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Box 503

PEB 1 5 W
ist January, l961

Mabel S, Mills

309 East Daniel St.

Champaign, IllinoisDear Christian Friends,

One trip which I made this month was a struggle all the way, I drove the
Native minister and another man to visit the churches at Schmidtsdrift and Cam

pbell an the 18th of December. We took the Fiat

it operates for half


what the Chevrolet costs and because Phyllis needed th^^ bigger oar for carrying
peopiTi- to chi>'-ch here. Ail went vjeli fo^ th.^^ f.ir>r f-w mi'Ms th^^n the

to heat up. By cotint, W'i had to stop nine tims:S on that t-'ip to y/ld watei" and to allow the engine to cool down. Ei/ri-y few mltev it wot. !d boil o^r and then Her up a terrible scream from the steam nfting the ^-adiator cap. I still have not really found anything really wrong though it might b^ a smnVi hose I'^ak that I h^ve now fixed or it may have been a loose fan h^ir whi<-4i I hav- i g . h r T t mav ha

been too just that it was a ve^^y hot ri^v an'H rhat cnwere three whQ.-iiarae forwar,i at th- in>/itarion ar.

could not l<'-ep

cool enough. It was a very good trip an'"! w-' i worth th- t""oub! - how-'^'e'-, for r.h-re
Later that week drove to VryD(. eg, pi. < chi- rim- in the Hami.itbn ' s V.W,

Micro Bus, Ou^ family went along and Mrs Hamilton had piannr*!! to go did not feel well that day. Ou ; p'>rpos- in cioing was to serr aoo. a which they had told i;s tiad coJlapsnd. Wr fo-n1 that it was not onlv that they have already staT.ed to -epai" ra. -vfii n idi oi-r. A !=^pent on it would reaiiymake a great differyn''e-

as well but chu"ch house s -triiidg H'-1 tew pounds

We held a littJe Ch-istmas party for th- lo'dtion Bible School on tn^ iTr.n There wer- a little owe^ a hundred there thi-^ vea'" and thev all seemed to enjoy r.ht-. t. eats of candy, peant^ts, baioons and 'OO" drinks. Mr and M''s Hamilton came
and helped us pack the bags and th-n Sonny w^-nt with bt to dist'-'ibute them.

Our Warren Street Christmas program was held on the l8th in the evening It was an interesting program and we were very pleased to have some of our neighbors
and their children in attendance The week earlier one of the famiLie-^ had also

attended ou'- special program for the re-dedi'^ation of the chu'"ch house and tea

after the evening service. That program brought to a f.lose the re-decoration of
the building We pray that they mav attend mof'e often with their children who have been coming to Bible School with us fc some weeks now.

The Christmas Day services were rather poorly attended oweing lo many beino away and others having a lot of company. (Only the most faithful Christians ar,
usually in attendance over nhe Christmas - New Years week ends here.) The Hamiltons came home with us and we had a very un -Christmas like dinner of sliced ham.

potatoe salad, vegetables, fruit ''ake and ire cream. It was e^af-tly what the hot weather called for.however. Our supper was mostly watermelon:

Brother Hamilton will be leaving later this week with eight of thr vuung people of the i*nu cii , to attend Christian Service Camp. We do pray thn' they
shall have a safe and fruitful week of camp for the Lord. We ours^*!^--es, nr- i n., -ing here to lead services nex' Lord - Day,then wi ' b'^ leaving on Mofjda r'or r.h"OH'i-- wner-: w shnij 'Aith th.'e.st of th-^ missionaries of th-; I'nion rChu-''--i

of Chri'^t) /o^' a shori. week of camp and consultation together th-t we might b<=
bette-^' able to do th'-- Lord's work here.

Do continue to pray for us in cnis troubled continent. We have ri grr-at v\urk

to du and the time may be even shorter than we know. We need prayer
"moretfrw-nb .foru.

proi:)ab v

Yours in the Master'



Kimberiey. Cape
Dear Christian Friends:



January, 1961

Two weeks were taken from this month through a camping get to-gether of al l th;-) Church of Christ missionaries. We gathered at the coast whe>"e we were able to

dis'-.us.-, many of the chi.ngs that com-^ up among us. One subject was the correlation of our various furlow times. The Lord willing, our own is planned for th-? latter part of "^63, along with that of the Stanley Family of Port Shepstone, Natal.
Thls-two week break threw us far off schedule, even though we thought we had planned for it well. We finally decided not to post the Gospel Light we had already prepared until the end of January and use the money w-: wot/.td ha"for it to help buy the electric folding machine that we need so badly now Th- JHoi.Ti'-v Gospel Light firsr. and the ne<t one, the Lord willing, wi IJ be readYtn r.h- f i^-sr of month. We

which you have already received then, was mailed th^ iasr of Tarii;ary rnthe"" than the
hope to have the folding machine by then to help in its preparation, Since the middle of the month I have had opportunity once again to visit the i'hurch at Delports Hope for a Sunday Service. There was an assembly of about eighty

Brother Hamilton and I have been presenting thr: film st-ip series
Through the Ages" at the Coloured theatres this month also



The first Sunday afternoon

we used the Avalon theatre? which seats 250. linfortunat-ty ir was suori r'iii-d and it

was necessary to close the doors and turn people awav so r.h^r foi fowinq week we used the Palace theatre which seats 300. Even it was too smaii and we endi^d up closing the doors there as well. It is the largest available thoign W"? so Wn ' na/.-. to continue

to use it._ There are five films in the se"i.'^s and th-<' rea] ly-^tiAt-^l' private showing in homes, so we we^xiJqv, a gentleman ^:ame forward and asked us to pian r.o om-

m r'-hi;--h pUnfing film h;iDp'wri^o last weeks

o ai- -lom- t/id snow chem

fo^ Ms family-and friends who were very interested

We prav tha^ rhis may lead to a

Coloured church in Kimberley as there is a Coloured communitv of nea'-iv- i5 000 here and we have no work among them at all.

We have also been using the same film set. here in ou*^ home for the European study group which has shown great interest in it The Forresters came for the morning worship
services at the church last Sunday and sent their little girl to Sunday School with us. We ar;:; hopeful that they will continue to come

year. Several others from the neighborhood ride with us and I drop children off at five
different schools each day Fortunately they are aT' near togethe*" For a few days thi?^ week we had nine passengers, plus myself, of cou'^se' It is a Fiat "oad and a half.

School has commenced again and we now have Jtihree girls in school

Donna starts this

We were shocked when we returned from camp, to leai^n thac little John Marshall ti'^milton, the new baby, was in hospital with pneumonia He was there for three weeks >-;for- they we'*e allowed to take him home, then was home only one day and they had to - k:r bac.k agoln, A speciali^r has been called in f^om anoth->- Mty an; hi?-- 'iiagnosis is no-' that he has a partiajly (collapsed lung and wiLl have i"0 be in ^ospita- "or at i hree more weeks. Do keep him and his family in your p-'nyers.
Yours in the Mastery's Service, Your Missionary to Africa -



' ;>j.;uUAbT,Rinil3erleyT,
Mr$ Mabel Mills

T"?. 'T

Forward!ng Agent '

'309 East Daniel Street

Champaign; Illinois
Dear Friends;

February, 1961

jf^pR 1 "

His burial was in the West End Cemetery., Saturday the 4th of March. , .1 have been filling in for brother Hamiltoii at the Warren Street phurch While he has been away preaching a series of meetings with the Polo Road church in Capetown. We pray that they may have a successful meeting there for the Lord.

baby son here at the Kimberley Bospital. Ke had been ill, almdst since birth, with what, w^s very likely, an incurable disease of the pancreas, tests, still to be returned to the Kimberley Bospital are expected to verify this diagnosis.

We were all grieved this month at the passing away of the Kamilton's new

The series of ifilffl strips has now been completed at the Coloured Theatre. One result was th^t we have been also invited to show them.in a private home to a small church which meets there. They have been really very responsive to those

they have been shown and have invited us to return for other meetings with them, I preached for them one Sund&y Eveiatig-tfeirs month'. ~We pray that~ii may be 'the ~-

and at the same time it did a far more unifcjirm job as well. /

traded in on a larger'folder; It was far cheaper than a new folder cif even the the oid hand machine which we will no longer need. It was a pleasutd the'way it "zipped" through the folding this month, a.job that usually takes far longer,

of the Gospel Light now. It was a used one of a very good make that had been

l^ginning of a work among them. We added an machine to, the office this month since we found hat the hand folding machine was far from adequate for the over.6000 circulation

Cheapest makes available and the cost should be partly covered from th^ sale of

pas.s one.on ,t.o a. friend. Sprae 4Juplication may have resulted because of the change
over of money in Souj^h Africa in the middle of the month.' We mailed' some of last month

If you hav,e Received two copies of the African Messanggr this month, please

months news letters without the Messenger then found that the post office was out of stands and'would get no new ones till after the change over of currency. In
the meantime we printed the f4essenger and included it in the remainder of the

it is similar to dollars, howevenwrJiddAit ratte^-hard not to think of a rand as being a dollar, ajid that is bad as it is worth about $ 1.40 I
' Your in Christ Jesus > .\ /

mailing. Incidentalljr^ if you collect stamps, note that the stamps on this letter are ifi the new*^currericy and are new stamps therefore. They may be available only as^a-Jiew issue irS^.expected, to boJ:tr4ughi ou4-ii*Mtty when - South jAfrica is supposed to become a Republic. We rather like the new i^ney since

Robert and Phyllis Mirfs



Kimberle>. S. Africa

Fo.i-warding Agent;:
Mrs Mabel Mills East Daniel Street

Chsimpa ign, I'! 1i no i s

P^.u- Friends;

March, 1961

r...nk placj-

The highlight of our month was of rourse the Native church conference which

the end of the monih at MiddeLburg Cape province. Since I am the

Lv-tisurer nf the Afri.-.an funds, it was necessary for me to make the trip to Middelburg

i^i_wtiiks ahead of r-onfer^nr-e and make sire v.hat pi ans wer^3rogr.:.ss inq as thev should
Is especially important becausn fonfereni^e is held over the long Easter week
were to leave himberley there "

and that we would be able to buy the things necessary lor so large a gar.hermg. The

tMid which starts Thursday mm night and i.asts r.i.'J Tu^sda> Morning. Nothing can be bouijht between those days except what can be gottei-i at a cafe.
We were all disturbed when the day befor-.

vvo 'c torrential rains in the area of Middelbi^'"g,

oiOd not be su^-e that they had

not actually ooine there too. The result was that the-v- were terrib^t t oods a.U around the area, and both roads to Capetown from here were closed to traffic even tho-

:!;gh the,/ are both tarred^ We made enquiries at th-^ AuSo As.-;oiatio[i only to find that

,en listened as closely as we had! Their ad-lcc wd.s ^.hat we shoi.;.d go ahoit 100 miles uui of the way to go through Bloemfontein, if we felt that we had to go. We knew that to be a safe way but a hundred miles by V.W Komtn is aboi,.:- threr- hoL'-s ^ tra plus the ost of thti gasoline, so we elected to tak^ thr; Lsi ii dirt short cu.:. Iv. was -.r;. > slip-

ihev had listened to the same news repo^^ts we had an-^ Knew nothing mo^-^. They had not

pe:^y. potholied, and at times covered uith -man streams bul quite passabJe and we arrived in good shape, though mud splattered, sewn hai *' afte-' l-a\jng Kimberlev,, (,t50 miles)
The Nicholsons from Port Shepstonalready there when w-: ar-ived but others
ame in at various times. The Stanleys wer- long delayed when they -ame to rivers that out and that thev could not ford, forcing them to go back a nurabe*^ of miles. The Ziiitmr^rmans and bro. Fulford arrived only the ne^t day from the Cape since they had not allowed for delay and had to go far out of their way to get there.

qood place, h-cause the next morning we had a down pour resulting in a stream about fo"*" In'-hes d^ep that fJowhd right through the middle of their tent Their beds ^-lothing, and nearly eservtUng was soaked. Our own tent was very near this stream and water came under
i.wo sides of it as w-^U. but since we had cots the beds were kept dry and other things
'viii.d be shifted aboiii to keep them dry too.

Stanleys iixriv^d naar dark so set up their tent in a hurry. It was not in a very

be-.duse it meant that God had added His blessing to the conference. (They were housed in^ houses,,) We did not really mind too much though because we dried our and made do. It was a gooil conf-rence evsn though the attendance was not as high as it has been some years in ihe past. Many things were discussed that will help them in their work and there were ii.--.nv good s-'-mons preached. As treasurer. I was pleased when they agreed to try to ^^ise ,i larq.-- amount for the building of new ^.hurch biildings. The cities demand proper brick *1.1 .-s of Aorship with metal roofs and rhey ha"e to be built by deadlines Our funds a^e - tor this project. Most t ities also demand that we build parsonages lor the mm
Rs WTTt-as-chirr'*lr-hou!t>es 4r0o..-^ncids-flfeaJ-I^, , . ,

The Africans w^re delighted with this "-ain on the opening dav of their sessions

Brovh^'- Stanley and the African bretiern were very disappointed when they found thar. b-other Folford doewiot'plan to go to Port Shepstone to help with the Training School as thev hnd expected he would do. but plans to work with the new European church in Wynberg The
for Ls that we mav know God's will in this, We are not anxious to leave Kimberlev
if it seem^ to be His will be will be happy to go there to work,

oark to help with the training school and make possible a greater -rariety of classes Bray

-^suir/was that we we^e asked by both the Stanley-.:i and che Africans to consider coming

It is all pi':tures taken at Conference, We hope that you will look for it on the bulletin
board in about a month^ time

N-j: month we hope to have a picture sheet ready to enclose with the news letter,

May the Lord bless and keep you ali.

Yours in Christ Jesus

Robert and Phyllis Mills




Box 503


9 tSfif

Forwarding Agent
Mrs Mabel Mills


309 East Daniel Street

Champaign. Illinois
Hear Friends

One interesting week end stands out above all others in this month We had plannedto visit the Schmidtsdrift and Campbell churches, but on the Friday I got a telegram from the church at B'osimasburg that I must come and bring brothers Sibenya and Mathibn. It was not at all convenient since we were very, short o.f . . funds, but I borrowed money for the gasoline and went as asked The Mahlinza family also decided to go all the way rather than stopping at Campbell. The roads were terrible and on the way over we lost a hub cap because of the potholes and corrugations On our arrival,we first conducted a worship service. I_^eached to an-absolutely packed house, many were also standing outside When it came time
for the invitation four worked their way to the front from the inside of the

building and two from outside, making si^^|n_.ail. After the service came the meeting
for which I had be'-'n called. The members of the church were in an uproar over a

local problem I ha\,e never seen such shouting, fistwaving, and general ."issi-pletipieti" as they had (African term for it.) Several times it appeared that things were going to tu^'n into a completely uncontrolable riot Eventually we simply had to leave the building as no one was listening at all to anyone else. I could not help but think of the fact that the enture location is situated on a rock heap made up of egg size stones and larger! Soon they were singing happily again, how
ever, and before we left all had come by to shake my hand, they had brought me a cool drink at the car, and I had been invited to come again when they were not so troubled. We still had an afternoon seriice to make atCampbell. but we did make a

short stop at Griquatown where the elder rushed about to secure a young hen for us She brought troubles too*! She escaped from the bag and had disappeared by the time we arrived at Campbell. but was finally found hiding under the front seat. A few minutes later she had escaped again and this time had made herself perfectly at
home on the back of the rear seat Eventually, after services at Campbell, we were

on the way home again, making only one quick stop when a passenger became car-sick. I was never so happy to be home again I had spent the day without lunch, preached ,

flowers, made a long trip I could ill afford, endured church troubles

twice, both times suffering from acute hay fe\er because of the dust and roadside

lost a hub


cap, acquired a troublesome hen, finished the trip with a car sick passenger, and . '
arrived home just in time to wash my face and rush to evening services. We all thank God for the fact that our friends and neighbors, the Focresters, were baptized this month We are now praying for the Brendenkamps and the Beangstroms.

Three of the Coloured young people with whom we meet each Saturday evening, have also been baptized We look forward to more of them coming along as well. They do not yet meet with us regularly but there is the possibility that the entire group may become Christian only We pray for them, whether they continue to meet in their home or come
to meet with us.

The postal side of our work suffered a. blow this month When we went to mail the "Gospel Light" to Ghana and Nigeria, the post office refused them because they were not according to regulation, in envelopes. They had been taking then for nearly three ^ ,year^_tlia.t way In anY_case wj^ must now put Jjiem into envelopes and 6000 envelopes each

/ / month is prohibitive, plus the fact that the postage lias "made grea't~~Te"aps as well with / the new money system he''e. At first we wei"e very discouraged and thought that we might

have to drop Ghana and Nigeria from the mailing list, but we have decided that for the present time, at least, we shall continue to print the full number but that we shall mail them only every third month and enclose the three issues in the one envelope. The postage saved should about equal the cost of the envelopes. Southern Africa will be
as before but in envelopes, the Lord willing. Pray for us and oui^ fellow Christian workers for these are indeed troubled times and there is still must that needs to be done while there is yet opportunity.
Yours in Christ Jesus,

?rt.^^^^Uis Mills


P.O. Box 503

Kimberley, S. A.

Forwarding Agent:
Mrs Mabel Mills
309 East Daniel Street


/ i

Champaign, Illinois
Dear Christian Friends:

We hare Just passed

31sr of May and those of you who colleM

scamps wi!il be interested in thf; new "RepubJio. of South Africa" stamps

whirh we are usin^ on the mailing of this issae, We think that they are xi-g^eafc~4mproveinent on the old .issu<.-. Needle.s.> to say, the f-hange to a - - ---

Republir has in no way changed 'lie country o'' South Africa, only the stamp.i
and not even ali. of them so far at least, I wa^ gi\en about, hajf of the neAones and half of the o.ltJ ones at i;he P.O. this morning when I bought.

Wo mailed the "Gospel [.ight" to 2312 Africa Postal I'nion addresses this morning. Tho.<'^ are Hone on the post office franking machine, but the other more than two thousand for Nigeria hav^; stamps on them and I have a big

lob ahead! Phyllis has done several hundred for me this morning. The necessir.> of using envelopes and stamps- for the Ghana-Nigeria part of the mailing has
added to the cost of posting the Gospel Light ronsiderabiy. but we are trying r.o counteract that by mailing them alternately to these countried and by mailing

tnree issues of the paper at a time. This month we are mailing to Nigeria. Ne a
month wilj be thn month that we mail to neither place.,, since they will be sa-,^d
for mailing the month after^

We praise the Lord for the used electric folding machine. It helpa lonsiderably in the work. Folding used to be one of the most tiresome pails of
preparing the paper for mailing.

I enjoyed a very good dav with the church at Warrenton on Penteco.si.

Two tractors and wagons brought farm people in for the day of services, '-'ok forward to man'ji yrips there, soon for. Warrenton has now assigned a site for a_.
n'-,w -hur-h house there and w.-. shall have to go oversee the work of constn.'r< .tn
no doubt,

Ml just a week'-; r.Jme. We ha--

The revival meeting and OVBS will start at the Kimberley Church of

been busy trying to get everything r^.a-iy

ahead of time that can be done. The ladies spent several days making a si^r. of Hadison Park, nur suburb la locate which houses had children that woi;t'1

like to go. They plan to go ha-k one day this week and call again at hoi \haf Were promising. Others of ua have si\eral hundreds of handbills aiinoi n' uiy tne meeting to distributed. The work of the church has gone forward well during the past few weeks. The-*- have been six t>aptized. One was Chinese,, two
Were Europeans, and three wei'e Coloi.reds. -

the church, especially fo- -M >or. .-,1 people, but open to all . The Monday ei^ning study gathering at ou..- 'ft with several. rlends and n.^ig"""'-.^ attending regularly, and we are sii : showing the films '(7odV5 Piaii Th -i-.j HAges" at two neighborhood hom;:.s on nighis. Vubliclty is to go lo .ht,oday announcing a preseniallon of this nim, in part, at the Kiiiiberl'-;: Hall next Saturday evening. We plan to sho^^ th" firsi two film.'i arH -hto announce that the other two will be shown at the v'uurch hovi.^e ai trt -h-

We have been h^v dMig r

dav e^eniti'j discussion and study ppnod ai

Tei^vices, OTT^th^firsT'Tlir'ee'n ight.s" ^


f erfi;ips" a .tew v\.il



and want to come see the others We pray that th^^;. might. I'ley wer:attended when -they were shown in the Coloured theatre.

Brother Stanley is planning to come from Natal for about two w-^eks in early July and we hope to teach a short term of classes for the M.-ho'-! he-^is mid wint^!!' so we do not know how the men wii i respond to the annoi-it ui

If they do not want to come then and for a short cla.'is, we thin;-, tiia 'V : ir\ rather make a trip to visit several of the more distant churches from
Yours in Christ Je.sus.,

the mills newsletter P.O. Box 503


.Forwarding Agent:
Mrs Mabel Mills


309 East Daniel Street

Champaign, Illinois

Dear Christian Friends;

A long article I recently ready in one of our papers about the new censorship
Bill.up before Parliment makes us wonder about the future of our work. It was

written under the title, "Print at your peril". One interesting point reads."2. -^Is b1asphemoms-ox-offansive to^tha^eJ^i^-iooi-s-co^if^eeiiags-of^ny- sec tion of the inhabitants of the Republic;" A major section of the citizenship of thp Republic is Calvanistic in the extreem and can take offense at the slightest thing. Even the use of Scripture could be offensive if they so chose. If this new bill becomes law it would be so simple to stop us from publication. There need only be one complaintI A more cheerful article appeared under the caption of "Fly ing ants in printers ink is Press Hazard". Along with other things, some rather humorous, was the mention that the publishers face a press hazard in the African habit of distributing a paper among 10 to 20 readers. This, of course, might be a
problem to commercial papers but for us would be a blessing. It would mean that our circulation of about 6000 is read by any where from sixty to one hundred twenty thousand persons. We pray God that it might be as they say; We have all worked dilligently with the DVBS here at the Kimberley Church of Christ. The average attendance was around the fjfty mark and there were well over that number enrolled during the two weeks. We had ordered new materials &J?oin the

Standard Publishing Co, and it was wonderful for us all to have plenty of really
new materials for a change. The local church paid for these materials, not mission

funds. Most of our children's friends from this area attended and every day we carried about thirty from this community and amonig the Chinese. Brother Hamilton
brought a number in his car as well. Our neighbor, Mrs Forrester, who Tvar recently

baptizied, assisted Uts Mills with her class. Mrs Fulford Sr. from Capetown, was assisted by Annette Ho Yan with the little children, and Mr Hamilton and I both
taught classes without assistants. Mrs Hamilton directed the school.^e were

really pleased with the turn out for the closing tea and program wh-ch we had on a Saturday afternoon. Many people attended who had never been in the church house

During the same two weeks, we held our evangelistic meeting with Mr Fulford., from the Wynberg, Capetown church, doing the preaching. Many helped with the special pusic for these services. Mrs Fulford Sr played the piano, end Mrs Mills and I tried to do our bit mostly with chalk art illustrations for the special numbers. The attendance at this meeting was far better than previously and many new people attended and signed the visitor's book. One young person was baptized
at the end of the first week.

Brother Stanley has called off his visit to Kimberley and the class that he had planned to conduct hiere this week because there were too few who wished to
attend. I feel it was both the troubled times and the fact that he chose a oad

of conducting classes in the local churches on an extention class basis, but

time during the middle of the winter, plus too that he was planning a very shcrt -<ex^t:S.^Severa'l t fthat'^it 4wa;& too .rauich. boihejL4^-V only ..ton They wanted a full ten weeks class or not to bothei*. I have been thinking

have also been held back by the times. I wonder if 1.would be permitted to go into strange locations for classes even if we planned such and could get the church leaders to attend. Do pray lor us here. Even Brother Stanley has had
trouble getting the men to come to the training school in Natal.

We thank God daily for your continued prayers and support for the call comes increasingly that we send the Gospel in print to more and more people. Thns far, neither shortage of funds nor other obstacles have hindered our sending the paper forth, though at times they have severely slowed the work or made more work.
Yours in the Master's Service, Robert and Pliyllis Mills




I 8 190^

Forwarding Agent:
Mrs Mabel Mills

Julyt 1961

309 East Daniel St.

Champaign, Illinois

Dear Christian Friends;

We have long been very concerned at the lack of training of the leaders of our widely scattered Native churches, yet there seemed to be

Some of the ministers could be brought to the training school, but even that was hard for them; so this month, after much prayer and long consid-eration,--wetraded~in~our faithful Chevrolet sedan for a used Commer panel

little that could be done about it unless we could yisit them more often.

I have built seats for the back. It now has seating space for fourteen. As a bus, we use it for transportation to carry people to the Kimberley Church of Christ. About that number depend on us regularly for transportation. I also
and can visit the native churches anywhere, I have already written the min ister of the church at Hopetown to arrange for a class to start this month. I plan to drive to Hopetown after lunch on Saturday, to teach a three hour class yet that afternoon. To sleep in the "bus" which is convertible to a
provides six seats with a table so that we can use it as a mobile classroom

truck for the mission work. We have had windows installed in the sides, and

fitted the rear seats in such a way that they resemble a breakfast nook. This

camper, and then to return to the location for a three hour class on Sunday

morning before church. I will preach then for the morning service and return
to Kimberley in the afternoon with my interpreter, I have asked brother Calvert
to arrange for the weeks of the 13th, 20th, and 27th, The text is to be "The

Church of the New Testament" by C.J. Sharp. The payments for the Commer and the travel costs are going to wreck our present budget. We pray that there shall be many interested people who will want to have a part in this work. Do
pray for us.

The day following the delivery of the Commer, I took it, along with two

day at Douglas. There were no baptisms but there were about 120 present to hear the sermon. After the services the ladies served us a lovely meal in the
church house.

ten miles were actually on farm track fhrough the vield. We had a very good

interpreters, to visit the church at Douglas about 75 miles distant. At least

hours each week, probably in night classes. We hope to open with the begin

meeting of the Kimberley church , that the church should sponsor a ministerial training school in Kimberley for the training of European and Coloured min isters. We have worked out a three year program with a normal 16 hour college level schedule each week. Brother Hamilton and I are both to teach eight

We have one more request to make. It was decided at the last business

"which will be ma'de a'vil'labTe" ^a;nd the church has budgeted a sum for this, but
we would welcome duplicates or collections that you might be able to give or

ning of the school.year in January, but before that time we have one need. We suitable lil)rarv books for the students to study. We both have some books

Lord willing and blessing.

write you which we can. use_wilj .-be-keepin^ you^lnfarmed,- ofLi^o^gres^.-the.

Our Native minister here in Kimberley has been very ill the past several

loan to us. In order to save om needless duplication and postage, we suggest that you send us first a list o-f what you have that we can use and let us

he will soon be back with us. Wis presence is badly needed as the flock here
numbers probably nearly four huundred souls.

weeks and has returned to his taome in another city. As a result, I have been preaching for him on the locatiion several times this month. We do pray that

The mailing list for the Gcospel Light continues to grow rapidly. More than 7200 souls have been on thoe mailing list at one time or another to the

Pray for this work in these trooubled times. It is our only way to reach most of these people with the Gospel, and Satan is certainly using every means to win these people away from the Gospel.
Yours in the Master's Service, Robert and Phyllis Mills

present time. Most of these are still receiving the Gospel Light each month.



Forwarding Agent:
Mrs ivlabel Mills


309 EoSt Daniel Street

Champaign, Illinois
Dear Christian Co-Worker;

As you know, we had hoped to be using the "bus" for classes at Hopetown by this
time, but fortunately in a way, we were not able to make the start this month. It

is good from our own point of view in that we have been having bitter cold nights
and it would have been very uncomfortable sleeping in the auto. Likewise we have been short of funds this month oweing to the alterations necessary to make the
bus ready. The class is scheduled, however, for the month of November as several

of the men are away working on the farms this month, but will be back by that time. We also found a sacond use for the bus that we had not thought of. After using it
to take people to church, we park it to the side and use it again as a class room

for the teen age class. They like it as it gives them a table as well as seating

Earlier this .month v/e drove to Warrenton where we saw the town-clerk about the

Native church" sitov;n has assignad to us. It is a very fine site measuring 64^ :: 140^ and is bordei"v;d on three sides by streets. We pray that we can be able
to start developing it shortly.

It has been decided that vie shall call the planned training school here the I^^mberley Church of Ch:.ist. Scliool of Evangej.ism. I am to act as the Dean of the school and brotherllamrrion' w^ We shall each have

eight iiours s week in the classrojm. At first we shall be offering only night
classes so that our students can continue their work as usual, and to allow us the

tine ive must have to cnrry on our former woric also. Brochures are now being printed
for distribution to urospective students and since the cost is very little more, we are also having cnoug;-! duue to send them in our ueivsletters. Do continue to pray
for us as we lay plans for this needy effort 7;nd .seek for students. We also ask
your praj'ors for >n additioncl fpmily to share in this work. Brother Hamilton is on

a temporary visae only v'hich mesns thnt v.^e not depend on his being allowed to stay here indefinitely, one' our own furlough v;ill bo due the year his visae will have to be renew:?d. If tlie is to e successf'il, we b.-dly need a family to it through that year i:i partict)Xax^^.XS'63) .Likewise. it has long been on our hearts to try to do something about the which has been badly neg^-dCted by the \ei\ Testcmert Church. V? f3oi that there is every indication that a number of churc'i&s would be c ;uctss there. ,^]^,nnei;!juro is the second largest

city i): Africa and the largest south of the efT'.'.ator. The hope of one more family
would make it possible for us to make dc;Cinite plans tc evangelise there. Either the new family could go there after our furloughs, or brother Hamilton, or our- / selves could be free to maLe the change and to minister to the new work.

Our eldest daugl'jj^,^ Kathryii, has had a hard month. She has been having sick headaciies and has been very upset soverel tiries. Last week end she had to go to the hospital for the day C2'';th) to have six teeth pulled. Her mouth is so small that there ivas not roonj for the perrii.:?nent teeth and they were being forced to grow
very crooked. Later she shall have to have braces, even now. To add insult to

injury, today she cair.e hoir^e from school :tfitji,nig.ag^lsf I suppose now we shall have
measles in the fpiiiiy for a few weeks. Fortunately it is the 3 day variety. Brother Hamilton ^ind I have started a new family on'the fiIme3"ITistructlon Oli

the Tnow Testament church one night each xveek t? take the place of the family which has just ccrpleted the study and have? arranged a night to take lessons to the children at tae Crippled Cure Home and the Epileptic Home also. A group will be taking a lesson to tii*) children of the Crippled Care Honie Sunday afternoons
as well, tlie Lord v/illing.
Yo'irs in Christ Jesus,

Robert and i^hyllis Mills


P.O. Box 50 3

^ fSgf

Forwarding Agent;
Mrs Mabel Mills

October, 1961

309 East Daniel St.

Champaign, Illinois
Dear Co-Workers in Christ;

This month we have had our first opportunity to teach classes out in one of the Native churches. I have wanted to try this for some time but had been pers
uaded that it was not likely to suceed. I drove each week to Warrenton for three weeks consecutive that I might teach week-end elders classes. The Warrenton cir

cuit is mostly Tswana speaking people and I had been warned that_they_do notjjke
Tormal education "so rather wondered what the outcome would be. It vvas really a pleasant supprise when ten men enrolled for study. Some of them rode 25 miles on

bicycles to be therel They made it abundantly clear that they do like the classes by asking that I return again before too many months and teach another such group.
Our weekly schedule was somewhat as follows. I left Kimberley with my inter preter about 1:30 Saturday afternoon and drove to Warrenton which is 45 miles north of here. We would teach two hours after our arrival on Saturday afternoon,

then I would leave the interpreter on the location and I drove to a small camp ground in Warrenton itself where I camped for the night. Sunday morning I arrived
early at the location at about 8:00 and taught until nearly 11:00. The morning

worship services started at 11:00 and I brought the message for this service. We
were usually dismissed by at least 1!l30 and I was home for lunch by mid afternoon.

Since brother Hamilton was away this month conducting an evangelistic meeting at
Capetown, I brought ths evening cermon at the r.-arren street Church as well. At, our closing service in ivarrenton one lady cair.e forward to be baptized. On the l5th and 16tli, tliO Haniltons end I v/cnt to Johannesburg, uuring the evening we had a lergthy d:Ecusion with oome young people who are anxious to see
a loyal church c.'itaMished t'lere. The Hamiltcns Took Francie, their young daughter, to a specialist the next day, ard while they were doing that I stopped by to see

the representative of an office supply firm, I w^s particularly interested in a postage meter that I kiiew they handled. They suggested a larger model than I had considered becaui:e of the buli of out mail, wo m^il rr.ore than 5000 letters a" ' month most of t!:e time, becau.re it can be cloctriiicd and being a rebuilt model,
would not cost any more than tne smaller one I hn:l cr^Aod about. Both are more

costly thar. v;e have money to afford though, so wq shall nave to continue the stamp-licking for the present. They were also the r.gents for Davidison Dual-Lith. printing machines so we lad a look see at these while we were there.,
rtS I mentioned, brc uhor Hamilton lias been cwr.y most of thds month so,since I

v;as also away on Sunday morning, others have been helping with the transportation to church and Mrs Mills has taught the Saturday evening study class and brought the Sunday morning message. She has also been substituting in my SS class at the
church each week.

Plans for the Kimberley Church of Christ School of Evangelism continue to progress as planned. I have been watching for the necessary furnishings for the classroom and library but have been in no hurry as yet. Our publicity is out and has been paid for, and v;e are nov; planning to ta!:e membership in the Ozark Bible College book club end the Old Paths book clujj for suitable library books and text
books. Some books are available from the local jooa store and some must be ordered

from overseas book stores and publishers. The Lo_-d willing, we hope to commence
classes on January 22nd vjhen other schools alfc. start' lhcir'schoor year here in ^

Kimberley, Please pray for us in this, Poth brother Ha'nilton and I shall be teaching eight hours a week in addition to our usual work schedule, I hope also
to be able to continue the week- end classes with the Tiative churches^tthe Lord

Yours in Christ Jesus, Your r'issioncry to Africa

Robert S. MiHs ,

.<XLL-' r.L..

i ' ;UX liC t5

Iwvei^.ber, 1961


. . ,,.

. . .

ra .lubel


* *

, ,i

I'f;'. t'.;..st JJ^Jr'iel Mreut

Ciicijr;|-aiuri, Illinois
jeur Ciiristiuii FrioiEnb:

liuriru] tiiib .iontn i.e nave nac ti.u jrivileijc uf tfuciiiiuj classes for ti.'u
cifurcn ii^uuers rjt i v.tiicr is c'.boui Tv- ;i:il.es soutii uiLiJi^iietli:}'* X-

tlrovc do-'t: lor t)iC >cuk ends of ti e .jtii, l\:ti. nuU IM]., t:-U(;t t ti.c usual h cliss hours or so end. i.eok jiid .juti cfniptec; besi;je ti.e. iiational road thore at
r.i<;lit. There -.ns a l::r^c nttonuuiice at ti.ose classes sinct- the ladies also

unrolled. 1 tliinlv tl.crr sust I.avo been aijo.ut Sf^vont(.'eii or pertiaf:s iiiore on the roll by tiK! end of the class. Tlicuverare atter.Janco" , .rt' ttie
close of tJ.c ser.;ion ti^e first. Lurii's. .it.y ve, ;ere thrilleci T;hpr> .n fnr. v.ard at ti e irrvit^tii>ii ti.^e, Ti.e Lord truly added i is blessing to our lork
thcro,^ . -

.n ti e c6ti , ;.e drove to ueli orts ioj-e i here 1 treaciieu for the services

cncourcKjed 't..e cl Urcl, to start're;.ay!,ieit of ti.e iban'fro.ii ti.e i;,is,sion

on th.o itou roof that . e ;.ut on ti.e church iiouse after ti.e old one '.:vs blo .n

off in a stor^i liJSt year. ;.ne Icdy Cti-.to in response to the invitation, but as
tlu; Conversation ; as in Tsivajn:, I do not knoi: her purp ose, I believe,hoi.ever, that si.e had j-robably fallen into sin ; reviously afjj uas comintj to ask ro-adi:ission to tiie church, i^nc a ,'erson returns to sij? after havin(j been a Ciiristian, they i.ust return and indicate that tl.ey i.ave repented of their error
before tiifcy are re-adiiiittou to ti.e ci^urch in the i ative churches,

.,e M?re all h-pj.y to iii've tic iJX iiundall fmiily co.ie tl.rom^h laaiberley on their ;.n-y-t<t-lii.odesia durinj tne ..liddlt ui the .jiontr.. 1 '..ys ai.ay at .oj.etui n ti.e day thbt they arrived here and only rfHurned as tlay '.ere <jCttint^ i:Uo the truck to, 10 ou, .e.Jid <,et to say "l,ello", hov.ever, and ti.cy do proHiise to stOj. a little longer uhtrj ti l y rcturi: later to ^et the plare i.hicli is still in ea,ieto'..n, , he :^.riiu cvat?i t^listic i.oetitu of the iii;bcrlcy Ci.urci. of Oirist has just iiiiiencet^ t!.is"\.ec'k. ,r niui' jrs : i.^nerman of the . olu lioad ci.urci ..are leadirr

in the :.usic an; ,ireeci.ii!{ ti'.eVe . as a i^ood attendance last ni<.,ht at th'C first nii.iit's services, ihere lere several rev. ^eo|.,le presck-t,. o jTay tiiat it !.:8y be"a (,,ood ,.icetiii(, ano that tiC cJiurch -oybe rrcatly strengthened by

..e, ourselves, are also busy loyii'i; j la- s to leave for i urt jl epstone as soon as the leotintj is over, since I l;twe been asked to assist vitls the first : ative Ci ristioi: .orvice i.ave ever tried i.ere. .c do ;:r}3y thct it too

vill be o success anr are lookir.tj fori.ari; to De \:e{)k of caiip at tl;e ireaci.er's
Trainintj :;c: ool viJ^^unds uhcre it is to be held. ' very cai.ie this i.eck froi.; ar. elderly l< dy in iJurban,
.>he tells ;:ie tl'Ot sITe v;as a weuiber of the cl.oir in Ccrmiston iJicn tlie olt-

iiiGhi^rds :.ieetitits-""t^re in Nrssior. tijt*te-itr IS^. iatrtr-ntn is tryiiuj-t^-sirPead the Lord throu<jl; the distribution of tracts as there is no loyal church in liurban, a citj- of i.ore ti .;n .u ij,. "; '. souls incidentally. .>he says, "Tlic j^eo^le are j uni,ry for Ood". J,i;iCi; she is j.ei<sioned and very little .roney, she l:as askefi if 1 can helj 3er i.ith tracts. 1 I.ave this :;.orniiii^ bouritt j>ajer, and plan to jrir/t ujv several of our best tracts in numbers and to take her Several hundred :hej. i.e ro tliat i.ay on tlie i.ay to fort ^hepsto/.e. 1 am look-

of the contact. It scosis the Loru's definite leadiuy ti at she si ould have heard
^of us and *.ritten just as v.e v.ere ,'lani<in<^ to oo that direction.
Vours in Clirist's service,

ini; forv-ard to .liectir-^ the lady and do j-Tay tiiat soiue per;)ianent ;.ork may coiiie

iiobert and ihyllis


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