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All about our homework for September!

The idea is based on the music theme of the movie Serpico starring Al Pacino. We chose that music because it was written by Mikis Theodorakis, one of the most significant and known worldwide Greek composers. He also used this music theme in his song Streets of the past ( Dromoi palioi in Greek). This is a poem written by Manolis Anagnostakis, one of the best known modern Greek poets (1925-2005). (There are various versions of both the music theme of the movie as well as the song on the Youtube if you feel like listening to what we are talking about.) To adapt this song to the concept of our Comenius programme Stars Over Europe, we called our students to carry out a poem contest in order to find the most suitable version. The poem Memories was chosen and was further adapted to match the music. The final song was rehearsed by our school choir which is part of our school team called Alternative Music & Drama Group. This group has been running in our school for several years under the supervision of our Vice-principal, Mrs Katerina Papathanasiou. Were also preparing a recording of this song which is going to be sent to you soon. Now, as for your little assignment for our next meeting, we would like to ask you to sing along with our choir. We understand that this piece of music is quite demanding to perform and the fact that summer holidays have already started, makes things more difficult. Alternatively, we would like to ask you to prepare just the chorus and as we kept the original Greek lyrics, for this part only, we are sending it written in Latin characters. When you come, there will be, of course, some time to rehearse it with our students before the presentation. Here are the lyrics:

Memories Many memories / I have with stars Like melody / in my mind. Waiting to shine In the sky / above. Throwing / their light Like planets in / wonderful space. My only friend / to confess my faults Cause, I know well

My secret / is really safe / for ever. Every night Was looking / at the moon Dancing through / stardust. All night long Holding my hope Vivid In my lonely / life

Ke prohorosa /msa sti nihta Hors na gnorzo kannan Kiote kannas / - Kiote kannasM gnrize / m gnrize / eee

Heres the translation of the above chorus: And I was walking in the middle of the night Without knowing anybody And no one knew me no one knew meKnew me, knew me P.S. 1.Please, forward this to your students who are going to be here in Greece so that they could get familiar to the idea. P.S. 2. The slashes in the song mean pauses.

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