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Stuful - Aurul verde Reed - the Green Gold

Datorit nsuirilor sale fizice stuful reprezint un material de construcie ideal: Acesta este uor, dar, n acelai timp, stabil. Aerul din i dintre firele de stuf asigur o izolaie termic i fonic deosebit, asigurnd astfel un confort ridicat i poate fi uor combinat cu alte marteriale de construcie cum ar fi lutul, lemnul i cimentul. Aceste caliti l face apreciat i n arhitectura modern. n acest cadru materialele prefabricate din stuf i-au dovedit eficacitatea, combinnd calitile fizice cu cele ecologice. Producerea acestor materiale necesit un consum redus de energie i are loc fr utilizarea unor componente chimice, fr emisii i reziduuri; Plcile pot fi transformate n compost. Exemplele din Austria i Germania au demonstrat c folosirea stufului n construcii nu este depait ci din contr, ea reprezint o technologie orientat spre viitor. n cazul Deltei Dunrii folosirea acestui material poate oferi, culturii tradiionale un impuls economic i ecologic n direcia dezvoltrii durabile.
Ideea acestei expoziii a aprut n timpul unei ntalniri ntre experi din Romania i Austria ce a avut loc la Lacul Neusiedl/Austria n cadrul proiectului Delta Dunrii Peisajul anilor 2007-2009, iniiativ care aparine Prietenilor Naturii Internaional i Prietenilor Naturii Romania. Dorim s adresm MULUMIRI deosebite tuturor celor care au contribuit cu expertiz, fotografii i materiale de expunere: Grupului de Tehnolgie Aplicat (GrAT, Vienna; www.grat.at), D-lui. Rudolf Denk (Neusiedl, A), HISS Company (www.hiss-reet.com), Muzeului Etnografic i de Art Popular din Tulcea.

The idea to this exhibition came up during a meeting of Romanian and Austrian reed experts at Lake Neusiedl/Austria in the framework of Danube delta Landscape of the Year 2007-2009, an initiative of Naturefriends International and Romanian Naturefriends. Special thanks to all those who contributed expertise, photos and exhibits : the Group of Applied Technology (GrAT, Vienna; www.grat.at), HISS company (www. hiss-reet.com), Mr. Rudolf Denk (Neusiedl, A), the Folk Art and Ethnographic Museum of Tulcea, Danube Delta National Institute

Due to its physical characteristics reed is an ideal construction material: It is firm, but light; it keeps the warmth and absorbs the sound and it can be perfectly combined with other materials like loam, lime, wood or concrete. This makes it also attractive for modern architecture. There, prefabricated building units made of reed have proven their worth, combining high living comfort with ecological qualities: They are produced without chemical additives, emissions or waste, using little energy. And they are easily disposed by composting. The Austrian and German examples demonstrate that building with reed is not out of date, but on the contrary, a future-oriented and trendsetting technology. In the case of Danube delta it might give traditional culture and knowledge an inspiring economical and ecological impulse towards a sustainable future.

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Utilizarea tradiional i inovativ a stufului Traditional and Innovative Use of Reed

Aurul verde / The Green Gold

Ca nici o alt resurs natural, stuful este parte integrant din ecologia i economia Deltei Dunrii att ca habitat important i plant purificatoare natural pe de o parte ct i ca materie prim versatil pe de alt parte fapt ce se reflect foarte bine n arhitectura tradiional. Dei stuful de nalt calitate bun pentru confecionarea acoperiurilor de stuf este nc un produs valoros pentru export, utilizarea tradiional i industrial a stufului din delt este n declin. Astzi, zone ntinse de stuf de calitate redus, neexportabil, nu sunt recoltate ca nainte i pturile de stuf btrn i mort amenin stabilitatea ecologic a deltei. Atunci cnd ne gndim, deci, la dezvoltarea durabil n Delta Dunrii, o ntrebare cheie este: Cum poate resursa regenerabil stuful fi convertit ntr-un produs de succes att n beneficiul ecologiei deltei ct i al economiei locale?

Like no other natural resource, reed forms part of the ecology and economy of the Danube delta - as important habitat and natural clarification plant on the one hand and as a versatile raw material on the other, a fact that is well reflected in the traditional architecture. But whereas high-quality reed for thatching is still an important export commodity, the traditional and industrial use of reed in the delta has declined. Nowadays large areas of non-exportable low-quality reed are not harvested as before and the mass of old and dead reed endangers the deltas ecological stability, as it initiates an eutrophication and silting process. So, when thinking about a sustainable development of the Danube delta, a key question is: How could the renewable resource reed be converted in a successful product for the benefit of both the ecology and the local economy?

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Materiale de construcie prefabricate Prefabricated building material

In cadrul arhitecturii moderne, materialele de construcie prefabricate, realizate din stuf i-au dovedit eficacitatea: In modern architecture, prefabricated building units made of reed have proven their worth:

Placa granulat este realizat din granulat de stuf i clei de lemn i se produce la temperaturi ridicate. Acest produs se gsete i ntr-o variant adaptat sistemelor de nclzire. Utilizare: Baz pentru aplicarea mortarului, n interior i exterior, n special n spaiile greu accesibile. The Reed Granulate Panel is made of reed granulate and wood glue, baked under high temperature. Also as grooved panel to combine with wall heating systems. Utilization: plaster base, exterior and inside insulation, due to its easy handling especially for difficult-to-reach areas.

estur de stuf constituie baza ideal pentru aplicarea mortarului, datorit flexibilitii i a suprafeei aspre. Firele de stuf sunt legate cu srm zincat de 0,45 mm i o srm de ntrire de 0,7 mm. Spaiile create i suprafaa aspr constituie o bun baz de aderen a mortarului. Utilizare: Baz pentru aplicarea mortarului, n interior i exterior (potrivit ndeosebi pentru mortarul cu var i argil). The reed reinforcement is the perfect plaster base due to its bending strength and its rough/gravelly surface. The spears are bound with a 0.5 mm thick galvanized binding wire and a 0.7 mm thick galvanized cross wire. The hollow spaces and the rough surface of the reed provide an excellent surface of adhesion for plaster. Utilization: plaster base applicable for interior and exterior works (especially for loam and lime plaster).

Toate aceste exemple reprezint produsele societii HISS / All examples are products of the company HISS

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Materiale de construcie prefabricate Prefabricated building material

In cadrul arhitecturii moderne, materialele de construcie prefabricate, realizate din stuf i-au dovedit eficacitatea: In modern architecture, prefabricated building units made of reed have proven their worth: Perete din stuf reprezint un element natural pentru construcie uscat. n cazul acesta, stuful este presat ntre dou forme din lemn de brad iar apoi legat cu srm zincat de 2 mm. Utilizare: Pentru pereii despritori de interior care nu sunt perei de rezisten. Pot fi utilizai, de asemenea, n combinaie cu sistemele de nclzire prin perete. The Reed Wall is a natural dry construction element. The reed spears are pressed together tightly under pressure between two grooved fir forms and are bound with 2 mm thick galvanized wire. Utilization: mainly non-supporting partition wall for interior works. It can be perfectly combined with wall-heating systems.

Plac de stuf reprezint materialul de izolaie clasic realizat din stuf, utilizabil att pentru izolaia interioar, ct i pentru cea extrerioar sau pentru izolaia acoperiului. Plcile de stuf pot avea mrimi i niveluri calitative. Stuful este presat mecanic i legat cu srm metalic galvanizat de 2. Utilizare: Baz pentru mortar, izolaie interioar i exterioar, izolaie poduri, izolaie fonic; se poate utiliza n combinaie cu sistemele de nclzire din perete. The Reed Panel is the classical insulation material made of reed, applicable as interior, exterior or as roof insulation. There are panels of different qualities and dimensions. The reed spears are pressed together tightly under pressure between two grooved fir forms and are bound with 2 mm thick galvanized wire. Utilization: plaster base, exterior, inside and roof insulation, floor and footfall sound insulation. The panel can be perfectly combined with wall heating systems.

Toate aceste exemple reprezint produsele societii HISS / All examples are products of the company HISS

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Cercetare & dezvoltare Research & development

Grupul pentru Tehnologie Adaptat din Viena (GrAT) lucreaz, n cadrul unui proiect de cercetare, pentru dezvoltarea i optimizarea materialelor de construcie din stuf disponibile n prezent. O problem deosebit o constituie srma metalic (utilizat pentru legarea firelor de stuf ), deoarece aceasta ngreuneaz operaiunile de ajustare a dimensiunilor plcilor. Din acest motiv, au fost testate modaliti alternative de legare a stufului, care presupun utilizarea de anumii liani, anumii compui adiionali sau a unor noi tehnici de fixare. Knowing about the problems of todays reed-products, the Center for Appropriate Technology in Vienna (GrAT) is performing tests and studies in order to optimize several attributes of the product. Especially the metal wire (binding the single reed halms together) is a problem if it is necessary to resize the panel. Therefore, alternative ways of binding were tested. This includes the use of several types of glues, additional compounds and fixation techniques. Urmtoarele imagini indic o parte din prototipurile de izolare pentru interior i perei despritori (nc n faz de testare). The pictures show some prototypes for inside insulation and partition walls (still in test phase). Exemplul 1 i 2: Plac realizat din fire de stuf, fulgi de celuloz i clei din rin natural, utilizat n mod normal la fortificarea drumurilor de nisip. Example 1 and 2: Test panel combining reed halms, cellulose flakes and stabilizer-glue, a kind of glue based on natural resin and normally used to tighten walkway surfaces made of sand. Exemplul 3: Fire de stuf, fibre de trestie cernute fin i clei din rin natural. Example 3: Reed halms, sifted reed fibres and stabilizer-glue based on natural resin.
Exemplul 1 / Example 1

Exemplul 2 / Example 2

Exemplul 3 / Example 3

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Cercetare & dezvoltare Research & development

Grupul pentru Tehnologie Adaptat din Viena (GrAT) lucreaz, n cadrul unui proiect de cercetare, pentru dezvoltarea i optimizarea materialelor de construcie din stuf disponibile n prezent. O problem deosebit o constituie srma metalic (utilizat pentru legarea firelor de stuf ), deoarece aceasta ngreuneaz operaiunile de ajustare a dimensiunilor plcilor. Din acest motiv, au fost testate modaliti alternative de legare a stufului, care presupun utilizarea de anumii liani, anumii compui adiionali sau a unor noi tehnici de fixare. Knowing about the problems of todays reed-products, the Center for Appropriate Technology in Vienna (GrAT) is performing tests and studies in order to optimize several attributes of the product. Especially the metal wire (binding the single reed halms together) is a problem if it is necessary to resize the panel. Therefore, alternative ways of binding were tested. This includes the use of several types of glues, additional compounds and fixation techniques.
Exemplul 1 / Example 1

Urmtoarele imagini indic o parte din prototipurile de izolare pentru interior i perei despritori (nc n faz de testare). The pictures show some prototypes for inside insulation and partition walls (still in test phase).
Exemplul 1: Stuful a fost acoperit cu un strat subire de liant special, pe baz de porumb, care poate fi utilizat i ca liant cald, unind astfel direct firele de stuf. Example 1: The reed halms of this panel have been coated with a thin layer of a special kind of corn-based poly-lactide acid which can be also used as a hotmelt-glue. Exemplul 2: Prin umplerea spaiilor dintre firele de stuf cu un mortar de var natural se realizeaz o plac rezistent, ns foarte grea. Pe de alta parte aceast plac are un efect izolare fonic foarte ridicat. Example 2: Filling the interspaces between the reed halms with lime plaster gives the panel perfect shape accuracy but makes it very heavy. On the other hand this panel provides a very high sound insulation effect.

Exemplul 2 / Example 2

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Izolaie interioar cu stuf Inside insulation with reed

Exemplul 1 / Example 1

Exemplul 1: Izolaie interioar cu plci de stuf de 5 cm n combinaie cu un sistem de nclzire prin perete (tuburi de plastic) Example 1: Interior insulation of 5cm reed panels in combination with wall heating system (plastic tubes)

Exemplul 2 / Example 2

Exemplul 2: Izolaie interioar cu plci de stuf de 5 cm (legate cu srm) n combinaie cu un sistem de nclzire prin perete (tuburi de cupru) Example 2: Inside insulation of 5cm reed panels (with metal wire) combined with wall heating system (copper tubes)

Exemplul 3 / Example 3

Exemplul 3: Plci de stuf granulat cu grosime de 3 cm (trestie mrunit i presat n plci) n combinaie cu un sistem de nclzire prin perete (tuburi de plastic) Example 3: 3cm thick panels of granulated reed material (chaffed reed sticks, pressed to panels) in combination with wall heating system (plastic tubes)

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Izolare exterioar cu stuf Exterior insulation with reed

Construcie modern cu izolaie de cnep i stuf
Complex de producie cu perei din beton ranforsat, acoperi drept i ample suprafee de sticl.

Modern new building with hemp and reed insulation

Production building with reinforced concrete walls, flat roofs and large windows.

Aplicarea plcilor de izolaie de stuf (5 cm) peste stratul de izolaie din cnep (2 x 5cm) care a fost montat ntre 2 scanduri de lemn aflate la o distan de 1m. Faad cu strat de izolaie de stuf. Attachment of the reed insulation panels (5cm) on top of the hemp insulation layer (2x5 cm); the hemp insulation (soft panels) was mounted between wooden bars each meter. Front with the finished reed insulation layer.

Mortar cu var natural (n strat de 3 cm) se aplic pe stratul de izolaie, n dou straturi (n imagine se aplic stratul al doilea, stratul principal. Naturally hydraulic lime plaster (NHL 3cm) is applied to the exterior wall here the second layer (main layer).

Faada terminat mortarul este uscat i ntrit. Suprafaa de mortar cu var poate suferi diferite tratatmente. Deasemenea se poate opta pentru diferite variaiuni cromatice, de nalt calitate. (vezi www.bau-innovation.at). Front after completion the lime plaster is already completely dry and tight. Different surface treatments as well as high quality color variations are possible (s. www.bau-innovation.at)

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Izolare exterioar cu stuf Exterior insulation with reed

Cas de locuit pentru o famile - construcie nou New single-family house
Construcie nou (structur cu baz de lemn) cu dou straturi de stuf (cu lime de 5 cm fiecare). New building (wood based structure) with 2 layers of reed (5cm each).

Detaliu soclu: strat de izolaie de stuf de 10cm ataat direct pe stratul de mortar existent. Basement detail of 10cm reed insulation attached directly on existing lime-plaster facade.

Plcile de stuf sunt interconectate, astfel nct s se evite poduri de cldur. The reed panels are interconnected without gaps to prevent heat bridges.

Meterii aplicnd plcile de stuf pe substructur. Craftsmen mounting the reed panels onto the substructure.

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Izolare exterioar cu stuf Exterior insulation with reed

Izolaie exterioar a unei case familiale existente (Austria Superioar) Exterior Insulation of existing single-family house (Upper Austria)

Imagini ale faadei exterioare cu dou straturi de izolaie i calapodul soclului din lemn. Geamurile i uile vor fi izolate separat, inclusiv la ambrazuri. Views of exterior facade with 2-layer construction of insulation layer and wooden basement batten. Windows and doors need to be cut out and separately be insulated inside the embrasures.

Detaliu de construcie al unui perete exterior cu izolaie din stuf al unei case. Intersectarea plcilor de 5 cm de stuf la canturile cldirii. Construction detail of exterior wall with reed insulation, situated on a family house. 5cm reed panels overlapping at the edge of the building.

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Izolare exterioar cu stuf Exterior insulation with reed

Renovarea faadei unei case rneti din secolul al XIX-lea (Austria Superioar) Front reconstruction of an old farm house (Upper Austria)

Cldirea nainte de renovare nu exist un strat izolator al pereilor exteriori, ceea ce determin costuri ridicate cu agentul termic. Building before the renovation no insulation layer on exterior walls (massive brick walls and wood planks), which causes high heating costs during winter.

nceputul renovrii: Plci de stuf de 5 cm se ataeaz direct pe vechiul strat de mortar, utilizndu-se dibluri de otel (se folosesc aprox. 5-7 dibluri pe m2). Izolaia de stuf se va aplica pe toat suprafaa zidurilor de la parter. Geamurile i uile vor fi izolate separat, inclusiv la ambrazuri. Stratul final se va realiza din mortar cu var natural, a crui structur poroas este capabil s absoarb i s disperseze umiditatea.

5cm reed insulation panels have been attached to the exterior wall directly on top of the old lime plaster layer. Attachment was done with 5-7 steel dowels each m. Reed insulation layer covers the entire surface of the basement storey. Windows and doors need to be cut out and separately be insulated inside the embrasures. The final layer will be again a naturally hydraulic plaster (NHL), whose open porous structure is able to absorb and dispense moisture.

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Resursa stuficol n Delta Dunrii Reed resource in the Danube Delta

Utilizarea tradiional - Acoperiuri din stuf Traditional use - Reed roofs

Stuful ca material de construcie a acoperiuriloreste foarte apreciat nu numai de localnici ci i la export datorit faptului c este un bun izolator mpotriva umiditii, a frigului sau a ariei. Un astfel de acoperi poate rezista aproximativ 20 de ani, n funcie de zon, de calitatea execuiei, de grosimea stratului i de ngrijire. Cele mai cunoscute tehnici de realizare a nvelitorii de stuf sunt dou: 1. rusete - mai simplu si 2. nemete - mai elaborat. nvelitul rusete const n acoperirea casei cu stuf pe lungimea sa maxim dispus uniform pe toat suprafaa acoperiului, n dou sau mai multe ape, cu vrful ctre creast n dou straturi. Stuful aplicat astfel pe o arpant cu cpriori i leuri transversali se coase cu srm de aceast structur. La partea de sus a acoperiului se leag creasta. nvelitul nemete folosete o unealt numita batc cu care ce-l de-al doilea strat se uniformizeaz i se modeleaz mai uor astfel c se pot face acoperie cu mai multe ape. Efectul estetic poate fi net superior celui rusesc. The use of reed as construction material is very popular not only with the locals but also abroad, due to its good insulating quality against moisture, coldness or hotness. Such a roof can last over 20 years, depending on the thickness and the execution quality. The most famous techniques of roof building are: 1. Russian - the simplest one and 2. German the more sophisticated one. Russian style means using two layers of reed for the entire length of the roof, disposed evenly on two or more slopes, making sure the top of the reed is directed upwards the ridge. The reed placed on wooden pieces is tied up firmly with a metal wire so it can resist strong winds. Finally, an apex is tied up on the roof top. The German style is using a tool called batc to place a uniform 2nd layer so that it can be shaped in more slopes. The esthetic effect is significantly superior to the Russian style.

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Resursa stuficol n Delta Dunrii Reed resource in the Danube Delta

Utilizarea tradiional Traditional use

Suprafaa Rezervaiei Biosferei Delta Dunrii este considerat cea mai mare zon de stufri compact de pe glob - care msoar n jur de 170.000 ha. Localitile din Delta Dunrii putem spune c sunt incluse n aceasta zon, iar stuful este o plant care crete n imediata lor apropiere. Tocmai de aceea localnicii au sesizat avantajul i au nvat s l foloseasc ct mai eficient n gospodrie. Este folosit n construirea caselor i anexelor (magazii, buctarii de var, grajduri) ca material de izolaie la exteriorul pereilor i la nvelirea caselor n componena acoperielor. Delimitarea gospodriilor a fost adesea realizat prin garduri din stuf. n procesul de preparare al hranei (n special n cuptoarele mari de coacere a pinii ), localnicii ard stuful n loc s foloseasca lemne, cunoscnd puterea sa caloric ridicat i folosindu-l astfel drept combustibil. Deoarece suprafeele de fnee sunt reduse n Delta Dunrii, localnicii taie stuful nc de verde, l usuc i l pstreaz n cpie pentru a hrni animalele pe timp de iarn. Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve is considered to be the largest compact reedbeds area worldwide - summing up to 170.000ha. We can include the surrounding villages to this area, as the reed is a plant growing nearby. The locals noticed this advantage and learned how to use it efficiently in their households. It is used in the house and outhouses (storage, summer kitchen, stable) construction as an insulating material on walls or roofs. The households were often separated in the past by reed fences. Due to its very high heating value, the local people use reed stems instead of burning wood for cooking (especially for big baking ovens), so it is also used as fuel. The grasslands surfaces are rare in the Danube Delta, therefore the local people are cutting the reed while its still green and store it to feed the animals in winter.

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Resursa stuficol n Delta Dunrii Reed resource in the Danube Delta

Recoltare mecanizat Mechanized harvest

Necesitatea mecanizrii recoltrii stufului a aprut n principal datorit industriei de celuloz din stuf. A fost preconizat s se ajung la un consum de 500.000 tone de stuf pe an, n condiiile n care un recoltator manual producea 35 tone de stuf pe an. Sunt cteva faze principale ale exploatrii mecanizate: recoltarea pe teren cu agregate specifice, transportul la un depozit temporar, realizarea de stive, presarea manual sau mecanic a stufului recoltat, ncarcarea pe navele fluviale speciale denumite ceamuri i transportul pe Dunre la consumator unde se descarc manual sau mecanizat. Utilajele de baz n recoltarea mecanizat a stufului sunt: tractorul, recoltorul i macaralele. Cel mai important amnunt al unui utilaj, avnd n vedere neuniformitatea terenului, este trenul de rulare care de-a lungul timpului a evoluat n Delta Dunrii de la enile pn la pneuri de joasa presiune - PJP care s nu distrug terenul i mai ales rizomii stufului. The necessity for the mechanized harvest of reed evolved especially from the demand of the cellulose industry. It was expected to rise in demand up to 500.000 tones of reed/year, while a human harvester could produce just 35 tones of reed/year. There are some main steps in the mechanized reed exploitation: harvesting the reed in the field using specific equipment, transporting it to a temporary storehouse, building up reed stacks, compacting the reed (manual or mechanized), loading on special fluvial ships called ceam, and transporting it on the Danube River to the consumer, where it is manually or mechanically unloaded. The basic equipment in the mechanized reed harvesting are: the tractor, the harvester and the crane. Taking into account the uneven terrain, the most important detail for a vehicle is the driving system, which shifted, over time, from caterpillar to low pressure tires, called PJP - non destructive for the terrain and especially for the reed rhizomes.

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Resursa stuficol n Delta Dunrii Reed as a resource in the Danube Delta

Recoltare manual Manual harvest

n recoltarea manual stuful este tiat n maldare - form sub care se leag i astzi n exploatarea mecanizat. Maldrul manual este legat cu un bru de stuf la 0,60m de la baza, unde are o circumferin de circa 1,00-1,55m. Maldrul a fost i este i astzi unitatea convenional de msur. El are n medie 10kg greutate, la stuful convenional cu 15% umiditate. Taierea manual a stufului se face cu tarpanul - un fel de secer prevazut cu o coad de care este bine legat cu srm. Alte unelte pentru acest scop sunt rizeasca si coblca. Cea din urm are o productivitate de tiere mai mare i necesit un efort mai sczut. Exploatarea manual a stufului aparine trecutului. Ea a rspuns unor necesiti sczute de cteva mii de tone de stuf, pe terenuri restrnse, n condiii naturale. Stuful recoltat era folosit pentru necesitile locale sau trimis la fabricile de stufit (panouri de stuf ). Productivitatea recoltrii manuale a stufului era joas datorit condiiilor dure (terenuri mltinoase, ngheate sau inundate) de lucru. In the manual harvesting, the reed is cut in bundles - in the same way it is being done in the mechanized harvest. Manually, the reed bundle is tied up with a reed belt at 0,60m distance from the base, where the circumference of the bundle is around 1-1,5m. The bundle was and still is the conventional unit of measurement of reed. Its average weight is 10kg at the conventional reed humidity of 15%. The manual reed cutting is made using tarpan- a kind of sickle, which is firmly tied up to a long helve by a metal wire. Other tools used for this purpose are rizeasca and cobilca. The last one allows a greater cutting productivity with less effort. The manual reed harvesting belongs to the past. It was responding to lower necessities, of a few thousands of tones of reed, harvested on limited surfaces in natural conditions. The harvested reed was used locally or sent to the reed board factories. The productivity of the manual reed harvest was low due to the rough working conditions (marshy, frozen or flooded surfaces).

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Resursa stuficol n Delta Dunarii Reed as a resource in the Danube Delta

Sezonul de recoltare Harvesting season

Are loc n perioada de toamn trzie (a doua jumtate a lunii noiembrie) pn - n perioada de primvar timpurie (15 martie). Motivaia - stuful are calitatea optim pentru a fi recoltat cnd nu prezint frunze pe tulpini si umiditatea sa este foarte sczut, fapt care se petrece dup ce acesta iese din perioada de vegetaie, iar frunzele sunt uscate i rupte de pe tulpini. Perioadade vegetaie se ncheie n a doua jumtate a lunii octombrie nceputul lunii noiembrie odat cu scderea temperaturii medii zilnice. Dup cderea primelor brume, frunzele se usuc i se desfac de pe tulpin prin aciunea vntului i a ploilor/zpezii. Sezonul de recoltare este bine a se ncheia cel trziu pe 15 martie deoarece n habitatele specifice stufului se rentorc psrile migratoare care ncep perioada de cuibrit i pot fi perturbate de recoltatorii de stuf. It happens between the late autumn (2nd half of November) and the early spring (15th March). Motivation: the reed has the optimal quality to be harvested when the stems are without leaves and their humidity is very low, a phenomenon that occurs when the reed is out of the vegetation period and its leaves fall off. The end of the vegetation season is taking place between 2nd half of the October and the beginning of November, as the medium daily temperature drops. Once the first hoar-frost has passed, the leaves dry out and are then taken away by wind or by rain-/snowfall. It is important to end the harvesting season no later than March 15th because around this time the migratory birds are coming back to start nesting, and can be perturbed by the reed harvesters.

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