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Honorable audience, dear brothers and sisters.

First of All, lets thank to Our God who Has been giving us His Grace so that we can gather here without any obstacles and troubles. Secondly, May sholawat and salam always be with our prophet Muhammad Sholallohu alihi wa alihi wa salam, the great revolusioner, who can bring his followers from the darkness to the lightness namely by Islamic religion. Thirdly, thank to Master Ceremony who has given me chance to speech in front of you all by English language, though many of audience wont understand my speech. But at least, this is the proof that vocational high school of Al-Yumni also develop English as one of important language in this life, in the globalization era. Honorable audience, dear brothers and sisters. We as moslems believe that there are another life, except our life today in the world, namely hereafter life, that we will undergo after our life here. Different with other religions, those unbelieve with it, among other of them believe, that after death, we will return to life again with different happen and different situation from the first life. Even several of them believe that if we die then our body must be crumbling and it is meant the life is game over, the life is finish and wont be there another life after that. Because of we believe, that will be there another life after here, so definitely we want in order to our life, whether here or hereafter, become save and happy, then dont let it become miserable. Our God explained to us in the Quran, surah Al-Baqoroh verse 200 and 201 That several of human beings asked to Him, so that their life becomes happy in world, but it wont becomes happy in hereafter. And several of them also asked to Him, so that their life whether in world or hereafter becomes happy, even they asked to Him, so that He save them from His mistreatment in the hell. So we should follow the second people, who asked God the happiness of life, here and hereafter. Honorable audience, dear brothers and sisters. If we have been aware, that we wish and hope, so that our life here and hereafter become happy. So now, the question is how we can be happy here and hereafter, what is the key, so that our life here and here after become happy. The answer is science and knowledge, this is why our prophet said that search science and knowledge is our obligation as moslem, even he also said

It is meant, that he prayed and promised that someone who strive to search science and knowledge, Allah will abridge his way towards heaven. So we must believe that science and knowledge are tool to reach happiness in world an hereafter. The proof is the prophet Sulaiman, when Allah gave him choice among science, wealth or kingdom. He chose science, but precisely with the science, Allah also gave him wealth and kingdom. But if we are given choice such as it, definitely we will choose wealth or kingdom, because many of us, dont understand the advantage of science. Whereas sayyidina Ali said that because of wealth, the owner will spend his ability and concern to keep his wealth, But because of science, the owner will be kept from loss of life. And the most important one, if we pay attention with the word of Imam SyafiI rohimallohu taala It is meant that if we just want our life in the world become success so we can get it by science and knowledge, and also our life in hereafter will be happy and save if we have science and knowledge about it. Honorable audience, dear brothers and sisters. From this speech I suggest to my self and to you all, so that we dont search science and knowledge just for our success in the world, because it is meant we just get happiness here but we will miserable in hereafter. And also dont search science and knowledge just for our success in hereafter, because it is meant we just get happiness in hereafter. The best one is, lets search science and knowledge for our success here and hereafter, because it will leading us to get happiness here and hereafter. Thanks for your attention and forgive me please if there are mistakes from my speech. Because the right one is just from our God and the wrong one is from my self.

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