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using UnityEngine; using System.

Collections; public class Trail : MonoBehaviour { // Material - Must be a particle material that has the "Tint Color" prop erty public Material material; Material instanceMaterial; // Emit public bool emit = true; bool emittingDone = false; // Lifetime of each segment public float lifeTime = 1; float lifeTimeRatio = 1; float fadeOutRatio; // Colors public Color[] colors; // Widths public float[] widths; // Segment creation data public float maxAngle = 2; public float minVertexDistance = 0.1f; public float maxVertexDistance = 1f; public float optimizeAngleInterval = 0.1f; public float optimizeDistanceInterval = 0.05f; public int optimizeCount = 30; // Object GameObject trailObj = null; Mesh mesh = null; // Points Point[] points = new Point[100]; int pointCnt = 0; void Start () { trailObj = new GameObject("Trail"); trailObj.transform.parent = null; trailObj.transform.position = Vector3.zero; trailObj.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; trailObj.transform.localScale = Vector3.one; MeshFilter meshFilter = (MeshFilter) trailObj.AddComponent(typeo f(MeshFilter)); mesh = meshFilter.mesh; trailObj.AddComponent(typeof(MeshRenderer)); instanceMaterial = new Material(material); fadeOutRatio = 1f / instanceMaterial.GetColor("_TintColor").a; trailObj.renderer.material = instanceMaterial; } void Update () { // Emitting - Designed for one-time use

if( ! emit ) emittingDone = true; if(emittingDone) emit = false; // Remove expired points for(int i = pointCnt-1; i >=0; i--) { Point point = points[i]; if(point == null || point.timeAlive > lifeTime) { points[i] = null; pointCnt--; } else break; } // Optimization if(pointCnt > optimizeCount) { maxAngle += optimizeAngleInterval; maxVertexDistance += optimizeDistanceInterval; optimizeCount += 1; } // Do we add any new points? if(emit) { if(pointCnt == 0) { points[pointCnt++] = new Point(transform); points[pointCnt++] = new Point(transform); } if(pointCnt == 1) insertPoint(); bool add = false; float sqrDistance = (points[1].position - transform.posi tion).sqrMagnitude; if(sqrDistance > minVertexDistance * minVertexDistance) { if(sqrDistance > maxVertexDistance * maxVertexDi stance) add = true; else if(Quaternion.Angle(transform.rotation, poi nts[1].rotation) > maxAngle) add = true; } if(add) { if(pointCnt == points.Length) System.Array.Resize(ref points, points.L ength + 50); insertPoint(); } if( ! add ) points[0].update(transform); }

// Do we render this? if(pointCnt < 2) { trailObj.renderer.enabled = false; return; } trailObj.renderer.enabled = true; Color[] meshColors; lifeTimeRatio = 1 / lifeTime; // Do we fade it out? if( ! emit ) { if(pointCnt == 0) return; Color color = instanceMaterial.GetColor("_TintColor"); color.a -= fadeOutRatio * lifeTimeRatio * Time.deltaTime ; if(color.a > 0) instanceMaterial.SetColor("_TintColor", color); else { Destroy(trailObj); Destroy(this); } return; } // Rebuild it Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[pointCnt * 2]; Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[pointCnt * 2]; int[] triangles = new int[(pointCnt-1) * 6]; meshColors = new Color[pointCnt * 2]; float uvMultiplier = 1 / (points[pointCnt-1].timeAlive - points[ 0].timeAlive); for(int i = 0; i < pointCnt; i++) { Point point = points[i]; float ratio = point.timeAlive * lifeTimeRatio; // Color Color color; if(colors.Length == 0) color = Color.Lerp(Color.white, Color.clear, rat io); else if(colors.Length == 1) color = Color.Lerp(colors[0], Color.clear, ratio ); else if(colors.Length == 2) color = Color.Lerp(colors[0], colors[1], ratio); else { float colorRatio = ratio * (colors.Length-1); int min = (int) Mathf.Floor(colorRatio); float lerp = Mathf.InverseLerp(min, min+1, color Ratio); color = Color.Lerp(colors[min], colors[min+1], l erp); }

meshColors[i * 2] = color; meshColors[(i * 2) + 1] = color; // Width float width; if(widths.Length == 0) width = 1; else if(widths.Length == 1) width = widths[0]; else if(widths.Length == 2) width = Mathf.Lerp(widths[0], widths[1], ratio); else { float widthRatio = ratio * (widths.Length-1); int min = (int) Mathf.Floor(widthRatio); float lerp = Mathf.InverseLerp(min, min+1, width Ratio); width = Mathf.Lerp(widths[min], widths[min+1], l erp); } trailObj.transform.position = point.position; trailObj.transform.rotation = point.rotation; vertices[i * 2] = trailObj.transform.TransformPoint(0,wi dth*0.5f,0); vertices[(i * 2) + 1] = trailObj.transform.TransformPoin t(0, -width*0.5f, 0); // UVs float uvRatio; uvRatio = (point.timeAlive - points[0].timeAlive) * uvMu ltiplier; uvs[i * 2] = new Vector2(uvRatio , 0); uvs[(i * 2) + 1] = new Vector2(uvRatio, 1); if(i > 0) { // Triangles int triIndex = (i - 1) * 6; int vertIndex = i * 2; triangles[triIndex+0] = vertIndex - 2; triangles[triIndex+1] = vertIndex - 1; triangles[triIndex+2] = vertIndex - 0; triangles[triIndex+3] = vertIndex + 1; triangles[triIndex+4] = vertIndex + 0; triangles[triIndex+5] = vertIndex - 1; } } trailObj.transform.position = Vector3.zero; trailObj.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; mesh.Clear(); mesh.vertices = vertices; mesh.colors = meshColors; mesh.uv = uvs; mesh.triangles = triangles; } void insertPoint() { for(int i = pointCnt; i > 0; i--)

points[i] = points[i-1]; points[0] = new Point(transform); pointCnt++; } class Point { public float timeCreated = 0; public float timeAlive { get { return Time.time - timeCreated; } } public float fadeAlpha = 0; public Vector3 position = Vector3.zero; public Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.identity; public Point(Transform trans) { position = trans.position; rotation = trans.rotation; timeCreated = Time.time; } public void update(Transform trans) { position = trans.position; rotation = trans.rotation; timeCreated = Time.time; } } }

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