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My Personal Development Plan

Focus priority 2013

Spiritual GOD

Increase income - JOB

Communication skill: writing and speaking: or study Master Leadership Saving Health

Monday: 12 daily Principle Today Matters

7-Am wake up and Prey 30 Minutes walking*** Review my Plan & schedule for the week Practice grammar: 1.5 Hours & Accent reduction Going from good to Great-Review By John C.Maxwell Earl Nightingale - The Essence of Success Listening Skill-Review 50 classic Success The power of Word As a man thinketh The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader Positive living Vincent normal pale The science of being well~ Wallace D. Wattles Maximise your potential Dr. Maxwell Maltz Covey - 8th Habit (13-CD's)

The Armour 15 THE MAGIC IN YOUR MIND U. S. Andersen, How we lead matter Now-You-Can-Discover-and-Develop-Those-Riches Dick Sutphens MASTER OF LIFE MANUAL James Allen :Men and system Florence Scovel -The power of the spoken word The secret door of success by FLORENCE SCOVEL SHINN How we think John Dewey

James Allen by way to blessedness

Improve your written English Skill- 21 What-All-The-World-s-A-Seeking-by-Ralph-Waldo-Trine

Watchman nee page 70 Andrew Murray Page the young disciples

RALPH WALDO TRINE Must read Again ! Last decree

Oral Roberts Seed of Faith THE BEST OF RALPH WALDO TRINE


Abraham Hershel J. Matt read it again

Shepherd Psalms English Usage- 68 Ultimate Phrase 36 Mark twain speech 27 7-Am wake up and Prey 30 Minutes walking*** Review my Plan & schedule for the week Tuesday: 12 daily Principle Today Matters & Living the 7 habits of highly effective people Review daily. Practice grammar: 1.5 Hours & Accent reduction Winning with others & People

Bob Proctor - The Success Puzzle Bob Proctor Expressing your power

Roger Dawson - The Secrets of Power Negotiating - 4 Talent is overrated Einstein factor:32 p.g 59 A course in Miracle 150 audio 15 Harry Lorayne - Super Power Memory 52 The_Dynamic_Laws_Of_Prosperity_Catherine_Ponder Maltz-Kennedy_The New Psycho-Cybernetics Guidebook Genevieve_Behrend_-_Attaining_Your_Desires Genevieve_Behrend_-_Your_Invisible_Power. The Life and moral of Jesus How to sell your way through life Napoleon hill 137 Lisa Contini - Speak up and Stand Out

David Allen s The Power of Awareness David Allens your faith is in your fortune

Wednesday: 12 daily Principle Today Matters & Living the 7 habits of highly effective people Review daily. Purpose driven life. Practice grammar: & Accent reduction Leadership: Developing The Leader With You Communication skills: Persuasion Artful Persuasion How to Command Attention, Change Minds, and Influence People - Harry Mills Talent is over rated Brian Tracy - Success Mastery Academy disc 5 Training the mind Eye Email Practice page 33 Genius -Code :7 page 31 Motivated365 Maltz-Kennedy_The New Psycho-Cybernetics Jack Canfield - Breakthrough to Success (Home Study Course) The secret to success- OOrison Swett Marden

Thursday: 12 daily Principle Today Matters. Practice grammar: 1.5 Hours Accent reduction Listening skills-Kevin Murphy - Executive Listening, Your Key To Career Success David J Schwartz Ph D-Magic thinking big Bob Proctor-11 Forgotten Laws (CDs, Videos and Workbooks) Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey Writing Skills Page 146 Photo Reading -4A page 45 manual 42 Max lucado- Chance Everyday The Road less travel HIDDEN-POWER: mental science The secret door to success Half Time Bob Buford-13 Friday: 12 daily Principle Today Matters Passion -Review The winning attitude - John C-Maxwell John C Maxwell-Going From Good To Great Jim Rohn-Weekend Seminar-Excelling in the New Millennium Speaking skill-Caryl Krannich - 101 Secrets of Highly Effective Speakers 2 Brain booster: 5-2 pg 63 Secret of 10 Great Geniuses Tony Alessandra Viktor E. Frankl - Man's Search for Meaning logo therapy Orison Swett Marden- character The secret of the Age

Wallace D. Wattles The science of getting rich John C Maxwell-The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader 22.

Saturday: 12 daily Principle Today Matters Catch UP! day Professional telephone skills: The Awakening Course Bonus 7 Habits of Highly Effective People & reflect & think things through Covey - Beyond the 7 Habits. Social interaction & Communication skills: Power conversation 4 The Richest Man in Babylon Zig-Ziglar - - Sell Your Way To The Top Bob-Proctor Personal Image! John Maxwell - Keep on Keeping On Consistency The little big things: 46 The Life morals of Jesus: Wealth Dynamic -YOUR LIFE YOUR LEGACY An Entrepreneur Guide to Finding Your Flow-58 Sunday: 12 daily Principle Today Matters Dr Wayne Dyer: Your scare self Wayne Dyer - The Power of Intention -How successful people think by John C-Maxwell John Maxwell-Thinking & planning & strategies. Keep on consistency John c Maxwell Learn Pray and Bible studies The Road Less Travelled Your invisible power-

Sidney Friedman - Mind DynamicsStep 1: Write out the statement of your intentions. This would be what you intend to accomplish by developing yourself in your chosen area. With this at the head of your development plan you will never lose sight of what you want to accomplish and you will know exactly when you have achieved your goals. I want to become the most famous and most influential banker in South East Asia. I want to become a great leader who is Christlike I want to be a good communicator. I want to be person who add value, inspire people and give opportunity to their dream. I want to use my gift and talent from God and serve it to the world.

My passion is to be a role model for the youth and the people of Cambodia, i want to open door of the possibility, to inspire the entire nation that they have a purpose and a gift that they need to released to the world. I want to show them that, nothing is impossible if they have a passion and a commitment to their dream. I want motivate them to keep a hold of their dream, to dream big and to have faith in themselves and the Lord God of almighty. I believe that God put us on to this earth for a reason and Im convinced we will not here by accident. We here to serve one another, I want to left up the spirit of Cambodian people to rise up and stand tall to be once again build a great empire , to be once again become the leading agricultural industries nation by exporting out commodity to many countries around the world.

Step 2: Write out what areas you have accomplished so far on your path to developing yourself. This will act like a barrier to keep your focus on what you have not accomplished as yet. Step 3: Write out the areas you want to cover next; make sure you are not going over those areas that you wrote in step 2 above. Feel free to rewrite things from the second step if you want to refresh your memory on subjects that were done eons ago. Step 4: Put the dates that you will meet your targets for each area that will be covered in the third step; this will help you focus on your goals. Step 5: As you meet your goal that you have written in step 3, write next to them completed so you will know if you are applying adequate effort to reaching your targets, by the intended target dates you have laid out for yourself.

I hope this information satisfies your curiosity on how to write a development plan. As you can see it is very simple. Let us review the steps: o Write a clear and concise statement of intentions. o Write those areas already accomplished up to this point so you will not waist time going over what you already know. o Write what subjects/areas of subjects, you want to gain knowledge on or expand your existing knowledge. Leadership skills. Negotiation skills. Winning with people. Influence & persuasion. Communication skills. Expert in finance and banking.

Write the dates for which you will accomplish each area to be covered. As you accomplish your goals, make a note next to each area that has been covered. o Make several copies so you can stick it up in places where you spend lots of time. This will serve as reminders and also motivation. the ultimate goal of your plan is to analyse and develop the following:

where are you now (listing your achievements so far, how you achieved them and the skills and knowledge you possess) where you want to be (critical to know where you want to be as you can't develop a plan if you don't know where you are going - rather like a car journey) how you are going to get there

Why Put Together a Personal Development Plan?

He who fails to plan is planning to fail. Winston Churchill

Clarity. Knowing what I am trying to accomplish gives me a clear idea of what Im working on.

Define The Why. Oftentimes, along the way Ill come across tasks and situation that I simply dont enjoy doing. Having a personal development plan shows me why Im doing what Im doing. My Compass. Im a very driven, ambitious person but if I dont have a plan of what Im trying to accomplish, I end up expending energy in many different directions. A personal development plan keeps me headed towards consistent goals.

that Do I Put In A Personal Development Plan?

Success requires a wel-articulated goal. It is not a product of wishful thinking. 7 Simple Steps by Jonathan Wells
The answers to this question are varied. For me, the broad answer is this: I write down what I want, and I write down how I plan to get there .

Personal Development Plan Example Sections

Your Life Purpose. What were you born to do? What is the meaning of your life? Unsurprisingly, this is the first module in my free course, Personal Development 101. Your Dreams. Those far reaching thoughts and hopes that inspire you to action. Short, Medium and Long Term Goals. Some people like weekly, monthly, others like yearly and beyond. I like to have a mix of them, but at any given time I like to have at least some goals I can accomplish in the span of a few months. This lets me see that I have measurable progress towards my goals. Your Beliefs and Values. What do you stand for? And perhaps, what do you wish your actions showed you stand for? Your Ideal Self. I like to write down Ideal Sid. I have a description of the type of person I want to be the way I act around people, the way I spend my days, and I have some specific things such as how ideal Sid responds to criticism, how ideal Sid deals with negative people, and how ideal Sid deals with failure. I dont always act the way I idealize I should, but it gives me something to shoot for and most often, this section is not accomplishment or achievement driven. Its mostly about my interactions with people. Mistakes and Lessons. Very often Ill make mistakes along the way. I dont write them down to beat myself up over them I write them down because we learn so much from our mistakes. Success and Milestones. Just as I note my mistakes, I also celebrate my successes.

Personal Development Plan Template

A good plan is like a road map: it shows the final destination and usually the best way to get there. H. Stanley Judd.

Do you have a plan for where youre going and how to get there? Do you have a plan for your personal development? If you have hopes and dreams you are working towards, but arent sure of the steps needed , then a personal development plan may be just what you need.

Personal Development Plan Template

So, what should you have in your personal development plan template? A good place to start is:

Your Dreams Your Values Your Ideal Life Your Ideal Personality Your Goals Your Path To Get There

The real question though is whats a good format for this? What is a useful personal development plan template I can use as a starting point. Heres the answer: Before I lay out my personal development plan template, consider how long you intend to spend improving your life. If youre like me, you know this is a long term process. You know that your personal development will continue long after you fill this template out, but do you have a steady stream of reminders to keep you on track? Do you have a community of like minded individuals to keep you motivated? In short, the downside of a personal development plan template is that it can be challenging to keep your goals and dreams on track, because its too easy to write down a plan and then get back into every day life, while the plan sits on the shelf. So, lets move beyond just a personal development plan template and use a better, free resource: a personal development plan for your life.

Better Than a Personal Development Plan Template A Personal Development Course

If youre serious about your personal development, I encourage you to complete your personal development plan template with this free personal development course Ive created: Personal Development 101. Features include:

Free for a limited time 8 Separate modules covering personal development topics, introducing you to everything you need for your personal development Printable worksheets you can refer to at your leisure A time tested course with exercises that have been used by thousands of people

So before you do anything else, click here now and get your free course: Personal Development 101. As a bonus, youll also get my ebook The Little Book of Big Motivational Quotes. No credit card. No Spam. Just fill in your email address. Click here now: Personal Development 101. Recompense

Each, and one of us have a free will and it is a gift from GOD, a free will, to write your own script about your own lives, and your own dreams. The bible taught me that if you cannot be faithful to little things, you won't be faithful to big things. When it comes to God blessing, it will come with great responsibility. This week I learn how to develop confident faith in Christ by starting kneeling and prayer, I pray for enable , I pray for God wisdom , love, compassion , knowledge, forgiveness , patience , direction , and the strength to develop my character to become the person I want to be- its awesome power!. I love Jesus!

Yes, God's word tell us that being faster, stronger and wiser does not make you automatically a winner in life. To receive God blessing we have to be at the right place and the right time. Only if u have faith in him, follow his command is to "GO". God who holds time and chance in his hands, he is the one who will put in the right the place and the right time~ read the book of Ruth for example :). This is why science can't prove how God power work , God always surprise us , he raise the poor and the low class people to lead the country like Moses , David , and Joseph , , Albert Einstein, Neopolinehill to do extraordinary things , miracle, the impossible, in their lives. So today when i read this scripture --I finally realise the truth of his power that God is in control and He know where are all the great opportunity are, all you have to do is desire & faith in God` I love Jesus !

faith define: its base on understanding , it is the ability to see the invisible that no one else can see , the belief in the invisible, and permit you to see what the word cal the impossible ~ Bob proctor Life is a process of awakening-to become, to transform and to transcend -of who you want to be. Excellence derive from the word to excel and to go beyond- by going extra mile, putting more extra effort on the things you do If a man who hasnt found something that he will die for, he isnt fits to live Martin Luther king

If you keep doing what you always done, youll keep getting what you always gotten.

There is a different between wishing for a thing and being ready to receive it-Napoleon hill

Expecting the best- Preparing for good things

If you can hold it in your head you can hold it in your hand!---If you can hold it in your head you can hold it in your hand!.. Pick one idea, pick inspire thought and act on it, and once it manifest in your life-that what you call miracle
Every young man should take care of his money. I think it is a mans duty to make all the money he can, keep all he can, and give away all he can. Implicit accentuate composition impute precedent efficacy apprehend efficacy Owning a dream means having your belief in yourself outweigh your fear. So please ! get over your fear! our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, who am i to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented , and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We are highest form of God creation, and we were born to make manifest the Glory of God that is within us . And also let not our own light shine winning result = diligent + careful attention ~ Download or Print

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