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US 20130186050A1

(19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2013/0186050 A1

(43) Pub. Date:

Jul. 25, 2013

Publication Classi?cation


Int. Cl.

(71) Applicant: George William Skopis, GlenVieW, IL (US)

(72) Inventorl George William Skopis, Glenview, IL

F24F 13/28 (52) US. Cl.


CPC .................................... .. F24F 13/28 (2013.01)

USPC ....................................................... .. 55/3852

(22) Filed:

Dec. 26, 2012

. . Return air HVAC registers With slots for ?lter companions is

Related U's' Apphcatlon Data

disclosed. A pre-?ltered return air register on a HVAC central

Provisional application No. 61/588,564, ?led on Jan.


forced air system, prevents contaminants from entering the system, by ?ltering the returning air to the HVAC system.




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Patent Application Publication

Jul. 25, 2013 Sheet 2 0f 2

US 2013/0186050 A1

US 2013/0186050 A1

Jul. 25, 2013


Relationship betWeen the Components:

[0012] l .A slotted HVAC central system, air return register, With the slot on the opposite side of the louver adjustment lever, the slot made in siZe to accommodate the accompany ing ?lters to ?t the slot 2. Filters siZed to ?t the slots in #1. the HVAC central systems, air return registers. Filters have a metal, plastic, resin or cardboard border, that holds in place a scented or unscented, paper, mesh metal, plastic or cloth type

Problem Solved

[0001] Prevents dust, dirt and insects from contaminating return air to central heating and air conditioning systems.

Helps keep trunk lines cleaner.


Presently return HVAC central air return registers

A pre-?ltered return air register on a HVAC central

?lter that catches contaminant particles including insects and prevents them from returning into the HVAC central system.
HoW the Invention Works:

are open, and alloW for all types of contaminants to return into

the system. forced air system, prevents contaminants from entering the system, by ?ltering the returning air to the HVAC system.

[0013] The #1. Slotted HVAC central system air return register is necessary as the slot accommodates the ?lter siZed

to ?t the accommodating slot. Together they prevent the

return of contaminants into the HVAC central forced air sys

[0004] As stated above, prevents dust, dirt and insects from contaminating return air to central heating and air condition ing systems. Helps keep trunk lines cleaner. The invention claimed here solves this problem.
[0005] By having a slot on the internal or external front of

[0014] Remove old HVAC central air return registers and replace them With #1. Slotted HVAC central system return air

registers. Slip siZed accommodating ?lter counterpart into

place. Remove and replace ?lters as desired.
HoW to Make the Invention:

a return air register, that accommodates the companion ?lter, the companion ?lter then prevents contaminants from retum ing to the inner parts of the system, such as trunk lines and the like. [0006] The claimed invention differs from What currently exists. Return HVAC central system registers presently do not have a return air ?lter in place to prevent contaminants. [0007] This invention is an improvement on What currently exists. Return HVAC central system registers presently do not
have a return air ?lter in place to prevent contaminants.


These un?ltered systems alloW for dirt, dust, insects

and other contaminants to continually compound and create health problems and the need for internal cleaning of these HVAC central forced air systems. [0009] A pre-?ltered return air register on a HVAC central forced air system, prevents contaminants from entering the

[0015] Make a slot on the opposite side of the louver adjust ment level handle of the HVAC central system forced air return register so as to be able to slip into the slotted place, a ?lter siZed to accommodate the slot space of the HVAC cen tral forced air return register. [0016] Both elements are necessary. Neither are optional in order to produce desired results. [0017] Slot jackets could be internal to the HVAC central forced air return registers to accommodate siZed ?lters. Slots could be external to the HVAC central forced air return reg isters to accommodate siZed ?lters.
HoW to Use the Invention:


By creating a slotted HVAC central return air regis

system, by ?ltering the returning air to the HVAC system. [0010] Also, it can produce cleaner, sanitiZed, scented or unscented household circulating air.
The Version of the Invention Discussed Here Includes:
[0011] l . Slotted standard siZed return HVAC forced air

ter and making a ?lter siZed to accommodate the aWaiting

slots spaces. Together they Would prevent contaminants from returning into the forced air system
[0019] Also, it can create: Cleaner, sanitiZed, scented or

unscented household circulating air.

1. An internal or external placed ?lter, at the air return

return registers, With the slot on the opposite side of the louver adjustment lever, so the ?lter can be slipped or positioned into

register of HVAC systems prevents contaminants from enter

ing the HVAC system.

* * * * *

the accommodating slot.

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