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Why Men Are The Submissive Sex.

By William Bond We have been told for thousands of years, that men are the natural dominant sex and Women are naturally submissive. And this is confirmed by the fact that men dominate every government in the world. We still have only a minority of female politicians and a very small minority of female leaders of countries. The same is also true in business, law and religion, Women, are in the minority anywhere, wherever there is power and status. If we look back in recorded history the situation is even worse. Very few Womenhave ever achieved power. We can think of a few Women like Cleopatra, Elizabeth 1and Catherine the Great but the vast majority of rulers have been men. And if wego back before recorded history we are told that men were even more dominant. Thecaveman, we are told, was an aggressive brute who dominated cavewoman throughextreme violence. So the picture we are given, is that man, always has and alwayswill, dominated Women.It is true that Feminism claims that men and Women are equal and the same, butthis claim doesnt square with the facts. There has never been a time in recordedhistory where men and Women have been equal, and Feminism can only point to a fewstone-age tribes where this might of happened.So with all this overwhelming evident that seems to prove that man is the dominantsex, how is it possible to claim that man is the natural submissive sex? Thereason is, is that mans natural submissiveness is the reason why alpha men ruleour world.Throughout most of history there has always been powerful warlords, kings andemperors whom have gained power through violence and warfare. The origins of allcountries and empires have been through warlords who have conquered other peopleand ruled over them. Much is written about very successful generals likeAlexander the Great, Hannibal, Julius Cesar, Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan andNapoleon, but not a lot is written about the ordinary soldier who fought for thesesuccessful generals.Whenever the military talks about attributes of being a successful soldier, whatis put at the top of the list, is always discipline. A successful general has toknow that whenever he gives an order, he has to have instant and unquestioningobedience. Successful generals have to be able to use their men like pawns on achessboard, and will willing sacrifice thousands of them, to gain a tactical orstrategic advantage.An example of this was in the Zulu wars between the Zulus and the British in the19th century. Chief Shaka, to demonstrate to a visiting dignitary, how his menwere so obedient, ordered a troop to march over a cliff to their deaths. Then theZulus won the first battle with the British, in the Battle of Isandlwana. It wasonly the discipline of the Zulu warriors that made this possible. Although theywere only armed with spears, they continued to attack British troops armed withmodern rifles, until they finally overwhelmed them. The Zulus finally lost thewar when they simply ran out of men.In the 20th century, with the invention of the machine gun, war has become evenmore deadly. In the First World War it is claimed that the ordinary soldierswere, lions lead by donkeys. This was because all the generals in the conflictdidnt know how to fight a war with modern weapons like machining guns,

modernartillery and poison gas and so millions of lives were sacrificed needlessly, for very little gain. Yet, in spite of this, the ordinary solder still obeyed ordersto come out of the trenches and face near certain death, in the face of enemymachine gun fire. In the Second World War the Japanese took things even furtherby ordering their airmen to crash their planes into enemy shipping in Kamikazeattacks. In more recent times many guerrilla groups like the Tamil Tiger in SriLanka and many Islamic terrorist groups use suicide bombers.This means that if you can train a man to risk his life or even commit suicidewhen ordered to do so, suggests that men are very submissive. Yes, it is truethat Women suicide bombers have also been used, but Women suicide bombers haventbeen so successful. In the Palestinian conflict there are a large numbers ofWomen in Israel jails whom were sent out to be suicide bombers, but couldnt gothrough with it. Unlike men, Women have the sense, to see the stupidity of whatthey are being pressurised into doing.It is mens complete obedience to authority that has paradoxically makes him thedominant sex. The Feminists once had a slogan that, the sisterhood is powerful,unfortunately this hasnt been the case. Women have totally failed to create apowerful sisterhood. It can be also said that men havent produced a powerfulbrotherhood either, but they have done the next best thing. Mens total obedienceto authority allows alpha men to gain great power, by being able to mobilise largenumbers of men, who do as they are told.A despotic dictator has great power over the people because he has an army ofyoung men, whom if ordered to beat up, murder, rape or even torture any member ofthe public, will obey without question. This means that the average man is noteither very dominant or bossy but very submissive, because it is mens verysubmissive behaviour in obeying those in authority, that keeps the wholepatriarchal society going.The problem is that if you ask any man, are you submissive? he will deny itcompletely. This is because men all over the world have been trained to think ofthemselves as dominant. Or at least dominant as far as Women are concerned. Andthe men who would most likely to strongly deny their submissive behaviour, wouldbe soldiers. After all soldiers do have a very strong machismo image, and tosuggest they are submissive, would be like suggesting that they are wimps. And ifyou pointed out that soldiers would always obey orders without question, he wouldclaim it is discipline, and not submissiveness.Yet whether a person is disciplined or submissive, the result is exactly the same,both types of people, do as they are told. The only difference is perception. Soalthough macho soldiers are not a sort of people we normally associate withsubmissive behaviour, the reality is, is that their extreme obedience toauthority, where they will risk their lives or even commit suicide, when orderedto do so, does make them very, very submissive.The same is also true in the civilian world. Feminists have already observed howthe whole patriarchal society is a hierarchal system. Most men like to claim thatthey only obey their boss at work, because he pays the wages. Yet, even thoughmen may moan and complain about their bosses, or the politicians, or anyone elsein authority over him, men on the whole, do as they are told. And thisinstinctive obedience by men is the foundation of patriarchy, if men didntinstinctively obey those he considered to be in authority over him, then the

wholepatriarchal system would collapse.This then is the basis of political power. Because men do instinctively obeythose in authority, then political power comes from being perceived by thepopulation as the alpha male. If we look at the patriarchal society as a whole, then men look up to and even sometimes hero worship those in he perceives as beingabove him in the pecking order, and will ruthlessly exploit those he perceives asbeing below him. In all patriarchal countries nearly all the wealth and power ofa country are in the hands of a few alpha men and the rest are poor and powerless.This is true for even a modern Western country like the USA, the top 1 % of thepopulation owned 34% of the countrys wealth. Also, the top 20% of the populationowned 85% of the wealth of the country. Leaving only 15% of the wealth for thebottom 80% of people. In poorer third world countries these figures would be evenworse, where there is an enormous gap between rich and poor. Yet in spite of thefact this causes great resentment in men all over the world, revolution doesnthappen very often and as we have seen throughout history, revolution doesnt solvethe problem either. The new rulers end up behaving as badly, or even worse, thanthe leaders they have replaced.To make society function smoothly, we are all taught obedience from a very earlyage. Children are expected to be obedient to their parents and then later totheir teachers at school. The paradox is that as boys learn to play macho gamesin sport, the more he is taught to become obedient. All team sports need theplayers to do exactly what their coach tells them, to become a winning team. Thisis also true of individual sports as well, where most sports coaches act likesergeant majors on a parade ground.So boys from an early age are given two contrary messages. The first message isthat men have to be very strong and macho and be willing to stand up forthemselves. Yet at the same time they are taught to obey those in authoritywithout question. No wonder teenage boys when they grow old enough to think forthemselves, become very confused. As clearly both messages are in contradictionto each other, and so it encourages schizophrenic type of behaviour.So obedience and passivity is part of the human condition, but how boys and girlsreact to this is very different. Scientific studies done on children show adistinct difference in how boys and girls react when given a project to do. Forboys they first have to elect a leader, who tells the rest of them what to do, butif they cannot do this then nothing gets done, as they continue to argue amongthemselves. This is not true for girls, who are far better communicators and candiscuss among themselves what needs to be done, with far less conflict and so canwork together without a leader.We can see this throughout the patriarchal society where leadership is all-important. In business, under good leadership a company can thrive, but under badleadership a company will quickly go broke. The same is true for politicalleaders a bad leader can destroy a country as we see in the case of Robert Mugabethe leader of Zimbabwe he is a terrible leader but the people are still helplessin the face of this power and seem to be unable to replace him. It is very truein war. For instance Napoleon won every battle he ever fought in, until thebattle of Waterloo, where he lost to another general that also had an unbeatenrecord. The French army has never been so successful before Napoleon or afterhim. It was his leadership that made all the difference. In these

situations thecommon soldier feels totally powerless, because he is totally reliant on theleadership of the army whether they will be successful.Another instance of the common mans feeling of helplessness is the1929 Wall Stcrash that caused a worldwide Depression, the common people had no say in thedecisions that caused the crash, but it was they who suffered the consequences.During the cold war the USSR and USA had thousands of nuclear weapons aimed ateach just waiting for someone to press the button, that would wipe out humanity.

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