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By configure service broker with the create service option -- configure service broker to handle messaging in the inventory

database By using a severity level of 16 -- Pass control to your CATCH block when an erro r is raised The statement displays each employee's manager -Rebuild the table's index decreasing the fill factor -- table wit one clustered index experiencing many page splits By creating a DDL trigger which utilizes ROLLBACK -- prevent queries and functi ons from resulting in tables being dropped one row per customer is inserted into the customerOrders table -on update cascade -- when creating the foreign key constraint Profiler trace files, Transact-Sql scripts and XML files -- Database Engine Tun ing Advisor can analyze which type of load By creating a Transact SQL statement utilizing the DELETE FROM salesRep -- to re move the records of sales table when two tables are related by a foreign key wit h Cascade delete option By making use of the Export Session Results function of the DTA -- save results from the DTA By making use of the SET SHOWPLAN_XML ON; statement -- to save the execution pla n in SQL Server Management studio By making use of the XACT_ABORT option -- to roll back changes if the transactio n that modifies a lot of existing data is unsuccessful RPC:Completed, SQL:BatchCOmpleted and SP:STmtCompleted -- to create a trace file for using the DETA to optimize indexes By making use of the SNAPSHOT transaction isolation level -- to reduce blocking whilst preventing dirty reads By making use of Change Data Capture tracking -- for a table to track all change s made to inventory database By making use of the SET SHOWPLAN_XML ON: statement -- to create the execution p lan using SQL server Management Studio By making use of the datetimeoffset data type -- alter the table to store a cust omers local time as well as specifying the difference between the customer's loc al and UTC time By using an INSTEAD OF INSERT trigger -- inserting data into the TotalSales tabl e By making use of the FAST 100 query hint -- returning first 25 rows quickly By making use of switch offset function -- to ensure that Recorded column stores data relative to the time offset By saving the graphical execution plan as a .sqlplan file -- save the execution plan in SQL server Management Studio

By making use of CREATEBROKER PRIORITY statement -- to ensure that messages sent by website are processed first By using Scalar-values functions -- to determine if a given year is a leap year columns are permanently deleted from the table -- ALTER TABLE name DROP COLUMN c ol1,col2 By implementing the code CREATE PROCEDURE GetSalesRep(@StaffID int) -- to create a stored procedure GetSalesRep using input data passed by a parameter named sta ffid By assigning the VIEW SERVER STATE permissions to the user -- to ensure the user is not granted too much permissions Make use of the Stoplist component -- to ignore certain words in search results By making use of the CREATE XML SCHEMA COLLECTION XML Valid statement -- a store d procedure inserts and updates XML data. An XML schema is created to ensure tha t XML data is valid. How to ensure that the XML schema is used By running the DENY DELETE ON tablename TO username transact sql stmt -- config ure to revoke USER'S SELECT permissions to a table without disrupting other perm issions to the database By making use of the database engine tuning advisor -- utility to run on a datab ase to optimize the indexing of the database for stored procedures Evaluate utilization of existing PDS only and Do not keep any existing PDS -- tw o tuning options By making use of the sys.column_xml_schema_collection_usages catalog view -- to check if any of the XML schemas are no longer required By making use of the ALTER DATABASE method and SWITCH method -- to archive a par tition of table 1 to table 2 RAISERROR('Invalid ID number', 10, 1); -- only to notify the user and do not nee d a permanent record of the event, use the statement By using the WITH CHECK((Purchases=0 AND Discount = 0) OR ( Purchase > 0 AND Dis count = 0.15)) constraint -- to have customers who have made purchases before gr anted 15% discount By making use of a Foreign key constraint -- to ensure changes listed in the Ite mSold table corresponds to records in the Stock table By making use of the Deadlock Graph event -- to capture information about the de adlocks to an XML file DELETE FROM ArchivedOrders OUTPUT DELETED OrderNum,DELETED OrderDate INTO @var WHERE OrderDate<@dte; Ones that use the WITH ENCRYPTION option -- which stored procedures can be modif ied to utilize the WITHCOMPILE option You should consider making use of the WITH SCHEMABINDING option -- to ensure tha

t your function does not cause the Stock table to be dropped By specifying the geography data type -- alter the Address column to enable user s to query the column based on geography location By making use of the SP_SEND_DBMAIL stoed procedure for sending e-mail without a MAPI client -- to implement stored proc that sends alerts by email a disk bottleneck -- high wait_time_ms value for the IO_COMPLETION wait type By creating a partition function with a partition scheme before creating the Wee kSales table -- create a WeekSales table that stores last week's data from the I temsSOld table By utilizing the query hint(MAXDOP 1) to ensure no other queries are impacted -to ensure that the query only uses a single processor core By making use of the sp_xml_removedocument stored procedure -- to clear XML hand les from memory after stored procedures insert data By making use of the SYSDATETIME system function with the DEFAULT option -- Stor e the current time with a precision of up to storing ten microseconds The UNSAFE permission set -- To configure a CLR assembly on a database that acce ss an external database. Assembly does not use managed code.which permission set should you assign to the assembly On columns of the varchar(max) data type -- to collate numerous tables with simi lar data into a single table by using SPARSE option. Use an UPDATE statement that calls the modify method in the SET clause -- to upd ate the description value in PartDetail column for a partid with least amount of effort. REPEATABLE READ -- isolation level to configure the flight application to lock t he seats during a ticket reservation by customers By making use of the ROW_NUMBER option -- create a query utilizing ranking funct ions to display the sequential number of rows within a partition. By making use of the ALTER DATABASE inventory SET NEW_BROKER statement -- Databa se que does not resume messaging after restoring from a catastrophic failure On nvarchar(50) NULL or nvarchar(50) NOT NULL columns -- which columns unique co nstraints can be created create an inline table-valued function that includes the WITH SCHEMA BINDING cla use -- to ensure tables are not dropped or modified in a way that would cause us er's queries to fail By making use of the sys.sql_expression_dependencies catalog view -- to determin e which tables are referred by the stored procedures that do not use dynamic sql Create a plan guide that has the USE PLAN hint -- to improve the performance of a mission critical query when an app is migrated from sql 2005 to 2008. DENSE_RANK -- to produce a report that displays employees grouped by department

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