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REVIEWER IN SCIENCE AND HEALTH 3 (1ST QTR) Name_________________________________________ Identify. SCIENCE OBSERVE DESCRIBING COMPARE CLASSIFYING DESCRIBE ___________________ 1. Knowledge of facts phenomena proximate causes gained and verified by exact observation experiments and analysis. ___________________ 2. To use our 5 senses. ___________________3. Process in which you tell the characteristics of an object based on your observation. ___________________4. Process of grouping things according to their size, shape, color, appearance and texture. ___________________5.the ability to tell the color shape, size, and appearance of the objects observed. ___________________6. By looking at its difference and similarities. 5 senses and their uses:

Write the ff under the correct column below. ( 10 pts ) Book movie silk shouting Perfume loud music ice cream whistle SEE HEAR TASTE SMELL

cotton sweet candy FEEL

What object is described? It is green and sour when unripe, it is yellow and sweet when ripe. ___________________ It is covered with scales it has fins and tail for swimming. ___________________________ It is soft and white, it is use for cleaning wounds.___________________________________ It has a beak and two feet with claws, It has wings for flying.__________________________ It gives loud sound when it rings it sends message._________________________________ Classify then cross out the one that does not belong ____________________1. Dog, cat, goat, worm ____________________2. Car , jeep boat, bus ____________________3. Toothbrush, pencil, comb, towel ____________________4. Leaves, fruits, soil, roots ____________________5. Worm, turtle, snake, caterpillar. Check if its comparing object, cross it it doesnt.

_____1. Light is faster that sound. _____2. The turtle moves slower that a snake. _____3. The coconut tree and bamboo are both tall. _____4. Science is a very interesting subject. _____5. Jozsef is the most fat boy in the classroom. Identify the following laboratory tools below. Tell whether it is a GLASS APPARATUS, MEASURING DEVICE and HEATING APPARATUS. Draw _______________________1. Beaker _______________________2. Graduated cylinder _______________________3. Reagent bottles _______________________4. Alcohol lamp ______________________5. Triple beam

Choose from the box. TRIPLE BEAM BALANCE __________________1. For measuring the volumes of liquids. THERMOMETER __________________2. Measures large masses of objects. PLATFORM BALANCE __________________3. Also used for weighing masses. GRADUATED CYLINDER __________________4. Used for measuring temperature of an object Draw a Circle if the situation shows social activities and X if it doesnt. _____1 Charlon go biking with his friends. _____2. Pia shares her food with Jayrah and Johanna. _____3. Diamond helps Mrs. Ricahuerta to carry her books. _____4. Patrick stays at home all day _____5. Jenny avoids playing with her classmates. _____6. Don Alejendro spends time sharing stories with his family. _____ 7. Enrique hates to play with other people. _____8. RicHard attends mass with his brother and sister. _____9. Julia smiles when Andrei called her. _____10. Myrna spent her vacation in Iloilo with her friends. Write 3 mental abilities that you ,can do now. 1 2 3 Write 2 physical activities that you can do now 1 2

Fill in the Blanks The greater your mass , the ________________ you are. Your mass is measured by ______________________ Yoiur weight is measured in ____________________. HEAVIER KILOGRAMS NEWTONS Babies 2-3 yrs old 4-5 yrs old

6-7 yrs old.

feeding kick can walk play w/ toys crawl Crawl sit stand feed themselves run distances throw and catch balls More capable of doing diff. acts play games w/ other children ride a bike play games w/ other children ride a bike play games hide & seek body parts are better coordinated __________________1. Those activities a child does with members of the family and other people. __________________2. This changes as children grow SOCIAL ACTIVITIES MENTAL ACTIVITIES


____________________ means being physically, mentally and socially fit. { Health, Healthy } What do you mean by Health is wealth ? TRUE OR FALSE. _____1. a childs growth is affected by his or her health. _____2. A first born child always looks like the mother. _____3. A father w/ curly hair is likely to have. _____5. A child who is obese or very fat is physically healthy. _____6. A person who has negative feelings and attitudes has poor mental health. _____7. Getting along well w/t other people is a sign of being socially fit. _____8. A child who is sickly grows as fast as a healthy child. Check the characters that you should have. ___1. Smiles at people. ___2. Makes friends easily. ___3. Shares things w/ others ___4. Likes to be alone most of the time. ___5. Enjoys being w/ other children. IDENTIFICATION. FOOD NUTRIENTS VITAMINS METABOLISM CARBOHYDRATES MINERALS GO FOODS GROW FOODS GLOW FOODS WATER FATS PROTEINS Food contains __________ that your body needs for energy, growth and repair. __________________ supply the body with materials for energy. __________________ provides your body w/ a good source of energy. ___________________ are nutrients for growth and maintenance, it helps heal your wounds.

__________________ are nutrients that help your body use carbohydrates, proteins and fats. __________________ are nutrients that are needed for building strong bones and teeth, nerves work, regulating growth of clotting blood. __________________ is needed by the body to maintain metabolism, regular bowel movement. __________________ refers to all the activities going on in cells so that they can absorb food and produce energy. Foods that contains carbohydrates and fats are ______________________. 10. Foods which contain protein are popularly called as ___________________. 11. Foods w/c contains vit. And minerals are ________________________. GOOD FOOD HABIT Eat plenty of food from G_______________ and C________________. Eat P ____________R______ food, it will make you grow. Eat F______________ and V __________________, it regulates Eat less F ____________ and S____________ or S___________F_______. Drink plenty of W_______________. Eat a B________________ D________________. GOOD HEALTH HABITS 1. K__ __P__ __ __ CL__ __ __ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 2. EX__ __ __ __ __ __ 3. R__ __ __ GO GROW GLOW






KALABASA vit.B vit.D



MATCH. Clear eyes Strong bones Green leafy vegetables fish ceareals Keep your skin healthy

vit.A vit.B/ A

TRUE/ FALSE _____1. Immunization means injecting into the body a weakened form of germs. _____2. A disease can slow down the growth of child. _____3. A baby who is blind can learn to recognize objects by touch as fast as baby who

can see. _____4. Most Children w/ cerebral palsy do not learn to read and write. _____5. When a child has a heart defect, he or she feels weak and gets tired easily. _____6. An unborn child may become sick when the mother is sick during pregnancy. WRITE THE LETTER ONLY. _____1. A disease caused by brain damage. a. Epilepsy b. cerebral palsy c. mental damage _____2. A baby born with a ______ defect is weak. a. Heart b. brain c. bone _____3. A baby cannot learn to imitate actions if he/ she is ________. a. Blind b. deaf c. mute _____4. Mental development is affected when the __________ is damaged. a. Teeth b. brain c. thinking _____5. A baby cannot imitate sounds if he or she is ________. a. Mute b. deaf c. blind _____6. __________ feeling is a sign that your body needs rest. a. Tired feeling b. coughing c. sleepy _____7. Activities that you do voluntarily, because you like to, are called ________________. a. Rest b. Recreational activity c. Recreating _____8. ___________ is a way to rest. a. Sleep b. sit c. lay down REST OR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES. R/RA ___1. Sitting under the shade of the tree. ___2. Taking a nap after lunch. ___3. Making an album of dried leaves. ___4. Reading storybooks ___5. Listening to music ___6. Lying on a sofa. ___7. Watching the animals at the zoo. ___8. Watching a tv show. ___9. Sleeping eight to ten hours a day. ___10. Singing with the friends. WRITE H IF THE SURROUNDINGS ARE HELTHFUL AND NH, IF NOT. ___1. The house is near a stream. Clear water flows in the stream. Shady trees surround the house. Garbage cans are covered. ___2. The house are separated by fences. Biig trees line the sidewalk. There is no garbage around. The streets are clean. ___3. It is an open space. People dump their garbage here. Flies rats and cockroaches are plenty. Stray dogs and cats walk around. ___4. The houses are too crowded. There is junk on the sidewalk. Piles of garbage are in the street corners. ___5. The place is on a mountainside. There are tall tree. There are flowering plants. Vegetables crops in the backyard. The streets are well swept. SCI./ HEALTH cont. Match the parts of the eyes with its functions. 1. Cornea a. sends message to the brain

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Pupil eye. Iris the eye Optic nerve Lens enters Retina

b. focuses image on the screen of the c. transparent layer covering the front of d. screen in the innermost part of the eye e. opening in the eye through which light f. colored part of the eyes

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