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Kingsland C.E.

Primary School Autumn Term 2013 Information For Parents in Class One
For further information please contact Mrs Green. DATES Fri 20th Sept Mon 28th Oct Fri 1st Nov Sat 16th Nov Fri 20th Dec Individual photographs Half term Auction of Promises Term ends

Meetings for Parents:Friday 13th Sept Welcome Party in Kingsland Church at 2pm Monday 16th Sept Welcome Meeting for New Year R Parents at 5.30pm: an opportunity to learn about how to support your child with reading, writing and maths and ask any questions that you may have: Weds 25th Sept Maths meeting for parents 6-7pm Tues 15th Oct e-safety 7pm Weds 23rd Oct Parents Evening Thurs 24th Oct Parents Evening Whole School EventsMon 11th Nov Weds 11th Dec Educational Visits and Visitors:Special Events:Worship:Fri 11th Oct Fri 20th Dec Museum on the Move; Numbers Pantomime Cinderella Visit to Queenswood (date to be arranged) Trip to see Father Christmas, School Harvest Festival, 2pm Christmas Carol Service, 1.30pm

Communication, Language and Literacy. Recognise and write own name. Begin to recognise initial sounds (phonemes) in words and objects and link the correct letter (grapheme) to the sound. Talk about a favourite object or something theyve done at home/with family. Listen attentively to a story and answer questions about the content of the story. Begin to recognise rhyming words and alliterative words (e.g. big bouncy ball) through rhymes, songs and stories. Practise pre-writing skills and letter formation. Begin to write each letter in response to each sound. To write letters using the correct sequence of movements. Use knowledge of sounds (phonemes) to sound speak (read and write) simple *CVC words. e.g cat, dog, pot *consonant, vowel, consonant Maths Number:Appreciate that numbers can identify how many numbers are in a set. Recognise numbers 1-9 Count up to 5 (10) objects by touching each object and saying one number for each item. Represent numbers one to ten. Count reliably any arrangement of up to 5 (10) objects. Find one more and one less of any number upto 6. Shape, Space and Measures Use familiar objects and common shapes to create and recreate patterns and build models Use language such as 'circle' or 'bigger' to describe the shape and size of solids and flat shapes Use everyday words to describe position Use language such as 'greater', 'smaller', 'heavier' or 'lighter' to compare quantities Use everyday language related to time; order and sequence familiar events and measure short periods of time.

Kingsland C.E. Primary School Autumn Term 2013 Information For Parents in Class One
For further information please contact Mrs Green. Knowledge and Understanding of the World. Topic All About Me / People Who Help Us Identify parts of the body. Investigate the Five Sense and explore materials and the world around using the senses. Geog - Become familiar with the local environment (Fire Station, Garage, Doctors, Post Office, Church) History - Begin to understand now and then in the context of My History. (When I was a baby) ICT use the Interactive White Board to self register and become competent user of screen and pen developing hand/eye coordination and operating software programme. Use classroom based ICT i.e. walkie talkies, digital cameras, remote control cars, listening centre.

Creative explore malleable materials and a range of media to express ideas. Use simple tools and techniques competently. Use imagination in play. Recognise how sounds can be changed using a variety of percussion instruments. Learn and sing a range of songs from memory. Physical Education (P.E.):Develop balance, coordination, gross motor and fine motor skills. Pre-skipping activities, playing with a ball with some control. Use space safely outdoor and indoor. Activities to promote fine motor skills include scissor and pencil skills, doing buttons up on clothing.

Personal, Social & Emotional & R.E. Develop independence; tidying up, looking after personal belongings, coats on pegs etc., Make new friends. Dress and undress for PE Develop social skills, taking turns, helping each other, sharing. Adjust to being in school and being a member of the class. Use toilet facilities independently and remember to wash and dry hands. Take part in various whole glass and group activities. Learn classroom and school rules. Learn lunchtime and home time prayers. RE - Begin to understand what it is to Belong. Learning stories about Jesus from the Bible. Celebrate Harvest and Christmas. Visit Kingsland Church.

Planning/Topics are flexible and subject to change as we like to plan from the childrens interests.

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