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1.1 Introduction
Overcoming organizational barriers to communication.

In order to deal with the barriers to organizational communication, we must first recognize that communication is an inherently complex process. For one thing, the verbal and visual symbols we use to describe reality are far from precise. A simple word like "job," for example, can be applied to anything from a child's newspaper route to the presidency of the United States. Words like "achievement," "effectiveness," or "responsibility" are even more vague. This impression of language (and gestures) is one reason perfect communication is difficult, if not impossible, to achieve. Another reason communication is inherently difficult is that human beings perceive and interpret reality based on their individual backgrounds, needs, emotions, values and experiences. Some writers, in fact, believe that most organizational barriers to communication are based on differences in the way people understand the communications they receive. Comprehending the innate barriers to communication and taking steps to minimize them are therefore the first steps towards improving communication effectively. Remember that some words may have different meanings to the receiver than intended.

1.2 WORKFORCE DIVERSITY If your workforce is going to effectively include people with a wide range of disabilities, their supervisors and coworkers need to be able to communicate effectively with them. They need to overcome their awkwardness and reservations about the disability "factor". The Ten Commandments of Communicating with People with Disabilities, using humor and solid information can be an effective tool for becoming "disability-friendly".

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If your company or organization is going to offer a high quality of customer service to your patrons or clients with disabilities, all of your employees need to have a basic level of comfort and understanding about how to effectively communicate with people with various disabilities. The Ten Commandments of Communicating with People with Disabilities is an entertaining and engaging tool for developing that basic level of understanding and skill.


40% of employed people with disabilities report said that they have encountered job discrimination?

33% of employed people with disabilities report that they have encountered "unfavorable attitudes" toward their disabilities on the job?

22% of employers cite supervisor/co-worker attitudes and stereotypes as a major barrier to employment & advancement of employees with disabilities?

15% of non-disabled people report not feels comfortable working for, or nearby, a person with a disability?

It is no wonder that most places of employment are not effective at hiring/retaining employees with disabilities!

1.5 10 COMMANDMENTS OF GOOD COMMUNICATION 1. Seek to clarify your ideas before communicating. The more systematically we analyze the problem or idea to be communicated, the clearer it becomes. Good communication planning must also consider the goals and attitudes of those who will receive the communication and those who will be affected by it.

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2. Examine the true purpose of each communication. Before you communicate, ask yourself what you really want to accomplish with your message - obtain information, initiate action, change another person's attitude? Identify your most important goal and then adapt your language, tone and total approach to serve that specific objective. 3. Consider the total physical and human setting whenever you communicate. Meaning and intent are conveyed by more than words alone. Consider, for example, your sense of timing - i.e., the circumstances under which you make an announcement or render a decision; the physical setting - whether you communicate in private, for example, or otherwise; the social climate that pervades work relationships within the company or department and sets the tone of its communications; custom and past practice - the degree to which your communication conforms to, or departs from, the expectations of your audience. 4. Consult with others, where appropriate, in planning communications. Such consultation often helps to lend additional insight and objectivity to your message. Moreover, those who have helped you plan your communication will give it their active support. 5. Be mindful, while you communicate, of the overtones as well as the basic content of your message. Your tone of voice, your expression, and your apparent receptiveness to the responses of others - all have tremendous impact on those you wish to reach. Frequently overlooked, these subtleties of communication often affect a listener's reaction to a message even more than its basic content. 6. Take the opportunity, when it arises, to convey something of help or value to the receiver. Consideration of the other person's interests and needs - the habit of trying to look at things from his or her point of view - will frequently reveal opportunities to convey something of immediate benefit or long-range value to her or him. 7. Follow up your communication. This you can do by asking questions, by encouraging the receiver to express his or her reactions, by follow-up contacts, and by a subsequent review of performance. Make certain that every important communication has a "feedback" so that complete understanding and appropriate action results.

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8. Communicate for tomorrow as well as today. While communications may be aimed primarily at meeting the demands of an immediate situation, they must be planned with the past in mind if they are to maintain consistency in the receiver's view; but, most important of all, they must be consistent with long-range interests and goals. For example, it is not easy to communicate frankly on such matters as poor performance or the shortcomings of a loyal subordinate - but postponing disagreeable communications makes them more difficult in the long run and is actually unfair to your subordinates and your company. 9. Be sure your actions support your communications. In the final analysis, the most persuasive kind of communication is not what you say but what you do. For a manager, this means that good supervisory practices - such as clear assignment of responsibility and authority, fair rewards for effort, and sound policy enforcement - serve to communicate more than all the gifts of oratory. 10. Seek not only to be understood but to understand. Be a good listener. When we start talking we often cease to listen - in that larger sense of being attuned to the other person's unspoken reactions and attitudes. Listening demands that we concentrate not only on the explicit meanings another person is expressing, but on the implicit meanings, unspoken words, and undertones that may be far more significant. 1.6 Conclusion Being able to communicate with your significant other, I believe, is one of the best life skills you can develop. Think about it, a husband and wife who can effectively communicate their thoughts, feelings, ideas, concerns and wishes are better equipped to manage or avoid conflict, negotiate win-win scenarios, and increase their intimacy. Yet effective communication isnt just about talking; it is also the ability to listen and understand your significant other, to read and interpret her body language, and to know how to approach her so you can get your points across in a loving and respectful manner. It doesnt have to be rocket science, but it takes hard work, and a fair amount of self-awareness. Here are my 10 Commandments of Effective Communication.

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