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Greek Finite Verb Endings Person and Number distinguishing features 1 sg. 1 pl. 2 sg. 2 pl. 3 sg. 3 pl. PRIMARY ACTIVE ENDINGS I-A-pr Prehistoric1 1 sg. 2 sg. 3 sg. 1 pl. 2 pl. 3 pl. I-A-ath Athematic2 1 sg. 2 sg. 3 sg. 1 pl. 2 pl. 3 pl. Tenses: Pres. Indic. Act. of verbs I-A-them Them3 1 sg. 2 sg. 3 sg. 1 pl. 2 pl. 3 pl. Tenses: Pres. Indic. Act. of verbs; Future of all verbs. I-A-Subj Subj4 1 sg. 2 sg. 3 sg. 1 pl. 2 pl. 3 pl. Tenses: Pres., Aor., Pf. Subj. Act. of all verbs; also Aor. Subj. Passive

I-A-pr Prehistoric: These endings correspond to those found in other ancient Indo-European languages and are the starting-points for explaining the historical forms. Note the characteristic -marker of the primary active added the the person/number signs in all forms except the 1st and 2nd persons plural. I-A-ath Athematic: These endings are attached directly to present stems ending in vowels. 3 sg.: Prehistoric has become (Indo-European followed by or becomes ). 2 sg.: The secondary active ending has replaced to distinguish this from the 3 sg. ending. 3 pl.: Here too before has become , yielding ; then the which falls between the vowel of the verb-stem and changes to its vocalic equivalent , yielding . I-A-them Thematic: These endings result from combination of the thematic vowel with the prehistoric endings, appearing before and , appearing elsewhere. 1 sg.: Here instead of we find the thematic vowel lengthens to . 3 sg.: The of the older becomes , yielding ; then the invervocalic evanesces, leaving as the ending. 2 sg.: Here too the of evanesced, yielding ; in order to distinguish this from the 3 sg. ending, the secondary active ending was added (compare athematic 2 sg. above), yielding . 3 pl.:As in the 3 sg., so here the of changed to , yielding ; then between and evanesced and the was compensatorily lengthened to , yielding . I-A-Subj Subjunctive: Here the thematic vowel appears in lengthened form as . 3 sg.: loses intervocalic ; then and contract, yielding . 2 sg.: As in the indicative thematic endings, the secondary active ending is added to the form resulting form loss of intervocalic and contraction of and , yielding . 3 pl.: became , then lost between and , yielding .


Greek Finite Verb Endings Person and Number distinguishing features 1 sg. 1 pl. 2 sg. 2 pl. 3 sg. 3 pl. PRIMARY MIDDLE-PASSIVE ENDINGS I-MP-Athematic5 1 sg. 2 sg. 3 sg. 1 pl. 2 pl. 3 pl. Tenses: Present and Perf. M-P Indic. of verbs; (Perf. of all verbs)

I-MP-Them-Indic.6 1 sg. 2 sg. 3 sg. 1 pl. 2 pl. 3 pl. Tenses: Pres. Indic. MP of verbs, Fut. M-P Indicative of all verbs

I-MP-Them-Fut.P7 1 sg. 2 sg. 3 sg. 1 pl. 2 pl. 3 pl. Tenses: Future Indicative Passive of all verbs

I-MP-Them-Subj8 1 sg. 2 sg. 3 sg. 1 pl. 2 pl. 3 pl. Tenses: Present M-P Subj. of all verbs, Aor. Middle Subj. of all verbs

7 8

I-MP-Athematic: These are the prehistoric endings, preserved intact in conjugation of the verbs in the Present Middle-Passive and Perfect Middle-Passive Indicative. Endings are attached directly to vowel-stems, but in the Perfect Middle-Passive, a consonant stem will assimilate to its ending. 6 I-MP-Them-Indicative: These endings result from combination of the thematic vowel with the original endings ( appearing before or - ; appearing in all other instances. 2 sg.: Intervocalic evanesces from , then and contract into a diphthong normally spelled , although the earlier spelling is not infrequently seen. I-MP-Them Future Passive: These endings are simply forms combining the or passive marker with the I-MP-Them-Indicative endings. I-MP-Them Subjunctive: Here the thematic vowel appears in the lengthened form as . 2 sg.: Intervocalic evanesces from ; then the vowels are contracted, yielding .


II-A-Athematic9 1 sg. 2 sg. 3 sg. 1 pl. 2 pl. 3 pl. Tenses: Imperfect Indic. Act. of verbs, Aorist Indic. Active of Athem. Verbs, Aorist Indic. Pass. of all verbs

SECONDARY ACTIVE ENDINGS II-A-Alpha Aorist10 II-A-Pluperfect11 1 sg. 1 sg. 2 sg. 2 sg. 3 sg. 3 sg. 1 pl. 1 pl. 2 pl. 2 pl. 3 pl. 3 pl. Tenses: I Aorist Indic. Tense: Pluperfect Active, Aorist Indic. Indic. Active of all Active of aorist verbs verbs

II-A-Thematic12 1 sg. 2 sg. 3 sg. 1 pl. 2 pl. 3 pl. Tenses: Imperfect Indic. Active of verbs, Aorist Indic. Active of II Aorist thematic stems

II-A-Athematic: These endings are attached directly to stems ending in a vowel. 1 sg.: Indo-European final always becomes Greek -n following a vowel. 2 sg.: The more ancient ending is seen in the imperfect and pluperfect of some irregular verbs, as in . 3 sg.: Indo-European final is always lost, leaving the vowel stem only as the 3 sg. verb form. 3 pl.: Indo-European final is lost here also in the ending found in some Homeric and older forms. In the historical period, the taken from the I Aorist Active 3 pl. ending has become standard. 10 II-A-Alpha Aorist: These endings have evolved from combinations of stems ending in a consonant and the 1 sg. ending and 3 pl. ending , the and vocalizing into an which then became standard in all forms except the 3 sg., where the is apparently carried over from the thematic 3 sg. ending. 1 sg.: The primitive final has vocalized to following the consonant stem. 3 pl.: The primitive final has vocalized into following the consonant stem; then the final was lost as elsewhere. The form in is actually a primary ending, as the perfect is, properly speaking, a primary tense: here the combines with the 3 pl. primary ending to yield . 11 II-A-Pluperfect: These forms derive from combinations of a perfect stem in with alpha-endings in the singular, athematic endings in the plural. Hellenistic variants in the 1 sg. and 2 sg. developed from the 3 sg. ending to bring a superficial regularity to the entire set of endings; sometimes the element is found in the plural forms also in Hellenistic texts. 1 sg.: The is a contraction of the perfect stem in and the 1 sg. alpha ending. The Hellenistic form is formed by analogy with the 3 sg. form, viewed as a stem to which the athematic 1 sg. is added. 2 sg.: Here too the is a contraction of and the 2 sg. alpha ending. The Hellenistic form is constructed in the same way as the 1 sg.: athematic 2 sg. is added to the stem. 3 sg.: The is a contraction of perfect stem in and the 3 sg. alpha ending. 1, 2, 3 pl.: These endings are simple combinations of perfect stem in with athematic endings. 12 II-A-Thematic: These endings result from combination of the thematic vowel with the primitive endings. 1 sg.: The primitive following became as in the athematic ending. 3 sg.: The primitive fell away as a final consonant, leaving the thematic vowel as the ending. 3 pl.: Here too the final of the primitive ending fell away, leaving as the historical 3 pl. thematic ending.


SECONDARY ACTIVE ENDINGS (CONTINUED) II-A-Athem. Opt.13 1 sg. 2 sg. 3 sg. 1 pl. 2 pl. 3 pl. Tenses: Present Optative Active of verbs, Aor. Optative Active of Athem. Aorist stems

IIAAlphaAor.Opt.14 1 sg. 2 sg. 3 sg. 1 pl. 2 pl. 3 pl. Tense: I Aor. Optative Active

II-AAor.Pass.Opt.15 1 sg. 2 sg. 3 sg. 1 pl. 2 pl. 3 pl. Tense: Aorist Optative Passive of all verbs

II-A-Them.Opt.16 1 sg. 2 sg. 3 sg. 1 pl. 2 pl. 3 pl. Tenses: Present Optative Active of verbs, Aor. Opt. Act. of them. aorist stems; Perf. Opt. Act. of all verbs

II-A-Athematic Opt.: These forms are combinations of the optative marker with the athematic endings. In the 3 pl. the optative sign is weakened from to before the original ending, from which the final was lost. A variant 3 pl. form is sometimes seen which combines with the 3 pl. athematic ending to yield . 14 II-A-Alpha Aorist Optative: These endings derive from combination of the alpha stem, the shorter optative marker and the secondary active endings. In the 2 sg., 3 sg. and 3 pl. a second type is more commonly found; it consists of an optative sign to which alpha aorist personal endings have been added. 15 II-A-Aor. Pass. Optative: These forms are clearly simple combinations of the passive marker and the athematic optative endings. 16 II-A-Thematic Optative: These forms are combinations of the thematic vowel , the shorter optative sign and the same secondary active endings seen in the alpha aorist optative. The alternate forms in the 1 sg., 2 sg.., 3 sg., and 3 pl. are commonly used with thematic contract verbs with stems in , and , yielding , , and by contraction with and stems, and , , and by contraction with stems.


SECONDARY MIDDLE-PASSIVE ENDINGS II-MP-Athematic17 II-MP-Alpha Aor.18 1 sg. 1 sg. 2 sg. 2 sg. 3 sg. 3 sg. 1 pl. 1 pl. 2 pl. 2 pl. 3 pl. 3 pl. Tenses: Imperf. Indic. Tenses: I Aorist MP of verbs, Aorist Indicative Middle Indic. M of Athem. Aor. stems; Pluperf. Indic. MP of all verbs
17 18

II-MP-Thematic19 1 sg. 2 sg. 3 sg. 1 pl. 2 pl. 3 pl. Tenses: Imperf.Indic.MP of verbs; Aor. Indic. M of 2 Aor.them. stems

II-MP-Athematic: These endings are attached directly to stems ending in a vowel. II-MP-Alpha Aorist: These endings are all constructed on the alpha stem which had already become standardized throughout the secondary active forms. The alpha stem is combined with the original athematic endings. 2 sg.: Intervocalic in the earlier form has evanesced, after which the adjacent vowels contracted into . 19 II-MP-Thematic: These endings result from combination of the thematic vowel with the original athematic endings. 2 sg.: As in the secondary alpha aorist forms, so here too intervocalic in the earlier form has evanesced, after which the adjacent vowels contracted into . II-MP-Ath. Opt.20 1 sg. 2 sg. 3 sg. 1 pl. 2 pl. 3 pl. Tenses: Imperf. Opt. MP of verbs, Aor. Opt. M of Athem. Aor. stems II-MP-Alpha Opt.21 II-MP-Them. Opt.22 1 sg. 1 sg. 2 sg. 2 sg. 3 sg. 3 sg. 1 pl. 1 pl. 2 pl. 2 pl. 3 pl. 3 pl. Tenses: I Aor. Indic. M Tenses: Pres. Opt. MP of verbs; Fut. Opt. M of 2 Aor. them. stems


II-MP-Athematic Opt.: These forms are combinations of the shorter optative marker with the athematic secondary MP endings. 2 sg.: Here again intervocalic has evanesced. 21 II-MP-Alpha Optative: These forms are combinations of the standardized alpha stem and the athematic optative endings. Here too intervocalic has evanesced from an earlier form . 22 II-MP-Them. Opt.: These forms are combinations of the thematic vowel and the athematic optative endings. Here too intervocalic has evanesced from an earlier form .


Greek Imperative Endings ACTIVE ENDINGS (A-ath-imp) Athematic23 (A-alph-imp) Alpha Aorist24 (A-them-imp) Thematic25 2 sg. 2 sg. 2 sg. 3 sg. 3 sg. 3 sg. 2 pl. 2 pl. 2 pl. 3 pl. 3 pl. 3 pl. Tenses: Present Imptv Act. of Tenses: I Aor. Imptv Act. of Tenses: Present Imperative Act. verbs; Aor. Imptv Act. of verbs; Aor. Imptv act. of them. of verbs. athem. aor. stems; Aor. Imptv aor. stems; Perf. Imptv Act of Pass. of all verbs; Perf. Imptv most verbs. Act. of a few verbs.

(A-ath-imp) Athematic: These endings are attached directly to athematic vowel stems. 2 sg.: Stems in have no ending at all, as and . Stems in and add an ending to form the 2 sg. Aorist Imperative Active, as and . Stems in and in consonants add , as and . Aorist passive stems add , but by the phonological principle of dissimilation of aspirates, the of is muted to , yielding as the actual ending. 3 pl.: The variant ending is clearly a combination of the 3 sg. ending and the secondary active 3 pl. ending. 24 (A-alph-imp) Alpha Aorist: These endings are combinations of the alpha stem and the athematic imperative endings. 2 sg.: The ending is of obscure origin. 25 (A-them-imp) Thematic: These endings are combinations of the thematic vowel and the athematic imperative endings. MIDDLE-PASSIVE ENDINGS (MP-ath-imp) Athem.26 (M-alph-imp) Alpha Aor,27 (MP-them-imp)Them28 2 sg. 2 sg. 2 sg. 3 sg. 3 sg. 3 sg. 2 pl. 2 pl. 2 pl. 3 pl. 3 pl. 3 pl. Tenses: Pres. Imptv MP of Tenses: I Aor. Imptv M stems. Tenses: Pres. Imptv MP of verbs; Aor. Imptv M of athem. verbs; Aor. Imptv M of them. aor. stems; Perf. Imptv MP of all aor. stems. verbs.
26 27

(MP-ath-imp) Athematic: These endings are attached directly to athematic vowel stems. (M-alph-imp) Alpha Aorist: These endings are combinations of the standardized alpha stem and athematic MP endings. 2 sg.: The ending is of obscure origin. 28 (MP-them-imp) Thematic: These endings are combinations of the thematic vowel and the athematic MP endings. 2 sg.: Intervocalic in the earlier form evanesced; then the adjacent vowels contracted: to .


Greek Infinitive Endings ACTIVE ENDINGS (A-ath-inf) Ath. Act. Tenses: Pres. Infin. Act. of i verbs; Aor. Infin. Pass. of all verbs. (A-pf-Inf) Perf. Act. Tenses: Perf. Infin. Act. of all verbs; Aor. Infin. Act. of athemataic aor. stems (A-alph-inf)Alph.Aor. Tense: 1 Aor. Infin. Active (A-them-inf) Them. Tense: Pres. Infin. Act. of verbs; Fut. Infin. Act. of all verbs; Aor. Infin. Act. of them. aor. stems.

MIDDLE-PASSIVE ENDINGS (MP-ath-inf) Athem. (M-alph-inf) Alph. Aor. (MP-them-inf) Them. Tenses: Pres. Infin. MP of verbs; Fut. Infin. M of all verbs; Fut. infin. P of all verbs; Aor. Infin. M of them. aorist stems.

Tenses: Pres. Infin. MP Tense: 1 Aorist Infinitive Middle. of verbs; Aor. Infin. M athem. aor. stems; Perf. Infin. MP of all verbs.

Greek Participial Endings ACTIVE ENDINGS (A-ath-ptc) Athem. Declension nom. sg. m. nom. sg. f. nom. sg. n. g. sg.m.n. dat. pl.m.n Tenses: Pres. Ptc. Act. of verbs; Aor. Ptc. Act. of athem. aor. stems; Aor. Ptc. Pass. of all verbs (A-alph-ptc)AlphaAor (A-pf-ptc) Perf. Act Declension nom. sg. m. nom. sg. f. nom. sg. n. g. sg.m.n. Declension nom. sg. m. nom. sg. f. nom. sg. n. g. sg.m.n. (A-them-ptc) Them. Declension nom. sg. m. nom. sg. f. nom. sg. n. g. sg.m.n. dat. pl.m.n Tenses: Pres. Ptc. Act. of verbs; Fut. Ptc. Act. of all verbs; Aor. Ptc. Act. of them. aor. stems.

dat. pl.m.n dat. pl.m.n Tenses: Pres. Ptc. Act. of Tense: Perf. Ptc. Act. of athematic stems in ; all verbs Aor. Ptc. of alpha stems.

MIDDLE-PASSIVE ENDINGS (MP-ath-ptc) Athematic (M-alph-ptc) Alpha Aorist (MP-them-ptc)Thematic Tenses: Pres. Ptc. MP of verbs; Fut. Ptc. M of all verbs; Aor. Ptc. M of athem. aor. stgems.

Tenses: Pres. Ptc. MP of verbs; Tense: 1 Aor. Ptc. M of alpha Aor. Ptc. M of athem. aor. stems; aorist stems. Perf. Ptc. MP of all verbs.


The Six Tense Systems of the Greek Verb: Formation and Synopsis Major Types of Greek Verbs, illustrated with principle parts: (in what follows, the principal parts of those verbs showing the peculiarities characteristic of their type are printed in bold characters) (a) Regular Thematic Verbs

(b) Contract Thematic Verbs

(c) Athematic or -mi Verbs

(d) Liquid Thematic Verbs

(e) Thematic Second Aorist, Second Perfect (i.e. w/o characteristic -ka ending)

(f) Athematic Second Aorist (or "Third Aorist")

(g) Second Future, Second Passive

C. W. Conrad, Overview of the Ancient Greek Verb. Carl W. Conrad, 2004


I. PRESENT SYSTEM (PRESENT AND IMPERFECT TENSES, ACTIVE AND MIDDLEPASSIVE) 2 types: Regular Thematic including Contract Verbs Athematic or Verbs A. Regular Thematic including Contract Verbs29 P RESENT STEM: from first principal part: from from from from RULES FOR FORMATION AND SYNOPSIS (3rd singular) ACTIVE VOICE Stem + I-A-Them endings Stem + I-A-Sub endings Stem + II-A-Thematic Optative endings Stem + A-them-imp endings Stem + A-them-inf ending Stem + A-them-ptc endings Augment + Stem + II-A-Them endings MIDDLE-PASSIVE VOICE Stem + I-MP-Them-Indicative endings Stem + I-MP-Them-Subjunctive endings Stem + II-MP-Them. Opt. endings Stem + MP-them-imp endings Stem + MP them-inf ending Stem + MP-them-ptc endings Augment + Stem + II-MP-Thematic endings

Present Indicative Present Subjunctive Present Optative Present Imperative Present Infinitive Present Participle Imperfect Indicative

29 NOTE: Contract verbs are thematic, but

of stems contracts with vowels of the mood infix (

as follows: + =

+ =

oi oi

+ =

C. W. Conrad, Overview of the Ancient Greek Verb. Carl W. Conrad, 2004



B. Athematic ( P RESENT STEM: from first principal part: from

) Verbs

NOTE: Athematic stems have long-vowel and short-vowel forms. The long-vowel stem appears in the singular of the indicative active tenses, the short-vowel stem in most other places. Note also that in the imperfect singular, some athematic verbs have partly assimilated to the thematic forms of inflection: . RULES FOR FORMATION AND SYNOPSIS (3rd plural) ACTIVE VOICE Stem + I-A-Athematic endings Stem + I-A-Subjunctive endings Stem + II-A-Athematic Optative endings Stem + A-ath-imp endings (Hellenistic) Stem + A-ath-inf ending Stem + A-ath-ptc endings Augm + Stem + II-A-Athematic endings MIDDLE-PASSIVE VOICE Stem + I-MP-Athematic endings Stem + I-MP-Them-Subjunctive endings Stem + II-MP-Athematic Opt. endings Stem + MP-ath-imp endings (Hellenistic) Stem + MP ath-inf ending Stem + MP-ath-ptc endings Augment + Stem + II-MP-Athematic endings

Present Indicative Present Subjunctive Present Optative Present Imperative Present Infinitive Present Participle Imperfect Indicative

II. FUTURE SYSTEM (FUTURE TENSE, ACTIVE AND MIDDLE) F UTURE STEM: from second principal part: from from from


RULES FOR FORMATION AND SYNOPSIS (1st plural) ACTIVE VOICE Stem + I-A-Thematic endings Stem + II-A-Thematic Optative endings Stem + A-them-inf ending Stem + A-them-ptc endings MIDDLE-PASSIVE VOICE Stem + I-MP-Them-Indicative endings Stem + II-MP-Them. Opt. endings Stem + MP-them-inf ending Stem + MP-them-ptc endings

Future Indicative Future Optative Future Infinitive Future Participle

30 Note that liquid verbs follow the pattern of typical e-stem contractions observed in the conjugation of

verbs in

the present tense. So also do verbs (e.g. ) 31 Note that some verbs with -stems have a future following the pattern of example: from .

verbs in the present tense, as for

C. W. Conrad, Overview of the Ancient Greek Verb. Carl W. Conrad, 2004



III. AORIST SYSTEM (AORIST TENSE, ACTIVE AND MIDDLE) 3 types: First or Sigmatic Aorist Second or Thematic Aorist Third or Athematic "Second" Aorist A. First or Sigmatic Aorist F IRST AORIST S TEM: from third principal part: from from RULES FOR FORMATION AND SYNOPSIS (1st plural) ACTIVE VOICE Augm+ Stem + II-A-Alpha Aor. endings Stem + I-A-Subjunctive endings Stem + II-A-Alpha Aorist Opt endings Stem + A-alph-imp endings (3 sg.) Stem + A-alph-inf ending Stem + A-alph-ptc ( ) endings MIDDLE-PASSIVE VOICE Augment + Stem + II-MP-Alpha Aor. endings Stem + I-MP-Them-Subjunctive endings Stem + II-MP-Alpha Optative endings Stem + MP-alph-imp endings (3 sg.) Stem + MP-alph-inf ending Stem + MP-alph-ptc endings

Aorist Indicative Aorist Subjunctive Aorist Optative Aorist Imperative Aorist Infinitive Aorist Participle

B. Second Aorist, Thematic Type S ECOND AORIST STEM: from third principal part: from RULES FOR FORMATION AND SYNOPSIS (2nd sg.) ACTIVE VOICE MIDDLE-PASSIVE VOICE Augm + Stem + II-A-Thematic endings Augment + Stem + II-MP-Thematic endings Stem + I-A-Subjunctive endings Stem + II-A-Thematic Optative endings Stem + A-them-imp endings tem + A-them-inf ending Stem + A-them-ptc (o-nt) endings Stem + I-MP-Them-Subjunctive endings Stem + II-MP-Them. Opt. endings Stem + MP-them-imp endings Stem + MP-them-inf ending Stem + MP-them-ptc endings

Aorist Indicative Aorist Subjunctive Aorist Optative Aorist Imperative Aorist Infinitive Aorist Participle

32 Note: liquid verbs have lost medial sigma between liquid and alpha; loss of the sigma is usually indicated by

compensatory lengthening of the vowel preceding the liquid-sigma complex. So, e.g., the stem understood as deriving from ; with loss of the , the lengthened into .

is to be

C. W. Conrad, Overview of the Ancient Greek Verb. Carl W. Conrad, 2004



C. Third or Athematic "Second" Aorist THIRD AORIST S TEM: from third principal part from from from RULES FOR FORMATION AND SYNOPSIS (3 sg.) ACTIVE VOICE MIDDLE-PASSIVE VOICE Augm + Stem + II-A-Athematic endings Augment + Stem + II-MP-Athematic endings Stem + I-A-Subjunctive endings (contr.) Stem + I-MP-Them-Subjunctive endings (contr.)

Aorist Indicative Aorist Subjunctive Aorist Optative Aorist Imperative Aorist Infinitive Aorist Participle

Stem + A-ath-imp endings Stem + A-ath-inf ending (contr.) Stem + A-ath-ptc ( ) endings

Stem + MP-athem-imp endings Stem + MP-athem-inf ending Stem + MP-ath-ptc endings

IV. PERFECT ACTIVE SYSTEM (PERFECT AND PLUPERFECT TENSES, ACTIVE) P ERFECT ACTIVE S TEM: from fourth principal part (First Perfect): (Second Perfect): from from

RULES FOR FORMATION AND SYNOPSIS (3 pl.) MOOD Indicative Subjunctive Optative Imperataive Infinitive Participle Pluperfect Indicative RULES FOR FORMATION Stem + II-A-Alpha Aorist endings34 Stem + I-A-Subjunctive endings Stem + II-A-Thematic Opt endings Stem + A-them-imp endings Stem + A-pf-Inf ending Stem + A-pf-ptc endings Augm + Stem + II-A-Plupf endings FIRST PERFECT SECOND PERFECT

33 Note: these athematic stems have long-vowel forms that tend to appear in the indicative and short-vowel 34 Note that since this is a primary tense, the third plural ending is

forms that tend to appear elsewhere, contracted in the subjunctive and also in the active infinitive. (not ).

C. W. Conrad, Overview of the Ancient Greek Verb. Carl W. Conrad, 2004




( ( (

) assimilated) assimilated)

RULES FOR FORMATION AND SYNOPSIS (2 sg.) MOOD Perfect Indicative Perfect Subjunctive Perfect Optative Perfect Imperative Perfect Infinitive Perfect Participle Pluperfect Indicative PERFECT MIDDLE Stem + I-MP-Athematic endings (but 3 pl.: plural participle + Perfect MP Participle + Subj. of (etc.) Perfect MP Participle + Opt. of em (etc.) Stem + MP-ath-imp endings Stem + MP-ath-inf ending Stem + MP-ath-ptc endings Augm. + Stem + II-MP-Ath endings FUTURE PERFECT MIDDLE Stem + I-MP-Them-Indicative endings None Stem + II-MP-Them-Opt. endings None Stem + MP-them-inf ending Stem + MP-them-ptc endings

35 Note that in the perfect middle a consonant-stem assimilates to the consonant of the ending. 36 Note that in the perfect MP infinitive a consonant-stem assimilates to the of the infinitive ending

while the

is squeezed out phonetically. syllable.

37 Note that in the perfect MP participle the accent is always on the

C. W. Conrad, Overview of the Ancient Greek Verb. Carl W. Conrad, 2004



VI. PASSIVE SYSTEM (AORIST AND FUTURE TENSES, PASSIVE) AORIST P ASSIVE S TEM: (First Passive): (Second Passive): F UTURE P ASSIVE S TEM: (First Future Passive): (Second Future Passive): RULES FOR FORMATION AND SYNOPSIS (3 sg.) MOOD Indicative Subjunctive Optative Imperative Infinitive Participle AORIST PASSIVE Augm + Stem + II-A-Athem endings Stem + I-A-Subj endings Stem + II-Aor. Pass. Optative endings Stem + A-ath-imp endings 39 Stem + A-ath-inf ending Stem + A-ath-ptc endings FUTURE PASSIVE FP Stem + I-MP-Them-Indicative endings None FP Stem + II-MP-Them-Optative endings None FP Stem + MP-them-inf ending FP Stem + MP-them-ptc endings from sixth principle part: from from AORIST P ASSIVE S TEM + s

38 Note that the passive stem has a long-vowel form which appears in the indicative, imperative, and infinitive -39 Note that in the second singular imperative

and a short-vowel form which appears in the subjunctive , optative, and participle. becomes after the passive marker (i.e.

C. W. Conrad, Overview of the Ancient Greek Verb. Carl W. Conrad, 2004

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