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The Work Book

Marianne Thorne

Created and developed by

Marianne Thorne

For more information and support contact:

(this is a special email address for users of this book only)

Copyright: Creative Goal Setting 2010

Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 2
Introducing Marianne ................................................................................................... 2
Getting Started .................................................................................................................. 3
Something you can do in the meantime........................................................................ 4
Hints before you begin: ................................................................................................ 4
Adding Value Exercise ..................................................................................................... 5
Who are we talking to? ................................................................................................. 7
The Three Rules of Creative Goal Setting........................................................................ 9
The reasons behind these rules: .................................................................................... 9
My Vision ....................................................................................................................... 10
The Significance of each of the 12 Areas of Creative Goal Setting ............................... 13
Arranging the 12 Areas................................................................................................... 14
Dealing with URGENT issues and creating a FOCUS .............................................. 14
Metaphysical Law........................................................................................................... 17
Distinctions ..................................................................................................................... 41
The Power of Pictures .................................................................................................... 44
Our Mind ........................................................................................................................ 45
Thank You Letter............................................................................................................ 59
Creative Goal Setting is an ongoing process .................................................................. 62
What makes Creative Goal Setting work? ...................................................................... 64

The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

The power of materializing your dreams lies within your own imagination.
Creative Goal Setting supports your process of gaining clarity, self esteem and a
sense of purpose with direction.
This book is your pro-active motivation the positive opposite to
procrastination the why you would want to be bothered doing Creative
Goal Setting!
You can create your experience of life consciously.
This may come as a bit of a shock but you have always been creating your
life experience!
You have always been doing this both consciously and unconsciously.
This is why you can now take charge and get a lot more satisfaction out of
guiding the process more effectively by using your creativity more consciously.
You can constructively change your mind as often as you want and still end up
with accumulated wisdom specific to your personal desires.
The way you think and speak shapes your life experience as you know it.
You have either heard this before, or it is new to you quantum physics! The
science of understanding HERE and NOW and how we connect with and affect
the HERE and NOW. Oh, and our future!

Introducing Marianne
Firstly, a quick introduction of myself. Marianne Thorne, Attitude Coach.
Home base: Adelaide Hills, South Australia.
Quite simply; for over 30 years I have immersed myself in understanding how I
create my reality from moment to moment, month to month, decade to decade.
I have discovered that if I dont like what I am creating as my life experience, I
can change it!
It took me years to work this out as many of my family and friends were not at
all interested in delving into the how and why of life. I changed my experience
of that and how I was affected by their opinions, and got on with the journey of
self discovery and self realization.
I am now in my 40s and a Mum. I have spent more than half my life (literally)
expanding this wisdom for my benefit. Along the way, many friends and
associates have joined this expedition into understanding quantum physics and
practical day to day spirituality.
My personal growth comes from having the courage to choose what I want.
Courage yes, to think and behave differently when I believe it to be
To now know when to filter out other peoples opinions and be guided by my
desires; my passion and enthusiasm. That took a lot of learning!

The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

This has not always been easy ever heard of peer pressure? Of course you
And how about family and cultural traditions and expectations!
So, how do I make the changes I so desire?
I use my Creative Goal Setting Program. I have been using it since 1988. And I
am not about to stop!
The simplicity of the CGS Program continues to work for the new and
improved version of me. As I evolve, so does the content of my Goal Folder.
In truth, I could do all this without the CGS Program and my life may have
ended up looking more or less the same, but because this is the most efficient
way of focusing my accumulated wisdom on getting what I really want, I
believe it has improved my life experience more than tenfold. I have read many
books and attended many seminars teaching the principles inherent in Creative
Goal Setting. And I have seen many others remain the same, doing the same,
getting the same not apparently reaping the promised rewards. I think this
is because they have not organized their personal values and priorities as
simply and effectively as I have.
The Creative Goal Setting Program is my method of putting it all into practice.
Clearly and specifically communicating my desires is how I get what I want. I
always have the intention that my desires be for the highest good of all
concerned. In other words, I trust that the spiritual aspect of me can sort out
the details of my desires and deliver the outcomes without doing any damage!
Another way of saying that: I choose to trust I can have what I desire.
The existing energy creating my reality continually moves, constantly
rearranging, creating a new and greater reality. This always includes my latest
requests to the extent of my commitment, excitement, and enthusiasm
positive attitude toward them. And because I believe my requests to include
the highest good of all they do.
Enough, about me now for You.

Getting Started
The best way to do Creative Goal Setting is by using the Creative Goal Setting
Program. It lends itself to being used on your personal computer templates
are available to those who purchase the Program (of course!) and the classical
physical Goal Folder (which I use, and highly recommend, along with the
computer ideas) as my values and priorities continue to evolve over years. Plus
there is the additional support provided for the additional financial investment.
Yet, I am giving you the next best thing!
The knowledge to Do-It-Yourself by using the ideas from this Workbook. When
you decide to upgrade to the Creative Goal Setting Program, use the special
email address at the front of this workbook: coach@creativegoalsetting.com to


The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

request your link to a discounted Creative Goal Setting Program from

www.creativegoalsetting.com .
To make the most of this opportunity, ideally, you would invest in a
folder/binder with 4 x 25mm D shaped rings from your local
stationer/department store. (A white Insert Folder/Binder that has a clear
pocket on the front to slide your Creative Goal Setting title page into is best.)
I hope this Workbook provides you with the inspiration to upgrade and make
Creative Goal Setting a way of life not just another book you have read!
The steps described in this book link your personal values and priorities to your
ideal lifestyle. As with all good ideas; they are really only any good when put
into action. Creative Goal Setting is making this as easy as possible by
providing all the tools you require. Your effort is the key to your success. In
this case it is easy effort, fun with colours and pictures the closest I can get
you to the effortless way of the Tao.

Something you can do in the meantime

Collect pictures.
One of the main elements of Creative Goal Setting is the cutting and pasting of
pictures into 12 Areas of life inside your Goal Folder. You can draw pictures,
use photographs or simply collect pictures from magazines and brochures.
Written captions or headings cut from magazines are valuable also; be sure they
are in positive present tense for best value. Dont forget the internet for great
images. I have done some scrapbooking style decoration in mine also.
In each of the 12 Areas of the Goal Folder there are blank pages with only a
border and the Creative Goal Setting butterfly logo; these pages are for pasting
the pictures onto. Some Areas of your Goal Folder will need extra picture
pages. Make these yourself by adding sheets of A4 paper in A4 plastic sleeves.

Hints before you begin:

Personalize your Goal Folder by decorating its cover with colour, pictures,
sparkles, etc.

As you collect pictures and captions for your Goal Folder, use only a small
dot of glue on the back of each picture/caption, so you can move them
easily as you explore your options.

I recommend that you use your own words when writing positive ideas to
yourself. Using the Creative Goal Setting rules will teach you how to write
positive personal affirmations. The reason for this is explained in the
description of Our Mind.


The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

Adding Value Exercise

Time to get to know you! Time to find some positive aspects of yourself that do
not need transforming. You are already adding value to your world, whether
you are aware of this or not. The Adding Value Exercise is a guide to
understanding aspects of your innate value. Even if you feel the need to
rebuild your life from the ground up there are already some foundational
aspects in place; sometimes they just need dusting off .
You are always adding value to those around you, whether you are aware of it
or not.
Before you read on and before you write a Vision of what and how you want
your life to look and feel like, please have some fun completing the Adding
Value Exercise on the next page.
Whatever you do, do not procrastinate! Be pro-active. The following exercise
only takes a few minutes and will potentially leave you feeling good about
yourself! Well worth it!
STEP 1. Using coloured markers (preferably), start on the first of three lists by
writing 10 words that describe the favourite characteristics in your personality.
You can use words describing your future personality by choosing qualities you
aspire to in role models and mentors. (for example: successful, creative,
intelligent, etc.)


It is O.K. to start the 2nd and 3rd lists before finishing the first. As long as they
are all finished before proceeding to the next step.
In the second list write 10 words that describe the favourite ways you love
expressing yourself - these words must end with ing. You can make up
words. (for example: musicing, naturing, etc.)



The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

In the third list write 10 words that describe your idea of a perfect world,
include the people and the environment.


There are some words that do not work well within the subconscious mind;
such as: unpolluted, unconditional. The subconscious mind focuses (through
word association) on the core of the word. It creates polluted before it can un
it. Unfortunately, it never gets around to unning it, because there is no such
thing. You need to replace negative core words with words that represent
the positive opposite to the negative core, while still saying what you want. For
example for polluted; green, clean, pristine, ecologically sound.
Correct any negative core words.
STEP 2. Go over your lists and select (circle) 3 words from each. Keep it light
and fun; I suggest that you just select the ones that jump out at you.
Fill in this following sentence with the nine words you have selected.
(your name)
..., .....
(the three words circled in your first list)

AND ....

BY ..., .. AND ..
(the three words circled in your second list)


..., ....

AND .... NOW

Fix the grammar; especially with the 3 words from the first list as they may
need different endings.
STEP 3. Transfer the sentence onto page 8 titled: My Life Plan where you will
also notice room for a personal picture of yourself.

The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

Who are we talking to?

The answer to that is: Your Self, your Super Conscious, God, Great Spirit
whoever, or whatever you want to call the creative force/intelligence creating
our existence.
After you have done the Adding Value Exercise get a photo, or draw a picture,
of yourself (alone) and paste it on the My Life Plan page.
The purpose of the self portrait is to communicate ownership of your Goal Folder to
your subconscious mind using an image. A picture being worth a 1000 words
There are three purposes for doing the Adding Value Exercise:
Firstly, to get you focusing on yourself - bringing you into present time and thinking
about yourself with the Creative Goal Setting technique.
Secondly, to point out that you are already contributing to those around you and to the
Planet by happily being truly yourself.
Like a tree. In just being itself and looking after its own needs by absorbing water,
sunlight and other nutrients from the universal resources; a tree coincidentally adds
value to the universe surrounding it. It creates beauty, oxygen, shelter, and food year
after year; and of course, other by-products such as timber. While the trees focus is on
survival or receiving nutrients; it helps the bigger scheme of things, whether it is aware
of it or not.
So, whether we realize it or not, we are adding value to those around us. Often in ways
we are totally unaware of. We are leading by example all of the time, whether
positively or negatively, and therefore others can learn from our experience also.


My Life Plan
Paste a photograph
of yourself, that you
are proud of, here

I, now know I am adding value a I use my

., .. and .
By ......., ..... and ....
And as a result my World is more
...., ....... and ... NOW!

The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

The Three Rules of Creative Goal Setting

There are only three rules throughout the whole Creative Goal Setting process:

1. Write with coloured markers, changing

colours after every phrase or sentence
~ coloured pencils are OK too.

2. Write everything in positive present tense

~ as if it is happening now.

3. Write only about yourself.

The reasons behind these rules:
1. Colours: to activate the creative aspect of the mind. Plus, if you are
feeling down the colours and positivity can help you feel better!
2. Positive Present Tense: the subconscious mind only works in present
tense. A memory is like re-living an experience in present tense. For
example, when you hear a song on the radio that reminds you of an
event years ago, you re-experience (feel) it in present time.
And why does it have to be Positive did I hear you ask? Beats being
negative this explained in detail in Our Mind later in this book.
In the meantime, choose your words wisely. Many words are
extensions of negative core words; for example:
unpolluted, non-judgmental, unconditional, limitless.
Use words that are positive while saying the same thing; for example:
the positive opposite to polluted = clean, clear, pristine, etc.
the positive opposite to judgmental = accepting, united, etc.
the positive opposite to conditional = pure, free, etc.
the positive opposite to limit = abundant, plentiful, opulent, etc
3. Only about yourself: it is not our right to change others or to expect
others to change. Therefore, for things to change ... first we must
change ourselves. We can only write about ourselves in a
relationship, or about the relationship itself. That is, write about the
concept of two people knowing each other; rather than the people
within it


The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

My Vision
Before writing your vision on the My Vision sheets, spend a little time
imagining an ideal lifestyle. Yes, it is appropriate to daydream right now!

~ dare to dream your dreams ~

Have the page My Vision (next page) ready with your coloured markers. Then
spend a minute or two imagining an ideal lifestyle ~ daring to dream your
dreams ~ I will lead you through a short visualization.
Sit back, relax and answer these questions silently to yourself. This will only
take a couple of minutes and then you can write your ideas on your My Vision
Sheet afterwards.
Be outrageously creative; let go any restrictive thoughts about money and/or
time and get a feel for what you would ideally love to be doing, having and
being as though you had all the money and time to do, have and be all that you
want. Think in terms of abundance ~ abundant love, good health, resources,
friendship, work, fun, leisure, laughter, purpose, etc.
The Visualization is called Dare to dream your dreams
Get a feeling for what you would ideally love to be doing, being and
seeing in your future.
Where would you like be? Choose a location on the planet you would
most like to live. .. Which country? .. Is it in a country area or city?
.. What is the landscape like? .. are you living near water, trees,
mountains or on an island?
What does your home look like? .. Is it a unit, a house, a mansion or
a tent? .. Do you share it with anyone?
What do you have? Do you have a vehicle? .. Computer? Great
clothes? .. What else?
What are you doing? .. Are you traveling ..... where to? Studying .....
what at? Working .. what as? Or are you doing all of these things?
And how is your health; both mental and physical? Are you happy and
Using the Vision sheet following and the Three Rules of Creative Goal Setting,
begin writing the first draft of your ever evolving Vision. It can be written as a
list or in paragraphs, your choice.



My Vision
Todays Date: .................................................

The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

The first copy of your Vision is a draft. Eventually this Vision will reflect the
content of your Goal Folders 12 Areas. You can add to it later. In Creative
Goal Setting you are encouraged to update your Vision (and other work sheets)
often. Keep it exciting and include as much detail as you can in order to create
a clearer picture in your minds eye.
It may take a few re-writes to get it right. And in a year or two you may have
changed your mind and need to re-write it again. Each time you re-write it,
select the good aspects and transfer them into your next version. Rewriting
your Vision will continue to motivate you when you are not sure of your
direction in life. Exploring your Vision will pull you through times of doubt.
Confirm you have written in present tense and only about yourself.
When you read your Vision; it should be motivating ... if it is not, then it needs
re-working with more detail and/or with more stretch.
Stretching your reality out into the unknown is safe inside your Goal Folder.
In fact, that is one of the benefits of having a Goal Folder. You can explore your
hopes and desires safely; building them up with more and more detail. The
more excited you get about them, the more positive thought will go into them
and the more likely they will materialize. Sound too good to be true? Read on,
take it step by step and ease yourself into it.
Please note: Only write what you are willing to take responsibility for and/or
eventually action yourself. Writing goals for others is similar to having
expectations of others - not always very comfortable if you are on the receiving
end. So dont do it. We are here to create our own reality it is out of
integrity to think we can or should create someone elses reality!



The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

The Significance of each of the 12 Areas of

Creative Goal Setting
Career ~ Whatever you most like to contribute to the community. For many
people this provides a financial income. Career can involve being a full time
parent and/or partner, doing volunteer work, a job, or even retirement. This
can also include study (school/tertiary) and/or secondary careers.

Family ~ Parents, siblings, partners, children, pets, relatives and any others
that may live with the family. (Friends go in the Leisure Area.)
Health ~ Your physical and mental well-being.
Home ~ The place(s) you live in and/or would like to live in.
Leisure ~ The hobbies, sports and interests you have outside of your career,
including friendships, social life, travel and holidays.

Material Things ~ Everything that you would most like to own. For
example: clothing, jewelry, accessories, books, ornaments, cars, boats, bikes,
airplanes, furniture, electrical appliances, stereos, televisions, computer and
office equipment, houses, investment properties, etc.

Personal Development ~ Improvement of your skills, talents, attitude and

intellect. This includes Creative Goal Setting, personal development
publications, learning musical instruments and languages, attending business
courses, furthering education, personal development seminars, etc.

Relationships ~ Your current and/or proposed primary relationship with

your loving partner(s). If this is not relevant, then it can be used to describe all
relationships with people; although these are covered in other Areas. (eg family
members in Family, friends in Leisure and co-workers in Career.)

Resources ~ Any physical and non-physical attributes found within your

inner and outer (psychological/spiritual and physical) environment. Including,
but not limited to, money and management thereof. Physical and intellectual
abilities, location, knowledge, experience, contacts ... this list could be very long
Self ~ Your relationship with yourself. Your identity from your point of view.
Your acknowledgment and acceptance of your physical self and self esteem.
For example how would you like to relate to yourself if left alone on an island
for a year or more?

Spirituality ~ Your relationship with the Super Conscious aspect of your

mind, often known as God, Higher Self, your Being and/or Great Spirit, etc.

The Planet ~ Planet Earth; its people and its environment.

Some of the Areas over-lap, for example Relationships and Family, Home and
Material Things ... complete all Areas making sure each Area complements the


The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

Arranging the 12 Areas.

Lets get your thoughts in order. Creating the results you desire requires order
as well as creativity.
Make yourself 12 cards/slips of paper, with the 12 Area headings: Career,
Family, Health, Home, Leisure, Material Things, Personal Development, Relationships,
Resources, Self, Spirituality, and The Planet. Or use ours on page16.
The purpose of this exercise is to compare the 12 Areas to find the most
important ones. Although the Areas are all valuable, the more important Areas
form a foundation for the others.
For a few minutes assume you have mastered life; as though life is ideal and
running smoothly. Now sort the twelve Areas into an order of importance that
suits your written Vision. The Area you choose to put first should reflect that
which you believe creates the foundation of your life. Peoples opinion on this
will vary and may change as they evolve their values and priorities. Keep
sorting through the Areas; the least important will be the last.
Put the most important Areas first to demonstrate which ones you think form a
foundation for others. Until all 12 Areas are in a comfortable order.
For example, comparing Home and The Planet imagine yourself standing on
the Moon, looking at Planet Earth ... you would need to put The Planet before
Home if you want to have a home on a planet. Even though you may not spend
much time thinking of The Planet every day, it probably forms a foundation for
other Areas also bringing it forward closer to the front of your Goal Folder.
If you notice yourself putting an urgent Area (eg Resources due to financial
stress) to the front of your Goal Folder, ask yourself: Would I still have these
Areas in this order it I had solved my monetary issues? If you are looking for
further guidance, quiz yourself with Why and What if questions.
Life is full of ups and downs. Imagine the 12 Areas as 12 spokes of a wheel.
The ease of the journey through life depends on the even length of the spokes in
your wheel of life. To bring them into balance you need to focus positive
attention on each area.
If you are doing this exercise in this book; you are going to label the following
12 Distinction sheets (starting on page 18) in this book in the order you have
just made. But first read on
Life often serves up a few obstacles that need to be dealt with urgently. ie
financial problems, communication break-downs in relationships, career
changes, etc. Creative Goal Setting supports you in dealing with these.

Dealing with URGENT issues and creating a FOCUS

Dealing with what is most urgent is done by leaving this book or your Goal
Folder open at the Area that could most benefit with improvement.



The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

To create a focus in your life, decide which of the 12 Areas is most urgent now.
Find a place in your home where you will see this book daily and leave it open
at this urgent Area. Even if you have no pictures or words written yet.
Whatever happens in your life while this book (I use both my Goal Folder and
my computer screen image for this!) is open at this page will be relevant
feedback to this Area. We will be discussing how your subconscious thoughts
affect the outcomes in this area of your life in the chapter on Our Mind.
When you have received the outcomes you are looking for, be guided by your
inspiration to another one of the 12 Areas and leave it open there.
You may want to re-arrange the order of the Areas as you grow and change
your outlook on life. That is easier to do in a Goal Folder have you made
your own, or would you like to up-grade to a Creative Goal Setting Program
yet? If so, email me at coach@creativegoalsetting.com
If your life is running smoothly, with no obstacles, leave this book open at the
Area you would most like to improve.
With the Creative Goal Setting technique you are changing the way you
perceive and create your life; not using your will power to change external
elements. You have the opportunity to change your own outcomes with
integrity; not the outcomes of others. Leaving others with their own
perceptions and creations. They will deal with these in their own way in their
own time. This is where you let go and let the Super Conscious aspect of the
mind juggle the outcomes for the highest good of all concerned.
Go ahead, write the 12 Area headings on the 12 Distinctions sheets in the Area
box at the top of each Distinctions sheet, in the order your have arranged them.
The blank pages are for the pictures you collect and draw relevant to the Area
heading you have written on the opposite Distinctions Sheet.
Distinctions sheet instructions follow the sheets.



The Creative Goal Setting Workbook












The Planet



The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

Metaphysical Law

There is Order, there is Purpose.

Everything happens in the

right order, at the right time,
in the right place, for the
right reasons, for the right
I am doing the right thing
always; my purpose is
happening now. I trust in
what I am doing and where I
am going. I trust in the
timing for there is a Purpose
and I am definitely part of it.
I trust my progress in
materialising my dreams!






Essential Focus:





Essential Focus:





Essential Focus:





Essential Focus:





Essential Focus:





Essential Focus:





Essential Focus:





Essential Focus:





Essential Focus:





Essential Focus:





Essential Focus:





Essential Focus:

The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

In Creative Goal Setting Goal there are twelve Areas of life needing your
attention. There is a difference between these Areas, although sometimes they
overlap. Now is your opportunity to discover what outcomes you want in each
Area and how you feel about each of these Areas of your life. Put these
Distinctions in writing.
These sheets are used to:
a) establish the physical, measurable outcomes you wish to receive in each Area
of your life; written on the left under Tangible Expectations, and
b) the feelings and/or ethics you want to experience in each Area of your life;
written as a separate list on the right under Personal Values.
There is a double line down the centre indicating there is no need to match the
left and the right sides together.
You can have more than one Distinctions sheet per Area. For example in
Career you may have separate Distinctions sheets for current job, potential
career, school, study and/or business. In Resources you may need a second
sheet for business finances if you are self employed. This is made easier when
using a Goal Folder ready for your upgrade to the Creative Goal Setting
Program yet? You know the email address: coach@creativegoalsetting.com!
1. Choose an Area of your life to work on, preferably one that requires some
2. If you are using your Goal Folder; write the Area of your life you are
working on in the Area box at the top of the sheet.
Tangible in Creative Goal Setting means touchable and/or measurable. Some
different measures used in our society are:


academic titles

job titles


school grades



clothing sizes





Add to this list: behaviours that can be touched, eg smiling, walking, etc
The word Expectations means goals. It is used to encourage the subconscious
mind with expectancy / knowingness. It also assists people to build their self
esteem if they have ever experienced others expecting too high or low of them.
3. Starting on the left hand side ~ using the 3 rules of Creative Goal Setting
(Using coloured markers and changing colours after each phrase or
sentence, writing in positive present tense and only writing about yourself).
Write at least 5 things describing outcomes you want in this area of your
life. Write long and short term goals in present tense.



The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

Please note: We do not use dates in Creative Goal Setting because:

The subconscious mind relates best to, and activates, now statements.
Future dates are stored and forgotten in the subconscious mind as surplus

dates can set us up for failure when a goal is not achieved on time, and

why wait months or years to find out that you have the wording incorrect,
when with correct wording, your expectations can show signs of coming to
fruition within a couple of weeks or hours (days for some people - months
for others!).

Using verbs ending in ing is very effective when communicating with the
subconscious mind.
4. On the right hand side, under the heading: Personal Values, write the
values you think would be helpful. These do not need to match with the
list on the left hand side. Values are feelings that cannot be measured, yet
can be felt in our body. Over time, as you evolve these Distinction sheets,
you may recognize a core group of these values developing as very
important to you and used by you to judge the value of your situations and
5. The box at the bottom of the sheet labeled Essential Focus is for the most
significant word that you have written in your list of Personal Values.
Choose a single word and write it in the Essential Focus box.
Some examples to a few Areas follow on the next page:



The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

Tangible Expectations

Personal Values

Self employed
Working from home by choice
Receiving $1000 nett per week
Working 20 hours per week on average

Using my creativity
Positive Recognition from peers
Success with integrity

Communicate wit Parents each week
Finish building Daughters cubby house
Exercise and play with our dogs daily
Lead by positive example for my Children

Love and Respect
Unity and Support
Sharing and Caring

My body draws the nutrients I require
from the foods I eat
I walk for 30 minutes every day
I drink at least 1 litre of water each day

I feel fit and healthy and respect my body


I share my life, my dreams, my
achievements, my family, my experiences
and things with my partner
I communicate with compassion
I share restauranting, traveling and

Love, Trust and Respect

Intimacy and Friendship

Caring and Sharing

I have the skills to invest my money wisely
I save 10% of all my income
I live on 70% of my income; investing the

Wealth and abundance

I am a human being living on Planet Earth
I am an adult
I am a woman
I am a communicator

It is fun being me
I love and respect me
I treat me with compassion
I appreciate me for who & what I am

The Planet
I lead by positive example by looking after
my things and land by choosing ecologically
sound equipment, materials and agents
I travel overseas meeting people and
understanding different cultures
I drive ecologically sound and well serviced


Healthy and Abundant

United and Accepting

Stewardship and caring


The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

The Power of Pictures

1. Finding and/or draw pictures and captions that can fit anywhere in your
current and/or future life. Be aware of wording in quotations and captions
you may need to re-word them positively within the 3 rules of Creative
Goal Setting.
2. Please note: using pictures of friends, family and pets is not recommended
as this conflicts with the third rule of Creative Goal Setting.
3. The pictures and captions are cut and pasted onto the blank sheets that
have the butterfly logo in the bottom right corner. It is recommended that
you use only one dot of glue on the back of each picture, so that they are
easy to change later on.
If you are using your Goal Folder, you can add more plastic sleeves for
more pictures. You can use coloured paper. Keep pictures and worksheets
together in their relevant Areas. Unless you are moving them to the back to
your Received Goals or out of your Goal Folder because they are no longer
4. The power of the subconscious mind is such that the colours of cars, brands
of goods, etc, may materialize exactly as pictured in your Goal Folder. So
have fun choosing the details carefully!

Before we do anymore activity I want to explain the mind and how it

creates our reality I added a slide show over the next few pages!



The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

Our Mind
In explaining the mind, that is not visible or physical (unlike the brain that is an
organ with physical functions) we can use a model or an analogy.

Our Mind

Water level

Using icebergs as a model

In Creative Goal Setting we use three icebergs joined at the base below the
waterline to illustrate three areas of the mind.



The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

Our Mind


Super Conscious

Levels of consciousness

This iceberg model is portraying 1-10% of the mind as Conscious. In other

words, we are only aware of a small part of our mind; the part doing the
The Conscious Mind THINKS.
It judges, decides, discerns, concludes, etc. It does self talk or internal
dialogue, this being the thought process you are familiar with.
The Conscious Mind is the awareness of physical and non-physical
Awareness is the interpretation of data from the 5 senses: sight, sound,
touch, smell and taste.
The other parts have specific functions also:
The Subconscious Mind STORES.
It has stored every experience you have ever had since conception. Maybe
It stores all the data from your 5 senses and all the positive and negative
thoughts you have ever had. This includes your peripheral vision/hearing;
data and events you are not consciously aware of, yet are happening in your
It stores systematically by word and/or experience association. For example:
what do you think of when I ask you to think of cat? ... some people
respond with black, or fluffy, or mat, or even large yellow tractors depending on what they have associated cat with in their past experience.


The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

The Super Conscious Mind CREATES.

This part of our mind creates our reality. It materializes the results of all
thoughts, experiences and associations as stored in the Subconscious Mind.
There are many names given to the Super Conscious part of the mind; some
people call it God, Great Spirit, Higher Self, etc.

Our Mind
Fred, the cyclist



Super Conscious

Introducing Freds thought: I want to win a gold medal

The affect our thoughts have on our day-to-day life are most easily explained
with a story of Fred, the cyclist.
While Fred is out cycling, he has an idea ... he thinks a thought.
His thought is I want to win a gold medal.
Assume the middle iceberg is Freds mind. It is at the tip of the iceberg, on the
conscious level, that this thought first occurs to Fred ~ as indicated by the light
bulb and the gold medal.



The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

Our Mind


Super Conscious

Freds thought is automatically & instantly stored in his Subconscious

In the same instant Fred has this thought consciously, the thought is stored in
the subconscious mind.
The thought is stored through word and/or experience association.
The subconscious mind has already stored every experience and thought that
Fred has ever had.
In a flash of an instant the subconscious mind scans its memory-bank looking
for any previous thoughts or experiences that Fred has associated with winning.



The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

Our Mind



Super Conscious

Freds thought changes when it is stored with an old belief to: I cant win a gold medal

In Freds subconscious mind is a forgotten memory of an experience that

happened when he was about four years old. Freds father had entered him in
a childrens running race.
Fred has the whole experience filed, as he saw it as a four year old, in his
subconscious mind.
This experience started with him nervously standing in a line with other
children. He was not sure what was expected of him, but he could tell from his
fathers eagerness that it was important that he win. He was not sure how to
win, so decided to follow the other children.
The starting gun went off; making him jump with fright. The other children
started running ... so Fred did too. There was lots of encouragement from the
parents. However, Fred heard his father yell: Stop Fred, stop ... you are
running in the wrong direction.
Fred was confused. He stopped because he didnt know what else to do. He
didnt want to run any more.
His father came to him and laughingly said, You silly little thing, you cant
win when you are running in the wrong direction! Fred felt he had failed. He
felt miserable... after all, he had just followed the other children!
Freds subconscious mind recorded the whole event, including his fathers
words, as a negative experience. The words cant win became associated
with racing events in Freds subconscious mind.
In Creative Goal Setting we call these negative thoughts distractions. At a later
date these negative thoughts distract us (keep us) from receiving our goals. We
all have many distractions lurking in our subconscious mind, sabotaging our
great ideas and efforts.

The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

When a new idea, such as I want to win a gold medal is recorded, the
subconscious mind files it with associated data already stored. In Freds case,
with negative out-of-date distracting data from his childhood.
In this process the thought changes. In Freds subconscious mind it is now
stored as I cant win a gold medal.

Our Mind


Super Conscious

The Super Conscious receives the message: I cant win a gold medal

The subconscious version of the thought; I cant win a gold medal is picked
up by the Super Conscious part of the mind in the same instant. In fact, this
whole process is happening in the same instant of time that Fred is having the
original thought of I want to win a gold medal!
The Super Conscious mind creates the outcomes to all the thoughts it finds in
the subconscious mind.
It does not judge and/or change the messages it receives as judgment only
happens on the conscious level.
As mentioned already, there are many names given to the Super Conscious part
of the mind; some people call it God, Great Spirit, Higher Self, etc. The Super
Conscious is the part of us that connects us to all else; as shown by the bottom
Area of the three icebergs where they are joined at the base. Unfortunately, this
iceberg model cannot illustrate the omnipresence of this Creative Force.



The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

Our Mind


Super Conscious

The Super Conscious creates Freds reality based on: I cant win a gold medal

The Super Conscious creates (materializes) the stored version of all thoughts in
the subconscious mind as outcomes on the conscious level.
Remember, what we think of consciously may not be the same as what is stored
in the subconscious part of our mind.
The way we consciously perceive and experience the outcomes in our life is
known as our REALITY.
Back to Fred ... he has the subconscious thought I cant win a gold medal.
The Super Conscious can materialize this as an outcome in many ways. For
many people it would appear on the conscious level as I am not fit enough.
Now, it just so happens that Fred is physically fit; he is passionate about long
distance cycling and does lots of it. But he still has the negative subconscious
thought I cant win operating in his subconscious mind.
The Super Conscious is creating outcomes based on this negative message in
Freds subconscious mind. As a result, each time he enters a cycling race he
gets a puncture, or takes a wrong turn, or is disqualified for not complying with
the rules, or crashes, or is sick and cannot compete, or the event is scheduled at
a time when his family has an important occasion he must attend, or at a place
that he cannot get to, or he has not got enough money to pay his starting fee ...
the list goes on.
Fred is being distracted, or sabotaged, by his own long-forgotten memories
tucked away in his subconscious mind since he was a small boy.



The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

Our Mind


Super Conscious

Freds reality provides feedback on the message his Subconscious is sending.

These outcomes are FEEDBACK for Fred.

If he won more cycling races, he would have the feedback that his subconscious
mind is clear of, as in not clogged up with, any distractions on this subject.
Unfortunately, this is not the case for Fred.
Fred has now lost many cycling races due to varying physical reasons.

Our Mind




Super Conscious

When Fred asks questions that start with why, he gets excuses (blame & justification).



The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

With this sort of negative feedback, many people would give up and/or start a
destructive cycle of self-talk. This self talk would most likely start with Why
me? Whenever we ask Why me? we are setting ourselves into the potential
trap of being a victim of circumstances.
The answers to why me bounce back from the conscious level in the form of
excuses, reasons and justifications, with people and situations to blame.
Asking WHY only gets answers from the conscious level. If Fred asked
WHY, he would come up with reasons for not winning; reasons for taking
wrong turns, getting punctures, etc ... which he would be able to do nothing, or
very little about. He would conclude that other people and/or elements were
involved and that it was their fault. Even if there were no other people or
elements involved, he would blame himself and justify the events with excuses.
Blaming and justifying will not change the outcome!
There will always (well, nearly always) be physical reasons for the physical
outcomes we experience. Many of these reasons will appear to be out of our
Some people give up; walking away feeling like they have failed, depending on
their personality. Others use their will power to force a change in the situation.
For example, using will power to push their body beyond its capability; such as
cycling with a damaged knee. Another example being, people with
overbearing will power; like school yard bullies, cheating cyclists and other
domineering personalities.
Fred does not fit either of these two categories, failure or bully, yet he wants
to change his REALITY.
It is at this point that Fred uses the Creative Goal Setting process and creates
change that takes care of the highest good of all concerned. In other words, success
without forcing or bullying anyone or anything.
Fred now knows that all the outcomes in his life are the result of the way he
thinks, and in due course, re-programs his subconscious mind. He knows that
he needs to change what his subconscious mind is storing if he wants to change
the results in his life (in his conscious reality).



The Creative Goal Setting Workbook


Our Mind


Who? = Me
When? = Now

Super Conscious

As Fred wants to change his reality; he asks questions that include how or what.

To change the programming of the distracting data stored in the subconscious

mind, Fred first needs to be aware of it. He does this by being aware of the
FEEDBACK from his REALITY. Sometimes the answers are not so obvious, in
which case Fred knows he can do some soul searching; investigating what is
in his subconscious mind that is causing the negative outcomes in his life.
Asking HOW or WHAT questions is the key to unlocking the secrets of the
subconscious mind. Acting on the answers to HOW or WHAT questions
achieves goals. Writing the answers to HOW or WHAT questions in the
Goal Folder accumulates personal wisdom.
The answer to WHO is ME ... only I can change my subconscious.
The answer to WHEN is always NOW! The subconscious mind only works in
present tense. It stores all data in present tense at the time it happens and keeps
it that way until it is up-dated. So avoidance, or procrastination, will not
change anything!
Keep it simple, by asking only one HOW or WHAT question at a time, and
then wait for its answer.
Back to Fred ... He asks: What do I need to know to win cycling events? A
couple of hours later his conscious REALITY provides a hint that leads to his
answer while in a conversation with his father. One of the topics mentioned
was about Freds sister winning a 100 metre sprint. A vision flashed across the
screen of Freds mind. A vision of when he was a small child and in that
disappointing running race (he hadnt thought of it since!). Through word and
experience association his memory was triggered. He recalled lining up with
the other children, getting a fright from the starter gun, and then running until
his fathers words: Stop Fred, stop. You are running in the wrong direction.


The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

He now understood how he had associated winning a gold medal with You
silly little thing, you cant win by running in the wrong direction. His fathers


Our Mind



Who? = Me
When? = Now

Super Conscious

Fred reprograms his Subconscious with I can win.

Fred was able to use this insight in his personal Goal Folder. He opened it to
the relevant Area and wrote with coloured makers in the Tangible Expectations
column of his Distinctions sheet : I am winning all cycling events I enter and
I am a winner in the Personal Values column.
As this was very important to Fred, he also wrote a detailed Thank You Letter
thanking his Super Conscious in advance for the best possible outcome he could
Just pumping in positive thoughts or affirmations suggested by other people
can miss the mark and only superficially effect the outcome; like painting over
the rust in an old car. It is important to write our own affirmations / positive
thoughts as we take personal responsibility for programming our subconscious
Fred has written a positive statement that is the positive opposite to feedback
from his REALITY. This evolves the original thought and/or decision that was
distracting his outcomes and turns the distraction into an opportunity for more
great things to appear in his life.
There are already many existing opportunities in the subconscious mind. The
more opportunities in your subconscious mind, the more positive your attitude.



The Creative Goal Setting Workbook


Our Mind


Who? = Me
When? = Now

Super Conscious

The Super Conscious creates Freds reality based on I can win.

As a result of Fred taking responsibility for his outcomes in his life, by making
the necessary changes to his way of thinking, his results in his physical reality
(conscious level of his mind) change.
By observing his outcomes and changing negative results (feedback created
from subconscious distractions) to positive opposite ideas in his Goal Folder,
Fred is able to reprogram his reality for more positive outcomes.
Even during a race he can ask What can I do to win this event to activate
inspiration he can use immediately.
With this skill Fred started winning cycling events.
In Australia, if you win each event, you can eventually win a gold medal.
Fred did.



The Creative Goal Setting Workbook


Our Mind


Who? = Me
When? = Now

Super Conscious

This is how thought is processed in all areas of Freds life.

Our subconscious and Super Conscious minds are creating all the outcomes in
our life. The subconscious mind is either working for you, offering
opportunities, or against you, offering distractions for the Super Conscious
mind to materialize. Distractions temporarily stop you from having what you
want in life until you change them.
Have a look at your relationship with your body (your self), with other people,
money, etc. If there are any negative outcomes in any of your relationships you
now have the tools to change the negatives into positives.
As an example: school grades, like other achievements, are the result of
students subconscious thoughts. If they think they cannot do better at school ...
they are absolutely right because they are programming themselves for less
success! This, in turn, can cause less study, understanding, attention, interest,
focus, attendance, etc. School grades can suffer from subconscious distractions
happening in other areas of life also. Changing negative situations and/or
associations into opportunities in one area of life can have an effect on other
areas, including study.
If you believe there is a possibility you can achieve something, and you
program your subconscious mind positively, then ask how or what
questions for guidance ... you will achieve it. Ask yourself: How do I change
...? Or What do I need to do to get ...? Or What do I need to know to
receive ...? Or any similar questions with how or what in them. Wait for the
answer. It could come in any form. The answer may appear as an intuitive
thought immediately; or come as an inspirational thought triggered by a
conversation, an event, an omen, somebodys behaviour, ... anything. Children,
animals, trees, traffic, etc, all become your teachers, your mirrors, your link with
your subconscious mind.


The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

Asking why questions can guide you to reflect on and/or research the cause
of a situation. Asking how or what questions can guide you to solutions.
And remember; the good things happening in your life are also the result of
your subconscious and Super Conscious mind. Remember to appreciate your
blessings, your wins, and your achievements, as this reinforces the positive
programming of your subconscious mind.



The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

Thank You Letter

There is one more worksheet; the Thank You Letter. In this book I am inserting
one on the next page. You can write more on plain paper.
When using a Goal Folder, written Thank You Letters are filed in the relevant
This sheet has two purposes:

it is used for clarifying a goal, or goals, in one Area by asking for what
you want in more detail, and/or

it is used for conflict resolution by creating positive outcomes for both

internal confusion or external upsets, situations and/or associations.

The Thank You Letter is written with relevance to only one Area of the Goal
Folder at a time.
It combines Tangible Expectations and Personal Values.
This sheet is optional. A Thank You Letter does not need to be written for every
1. Have a particular problem or goal in mind. Decide which Area of your
Goal Folder the problem/goal is most relevant to and write this in the Area
box at the top of the Thank You Letter. Write todays date.
2. Address it to the Super Conscious part of the mind. Call this whatever you
like; for example: God, Great Spirit, Higher Self, Being, etc ~ as long as you
do not write the letter to another person.
3. Before writing the body of the letter, imagine an ideal outcome. Then using
the three Creative Goal Setting rules (using coloured markers and changing
colours after every phrase or sentence, writing in positive present tense and
only writing about yourself), write it as if it is already happening. You are
writing a letter of appreciation in advance. Refer to your Distinctions sheet
for ideas.
You can only write goals for yourself and how you want to relate to others;
not another persons relationship to you. You can generalize, using the
words: partners, children, parents, students, friends, co-workers, etc, but
not their name. Only write what you are willing to take responsibility for
and/or action yourself.
4. Read the statement at the bottom. Sign it.
Review the Thank You Letter from time to time until you receive the outcome
you are looking for. Check your wording. If it is not coming to fruition in a
reasonable time, look more closely at the wording are any of the words
ambiguous (have hidden meanings/agendas). And take a closer look at your
own motivation do you really want what you are asking for, or does the
current situation provide your ego with more entertainment than your solution

The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

would? Maybe my blogs at www.creativegoalsetting.com/blog will be of

assistance because I love delving into the ongoing mischief created by the ego
for which we have solutions of course. Re-read Our Mind for hints into what
you can do about this. You may just need to add another sentence or two to
your Thank You Letter to clear a Distraction or two with a positive opposite
By the way, worry is negative goal setting! Whenever you catch yourself
worrying, think of the positive opposite thought, write it into the relevant Area
of your Goal Folder and let go the worry. For example: if you are worrying
about how to deal with a situation; write the ideal outcome onto a Thank You
Letter and file it in a plastic sleeve in the relevant Area. If it can be covered in
one short phrase, then add it to the relevant Distinctions sheet.



Thank You Letter


Date Written: ....................................................

Dear: ......................................................................

May this or something better now materialise for me for the highest good of all concerned,
Yours positively,


The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

Creative Goal Setting is an ongoing process

Put your name on the dotted line on the next page (sheet in your Goal Folder)
that says: May this or something better now materialize for me,................ for the
highest good of all concerned.
As your expectations materialize move the pictures to the Received Goals at the
back of your Goal Folder ~ you must have decided to get one by now! You can
write lists of your favourite outcomes, including achievements before you had
this Goal Folder.
Creative Goal Setting tips:

Add colour and creativity to your Goal Folder. This helps you focus on
your personal expectations in a receptive way.

The Goal Folder is for positive ideas only ... great reading for when you are
feeling blue or overwhelmed.

Check the order you have your 12 Areas in. Does the order reflect what
you believe is the correct way for you to experience your life. The way you
look at life will vary from time to time, and will often vary from the way
others demonstrate life.

Re-write the Distinctions as often as you can, until you are happy that they
describe your ideal lifestyle; encompassing all aspects of your life.

Up-date your Vision so that it generally reflects your Distinctions.

Remember to keep your Goal Folder open at the Area you are choosing to
improve, or in need of urgent attention.

Keep your Goal Folder in a place where you can view it daily.

Keep on adding (and removing) pictures so they reflect your ideal lifestyle.

Just because it is written ... does not mean you have to do it! You can
always change your mind and up-date your Goal Folder. Although, action
is confirmation of your intention and draws the energy you need to do, have
and be all that you ask for.
When you have a conflict or crisis that needs attention:
1. decide which Area it is most relevant to,
2. update your Distinctions sheet with a positive opposite to the issue,
3. write a Thank You Letter if you feel it needs more clarification
4. leave your Goal Folder open at the most urgent Area.

Study & workplace tricks: use coloured markers in notes and positive
wording in assignments.

Study & work attitude: remember, dare to dream your dreams. If these
include A grades and/or excellence then go for it! As we do not use
dates in Creative Goal Setting you will receive your expectations, or
something better, eventually, for the highest good of all concerned



May these goals or

something better now
materialise for me


for the highest good

of all concerned.

The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

What makes Creative Goal Setting work?

Following is an explanation of how Creative Goal Setting works and how you
can improve your chances of getting exactly what you write in your Goal
Folder. It also explains why you havent always received what you have asked
for in the past.
Your life is driven by your mind. The use of an analogy will explain this better.
Imagine a ship at sea. It has a Captain and Crew. In this analogy, the ship
represents a human body. The Captain represents the brain in the body. The
crew represents the electrical impulses/messages sent from the brain.
The Captain is responsible for getting the ship from A to B. As the Captain
shouts orders through the intercom, the crew respond; turning the ship and
speeding it up as required.
But who is responsible for deciding the destination of the ship in the first place?
The ship is owned by a Company on the mainland who wants its cargo
delivered. The Company represents the mind; the cargo represents the
When you write a Vision you are giving your ship (your body) a destination.
As you write Tangible Expectations (goals) you are giving it cargo (purpose).
Your Personal Values are the ethics by which the Captain and Crew will live
by; how they will behave. If you have no Personal Values you run the risk of
mutiny from the Crew, or Piracy from the Captain!
The Company needs to communicate all these values and expectations clearly
to the Captain (brain). No confusion or hidden agendas. This is where
Creative Goal Setting comes to your aid. As you will probably discover you do
have hidden agendas that sabotage your outcomes. In this analogy, it would
appear that the Company accidentally sends the ship, Captain and Crew to the
wrong destination with incorrect information. The Captain and Crew become
confused and aimless while waiting for correct information.
If you want to organize your life like a well organized shipping company that
manages to get its ship to the correct port, with all the cargo on board, you will
benefit from organizing yourself effectively and being responsible for the
outcomes in your life. You need to understand that you are the Mind being
described. All our minds work in the same way. The fact that we are
individual in our approach to life is because when we store information in our
minds we associate it differently than the person next to us.
How the mind works is of paramount importance to understanding your ability
to create the outcomes you want in life. You have read about Fred the teenager,
with his goal of winning a Gold Medal for cycling, well here is another example
when Fred is an adult ... another example of Our Mind at work:
A story of Fred who has an idea; a thought. His conscious thought is I want a
red Ferrari sports car.


The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

It is on the conscious level, that this thought first occurs to Fred. That Fred is
first aware of the thought.
In the same instant that Fred has this thought consciously, it is stored in the
subconscious mind. It is stored through word and/or experience association.
The subconscious mind has already stored every experience and thought that
Fred has ever had. It scans its memory looking for subconscious thoughts
associated with red sports cars.
In Freds subconscious mind is a forgotten memory of an experience. It
happened one day when he was five; he was a passenger in the back seat of his
fathers car while out driving. Freds subconscious mind has the whole
experience filed as he saw it at the time.
A fast red car suddenly overtakes Freds fathers slower car. Fred is fascinated
and while he watches the red sports car quickly disappear into the distance his
subconscious mind notes his fathers reaction.
His fathers reaction is a negative dont deserve; expressed mainly with body
language. His bottom lip sticks out and his shoulders slump as he grumbles
under his breath he doesnt deserves that. In Freds five years of life he has
seen and heard his father do this, or something similar, many times. Freds
subconscious mind has a section, a file, labeled dont deserve.
In Creative Goal Setting we call this old negative thought a distraction. It
distracts us from our original purpose and/or direction. When new data, such
as I want a red Ferrari sports car is recorded, the subconscious mind
associates it with the old data. Subsequently changing the outcome to I dont
deserve a red Ferrari sports car.
The new subconscious version of the thought; I dont deserve a red Ferrari
sports car is picked up by the Super Conscious part of the mind in the same
instant. In fact this whole process is happening in the same instant of time that
Fred is having the original thought!
The Super Conscious mind creates the outcomes to all thoughts. It effectively
says YES, without judgment (judgment happens on the conscious level) to all
the messages it receives. There are many names given to the Super Conscious
part of the mind; some people call it God, Great Spirit, Higher Self, etc.
We are all connected at the deepest level of the mind ~ Super Consciousness.
The Super Conscious mind materializes all thought as outcomes on the
conscious level; attracting, like a magnet, the relevant people, things,
conditions, etc to us. Creating the outcome of all peoples thoughts combined.
The way we see life, what we experience as life, is known as reality.
Back to Fred ... he has the subconscious thought I dont deserve a red Ferrari
sports car. Super Conscious mind can materialize this many ways. For many
people it would appear on the conscious level as I cant afford a Ferrari and its
Now, it just so happens that Fred is a millionaire and can afford many sports
cars. But he still has a negative subconscious dont deserve thought running
his reality. Creating an undesired outcome. Fred bought, but crashed, his

The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

Ferrari on the way home. It was insured and repaired. It had only been in
Freds garage a week and it was stolen! He had it replaced. He had only had
his second Ferrari two weeks when it was vandalized at the local shopping
centre. He had it repaired. So far, Fred was more often without his red Ferrari,
than in possession of it!
These outcomes are feedback for Fred. If he received the red Ferrari without
any distractions, he would have the feedback that his subconscious mind is
clear on this subject. Unfortunately, this is not the case for Fred.
Fred has lost a few Ferraris due to varying physical reasons. Luckily, he knows
that all outcomes in his life are the results of his subconscious mind. Fred has a
Creative Goal Setting Program remember! He knows that he needs to change
the programming of his subconscious mind to change the results in his
conscious reality.
Fred knows he has to do some soul searching; some investigating of what is in
his subconscious mind causing the negative outcomes in his life. He does this
by asking questions.
Fred knows the only questions to ask are HOW or WHAT. Asking why only
gets answers from the conscious level. If Fred asked why, he would come up
with reasons for crashing his car, reasons for it being stolen and vandalized. All
of which he would be able to do nothing, or very little, about because he would
also conclude that other people were involved and that it was their fault. Even
if there were no other people involved, he would blame himself or justify the
events. Blaming and justifying will not change the outcome!
To change the outcomes, he needs to change the thoughts residing in his
subconscious mind. To change the thoughts, he first needs to be aware of them.
Just pumping in positive thoughts or affirmations written or suggested by other
people can miss the mark and only superficially affect the outcome. That is like
painting over the rust in an old car body.
The answer to When is always now! The subconscious mind only works in
present tense. It stores all data in present tense at the time it happened and
leaves it that way.
Fred knows the most simple and effective way to search the subconscious mind
is to ask it questions starting with How or What. Asking one question at a time
and waiting for its answer. Fred knows to give it at least 30 seconds or so.
Fred asked the question: What do I need to know to change my reality about
owning a red Ferrari sports car? Sometimes we dont hear the answers but
if we keep on focusing on the question, our Super Conscious aspect of the mind
will find a way to communicate what is in the subconscious mind. A couple of
hours later Fred received a telephone call from his father. His father chatted
about various topics and happened to mention Freds mother saying she didnt
feel she deserved all the praise she was receiving for her charity work ...
Deserved! Through word association, Freds mind flashed a vision across the
screen of his mind of when he was five and a passenger in the back seat of his
fathers car. He remembered the fast red sports car overtaking his fathers car


The Creative Goal Setting Workbook

and he also recalled from his peripheral vision his fathers reaction. He was
easily able to understand how he had associated red sports cars to not deserving.
Needless to say, Fred didnt stay chatting with his father for much longer. He
said his farewells, hung up the phone and raced off to his Creative Goal Setting
Program. He opened it to Material Things and wrote with a coloured marker:

I deserve in the Personal Values column of his Distinctions sheet. As this

was very important to Fred ... he could see how it affected ownership of other
material things, he also wrote a Thank You Letter thanking his Super Conscious
mind for the best possible outcome he could imagine.
Fred has written a positive statement very specifically meeting his needs. This
clears the original thought that was distracting his outcomes and turns it into an
opportunity for more great things to appear in his life.
As a result of Fred taking responsibility for his outcomes and making the
necessary changes to his way of thinking; his results in his physical reality,
conscious level of his mind, changed. He managed to get and keep a red
Our subconscious and Super Conscious mind is creating all the outcomes we
have in our life. It is either working for us, creating opportunities, or against
us, creating distractions. The distractions give you an opportunity to clear
your subconscious mind and have what you really want in each area of life.
Have a look at your relationships with other people and yourself. If there are
any negative outcomes in any of your relationships you now have the tools to
change the negatives to positives. And not by changing other people either!
Ask yourself How do I change specific outcome ?, or What do I need to
do to change specific outcome ?, or What is in the way of me receiving the
specific outcome I want?, or What do I need to know to change my reality
around this specific outcome ?. Or similar questions.
Then wait for the answer. It could come in any form. The answer may appear
as an intuitive thought straight away (give it at least 30 seconds); or come as an
inspirational thought triggered by a conversation, an event, an omen,
somebodys behaviour, ... anything. Small children, animals, trees, traffic, etc.
all become your teachers, your mirrors, your link with your subconscious mind.
Whatever you do, dont waste your time asking why; it will leave you being a
victim to circumstances, apparently out of your control, until you change your
And remember; the good things happening in your life are also the result of
your subconscious and Super Conscious mind. Remember to appreciate your
blessings, your wins, your achievements, as this reinforces the positive
programming of your subconscious mind.




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