tacked, see them arranged at the back of the head randomly yet with great precision and geometry.

See the protection being placed around them, visualise the pineal, the pituitary and thymus glands in crystalline tetrahedron spinning. Pause. Connect your third eye to the third eye of your etheric self and to the outer focus presented through the tanzanite candle as you have done previously and now set the intent for that connection to continue as you light your candles physically and within your mind. Please assist one another. Long pause as everyone lights their candles. Light both candles. Pause. Back in your temple step back, step back, sit on your sarcophagus and then lie back and become a unit of oneness with your etheric self. Pause. And as you lie here with your candles burning, the key of inner sight activated, the symbol spinning and the crowns symbol of unity imprinted still, motionless within the third eye. Understand beloved ones that in your own time and space you need to befriend the higher aspects of that which you are. Call upon the forces of light that surrounds you to assist you. Work with your emotional and mental bodies and levels to bring this into a divine alignment so that you can let go of that which you doubt, which you fear and that which is fuelled through the destruction clutches of not being good enough. Pause. Allow yourself to embrace a level of acceptance and knowing who you are. Allow yourself to venture into this divine passage of the unknown knowing who you are. Allow these codes of transformation to bring peace and tranquillity into your world and understand that it is only through the act of compassion and communication that you can authentically nurture all of that which you are by accepting it and therefore through the process of unity stand together as one and at this level let thy eyes become single, allow yourself the divine gift of feeling the love being extended to you from the inner realms, the higher dimensions and inner planes. Allow yourself to integrate this energy for a moment by reflecting on that which I have shared, on that which you will express through the keys of inner sight and so at this moment in your time I shall askwho are you then?

Long pause. When you ready you may sit up from your sarcophagus, once you find your feet stand up, face your altar in the distance and using this new found power in your third eye to imprint a golden frequency into your indigo candle and of course your indigo rose so that these two may join the rest of that which we have completed to bring transformation into your life and to understand that the only way transformation can be a true reality is for you to claim the reality that you are in, in this now. It is therefore imperative to find that still point within because it is only that which will introduce you to the platform of that which is higher, yet lower than you, to that which is inner yet outer, to that which IS. You have the imprint of the octahedron symbol still over the spinning third eye, you have the protection of the titanium, platinum, mother of pearl, crystalline sheath. You have all of your centres activated, all of the ascension chakras glowing in their magnificence, the codes of androgyny sparkling in your palms and in your throat. The golden weaves very prominent of every centre expect the base and you have the gifts of transformation encoded through the doorway of transformation encoded within these cords of transformation. Between that which will bring an end to the world of separation that you find yourself within so that you may narrow your vision to the extent of seeing only the wider picture of ALL THAT IS. Pause. Give thanks for this process, make your way to the door, before you leave turn around, acknowledge that which is gifted to you this day through this activation, give thanks to Lord Horus, Goddess Isis, myself and of course Diana. With that turn and use the love and golden rose in your heart to open the doors, exit, turn around, again connect with the energy in the same way embracing your divine masculine/feminine, the great I AM, allowing the codes of androgyny to open up the pathway of transformation for you by giving you inspiration as your sixth sense. In your own time make your way from this golden temple, meet up with the whole gang that waits for you, all of your guides and guardians, the totem animals and all of the little creatures of the world, this world and others. Breathe in the wonderful fresh air, connect with your senses and before you leave create a clear picture of that which you wish to manifest in your third eye. Give yourself a short term plan, see what you want and then accept it, truthfully, believe it and it is done. I will give you a couple of moments to experience that, in your own time and space ground yourself, come back into this room and anchor yourself deep within the Earth, but first enjoy that vision in the third eye, allow the maestro within to awaken the master without.

Long pause. Beloved ones once you back in the room ground yourself properly make sure that you are thoroughly grounded. Pause. A bit of a throat itch, what are you struggling to communicate sister? Sister: oh. MK: Is the list too long? Sister: Yes. MK: We will leave it at that then A: Giggles. MK: Any questions, any guidance? Very well then. Beloved ones as you venture forth into the world of the unknown understand that all is truly known to you, once you allow yourself to be released from the clutches of that which creates separation within nothing will prevent you from venturing without. Once you discover as you very well know that the Kingdom of God is within you will understand that you are living within the Kingdom of God without, for you will see things in a different light, you will experience the world of transformation first hand and in that process you will begin to transform that which you believe have limited you, you will begin to let go of that which holds you back, that which creates uncertainty, doubt and the inability for you to truly embrace yourself in a loving way and it is for that very reason why we are introducing the art of deep self-love at the level of the third eye as well for you see at the solar plexus you still have the push and pull between ego and worthiness, but now in this journey that takes you on a road less travelled you need to be completely at one with all of the aspects of yourself, for you to truly awaken to that in a belief, that divine knowing and it is only through the combination of these energies held through the throat, the third eye and the crown that you are able to then completely release the limitations that prevents you from communicating with the higher aspects of yourself, or your higher self, your soul self. One cannot even begin to introduce you to the soul star of yourself if you do not know who your self are physically, mentally and emotionally and spiritually, do you follow me? A: Yes. MK: It is therefore on this up and up that we will venture forth and journey together holding hands at the same level being as one, one master to another.

Understand that the limitations that you experience in this lifetime are limitations that we have all experienced at some time, understand that these challenges that you come to face again and again are only put in place for you to truly embrace your mastery. For only through divine experience and divine surrender of that which is truly unknown will you become peaceful in your knowing, the knowing of the unknown and in that knowing there is but bliss, there is but love, a love extended to you beyond anything that you can actually understand at times and as I said more times than not, more difficult to describe in a language of your planet. It is that love that you felt through the wings of transformation, did you recall that? A: Yes. MK: Can you relate to it? A: Yes. MK: Can you work with that? A: Yes. MK: Yes, the doorway to your Higher Self, are you comfortable with it? A: Yes. MK: Beloved ones surrender into that love, in your mediations work with it, surrender into the divine knowing of your magnificence, of your bliss and understand that a lot of the obstacles and a lot of the processes that you experience on a lower level are often just there to reinforce that which is good and the moment you stop seeing it as a challenge thats the moment it will dissipate, the moment you truly step through those doors of transformation and accept everything beyond that for what it is..lovefor that is all that you are.love..everything will change, for nothing will oppose you anymore, nothing, for there is no greater power in existence than that of love, pure and unadulterated love, that is who you are. I AM Kuthumi, I AM the Master Chohan of the Golden Rays of Love and Wisdom and until we meet again I truly bless thee with love. Adonai. A: Thank you, Adonai.

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