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English 2007


2nd term


VERB TENSES (tiempos verbales Los tiempos verbales que hemos estudiado hasta ahora son: 1. Present Simple (We sing) 2. Present Continuous (Were singing) 3. Past Simple (We sang) 4. Past Continuous (We were singing) 5. Present Perfect (We have sung) 6. ing forms (this is not a tense) Cmo podemos saber cundo usar cada uno? Tenemos que prestar atencin al CONTEXTO. PRESENT SIMPLE: Sabemos que tenemos que usar el Presente Simple cuando estamos hablando de HBITOS, SITUACIONES CORRIENTES, COSAS QUE SON SIEMPRE AS. a. I never have coffee for breakfast. (Nunca tomo caf para desayunar.) b. Weve got English on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. (Tenemos ingls los lunes, mircoles y jueves.) c. She likes fizzy drinks. (A ella le gustan los refrescos.) Los adverbios de frecuencia son a veces una pista para saber que necesitamos un Presente Simple. Ejemplo (a). PRESENT CONTINUOUS: Usamos el presente continuo para describir acciones que estn OCURRIENDO AHORA o alrededor de ahora. a. Im writing at the computer (thats what Im doing now). Estoy escribiendo en el ordenador (ahora). b. You are reading this. T ests leyendo esto. c. Im reading a book about ships (but not exactly now). Estoy leyendo un libro de barcos (no exactamente ahora). PAST SIMPLE: Cuando queremos hablar de un acontecimiento pasado (en un momento especfico), tenemos que usar el Pasado Simple. a. Yesterday I saw an old friend. Ayer vi a un viejo amigo. b. You did your homework very well. Hiciste tus deberes muy bien. c. In 1492 Christopher Columbus discovered America. En 1492 Cristbal Coln descubri Amrica. PAST CONTINUOUS: El Pasrado Continuo se emplea para describe situaciones y escenas pasadas. Cuando se combina con el Pasado Simple, ste describir una nica accin en un momento dado, y el Pasado Continuo describir la accin (ms larga) que estaba teniendo lugar en aquel momento. a. She was studying at a desk. Ella estaba estudiando en un escritorio.

b. When the police arrived, they were trying to hide the money. Cuando la polica lleg, estaban intentando esconder el dinero. c. I was having a shower when the telephone rang. Me estaba duchando cuando son el telfono. Pista: una oracin sobre el pasado, con dos verbos, a menudo tendr una parte que describe la situacin (Pasado Continuo) y otra que describe el acontecimiento ( Pasado Simple), la cual empieza con when. Mira los ejemplos (b) y (c) arriba. PRESENT PERFECT: Podemos encontrar el Presente Perfecto en varios usos: - Experiencias de la vida (a) - Acontecimientos pasados con consecuencias presentes (b) - Acciones que empezaron en el pasado y continan en el presente (c) - Acciones pasadas en la misma unidad de tiempo que en la que se est (d) a. Ive never visited Barcelona. Nunca he visitado Barcelona. b. My TV has broken down. I cant watch it. Mi tele se ha roto. No puedo verla. c. I have lived here for three years. He vivido aqu tres aos. d. Have you seen him today? No, but I saw him last weekend. Le has visto hoy? No, pero lo vi el fin de semana pasado. Pista: Usamos el Pasado Simple (y no el Presente Perfecto) cuando hablamos de acontecimientos pasados en un momento determinado (=el ao pasado, hace dos das, en 1860, esta maana a las 10). Mira el ejemplo (d) arriba. -ING FORMS: Hemos estudiado el uso de las formas en ING tras verbos que indican gusto o disgusto por algo (like, dislike, love, hate, prefer). a. I like bowling but I hate doing exercise. Me gusta jugar a los bolos pero odio hacer ejercicio. Exercise 1 Repeat the verb tense exercise in the last exam. Remember: frequency adverbs go before the main verb, except with the verb to be. Repite el ejercicio de tiempos verbales del ltimo examen. Recuerda: los adverbios de frecuencia van antes del verbo principal, excepto con el verbo to be, con el que van detrs. I _____________ (try) to live a healthy life. My brother _____________ (not worry) about that. We _____________ (walk, usually) to school, but he _______________ (take, sometimes) the bus. I like ___________ (do) exercise. Now I ___________ (play) tennis, but I ___________ (be, normally) on the football pitch. Well, Im not only interested in sport I ___________ (like) books too. My brother ___________ (read) a lot too. He _____________ (read) a science book at the moment. We ___________ (go, often) to the library and we borrow novels. Last weekend, in the library, my brother and I _____________ (decide) which book to read when we ___________ (see) a beautiful girl. She ___________ (study) at a desk. We ____________ (look) at her when she ____________ (stand up)it ___________ (be) really embarrassing! After that, we ___________ (have) a chat and she ___________ (become) our friend.

I _____________ (have) some embarrassing experiences in my life. Last year, I _____________ (break) my friends computer when I was staying at his house. Now, I _____________ (learn) the best thing is to be honest and to take it with humour. Exercise 2 Rewrite these sentences with the right tense: Rescribe estas oraciones con el tiempo adecuado. What (you, do)? Im a student. What (you, do)? My homework. I (always, work) at home. I like (listen) to music. I (usually, be) at work, but today I (spend) a free day on the beach. She hates (fly). She (talk) to a friend when the dog (start) barking. I (visit) France five times in my life. I (go) to Paris for the first time when I was 12. She (discover) a new kind of energy in 1967. Exercise 3 Complete the text with the right tense of the verb (in brackets). Completa el texto con el tiempo adecuado del verbo (entre parntesis). My school (be) OK. We (start, usually) at 8:10 am, but today we (not start) until 9:00, because a teacher is ill. We (have) three English lessons every week. We are in the break now, and we (play) a football match. Some girls (watch) us, but they (ignore, often) us. Last week, we (play) a match and a classmate ball in the face. My cheek (go) red and my nose When I (arrive) to the infirmary, the doctor I (tell) the doctor that I (be) OK, but when I the door I (fall) to the ground. (hit) me with the (start) bleeding. (see) a little girl. (stand) at

I (not have) a serious accident in my life, but last year I (break) my leg playing basketball. I really love (play) sport. I dont like (spend) hours and hours in front of the TV or (play) videogames. I (play) sport since I was a little boy, and now I (become) a fit young man.

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