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Causes of the war According to World Book Encyclopedia 2002, Deluxe Premier Edition, a war means; fighting carried

on by Armed Force Between Regulation or parts of a nation . According to the New Webster's, the war means; An Armed Clash Between Regulation, or factions in the Same nation ; a state of hostility or military conflict ... Sun Tzu wrote in his book, "War is a vital matter of state. It is the field on Which life or death is determined and the road That leads to either survival or ruin, and must be examined with the greatest care. " While Clausewitz defines war as: war is a major clash Between interests, Which Completed by Bloodshed - that is the only way in Which it differs from other Conflicts. War is a phenomenon of organized violent conflict between belligerent groups or nations, typified by extreme aggression, societal disruption and adaptation as well as high mortality. The objective of warfare differs in accord with a groups role in a conflict. The goals of offensive warfare are typically the submission, assimilation or destruction of another group, while the goals of defensive warfare are simply the repulsion of the offensive force and often survival itself. Relative to each other, combatants in warfare are called enemies. The terms military, militant, and militarism each refer to fundamental aspects of war, i.e. the organized group, the combative individual, and the supportive ethos. Many reasons could trigger a war. According to Gabriel and Metz in his book A Short History of War, the war began to happen when agriculture and animal husbandry began to grow in the fifth century BC. This had make people living in more complex life. Apart of that, advanced skills to make weapons also contributed to the outbreak of the conflict between their prefix. In the Crimean War for example, conflicts between the Ottoman Caliphate (Ottoman) and the Government of Russia broke out just as the Ottomans gave France an advantage to control the number of Church - Christian church in Palestine. As Russia being rejected of their demands, they seize the Ottoman provinces of Moldavia and Walachia. Another simple cause that started a war was the time United States involved in the World War 1. Its only because a telegram sent by German Foreign Minister (Alfred Zimmerman) to the German ambassador in Mexico. In that telegram, Zimmerman offered Mexico few of Germans colonies that fallen to the United States such as Texas, Arizona and New Mexico if only they (Mexican) be allied. In short, there are three common aspects that often triggered the war which are: i) ii) iii) Social Economics Politics and International Relations

Social aspect cause of a war Social issues are one of common aspects cause a war. A country that has multi racial society needs to be more cautious on maintaining harmony among the people. Its proven that a minor issue can give huge impact on a country if the government cant have an efficient control to ensure peaceful and harmony. Social aspect is about people. The war wont start if there are no people. People start the war. For example, the civil war occurred during the years 1861 and 1865. There was a fight to preserve the Union which during this time was the United States of America. Immigrants travelled from mostly countries in Europe to the North to find a better life. As the immigrants started working in the factories for minimum wage, the North stated to form again. On a social note, the growth of the abolition movement added to the causes of the Civil War. Each day the northerners became more against slaver. Many people say that slavery was the main cause of the Civil War because of Abraham Lincoln. Some believe that the main cause was the secession of the southern states. Arguments that slavery was undesirable for the nation had long existed, and the northern states all abolished slavery after 1776. Slavery had been a part of life in America since the early colonial period and became more acceptable in the South than the North. Southern planters relied on slaves to run larger farms or plantations and make them profitable. Many slaves were also used to provide labor for the various household chores that needed to be done. This did not sit well with many northerners who felt that slavery was uncivilized and should be abolished. It can be easily said that the secession of the southern states was the underlying cause. Although, before the 1860 election of Abraham Lincoln, seven states had seceded from the Union: South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas. Even though things were coming to a head, when Lincoln was elected in 1860, South Carolina issued its Declaration of the Causes of Secession. They believed that Lincoln was anti-slavery and in favour of the North. This seemed unnecessary since the seven states already left the union. Since colonial times throughout the 1700s, many ideas erupted that could lead up to the Civil war. The American Revolution could easily be cast into the causes of the war. The American Revolution was the biggest war fought on America soil before the Civil War. This war could easily add to the causes because if the United States hadnt of fought, then there wouldnt be a need to fight the Civil War. Revolution could easily be cast into the causes of the war. The American Revolution was the biggest war fought on American soil before the Civil War. This war could easily add to the causes because if the United States hadnt of fought, then there wouldnt be a need to fight the Civil War.

Economic causes of a war Paul Kennedy wrote: War, to put it bluntly, would support war. By confiscation of feudal properties in crown and defeated countries; by spoils taken directly from enemys armies, garrisons, museums and treasuries, by imposing war indemnities in money or in kind... Because it was named among the reasons - the main reason for the outbreak of war. The Earth as minerals, energy resources like oil and land area has always been an attractive element of the State the state to fight. John Collins wrote: national interest in natural resources and raw materials shape international relationships ... David Hume, wrote in his essay; nothing is more usual, Among Which states have made advances in commerce Azure, than to look on the progress of THEIR neighbors with a suspicious eye, to consider all trading states as THEIR Rivals ... As an example was during the war, Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990. Saddam is seen trying to make Iraq a new world power when the control 20% of world oil resources there. Factors such as the oil resources of this country to make big power like the United States was willing to fight to ensure they have sufficient supplies as evidenced during Operation Iraqi Freedom. They are willing to spend almost USD 17.7 billion for sending and maintaining troops in the Gulf region in 1991. Even President Carter in his speech dated 15 July 1979 had recommended a 10year program is valued at USD 140 billion to reduce U.S. dependence on oil resources in foreign markets. Another example can be taken is that of France. By capturing the State - Country neighbors, Napoleon not only a return to double and even generate the financial integrity of France and to his own. While the Japanese made a profit when captured in Korea since World War Two to resources natural resources such as coal , iron ore and other - other natural resources include hydroelectric power in the area there. Oil is a valuable asset this period and in the first period. William K Whiteford, chairman, Gulf Corp. Once said; ... Thats gasoline you smell in there. You can not buy any perfume in the world that smells as sweet. It is important for us to know that other than power, money is another important thing that can bring peoples into turbulance. People can do things beyond their expectations. Just because of some amount of money, they can kill among each other.

Politics and International relations and its cause of a war A stable and peaceful political environment is important to a country in order to make sure there wont be any probability of having a war. A war can start in a country between peoples having different understandings or ideologies. Other than that, it also can start between two countries or more. In order to understand this political aspect, we may look to the war that happened in Afghanistan. Political upheaval in Afghanistan has taken a long time. The upheaval never stops along the history. Even though the civilization in Afghanistan already exists since 11000 years ago, the political turbulence there seems like doesnt has it ends. During early of 19th century, political upheaval in this territory became more critical as two modern political powers in the world i.e. Britain and Russia clashed. At that time a man appear to become a leader and his appearance brought big troubles for Britain to have their control over Afghanistan. That man was Dost Muhammad from Kabul. Apart of him, there were few more leaders that have been making Britains attempt on capturing Afghanistan a very hard job to be done. The upheaval continued until the 20th century. Along the time, there were none of outside political powers that can really have their control over Afghanistan. The hard times facing those opponents made Britain and Russia move off of that country. The upheaval during that time focused on clash of ideologies between liberalisation that brought in Western thoughts with traditionalist who fight for bringing back Islamic ruling system. The clash also came with tribal feud that already happened since long time ago. Muhammad Daud Khan is the Prime Minister of Afghanistan since 1953 until 1963. He tried to bring modern values from the West including the secular system into the local political system. Local women that cant freely exposed to the outside world before, but changed during Dauds ruling era. Some of them are also chosen to become the member of the parliament. What Daud has done brought unfavourable the pious scholars who had their controls over people from rural areas. Even though there were movement against his ruling, Daud received support and assistance from Russia. Daud did resigned from his post resulted from Pakistans pressure over border issues but he made a comeback after defeating King Zahir Shah. During his ruling, modern value system includes economical secularisation and liberation implemented radically. At the same time a new political party called Peoples Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) turned up to bring a new side reformation. Daud was killed in 1978 in a coup by military forces planned by PDPA. Behind was Soviet union. Reformation by PDPA was done in a rough way, especially when it comes to possesion of land and custom issues as well as touching muslim affairs. As result, muslim radical organizations and

traditionalist launched their confront towards PDPA. PDPA gave harsh oppression for that confrontation towards them. This has made PDPA opponents, Including the Islamic party ran out of Afghanistan and launched their campaign from Pakistan. The assasination of President Nur Muhammad Taraki of PDPA in September 1979 had changed the political climate in Afghanistan. His successor, President Hafizullah Amin tried to take Afghanistan out of Soviet control. This had resulted Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, killing Amin and replace him with the Soviet puppet, Babrak Kamal. Soviet Union has led to the birth of Mujahiddin groups. These groups fought against the Soviet for over ten years. Finally the Soviet lost and moved out of Afghanistan in 1989.

Effects of war It is estimated that 378 000 people died due to war each year between 1985 and 1994. Today, for Iraq alone, there has been over a million deaths as a direct consequence of the American occupation of Iraq.

Effects on soldiers Based on 1860 census figures, 8% of all white American males aged 13 to 43 died in the American Civil War including 6% in the North and 18% in the South. Of the 60 million European soldiers who were mobilized in World War I, 8 million were killed, 7 million were permanently disabled, and 15 million were seriously injured. During napoleons retreat from Moscow, more French soldiers died of typhus than were killed by the Russians. Felix Markham thinks that 450,000 crossed the Neman on 25 June 1812, of whom less than 40,000 recrossed in anything like a recognizable military formation. More soldiers were killed from 15001914 by typhus than from all military action during that time combined. In addition, if it were not for the modern medical advances there would be thousands of more dead from disease and infection.

Effects on civillians Many wars have been accompanied by significant depopulations. During the Thirty Years War in Europe, for example, the population of the German states was reduced by about 30%.The Swedish armies alone may have destroyed up to 2,000 castles, 18,000 villages and 1,500 towns in Germany, one-third of all German towns. Estimates for the total casualities of World war II vary, but most suggest that some 60 million people died in the war, including about 20 million soldiers and 40 million civilians.The Soviet

Union lost around 27 million during the war, about half of all World War II casualties.The largest number of civilian deaths in a single city was 1.2 million citizens dead during the 872-day Siege of Leningrad.

Effects on the economy Once a war has ended, losing nations are sometimes required to pay war reparations to the victorious nations. In certain cases, land is ceded to the victorious nations. For example, the territory of Alsace-Lorraine has been traded between France and Germany on three different occasions. Typically speaking, war becomes very intertwined with the economy and many wars are partially or entirely based on economic reasons such as the American Civil War. In some cases war has stimulated a country's economy (World War II is often credited with bringing America out of the Great Depression) but in many cases, such as the wars of Louis XIV, the Franco Prussian, and World War I, warfare serves only to damage the economy of the countries involved. For example, Russia's involvement in World War I took such a toll on the Russian economy that it almost collapsed and greatly contributed to the start of the Russian Revolution of 1917.

War: New Webster's Dictionary - Modern Desk Ed. Illinois: Delair Publishing, 1975. Hoyt, Tim. Sun Tzu and The Art of War. Internet:

http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/DiplomacyWorld/hoyt2 Clausewitz On War. Internet: http://www.pvv.ntnu.no/~madsb/home/war/artofwar/definition.php Stephen Van Evera. (1999). Causes of War: Power and the Roots of Conflict. Cornell University Press.

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